
Healthier Lifestyle Thread March 9 - 15

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Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Marcy! Things got a bit crazy here due to unforeseen circumstances, thanks for starting us off!!
Date: 3/9/2009 9:03:46 AM
Author: Lorelei
Thanks Marcy! Things got a bit crazy here due to unforeseen circumstances, thanks for starting us off!!
You are welcome lady. I hope your day settles down.
Nice opener Marcy!
I lost 1.5lbs last week.

I''ve got my lunch.

I''ve got my snacks.

I''m good to go!
Good Morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. It is raining today; yay,
we haven't had rain since this fall. Hopefully I can get a walk in this afternoon; if not I will do a dvd. I am making homemade pizza tonight, made of whole wheat dough. Happy Monday all

MARCY, prayers outgoing for your grandma. Thanks for the opening friend; i had some stress chip eating during the taxes.

LORELEI, hello!!

GECKO, yay for your weight loss

ROD, hope your leg feels better soon! Your breakfast on the terrace sounds great!

TACORI, woo for the workouts!
Thanks for starting Marcy! Nice opener. I hope grandma gets better soon. I can see how being stressed mucks everything up. I stress eat without realizing it. I think this past week I''ve been doing some overboard snacking and munching, so I''m going to try to curb that this week.

Lore, I hope things calm down on your side.

Skip, it rained here ALL weekend. Sucked big time

Gecko, 1.5 lbs! that''s awesome!!! I''m cheering for your snacks & lunch to conquer the vending machines this week. Go Gecko, GO!!!

It was raining all weekend so I didn''t do much. I did Day 3 of the 100 push ups and some crunches etc before bed. That''s about all the working out I did. Gonna try for yoga today.
Goodmorning everyone! Great opener! I tend to lose track on crazy weekends like this past one, but am trying to work on it more. I didn''t get many workouts this weekend, as we were on the run, but I kept my water intake high, and ate as healthily as possible. Today I''m working out with a friend.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Marcy: it''s great that you''re not going to let just a couple little numbers on the scale bother you--you have to cut yourself some slack sometimes, especially when emergencies in the family crop up, but it''s great that you are still taking care of yourself by keeping track of your physical health. Grandma is in my thoughts!

Lorelei: I hope your day settles down and that you''re able to relax some

gecko: yay for bringing food to work! yay for 1.5 pounds!! that''s great
you should be very proud!

Skippy: happy Monday!!

lliang: I hope you have a great time at yoga

I didn''t feel like I fell that badly off of the wagon this weekend, but apparently I was weigh-in day, and I sadly didn''t lose anything (not even a tenth of a pound!)...though my FI told me that he could see that I was getting thinner last night, I guess I am sort of redistributing, but it would make me feel better to see a change in my weight. I am going to buy a tape measure today and start measuring once a week too...maybe if I see inches disappearing, it will keep me motivated.

as far as my goals for last week, I averaged about 100 calories more per day than I wanted, though I did well with protein and fiber. I have to cut down on eating, though...and it is awfully hard for me! I did, however, do 45 minutes of cardio 4x last week...and this week the plan is to increase it to 50 minutes 4x. I''m hoping eventually to get up to about an hour 4-5x a week, because I think that would really be good for me and definitely help with my weight. I''m not sure if I can maintain something like that, but I think I can commit to 4 days/week. I started by getting up about 20 minutes earlier than I was getting up last week, so if I can get used to that, I think I''ll be in better shape.

It''s a new week, so I can''t let the scale get to me! I''m doing a lot better than I was a few weeks ago, so I have to applaud myself for that....right?
Hey everyone! Just got back from a walk with T (a mile). Tonight is Zumba. I think I will try NOT to weigh myself this week b/c it is just too depressing.

Marcy, you will get the extra weight off. Thinking of you guys!

Lor, hope things calm down.

gecko, okay I am jealous! Congrats!

