
Healthy Living Thread


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-you need cleaners. I pay for 3 people to come for 1.5 hours once a week. Or as Matt would say, 4.5 woman hours. I love coming home on cleaning day. The house looks and smells awesome, and I didn't do any of it. Plus knowing they're coming once a week makes us be neater. I may feel guilty for buying stuff, but I don't feel a bit guilty for having the cleaners! A bunch of people at work have those remote starters and love them. I don't blame you for not spending the $$ on an 11-yr old car though. I've been researching new cars for about a year now, and I bet you'll beat me to getting a new one!

Marcy-I was doubling house payments for a while, and I need to get back with it. I like your reasoning behind not being in a hurry to decorate. The people who built the house had way too much stuff everywhere. I'm going with a "less is more" decorating scheme. Good to know about the pizza dough. I haven't made homemade pizza for a while, I wonder if it would work for me. I would make it non-greasy since I usually just put veggies on my side. I'm really getting tired of grilled chicken and salad. Marty has only been gone 6 days? Seems like much longer! I'm glad you clarified about making baby shower decorations. I wondered why you were making animal washcloths! I bet they were cute.

I was only 5 minutes late for work today and worked 2 hours late. I would have been on time, but Lily took off into the woods behind our house this morning and must have been hot on the trail of something exciting because she ignored me calling her back in. She usually a very good dog and always comes when you call her. I couldn't be mad at her because she was so bouncy and excited when she finally did come. When I got home from work, Matt had made spaghetti-which is on my list of don't eat but I ate it anyway. It was only a small portion, but I'm feeling it. I'm trying not to take anything, but sitting and in misery probably counts towards starting the 21 day thing over. For breakfast I had plain oats and fresh berries, lunch was chicken noodle soup. Im off to bed. I'm determined to get to work on time tomorrow! I think I'm going to cave and take something. A friend a work told me to try 2 teaspoons of mustard. Ever heard of that? Have a great Tuesday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I found another place that will provide/install the starter for $375. But... I keep going back to the part where the car is elevent years and and who knows if I'll even still have it in a year. Of course now it will last FOREVER -- ha! It also occurred to me that I could back into the parking spot closest to my door and then it would be literally about five steps from my condo door to the car door. The CB laughed when I said that last night but I think I might try it! And 30 years at 3.25%!!!!! Now I'm not quite so happy with my 3.875... :(sad

Deegee, I've had cleaning ladies for years, but getting one set up in this particular condo has been a challenge. First there was The Flood. And then when the subsequent remodel was done I had a crew come in right before my big party and do a massive clean but (a) it cost me $560 due to the size of the place, and (b) the toe-kick on my brand new kitchen island got chipped (which I fixed with a stain stick) but I reminded me of all the damged things I've suffered through over the years. One of the biggest of those being knicked sofa feet/legs because people aren't careful with the vacuum (which is how the toe-kick got damaged) and the idea of someone marring my Montauk sofas makes we want to about puke. So well see.

Last night I did about an hour and a half of work, three loads of laundry, and cleaned off the sofa in the bedroom area that has become a dumping ground. That was about all I had in me to do...!


Mar 26, 2006
My rug is out for delivery! This is amazing -- it left Pakistan three days ago, went through Dubai and France, cleared customs in Memphis this morning and is now on a truck to my house. I order things in THIS country that aren't delivered this efficiently! Now let's just hope I don't hate it when it get here...


Mar 26, 2006
OK, so Fed Ex came and one of my neighbords texted me that they took the package inside their house because the sidewalk where they left my delivery is wet and they didn't know what was inside but they didn't want a cardboard board sitting on wet concrete. Love my neighbors! Will take pics and report back tonight! Will also post in my other thread.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday!

Deegee, woman hours. Ha Ha. Matt sounds like Marty. I wonder if a pizza with white sauce would work for you? I worry tomato sauce may set something off. Chicken, veggies and lite alfredo and a little mozzarella would be great pizza! I like the Jiffy pizza mix and Betty Crocker pizza mix. It is pretty easy to make from scratch too. Marty won’t be home until Jan. 31st. Rats. At least he said he’s not going back for the Feb. 9 submission; the guy from the UK will handle that. It totally seems like Marty has been longer than a week now. Some of the critter washcloths did look cute. My in-laws take vinegar for antacid. Sorry to hear Matt’s spaghetti bothered you.

