
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, last night and first thing this morning I would have needed to feel better to die - but amazingly after I ate a scrambled egg and drank more than an ounce of water - I felt so much better. It's sore and I keep looking at it worrying I'm getting a dry socket but I guess why worry unless I have a problem. I slept okay - most of my mouth and teeth hurt but not too bad.

Stupid chirping birds! I haven't noticed them at night but the TV is usually going. I have a neighbor dog that sure barks all the stinking time at night. I've heard it in the middle of the night.

Nice to get some pictures taken and to start filling up the dining room table again. You have to keep cycling through all of your new treasures, right?

Sounds like there was a lot to choose from at the SA. Good deal to get some work pants and a sweater. That would be funny if you end up having that sweater at your condo or hidden deep in the closest at the North Estate. I tend to buy the same top in different colors.

I hope the meeting with the buyers goes well. Did you hit the estate sale? Have a fun time and safe trip to Missouri.

Nice to hear Billy Ray is getting sprung from confinement. Look out world - Billy Ray is on the loose.

I got up before 6 today. I think not eating or drinking anything yesterday after noon was not such a hot idea. I did perk up with some protein for breakfast. Since they moved up my appointment I hadn't stocked up on pudding, yogurt and cottage cheese so I placed a pick up order for that at 10:30. I got myself 2 pounds of ground sirloin and just browned it all in a skillet but found it a bit too chewy so will try it again for supper since that will be over 24 hours. Good excuse to eat pudding and ice cream.

I worked on my major project for work and had it done as much as I can in 2 hours - then right when I was heading to the store I got a new assignment of something I hadn't done before. It took me a few hours but I got it saved as pending and will see what the expert says. All of the tweaks are generally someone's preferences so hopefully she thinks I did it okay per instructions.

It's kind of nice here today. About 60 degrees. We did get rain most of yesterday.

Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, have a wonderful time on your trip.

My mouth is about the same today and I need to quit looking at it. I'll convince myself in to believing something is wrong with it. Advil is taking care of the pain which isn't really too bad. Eating on the other hand remains a challenge.

I ended up working almost 6 hours today. I am knitting tonight and enjoying a spring day. I doubt spring will last but one can hope. Marty isn't feeling too hot today; he sleeps so little he gets run down. We met at Perkins for breakfast today after his morning gym session. There was a goose outside the restaurant when I went in (I beat him there) and when he got there a few minutes later he said the goose hissed at him when he walked by. I told him that goose could detect evil. See even with a missing tooth I am still a smart mouth.

Off to knit . . .
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, i hope you are having fun on your trip.

What is that song with lyrics something like "paranoia will destroy ya"? I am sure my tooth extraction site doesn't look right. Last night I was using my fingers and kind of poking on my check and jaw and had shooting pains for quite a while making me think well crap I have a dry socket. Today it's just that sore, dull ache again but still looks funny. Like I "know" what it should look like.

We are getting rain today. I heard it early this morning. Yesterday was near 80 - sweet. We went out for a late lunch and then grocery shopping. Ended up watching the first 4 episodes of Bosch Legacy on Prime.

We are meeting some friends in Fort Collins for a late lunch today - at our favorite steak house. No wine or steak for me though. That whipped peanut pie will work just fine though. They are on their way back from Jamaica.

Happy Monday kids!

I've got some catching up to do!

Curby, how's the tooth situation? LOL on the goose hissing at "evil" Marty! I understand the part about eating whipped peanut pie... but the part about no wine left me baffled... :lol:

The past few days have been absolutely crazy. On Friday my plan was go get on the road to Missouri early with the goal of arriving around 3 or 4 pm, in line with when sister #2 would be getting there. And then my clients wanted to go and see two condo units, which meant I had to drive into the city, view those, and then get on the road to Missouri from there. It was raining the entire time. The drive into the city took almost two hours and from there to mom and dad's took another seven hours. A trip that should have been six hours total took nine! I had to spend half the day Saturday working on an offer for these people that really makes no sense. Yesterday I got on the road early-ish and drove literally straight through until I was about 30 miles from Liam's and had to stop for gas. I made it in about six hours. I had some orders to pack up when I got home (of course!) and that turned into a big PITA for various reasons, but I got them done and went to bed relatively early. But... Liam decided last night was the night to watch some TV show in bed that had a lot of light flashes and unexpectedly loud music. I put ear plugs in and buried my head under the pillow but finally I was like, DUDE, I have to get up in less than seven hours. ENOUGH.