Skippy, hope you get your walk in. It is BEAUTIFUL here today! Your pizza sounds yummy!

lliang, hope you enjoy yoga. Rain is better than snow right? I hear ya on the out of control snacking.

dragon, I bet you are doing great as always!

alli, I know it is hard not seeing the scale budge. I am on week 6 of my cardiofest and have only GAINED weight. It hurts b/c I feel like I am working sooooo hard! I bet you will start seeing results soon.
Thanks for starting things off this week marcyc! I hope grandma is feeling better soon. Unfortunately, it''s easy sometimes for life to get in the way of our healthy goals. I had a not so good end of year with just too much going on - on top of an incredibly busy last few months at work. The workouts became more sporadic and the eating became a little laxed. Thankfully, I started pulling things together within the last month and am getting back on track again. I look forward to being on these boards a little more often now. It is a great source of inspiration and motivation. The last few weekends, I''ve made some yummy lentil soup and have paired that with a salad for my lunches. It''s starting to get a little warmer out now so I''m really looking forward to getting in some nice walks to double up on my cardio at the gym. Spring is such a great time of year.

I hope everyone has a great week!
Back from a 3.5 mile walk; took about 60 mins. Hubby walked half way with me
Off to do a few push ups; I was reading some where that push ups are one of the best exercises for the arms. I want Michelle Obama arms. hehe The sun came out and it is gorgeous after the rain. We are suppose to get more rain so I welcome it and maybe my little turtle will come visit me in the backyard (I guess he was hibernating for the winter). Have a great evening!!!

LLIANG, it rained all weekend? Send that rain down here; we need it and willing to take more. hehe Yay for all your push ups and crunches!! Hope you make it to yoga!

DRAGON, I have missed you. Enjoy your workout w/your friend; it is always fun to have a buddy to workout with it seems to make the time go quickly.

ALLI, that is a great idea, I should measure myself and see if this muscle stuff works. hehe You sound like you are doing great!!! Yes applaud yourself; here I am applauding you.

TACORI, yay for a walk and Zumba!!!!
Have fun!! Glad it is gorgeous out!

PATIENTLY Waiting, you have been missed; glad to see you back!!! Yum to lentil soup; that stuff is so good for you and has lots of protein. Now I am craving lentil soup! Yay for your walks and cardio! I love spring like you!
Went to Zumba and now I have a huge headache. It was a really small class tonight so I was forced to see myself in mirror. NOT GOOD! Not only can I NOT dance (Well I already knew that) but I am so darn chubby!
I am so tired I think I am going to bed. I only got around 5 hours of sleep last night (so NOT enough for me).

Skippy, so cute your DH walked with you (even if it was only half way!)

PW, sounds like you are on the right track!
Hello, all! No time like the present to jump back on the HLT!!

Marcy~ You continue to be an inspiration to me!! You have a wonderful mindset!

Lorelei~ Hope everything''s okay with you.

Gecko~ Yay for 1.5 lbs and BYOS (bring your own snacks)

Skippy~ Yay for rain! I make homemade pizza often (too often?!?) but I haven''t used whole wheat dough. Is it a pre-made dough, or something you do from scratch? And, is it REALLY as good as regular crust? If your little turtle comes back, make sure to let us know!

lliang~ Yay for yoga! Yowza to the bazillion push-ups! I just tried to do push-ups the other day and nearly died at number 12!

dragonfly~ I''ve been losing track of time myself! Good job on keeping an eye on your hydration especially when you''re busy. (I fall into the snack-trap when I''m dehydrated)

alli~ Sounds like you have a great game plan! Good job on all your cardio!

tacori~ I''m sure you looked fine at class! Just the fact that you''re going to class should make you proud to see your body in that mirror!

PW~ I fell off quite a lot myself. Looks like we can rededicate ourselves together!

I don''t know if I''ve said, but DH got laid off about 6 weeks ago. (we''re doing fine, luckily unemployment is enough to cover everything.) We had huge plans for our savings including some redoing in the house, so I had to find some creative ways to get the look I wanted without touching the savings. I''ve gotten lots of it done during my non-working-out days. We got the kitchen put together (there were some walls that had to be put up) and had to get a new stove and hood (the new stove had to come after I served JT frozen chicken nuggets --they had been "cooking" for 15 minutes) I got my bedroom completed, made new cushions and pillows for the living room furniture today, and I''m starting on the play room tomorrow. JT got to pick out his paint and of course, he picked blue. He got fish for his birthday and thinks they''re cool but not nearly as fun as a dog would be.
. So, now that most of my to-do list is completed, I can get back into my yoga. I miss it but i know the first few times are gonna be hard. And, I was getting so close to that crane too!

