
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I thought about making a grilled cheese the other night for dinner but it would have required turning on the stove so... well... it didn't happen, LOL.

Yesterday I had a full day but don't feel like I got much DONE. My big accomplishments include cleaning the master bathroom and painting my nails, but other than that... nada. There was also quick trip to Target (which I wanted to avoid, but I needed acetone to get my gel polish off). The CB got home earlier than I expected, which was good because I was HUNGRY and we went to a local Chinese place for a quick dinner. I read until about midnight and then could not fall asleep after that so I was zonked out when my alarm went off this morning.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, grilled cheese or grilled cheese and egg is my standard go to supper. I used to make it a lot between work and school. I had about 10 minutes max to cook and eat my supper so it was fast and filling. LOL that it does require turning on the stove.

Cleaning the master bedroom and painting your nails is a major accomplishment. That's nice CB got home in time to go to dinner. I hate when you can't fall asleep and you just watch the clock. Then of course you are zonked out when the alarm clock goes off. That's my luck too.

I had a nice afternoon yesterday. I put out our healthy snacks and we had some Freak Show with them. I soundly beat my friend at cribbage. We watched most of the Broncos game. I'd made some BBQ ribs in the crock pot and baked potatoes for supper. I got my nails painted last night too.

Work was crazy and busy today. Ugh. At least my day went fast. It looked like my team made a mistake and that I made a mistake but in both incidences my paperwork backed up what we did. Woo hoo!!!

I cooked 2 tenderloins on the grill tonight and will use the second one tomorrow night to make myself a pasta dish with chopped up beef.

I got up early today but missed catching Mars and Mercury but still got a shot of the Moon and Venus. You can see Mercury if you really blow up the picture below and to the left of the Moon. It was worth getting up early.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I blew up the pic on my tablet and think I can see Mercury. Either that or it's just a speck and I need to clean my screen, LOL! BTW, your comment about the beef reminded me I've been wanting it ask if you've ever tried faux chicken? I know you're allergic to it but if you ever want it maybe the faux version isn't so bad...? I ask because a vegetarian friend of mine loves fakin bacon!

Last night I did not much of anything... We had left over Chinese food for dinner and then I went to bed early and read for a little while, but feel asleep super early. I was also dead asleep when the alarm went off this morning. Guess I was tired! Today I might try to go into the compliance file room and do some much needed organization. We'll see if my motivation goes that far!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you found Mercury. Woo hoo! I tried to catch the planets this morning sans the Moon but it was totally cloudy. Darn. I am loving the name fakin bacon. That is awesome. I have not tried faux chicken. Does it taste like chicken. Usually I'm allergic to what the substitute is made out of as well. I swear it's easier to list what I'm not allergic to than what I do have problems with.

Glad you got to sleep early and slept until your alarm went off. Sounds like you needed the sleep. I got up at 5:30 to check on the planets but didn't turn on any lights so I got back to sleep until my alarm went off at 6:20. I played snooze alarm too. Ha!

Did you work on the file room? My motivation was lacking today.

I got a text from Marty that I should call or go out to the RV dealer because his friend told him they aren't being very helpful or responsive to him and the last time he called they seemed irritated. Sigh. I grumbled to myself something like I love how the RV I never wanted and certainly didn't want to take care of selling is now my problem. That sapphire I'm getting for this is getting bigger and bigger. :lol-2: So I called the RV dealer and basically our RV was next on the list to work on. He figures he'll have everything done and repaired this week except the floor. The flooring company was coming by this afternoon - he told me they were coming out last week but I didn't point that out to him. Marty's friend is all anxious and wants it yesterday. Joy! :wall:

We've got strong winds going on here this afternoon. There is snow not far away either. Oh oh. I might have to crank on the furnace this weekend.

I gave up on W.E.B. Griffin book last night. I just couldn't get in to it. I will start something new tonight.

