
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids.

Marcy, thank you for worrying about us (but I'm sorry that you have to!). That sucks about the mistakes yesterday. I hope you had an extra glass of wine (or three!) to help you relax last night. And every time I see you post about snow (even just ground cover) I want to go hide under the bed!

Deegee, LOL on feeling fancy with your new furniture. I don't know if you spend any time in Hangout but poor Ellen ordered furniture and had to send it back so now she's sitting on the floor for the next 6-8 weeks. I suggested bean bags!

Last night my grandmother was nodding off after dinner so I went over to the mall to walk around for an hour before it closed because I've been doing nothing by sitting in the room for days now and frankly my a$$ is tired! I celebrated passing the CPA exam by buying a new nail polish. How crazy am I?!? I also bought a skirt I can wear for holiday parties. It's just a grey/silver base with some a black pattern, and frankly it looks kind of like curtains (ha ha!) but with a black top and some tights I hope it will be cute. And I also got an x-mas present for someone. The holiday is right around the corner and I need to get on that in a serious way!

Dinner was a small hot fudge sundae from DQ, but they skimped on the fudge (even though I asked for extra) so I didn't eat much of it. Oh well, not like I needed ice cream for dinner anyway!

My grandmother is being moved to a different facility by ambulance around lunchtime today so that will be our big activity. The excitement abounds here in Pittsburgh...


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

Deegee aka Fancy Pants, how exciting for you to have new furniture. I am sure you feel like a queen with all your pretty new furniture to set on. I hope you can get your picture to post sometime; I’d love to see it. I can imagine how wonderful the stars are away from a the city lights. If you can see the Milky Way you have really good skies but it’s not real prominent in the fall evening skies. I hope you find somewhere to test the tablets you are interested in. The Apple cover and cases have never been my favorite. I am really enjoying the size and weight of my new iPad.

Dee Jay, when I mention snow just go lalalalalalala – I hope it just goes away too. I love to buy new nail polish. When we moved I easily had at least 3 dozen bottles but I threw most of them away. Now I can start building up my collection again. The skirt you found sounds very stylish and versatile. Good call! As for Christmas being on the way I’d like to say lalalalalalalalalala. Did they get your grandmother moved okay?

I spent most of my morning dealing with and rehashing our error from yesterday but so far it looks like that might be the end of it. We were also rather busy so the day zipped by.

I met Marty at the mall for lunch. We tried the new 5 Guys. I went a little early and returned my iPad cover then met Marty right when he was getting to the mall. After we ate I had him walk down the mall with me so I could show him the Teddy Bears at Kays. Weird, he didn’t buy me one.

We had frozen pizza for supper. Not too imaginative but Marty is slammed and I didn’t have anything thawed out. We have tons of leftovers too so maybe I can squeak a supper out of that tomorrow.

Take care.
Marcy aka Curby,
(I haven't hit a curb for over a month) :bigsmile:


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-poor Ellen! I haven't seen her thread. I waited so paitently for 8 weeks, and if I would have had to send anything back and wait another 8 weeks I do believe I would have cried. I am not good at waiting. And the lack of furniture really was a true PITA. I hope you got your grandmother moved, and that you're taking lots of deep breaths to help deal with family. I need to go shopping for an outfit to wear to Matt's Christmas party. It's exactly one month away, and I guarantee I'll put off shopping until the night before!

Marcy-I so am a fancy pants right now! Having furniture that we picked out for our new house is making it feel so much more like our house. We've kind of felt like we were hanging out in someone else's house the last few months. Google Sky Maps tells us that we are seeing the Milky Way on some nights. We thought that's what we were looking at. We're at a higher elevation than our old place, and far enough from any other light that on clear nights the sky is absolutely awesome. There are 2 houses beside us and then it's woods until the river. As I get older, I'm really liking being away from people! I'm becoming such an antisocial homebody! Did you like 5 Guys? It tends not to sit well with me - a little too greasy. Good, but greasy. I'm glad to hear your work issue seems to be resolved.

