
Healthy Living Thread


Dec 28, 2005
Sakai continues to improve!! We don't sleep very soundly since she got so sick and this morning about 6 AM, we both bolted up when heard her cat food bowl clicking. She still has the feeding tube in and she was eating food and the end of the tube was clinking on the edge of the metal bowl. We were simply so overcome with happiness we couldn't go back to sleep.

I came home tonight and she was sitting on the couch eating from a can of food on the sofa. I don't where she eats as long as she eats!! And she's acting more like herself too, which is just beyond wonderful.

I got the appraisal for my wedding ring today in the mail. Since I never knew about the quality of the diamonds from my fathers ring, I was pleasantly surprised to see a GIA gemologist said they were just a bit over 2 carats, G/H in color, SI in clarity and excellent cut and polish. That coupled with the nearly 20 grams of Platinum in the ring, they appraised for nearly $8,000. I didn't pay anywhere near there, that's for sure. I'm still waiting for Charlie's appraisal.

Things at work are going well. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself, and now at the end of my 3rd week, I was feeling bad because I haven't closed a deal yet. My boss thinks I'm crazy and he said I'm stressing myself when I simply shouldn't. I am close to closing a nice deal, which if successful, should make everyone, myself included happy. Note to self: Stop putting undue pressure on self.

We're going to the jeweler's again this Saturday. Now that I'll be wearing a wedding ring, my other ring won't fit my right hand, so I'm going to have them resize it to a larger size. I'm so anal about my rings and watches that it's hard to believe my ring is now 10 years old and still has NO scratches. My watches don't get scratches either.

I hope you all had a great day!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

Zoe, I don’t think you’ll find palm trees in Oregon. But it should be pretty there though. NIRDIs stands for the title of the thread “Now I Really Did It”. I mentioned to Marty we should make eggs benedict. I like Canadian bacon too. That is weird that ketchup isn’t allowed on your food plan I am a ketchup fan for sure. I have a lot of stuff saved on flash drives. I still dig out stuff from my astronomy teaching days for use for the astronomy club.

Dee Jay, I figure your ham and my roast were both fine; if they can pack them with the meat you can cook with it attached. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. My sister cooked a turkey with that packet inside with the gizzards, liver, heart and stuff. CB’s dinner sounds quite tasty. Leftovers are good.

Rod, that is great to hear Sakai was up eating this morning. And even better she is acting more like herself again. Good deal. That’s nice your appraisal gave your ring and diamonds a good report card. It’s nice to know what you’ve got on your hand. I am sure you’ll close a deal with a client soon. Getting and accepting a job offer seems to take forever. That’s a good thing to be anal about your watch and ring; I have some of those little polishing cloths that I use on my rings too.

Work was busy. We met some friends for supper and had a nice time.

2 more days until my ring comes. Sweet.

Take care.

BTW my right rear tire is low again. Sigh.

Curby / Marcy


Dec 29, 2006
Rod, I'm glad Sakai seems to be doing much better than before. That's great news! It sounds like things are going well at work. It's hard not to put pressure on yourself but I know it's hard not to. I think we're our own worst critics.

Marcy, thanks for letting me know what NIRDIs means. Yeah, ketchup isn't allowed (unless I'm doing the frustose part A challenge) because it has high fructose corn syrup in it. Fodmaps sounds really strange to those who've never heard of it, but it's basically just a way to weed out types of carbs that could potentially bother one's system.

Dee*Jay, no, I'm not going to the PS GTG. I've never been because the timing and/or location doesn't fit into my schedule, but I always like seeing pics afterwards. There are so many people I'd love to meet. I've been on PS since Dec. 2006, and I've only met a few PSers from NE.

I've been swamped with work, and I'm also finishing my project for my math class. Our last class is at the end of the month, just before our vacation week, and then I'll be able to relax a bit more. I haven't been to the gym in a while, and I'm looking forward to having more time for that.