This morning I took the same clients who bailed on last week's condo purchase to see another condo at 7:30 this morning. I swear to god I'm going to hurt these people!!!

An now I need to do some "real" work!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you had a crazy busy weekend and it sounds like you were on the road more than anything else. We had a TV in our bedroom at our first 2 homes and when we moved here we both said "no". Marty used to watch things while I was trying to sleep and it's pretty hard to sleep with the TV going. It sounds like those clients do need a good smack. I hope they make a decision soon!

I didn't have much work to do today at all and even offered to help but it seemed to be a slow day for everyone. I got in some streaming watching while knitting.

My afghan is looking good too. I already decided this is going on the couch. I have months until Christmas to make another one.

The scale finally dropped 4 pounds. Probably more a result of what I can eat than anything. Dinner with friends went well. I ordered chopped steak and baked potato so it was easy to eat. Our friend's plane was late, then their luggage went to the wrong carousel, then they missed the shuttle to the parking lot so we stopped at one of our favorite stores there and wandered around. Too funny - I didn't recognize myself in a mirror in the store as I was wandering around. I did order a glass of Malbec - it kind of burned not bad but Marty got to finish off my glass. I was more sad that I forgot the PB pie has some peanuts in it. Nuts and seeds are a big time "NO" for a while. Phooey. I had some chocolate when I got home. Ha!

I lifted this morning for the first time since the tooth extraction - dead lifts pull ALL THE WAY to your teeth. But it wasn't bad.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, OMG -- your "dead lifts pull ALL THE WAY to your teeth" made me think of a conversation I had with a client and his girlfriend like 15+ years ago! We were in an elevator on our way to see the parking garage in a building he was thinking of making an offer in for a unit. The girlfriend was wearing low slung jeans and a crop top and in between I could see part of a tattoo. It was hard to miss given her outfit, trust me! Anyway, as we were in the elevator the guy say me looking and said "It's a tiger" (which made sense once he said it because I then realized it was stripes and a paw). He then pulled her top up a little and the waistband of her jeans down a little exposing more of the figure, "And that tiger goes the whollllllllle way dowwwwwwnnnnnn." I was like Get Me The Fvck Out Of This Elevator Right Now!!! TIMTMITMITMITMI!!!!! ACK!!! When that elevator door opened I launched out into the parking garage so fast I don't doubt there were flames shooting out of my a$$! :lol:

Oh. And he didn't buy the place.

Anyway! How goes the situation today? Are you feeling better?

After a full day of work yesterday I had a zoom call with my kid from six to seven for Big Brothers / Big Sisters and then I took the sister and grandma to see the condo at eight. An offer ensued... and now there are MULTIPLE offers so best and final have to be submitted this evening. Of course no one has gotten back to me on what to do about that, so I'm in limbo. I have a work thing from 5:30 to 6:30 and I'm sure this is going to be a problem timewise. Oh well; I can only do what I can do.

I need to pack up twenty eight pieces of glass when I get to Liam's late tonight. Ugh.

And tomorrow -- who knows what the day will bring?!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that elevator story totally was the highlight of my day. Especially flames shooting out of your a*s! You are like hurry up elevator!

You were certainly busy today. I sure hope an offer gets accepted so you can move towards closing and saying "bye" to those clients.

Packing up that many glasses. Will they all fit in one box? I bet it will be heavy.

Nice to zoom with your "kid". Do they do social events now or is it still remote all the time?

Do you have Billy Ray out running wild and free yet?

My tooth isn't bad today. I even tried toast for breakfast. I didn't toast it a lot; just wanted to get it warm and a little toasty.