I'm supposed to be moved out of my office by Friday, but that's not going to happen. I'm so swamped...I don't feel like I'm handing my job off to someone else. My duties are actually going to 4 different people, and I haven't had time to train everyone yet. Performance evaluations were due on October 31, and I haven't turned mine in yet. I'm working late every evening, and just can't get stuff done. I have training for the project tomorrow and then another meeting that will last a few hours. We're off on Monday, but I may go to work anyway to pack up my office. That would be such a bummer! Matt is out of town, so I had a slice of leftover pizza, halloween candy and beer for dinner. I sure know how to plan healthy meals. Have a great day tomorrow!


Apr 27, 2007
I am in need of pictures, a rug and accessories!



Apr 27, 2007
Look! I have a real kitchen table and chairs AND counter stools instead of a folding card table and folding chairs! This picture makes me realize just how much I need to pick out some things for the walls.



Apr 27, 2007
Lily claimed her spot immediately.



Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, your furniture and house are gorgeous. :appl:


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday! :wavey:

Deegee, Lily looks quite comfortable in her spot. Too funny. It took me about 6 months to feel at home in our new place. It is kind of weird. You are definitely seeing the Milky Way then when you walk. It stretches from the NW to SE this month probably about the time you are out walking. Very cool you can see it. I would not say 5 guys is one of my favorites places. I think they are very greasy and their fries are soggy. My favorite cheeseburger in town is at Chilis. It sounds like you are very swamped at work. I hope you don’t have to go in on your day off on Monday.

Dee Jay, I hope your family isn’t stressing you out too much today.

I was really busy at work until 4 then I had an hour to be bored. We had leftover tacos for supper so I was done with dishes a little after 6. Woo hoo!

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
Thanks Marcy! We're loving our new house, especially the first floor master. I can't wait to go Christmas tree shopping this year! We always get a live tree, and I'm going to get a tall one since I have such high ceilings. I got rid of a bunch of my decorations when we moved, so I'm going to have fun buying new stuff. I'll buy actual home decor stuff after Christmas. 5 Guys gives me heartburn. My favorite hamburger place is a local one called Fat Patty's. Soooo good. Matt's dad had a good telescope when they lived in Montana that he hasn't used in several years. He told Matt he could have it the next time we visit. He's pretty excited about getting it.

I got absolutely nothing done at work because of meetings. I need to try to start packing my office tomorrow, but I have so much actual work to do. I brought my laptop home tonight to work on evaluations, but my laptop never seems to make it out of its bag in the evenings! I didn't eat breakfast, a ham sandwich during a working lunch, and leftover pork roast for dinner. I'm going to try to get to bed before midnight tonight. I went to bed at 2:30 last night and I've felt lousy all day. Have a good Friday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, my family has been stressing me out for 43 years now, but I have learned to cope. A little alcohol goes a LOOOOOONG way! You know so much about astronomy – I’m always impressed! In the city we see very little in the way of stars, but where my mom lives on top of a mountain in Idaho it’s absolutely stunning to walk out the back door at night and stand in the yard…

Deegee, your new stuff looks GREAT in that fabulous space!!! And too funny about Little Miss Furry Pants claiming her spot! I’m not a 5 Guys fan. Their burgers are only OK and their fries—even when I beg for crispy—are NOT crispy. That’s good though, because that’s one less temptation in life for me, and I need to reduce the number of temptations as much as possible!!!

I was good with food yesterday… until that bacon cheeseburger for dinner… oops!

So I am back in the office today and I’m thrilled to be here! I really do like my job and the people I work with are just AMAZING human beings. My boss should get boss of the century, and my colleagues are so fabulous. OK, off to do some productive things!


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-little miss furry pants is one spoiled rotten little dog. I don't mind though because she had a horrible start in life and wouldn't have lived if she hadn't been rescued. She's an absolute sweetie pie! I'm amazed at the stars we see here in the mountains. I'm not used to it so it really catches my eyes when we're outside in the evenings. After being around family for several days, you probably needed to get back to work for a little sanity!