Dee Jay, your neighbors are very thoughtful! What do you think of your rug? That is great delivery time! I still vote for the starter. It’s not like you live somewhere that doesn’t have a lot of cold, snow, wind and ice. I would say going out to a warm car is well worth a few hundred dollars. My FOMO friend was over last night and her cadi has a remote start and I was quite envious of it when she started her car from the front door. My housekeeper has done more damage and broke more things in our house than we have. I find things practically every time she is here. Interest rates were running about 3.5 to 3.75 when we were building our house and we got an email one day saying they could lock us in at 3.25 and Marty and I were down there signing at lunch that day.

All the frosted trees were gorgeous driving to work this morning. Sadly the icy roads and sidewalks weren’t fun. I was relieved to get to work and make it in the front door.

Marty texted me about 11 pm his time and said he was tired but too full to sleep. He says he isn’t sleeping much at all.

I had a one-on-one with my hyper employee today. He is a way over-achiever and freaks out pretty easily. He is rather impatient with people. He does a lot of work and does it well but he expects everyone to measure up to his expectations. So I had to try and get him to realize we won’t ever have a team of superstars, our team isn’t perfect but they aren’t that bad and we need to work with what we’ve got. I told him I want him to be kinder and gentler this year and I want him to be pleasant with people even if this is the 500th time you’ve answered that question. Of course he kept going back to the girl who instant messages all the time, makes lots of mistakes and doesn’t do much past the minimum amount of work. He would not relent that he has to do extra work because she doesn’t get her stuff done. I pointed out to him he spends a lot of time on his phone and asked how is that different from her spending time instant messaging. Nope, he wouldn’t agree to that. Have I mentioned I love being a babysitter?

I got my hair cut after work today so took a shower when I got home and I am toasty warm in my fleece robe now. I forgot how warm this thing is. Sweet.

Well take care!
Marcy / Curby


Mar 26, 2006
The rug is FABULOUS! Seriously -- it really exceeds my expectations! The color is very similar to what I saw on my work computer and my phone (although my home laptop made it look a little green, which freaked me out because I didn't see that until after I ordered it). I took some picture but they are night photos so I'm going to see if I can get any good ones in the morning too.

Total score!


Feb 27, 2007
I am glad to hear your rug is fabulous! Score. :appl:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, your employee sounds like a *joy*. NOT! Doncha just want to slap them sometimes?!? I am seriously still mulling over the remote starter idea... I've kind of got a "system" down at this point though (get up, take a shower, get dressed, dry my hair, start the car, finish my hair, slap on a little make up, and Bob's Your Uncle!).

I posted pictures of the rug in my other thread. It actually looks shorter in the photos (I think becuase of the angle I took the hallway picture at) than it is in real life. That being said, it doesn't come completely to the ends of the hall, but I think it looks GREAT! The package was SEWN together BTW. Crazy! The rug was wrapped in thinck plastic and taped... wrapped in a second lay of thick plastic and taped... and wrapped in a third layer of... ??? ... something like kevlar? and SEWN shut. I took a couple of pictures of the WRAPPING because it was so damn spectacular, ha ha!

Now my next rug mission is for the master bathroom. I'm SO tempted to order a nice little green rug off this same guy but the paint color in the master is a super light almost minty green and I really don't think I could ever even get close to matching it. Worst case, I would order something and it would clash terribly, and then what am I going to do? So I ordered five (yes, FIVE) rugs off of the magic internet yesterday and I am DETERMINED that one of them is going to work!!!


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-glad your rug is fabulous! I love your floors too. I went out to dinner tonight with some of my coworkers, and the guy who drove us has a remote starter in his car. He started the car while we were all sitting around chatting, and it was toasty warm when we got out there. I'm thinking that might totally be worth it. Our cleaners leave us notes every now and then about spilled water or something they knocked off. They broke a wall light fixture which we had planned to replace anyway (shiny brass), but I wasn't quite ready to pick something out when they broke it. It's dangling from the wall now and looks lovely.

