
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

Deegee, thank you for the birthday wishes. I do really like rose gold for a change but I sure wouldn’t want it for every day. It scratches pretty easy. WF has not notified me they received my return but the post office website said it arrived on Thursday. My niece got out of the hospital yesterday. I know she is happy to be home. My SIL gets here Thursday then the in-laws get here a week from today. It is going to be a LONG week and a half for me. That is too funny you MIL thinks your ACA is junk from the internet. I am glad you said no to working weekends. Sorry to hear your old office thinks you look exhausted. I hope this new job doesn’t run you down. IMO - No job is worth that EVER!!! One time my boss wanted me to be paged in the middle of the night to dial in and take care of last minutes notices. I told him no way - my blood pressure goes through the roof when I don’t sleep well. So a BMW is on the table? Sweet. That is great to hear you guys are getting in long walks at night.

I slept in this morning and really goofed off until lunch at the golf course. Marty also took a golf lesson today. The golf pro gave him lots of tips and also suggested he get heavier golf clubs. I smell new golf clubs in Marty’s future.

I honestly didn’t do much of anything today. I haven’t even read the newspaper yet. I watched a lot of movies though.

Hi Dee Jay, Monnie and Lorelei!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

And happy belated birthday Curby! I haven't had a chance to post in your thread yet but I just love your new ring! The color is awesome and I really really like the setting! You'll have to explain Texas Hold 'Em to me some day. I tried to learn to play three card poker in Vegas last weekend but it didn't work out so well--ha!

Deegee, your ACA is just junk off the internet -- now THERE's a new one! As for working weekends, I'm so glad you put your foot down! When I was at the company before I went to KC I had to work a bunch of weekends just to keep my head above water and it really wore on me.

Vegas was good but I was ready to come home! I didn't sleep great last night and I had a hard time climbing out of bed this morning... Ug. Now I'm on the phone with the gas company trying to get someone to come out and change the meters right outside my front door that squeak like crazy. The good news is it's summer so they aren't running very much right now, but when I moved in in the winter they were really squealing so I figured I might was well get it taken care of. They are giving me a hard time becuase they aren't my meters, they just reside outside my front door. They keep saying the owner of the meter has to call and schedule the appointment but I have no idea who the owner of the meters are (there are a big line of them) and even if I did I am sure they wouldn't be too hip to the idea of calling the gas company, being on hold for some infinite amount of time, and requesting a meter change just so I could sleep at night. What a PITA.

I'm thinking of getting a Fitbit. Does anyone have one of those, or something like it? I wonder if that would motivate me... ?!?


Aug 12, 2005
I'll come back later and post again, but DeeJay, I saw your Fitbit thread and question here and it reminded me of my friend's recent post on Facebook! Here is her review:

"People of Facebook, I have a confession. I have a Fitbit and I hate the damn thing. It's taken me awhile to admit to my displeasure with this little bit o' technology but I'm ready to take that step (haha). Firstly, I really don't give a shit how many steps I take a day. The more I move, the better I feel. Duh. However, the pressure of this constant blinking light on my wrist reminding me of my lack of success is just stupid. Mind you, I'm not really that competitive so I don't really see getting < 10k steps a day as a failure. Additionally, I track what I eat maybe 20% of the time b/c, well, it's not a priority. Not to mention I do yoga every day and when you go to track it, it's all like you might have burned 100 calories. My fitbit cares not about my strength, flexibility or peace of mind. Screw you fitbit. Not to mention I'm a little wigged out about the fact that my wrist is constantly connected to the interwebs. Lastly, I never would have gotten one except that we got them at a discount through work and if you get 10k steps a day in June you can win all kinds of prizes. So, with that said, anyone want to buy a fitbit? I'll give you a really good deal on it!"

It made me LOL!


Mar 26, 2006
HA! Oh Monnie, that's funny!

I think like any other fad, this too will pass. But if it will somehow motivate me in the meantime, well I figure what the hell.


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-yep, the BMW is back up for consideration. A few months ago Matt said he preferred I didn't go that route because they don't have great realiability ratings, but now he says if I get one and it has issues, there's nothing saying I'd have to keep it. Some alien monster creature has taken over my hubby! I'm thinking abut the X5, but the X3 is awfully cute and might be easier to run around town in. I'd like to start test driving but we'll have to find a free weekend for a day trip. Does Marty have a birthday coming up soon for a nice golf club present? Early bday present maybe?

