
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, do you feel like you've been talking to yourself? I am sure busy for being retired. LOL.

Once you find tops that work - you definitely need to get them in multiple colors. My row of crew neck tees are way too big for me - or the ones I have left. We don't have an Old Navy here. Some of my new clothes arrived. A sweater / tee set I ordered from Lands End (same color) don't quite match. They are multi color stripes, the tee has green stripes; the sweater doesn't. I don't know if anyone would notice though. A navy tee would go great with the sweater- but I don't have one of those right now. Strange too, i probably had 6 navy tees that I gave to that lady.

Good idea to hire one law firm to deal with the other. They speak the same language; let them fight it out.

How is your hip feeling? I am getting a twinge of pain in my lower back from setting at this desk so much. Once I get up and move around I am better. I think I'll start doing a batch of laundry every day - it will get me out of the chair more often.

Nice that you got some of the things you wanted at the estate sale.

Yes, I did get all my snowflakes and put them up for Christmas. Great Christmas gifts for us to stock up on.

Did the showing go well? At least Billy Ray got to go for a ride. Marty couldn't offer up any challenge on our way to Denver - way too much traffic. Once we got out of the traffic - quantity or cars and road construction for about 50 miles - everyone was going 95 so he didn't have any problems keeping up with them.

I'll go check your new listings and nice to get things organized downstairs. Does Liam store his treasures downstairs too?

How nice they stopped the shuttle and now offer a train with less convenient service. Glad things went well on your arrival. Have fun!

So what the heck have I been doing? Good question. Thursday I worked until after 4. Then I lifted, cooked supper and knit for a while. Friday I slept in and then got assigned an article on successfully growing planets in lunar soil. That took me until after 5 to get that done. Again spent time watching TV and knitting after that.

Saturday I made the mistake of agreeing to run errands with Marty. We picked up his new glasses, then wandered hardware stores for what seemed like an eternity. Luckily those stores have great diamond lights. He is getting what he needs to move to his larger gym. He was amazed at the low or missing stock and high prices. He hasn't been to a grocery store lately. We went out for lunch and then ran over to his new gym to test somethings. I went with him only so we could stop and Cold Stone and get some ice cream. I had a stack of cards and paperwork to take care of and mail so I got that done Saturday night. I mailed my sister her birthday card and my FIL his father's day card. They were both early but I'm a classic at buying the cards way ahead of time then forgetting to mail them.

Sunday I was going to take it easy since we were heading to Denver for one of my nephew's HS graduation party - sadly I found an email on things to correct for work. It's like working for my old job. About 90 minutes later I went out and spent a fortune filling the Curbymobile with liquid gold and then picked up some fruit and eggs. Marty got home from the gym just when I sat down so we were off to Colorado.

We met me sister and BIL for dinner then went to the party. Big crowd - probably 50 - 60 people there between relatives and kids. It was nice to see everyone.

We got home before dark but barely.

I am almost done with the third skein of yarn on our afghan. It's getting long.

Today I got up early to have a meeting on another task they want me to do. I suggested we start at 8 am my time (the other 2 are ET) but the lady had an appointment at 10) so I said how about 7:30? She thought that was fine and then was done in like 30 minutes. I worked over 6 hours today. Marty keeps laughing at me.

I just got my lifting done and will hopefully get more knitting done tonight.

My 3 fruit bowls showed up from Mikasa today. Now I'll try not to break anymore.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Yay, I got my crown restored this morning. My surrounding teeth are achy but probably because they had my mouth propped open. At least I didn't need a shot to deaden the area. No more dental torture until June 8. My lunch was applesauce, vanilla yogurt and chocolate pudding. I'm living on the edge for supper - grilled burgers and a baked potato.

I ran errands while I was out this morning then worked for about 4 hours. I could do more hours but it's 4 pm already; time to goof off.

Marty left early to install his new lock at the new gym. He needs to bug bomb it too. Ewe. One of the kids dropped a cheerio on the floor when they were cleaning, painting, etc and it was surrounded by ants within 30 minutes.

It warmed up to the 50's today but it's really cloudy right now. Maybe we'll get some rain.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you visit more jewelry stores? Hopefully if you did - they weren't as disappointing as your other experiences.

I got up early today and did mostly busy work for work. I am meeting a friend for pizza here shortly and I'm starving. I didn't eat much today to save room for pizza. A few sips of wine on an empty stomach and I'll need to call Marty to come pick me up and drive me home.

It is near 60 here but that wind is cold. I got some of my tops from Kohl's and one of them is the same pattern I picked a few weeks ago. I do like it but don't need 2 of them. Guess I'll stop by the store and exchange it.