My mind wouldn't shut down last night so I didn't fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. Since I had a doctors appointment today to check my blood pressure I decided to sleep in a few hours later than normal. Woke up with obviously peaked BP - great. Checked my email to find several "do this" plus a rushed article for today so I got around several hours later than normal and ended up working 7 hours total today. My BP was horrid at the doctor but luckily I wrote down several readings yesterday and took them with me. Overall he was pleased with my results and put me back on the lower dosage of my beta blocker primarily because he doesn't want my heart rate as low as it's getting. He thinks that is why I've been so cold. He thinks I'm doing great on dropping off the pounds and will have me do another full blood test this summer. I guess I passed anyway.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the offer was actually WITHDRAWN by my client because she decided she doesn't want to live on the first floor for safety reason. I am ready to bang my head against the wall. I think the glasses will have to get split into two (big) boxes. They will still be heavy though because these are heavy glasses to begin with. Our BB/BS meetings are still zoom, but I requested permission to take my kid on an outing next month to celebrate the end of her school year. Still waiting to hear back on the parameters around that. Bill Ray has to come out of hiding in the next few days because the oil change is scheduled for Monday. Woo hoo!!! Do you have "real food" plans for the day? Congratulations for passing your blood test, LOL!

Yesterday I did a bunch of work and a bunch of real estate and a bunch of who knows what else, but the day flew by. We (i.e., my boss and two of my colleagues) took a potential candidate out for drinks after work. He's fine with all of us, so hopefully he'll accept the offer that was already prepared for him, just pending our thumbs up. We need him desperately! After that I headed here to the North Estate.

Today I have to train someone at 10 and then start packing those glasses. Beyond that... who knows?!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, your client is starting to sound very high maintenance. Such fun for you! I bet packing even 12 glasses at once will make your boxes heavy. I hope they approve an outing with your BB/BS kid. What were thinking of doing with her? I knew you were working on scheduling an oil appointment for Billy Ray, I tried to schedule one but the assured me due to my low mileage I don't need one until November since I had one last November. My dad (he was a mechanic) would not approve. He believed in every 3 months you change your oil. Of course that wasn't synthetic oil but knowing him he'd still change it anyway.

Your were busy yesterday. Nice to wine a potential employee; I hope he accepts the offer and works out. Mmm wine.

How did training go today?

I did eat a bit more today. I had some cherub tomatoes which I've been avoiding because of seeds. And toast that was almost crunchy. For lunch I made us mini meat loaves and baked potatoes. I am craving peanut butter so may have some toast with PB on it for supper, I don't know yet.

I couldn't fall asleep again. Marty couldn't sleep so tossed and turned for a few hours all the while yawning loudly. He finally got up and left. I still couldn't fall asleep. I did finally fall asleep at about 1 am then woke up at 5 am. I am rather tired today but got up after being unable to fall asleep again.

I updated one article and other little chores today. Don't know if I'll do any more work today. I need to go pick up some things at Walgreens but that's all I have planned.

Since those stupid birds keep waking us up

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did that client get an offer accepted yet? I sure hope so for your sake.

I did sleep most of the night. Marty was really tired and didn't have early gym hours today so he took a Tylenol pm and snored away - which kept waking me up but I did manage to fall back asleep and slept until about 7 am. I put on sweats and ate breakfast and tried to be quiet. Unlike those stupid birds out my window that started chirping for no good reason at about 5 am. After he got up about 8:30, I went downstairs and lifted weights. Might as well since I was dressed for it. I didn't shower until after 10 this morning. It's almost like I'm retired today. I don't have any articles to work on right now so I have nothing to do for my part time job. They sent out a list of tasks they want volunteers for but most of them are way early in the morning which no way can I adjust to that. If I lived alone maybe but it would be inconvenient as heck. I might offer to help with social media and answering emails that is any time of day.

So far the new dosage of BP pills are working good but then again it's day 2 on that. I'm cold right now but it is raining.