Take care.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, it's GREAT that your friends want to buy the RV, but the people at the RV sales place need to be smacked in the head really really hard! Are they going to give you a discount? I went on the library site last night and downloaded four books for my trip and put five more on hold so hopefully I'll be all set for the next several days, although I may end up finishing one of the ones I downloaded before I even go, LOL.

Yesterday I spent Four Long Hours in the file room. At one point I had to call the guy from office services to come down and remove the metal strut things from the filing drawers because I figured out that I could get much more storage by turning everything sideways. I put away seven boxes of paperwork -- woo hoo! The bad news is I've only got three drawers left and then I am Out Of Room. Ugh. We do have space on another floor where I can move some older things, but I need to go and look at the set up because all the compliance records need to be secured and I'm not sure how that would work there.

Last night I booked out of here and walked home at a fast clip because one of our local bars had $3 martinis until 6 pm and I definitely needed one after all that manual labor, LOL!

I need to start getting this together for my trip. If I don't make a list ahead of time I always get there and go, "Oh no, I forgot... " Last time it was the car charger and what a PITA because every time we drove somewhere we needed the GPS and the phones kept running out of juice.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I'll believe Marty's friend buys our RV when I get a check in my hand. I hope it works out but I'm not counting on it. I certainly plan on hitting the dealer up for some kind of deal or discount if we do sell it. They cost me lots of money.
Good deal you are lined up with several books before your trip. Do you think you'll eat at Red Lobster this year?

Woo hoo for taking care of 7 boxes of paperwork. Filing papers and juggling boxes is definitely hard work.

I can see why you booked it home last night for $3 martinis.

I upgraded to the new IOS on my iPad. It's taken way more time than anticipated. I like the new keyboard but that's all I can say so far. I think I'll leave my mini and my phone on the old system for now.

Our wind died down but it sure got cold last night. Wind chill had us down in the high 20's. I didn't turn my furnace on before going to bed and that was not a good call. I dug out blankets and turned on my heated mattress pad. When I got home from work today it was in the 60's in here so I cranked on the furnace then. Darn.

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, my IT guys told us not to do the upgrade yet. They are pretty good about that stuff and make sure everything works well before they give us the go-ahead. I figure they know a lot better than I do so I listen, ha ha. I've also been reading the stories about the new Apple watch and apparently the connectivity has issues. Hmmm... until they get that fixed I'm definitely not rushing out to buy one!

Today I'm going to spend a little time with the cow bag lady and return some pants a Kohl's (why, Dee, do you continually try to buy pants online...? You KNOW it's not going to work...). And then I need to Clean This Place Up because when we leave for Florida tomorrow I do not want to come home next week to a mess! There will also be several loads of laundry involved today because... well... there are ALWAYS several loads of laundry involved. Ugh. Why is that?!

Last night it was hot and humid here and the CB had the A/C on when I got home. I went to bed with it on and All Night, Every Damn Time it came on it woke me up. I NEED to get the HVAC guy in here to change the blower motor before it drives me CRAZY.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, your IT guys were right. Marty's company sent out the same message. My IT department didn't tell me anything. I think that is a good call to wait until all the bugs with the new watch are fixed. Luckily I am happy with my Apple and Mac collection so I won't be looking to upgrade them.

Pants are tough to buy online. I bought some online recently and they are baggy in the crotch, too loose and yet the left leg rides up all the time. They were cheap so they are my lounge around the house pants.

Good idea to get the house cleaned up before your leave for Florida. It is a pain to come home to a dirty house. Ugh, I hear you on the unending stack of laundry. I should do some tonight because Marty will be bringing home 2 weeks worth tomorrow.

That sucks your AC blower motor wakes you up. The vent by my side of the bed pops and cracks with the heat or air come on. It wakes me up all the time too. We had them come in on our HVAC system while the house was under warranty and they couldn't fix that without tearing out the basement ceiling and ducting and they couldn't get the basement to warm up. Which worked out for me because i can keep upstairs warmer to the basement isn't a refrigerator.