I decided to try one of the carb challenges again that's listed in this fodmaps "diet" I'm doing. It's the one that allows me to eat bread, onions, and garlic, and this challenge was an excuse to order pizza last night. So I can load up on carbs for the next 2 days. Yay! I'm meeting with my nutritionist next week, and it will be interesting to see her again and review how the past 6 weeks have gone. Since I've gone to the gym only sporadically, I haven't lost much weight, if any, but I have been weighing, measuring, and writing down most of what I've eaten, and that's been a good habit to get into.

Hi Deegee!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Rod, Sakai sounds like she's nearly 100%! Can she get the feeding tube out soon or does it have to stay in for a little while just in case it's needed again? I'm glad the appraisal on your ring turned out so well! You will be all "bling bling" with a gorgeous ring on both hands soon!

Curby, I bet a lot of people have cooked a bird with that bag inside! I know someone who put a pizza in the oven with cardboard thing stuck to the bottom. Believe me, I'm definitely not judging, but I would hope that even I would have figured that out, ha ha!

Zoe, It good your big project gets done right before vacation -- that will be a big weight off your shoulders. And are you *sure* you can't make the GTG? C'mon girlfriend! You'd have a great time! (1-800-enable-Dee!)

I am sitting in my bed drinking coffee and making a plan for the day. I want to call some property management companies to see what alternatives we have to the current one that has been doing a p!ss poor job for the past too many years. I also need to dust my book cases, but that is major undertaking. Maybe I'll do six rows I can reach with just a step stool and save the four top rows for when the CB is home so he can move the 10' ladder around for me. There is also another location scout who wanted to come by today but we haven't firmed up any time so who know if that will happen. And tonight I get my doggies!!!! I'll keep them until Sunday morning and drop them back off with Bill when the CB and I head to the 'burbs for Easter brunch with his family. Of course we haven't had any rain for months and now the forecast is rain every day. Nothing like a little wet dog!


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Zoe and Deejay. I wouldn't say Sakai is nearly 100%, but she is significantly better and her appetite seems to continue to increase. We're down to two liquid through the feeding tube feedings a day and we're supposed to take her to the vet early next week, when they'll "hopefully" remove the feeding tube.

Zoe, your diet sounds complicated, but I'm sure it's a good way to keep track of what you've eaten. I've always believe that as long as you reduce calories and increase good fats (like eating almonds for example), you'll lose weight.

DeeJay, when I took over the association, we had a horrible property management company. They did virtually nothing. I got rid of them and hired a young property manager who promised to turn things around and indeed he has. The company who was there when I became president was one of those national firms. The company I hired is an independent owner firm and the level of attention he offers is so much better. I'd recommend you look at smaller, more hands on managers as opposed to big players. Just a suggestion.

We had breakfast for dinner tonight. I actually enjoy breakfast at dinner time more than I do for breakfast!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday!

Zoe, Hunts has a no fructose syrup ketchup. It’s good. Maybe that would work for you. That will be nice when things slow down for school after the end of the month. When are classes finished for this year? I bet your enjoyed your pizza last night. It is a great habit to get in to writing down everything you eat.

Dee Jay, I am sure all of us have had a goof or dozens in the kitchen. It gives us something to chuckle about. Good luck finding a better property management company. Any news when that other commercial is going to air? Good plan to just dust your millions of cubes that are in easy reach. Can you get one of those long handled dusters to help reach the top? How exciting to get your doggies for the weekend!

Rod, I am delighted to hear Sakai continues to eat more. That will be great if the vet can remove her feeding tube. Your breakfast for supper sounds great. We tend to do that frequently in the summer since Marty is usually off for golf bright and early so I rarely make us a big or traditional breakfast on weekends then.

Work was AWFUL with a Capital A today. I had Marty pick up Bailey’s today so I could have an after dinner drink. I thought of doing some work tonight to help out for tomorrow but it would take hours and it’s hard to do on my work laptop.