Have a fabulous day.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I keep forgetting to ask, what happened with Marty's potential purchase of the building that his gym is in? How's the food front going? I'm thinking of taking my kid to Navy Pier, which is this big thing that sticks out into the lake. There are restaurants and some kitschy shops, and a giant ferris wheel. They often do art shows and other stuff in the open space too. No word back yet, but I'll ping BBBS again next week if I haven't heard yet. Our program has a new coordinator and she's not exactly Johnny on the ball I have to say...

Well yesterday turned out better than expected! I zipped downtown for the virtual tour at 9 am and when I walked in the door I was pleasantly surprised at how much better the house looked! They really got a TON of stuff out of there, although now the garage is unusable thanks to all the boxes piled in there, but that's an OK trade off! Then another of my client's who bought in 2008 let me know she and her husband were in town. They live out of state and have been using the condo as an in-town, but are now thinking of selling. So I popped over and had a nice visit with them. At that point it was after noon so the traffic wasn't too bad coming back north.

Billy Ray was sprung from captivity after dinner! I took him to get filled up (I always store with half a tank of gas so I can mix in a half tank of new gas right when I get him out) and went on a brief ride, but nothing major.

Today I am not sure what's going to unfold. I'd like to clean up the house and do some listings... but the souls in he!! would like some ice water, and that's not really happening either, so we'll see what actually gets done LOL.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it doesn't look like the landlord is going to sell the building for a few years. Marty however gave a verbal yes to move to a larger unit right next to his current spot. It is double the size. Currently he has about 750 square feet and this other spot is twice that size. Double his rent but looks doable as long as he maintains about the same number of clients. He is tearing out a wall and ripping up carpet there this weekend. He gets part of his first month rent that way. They need to replace ceiling tiles, put rubber down on the floor under the lifting stations, get a water heater installed first. A vape store was in there and closed down I guess due to upcoming new FDC rules on who can sell vape stuff. They were horrid, nasty ladies. The contracts say you can't park in front of your business so they parked in front of the gym instead. When they shoveled them would pile it up in front of the businesses on either side.

A trip to the Navy Pier sounds like a very fun outing.

Good deal the condo got cleaned out; hopefully that helps sell it. Sounds like real estate season is upon you! You can throw in glassware as a house warming gift. Ha Ha.

Woo hoo Billy Ray is sprung! Good idea to top off the gas tank when you first get it out. I used to store my 66 mustang for the winter but my dad always took it out for a spin on nice days just to blow the cobwebs out. I blew some cobwebs out of the Curbymobile this moring - ooh an open road.

I've had a slow day. My work has dried up the last few days. I was supposed to text the boss lady on moving a URL this afternoon but she hasn't replied. I need to ask about the URL for another post I just did this week. Plus if one article needs updated for the year. Such fun.

I met Marty for breakfast and actually ate real food. We ordered lunch from Outback today. My filet was really under cooked so I cooked it a bit more in a pan. We split a piece of carrot cake for dessert.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I'm so glad Marty is taking over the bigger space from the nasty ladies! LOL on glassware as a housewarming gift -- I think that's a fabulous idea! Now you've got me craving carrot cake. One of the places that caters our lunch at work makes it with pineapple and it's just AMAZING. Some carrot cake has raisins, which I'm fine with but not a super big fan. This one though, with the pineapple... :lickout:

Yesterday just disappeared... ??? All I can think of that really got done was a trip to Costco ($341 I'll never see again!) and I packed up one order. Other than that, nada!

Today I'm headed to a big antique flea market about 45 minutes from here. Liam and I are driving separately and he's allegedly taking the children too because his aunt and cousin are coming over from Iowa and we're all supposed to have lunch. I'm not holding my breath on the ferals because my guess is they'll pitch a b!tch and he'll relent and let them stay home.

I got the townhouse listing up and running and it looks like I'll have to do open houses there from the foreseeable future, likely on Saturday afternoons, which screws up my entire weekend. Ugh. Fingers crossed for a quick sale!