Monnie-that post was hilarious!

Dee*Jay-glad you had a good trip. I could never go to one of those things because I have so little jewelry! Maybe people would feel bad for me and give me things. Dealing with the gas company sounds like a huge PITA. I absolutely can't make a habit of working weekends. I know my crappy body's limits, and sometimes getting through a whole week is a major accomplishment for me!

I worked late tonight, and I'm planning to work at my old office front the rest of the week. We're on a time crunch deadline, and if need to be able to quickly grab people for questions as they come up. I see me roving around with my laptop going door to door. People are going to be hiding from me by the end of the week! Food today-oats and a banana for breakfast, soup and fruit for lunch, and pork roast, veggies and couscous for dinner. I had a small vanilla soft serve in a cup from DQ as a tasty after dinner treat. I walked the stairs at work today twice, up and down. Woo-hoo...progress! Lily and I are relaxing on the deck with our new deck furniture, listening to evening woodsy nature sounds. I could fall asleep out here! Have a great Tuesday!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday Kids! :wavey:

Thanks Dee Jay for the B-Day Wish and compliment on my ring. We tried to figure out 3 card poker Friday night but went on to Texas Hold ‘Em. In that game they deal each player 2 cards down. The dealer doesn’t have to put in a chip to play, the person next to them has to put in one chip to play and everyone else has to play 2 chips to play or you can raise right then. Everyone has to meet the raise to play or fold. After that the chips on the table go in the pot and the dealer turns up 3 cards. Everyone can then stay, fold or raise. Another card is turned up and again you can stay, fold or raise. The 5th and final card is turned up and once again you can raise, stay or fold. The best 5 cards between your hand and the flop cards wins. It is kind of fun as long as I can remember what wins. :lol: Did you get the gas company to agree to come change out the squeaky meters? I am glad you had a nice time in Vegas. Marty had a fitbit and enjoyed it but it came off him on a plane and he lost it. He didn’t feel it was worth the money to replace it.

Monnie, I like your friends post about the fitbit. That was pretty funny.

Deegee, that is precisely why we ruled out the BMW years ago was their reliability rating. We were actually considering one when we bought our new car last September but they didn’t have a color I liked. I hope you get time to test drive cars soon. Marty’s B-Day is October but if he wants new golf clubs for his birthday he can get them now – we have both bought our Christmas, birthday and anniversary gifts through at least 2050. Woo hoo for walking the steps today. Lounging on the deck sounds great. We peaked out at ours after supper but the wind was howling so we stayed inside.

We are so slow at work right now the days really drag. I was done with my reports by 10 and did some updates off and on during the day as they arrived. I took in Saturdays, Sundays and today’s paper and read them all at lunch.

BF was cheerios and fruit, lunch was 2 pieces of leftover medium pizza and supper was raw veggies, pasta and a roll. We finished off a little bit of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for dessert.

My niece still is retaining water in her legs, feet and abdomen. They are going to do an ultrasound on her tomorrow. She is in a lot of pain with it. I hope she did okay at home by herself today.

3 more days till in-laws. Aak!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Deegee, LOL on having so little jewelry that people would give you things! Maybe you would win one of the awesome doorprizes and add to your collection! As for the BWM, I say go for it!!! (Of course you do realize who you're talking to here -- HA!)

Curby, thanks for the explanation on Texas Hold 'Em. Still a little too complicated for my pea brain though -- sometimes it's all I can do to count to 21! You say the inlaws arrive in 3 days? If you start drinking NOW you might not even notice when they get there! :cheeky:

Monnie, I ordered the Fitbit yesterday. We'll see how it goes!

I noshed all day yesterday, including cheese and crackers AND chips and salsa for dinner. What can I say? I'm a girl who likes variety! Massive restraint was used however and I did not break into the wine. Falling asleep on the couch at 9 o'clock helped in that regard! Tonight I'm taking clients to see four properties, all with lots of stairs, so that has to count for something!


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-I told Matt I never have a car long enough for it to have reliability problems! I don't have the attention span for Texas Hold 'Em. I get bored and go all in kind of early on. I get irked when I actually win after going all in and have to play at least another round. I'm feeling for you with the in-laws visit. Ugh! I sure hope they can help your niece with the water retention.