Marty made some pasta with cherry tomatoes, vinegar, seasonings and cheese. It was quite tasty. He was trying for something similar to Italian dressing. Then he made some stir fry beef with a wine sauce. I told him he could make that again.

Tomorrow my ring shows up. Sweet.

Take care.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy ring day tomorrow Marcy. I'm sorry your day was Awful, with a Capital A. At least tomorrow's Friday and not only that it's Passover and Good Friday. So, if anyone celebrates either, have a good one. While they haven't said anything, I'm hoping they let us go early tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Good Friday!

Rod, did you get to go home early today? I had another challenging day at work but at least when I left I felt a little more confident I won't get paged this weekend with a problem. Keep your fingers crossed for me there.

How is Sakai today? I sure hope she is continuing to eat more so she can get her feeding tube out. She'll feel lots better then.

I am happy with my new sapphire. Here are a few pictures. I'll get some better pictures tomorrow.




Dec 28, 2005
WOW! Marcy, that's some BLING and it's beautiful!!! I hope you wear it in great health and happiness!

No, they didn't let us go early today. We're really slammed right now, so we just have too many open jobs to work on. My boss was really complimentary to me today. I negotiated an agreement with a new client, so that was good.

Sakai is doing really well. Today is the first day we haven't fed her through her feeding tube at all. What's funny is she has never like canned cat food. All of her 17 years, she's snubbed her nose at canned food and has only eaten dry. I don't know what's changed, but when we couldn't get her to eat her dry food, we tried some canned food and she's gobbling it up like there's no tomorrow. In fact, as I type this, she's right next to me eating some food right now!

Tomorrow, we're going to the jeweler to have my ring resized on our way to the beach, to have a picnic and watch the sunset! It should be a nice day for sure!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Rod, congratulations on the new arrangement! I'm sure your company is kicking themselves for having spent the last seven years without you! Funny about Sakai not liking the canned food before but liking it now. Oh well, anything that she wants to eat is good!

Curby, wow, that's a beautiful stone! Some day I'm going to have to come and play in your jewelry box! Every once in a while I think about putting something "good" of mine on but I can't be bothered to dig it out...

So the dogs were VERY restless on Thursday night. None of us got any sleep. Every person who walked by... every car that went in or out of the parking lot... every mote of dust that fell... all were reason to get up and pace around and often "woooooof" in that low I'm-not-sure-if-this-is-acceptable-or-not-so-I'm-just-going-to-bark-a-little-anyway sort of way. Last night was better. There was some pacing at midnight and 3 am, but other than that all was quiet on the (mid)Western front.

Today I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I never did get around to dusting the shelves the other day, so there's always that...!


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks DeeJay. Sorry the dogs were so restless. I hope they were better last night. I'm sure you can find something to do on a Saturday a tad more fun than dusting the bookshelves, right?

We're putting our picnic supplies together. It's a simply stunning day in the Sunshine State today. Blue skies, low humidity and the temp is supposed to be about 81 degrees. Perfect weather for a picnic on the beach and for watching the sunset!

Have a great Saturday everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday!

Rod, thank you for the compliments about my ring. That is great to hear you are so appreciated by your new employer. That’s fabulous to have so many clients right now to place. Is the job market better than it has been? I am so excited that Sakai is doing better every day. That is kind of funny she likes canned cat food now. I can’t wait to hear about your picnic and beautiful day. Did you get us a sunset picture?

Dee Jay, I hope the dogs aren’t as restless tonight. Dusting will always wait for you. You can come play with my jewelry box. Of course I know you lots of pretties yourself in your jewelry box.

Hi Deegee and Zoe.

We got up at 5:55 am and watched the lunar eclipse. It was nice. Then we went out for breakfast and stopped at Lowes to look around. My sister and BIL got here about 10:30 and my sister and I went shopping and Marty and my BIL went down to my BIL’s family farm. We all met up again about 3:30 then went to visit someone who recently moved to assisted living. She’s doing pretty well for someone well in to her 90’s. Then we all went out for supper. I enjoyed relaxing and just visiting today.