I am almost ready to start skein 4 on our afghan. I can't wait to see if finished. I can already see it on our couch.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, no... no more jewelry vendor visits... the two were so disappointing I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Plus, pretty much every minute of the three days was taken up with the exception of the super brief sneak out I did at lunch the second day. I didn't even reach out to any of my NY friends and tell them I was going to be in town because I knew I'd be jam packed.

My trip home was a little harried. As I was eating lunch on the last day I got a notification that my original 4:30 flight was now scheduled to leave at 6:50 so I got my assistant to switch to the 3:30 and bolted to the airport. That flight got off on time, but then we were in a holding pattern when we got close to ORD. Turns out there was a tornado situation. Once I got in the car and stared heading north Liam kept watch on the radar to see if anything was going to cross the highway, but fortunately I made it safely.

I shipped out 25 glasses today... and then Liam stopped at a yard sale and bought 20. Oh well, I guess net negative 5 is still good!

No idea what is going on, but I think my allergies might kill me this year. Seriously, SO BAD. I don't think I slept a solid hour last night. Today I've gone to Defcon 2 in terms of drugs. I've taken a smattering of pretty much EVERYTHING in the hopes of getting some relief. And of course I've washed it all down with processo. For medicinal purposes only, of course. :cheeky:

Liam is making buffalo chicken wings from Costco for dinner. I hope they taste as good as they smell baking right now!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I don't blame you for not trying another jeweler. Their loss!

That does sound like a bit of an ordeal to get home. Glad Liam kept track of the storm for you - I've used radar to try and avoid hail on the way home. Glad you made it okay.

Ooh no to your allergies being so bad. I have sympathy allergy symptoms right there with you. I am sure processo is the perfect liquid to use to help accelerate allergy meds through your system. It can't make them worse, right?

Nice of Liam to pick up some more glasses for you so you don't deplete your stash.

How were the buffalo chicken wings? I had a Wendy's kid's hamburger meal including a small chocolate frosty.

I worked until about 12:30 then had a bit more to do. Marty had time to grill some steaks for us for lunch. Since we ate late I waited until 3:30 to lift. Afterwards I ran to Kohl's to exchange my duplicate top. I had $17.86 in Kohl's cash and rewards so I bought a Memorial Day wreath with that - $49.99 - 50% off - $17.86 = Score! I know my mom would appreciate me being thrifty on something that gets thrown out. I headed to the cemetery after leaving Kohl's but they had a big sign out anything placed on graves before noon Friday will be thrown out. So I'll go back tomorrow! I did get a basic navy tee for my exchange and picked up a game called dirty words for a Christmas gift. BTW - a kids hamburger meal is $1.50 more than the last time I bought it - which was probably when I was still working my day job.

We got in the 70's here today. Sweet.

I did start skein #4 of our afghan.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, you really scored at Kohl's! My problem is when I try to do something like that I end up spending an EXTRA $300 hahahahaha! The buffalo chicken wings were a no-go for me. Liam like them though, which is a good thing since there is still half a giant bag of them in the freezer LOL. I decided maybe my "allergies" are actually a cold??? So I took some Nyquil. With prosecco. And I felt just great! :lol: Trying to decide whether to call this "cocktail" Ny-secco or Pro-quil. :cheeky:

I got a few listings up yesterday, but that was about it on the productive front. Between today and Monday I need to do a TON more! No other big plans for this long weekend and I'm really hoping no one invites us to anything. Is that terrible to say?! Our reasonable weather is going right out the window and we're headed toward 100 early next week. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!

Better hop out of bed and get moving while my motivation meter is high(ish!) this morning!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I totally resemble that saving money then spending hundreds more. I figure I have enough clothes for someone who works from home. LOL today though - one of my recent pants purchases (which are too big and never were tight) apparently had a seam rip open on my but at some point. We were in Lowes this morning too; luckily it wasn't noticeable until we got home and Marty saw me bend over. Oops. They went in the trash.

At least Liam has some more chicken wings to eat. We went to a graduation party that had Chick Filet nuggets; I love those things. I had several.

Oh no that you might have a cold. I like both of your new cocktail names and hopefully it makes your feel better soon! I am usually over my cold by the time I decide oh that was a cold not my allergies. Kind of strange after getting that molar pulled my stuffed up nose cleared up and now I'm back to my old allergy nose where I can't be far from a tissue.

I did check out your new listings. I am sure the pattern of glasses my mom had was Fostoria, she had the water glasses and the footed tumblers. I understand wanting to take it easy for the weekend. We were busy most of the day.

Both of us slept in until about 7 - how nice. I did hear bird chirping at about 4:30 and thought what the heck do they have to be chirping about at this time of day? Stupid birds.

We decided to go get flowers for our flower buckets so I just got dressed and we went out for breakfast then went and got our flowers. I usually wait another week because of our typical last snow / frost but I am going to trust the forecast which currently shows nothing below mid 30's coming up.