Dee*Jay-a bunch of people at work wear those fit bits, so I'm curious to get your take on it. I definitely need a motivator to get off my lazy rear!

Today was a ridiculous day, to say the least. Meetings from 9-12:45, 1-2:30, 2:30-4:15. My brain has officially stopped functioning, but I've got to get it started back up for a dinner work meeting at 6:30. I'm too old for this! Food-banana and coffee for breakfast, coffee for lunch, found the other part of my breakfast when I got back to my office at 4:15-a bowl of fruit-so I ate that. Looks like it's going to be sushi for dinner. Luckily we're off the clock even though we're working, so I'll have an adult beverage with dinner. It's going to be a strong one, too! Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007

Yay, I saw Lorelei was using our wonderful collection of emoticons so I had to see if I still knew how to do it. The small pleasures in life.


Apr 27, 2007
It's the little things, Marcy! And Oopsie...I don't know how to use those!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday Kids!

Dee Jay, I think counting to 21 meets my skill set for cards. I like your idea of starting to drink now before the company arrives. I am far chattier when I drink so that is a great idea. I also tend to think I am really funny then too
– I kind of doubt other people agree with me though. How is your place coming along? Are you whittling down the boxes left to unpack? Any news on when your sofas will be done again? I definitely think climbing a lot of stairs today does count for exercise.

Deegee, I agree with you to not worry about reliability of a car as long as it’s under warranty. We don’t ever plan on keeping an Audi longer than it’s warranty. We used to play poker quite a bit with friends about 8 – 10 years ago and I’d always do that when I wanted to go home – bet it all and then darn it I’d win. At about midnight I honestly didn’t care anymore. I guess they didn’t tell my niece anything today on her ultrasound. I guess she and my nephew are fighting quite a bit. That won’t help either one of them. He was able to quit drinking without meds and that is making her mad and other silly things. I am sure they are both grumpy in general. Rats for spending your day in meetings. My mind wanders too easily in them and they are so often unproductive. I am glad I have my mini now so I can check emails, surf the internet all while pretending to take notes.

Work was slow. I met a friend for lunch and took a longer lunch than normal but it was nice to catch up with her. I had a one on one with one of my employees this afternoon then watched the clock for 3 hours. Ugh.

Marty fixed burgers, potatoes and beans on the grill for supper. They turned out great. I love well done potatoes with crispy skin. Mmm.

I still haven’t heard from WF that my return is accepted. I can’t imagine they would have any problems with it. You know me – I really trash my jewelry when I wear it.

I am off to the county clerk’s office again tomorrow to try and get a 1947 utility trailer put in my name so I can transfer it to my dad’s “adopted” son (as he called him). We even found the original sales receipt for it. The license plate on the trailer is # 4 so that guy wants me to fill out a paper to release that number to him as well. One more little task completed then. If only they’d get that darn lease paid off. I swear I am writing BBB about that company’s finance and lease program. This has been ridiculous.

Have a great evening.

Marcy aka Curby


Feb 27, 2007
deegee|1401847191|3686035 said:
It's the little things, Marcy! And Oopsie...I don't know how to use those!

I opened another window and dropped and dragged them from the emoticons thread. I am on my laptop though, I don't know if I could do it on my iPad.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Deegee, your meeting schedule is insane! I am so fortunate in this job that, outside of the crazy back to back training I did in the first part of the year, I am not very innundated with meetings. And LOL on not keeping a car beyond the warranty. I've had my Lexus going on 11 years now and I have decided to run it into the ground. It's got about 75K miles on it (I think) and that's hardly even broken in for a Lexus!

Curby, most of the boxes are gone with the exception of a bunch of kitchen stuff I didn't bother to unpack since the kitchen is going away in a week or two and a whole lot of client files that are in plastic tubs in one of the closets right now. I am debating what to do with the files because the plastic boxes have cracked and broken over time so I might either replace them or get baskets to put on the bottom row of the bookcase and store them there. But then when I move I have to put them back in plastic tubs anyway so I'm not sure what I'm gaining by doing that!