I hope all of you have a fabulous Easter tomorrow.

Marcy / Curby


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I'm sorry I don't have any sunset pics to share. We left our phones in the car while we lounged on the beach. It was simply a glorious day. The weather couldn't have been nicer. It was simply beautiful. We took fried chicken, potato salad, carrot and celery sticks with a ranch dip. Alcohol isn't permitted, so no wine. Just water. But we had a wonderful time. And the sunset was beautiful!

I didn't have a great time at the jeweler. They wanted an outrageous price ($500) to resize my ring and when I asked why, a manager came over and was simply rude and condescending. Our designer who was standing there was mortified as was I. Needless to say I didn't let them have my ring to resize. The company who made my ring is also local, but not exactly convenient to go to, but I'll go see them as I'm sure they'll be a lot more accommodating for a ring they made, even if it was 10 years ago.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Easter!

Rod, I will imagine the beautiful sunset in my mind. Your day on the beach sounds like the absolute perfect day. Holy highway robbery asking for $500 to resize your ring. Did they offer any indication why it would be so much? That is pretty poor the guy was so rude to you. Especially after taking so much jewelry to him recently.

We rented a few movies this weekend; both of which were good. The Imitation Game and Interstellar.

I think my allergies are kicking up or I caught a cold and cough. Ugh. I plan on being lazy today – laundry, TV, dishes and reading. Not much else.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I wish I had taken a picture of the sunset. It was truly beautiful!

On my ring's resizing, the guy said it was because my center diamond is suspended in a "tension mount." But he was only partially correct. It's a "semi-tension mount," because when we designed the ring years ago, the jeweler advised I have a bridge under the stone to make it easier to resize in the future. The designer I've worked with was on her way to show my ring to the master jeweler for him to give an assessment of what would be required to resize my ring. However the nasty guy didn't let her show it to the jeweler, instead deciding he was the expert and then was rude to me.

Since I've given this store over $8,000 of business in the last two months, I plan to write the owner of the store to let him know we were treated poorly. It's a shame as I had hoped this was my new permanent jeweler, but when I'm treated poorly, they lose a customer.

We just lounged around the condo until early afternoon, then we went and spent time with my father at the nursing home. Easter dinner wasn't very exciting. We kind of forgot most grocery stores would be closed today, and we didn't prepare ahead, so we wound up getting cooked food from Whole Foods, which as edible, but not very good, to be honest.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter Sunday!


Dec 28, 2005
I have an update on my ring resizing. A good update:

I got the email address of the president of the Jewelery store and I wrote him and his wife tonight. They're like local celebrities as they advertise on TV about a zillion times a day. Anyway, I wrote a really good letter and within 10 minutes on a Sunday night no less, my cell phone rings and it's the wife of the President and we had such a great conversation. She was incredibly apologetic and asked that I bring my ring back and she'd like to resize it free of charge. Of course I'm going to take her up on her offer. But more importantly, it completely restored my faith in them for sure.

To be honest, I was simply amazed my letter was responded to within minutes of being sent.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I think spring allergies are in full force already unfortunately... I've been sniffling for about a week now and so has the CB. The poor Demon Dog also gets seasonal allergies and he sneezes and paws at his eyes and lips a bit, trying to rub/scratch them. Poor thing. We used to be able to give him a certain verison of Tavist D but then they changed the formula and it wasn't safe for dogs any more.

Rod, what a great--and fast!--response you got to your message! I am always so impressed when I get prompt action, especially by someone who has the authority to DO something about the problem. Those automated "thank you for contacting us, you'll hear back from someone within 24 hours" messages drive me crazy, especially when I know they won't be thanking me once they actually read whey I wrote!