Marcy-I'm glad marty doesn't have to go back for the submission, but the 31st is an awfully long time! I so don't miss being a manager! I completely lack patience and I just can't hand hold people. I always wanted to say, "knock it off and do your d#*% job. How's your hair cut? I had mine cut last week, and she went a little short with the bangs. They'll grow fast, but I feel really silly, like I tried to go with the short bangs and long rest of hair look. I won't complain about our freezing rain today because I'm sure you had worse! Strangely I'm craving sour vinegary foods...sauerkraut, pickled corn, pickles, and that stuff doesn't hurt. Maybe there is something to the vinegar. I broke down and opened the electric and gas bills. Yikes.

I was in bed asleep before 10:30 last night. That never happens! Food today-oats and blueberries for breakfast, a vegetable plate from Cracker Barrel for lunch (carrots, broccoli, and a plain baked sweet potato), and dinner was a salad with turkey on top. I was out with friends for dinner, and I caved and had one beer. So far I'm not hurting, so I have my fingers crossed. Today's my 20th anniversary! Matt had a tutoring commitment after work, and we're heading out of town tomorrow so we'll have a nice anniversary dinner sometime this weekend. It seems like we never actually have our anniversary dinner on our actual anniversary! Have a great day tomorrow!!

Oh marcy-I finally remembered to email Vera yesterday, and I got a message from her today that I didn't have time to reply. She said she'd pass along my email address to you, but I need to reply and let her know which one to forward. I ran out of time today.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

Dee Jay, I have 2 polar opposite employees and they aren't a fan of each other. One is a hyper frantic do everything NOW and the other is I'll do just enough to get by and do it when I absolutely have to get it done. They complain about each other all the time. I am so glad I've gotten over letting it all stress me out. Yes, I would like to smack them sometimes. You apparently have your routine down pat in the morning but there is the going out to a warm car. My bears think you should have a remote starter installed too. I will go find your thread to see you rug. Yay for ordering 5 rugs today to see which one works. I like the way you think!

Hi Deegee :wavey:

I had a rough night. First I got another request to let people see our house and I became very stressed over "why did I agree to this?" and worried about having strangers in my house. Then I watched 3 TV shows last night that were all about terrorist / crime and I read some of my Jack Reacher book and the very last thing I read was in vivid detail what happens when you die from a heart attack. So about 2:30 in the morning I am having one of those 2 combination dreams and one is vividly watching my dad dying from a heart attack and the other one is someone trying to break in to our house to rob us. I woke up upset and terrified and couldn't go back to sleep for a few hours. We had a meeting today with our VP so I hated to stay home. I was sure fading about 2 pm.

I relaxed my mind and soul tonight by setting on the deck and did a quick tour of the sky with binoculars and found Comet Lovejoy. It was nice. I didn't stay out too long but I sure enjoyed it!

Have a great evening and ay tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, we were posting at the same time. I’ll watch for the email from Vera. That is nice your cleaners at least leave you a note when they do something. Ours never tells us anything. You had worse weather than we did. Yuck for you! We were in the 30’s and will be near 50 by Friday. A snow shower is coming late Friday though. That is strange you are craving food with vinegar. My in-laws swear by it. Do you like your haircut other than you bangs? They seem to go way too fast. My haircut looks okay but some of it looks uneven especially my bangs. I may try someone else when this needs trimmed again. She doesn’t do very even layers. Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Matt! Congratulations. :appl:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Deegee, happy 20th anniversary! You and Matt sound like such a great couple and I'm glad you're so happy together! How on earth did your cleaners break a WALL fixture?! I did have a cleaner knock over a floor lamp one time and break the glass shade but I was able to get a replacement. I actually had to replace that shade a second time because a tile guy knocked it over doing my master bathroom six places ago. After the floor I ended up getting rid of it anyway because it got wet and the light would dim and get brighter for no apparent reason so I was afraid there was something wrong with the wiring and that point and I didn't want it to burn the house down!

Curby, My dad did a bunch of research and advised me not to install an after-market one at this point. Something about having a key opener rather than a fob opener... yadda yadda yadda... dad says more words that also make no sense to me... yadda yadda yadda. So I have moved off of that mission, LOL. As for the five rugs, I'll be curious to see how THOSE get delivered. I ordered a six pack of under-bed storage containers from Walmat and I *thought* they would show up stacked together in one box. WELL, the CB drove into the gate last night and there was a GIANT pile of cardboard boxes waiting outside my door. They sent each plastic container in a separate box. Seriously!

I got a Bluetooth speaker for my car for xmas from my dad and today was the first day I used it. I was really great, and SO much better than holding my phone while I drive!