I took my shower after planting things. We had a graduation party at 1 and planned on going out to eat after that but they had plenty of food so we ate there.

We had popcorn for supper - I've wanted some since before my root canal / tooth extraction so I brewed some up while we watched some movies tonight. I didn't knit one stitch today mostly because I have been shopping for some earrings. Yes, I just ordered some heart diamond stud earrings. I wear my heart diamond RHR ring a lot so of all the things I thought of that I don't have - that is what I picked. They are 1/2 carat each (I have tiny earlobes so don't like studs more than about 5mm) and no one will probably ever see them on me; but I'll know they are there. I should get them about June 10. I still have to drop off my halo ring in Denver to be repaired but now I'm in no hurry since I picked out something else. I have plenty of rings I like to wear but I only really like a few of my earrings. There is a link below of the diamonds I picked. JA was the only site I found that has heart pairs listed. I had my preferred stats and spent hours looking at each pair and making lists of which ones I liked. I wasn't willing to spend a fortune on them either. I ordered platinum studs; WG tends to start making my ears itch so thought I'd try platinum for these.

Tomorrow is laundry day and I might do some work. I have an article I said I would go edit / update on a new guy.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I have enough clothes for TEN people who work from home... and ANOTHER TEN people who go into the office! :lol: I have been making a pile of things on the floor that don't fit... but there is no actual PLAN for the pile at this point. My cold is pretty much over I think. The meds really did throw me for a loop though! I had the two pack version that came with Nyquil and Dayquil and I'd only taken the Nyquil at night and was taking allergy meds during the day (don't ask... sometimes Dee ain't so bright... ) but yesterday I was coughing like mad so I took the Dayquil. I swear I would not have felt safe driving a car! And it gave me "the zoomzies" -- you know, like sometimes dogs get when they race around the house?! I was as wide awake as I've ever been in my life! And I was up LATE. At one point I was washing up and entire set of dishes in planning mode for today and the youngest feral looked at me and said "Why are you still up?" as I piled dinner plates and cups and saucers onto the counter with full alarm in his face! We'll see what today brings LOL. I LOVE the idea of your new heart shaped studs! I wanted a heart shaped bezel set necklace for quite a while but never found the right stone. So now I will live vicariously through you! :cheeky:

Yesterday was all about listing. I got ten up, did a bit of (re)organizing, and tried to plan ahead for today. Pretty productive!

Now I need to get myself out of bed and get back at it as I've just been sitting here reading the news and wordling. Let's go!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, sounds like you have plenty of clothes. I could probably have gone weeks without doing laundry other than undies.

Yay your cold is over. That sucks you had the zoomzies at least you were productive getting things washed up for your glassware stash. Too funny the youngest feral wondered why you were still up. Cold and allergy meds really mess with me too. I swear the non-drowsy stuff drops by IQ about 40 points.

I am a total sucker for hearts. I contemplated getting a heart diamond for a pendant but decided on earrings since I know I'd wear them more. I am anxious to see what they look like. My entire journey in to diamonds started with my heart diamond RHR. I bought a 1/2 carat heart solitaire then moved it to my engagement ring but soon decided to just get a new engagement ring which was my first AGS0 diamond and then I was hooked on diamonds. The heart ring is in it's 3rd setting and I upgraded the heart diamond for Christmas a few years ago. Before actually getting a nice diamond I wasn't that interested in them - I was only in to gemstones. If it sparkles, I like it.

I woke up at 4 and 5 to look out the window to see Mars and Jupiter close together - no luck though we are totally cloudy today. And chilly I turned on the AC the other day and I am about ready to go crank on the heater again. I ordered pick up at the grocery store so I need to run out to pick that up later. I never take naps but I am pretty tired.

Think I'll go start knitting on our afghan.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Memorial Day kids!

Curby, I first read your post to say you woke up, looked out the window, and saw MARTY and Jupiter close together. I was like... uhhhh???? What? Marty was standing outside the window and... how did that work??? LOL. Maybe the meds HAVEN'T all left my system yet! :lol: I turned the AC on last night when I was elbows deep in hot sudsy water getting ready for today. Of course I forgot to turn it off and woke up freezing around three o'clock!

It was crazy windy here yesterday. So much so that Liam and the youngest feral had to bag the fishing ideas (apparently the little bluegills don't like rough water because they get tossed around too much so they just hunker down at the bottom) and when Liam and I ran over to an estate sale to look at some shelving for the basement the tent the ladies had set up at the checkout area was in serious danger of blowing over! The ferals wanted to make s'mores last night but with that wind we felt it was a bad idea... flying sparks and embers... wood deck... you can see how that ends! So they just sat inside and ate copious amounts of ice cream instead.