Have a great tomorrow!
Skippy, where are you? I''ll stand out on my balcony and blow really hard in your direction.
Glad you had a good walk. Yay! you''re doing push ups too?!? Check out the 100 Pushup Challenge. We can do it together. :)

Tac, Yay for Zumba!!! You might feel ick now, but I"m sure you''ll see some hard and fast results soon! How was T at child watch or was hubby home to take care of her?

Dragon, I hope your week mellows out after this crazy weekend.

Marcy, Keeping grandma in my thoughts. How''s Marty handling all this?

Lore, hope the day got better.

Gecko, how was today with your snacks and lunch?

Alli, don''t beat yourself up over this weekend. It''s a new week we''re here to rally with you. Getting a tape measure is good too, but remember some people don''t see results right away and it takes a while for the body to finally give up on the fat it''s trying to hold on to. I know I''m one example of it. Just keep at it working out and watching your calorie intake; eventually your body will stop fighting you. Great job on the protein and fiber.

Patient, Hi!! Lentil soup sounds delish! I usually make Indian dahl, how do you make your lentil soup? Come and join us on this board. Everyone here is really good with helping each other out.

***DEEJAY!!! The meters by yoga got changed to the new stupid private company! It''s $1/hour now and 24 hrs. No breaks on the side streets either! Booo Mayor Daley

Yoga was P.A.C.K.E.D. tonight! I thought I''d hate it but I actually did REALLY well. Yay! I was ALMOST not going to go but told myself I get to have a mango Zico after class if I do. Those things are tasty. Tastes *just* like coconut water with a little hint of mango. Mmmmm...

Lunch was a salad and some pasta. I fell asleep during the afternoon
. Dinner probably a salad again and some leftover roast chicken & parsnips & carrots. I''m going to recondition the chicken into pot pie so James will have something to eat when he gets home. James loves pot pie. :)
Hi everyone! I was MIA all last week due to being busy busy with school and getting ready to move and this week is not any better! I have a big presentation on Thursday and that I will be working on until then and my BF and I are planning on having friends over to paint our house this weekend, so we are busy getting everything prepped for that.

It was very helpful to see marcy''s reminder that this is when I need to keep up my healthy habits the most! Even though I know my work schedule will likely not allow me to get to the gym this week, I''m going to try and stick to healthy eating, and I can get back on track with my workouts once things calm down a bit.

marcy - good thoughts going out for you grandma and family.

gecko - congrats on the loss!

skippy - yay for rain! Good work with that walk, 3.5 miles is impressive!

lliang - hope you are doing well on curbing your snacking so far. I''m impressed you are doing the 100 pushups, looking forward to hearing about it!

dragonfly - thanks for reminding me to keep up with my water! I am so good during the week at work but on the weekend I fall behind.

alli - try not to worry too much about the numbers! Sounds like you are doing great!

tacori - good work on a walk and zumba today! I hate seeing myself in the mirror in classes!

patiently_waiting - that soup sounds good - where did you get the recipe?

Anyone I missed - hope the week is started off right!
Hey........It was a typically long work day. I absolutely hate getting up in the dark. It''s just not right that at 6:30, it''s still totally night out. We decided to have dinner at home instead of Monday night sushi. Charlie baked extra thick pork chops with steamed veggies. It''s the first time we''ve had pork chops in a couple years. It was a nice treat for sure. Tommorow''s an ''uber'' Tuesday with the gym right after work.

Thanks for starting us on off this week Marcy. It''s hard to be super good and eat as healthy when you''ve got lot''s of personal things going on. I''m sure it''s not easy for Marty''s parents to have to make such a difficult decision about grandma. Charlie''s father passed exactly 8 days after his mother passed away. He went from pertty healthy to on life support in just a few short days and Charlie, his brother and sister had to make some very difficult decisions at the end. Anyway, grandma is still in our thoughts and prayers........