Here's a design question for you guys... I'm thinking of putting something of interest behind the couches because otherwise they are just sitting out there with their naked upholstered backs. It just seems "boring" to me. I'm toying with several ideas, most recently ceramic garden stools and/or wooden benches. The idea still forming in my little pea brain, but what do you think of the idea in general?


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday!

Dee Jay, good call to get rid of that lamp before it started sizzling in the middle of the night. Scary!!! After market modifications can sometimes be more trouble than they are worth. It will be interesting to see if your multiple rugs are as carefully packed as the rug you just received. That is crazy your storage bins were all shipped individually. At least they were lightweight. Yay for hands free phone use in the car. It is handy. I do understand the idea of having something cover up the backside of your couches. Ceramic garden stools sound pretty cool. Do you have any links to some you like?

Deegee, I got your email from Vera and sent you and Dee Jay both an email today so hopefully you got it. If you want I’ll email you the link to our astronomy website and monthly newsletter. If Matt likes the newsletter I post new ones usually at the beginning of the month. Did you decide to have your ring trimmed down?

I slept a whole lot better last night. I put in earplugs so I wouldn’t hear the furnace vent popping as much.

I stopped at the mall tonight to eat forbidden chicken nuggets and see if Kays had more teddy bears. I got my nuggets but they were out of bears. I came home and took food allergy medicine and alka seltzer. I’ll get back to you tomorrow how good of an idea it was to eat chicken.

Off to study for the astronomy program tomorrow night. I am doing ½ of the program so I’d better pretend like I know what I’m talking about.

P.S. I did have a curbing incident but it was luckily only snow and ice. :bigsmile:


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-I'm so sorry to hear you had such a bad night the other night. You poor thing! And I hope your chicken nuggets don't hurt too bad. I was kind of sorry today that I had that beer with dinner last night. I got your email. Thanks! I think Matt would be interested in the astronomy newsletter. He brought his new binoculars to the mountains so he could check things out from the deck. I am planning to send my ring to be thinned next week. I asked for them to get it as close to 3mm as possible because I think it will look better with my ering. I really love that band and I hope I'm not making a mistake! You didn't hurt your car did you? I sliced a bit of my finger tip off cutting up berries earlier in the week and thought I must be trying to catch up with you.

Dee*Jay- I can just envision the stack of boxes with storage containers. That is hilarious! The cats knocked over a floor lamp within a week of it being delivered, and they broke the part that holds the bulb. It's still there, but sits kind of wonky. The lamp was too expensive just to throw away and we use it, you can't tell the light thing is funky. I'm always afraid it's a fire hazard. Matt tells me it's not. I've gotten used to the backs of my couches. I'm a horrible klutz with balance issues, so I can't have things like coffee tables, sofa tables, etc. I'd have to pad them!

We worked all day today and then hopped in the car for the 6 hr drive to the mountains. I'm so sleepy! We rented the same cabin as last year when we left town because we had no water. It's so cozy. Lily and I are hanging out by the fire. For breakfast I had oats and berries, lunch was roast beef on wheat bread, and dinner was a grilled chicken salad and fruit cup. Thanks for the anniversary wishes! I will be mushy for a minute to say I absolutely adore that boy more and more every day. I can't believe I have been married for 20 years, and what a great 20 years it has been! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!


Apr 27, 2007

Marcy-we saw the comet, which looked just like a fuzzy blob! It wasn't hard to find either. It's amazing how many more stars you can see with just a pair of binoculars. We didn't stay out too long though because it got really cold last night.

We went shopping yesterday, and I bought a new pair of brown boots and a pair of jeans. Today we took Lily for a long walk on a trail and came back to the cabin for a big fat nap. We're trying to decide where to go for dinner right now. Last night we had a little fender bender (on my birthday, no less!) so today I'm thinking yep, time for a new car. I sure wish I had it narrowed down, but there are so many to choose from. We always go to the Detroit auto show that comes to town near the end of January, but it was a week early this year and we're here. Oh well. Have a great evening!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday!