Work was busy, and I mostly finished packing up my office before I left today. Matt got home from Louisville this evening. He stretched out on one side of the couch, I took the other, Lily got the corner seat, the cats took the ottoman and we all took one big long nap by the fire. A quiet evening at home after a long week felt so wonderful. We're heading to KY tomorrow for a lawn clean up day at mom & dad's. They have about a zillion trees and they aren't able to clean things up this year, so mom's making a big family dinner and we're all going in to rake leaves. I just hope dad will let us do it and not try to help. He can't stand not being able to do things though, so we'll see how this works out. I had chicken noodle soup for lunch and mashed potatoes & green beans for dinner. I had a food-triggered migraine yesterday and today and was a little afraid to eat much. I'm off to bed. Have a great Saturday!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Weekend is Finally Here! :appl:

Dee Jay, I bet you are happy to be back home and back to your normal routine. Alcohol does make other people so much more interesting. :bigsmile: I taught astronomy for 21 years so I can blather about it forever. I am sure the stars from a mountaintop in Idaho would be amazing. I miss seeing really dark skies; we didn’t go camping at all this summer. I plan on trying to find the “comet of the century” some morning soon. You can’t beat having a great boss and co-workers.

Deegee, I am glad you gave little miss fancy pants a good home. She obviously knows a nice, comfy seat when she sees one. I can see all of you sprawled out on the couch by a cozy fire and just chilling out. That is living! Have fun at your mom & dad’s and good luck keeping your dad away from raking leaves. My dad would be right in there helping too.

I started my day living dangerously. I mailed something at our post office. That drive up mail box has been the scene of several tire / wheel incidents in the past. I was relieved to make it to the mailbox and back without running in to any curbs.

I would say we are all in agreement; 5 Guys is not a very good place to eat. Greasy food and soggy fries.

Work was busy for the first 7 hours today then the last hour took forever. I picked up Marty and we went out for supper and then went shopping at Sams. Marty has a shopping list on the refrigerator of things he needs to stock “the break room”. We got him water, ice tea, snacks for the break room and I stocked up on toilet paper, puffs and paper towels.

I spent about 90 minutes tonight trying to get my password keeper to work. I finally emailed a backup file from my iPad and that opened okay on my laptop. It made me quite nervous since everything I ever wanted to know about our daily, boring lives is in there. Technology is such a wonderful thing when it works. Based on what I saw online that app has problems with Mac’s new operating system.

We got a Simply Mac store in our mall so I might go check it out this weekend to look for a cheap iPad Air case. It is supposedly like an Apple store, I’ll see what it’s like. Tumi answered my online inquiry indicating they won’t have an iPad Air case until the end of December so I need something that will work for a few months.

Have a great weekend.
Marcy aka Curby


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday! :wavey:

We were sure bored this morning - or at least our serious depletion of our checking account would indicate we had nothing better to do. We went to the new Simply Mac store and got me a case for my iPad, added Applecare to my iPad, got an external CD/DVD drive and Marty another USB / lightning cord. We wandered over to Joanne's fabrics and found a basket for our laundry room and Marty picked up a few samples of things to test on his upcoming poker table project. Then we went to Office Max and I got Christmas letterhead, some Christmas cards and an envelope glue stick. Then I went to Walgreens and got Christmas cards and tiny little chocolate teddy bears to give all of Marty's rabbits for Christmas. Then I met Marty at the hardware store and we picked out Christmas lights for the outside of our house. I also talked Marty in to getting an 18" Snoopy that lights up to put outside. Then I went on to Hallmark and got a few more cards and a few Christmas presents. My legs and feet are ANGRY right now. I haven't walked a lot since my knee and leg incident a few months ago which reminds me I need to start walking more.

When I was in Walgreens this guy comes up and asks me if the red Audi is mine. I immediately said a 4 letter word in my head thinking he was going to tell me he hit it. He had ordered a Q5 in red and wanted to know if I knew the name of the color of my car. I was relieved.