Last night I took my clients to see some properties. When I got home I had the last of the chips and salsa. I would have had cheese and crackers too but I'm out of crackers -- HA! Maybe I can coerce the CB into going grocery shopping this weekend. I don't need MUCH but I do need SOMETHING!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea to leave the kitchen stuff packed up until the kitchen is done. I had those plastic filing cases for school and they were getting pretty broken and cracked when I threw them out. They hold up well for a while and are pretty inexpensive. Can you have CB get some food for me? Our cupboards are down right bare, the freezer has veggies and WW bars, frig has some leftover pizza, juice and some bread.

I went to the title office about 10:45 to get a utility trailer bought in 1947 transferred first to me then to the guy my dad wanted to have it. That took me about 45 minutes but about 15 of that was everyone checking out the original receipt I had from 1947. I met Marty at a local bread store for lunch. We had sandwiches and got a few loafs of bread. We at least have breakfast.

Tonight we met that guy and his SO for supper. I gave him hopefully everything he needs to register and license that trailer. I have 2 more trailers and 2 more snow machines to title then that project will be done.

The in-laws Part 1 get here tomorrow.

WF acknowledged my return today - my new ring is still set to ship on June 10th. HURRY UP!!!



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday!

Long day at work - not much going on so it was boring. I went and bought a plant at lunch and took to the cemetery. Picked up a quick kids meal and got back to work in an hour. Woo hoo!

My SIL is here. She and Marty went to the store to get something for supper. My MIL and FIL will be back Sunday sometime. Let the partying begin. :lol:

I hope you had a great and healthy day.



Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-you have to wait until June 10 for your ring to ship? Wow! You've been really patient! You just sent the scatter band back, right? And I am incredibly impressed you could produce a receipt from 1947. Holy cow. I can't produce a receipt for a major purchase made two weeks ago! I can, however, dig up the worthless walmart receipt from 5 years ago with about 500 miscellaneous and already used up items. Good luck with the in-laws. I'll be thinking about you! Will they be visiting long? The last time Matt's mom visited, I left early for work each morning, had plans with friends after work every evening and made it home just in time to go to bed so I could get up early for work the next morning. I made myself as scarce as possible!

Dee*Jay-75k miles on an 11 yr old car? I guess that's the benefit of living in a big city, huh? My 3 yr old Acura has 64k because I used to commute around 120 miles each day. I haven't gotten around to taking it anywhere to get the deer damage fixed so it looks sad right now with the right bumper hanging down. Kind of like it's frowning. I had Fritos for dinner las night because that's the only food I could come up with in this house. We have chips but no salsa, so that was out because I don't like chips without salsa! I think we all need to go grocery shopping this weekend!

I feel like this week at work has been a complete waste of time. After the marathon meeting day, my poor brain can't focus one one task for any amount of time. I've worked on about ten zillion different things but didn't get any one thing completed before I moved to the next. Brain needs rest. I had planned for us to do a day trip to look at cars and stop at a nice jewelry store I two downtown on Saturday, but we're having my dad's 78th birthday celebration on Saturday and that's far more important. We'll try my day trip thing another weekend. We have a cabin in the mountains reserved for a long weekend out of town in a few weeks. We're ready for a mini vacation! Food today- coffee for breakfast because I forgot take breakfast food to work, lunch was a roast beef sandwich, and dinner was a salad with grilled chicken and rainbow sherbet for dessert. Matt got home from his Louisville office about a hour ago. He thinks he'll need to go one more time, and that's it. Yay! Have a great Friday!!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, June 10 seems like forever away. And then I have to wait 2 days till it gets here. It must not be worth enough to get overnight shipping. Yes, I did return the 3mm scattered diamond band. Between the Tiffany band and the channel set band I know that 3mm band would just stay in my jewelry box. Marty found that trailer receipt when we were cleaning out my dad's house and shop. He saved all his receipts for vehicles, appliances and stuff for the house. I have tons of receipts I need to shred that we moved, I don't save new receipts though. Based on what you've said about your MIL I completely understand why you'd be gone from dawn to past dusk when she visits. How exciting for Matt to be down to one more trip for work. I bet you are both very excited. Have a great time at your dad's B-Day party. Your mountain cabin sounds divine. Hopefully you'll get a chance to go car shopping and jewelry shopping soon.

I am setting here yawning like crazy. At least tomorrow is Friday.



Apr 27, 2007
Friday! Yesssss!