Hope it wasn''t too crazy Lorelei.......

Yay for losing 1.5 pounds gecko!

I''m glad you got some rain and got to still go for a nice long walk Skippy!! Thanks for the good wishes for my leg. It still hurts, but I know it will be better. Yay for pushups and I completely agree with you about them. They''re not only good for your arms, but they''re great for your core, your chest, and your heart too. It''s a very complete exercise. I do 60 - 100 every workout.

Hey lliang, sorry for an entire weekend of rain........

Hi dragon!! I hope you enjoyed your workout with your friend.

Hey alli. You''re doing great. Don''t let the evil scale monster upset you.

You too Tacori. I used to weight myself daily, but I rarely get on the evil thing anymore. I can tell how I''m doing by how my clothes fit.

It''s good to have you back PW!!

SS, I''m sorry to hear your HH was laid off. I''m a headhunter and see this all day long. It''s definitely tough out there, but it sounds like you guys have a really positive attitude. What''s HH''s background?

Have fun at the painting party Stephbolt!

Since tomorrow''s a gym night, it''ll be a quick check in tomorrow night..........
Hi, everyone! Hope you all had a great day. It is so beautiful here and it puts me in the best mood. I'm heading to bed soon so I can get up early in the am to run. Have a great night!

Marcy, thanks for the opener. How's grandma?

Hi, Lorelei!

Gecko, great job on the 1.5lbs!

Skippy, your pizza sounds yum!

lling, great job on your push ups and crunches!

Dragonfly, great job on the water intake...that is one of the hardest things for me.

Alli, I take my measurements too...I think it is a much better indicator of progress. You are doing great!

Tacori, aww I'm sorry you had a bad time at zumba. I'm sure you looked great...we are our own worst critics, ya know. Oh you asked if I was at my goal...I still have lots to lose. I tried to break it into 2 goals..10lbs that I gained with the pregnancy and 15 from when I had to be on steriods. I have lost 8 pounds so far, so 17 left to go...I feel your pain about it coming off slowly!

Patiently, good to see you!

Something shiny, so sorry to hear about your hubby's layoff. Sending dust that he will find something soon. Oh and thanks so much for your kind comments in the other thread, you made my day!

Stephbolt, have fun with the painting...I'm pretty sure that is a huge calorie burner!

eta: Rod, we were posting at the same time...hi, friend
. I hope you and Charlie enjoyed this wonderful weather last weekend! Hope you're doing well!

Happy Monday.

I was good food wise today and walked on the treadmill tonight.Marty’s grandma was awake and talking today.Then the in-laws came back after lunch and she was like a wild woman.She was fidgeting, pulling off her oxygen, her clothes and trying to get out of bed.We went up after work and she was still acting like that.We didn’t stay long.We don’t know what happened with that. Thank you all for your well wishes and thoughts.

Gecko, congratulations for losing 1 ½ pounds.


Skippy, I love rain.We are expecting snow tonight.With the wind chill it is near 0 outside now.I am going to make pizza tomorrow evening.

Lliang, stress eating can certainly add a few extra calories.Yeah for day 3 of 100 pushups.

Dragonfly, glad to hear you kept up your water and healthy eating this weekend.

Alli, at this point I don’t beat myself up over a few pounds.I know I will take it back off because that is just my life now.Woo hoo for your FI noticing a change in your body.I found when I wasn’t losing weight I was losing inches.Don’t let the evil scale upset you.

Tacori, yeah for week 6 of your workouts.Hang in there lady you will see the scale budge soon.

Patiently Waiting, it’s good to hear from you.Glad to hear you are back on track.I love walking in the springtime too.

Somethingshiny, it’s good to see you here.Thank you so much for the lovely compliment.Good luck to your DH on finding a job.How wonderful to continue working on the house without touching your savings.