I made homemade biscuits for breakfast and make Marty some scrambled eggs with some pieces of sausage in them. We had fast food for lunch and we will eat some leftovers for supper.

I hope everyone is having a fun and healthy weekend.
Marcy aka Curby


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I LOL'd at you using a four letter word when the guy asked about your car! And what a productive day you've had! I admit to being pretty slug-like today... which is unfortunate because I need to be doing some serious studying right now! That being said, I think I'm about to channel a little Curby and paint my nails in lieu of cracking the books.

Deegee, our two furry sons had bad starts in life too so we cut them (probably FAR too much) slack. The Demon was a stray when he was picked up by animal control in an alley and the Oscar had been kept in a crate for the first five months of his life. Both boys had some SERIOUS issues, and we did our level best to deal with them...

Today I ate very badly and way too much. The CB got me a "princess cake" to celebrate the passing of the CPA exam. One day before I had even taken the first test we were walking past a local grocery store some guy came out with what looked like a birthday cake for a little girl that had one of the Disney princesses on it. I said, when I finally pass this damn exam I want a cake with FOUR princesses on it, one for each part. Well voila! Pass exam = cake with four princesses! I will try to post a pic from my phone.

I *may* have also found a unit I'm interested in buying. I have been trying to put off even looking for property, but this is an interesting unit a building I know well. No reply from the listing agent to my message though so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get in tomorrow to see it or now. Honestly, it's more than I want to spend, but it's got a cool two-story living room right on the river and just a few blocks from where I live now. We'll see. Real estate units are like men, if one doesn't work out there are ten more about to come on the market.

OK, off to try out my new nail polish!


Mar 26, 2006
Princess cake!



Mar 26, 2006
Well damn. I have no idea why that's sideways and even less idea how to fix it. Sorry!


Feb 27, 2007
Princess Dee Jay, I love your cake. :appl: CB did a great job. You certainly deserve a 4 princess cake and then some for passes all of your CPA exams. How wonderful you found a piece of property you are interested in; being right on the river sounds great. How did you like your new nail polish? I don’t feel like I had a productive day unless you call depleting the checking account productive. I am anxious to see the house all decorated up for Christmas though.

I cleaned out my desk today. It’s been collecting things since we moved in here so I decided it was time. I also bought some more shelf liners since we ran out of that when we put the kitchen together so I decided I should get that finished too.

We rented White House Down tonight. It was pretty good. I made popcorn for us and cut my calories in half by dumping ½ of my popcorn all over the stove and countertop. Marty helped me pick it all up then I scrubbed down everything after the movie was over.

Curby :wavey:


Apr 27, 2007
marcy-ooooohhhhh!!! I can''t wait to buy Christmas decorating stuff. I need so much that I think I'm going to concentrate on extra decorations for the bigger tree I plan to get this year and the mantle. I have no idea what to do outside because I don't have a porch anymore. All of my outside stuff needs a porch! You moved in right before Christmas last year, didn't you? Did you do much decorating last year? That's too funny about the guy at Walgreens. That would probably freak me out too. I'm trying to convince Matt to take off tomorrow with me to go test drive the new Acura MDX. According to the dealer's website, they have a blue one in stock with the package I want.

Dee*Jay-your cake is AWESOME! That CB of yours sounds awfully thoughtful! And the possible new place sounds pretty awesome too. My entryway is 2-story, and then my family room and part of my kitchen is mostly 2-story. I love the open space and the natural light. A view of the river would be absolutely divine!!! I hope you get to go see it soon. A lady at work had seen a starving dog chained tightly to a tree for weeks, and on a 4 degree day stopped to ask the owner if she could have her. The guy said "sure, you want the puppies too?" He had put the puppies in a box in the trash pile. Lily was one of the 3-week old puppies in the trash pile. I wasn't in the market for a dog, by I knew she was mine the moment I met her!