The dogs got more comfortable in the space at the weekend wore on, but they still barked at people going up and down the stairs and going in and out of the parking lot. It was nice to have the whole bed to ourselves again last night though becuase The Demon sleeps sideways right between me and the CB. And it's not like he's a small dog -- 65 lbs of dog going sideways, even in a king sized bed, takes up a lot of room!

We went to the CB's uncle's yesterday for a nice lunch. The whole family was there, and given that they are a big Irish family keen on procreation it's quite a crowd... Even 3-1/2 years into it I am still learning the names of all the nieces and nephews!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday!

Rod, that is wonderful the jewelry store’s president’s wife called you and will size your ring for free. I like to hear about great customer service like that. They must definitely care about their store’s image. I have been contemplating writing the owner of the Shane Company about how ridiculously long it takes to get waited one and look at loose stones for an upgrade. I bet it takes me 2 hours every time I go there to upgrade one thing. It’s foolish of them to be so slow because I usually want to do more than one upgrade. How is Sakai today?

Dee Jay, poor Demon being bothered by allergies. I hate those canned replies too and then get more annoyed when I don’t hear from them. I am glad the dogs got more comfortable as the weekend went along. The crew at CB’s family GTG sounds fun.

I met Marty for lunch today. It was a nice break to get out of the office. We had leftovers for supper. Marty was going to go play a few rounds of golf after supper but decided it was too windy and chilly.

I stayed a little late at work so I sent Marty a text that said “STOP! Don’t throw out the Bears; I am just late but I ‘m still coming home”.

Have a great evening and Tuesday!

Marcy / Curby


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks DeeJay and Marcy. I was overwhelmed at the response my letter generated. Charlie will be taking my ring to them tomorrow for re-sizing. I don't know how long they'll have it, but I don't need it quickly anyway. I will really only wear the ring for special occasions, since I'll be wearing a wedding ring a week from this Friday!

DeeJay, I'm glad the puppies got more comfortable, which I'm sure translated into better rest for you.

Marcy, it's fun to get out of the office once in a while. I rarely if ever do. I take healthy lunch and I eat at my desk, listening to music on the fabulous Bluetooth headphones Santa gave me for Christmas.

It doesn't seem possible our wedding is coming up so soon. I'm really looking forward to it!


Dec 29, 2006
Marcy, beautiful ring! I love the color of the stone. I think you had asked a few days ago when my class was finished. The last one is on the 22nd, and that's when we present our final project before turning it in. It needs to be interactive, so I'm going to have my classmates (all are other teachers from my school) play one of the math games I included in my project. I finished it over the weekend, so other than writing a reflection for the class, I'm pretty much done. We saw the Imitation Game this weekend, too. It was pretty good.

Rod, that's great that you got a response so quickly. I'm glad things worked out for you. Uh, wait, I just read your later post. How frustrating to be treated poorly by the rude jeweler. Our Easter was boring, too. We didn't go anywhere, so it was just another day for us. That must have been nice to receive positive comments from your boss. I don't think that happens often enough. Pats on the back are good, and it doesn't take much. I believe they should happen more often!

We still have snow, and the temp has been colder than it should be in April. It's 37 now and I think it's only supposed to be in the mid 40s today. It was funny to check out FB and see everyone's Easter egg hunts that were done in the snow.

Hi Dee*Jay! It sounds like you had a good time with your CB's family. My husband's (large) family all have nicknames, and it took me forever to figure out who was who.

Hi Deegee!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday!

Rod, I am so excited that your wedding is a week from Friday. When are your brother and SIL coming back to town? I am sure all of you are looking forward to your wedding day. How is Sakai doing?

Zoe, your interactive math game sounds great. I always like those kinds of projects. I dig out some of my astronomy labs for astronomy club meetings. As much snow as you had this year it will probably be around for quite a while. Our old house had a 6 foot privacy fence and the south side never had sun on the ground; we usually had a permanent glacier there until mid May.