I decided today I need a vacation and I think my team will implode if I'm gone. Holy cow. It's not that hard! I told Marty if he was in town he'd be taking me out for dinner and a big drink tonight. I stopped and had 2 pieces of cheese pizza and ice water. I guess that was close enough.

Have a safe trip to Florida Dee Jay. :wavey:

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay welcome to sunny Florida! Is there any hurricane damage where you dad lives?

Marty got back to town about 11 today. We went out for supper and I got my big glass of wine. I dropped him off at the club at the golf course to have drinks with his friend who is interested in buying the RV. I didn't want to listen to it so I came home and will go back later when Marty is ready to come home. Ha! I did tell him he owed me a big diamond or sapphire for dealing with this and I didn't get far. I tried.

It's going to be chilly this weekend with nights near freezing. Nooooooooooooooooo!

Have a great weekend.
Hi Kids!

The weekend is slipping away quickly. Phooey. I am watching the Broncos lose right now. Darn.

Marty and his buddy went out and looked at the RV yesterday. Marty just used our keys to go in so never went and talked to the salesman. Huh??? And then Marty and his buddy are talking about making a deal on the side; I'm like um I signed another contract he has to buy it from them. I was getting agitated so I quit talking about it. If it isn't done and sold by next Sunday evening it can sit for another week. Ha! No way do I want to deal with paying off the current loan, take his money to our bank, get the title changed, etc. That is why we are paying them a commission.

I am trying to find the lowest temperature I can tolerate in the house this weekend. We are cold and rainy here today; definitely fall weather.

We were busy this weekend. I had Marty's 2 weeks worth of laundry to do yesterday. We went out for breakfast today and picked up groceries. I think we are ordering in pizza when Marty gets hungry. Of course he ate way more than I did for breakfast so I might have to find something to snack on soon. Maybe a dish of strawberries would tide me over.

I hope your weekend is going well Dee Jay. Are you coming home today?

IMG_4219.JPG Happy Monday kids!

Curby, just a quick check in from the land of newlyweds and half deads, LOL. Will give you a proper catch up when I get back, but here's a pic I took tonight as we were walking around after dinner.
Hi Kids,

Great picture Dee Jay. It looks beautiful there. LOL to the land of newlyweds and half deads. I swear the drivers in Florida are awful!

We had a lot of rain again last night and tonight. Hopefully it is helping put out the fires in Montana, Washington, Idaho, California and wherever else they are springing up.

Marty got the windshield in his pickup replaced today. He had a rock chip that split wide open on that dirt road he drove over to get to the site for the eclipse. I told him they didn't do a very good job since it's taped on the top. :lol-2:

I made tacos for supper tonight. One of my favorites. I used my last bit of ground sirloin. I guess I'll have to order some more.

Marty is heading to Atlanta next week then back to LA the week after.

Have a safe trip home Dee Jay.
Happy Wednesday Kids!

Curby, did the RV deal get done? Your deal must have influenced the Universe of Deals because the CB sold his boat yesterday... sight unseen (?) and the money has already been wired into his account. After spending a summer with the boat he realized he really wants a fishing boat and not a cruising boat so he put it on Boat Trader (or some sight light that) and got a bunch of calls. Some guy called yesterday, they talked about every detail, and the guy went to the bank and wired the $. I kept thinking it was some sort of scam, LOL. We'll drive it from the boathouse up to the guy's marina storage on Sunday morning. Fingers crossed this all goes as smoothly as it sounds like it is...

The trip down south was just as much *fun* as it always is. Ugh. We only eat at chains (and generally before 6 pm), my dad sits in front of the TV and talks to Fox News every night, and it's hotter than sh!t. I couldn't even find one single thing to buy a the outlet mall this time, which is unheard of. I was SO happy to get back, I could have kissed the tarmac when we landed. I was even happy to come to work this morning, ha ha.