Deegee, my chicken didn’t do much damage. Yay! I won’t try it again for a while though. Rats that beer bothered you. I hope you like your band after they make it thinner; 3mm is about perfect for me too. Maybe I’ll follow suit. Oh no for another knife incident. It’s amazing you and I have any fingers left. How is your cut doing? That is great you and Matt found the comet. That’s all I saw too; a fuzzy blob. Your mountain retreat sounds perfect. I am glad you are happily married to a great guy, you sound like a great couple. Oh no to a fender bender. Did you guts get hurt?

Hi Dee Jay!

The astronomy meeting went good last night. I stayed up until about midnight reading and watching TV. I was going to go to the mall today but the wind sounded awful so I stayed home. I finished a book, watched a few movies and chatted with Marty. Tomorrow my sister and BIL are coming to town for a visit.

One of my missions at the mall was to trade in a ring I don’t wear for a ring I will wear. I might look at some colored diamond bands. Not great PS quality just something fun to wear.

Have a great Sunday!


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-I think all of my fingertips are deformed from all of my knife incidents! We didn't get hurt the other day, and my rear bumper has minor damage. My car must be a tank! I didn't have a lot of damage after a deer bounced off the front last year (I just got that fixed a few weeks ago), and I had practically no damage after sliding into a guard rail last winter. I think colored bands are a great idea. Have you looked at any? I was thinking about getting two gemstone bands to wear on either side of my WF channel bead set band (with the tiny diamonds) or my shared prong band. I decided not to worry about them being PS quality. Not everything has to be, right? I also need an inexpensive colored stone to go in my old ering setting. Have you ever had a blue zircon? There is one on Gemfix I was considering because it's inexpensive and exactly the size I need. I'm still feeling guilty about the sapphire ring, so I'm going cheap from now on. I loved the topic for your astronomy meeting!

We' made it back home today in plenty of time to go to the car show, but neither of us felt like getting back in the car to get there. I'm off tomorrow (is anybody else?), but I really need to go to work. Im trying to convince myself to work half a day at least. Food today-banana for breakfast, Wendy's single hamburger without cheese for lunch, and 1/2 ham sandwich and salad for dinner. I'm off to read. Have a great evening!!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday!

Deegee, that is good news you car is a tank. The best news though is you guys weren’t hurt. I see where it is really icy some places back east. I luckily and surprisingly don’t have any visible scars from my knifing incidents. I think colored bands would be nice with your ering. I agree not everything has to be PS quality, all your jewelry should be something you like to wear. Blue zircons are gorgeous stones. They look a lot like blue diamonds. I had one in a RHR for a while. They are a softer gem and don’t hold up to daily wear but occasional wear should be fine. We had fun with that astronomy topic. 3 of us gave the program and we had quite a few questions so you know people were paying attention. That’s always a good sign. Enjoy your day off tomorrow. I’ll be working. Phooey.

I read until after midnight last night and actually slept in until 8 am. That super dark room is really helping me sleep past sunrise. Sweet.

My sister and BIL got here about 10:30. I printed the stickers and business cards for my sister and she and I went to the mall and my BIL went off to wander the hardware stores. We met for lunch about 1:30. They went home about 3:30. I got some cards ready to mail and stopped at Kmart for 4 things. $144 and 7 bags later I came home and started on laundry. Yes, I did remember to get the 4 things I went to get. Woo hoo!

My jewelry shopping today was really quick. I looked at all the colored diamond bands they had in the store and narrowed it down quickly to 2. I went for the less expensive one because I liked the colors. The other one way a bypass ring with mocha and white diamonds. The ring I got have irradiated diamonds – yellow, red, blue, green and orange. It’s a fun ring and colorful so I’m sure I’ll wear it. Here are a few pictures of it. The diamonds are bright and shiny in good light. The photos aren't my best or true to life.

I chatted with Marty earlier today. He walked to some restaurant in what he called a dodgy neighborhood and said he probably shouldn’t have done that. There were a lot of abandoned buildings around there. My response to that was oh a good place for bad people? Aak!!!

Take care.





Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-beautiful ring! I like the colors and the shape really well. I know you have a bunch of colored stone rings, and I have exactly two. I love my new ring so much that I see now why people love colored stones so much! I'm glad your dark room is helping you sleep. At the cabin over the weekend, I woke up as soon as light started coming in and put on a sleep mask. I sure wish they made sleep masks for dogs! Did Marty walk alone to the restaurant in the dodgy area? Matt always says nobody ever bothers him because of his size, but I always worried when he traveled anyway.