A Killer Rabbit scared me coming in the front door today. I jumped, wacked the front door with my new sapphire and chipped the DOOR and if I find a scratch on the sapphire that rabbit is going to become rabbit stew!

We had another beautiful day here but moisture is on its way back. Marty made supper for us (grilled burgers, salad and seasoned baked potatoes). We finished up dinner with some thin mint Girl Scout cookies.

Take care!
Marcy /Curby


Dec 28, 2005
Zoe, it actually had a good ending. Charlie took my ring to the jeweler today and they're resizing it for free. It won't be ready until the 17th, which is our wedding day, so I won't be able to pick it up until Sunday the 19th, on our back from the resort. They're actually having a natural colored diamonds private show that day and they invited us to see them.

Marcy, it is hard to believe we're getting married a week from Friday! My brother and SIL fly in Tuesday afternoon. Sakai is still eating on her own. She goes to the vet tomorrow to be weighed. We're praying she has gained some weight.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the CB’s family is indeed fun… but there are so damn MANY of them, LOL!

Rod, you must be getting super excited, with the wedding right around the corner! I can’t remember if you told us this already – do you know what you and Charlie are going to wear?

Zoe, a few people in the CB’s family have nicknames, but not everyone, thank god, or there would be NO hope!

Last night I zipped up to a client’s house to get the paperwork for a new listing. I HATE HATE HATE listings, and normally avoid them like the plague, but I helped these kids by the unit back in 2006, and also helped them buy their new house last December, and we have agreed that I’m going to put the keys in a lockbox for the times that I can’t make the showings, so I am going to do it. Let’s hope this one sells quickly!

I am bound and determined to be productive today! Everything I started yesterday got derailed a bit, so I feel like I didn’t get a ton done ever though I worked all day. Those days are so annoying. OK, off to get something DONE!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Wednesday!

DeeJay, we're wearing tropical casual. My brother, me and Charlie are all wearing Tommy Bahama silk shirts and silk pants. The shirts are complimentary and my SIL is wearing a tropical dress, but she hasn't let us see it yet. She says her color is complimentary to what us guys are wearing. I suspect it's Orange as all three shirts share that color. We'll be barefooted on the beach. So VERY casual! And yes, I'm getting very excited for sure!


Mar 26, 2006
Oh, I do remember you mentioning the shirts Rod now that I'm reading it again. Sorry for being so senile at 44, ha ha!

My boss and I went to lunch to celebrate my 2 year anniversary and we walked back from the restaurant. It was only about 3/4 of a mile according to google, although it felt much farther at the time, LOL. I am really in food coma now thing... must have an espresso... !

ETA: I just went back and checked and it was actually 1.1 miles -- I put in the wrong starting point the first time. Whew! I thought I had lost all sense of how far things are there for a second!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

Rod, good choice wearing silk clothes from Tommy Bahamas for your wedding. Marty likes their clothes too. Going to a natural diamond show will be fun. Next Friday will be here before you know it. How exciting. I hope Sakai gets a good report card from the vet.

Dee Jay, at least if you get bored with CB’s family you can always find someone else to talk to and alcohol always makes people more interesting. I hope your new listing sells quickly. It doesn’t seem possible you’ve been at your job 2 years. I have been with E 16 years this month. Wow!

We had really dense fog this morning; I felt like I was on the coast driving to work.

Marty cooked steak on the grill tonight and I made salad and rice.

Off to read.
Take care.


Dec 28, 2005
The vet was cautiously optimistic. Sakai hasn't gained any weight, but she is eating. We need her to gain some weight. They didn't want to remove her feeding tube yet. So the vet visit wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. She's sitting next to me eating right now. Hopefully we'll get her thought this. We made the decision tonight to hire a professional cat sitter to take care of her while were away at the resort. She needs too much medicine and feeding too often for any friend or neighbor to take care of her.