I didn't get as much listed yesterday as I'd hoped, but I did put up one set of cool green Monterey Pottery dishes that I hope will sell. Of course someone in California will buy them and they weigh a ton so shipping will kill me, ha ha. Today I need to get up and at it so I can have the counter cleared off by dinner. I also want to do my nails tonight because they're looking pretty shabby with all the washing that's gone on these past few days.

It's going to be pretty warm on Tuesday. If I can get my self tanner evened out maybe I'll wear a dress!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

I had the craziest dystopian dream that jolted me awake about an hour before my alarm went off this morning! No idea what happened, but apparently I was going to vacate The North Estate and make some sort of giant journey by myself. Everyone else seemed to be gone/dead/other?!? I was going through the house deciding what to put into my big blue wagon, which I was going to take with me. All the canned food... bandaids, peroxide... plastic bags... knives (??? WTF!). When I woke up I was about to go into the youngest feral's closet to get his sleeping bag. !!!!!

Anyway, this is going to be A Week. I can feel it already. My boss is out because one of his kids tested positive yesterday, but he's driving me insane from a distance. We've got a call scheduled in four hours and somehow I'm supposed to do a week's worth of work between now and then. (So I'm sitting here on PS writing to you. :lol: )

Alright... let's make a go of this. Wish me luck!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, WTF is right! I hate dreams like that. At least you were prepared to face the apocalypse alone with your big blue wagon.

Have fun getting your week's worth of work done in a few hours. Wishing you luck!

I worked way too long on an article yesterday then finally decided WTF - I'm cutting out all this extra crap and doing it my way. What's the worst that can happen? I get all my free time back? Even this morning I made a bold decision without asking permission. After removing the last event from May it made way more sense to me to change it all over to June. If I'm wrong - so be it. Go big or go home - or in my case stay home. LOL.

Oops, I see I didn't post yesterday - I was crazy busy. That is too funny I wrote I saw Jupiter and Marty - must be automatic. I was looking for Mars. And it would be impressive if Marty was standing outside my bedroom window because that is quit a death drop or at least lots of broken bones if we fell out of that window.

I hate this time of year switching between AC or heat - and of course forgetting to put it back as necessary. I need a sweater right now.

Good idea to not make s'mores out on a wooden deck in the wind. Ice cream is a good substitute.

I'll have to check out your site for the new goodies you listed.

My whirlwind day started late. I agreed to edit a post a new guy did that really went off the rails. Let's say he needs more training. After spending darn near 4 hours on it I ventured out to meet Marty and some friends for lunch. So after wine I came home and said screw this, I'm making this a bit more subject matter related so spent about another 90 minutes on it after that. I still had another article to do but put it off until today.

I lifted and pretty much knit and watched TV. Then stayed up until midnight watching YouTube for a possible meteor storm. We were totally cloudy here. I guess some people saw some nice meteors but no more than about 25 an hour.

Off to work on another article. Have a great day.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, sounds like you're taking charge of your new "job" and really getting stuff done! I turned the A/C on yesterday morning when I got to my place and took a shower and then left it on what I thought was a reasonable temperature when I went to work. Well... when I got home last night you could have made ice cubes in my bedroom! You must be getting close to the end of our afghan by now!

Yesterday turned out to be every bit as *fabulous* as I imagined it would be, plus an added fvck up discovered late afternoon as the icing on the cake. I swear, I was as close to quitting this job yesterday as I've been in the past 9-1/2 years. I stayed until about 9 pm, but of course could have spent the night there and still not gotten everything done! Today I have three meetings, none of which I'm going to enjoy. Ugh.

Not sure if if I'm going back to The North Estate tonight or not because I have to do something at my real estate listing either tomorrow morning or Friday morning, yet to be scheduled. I really really really hope this thing sells because it's been nothing but a PITA.

Alright, enough grousing! Up and at em!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, don't you hate that when your house is so cold? At least when it's too hot you can cool it down quickly but it seems to take longer to warm up. Of course, I always say that I am NOT a good judge of "it's cold" since I am generally cold.

I wouldn't say I am killing it at my new job - some days it seems like they trust me to do things then other days I get busy work. I am probably reading way more in to it than not. I get copied on emails and asked my opinion so I guess I am doing okay. I was un-retired for over 5 hours today. LOL.

Our afghan is getting quite big. It is wider than the blue one I made - the pattern is looser and this has a few less stitches. I am probably about half way through the 4th skein.

Sorry to hear yesterday was such a cluster and hope today wasn't as bad as expected. Darn this pesky working.

I hope your real estate listing sells soon so you can wrap it up.

I got up before 7 today and had a task to do right away. I still took my shower first. Ha! Marty was going to grill steaks for us for lunch but was on the phone in meetings until after 2. I was talking on the phone to my sister when he came up which luckily gave me a good excuse to get off the phone. She will keep me on the phone for hours. Ugh!