Marcy-I can see why you wouldn't wear your scatter band much when you have those other awesome bands. We have to wait until Wednesday to see your new band? Ugh! I can't wait until we get out of town for a few days, even if it is in the mountains and we already live in the mountains..different mountains though and a change of scenery. We both need to recharge. Most of the traveling Matt will be doing will be day trips to the client site every now and then, and it's only about 1.5 hrs away. He used to work as an engineer at that very site when we first got married and lived in Ohio. Funny! Matt's parents have never been to our new house and I have this terrible fear they're going to want to come & see it (so she can criticize it and everything I've done or not done to it). I hope you have a good visit with your in-laws. I'll be sending good vibes your way!

We lost power today at work and the power company said it would be a while before it would be fixed, so we were turned loose for a few hours. I met Matt and Lily at the park for hotdogs and a leisurely stroll. Very nice way to kill a few hours! I ended up working about an hour and a half late, which I always swear I won't do on a Friday but end up doing anyway. Food today was a hotdog and fruit with an after work snack of watermelon. I'm sitting on my comfy new deck furniture listening to birdies...and the lawn mower. Matt is mowing grass while I relax with my feet propped up. I feel a little guilty...but I can handle the guilt. Have a great evening!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Friday, KIds!

Deegee, I might get my new band Monday or Tuesday. I got my pictures today. I think they look awesome. I think you guys are due for a nice quiet retreat too. That is great Matt won't be gone much with his new position. Ugh to a 90 minute drive but occasionally that isn't too bad. I hope your in-laws don't decide to come visit. That sounds very painful for you. Thanks for sending me good vibes. I will need them. An afternoon walk in the park sounds great. I don't think you should feel guilty at all setting outside relaxing. You are supervising Matt's lawn mowing skills.

We were slow at work but I seemed to keep busy - thank you iPad mini and the internet. I met Marty and his sister for lunch. Marty is cooking pasta and little veal strips for supper. Tomorrow I'll have to venture to the store myself and get some food for a few days. I need to plan meals. I also want to get my flowers for pots out front and get them planted.

I think we'll rent a movie to watch tonight.

Here are the pictures of my rings.

Have a great weekend.




Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-the band is beautiful! Ooohhh, I hope you get it soon! The color of the band is so pretty. Did you go with 18kt or 14kt? My rings are firmly stuck on my fingers right now. I'm on the down swing (hopefully) of a really bad flare up. The swelling had gone down somewhat and I put my rings on with no problem, but at some point I started swelling again and didn't notice. My rings have been stuck for a week. I want them off! I hope your weekend is going well. Did you get to the grocery store? That's a must for us tomorrow.

We went home to KY to celebrate dad's birthday and had a really great day. I think it does him a lot of good to have all of us around. We played several games of corn hole, and Mattand the kids made up a game they called "idiot ball" that you play with a beach ball. The pool filter is broken and the repairman is at the beach until next week, so the pool is a lovely shade of lime green and nobody really wanted to get in it. We had Mexican lasagna, and mom made my dad's very favorite cake. It's a layer of yellow cake, pudding & strawberries, and then another layer of yellow cake, strawberries & pudding topped with whipped topping. Yum. He said he feels like he's getting somewhat back to normal. It's been over a month since his last chemo treatment. I'm looking forward to being lazy tomorrow. Have a great day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Happy Sunday.

Deegee, sorry to hear your rings are stuck on your fingers. I hope you can get them off soon. I am really glad to hear your dad is getting back to normal after his last chemo treatment. I think of him often and wonder how he is doing. Did your folks get all of their repairs done from the tree falling on it? My ring is 14K yellow gold. I can't wait to see it. I didn't get a shipping notice Friday so if they ship it tomorrow I'll have to stay home Wednesday when everyone goes to Denver. I need to get that cognac sapphire ring turned in to size. I will see what happens.

My in-laws got here about 11:30. We had lunch at the golf course. I made lasagna, garlic bread and cherry dump cake for supper. It's almost done. It smells great in here right now.

Hi Dee Jay, Monnie and Lorelei. :wavey:

Marcy. Aka Curby (I showed my SIL my tire mark on the curb today :lol: )


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, how go the in-laws? I hope your ring comes today -- I can't wait to see it! Did you go grocery shopping? The CB stopped at the store on Friday night and picked up a few things, but not much unfortunately. When you post about finding old receipts and things it's just like the stuff we found in my grandmother's house. There were shoe boxes of documents everywhere. One box under her bed had original birth certificates for the family going back to the 1800s.