Tonight I'm going out for belated birthday drinks with the girls in Finance, tomorrow I'm going out with some people I used to work with at G0ldman $ach$, and Friday I think we've got something too. I need a day of rest!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the RV deal may be completed soon. Cross your fingers for me. Sweet that the Universe of Deals helped CB sell his boat so quickly. I hope all goes smoothly with the boat delivery this weekend and I'll cross my fingers for you. Hopefully I'll be out of the RV no later than early next week. Woo hoo.

Sorry your trip was as fun as it always is; but it's nice to go see your dad. That is amazing you couldn't find a single thing to buy at the outlet mall. When we came back from 8 days with Marty's parents one time I wanted to kiss the tarmac at DIA. That was the longest 8 days of my life. It makes your daily life so much better, huh?

Have fun with catching up with the girls tonight and former co-workers tomorrow.

Marty did go talk to the RV dealer yesterday and they will have everything done by the end of the week. Marty's friend wants to leave by the 6th so they are cancelling replacing the floor by stapling the split in the vinyl down and covering it with carpet. The generator isn't a necessity since they'll be on power all of which saves us money. With any luck I'll be done with it all within a week. Sweet!!!

I am pretty full. I made myself a quesadilla for supper with leftover taco stuff. I kind of put it all together and baked it at 200 while I did dishes. I think there was more ground sirloin left than I thought which is why I am so full but it turned out pretty good.

I emailed a template to my employees today for them to track their errors. Luckily the lady who would be whining the loudest was out sick today. My boss is having his team track errors and I had to type up a list of errors a guy at corporate has created for us in the last few months so can telling me to have my team track their errors be far behind? I told them today if you look for patterns and areas where you make mistakes your lists will get shorter and shorter and we will all be happy. I can dream, right?

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, all fingers and toes crossed for a successful close to your RV "adventure"!

Yesterday I worked a little late and then the CB picked me up. My drinks with the finance girls got changed to lunch today instead, which was fine with me because I did a bit of much needed cleaning up. I also work up an hour early today and *considered* doing some more... but I read the news and drank coffee in bed and played on PS instead, LOL. My plan is to spend tomorrow attacking the house though!

Our bonuses are being paid tomorrow so everyone is in a good mood today, ha ha!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks for crossing your fingers and toes for my RV adventure.

Woo hoo to Bonus Day tomorrow. You can go skipping all the way to the bank (probably not anymore). Congratulations!

I need to pick up our place too but tomorrow since the cleaning lady is coming Saturday.

It was very wet and chilly here today. There were little rivers and lakes along the road this morning.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, indeed there is no skipping to the bank any more LOL, but I'm happy to report that my account online shows the deposit!

Last night I went out with my friends and it turned out to be a bigger group that I thought it would be, there were nine of us. It went way too late though -- I didn't get home until almost 11 and I was ready to leave about 9, ha ha. Today I am going to do some general cleaning up and also some tackling of the closets. I've got a rubber interlocking mat floor down in the clothes closet (over some old linoleum tile) and it has shifted over time causing a bubble that makes me crazy. I bought self adhesive carpet squares from Costco to put down but I've got to get everything out of the closet to make that happen. Always an adventure... I also need to take a serious look in the storage close because I literally cannot even walk in more than a few feet of that one it's so crammed with stuff. Ugh. Where does it all COME from??? I just realized that I've got several boxes of Christmas tree ornaments in there that I may never put up again. I'm not ready to jettison them, but maybe I can have the CB put them in the storage shed up at his building. That along would get me some more space! And I'm sure once I start digging around in there I'll find lots of other things that can either be moved to the storage shed or just donated... but first I have to motivate myself to get out of bed..:cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I guess we can still imagine skipping to the bank in our head. That's always nice to see that account total go up.

Sounds like you had a nice evening with friends last night. We are having friends over tomorrow night but hopefully it won't be a late evening. We have to get up early Sunday to meet my family for a very early lunch.