It is still chilly today but warming up. Yay. My newly planted flowers aren't perking up yet with the cold weather.

My earrings are still in production.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, do you have an ETA on the earring, or "they just ship when they ship"? Waiting for stuff is always soooooo hard! This pesky working is going to be the death of me, I swear. Last night I didn't leave until almost ten. At least I got done the thing I wanted to do the night before but never got to. Today I'm back at The North Estate, but I have a TON of work to do. Not only isn't my real estate listing SELLING, I'm not even getting any SHOWING requests?! Totally baffling. I've got an open house planned for this weekend, so maybe I'll get some traffic through.

Liam and I both won things at last night's auction so I need to run up to Beloit (right over the Wisconsin border) some time today or tomorrow. I know I said I wasn't buying any more glass until everything I've got is listed, but this was a flat of 17 pink depression glass wine glasses (which always sell) for a really good price. I couldn't help myself, LOL! I looked at this week's estate sales and fortunately there's nothing I want. One sale has some that I would have normally gone to buy, but I think I'll resist.

There is an absolute MOUNTAIN of laundry downstairs in the room. If I don't get some in the machine soon it will all topple over and bury me as I walk through there on my way to the garage.

Alright, I need to move out of this bed and into the world of the working here this morning..


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, when I ordered my earrings it said I'd get them June 10 - now the order says expected to ship on June 13. Phooey. I am anxious to see them.

I agree this work stuff is pesky. What were we thinking? You are putting in a ton of hours too! I worked over 6 hours today. I got to lifting later than I did when I went in to the office. WTH?

I hope the open house results in a ton of potential buyers who get in a bidding war so you get a bigger commission! Good luck!

Did you run up to Wisconsin to collect the goodies you and Liam bought? I can totally see why pink glasses would sell. I can see the look on Marty's face if I handed him a pink glass. LOL.

Darn that the laundry is pilling up - it does fast. I notice my smaller clothes means I can wait longer for a full load. I am trying to do a load every other day so I don't have so much to wash on the weekend.

I got up well before 7 today, worked until about 12:30 then ordered in lunch for me and a friend. We played cards and then she worked from here for a few hours - while we were playing cards I got a request to work on a last minute article so I got that done then lifted. I am kind of hungry but not so I sent Marty a text "what's for supper?" but he hasn't answered me yet. I'm sick of what I'm eating so nothing sounds good right now.

Curby #IthoughtIwasretired


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I wonder what the hold-up is on the earrings, but I realize a lot of stuff is backed up right now. A bidding war on the house would be amazing, but at this point I'll take even one lowball offer, ha ha! Liam actually ran up to Wisconsin and retrieved the stuff since he was going to an auction up that way anyway. Unfortunately even though MY clothes are getting smaller the FERALS' clothes are getting bigger. Ugh.

Yesterday I didn't get done nearly what I'd set out to do, including not even starting the big project that my boss wants to see "this week." Well... today's Friday... ACK. Plus, the internet here has been utter crap. There is a guy who is allegedly on his way here right now, He called and gave Liam the "15 minute" warning... uh... AN HOUR AGO. So I don't know what's going to happen here in terms of connectivity. I guess I better go move the stuff I want to work on onto my C drive just in case.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Well the internet guy came yesterday and gave us a new router... and now virtually nothing works at all. I keep getting some sort of DNS server error message. I've tried everything I can find to try to fix it and no luck whatsoever. PS and CNN are pretty much the only things I can access -- I can't even get on etsy, MSN or People (I need to see what's going on with the Queen LOL). WTF.

Anyway, today I'm going downtown to do the open house, but I plan on spending a few hours before I leave taking pictures for some listings... not that I'll be able to put them up since I can't access anything. ARGH.

Alright, off to try resetting the router. AGAIN.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

I'm happy to report the router reset finally worked! Good thing too becuase I was starting to get a littttttttle testy, ha ha.

I took pics for three lisitngs yesterday and then realized I was on the edge of being late for my open house so I bolted downtown. The weather didn't do me any favors yesterday, it was pretty cool and crappy and I only had two couples groups through. I might be able to convert one of them to a client though, so tht would be fabulous! When I got back Liam had a box of glass for me that he'd picked up along the way, so I washed that up and then we went to dinner with friends.

Today I need to take some more photos, pack up an order, and figure out how much it would cost to ship something to Australia for a lady. Shipping prices have gone up and I'm afraid it will be prohibitive, but I will check...

Alright, off to wordle and then launch into the day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Where the heck have I been? Good question.

Dee Jay, yay the router reset worked. I hate having those problems. The last time we had something done I don't think they sent our equipment a hit because after me complaining days later - it was fixed like magic.