Alright, better get going here this morning!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it will be nice for Marty to have a larger spot but I hope he maintains or gains clients since the spot is more expensive. With the economy a personal trainer may be one of the first things to go. Hard to say. Those ladies were pretty nasty. After them pulling that shoveling trick more than once when Marty shoveled in front of everyone's places he shoveled it all in the street by their cars which were parked in front of his gym. He said he couldn't help himself. I looked them up on Facebook this morning and looks like their customers are ticked off because they had credit there for multiple purchases. I guess they took their inventory to a store in Casper because they thought they could sell it all there before the August deadline.

I think your glassware as gifts for clients is a fabulous idea. I totally agree carrot cake with pineapple sounds way better than with raisins. I don't mind raisins but wouldn't go out of my way to eat them. I love pineapple. One of the BBQ grill places we went to once had grilled pineapple with cinnamon on it. It was really good. I'm one of those weirdos who like pineapple and canadian bacon on pizza.

That's easy to do at Costco - spend money. That's about what we end up with going to Sams Club. I keep meaning to go pick up some things but this "work" bit is curbing my shopping ability. I did order some more clothes and just ordered some Christmas ornaments from Lenox since they had a sale plus an extra discount. They had a 5 piece snowflake set originally $200 that I got for $20. Woo hoo! I love bargains to have on had for Christmas gifts.

Have fun at the antique flea market. I hope you find so many treasures you do need both your car and Liam's to get everything home. Did the ferals end up staying home? They seem to be that age where they would rather not hang out with the family.

I hope the townhouse sells fast. Real estate seems to move fast around here.

Marty is having out working on his gym. I might run by and see if his "helpers" did arrive. Don't know that I'd be much help but I feel bad not going to see. I definitely have a huge but still vaguely defined project to work on. It's a spreadsheet with about 1000 entries that I need to go through and eliminate duplicates, delete one use single events because they shouldn't be in there and then she always wants me to take out extra categories - but I think that is a bad idea because it changes the URL to the article. I think that is a can of worms she probably doesn't want to open. I did that for the June stuff already and she said "it's okay". But she seems spread pretty thin with everything she does so I'm not sure I'll break anymore links without written permission.


P.S. I screwed up my afghan last night so had to rip out a stitch at a time for about 3 rows. That kept me busy. I missed the end of a skein so ended up tying on a new skein in the middle of the row. This pattern is too small to easily hide ends. I pulled up the knot really tight and a few rows later decided it looked awful so I tried to use a crochet hook to fix it. But then it looked worse. so I ripped it back and tied on the new skein at the edge. It's about 28" now. Ooh.
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, LOL on Marty shoveling all the snow into the space in front of the nasty ladies' shop! That's too bad about them moving though and now the customers can't use their credit. I know you like pineapple on pizza. I choose to be friends with you anyway. But it was a difficult decision to make. :tongue: Thanks to your awesome Lennox tip I ordered four sets of snowflakes last night! Those look absolutely gorgeous and the price was too good to pass up! Let me know what you think when yours arrive as mine will be a few days behind. The ferals did indeed go to the market yesterday, and they each ended up buying something. Oh no to having to unravel the afghan. I can imagine that was a big frustrating thing to do!

Yesterday I went to the market first with the mission of getting through all the buildings (pole barns where they normally have livestock) before the crowds got too thick since I have my big blue wagon and I try not to be "that person." Liam and the ferals showed up about an hour and a half later. We spent another few hours there, and then headed out to a nearby restaurant with his aunt and cousin. I ultimately came home with three big boxes of glass for just over a hundred bucks. I also got three awesome x-mas gifts (and two things for me, ha ha!) from a lady who makes things with fused glasses. The gifts I bought are lawn ornaments and the decorative part is a rectangular plate of glasses epoxied to a metal post and then she puts flowers and butterflies and stuff like that one them. She is wayyyyy underpriced, and I told her so! For myself I got a waved piece of glasses that's decorated with all that stuff. I'll send you a picture. I also got a bird with decorative stuff around him in a picture frame. I'm trying to think of a way/place to hang it with light coming through because it looks amazing that way!