I ended up not going to work for half a day today. I got a text this morning from one of my two office mates telling me she had decided to take the holiday, and our third office mate had decided the same. That's all I needed to make me stay home! I plan to pull out my laptop and work for a few hours at least so I won't feel like such a slacker. Matt brought home lunch from a home cooking place. I had 1/2 piece Salisbury steak, green beans, mashed potatoes and half a piece of corn bread. I'm taking a prescription for the acid reflux that really seems to be helping. The hope is that controlling it will give my espohagus time to heal and everything should settle back down. I'm still trying to watch what I eat though to help get everything healed. A lady on our team at work (who I work very closely with) was out with the flu a few days last week. I forgot to get a flu shot this year. My cough has finally gone away, I'm getting myself back to normal, and I'm afraid I'm going to get sick again already. Argh! I think it's time for a nap on the couch by the fire. Ah, it's nice to have a day off! Have a wonderful evening!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday!

Deegee, I have always been a gemstone fan. You’ll have to work on catching up with me. My favorites are sapphires and garnets. I don’t care for topaz or amethyst. Aquas are pretty but are hard to find with good color anymore. I am glad you had a sleep mask so you could go back to sleep; I almost bet you can find one for a dog but getting Lily to keep it on is another story. Yes, Marty walked to the restaurant and back by himself. There is another guy working with him from the UK but he flew home for the weekend. Marty is tall like Matt and I doubt people would pick a fight with either of them but that doesn’t stop us from worrying about them. Good idea to take off today and relax by the fire. I hope the acid reflux medicine works well for you.

Hi Dee Jay.

Sadly my alarm went off as schedule. Why can’t those things be more unreliable? “Sorry my alarm didn’t go off . . . “ Of course I wake up usually about the time my alarm goes off anyway but I’m not telling my boss that!

I was busy this morning at work but bored this afternoon. I left my mini at home and was surprised how much I missed it. I took notes in a notebook because I would feel silly going to meetings and taking notes on my phone.

We were near 50 here today. Sweet. A brief snow storm is rolling through tonight but the forecast doesn’t look too bad.

I guess we are heading to Arizona again in April. Marty’s mom is going to be 70 so Marty’s sister wants to give her a party. We have “reservations” with my SIL so we won’t have to stay in a hotel or with the in-laws. I am telling Marty to pick a better rental. OMG that KIA SUV we had during out trip there in November was awful!

Have a great day tomorrow!


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-my one other gemstone ring is a rhodolite garnet set in an old ering setting. Garnet is my birthstone, and I had to have a birthstone ring! I need to have it resized. The knuckles on my right hand seem to have grown after a bad fall at work last August. Go figure. I'm sending my band off to Texas tomorrow. Then the wait begins...registered mail is so darn slow! a Suburban or Tahoe and tell me how you like it. We're planning to rent one of those for our beach trip in April. We want something comfy with lots of legroom. Good idea to get reservations with your SIL!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I love your new ring! The jewelry store better roll out the red carpet when they see you coming too! Another trip to Arizona? I’m so jealous! I won’t see any warmth again about June here in Chi-town based on the winter we having so far…

Deegee, what a great re-purpose of the setting,and the stone is such a pretty color! You and Curby make me want to go buy something with color in it (all I have is my three stone sapphire)! Good for you for taking the holiday off – you deserve it!

This weekend I went a little crazy and spread ALL the stuff from the closets out all over my house. The *intention* was to get it all back IN the closets pretty promptly, but of course THAT didn’t happen. I fell down the rabbit hole in terms of going through old boxes of paperwork and ended up bringing about 10 lbs of paper into my office on Sunday morning and shredding it. There’s still more though… ACK.

The bathroom rug extravaganza is ongoing… I currently have four rugs in my house and I’m waiting for one more. The one I like the best just Will Not Lay Flat though, and it’s driving me crazy. I am thinking maybe the cotton backing is somehow pulling on the rug itself and making it wavy and curl up at the ends. I put some heavy things on it this morning before I came to work so we’ll see what’s going on when I get home. And there is one more rug on the way, so that incoming one may end up being the winner anyway!