Glad you got some pictures taken. That Fostoria butter dish was like the butter dish I had from my grandmother - and I broke the bottom piece. I think I kept the top part. I'll have to look and see if it's a match.

That would be great if you got a new client from the open house. Any reason that place isn't getting much interest. Some of Marty's are trying to buy a new place and places here are selling before they can put in a bid. The went to see a place yesterday and are #2 on the bid list. They have a VA so if the first bid falls through they might get it. They told their realtor is a place opens up with their "list of stuff" to put in a bid on it immediately and then if they don't like the place they'll withdraw the bid.

I don't know hy my earrings got shifted out a few more days. I doubt JA had the diamonds in stock so it could be getting the diamonds in; or the settings? Yes, shipped has gone up - keeping up with everything else. I bought our usual order at Culvers the other day and it was at least 25% higher. WTH?

Marty is moving in to his bigger space for the gym this weekend. I did grocery shopping yesterday then headed over. He had about 6 people helping him. They got the racks set up and everything moved. The new gym needs a serious scrubbing so I asked our old cleaning ladies if one of them was interested. Our current cleaning lady was cleaning his old gym but he couldn't tell she did anything. I think she has vision problems because she sure misses dust, but my wooden floors look fabulous so I keep her. If she quits, I'll hire back those other ladies - they didn't show up all the time but did a better job. Now that I'm retired I don't care when they come clean.

I ran cheeseburgers by for all of them yesterday and then today went and dusted what I could. Those ladies might have been renting that place but how could they let it get so stinking nasty? The blades on the ceiling fan are bathed in dust, there are shelves above the windows that aren't just dusty but greasy. Yuck!

I am working on laundry now and offered to run lunch back to the gym. Marty is there with his 2 clients who didn't get the house yesterday plus their 2 kids. The guy is taller than Marty so he was working on hanging speakers and TV's.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, if you want the butter dish just say the word and I'll send it to you! I have NO IDEA why the place isn't generating more interest. It's starting to depress me... Good cleaning ladies are priceless when you can find them. The best one we ever had broke a lot of stuff though, LOL. Did the gym get all set up?

I managed to put up ten listings yesterday, so I was pretty happy about that. Of course Liam then came home from an auction with more stuff. It's an uphill battle, ha ha!

Last night I had a dream I was being chased by a man with a gun. WTF.

Today I need to keep working on the power point presentation I didn't do last week. I hate power point. Ugh.

Alright, off to do something...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I did look a few places for my partial butter dish tonight - I will look further. It might be up on a shelf I can't reach (which is like half of them).

I hope that place finds the right person - SOON! Kind of reminds me of my 1966 mustang. I'd get offers for it all the time until I wanted to sell it - then nope. No one wanted it.

Good cleaning ladies are hard to find. The best one we had not only broke things but often failed to show up. She did an amazing job! Now that I'm home all the time I have often thought of hiring her again.

Too funny - you list some things, sell some things - then get your stock replenished.

Oh not to a dream of being chased by a man with a gun. I hear lots of stories about how many people where shot and or killed in Chicago each weekend. I hope you don't run in to any of that crap - EVER!!! Of course, I live where whoever they are chasing is likely to have a gun as well.

Did you get your power point done? I used to hate it as well but then all of my school lectures were on PP and the presentations for the astronomy club are PP as well.

I worked over 6 hours today. WTH? I didn't get down to lifting until almost 5. I ordered in lunch from Outback. I ordered us a piece of cheesecake to split - they sent us a big enough piece that each of us had a full piece of cheesecake. Naturally, I powered through and ate my entire piece. It was quite tasty.

Poor Marty's back is still giving him hell. The muscle relaxers don't seem to be helping.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I didn't get my power point done... but after working on it for an ungodly amount of time and finally leaving after a long frustrating session of getting nowhere I had an epiphany about what to do on the way home. The current version is a mash up of pieces taken from other different presentations and everything is different, including the embedded backgrounds/templates and I can't figure out how to wipe all that "built in" crap away and just be left with the info. Well it occurred to me that I think I can just start a new slide deck with nothing embedded and copy over the text, making it all consistent in font and size as I go. Not ideal, but I think it will work! Ummmmm... cheesecake! :lickout:

I worked pretty late last night (as is my way on Mondays!) but did leave so it was light enough to walk home. When I got here I threw in a load of laundry (towels, my jammies) and did some internetting while that was working. I also looked at this week's auctions... and now I'm the high bidder on a set of rare (made for only three years) yellow depression glass dishes. It's a pattern I've never seen before and I hope I get them! Oh... wait... what was that I said about not buying any more sets of dishes... ??? :lol:

Alright, off to get this party started for the day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I bet that would work to just copy your text boxes and images to a new power point. I know you can change themes, etc but it's not something I remember without looking.