Today I went to an antique market about half an hour into Wisconsin. I was a bit discouraged at first because the prices were very "retail" and unfortunately I can't afford to pay that much for my inventory, but I made my way through several more buildings and rows and finally got into a groove with stuff I could afford. At one point I had to go to the car because the big blue wagon was full. Of course that broke the good streak and when I went back in it took me ages to find anything else to buy. At the end I came across a lady who had a ton of a specific Fostoria pattern, all still with the original stickers. Of course I had to get that too! At that point the big blue wagon was full AGAIN, and I called it. Fortunately the weather today was cooler than yesterday, and overcast at times, so it wasn't bad.

Now Liam is off fishing with the youngest feral, and I am going to take a shower. The wild card there is whether I end up taking a nap after that shower, or whether I manage to drag myself downstairs to pack up this weekend's orders. One of the orders is for a lady in Hawaii and I had to tell her there was an extra shipping charge because I can only do free shipping in the continental US based on my prices. I have had one instance where I shipped to Alaska and two to Hawaii in the past where I didn't go back and charge any extra, but these are heavy glasses I and had to do it. Ugh. I hope she doesn't leave me a negative review, even though I'm very clear in my listings.

Tomorrow morning BR gets his oil changed, so when you hear the big boom from the sound barrier being broken around 5:30 central that will be me heading down the highway for the first time this season!
Happy Monday kids!

So this morning I got in BR to drive downtown... and the rear driver side tire was done 9 pounds. It had to have happened between when I got it out of storage on Saturday, went to the gas station, and then put it in the garage. WTF. I mean, I don't think I even drove ten miles and I got a nail in the tire!!! Three years ago I went in for an oil change and left with three new tires then too. I'm super annoyed. Waiting for the dealer to call me with the $$$ damage. Plus, you can't replace just ONE tire on that car, you have to replace at least two at a time. Did I mention I'm annoyed? ARGH!!!!!

Other than that, just working working working today...
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that is so "kind" of you to be my friend even though I like pineapple on pizza. LOL. My snowflakes shipped so I should get them soon. I'll let you know what I think of them. I usually get the silver snowflakes but the price on that set was too good to pass up. Nice the ferals did go to the market and bought something. Yes ripping back 1 stitch at a time was a PITA but it would have drove me crazy if I left it.

Those pieces with fused glass sound interesting and quite pretty. Nice you picked some pieces up from her - especially before she raises her prices. It sounds like you filled your little blue wagon quite a few times. Wow to finding some Fostoria glasses with original stickers; I totally see why you picked those up.

Well crap for Billy Ray having a flat tire? My A6 got a ton of flats when we moved in this house because the entire block was empty at first and we had construction up and down the street for a few years. I totally know tires aren't cheap. I do have those 4 brand new Goodyear in the garage though if I'm desperate. I wonder how much inflation has hit tires? Maybe I could make a huge profit selling them.

I got up a little after 6 am this morning. I was up late last night watching the lunar eclipse. Our deck furniture is covered with stupid bird poop so I actually sat in the living room with the lights off and shade open watching through the picture window. Worked like a charm. My few photos were crap though - yes - I did step out on the deck to take them. It was chilly and breezy outside.

I worked over 6 hours today. I thought I was retired. I lifted this afternoon and which is was later because I'm starving.

Tomorrow morning is root canal part 2. Then I need to get a filling in the crown where they root canal is, then I have a periodontal cleaning June 8. After that I think I'm done for a while. But wait - there's more. Sometime they need to try and lengthen that broken tooth and then put a crown on it. Phooey.

Curby #pineappleisgreatonpizza
closing in on 1/2 done 59FD0F32-55EF-4F1C-AEAD-B4DEEB409008.jpeg
Hi Kids!

I lived through round 2 of root canal fun. The numbness has worn off but they put the temp filling on a bit high so I doubt I can chew just yet. His assistant did it rather than the doctor. He'd already left. Joy. I have a horrid headache and my jaw is starting to ache.

I worked for 2 hours but think that is enough for today. It's gorgeous outside. I should go for a walk.