We got home late last night from raking leaves at mom & dad's. They have too dang many trees! My entire family except one niece was there, so we got everything taken care of after a few hours. Mom refused to sit down, but dad did really well and didn't grab a rake. He did pick up a leaf blower and tried to do some work, but realized he should just sit down instead. I'm getting ready to clean house so that I can call cleaners to come & give me an estimate. I can't let them see a messy house! I still haven't decided whether or not to go to work tomorrow. I guess it will depend on whether or not Matt will take the day off with me. I'd like to head to Hobby Lobby to look at Christmas stuff, but it's a pretty good drive away and I hate the road to get there. It's the evil interstate I used to have to take every day to work. So far today I have had yogurt with Kashi cereal mixed in. We'll eat dinner out somewhere. Have a great Sunday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, my nail polish is VERY purple. Actually kind of lilac with a shimmer to it. The kind of thing a 13 year old girl would sport proudly. I can just see me at work tomorrow: Hi, I'm your compliance officer and yes, I DO have purple finger nails.

Deegee, I simply cannot believe when I read things like what happened to Lily's mother and the puppies. There is a special place in hell for people like that owner. Seriously.

Today I went to see the unit. Um... NO. First of all it is over priced by about $150,000. The worst part about that though is the agent doesn't realize it. If it's the owner who has insisted on an over-pricing you can sometimes work around that if the agent gets it and will lead the owner in the right direction, but not in this case. And the place needs a serious overhaul. These are the original owner, the building/unit are 10 years old, and the place is just "tired." Plus, they did some very taste-specific things that it will cost a lot of $$$ to undo. Oh well, cross that one off the list!

Tonight we are going to one of our favorite Italian places for dinner. There will be a part of 10, and it will be a *party*!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday. :wavey:

Deegee, you will have fun picking out new Christmas decorations for your giant Christmas tree and mantle. We moved December 22 last year so we did not decorate either house. We put up our Christmas stockings after we moved but that was all. Did you talk Matt in to taking tomorrow off? A blue Acura MDX may just be calling your name. What an awful, mean man to throw away puppies and tie up a dog and starve them. I can’t believe he wasn’t arrested for animal cruelty. I am glad you and Lily found each other. That is great the entire family pitched in to get the leaves raked at your parent’s house. It’s more fun with a crowd and gets done faster. Have fun at Hobby Lobby tomorrow.

Dee Jay, that’s a shame the place you were interested in wasn’t what you wanted but the right place will come along some other time. So your nail polish is purple? I had some bright blue once. I gave it to a lady at work for her daughter after wearing it for a day. How was your dinner party tonight? When is your next tax test? I think you should get a wonder woman cake after you pass all of those tests.

We went out for breakfast today then I worked around the house and Marty put up our Christmas lights. We have them on tonight but I think I’ll have Marty shut the timers off tomorrow because Christmas is still 6 weeks away. The little Snoopy looks pretty cute but definitely tiny in the yard. I pulled the dead flowers out of all of my flower buckets except one daisy that must have grown roots to China. I could not get them to come out; I cut off as many branches as I could.

We had leftover spaghetti for lunch and just snacked for supper.



Feb 27, 2007
Our first Christmas lights at the new house.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, your lights look GREAT!!! And would you please ask your coworker if she wants my purple polish too? Because I can't live with this much longer. I looked up some more condos this morning and there are a couple I *may* want to see, but I'm definitely in no rush.

Last night we ate 'til we were ready to explode. This is such a fun group of people and we ordered a bunch of appetizers and drank too much wine and... well... you know... !

I have a ton to do this week at work, which thrills me because I love to be busy!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday. :wavey:

Deegee, I actually wore a purple blouse today and used some purple barrettes (trying to grow my hair out) and thought I probably match your purple nail polish. Those bright or unusual colors kind of startle me when I look down and see them. They are distracting from my normal shades. I hope you find a condo you like and since you are not in any hurry you can take your time finding the place that is perfect for you. It sounds like you had a fun evening last night. I have been out of wine for a few weeks now; I must remedy that SOON.

Work was okay today but that last hour dragged by again.

We started the day in the 50’s then the temperature dropped over 20 degrees in 2 hours. A heavy fog moved in; it looks like the beach out there tonight.