I upgraded my glassware (did I tell you this already? Sometimes I can’t remember whether I actually posted or if I just thought to myself, oh, I have to tell the girls this!). Anyway, stop reading if you know this already, but I was in Marshall’s and they had Waterford glasses. It was the Marquis line, which is less expensive than the regular line, but I like it anyway, and I got 8 highball and 8 water glasses for about $6 each. I would love some stemless wine glasses too (right now I’m drinking my Prosecco out of a highball glass!) but I can’t find those in the Marquis line and I can’t bring myself to pay $60 each for the stemless ones that match the best out of the regular line. Who knows; maybe I’ll find some screaming coupon deal at Macy’s or something… I'm going to give my old glasses to my friend who is redoing a place up in Wisconsin becuase he needs to outfit the whole kitchen.

Anyway, I worked yesterday for the accounting firm. I am completely overloaded there and need to either (a) somehow figure out how to clone myself, (b) tell them I can’t take on anything else until I get done with what I’ve got, or (c) quit. Hmmm… Must have cocktail and mull over options…!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday!

Deegee, very pretty rhodolite garnet ring. It looks like a great color and I like you’re your original ering. Garnets seem to be as hard to photograph as blue sapphires. Rats that your fall last summer made your knuckles larger. I am so anxious to see how your ring turns out. I hope you didn’t have to work late today after having a long weekend.

Dee Jay, I am a sucker for gemstones. I really want a color change garnet. Yes, we are heading to Arizona again. You mean you and CB won’t be there to meet us for lunch? Rats. I don’t think either of us will see summer arrive until about June 15th. Rats for pulling stuff out of your closets, but good plan to shred a bunch of old paperwork. I have quite the stack to get rid of myself. It’s all in our back closet. Did the rug you like the best decide to lay flat after having heavy stuff on it all day? I really like the Marquis line. They are very pretty. I am a total sucker for crystal glasses and dishes. Finding glasses for $6 each is a great deal. What did you vote for with our accounting firm dilemma?

The highlight of my day was looking at the comet and this time I could see some of the tail. Sweet. However that wind was cold so I looked and came back in side rather quickly.

Work was entertaining. My hyper employee did the loud sigh eye roll bit when I overrode something he wanted the new employee to do.

I stopped at the furniture store to check the price of the pieces we want for the man cave. Even though the prices are a few hundred less right now I quickly decided it’s for the man cave so Marty should pick what he wants not what I think he wants.

Marcy / Curby


Feb 27, 2007
Rats. Marty's golf buddy just posted on my FB page that I would have won $500 today at the golf course club if only I'd signed in yesterday. That is twice now. I had the same thing happen last month. Funny thing is I almost stopped in last night just to sign the book.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, OH NO about the $500!!! You're right, it is probably best to let Marty pick out the stuff for the man cave. How cool that you got to see the tail of the commet. I took an astronomy couse in college one summer. All I got out of it was a boyfriend, LOL! We used to spend lots of time sitting on the beach at night "looking at stars!"

Last night I conquered the mess that had accumulated on the kitchen island. Then I proceeded to spill a plant all over my cream colored oriental rug. ARGH. I cleaned it up as much as I could but I'm letting the rest of the dirt dry in the hopes it will be easier to sweep it up tonight because I don't want to smear it around and make "mud."

Tonight I'm planning on taking back two of the Pier1 pictures (the three that I'm keeping for the dining room are going to look AWESOME!) and also returning a rug that came from Bed Bath and Beyond. I've still got a ton of other things to take back at Home Depot, CBS, and Restoration Hardware, but one step at a time, right?!

I'm now on a mission to find some homemade paper in big sheets. I have this vision of hanging some of them above the bed. I'm sure that idea sounds crazy but it looks great in my own head right now LOL...!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday! Crap it’s only Wednesday. :lol:

Dee Jay, I am glad you got something out of your astronomy class. Sounds fun anyway. OMG how awful you spilled a plant all over your rug. Hopefully after it dries it vacuums right up. I am glad you got your kitchen island conquered. You will be busy returning things but it sounds like your place is really going to be a show place. Nice! I’m not sure I have a vision of the paper over your bed but I bet it will be awesome. I’ll be anxious to see the pictures.

I am getting rid of some more of our stuff. My parent’s dining room table and 2 snow tires are probably getting picked up this weekend. The couch and 2 recliners in the man cave are going to a new home and we’ll get some new pieces for down there.