Off to find something soft to eat. I'm hungry.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, "our" afghan is looking GREAT! Did you find something to eat? When I got my temp crown put back on before I had the permanent one it was too high and it drove me crazy, so I know exactly what you mean. Ugh. Fortunately there isn't much bird poop on the furniture on Liam's size deck. I think maybe it's because there's nothing right over the deck for them to sit on... ?

Well I "lucked out" yesterday and only had to put one tire on because I had replaced the three other ones a few years ago and they only had a couple of thousand miles (if that) so not enough wear on the opposing one to make a difference. HOWEVER, he said I was due for the eight year maintenance... to the tune of $3,600. I was like... uhhhhhh... we'll do the eight year maintenance in year nine. So next year I'll be hit with a big bill when I take BR in. At least I'll be expecting it though, unlike this year when he hit me with it out of the blue. The car only has 21K miles, so I'm no too worried. I did get up to 111 on the way home, but there was still a bit of traffic so not overly much room to roam.

Today I have to do something major that came in from a regulatory authority. It's going to be a huge PITA and is very time sensitive. Great. I also want to get some listings up, but of course now it's raining so the light is awful. I don't think I've listed anything for over two weeks!

OK, off to get this show on the road. It's going to be a lonnnnng day.
Marty is obviously bored. He took one of my bears to the gym and was posting these pictures with captions on his gym's chat page.
Buttons at gym.jpg
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, at least you were in 3 digit speed range. You have to break BR in slowly for the season. Good deal you only had to spring for one tire. Ouch to the upcoming maintenance. We didn't buy a Porsche because it's cheap to fix and maintain. But it would be nice!

LOL our afghan is looking great. I haven't knit a stitch yet today but will soon. Sweet Lian's deck furniture doesn't get too much bird poop. Our deck isn't covered either but those birds sure like the bench out there. The rocking chairs aren't too bad.

We didn't get any rain from the storms that blew through here. Glad you are getting some moisture. A snow storm is moving in tomorrow though. Phooey.

Did you get your PITA big project done? Darn that pesky work. I worked over 5 hours today. I got to do an edit of a news article. It was very detailed and wordy so it took me a while. I feel slow at that but it's probably just me. They keep asking me to do them so I must not be doing too bad of a job on them. It was better than my giant spreadsheet project.

I get my crown restored next Tuesday. I do notice that tooth is hitting the other tooth higher than normal. I had a PBJ and ice cream for supper - nice, soft food. My mouth doesn't hurt today at all.

Take care.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on we didn't buy Porsches because they're cheap to fix and maintain! When I was grousing at Liam about the expensive maintenance the other day he reminded me about that. Are you really getting snow today?! It's going to be 86 here! I can't even remember WHICH big PITA project I was talking about... they are ALL big... they are ALL a PITA... and after a while they ALL blend together! :lol: Hopefully your permanent crown will be perfect. I was a little skeptical about this last one when I had it put on (I thought it was too high too) but in a short while I didn't notice it at all.

Yesterday was a big clusterfvck. I won't go into detail, but there is a legal issue that we got looped into that really shouldn't be out problem. Now that we've engaged however, we have to see it through. So that's going to suck up a bunch of time today too, and possibly tomorrow. What a mess.

So I've decided I need a little booster cushion for BR. I think if I were up just a couple of inches it would make a big difference in my visibility. Right now I'm pretty much looking right at the top of the steering wheel, but if I go up a tiny bit and can see OVER the steering wheel it's better. So I just ordered a cushion off of Amazon. The issue was getting something that would fit within the dimensions of the bucket seat, and I had to pretty much give up on that idea since they are so narrow (12" at the bottom interior dimension) and just get the smallest one I could find. It's also memory foam and I don't know how much it will compress, potentially defeating the purpose, but I guess we'll see! Delivery expected tomorrow; I'll test it out and report back.

Alright, better get moving here his morning. Ugh. I can just feel this whole day unraveling already and I'm not even out of bed yet!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, before I forget - Kohl's has short sleeve tees and tank tops for $5.99 through Sunday. I'm ordering myself a few of them. Yay more clothes that fit!

I totally get all projects are bit PITA. I truly don't miss my old job. So much less stress in my life. I know - bragging isn't pretty.