Marty used those interlocking rubber mats for his unfurnished room downstairs and also at his gym. They work pretty well. The self sticking carpet squares should be great in your closet. I seriously need to throw stuff out but it always sounds like too big of a project. Our second guess room is our catch all.

Marty said we no longer own an RV. Woo hoo! I haven't talked to him yet; he was at his gym when I got home. They think they can work on the generator Monday and then we are done. Sweet.

I made cheeseburger logs for supper. They are a little log shaped meatloaf. I bought some ground sirloin to make them and wow were they better than the last few times I've made them. Regular hamburger dries out too much. I picked up 4 T-Bones weighing in at a total of 5.4 pounds for supper tomorrow night. We are having friends over for dinner and cards.

My cleaning lady is coming at 7:30 in the morning so it will be an early morning. I may choose to shower later so I can sleep in. Decisions, decisions.

Have a great weekend.
Marcy no RV
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, CONGRATULATIONS on the sale of the RV -- FINALLY! I'm sure that's a weight off your shoulders!

Well my grand plans came to a painful halt yesterday right around 11 o'clock when I jacked up my back putting clean sheets on the bed. It was horrible. Strangely enough I'm moving relatively OK today all things considered (translation: I was able to take a shower and put my own underwear on without the CB's help :lol: ). I think it's because I immediately slammed down some muscle relaxers and got in the prone position and stayed there for about 20 hours. The CB just picked up the big pickup truck he's using to tow the boat the to new owner... but there's some question as to whether I am going to be able to actually get up into it, ha ha. If not I guess it's not the worst thing in the world, he'll just have to go over to Michigan for the night himself and I'll stay here. Will keep you posted on that excitement, LOL.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, once I see my RV account balance as "0" I'll be relieved but so far I'd say the end is in sight.

Oh no that you are having problems with your back again. I hope you are feeling better today. Some of those pickups are horrible to crawl in and out of and you are not very tall (like me). We got electric steps put on Marty's truck and they are awesome. I am glad we got them.

Did CB deliver the boat by himself or did you decide to go with him?

Rest up and get better.

My weekend seemed busy. The cleaning lady came bright and early Saturday. Marty and i went out for breakfast then hit Sams Club. I was eyeballing a very shiny tri gold bracelet there but didn't try it on. The one I bought from them last year is one of my favorite bracelets. We stocked up on paper products and picked up some fruit and meat for the freezer.

Marty played golf yesterday so I worked on laundry and dinner since we had friends coming over last night. We had T Bones, cheesy scalloped potatoes, white asparagus and birthday cake. Yes. I got a cake for my car which I brought home a year ago yesterday. I did "lazy and cheap" cake decorating too. I picked up a basic cake with frosting and sprinkles and got a tube of decorating icing. I printed a picture of my car, used icing to stick the picture to parchment paper. Then cut out the parchment paper about quarter inch larger than my picture and glued the parchment paper on the cake with more icing. We drank 3 bottles of wine between the three of us but I don't think I drank more than 2 glasses over about 4 hours. Marty and my friend had way more wine than I did and my friend's husband always drinks beer. We played hearts and cribbage. It was a fun evening.

This morning we met my sister and her family for birthday dinners. Two of my nephews had birthdays at the end of September. It was fun.

I am washing some of Marty's workout gear now since he has to get packed. He's heading out from here at 4:00 am tomorrow morning. Poor guy.

Take care.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, the CB took care of the boat all by himself! It was nice to have a weekend at home by myself, but I wish I could have spent it some other way than flat on my back, ha ha. I am much improved though and actually walked to work... albeit slowly. The birthday cake sounds great!

Not much to report for the last few days... Fall here seems to have come and gone. It was autumn like all weekend and today again it's 80. Oh well, welcome to Chicago! It's freezing in my office this morning. Normally our climate is pretty good but this high/low temperature swing must be leaving the building engineers stymied on what do with the system. I'm going to try to motivate myself to do my nails tonight. Time to switch to the winter burgundy color. No matter the temp, it is October!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am glad to hear you are much improved today and walked to work. Slowly. But hey you were up and moving. I hope you continue to feel better.