It was a tough day at work today. I have so much going on, I can barely keep up. That's not a bad thing, it's just sometimes hard to juggle so much. At least just two more days this week, then only three work days next week!


Dec 29, 2006
Rod, I'm glad your ring story has a happy ending. Sorry to hear you're so overwhelmed at work. Just keep counting down the days. Your wedding's so close! Yay! I'm glad the vet is cautiously optimistic about Sakai, and it sounds like a good idea to hire a pet sitter to watch her while you're away.

Dee*Jay, happy anniversary at work! Why don't you like new listings? Just curious.

Marcy, grilling sounds really good. My husband wants one but we're not allowed to have them on our deck. We live in a condo/townhouse and it's against the rules to have them so close to the property.

Hi Deegee! How are you?

It's April 9th and we have a 2 hour delay at work today because we got snow last night and the roads are apparently a bit messy. Ugh. I went to the nutritionist the other day and we went over how the fodmaps "diet" worked for me for the past 6 weeks. She gave me the go ahead to not restrict myself with foods so much anymore so I treated myself last night with an iced coffee with skim milk, and then we had boneless pork chops with onion and garlic powder for dinner. Now I feel awful. Total bummer. I've been so swamped with work and mentally dealing with some family stuff that I haven't made it to the gym in a few weeks. Just feeling blah overall.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Friday and the Weekend is Here!

Dee Jay, did you have any tornadoes near you? What about rain; did you have any trouble with flooding? I have been wondering about you.

Rod, it sounds to me that Sakai is doing okay eating so hopefully she’ll put on enough weight to get her tube taken out soon. I think it’s a great idea to hire a professional cat sitter to take care of Sakai while you are at the resort and getting married. One more week to go. Sweet. Sorry your job has been hectic and stressful this week.

Zoe that is too bad you can’t have a grill. At our old house we had a covered back porch and the grill was right by the door. We grilled on it year round. This house doesn’t have a covered patio and the patio is on the second floor so if it’s windy (which it is more often than now) the wind blows the grill right out. It’s also a wooden deck so if it’s below freezing it’s often icy out there. We bought a Pampered Chef griddle we use inside but it’s not nearly as good. I am sorry your bonus food didn’t set well with you. I am sure you’ll get used to it again.

Hi Deegee! I still have decided if I want to get my ring shaved down by WF.

We went out for supper last night then had a long talk about what would “work” if Marty was to go work in Singapore on a job. My first word as a kid was “No” and I guess it is the first thing that pops in to my head even now. But it’s his job and I know he would enjoy the project. Of course we need to find out how long he could work there and not have to pay taxes because no way are we going to take a financial loss for him to do this. It sounds like he would loosely transfer to another division and that of course that always makes me nervous as in job security. Also if he’s tied up on this big project does his current division learn to get along without him? Anyway if it happens it would be next fall and it’s not certain anyway. I am not as upset about it today.

I am pretty glad the weekend is here. Marty has some friends over for a poker tournament tonight. He made homemade guacamole for their snacks. I have to work a little bit tomorrow afternoon but other than that I can hopefully forget about work and relax with a good book (or looking for – you guessed it – EC diamonds).

Have a great weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, she's eating, but we had a long talk at dinner that we really think we're on her last chapter. I'm not sure she can come back completely from this. We hope she can, but we're preparing ourselves for what is a likely outcome. She's lived longer than any pet we've had, so for that we're very grateful. But at 17 years old, we have to be realistic.

Wow, on Marty maybe working in Singapore. If that happens, maybe you could take a leave of absence for a while and go there with him? It would certainly be a fascinating experience.

Yay for Friday. We're going to have a quiet weekend. Maybe go to Starbucks tomorrow, have a cup of coffee, listen to some music and just read a magazine on our iPads. I'm hoping to get some live blue crabs for dinner Sunday and tomorrow, even though we don't need it, I've got a strong craving for Pizza. It's something we only have once every 4 or 5 months.

I hope you all have a great weekend.
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