This morning my mouth feels completely neutral. It's there but no pain or aches. Wow. What a treat. I notice that high filling when I bite down but not as much.

Good luck with the legal mess. Marty was a go-to guy on lawsuits when he worked where I did - he'd have attorneys show up and ask him questions for hours. I made him business cards with a fake name and a catch line that says "mention me in all your legal briefs". I think he was in 14 of them when he quit there.

Good idea on the booster cushion. I hope it works well for you. I noticed since I've lost so much weight I am shorter in the car than I was. I need to adjust my seat and can barely see over the hood of my car.

Not much on tap today. I am washing our sheets now so will have that fun time wrestling getting the fitted sheet back on our giant mattress. I need to lift. And knit of course.


P.S. I noticed a little diamond is missing out of my salmon sapphire halo ring. Darn now I'll have to go to Denver.
Curby! Did your snowflakes make it yet? Mine came today and I LOVE them! I got four sets and I wonder if I should order more because they are FAB!
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, thanks for the Kohl’s tip! I should also run by Old Navy. The past several years they have done a textured tee in various colors that work well under cardigans and all of my older ones are too big. We have hired one law firm to deal with the other law firm. You can’t make this stuff up. At least it will largely distance us from the process. I need to wash our sheets.too. It’s always such a chore!

I got five listings up and did five zooms/calls yesterday. I went to bed early, but somehow I managed to pull a muscle in my hip so I didn’t sleep at all. Now I’m sitting in front of an estate sale wondering if there’s any comfortable position where I can manage a nap in this car.

Did you order more snowflakes? I am really happy with them! It was kind of a hassle taking them all out of the packing to make sure they were in good order, and now I’ve got them down in the storage room waiting for Xmas!

Alright, off to see if I can sleep for a few minutes.
Happy Saturday kids!

I scored the two things I wanted at yesterday's estate sale, although I had to pay a bit more than I wanted. Today things will be half off and there are some glasses I would take at that price so I'll swing by later and see if they are still there. Liam and his cousin are off to an auction in Wisconsin so I'm going to try to get some listings up and I have two heavy boxes of plates that I need to ship. Other than that, no real excitement to report here in The Heartland!
Happy Sunday kids!

Yesterday I was a listing machine! I got up ten, and put everything away downstairs in what I hope is an organized manner, LOL. Liam and his cousin had a big day at the auction they went to and came home with a truck full of stuff. We had our first meal of the season out on the deck so I'm declaring it officially summer!

I have to go downtown today and do an open house at my listing. I really really hope someone comes through. I also need to run by my real estate office and get the brochures that were printed. Bill Ray is going for an outing -- woo hoo!
Happy Monday in NY kids!

What a crazy early morning! My alarm went off at 4:45... yes really. I hopped out of bed, got ready, and headed to the airport. Everything was going fine... until it wasn't. The garage that I always try to park at had plenty of availability so I parked my car and went down to get the shuttle to the terminal. And then I waited. AND WAITED. Finally I asked some guy who worked there what was going on with the shuttles and he said, Oh, there aren't any shuttles to the airport anymore. ??? But... I'm standing here in the long term parking lot for O'Hare...??? Well apparently between the last time I few a few weeks ago and now they opened up the train from long term parking into the terminals, but there was no signage whatsoever. A bunch of us were standing around at the curb with our suitcases going... Uhhhhhh... ??? So then we all bolted up the escalator and waited... and WAITED. Finally the train came, but of course it had to circle around to other terminals before it got to the one I wanted. And instead of the shuttle, which used to leave us pretty much at the front door of security, the train left us down in the bowls of the terminal far away from where we needed to clear. I was the last person on the plane. Thank god I was first class or there would have been no room for my bag! Fortunately things on the other end went smoothly; the limo guy was waiting for me in an easy to find spot, and traffic into the center of the city wasn't too bad at all. Now I'm sitting here within walking distance of Alex Park trying soooooooo hard not to bolt out of the lobby and make a run for it! :lol:

Alright, lunch just got delivered. Will keep you posted if I need an opinion on anything!