Good deal that CB took care of the boat by himself. I have yet to hear from the RV dealer. They don't seem pressed to get things done.

Winter showed up here today. It was raining when I got up and snowing when I got out of the shower and got dressed. It's been snowing off and on all day. There is probably 3" of snow on the grass and patio now. I am glad you had warm weather today. This time of year it's hard to predict if you need heat or air conditioning. I switch between the 2 of them quite a bit this time of year. It is always cold at work.

I need to do my nails too but don't know if I'll get around to it.

Marty left for the airport before 4 this morning. I didn't hear him get out of bed so I missed saying goodbye. His plan was late but he made it to Atlanta okay.

Here is my car's birthday cake
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, that cake is fabulous! As for winter arriving there... you can keep it sister -- I'm not ready! I did do my nails last night with a new color. I thought it was going to be similar to the "old" burgundy I use for winter but I like this So Much More! It's a lot darker, and almost a little purple. I feel hip, ha ha.

Last night the CB made chicken tikka masala for dinner. I had grand plans about diving into the closet cleaning but felt it was wise to wait at least one more day given my back situation, but I did do a load of laundry. This morning I had a compliance conference at a local law firm (right in my building as a matter of face -- can't get much more convenient than that!). As we ticked through slide after slide of SEC enforcement cases I remind myself that's why the industry needs people like me, LOL. Tonight we've got a community association meeting at a restaurant that just and the end of my block. I run hot and cold on these... sometimes they are useful and sometimes they are a thinly veiled message that's more politics than anything. I'll go though because I find if you show up at these on a regular basis they LISTEN to you when you speak because they know you aren't going away!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I sent a picture of my car cake to our salesman. He was amused.
Winter left already but I’d be glad to share. It’s still chilly and windy though.
I did my nails last night too. I used pink - I’m not hip like you are. I should pick up some different colors.
Marty loves chicken tikka masala. Sounds good.
I think it was a good call not diving in to the closet until your back is just a bad memory.
That’s convenient the compliance conference was in your building at work.
Smart idea to be a familiar presence at the community association meeting.

I haven’t told any employee stories lately but one of my "smartest kid in the room" pushed the wrong button today. We work ahead to get things done and each person takes 2 days at a time. Part of our procedures are you get done in time so you can pull reports the day before your stuff gets checked to review everything for errors. I have them tell me when they’ve reviewed their reports so if they missed something that I found; then I can have them fix it. So this employee sends me an email saying they’d reviewed their days. I go check and they had fixed all their issues except document a discrepancy. So I respond to the email asking if she noticed the discrepancy on the 7th. I don’t hear back from her for about 30 minutes and when I do her first sentence is all about how that was an update and someone did it wrong. Then she said she documented the discrepancy. This employee is always finger pointing and deflecting so I responded “I asked you if you found the discrepancy. If you did find it then why wasn’t it documented? Since it is now documented I know you found it.” Then I added - “I didn’t want or need the information highlighted in yellow below” and I highlighted her deflection sentence. That drives me CRAZY. She always has to have an excuse why it’s not her fault.

And employee story part 2 - the other employee who thinks they are the smartest kid in the class had an error that my boss’s boss had to fix before we got in today. Joy! At least she generally admits she makes mistakes.

Maybe the above is why I had a peach margarita today.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, your employees would drive anyone to a peach margarita! Or more! I am adamantly opposed to ever having people report to me again for the entire rest of my career, LOL.

The community meeting last night was a big bust. The guy running it made it sound like it was about safety (we've had some area break ins lately), etc., but really it was just a public forum for people who live in a specific building to bitch about a catering company who blocks their alley and makes a lot of noise with deliveries early in the morning and late at night. I did get to catch up with the president of another condo association in a building near me and I always enjoy talking to him, so that was nice. Today the walk in was "soupy." It's super humid and *almost* raining but not really and the temperature is around that icky 75ish. Blech.