I chatted with Marty quit a bit this morning. He is not having fun with some vendors giving him prices. They are mad he is running the consortium and want him to sign papers saying he won’t try to negotiate prices. He’s like um NO! When he gets home he has to work Romania office hours until this bit is submitted.

He also told me to get my bears off his couch so naturally I loaded it up and posted this picture on Facebook.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Marcy / Curby



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, the pic of the bears and killer rabbits on the couch is awesome! As for not negotiating in the deal--what could they be thinking? No one in their right mind would agree to that!

Last night we picked up the last and final rug from the Fed Ex place where it was being held (because for some reason out of all the zillions of things I order this was one they wouldn't leave for me in my receiving room...???), returned things at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Pier1, had dinner at our usual Wednesday night place (burgers and old fashioneds for $13!) and hung the new art in the dining room. I tried to get a good pic for you guys but I wasn't too successful since it was dark, so this is the best I could do. What do you think of the height? I really struggled with that because the ceilings are 11' high in this area and it just didn't seem right somehow to make the middle of the light equal with the middle of the pictures... whatever. I did the best I could! But if you think it should be different let me know becuase we can easily move them up or down. In this picture the one on the left looks "darker" but it's a function of the light. The middle one "had" to be the middle one becuase of something at the top of it (that you can't see in this pic) but the other two were pretty interchangeable. I moved them back and forth a dozen times and finally said it really didn't matter, so we went with it!



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday!

Dee Jay, I do like your art where it is. One of our Snoopy portraits is like that. We didn’t want it to be in line with the light and had a high (and angled) wall. I think the light and ceiling height make it hard to make it exactly right from every angle. I can see you drinking wine at your lovely table. I couldn’t believe it when Marty told me that vendor wanted him to sign that paper. He dealt with a lot of politics at his old job so he’s at least savvy about that and pretty good at it as well. I am glad you like the bear and rabbit picture. Marty’s response on FB was “It looks like there is a bunch of children in our house. Oh wait…”

I am a bad den mother though. I forgot 2 of my bears. I’ll have to round them all up again for a new picture.

I think when I go take pictures of the furniture I am going to take a bear with me. That would be funny!

I met a friend for supper. I ate way too much. The server we had was friendly but ditzy. I ordered a small pizza and got a large then ate 2 pieces of it and now I’m stuffed! Alka Seltzer to the rescue.

Tomorrow is Friday. Then next Saturday Marty gets home. Sweet.



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Friday! The Weekend is finally here. :wavey:

I am going shopping tomorrow with a friend. I think I'll try to get my filthy car washed too. Marty is going to call me online sometime this weekend so that will be the best part of the weekend for me.

I'm waiting for one of my employees to stop by and pick up that table then I need to fix supper. Maybe I'll find some movie to rent tonight. I'm living on the edge just foot loose and fancy free. :lol:



Apr 27, 2007
Happy weekend. Yay!

Dee*Jay-your dining room looks great! I love the light fixture, and the artwork looks great too. What color are your walls? You got a fabulous price on your Waterford glassware. A friend bought me 6 wine glasses from the Marquis line several years ago, and I don't remember ever using them. I remember packing them when we moved, so they're around here somewhere. I hope you get your rug to lay flat. That's a major tripping hazard in my world!

Marcy-I bet you're counting down the days until Marty gets home! Is this the longest he's ever been away all at one time? I let Matt pick out whatever he wanted for the man cave, and he ended up with one expensive chair from Norway and a big tv. He did leave an old chair in there for when I decide to invade the man cave, but that's it! Matt has gone outside every night this week with his binoculars to look at the sky. It's been really cold but clear. I can't believe how many bears and rabbits (and Snoopys) you have! That's officially a collection. Lily would think they were all toys meant for her! Did I mention she kept putting her favorite toy under the Christmas tree with the other presents? It was too cute.

White stuff is falling from the sky and messing up the ground today. Yuck. It's 3pm and I'm still in my jammies surrounded by 2 cats and a snoring dog on the couch by the fire. A friend is in town and wants to get together for dinner, so I'm trying to work up the energy to get in the shower. This darn comfy couch and warm fire really zaps all of my energy and good intentions! I've done great with food this week. I'm slowly trying to introduce foods other than lettuce and grilled chicken into my diet. I tried to drink a small glass of wine last night, but that's still a no can do. I am getting better though, so I'm not going to complain. Have a wonderful, restful weekend!
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