Deegee, outside of this renovation and my real estate business I rarely drive my car in the city. Most of the miles are from the early few years when Bill used to drive to commute to Aurora and back for work, so 80+ miles a day. Even with real estate, I can take someone to see 8 downtown properties and drive well under 10 miles! About your rings, can you get those shanks that open up put on them? If you don't know what I mean just let me know and I'll find you a link. I hate to think of you with those things stuck on!

So do you ever get sucked into doing things you really have no desire to do? I'm very good at saying NO but I have a friend who works for a regional auditing firm and he has been trying to build his team for four months but the three top guys in his office haven't liked a single person he's brought in to interview so he asked me, as a favor, if I would just come and talk with them. I made it VERY clear I am happy as a clam and have no desire to move out of this company but somewhow I agreed and on Friday I want and had a chat. Well now they love me and don't want to take NO for an answer. I really should have known better--this is all my fault. That's what I get for trying to be a nice person. Never again! I can't think of a graceful way to get this guy to back off and I'm afraid our friendship will never be the same because I'm about to become rather forceful about it. Ugly.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was good. The kitchen project hasn't moved very far along though, mostly because the CB had a family thing he had to deal with yesterday while I was at the Chicago PS GTG (which was a BLAST!) but I have managed to find some things to put on the bookshelves. I started with 131 empty boxes and I'm down to about 74. Still SO many... yikes.

I'm accumulating real estate clients now faster than I have time to deal with so I hope some of them find what they're looking for soon becuase there are only 24 hours in my days! A good problem to have, but I'm All Property All The Time right now when I'm not at my real job!

My fitbit is supposed to arrive today. And not a moment too soon -- I need something to get me going down the right path!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday!

Dee Jay, so far so good on company. It's going to be a long time until next Monday morning though. I did get groceries on Saturday for a few days so I'll need to get more on Wednesday or Thursday. Ugh. That was nice of CB to pick up some food for you. Maybe he'll go again. I still don't have a tracking number on my ring yet which is weird since they sent me pictures early Friday. I keep hoping the doorbell will ring and it will be my ring. That is very cool you found original birth certificates dating back to the 1800's. Oh no you feel obligated to take this job - IMO I would firmly say no because you seem to really, really love your current job. You didn't seek this job - they are forcing it on you they are being the bad friend not you. That is great you had a blast at the Chicago GTG. That is big progress on your boxes. You do have lots of shelves to fill. That isn't a bad thing to gain lot of new real estate clients. I hope you like your fitbit.

I had a very rough night. I woke up about 12:30 with absolute and utter shivering chills. I could not get warm. I got up and got a blanket and put on an extra shirt. I was tempted to wake Marty up to ask him to go turn on the heat and get me out a big blanket. I still feel kind of cruddy today.

We went and got flowers and planted them in our buckets out front. My in-laws bought flowers to take out to my parents grave. That was nice of them. We also ordered 2 hinged french doors for our patio doors. OUCH!!!! We are getting Pella with the self storing shades. That will be awesome.

This afternoon we are going to Greeley to see Marty's great uncle who tripped and landed on his face. He is 90 and sounds like he is in very bad shape. Then we are going to supper at our favorite steak house in Fort Collins.

It's sunny here for a change but only in the 60's. Last night it was in the 30's. Brr.

Have a great day.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I hope you're feeling OK! Maybe you're allergic to your in-laws! :lol: I love the Pella self storing shades. I wish I would have had those when I was in my townhouse with The Demon and his crazy brother Oscar because they ruined all the blinds on the bottom level bay window shoving them aside or poking their heads through to look out.