You did have a busy Monday. Those yellow depression glasses sound quite interesting. I hope you get them. You won't buy any more sets of dishes until you find some you want. I'm an enabler.

The last I checked on my earrings they are still in production.

I also had fun working today - I did the tedious job of resizing a bunch of images. Plus assorted other things and ended up working over 7 hours. At least I met a friend for lunch and had a glass of wine. If I had a second glass of wine I might have been more creative with captions this afternoon.

I had to water some of flower pots again; the drip system is barely getting water to the last few pots. Marty is so busy and gimped up I hate to nag at him to fix them. He is slightly better today. And then there is the bird problem. Not only are they pooping on my deck furniture and waking me up but there is a robin stealing something something out of our siding to build a nest. Marty looked and said it's not hurting anything but I keep going out and shooing it away. Stupid birds.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the cut and paste is working... but it's super slow going. I spent all of yesterday just moving stuff from one deck to a new blank one. Now I have to work on the actual INFO. You reminded me that we got a hanging basket to put on this big metal hook thing over by the pine trees... and I don't know that it's been watered since we brought it home a week ago! I guess I better go over there today and see if it's still alive!

Yesterday was just not a lot of fun. A friend of mine is sending me job advertisements that she gets automatically from LinkedIn. There was one yesterday that I could do in my sleep. I am sooooo tempted to send them my resume. But it's only 114 days until bonuses hit our account for the year so I need to really think about doing anything crazy LOL.

This morning I need to take the Audi in for regular service. I've also got another order to pack up that sold overnight, and I'm training two people this afternoon. In between I have to keep working on this slide deck. Ugh. So not motivated...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, glad to hear the cut and paste is working okay but yes it can be tedious. Good luck getting that done!

Was your hanging basket okay? Some of our flowers are doing well and others not so much. Our 2 trees out front are finally leafing out. They were very slow compared to the neighbor's trees. Our HOA limits what kind of trees you can plant and who knows if they are really rated for our climate here.

Interesting about the jobs from Linked Inn especially one you could do in your sleep. That is tough to quit though and lose out on a bonus. It doesn't hurt to send them your resume.

You do have a busy day. Is the Audi all serviced? I apparently don't need to take the Curbymobile back until November.

I got up at 5 am and saw all 5 bright planets in the morning sky. Jupiter and Venus were obvious, once I opened the deck door Mercury was clearly visible, then Mars came in to focus and finally I saw Saturn. Then, I went back to bed but of course couldn't sleep too well.

I could work more today but worked almost 5 hours so that's enough. I did a fun story today so that was nice.

I even made lunch for us. I'm hungry now and it's only 4:30. I might go pick up something for supper.

I did some gym work today too, working on Marty's notifications for changing address. I am even getting the invitations to go to Chamber of Commerce events. She had me at "free drinks". LOL.

My earrings are still in production. We got another package from UPS and once again I told Marty - nope - it's too big for my earrings.


Here is a macro shot from today:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, that flower is so perfect it looks fake! I (once again) forgot to go check the hanging basket. If it's still alive when I do get up there it will be a miracle! The Audi is serviced and now good for another 10K miles. Plus they gave it the best wash it's ever had, inside and out, so it looks great! Tell them to hurry up with your earrings, I want to see them!

Yesterday I ended up taking pictures for a big bach of stuff I've been putting off. A lady asked me about some specific glasses and by the time I dug them out and realized I had them in multiple sizes and colors, plus pitchers that went with them, I was like Just Take The Damn Photos! I didn't post them all yet though becuase they're in the same color family and I didn't want seven listings in a row all with amber and green colored glasses. My next mission is either (a) to go through the last box of stuff I brought back from Valhalla, (b) deal with a big batch of different sized/styles of Libbey Windswept (somehow I've accumulated about forty of those from various places... ), or (c) tackle the big batch of lotus bowls I've gotten from a couple of different sales. I think I have a couple dozen of those now too! The set of dishes last night went to someone else BTW. The bidding went over $300 with fees and since I didn't have the chance to look at them in person I had no idea what the condition was. For all I know they have utensile marks all over them and are chipped, and it wasn't a chance I was willing to take. Oh well -- like I tell myself, I can't have everything!

Today I need to train thee people and do two other calls. Ugh. I'm tired of working already and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks. That picture was with my $149 lens - the 2 lens I used first - each costing way more than that - didn't take pictures that sharp. Go figure! Plus with my evil eye I have to close my left eye to make sure the picture is sharp.

Did you check on those poor flowers today? Nice your Audi is good to go and clean. I ran the Curbymobile through the car wash this weekend and now I use cash so I don't have another embarrassing or stupid credit card incident. LOL.