I gave away our old Christmas lights to a friend today; one less tub in our garage. I warned her those old fashioned C7 bulbs really do a job on your light bill but she took them. Sucker.

We had hamburger patties, rice and raw veggies for supper. Lunch was tomato soup and a piece of cheese. I had a little cup of mandarin oranges but it tasted funny so I threw it out.

Take care!

Marcy aka Curby


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wine for Supper Day! :wavey:

Today was one of those fun filled days at work that you wish would just come to an end. Marty texted me about 4 to ask "what am I fixing for supper again". I said "wine". :bigsmile:

We also had flank steak and baked potatoes cooked on the grill. The potato was divine. We had raw veggies with it and since everything was cooked on the grill I was done with dishes by 6:10. :appl:

Dee Jay, did you study today?

Deegee, did you and Matt do any test drives yesterday?

Well, take care! Off to study my slide program for our upcoming meeting.

Marcy aka Curby


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-I love the lights on your house! We have decided the front of our house is too high and we don't have the proper sized ladder to get up that far for lights. Even if we did, it's too high. We're going to have to be satisfied with lights in bushes and maybe around the door. Matt didn't take off with me yesterday. Apparently he didn't hear the call of the blue MDX. I told him he would be giving up football this weekend to take me to Hobby Lobby and to swing by the Acura dealer.

Dee*Jay-too bad about the condo. It's great to not be in a rush. We waited until after we moved to put our house up for sale so that we wouldn't get in the position of having to find something quickly. I love the dark eggplant color of fingernail polish. My nails are in such bad shape right now, it would depress me to try to paint them,

We had about 2 inches of that evil s-word today. It was 65 degrees yesterday so the snow today didn't stick to the roads. Unfortunately they were wet though, which didn't work well with the 31 degree commute home this evening. Tomorrow morning will be just as fun! Lousy black ice. I worked almost 3 hours over today, and Matt had dinner ready and a fire going when I got home. What a sweetie! I have a cleaning service coming tomorrow to give me an estimate and set up regular house cleanings. If cleaned for nearly 7 hours over the weekend, and I do not plan to do that again. I had yogurt for breakfast, 1/2 roast beef sandwich for lunch, and chili & grilled cheese for dinner. No walk-black ice. Have a good day tomorrow!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

LOL Curby – happy wine for supper EVERY day!!! I have to confess my studying for this test has fallen by the way side… I stayed at my office until about 10 last night and came in this morning and did another chapter, but now I’m only on 11 of 20 and the test is… um… TOMROROW. I’m screwed.

Deegee – I am really really torn about buying now or waiting for spring inventory. I guess it will just depend on what I see. But knowing me, even if I found something fab early on I will still second guess myself about whether I should have waited for the spring listings. And I’m SUPER bummed because I just saw yesterday that an AWESOME unit in a building I love closed on Oct. 31 for a price I would have HAPPILY paid…

I wasn’t too bad food-wise yesterday but my admin bought me in a box of candy to celebrate my CPA exam passing, and I’m also going out to lunch with my boss today. Ack.


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-Our real estate market has been really blah, with the house we bought and the house we sold being the only two decent houses for sale all year! Seriously, I keep an eye on real estate listings, and there hasn't been another house to come up for sale that Matt and I would have been interested in. We knew this one was it the second we walked in the front door - right location, right price, right feel all around. You have so many options there that I'm sure your market is always hopping. It would be so fun to go look through the spectacular condos you're looking at!

Howdy Marcy! I just saw your "happy wine for supper day!" Monday evening we went to a beer party. Our computer consultant makes his own beer, so he invited everyone over for an evening of beer making and sampling of last year's brews. We ordered a pizza so that we wouldn't look like a bunch of lushes, but I would have been fine with just beer and stuff from the veggie tray. High class, I tell ya!