So my Fitbit came yesterday. It didn't seem so accurate just walking around my house but this morning I checked it in increments of 200 steps on my way from where I park my car to the office and it was pretty right on. And everybody shoots for 10,000 steps a day but I was at almost 2,000 just getting here becuase I park (according to Google) .6 miles away so that 4,000 steps to and from. Maybe I'm deluding myself about how easy it will be to get the extra 6,000... ? I plan on just living "normally" for a few days and seeing how the numbers pan out before I pick *my* number. Also, the days I work in the office will be different than the days I am at home so that will be interesting to see too.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday Kids! :wavey:

Dee Jay, I think being allergic to the in-laws is very possible. I do know that today is only Tuesday and I have to put up with this through next Monday morning. My drinking has been minimal so far but I see that steadily increasing just to keep my mood at a constant level. :lol: I do feel better today, almost on the warm side which is abnormal for me. We are eager to get our Pella doors. We have some thermal drapes over our sliding patio doors and are anxious to take those down. That is too funny the Demon and Oscar tore up anything low so they could look out the windows. They just wanted to know what was going on in the outside world. That is great walking to and from your car gets you to about 1/2 of your 10,000 steps. It will be fun to see how that works for you. One time Marty's counted all the miles he flew on an airplane; he had no idea how it did that. We registered it with Walgreens because you get a dollar credit per a certain amount of steps.

So the in-laws are funny. They are all on low carbs diet so they complain CONSTANTLY about what I've cooked so far. However they sure gobble down any dessert I stick out for them. We have informal feed yourself breakfast choices from which they have picked some kind of bread. The assorted fresh fruit has only been ignored except by me and my SIL. My MIL actually rolled her eyes last night when I said I was cooking a roast in the crockpot today and said "you don't have to fix big meals for us all the time" yet if we go to dinner they eat big dinners. I was the only one who brought home 1/2 of my steak last night. My MIL and FIL really bicker a lot too. I just zone out and look at my pretty diamond. :bigsmile:

I still don't have a shipping notice from WF. I think I'll email them. Estimated ship date was today but I don't understand why they didn't ship Friday if they were done by then. Weird.



Apr 27, 2007
Re: Healthy Living Threaduarter

Marcy-I was really hoping we'd, I mean you'd have your ring today! Darn it! It's going to be so pretty. I got my rings off yesterday and today wore an old, larger (finger) sized diamond band today. Didn't want a completely nekkid finger! The diamonds are nice, but there isn't nearly as much sparkle in it as my ACA band with much smaller diamonds. I hope you love your band! I hope you're feeling better. Allergic to the inlaws...that's a good one Dee*Jay!

Dee*Jay- I may have to get a fit bit because it seems like all of the vendor folks a work are wearing them and they're always comparing distance, steps, etc. Maybe that would help motivate me. I still have an Amazon gift card from Christmas so I'll have to check there first. I do remember an old thread with those hinged ring shanks. I remember thinking that was the coolest thing ever! If I ever get around to doing anything with my rings, I should look into that. Good luck with your friend. Bummer.

We are getting one heck of a storm right now. We barely made it home from our walk before the downpour started. That last quarter mile was more like a jog. I never take breaks at work, but today I decided that I need to start taking a short walk at least twice a day. I walked down 5 flights of steps, walked around the lobby and back up 5 flights. I did that twice. I walked .8 mile round trip to get food for lunch, and on sunny days I have been parking 3 parking lots away from the building. My old office is 6 blocks from my new office, and I'm going to try to start walking to meetings. Every little but has to help, right? I had oats for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch, and made grilled pork loin (on my handy dandy George Foreman grill) and broccoli for dinner. Afterwards we went to DQ for a vanilla soft serve. There is a park right beside DQ so we walked around there for a while with Lily. A very nice evening. Have a great day tomorrow!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I thought of you this morning becuase I stopped at CVS to buy some greeting cards and they had the mini-wines on sale. For some reason I like the Gallo pino grigio... mainly because it doesn't taste like most pino grigios! It actually leans in between a pino and a chardonnay to me so it's not as tart. Anyway, they were 10 for $10 so there I was at 7:30 in the morning with a basket full of cheap wine! :cheeky:

Deegee, I got my zip for $46 from Amazon. I think the wrist one is $99. The zip came with a clip thing but it seems like more trouble than it's worth so I just dropped the zip into my bra (I have a habit of storing in this in there--at any one time I usually have my building pass, $20 and/or a credit card so what's one more thing at this point?!?). I should probably secure it better but the underwire of my bra is right against my body and it didn't fall out all day yesterday so I think it's pretty safe. Let me know if you get one and we'll have a friendly competition!