I did just check on the status of my earrings and they are still in production. How long does it take to push down a few prongs? It's like they have other customers too. WTH?

Sounds like it was best you didn't win those dishes. Decisions, decisions on what pictures to take. I haven't checked your site in a few days, I will do that. I still can't find that partial butter dish. It might be up high where I can't see it. I know I didn't throw it out. Too many hiding places in this house!

How did training go? Apparently I've been promoted to help other editors that don't know how to add images or write in Word Press. Luckily the guy I emailed hasn't responded. It would be quicker for me to go do those articles. They are on the sun so no problem. I wouldn't have to make up stuff. I did an article today on June's birthstones. I like those articles I don't have to research. I should go put my name on all the birthstone articles. I was said emerald wasn't listed as a yes for May. I would have snagged that for sure. I did get a lovely compliment from the boss today - she said I was a godsend. She is totally enjoying me taking over organizing their giant spreadsheet on articles. It has almost 1000 articles. I need to weed out duplicates, ones that are single one time articles, etc.

I had a periodontal cleaning this morning. My gums are looking better and the tooth that was extraction is healing well. I won't find out until the December appointment if they can get the broken tooth ready for a crown.

While I was out I stopped and picked up the winning lotto tickets for the week, some fruit and stuff to make tacos for lunch.

I worked about 5 hours today and need to go lift. I did get one batch of laundry done too. Off to water the flowers, pick up the mail and then lift. The afghan continues growing.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, what happened at the car wash that now you use cash... ? Speaking of dishes, there is a really pretty set at an estate sale this morning, but I am resisting so far. There are also some clear etched wine glasses that I was oging to use as my "excuse" to go there anyway, but so far so good! Has the lottery declared you the winner yet?!

Yesterday I trained three people and made three phone calls. On a Thursday. Ugh. Then I took a bunch of pictures and put up four listings, plus integrating all the ones from the day before that were left over. After dinner I washed up a slew of glasses in what I thought was a particular pattern that I'd collected from various places but hadn't gotten around to yet. Well there are actually two similar, but nevertheless different, patterns, and three of the glasses have a different stem. So now I've got 54 glasses in seven styles and two patterns. Nothing is ever as simple as I hope it's going ot be with this little project LOL.

Trying to figure out what to do for an open house at my listing tomorrow. I haven't scheduled it yet because I want to do it in tandem with the other open houses in the complex and so far nobody else has put any info up either. There's also an auction at the local fairgrounds that I'll need to at least swing by in the morning. I'm hoping there's nothing there I want, or if there is hopefully Liam can get it for me.

Alright, off to get this picture taking process underway. If you lived here i'd pay YOU to do this and then you could give up your current new job and I could get all my stuff out of boxes and up on the site!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thank you for forgetting my 2 credit card issues but they are funny. The first one was I dropped the credit card while trying to stick it in the touch screen to pay and I had parked SOOOOO close to the touch screen to compensate for my short arms I could barely get out of my car to get the card. I finally got the card which was under my car and then had more trouble getting back in my car with my knee that doesn't bend too well. Someone came out from inside to "help" the lady holding up the line. Then the next time I tried to use my credit card - I pulled further away from the touch screen in case I dropped it but it wouldn't read my card this time. Again, someone from inside came out to help the lady holding up the line and they inserted my card and it worked just fine. I am sure they have a picture inside of my car saying if this car pulls up just go out and help her. Cash has been working like a charm! LOL.

How rude of your company to have your work so much on a Thursday. Darn that you ended up with so many different patterns and styles of glasses. I believe there is nothing simple for your shop. But you seem to enjoy shopping for those treasures. That's something! Good idea to swing by the auction in the morning then have Liam pick up anything you might want.

Did you finally get info on the other open houses so you could get yours posted? I hope it goes well and you get multiple offers!

And that would be my dream job to make a living taking pictures. I hardly have time to wander around taking pictures these days.

I got up too early but managed to get in 2 hours of work before heading out to get my hair cut. I picked up stuff at Walgreens and Office Depot then decided I may as well buy myself lunch while I'm out and about. Marty was still at the gym; he and the property owner's handy man were installing new AC. I worked more this afternoon but knocked it off at 4.5 hours for the day. I did pick off some dead flowers - did you go water yours? - and pulled about 6 dead plants. I'll go pick up a few more in the morning.

Marty's back is still grumbling loudly. He has to run over to Laramie (45 miles away) with clients tomorrow for a weigh-in; they are competing in a competition on Sunday. I am meeting our old cleaning lady at the gym to let her in for a deep clean of the place. For some reason I've been hungry for an egg McMuffin so I think I'll pick one up for breakfast while I'm out. Or I could opt to go have a donut with my dad's coffee buddies. That would be more fun.

Have a great weekend.
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