I feel like I didn't work today. I got there on time (not early) and left an hour early to meet the cleaning company at my house so they could scope things out. Of course I left a few minutes earlier than I needed to so that I could make a mad dash to tidy up anything that got messed up since yesterday. I didn't make it to the man cave before they got here and it was a mess, but I guess they've seen worse. I asked them to do 2 estimates - one for weekly cleanings and one for every other week. Ahhh....I can't wait to come home to a clean house and not be the one who cleaned it. I had yogurt for breakfast and a small pepperoni roll for lunch. I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner, probably leftover chili. I really need to find something else for breakfast. Yogurt is getting old, but I'm burned out on oatmeal, eggos, egg beaters & pop tarts. Blech! Have a great evening!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday Kids!

Deegee, our old house was really high with steep peaks so Marty thought our new house was a breeze to decorate. Since your house is a 2 story I am sure it’s quite high. I think decorating the bushes and around the door will look great. Sounds like you have fun plans for a Hobby Lobby outing this weekend along with a trip to the Acura dealer. Sorry to hear you had some of that evil snow and ice. How nice of Matt to have dinner and a fire waiting for you when you got home. The beer / pizza night sounds great. I bet you are anxious to get the cleaners coming regularly to your house.

Dee Jay, wine for supper everyday? I am having a hard time coming up with a reason that is a bad idea. Okay there are a few reasons but still it sounds pretty good. I still don’t have any wine in the house that I like. We are down to only one bottle of red (I like red but some of it really buzzes me). Good luck on your test. I am sure you’ll find the perfect place at a great price.

I am watching the Gem Hunt on their trip to Columbia for emeralds. They are showing very pretty green stones. I want one!

Work was not fun today. I had one of those unpleasant manager moments when I had to pull an employee aside to tell them to knock off something. It’s frequent and it's happened enough times. They were pretty quiet the rest of the day.

Marty was going to a concert tonight with friends so I wasn’t planning anything for supper but my “stalking” app showed he was still at home when I left work so I brought home McDonalds of all things for supper. His friends were 30 minutes late so I could have picked up far better food than that. He’s not much of a planner though so I am sure he was just happy to have some food before he headed out.

Is it Friday yet?

Take care. :wavey:
Marcy aka Curby


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Almost Friday! :wavey: :wavey:

We met some friends for lunch today. We did kind of a group eat everything Italian meal; I ate too much but it was good. I had Marty pick up some prints for me at Walgreens. I tried the "true" digital print size; they turned out blurry. I'll stick to 4 x 6 prints. I am making some cheesy prints up for our Christmas cards so wanted to see if my collage program and Christmas background clipart would work. They look like photo Christmas cards but will be much cheaper. I bought cards already so I will just put them in with my cards.

I picked up sandwiches and frozen custard for supper on my way home from work.

Marty didn't get home from his concert until about 2 am. He took my car and after he was gone I realized since they legalized pot in Coloradoa lot of people driving by my car after the concert were either drunk or stoned. I did a 360 walk around my car this morning looking for dings or scratches but it looked fine. Lucky for Marty.

We are getting up early tomorrow to look for a comet. It should be easy from our deck.

I checked on personalized plates last night. CRBY worked. RUBY was taken. I didn't try GRNT. Someone suggested SCUF. I am still leaning towards CRBY.

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-glad your car was okay! I love CRBY-very fitting. If you get CRBY and Dee*Jay has D CUP (is that right?), I'll definitely have to look into BBLEWRAP for my soon to be new blue Acura! I'm envious you're planning your Christmas cards. I was lazy last year and didn't send a single one, and this year isn't looking too promising either. Don't you absolutely hate having to deal with personnel problems? By far the worst part of being a manager.

I worked late again tonight. I really need to stop dragging my feet and get moved out of my office before I get kicked out! I'm planning to take my team out for lunch tomorrow for one of our last lunches together. I had yogurt for breakfast, a cup of chili for lunch, and we went out for Mexican for dinner. Something snapped in my head this week, and I have done exceptionally well controlling portions and not snacking after dinner. Matt asked if I was sick! We took a short walk this evening and indeed to get to bed. Long day of meetings tomorrow. Sooo happy for Friday!
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