Last night I worked a little late and then went home and did pretty much nothing. I don't know why I was so tired, but I was! At 8:30 I was in bed with a book and by 9:00 I was out like a light. I woke up early this morning but I used that extra half hour to go online and unsubscribe from all the damn LinkedIn updates I get a zillion times a day. That's my new mission in life--to unsubscribe from all the ridiculous updates. I don't mind getting things every once in a while but some places blast out literally multiple times a day. Don't they realize how annyoing that is?


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

Deegee, I thought “our” ring would be here by now too. It says it’s on the truck for delivery. I am so anxious to see ACA melee. I am really glad to hear you got your rings off and have a nice diamond band to wear. My mom had some of those hinged ring shanks and they worked well for her. Your evening walk around the park sounds very nice and of course DQ vanilla soft serve is always a treat. Is it still raining there today?

Dee Jay, what a great way to start to day to find some bargains on wine. Sweet. I am glad you had got a good night’s sleep. Great idea to unsubscribe to unwanted emails. I seem to get a zillion of those things too. Our main email has been getting spammed like crazy too. We have job offers from Google and Apple, there are some damaging posts about us that we can click here to stop and my email has been shut off. Blah Blah Blah.

I sadly couldn’t fall asleep last night. I think I was awake until about 1:30 then started waking up at 5:30. I got up about 6:30. My SIL left today so Marty and my in-laws took her to DIA. They are dropping my cognac ring off to be sized up and to get me a new earnut for one of my new sapphire studs.

I think I ticked off all 3 in-laws last night. They had me clean my SIL ruby ring and my MIL’s wedding rings and diamond studs. This ruby ring was Marty’s grandmothers and I have never been convinced it is a natural ruby. It’s about 11 x 15mm EC and clear as can be. Even if it was purchased in the 50’s or 60’s a natural ruby would have cost way more than a car and Marty’s grandparents just didn’t have a lot of money and they were very frugal with their cash. Also that size of ruby is rarely that clear and flawless. The color is right, it doesn’t look like a lab ruby but my guess is that it is synthetic. Anyway they were talking about my SIL should get it insured and my inner dialogue spewed out “I am not sure it’s a natural ruby” and they weren’t amused. Oh well.

My ring is here. OOOOH it’s pretty and sparkly.

Off to look, play and take pictures.


Feb 27, 2007
Ooh. Shiny.





Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-that band is simply gorgeous! I will admit I wasn't sure how it would look with your ering with the scatter band, but you had vision and it looks perfect! I bet it sparkles like crazy. You will be blinded by your hand! Try not to get too distracted while you're driving. Too bad your inlaws didn't care for your ruby comment. I guess it's better to let them hear it from an appraiser instead! I'm really going to think about those hinged shanks. My hands were too puffy this morning to attempt even the larger sized ring, but they look normal this evening. I'm not falling for that again though. It has poured rain all day. We had quite a storm where it got completely black outside and there was lots of lightening and thunder. I'm in a corner office with 2 walls of windows. Scary.

Dee*Jay-loading up on cheap booze is totally the way to start the day! I'm going to have to check our CVS for that deal. You read my mind about the fitbit. I was going to ask which version you bought. I going to order the zip because I can only stand to wear something on my left wrist (not my right), and that space is currently occupied by my tennis bracelet. Sometimes it's the only jewelry I wear and it would make me kind of sad to look at my wrist and not see sparkle! I hope you got all rested up going to bed so early. It might be one of those nights for me, except I just got home from work 90 minutes ago. If I go to bed now, I won't feel like I left work at all tomorrow morning!

I downloaded My Fitness Pal and started tracking food. I do so much better when I track. My only problem is that I want to save plenty of calories for dinner and evening, so I eat too light during the day and end up having a bunch leftover at bedtime. I need to learn to pace myself. I have ever used the app...when you record exercise, does it add calories back in? Anyway, breakfast was a banana and a pack of breakfast biscuits (they're more like crackers), lunch was a healthy choice soup and watermelon and dinner was spaghetti and a salad. I have enough calories left for 1.5 bottles of beer. Sigh. The rain is making me hurt extra, so I only did the steps at work once today. I still parked 3 lots away so I go some movement in. No walk tonight. Holy cow-it is freaky weird looking outside and pouring rain. Boo! Have a great Thursday!
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