How is Rod?? Heelllloooo Rod.....

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, trust me I am often tempted to go down to HR and say "what do you got that involves having no employees working for me?" Marty chuckles and laughs all the time. He doesn't miss management at all.
Sorry your meeting was a bust but at least you caught up with another president of an association. You guys deserve some margaritas too. It truly sounds like a thankless job.
The weather doesn't sound pleasant there. It is foggy here and in the 50's to 60's during the day.

Sharon, Rod checks in now and then.

Work was another you can't make this stuff up day. I cursed frequently under my breathe and just laughed. Not much else I can do.
Our friend picked up the RV this afternoon so hopefully I get a call from them to go settle up on our side and I'm FREE. Yippee.
A friend of mine came over tonight and picked up supper for us. We played cribbage. I was going to bake us a pan of gingerbread but she said she'd rather have wine than dessert. So I had ice cream and she had wine. That worked. I am loving those Magnum mini's. They are 120 calories and just enough to make me feel like I had a treat.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, is your gingerbread like a cake or a cookie? I love gingerbread cookies as xmas but don't think I've ever had it fresh. And LOL about the Magnum mini's -- I'd power down a bunch of those in now time!!!

Today I acquired this year's giant pumpkin! I went up to a place on the Illinois/Wisconsin border where I always get the pumpkin. Apparently this was not a good year for the giant ones because there was a lot of rain early on in the growing season (???). There were only two over 300 lbs and the rounder of the two (but flat on one side) was sold. The other one is super tall and skinny and since that was the only one to be had I took it. Not sure how it will be carved...

Then I headed farther into Wisconsin and had lunch with one of my best friends. I should have left a little earlier though because I hit the highway coming back around 3 pm and it was already backing up. Oh well, what can you do? That's city traffic... I also stopped at Old Navy on the way home to get some jeans I tried on a few weeks ago but couldn't commit to. Of course now my size is sold out all over Chicagoland so I'll have to order them online. Ugh.

The CB made spaghetti for dinner. We've got lots left over so that will be lunch tomorrow before we head over to Michigan.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the gingerbread I was going to make is like a cake. My sister and BIL will be coming to town soon; I'll make it then. I love gingerbread cookies too. My mom always wanted me to make her molasses cookies at Christmas time. Those were her favorites. I usually do quit at one of those Magnum minis but they are good.

Oh boy it's giant pumpkin time of the year. Darn there wasn't much of a selection this year. I will be anxious to see the finished carved pumpkin.

That's great you had lunch with one of your best friends. I am sure both of you enjoyed catching up. Darn that you ran in to traffic coming back. Phooey that Old Navy is out of your size jeans. It figures. It doesn't matter what size I wear they never seem to have it.

CB's spaghetti sounds delicious. I hardly have pasta these days. Tonight I made a BLT with one of my BIL's big tomatoes. My dessert was my last peach. I've got one more of his tomatoes so I'm making tacos tomorrow night so use that up.

I ran out to the RV dealer after work tonight to see what I have to do to settle up and get this RV deal done and over it. They were already closed. I drove there as fast as I could. Really. I'll call him in the morning. I tried to cancel the insurance on it tonight online but it said I have to notify my agent.

Marty gets back to Denver tomorrow night and is spending the night at his sister's. He is helping her move Saturday then she, Marty and I are meeting for dinner. It's Marty's birthday that day. I think I'll buy him the new 4K Apple TV. I want it but it looks good buying it as a present. He is probably going to get the new watch when they are available too.

The toll road in Colorado quit reading our old tracker so we've been getting bills in the mail. I tried to pay it last night 4 times and every time after i hit submit it went to an error message page. I tried it in Safari, in Firefox, on my iPad and on our Big Mac. I log in to our checking account and you guessed it - there were 4 charges there. Good thing they aren't a ton of money.

Have a great Friday.