Lliang, I love chicken but can only eat is sparingly as I am allergic to poultry.Turkey darn near kills me and chicken can be tolerated in moderation about once or twice a month.So please enjoy your chicken leftovers for me.Marty is taking this pretty hard but seems a bit better now that his parents are here making decisions.

Stephbolt, great plan to have a house painting party. Don’t serve the beer too soon.LOL.


Rod, how unusual about Charlie’s parents passing away so close together - hugs to Charlie.You hear about that though once one is gone the other one just gives up.It is tough to make those decisions.Glad to hear your enjoyed some pork chops for supper.We tried some cheese raviolis that you can steam in the microwave.Not bad for something quick.

Steph, glad to hear you are enjoying some beautiful weather.We are expecting more snow tonight.So enjoy the warm weather for me.

Take care.


Good morning!

Marcy -- I''m sorry to hear that grandma isn''t doing well. I''ll be thinking of her.

I''m definitely guilty of beating myself up over not doing well, but I''m getting better at not doing that. I''ve learned that I go back to old habits during stressful situations, and unfortunately, the past few months have been pretty stressful. I had been doing so well and I feel like I''ve undone a lot of that hard work. I feel like I pulled a thread out of a piece of fabric and I''ve undone a quilt that I had worked hard to create. I''ll get back to it though. I have been tracking food in a journal, and once we get our new computer in a week or two, I''ll be able to use our DB.

Dani -- congrats on the weight loss! It sounds like you''re doing well. Yay!

Tacori -- I hope you had fun at Zumba. It sounds like T. is doing well now when you drop her off at child watch. That''s great news!

Hey, quick question -- can you guys recommend a good tasting, high fiber cereal? I discovered All Bran Strawberry Medley and it has 10 g of fiber. I''m getting kind of sick of it now, although I do enjoy the taste. I think the All Bran Yogurt Bites has the same amount of fiber in it, but I''m not sure if it''s as healthy overall. I''m not feeling full enough in the mornings, and I''m starving by lunch time at noon.

SS -- I''m so sorry to hear that your husband was laid off. I''m glad that you''re doing well financially, but it does stink.

I have a long week of meetings ahead of me, so I should finish getting getting ready for work so I can be at school earlier than usual.

Hi to everyone! I don''t have time to write to everyone, but I hope you have a great day.
Grandma''s gone. I am glad she isn''t unhappy anymore.

Zoe, hugs to you for having a tough couple of months. Good luck getting back to your routine.
Oh Marcy, I''m so sorry for your loss. Prayers and hugs going out to you and Marty today.
Marcy, I am so very sorry about Grandma. My thoughts are with you, Marty, and the rest of your family.


Hi All,

Rod, so sorry about the leg.

Skip, isn''t it fun to walk with hubby? I love when J joins me.

Zoe, I''m sorry things are so stressful. Wishing you lots of peace.

Tacori, I think you''re being too hard on yourself! Good for you for continuing to workout so faithfully.

Steph, hope you have a great run.

So I''ve got a nasty infection, and all I want to do is sleep. I started antibiotics yesterday and hope they''re kick in soon. Not such a good thing. I haven''t gained any weight, but I''m certainly losing muscle. One of these days I''m going to get back to where I was exercise wise.

Food is doing well, I don''t have time to eat! ha ha ha

Have a great Tuesday all.

Good morning everyone! I hope you all are having a good day and week thus far. Work has been a little less hectic for me lately, which is good. I've been able to consistently get to the gym and get my workouts in. Last night was abs and cardio - 45 min on the stair master. I feel like I'm back into the swing of things. Yesterday was a nice day but unfortunately the cooler weather is back for another week at least. I can't wait until spring is finally here so than I can do more outdoors


gecodani - Great job on the 1.5 lbs! Keep up the good work!

alli - Don't let the scale get you down. I think the idea of doing measurements is a great one. Progress can't always be measured in pounds...keep plugging away and you'll see results all around soon enough.
Skippy - Yeah for a nice long walk! You'll have Michelle arms in no time doing those push-ups
I hope you see your turle again soon!
Tacori - I'm sure you looked just fine in class. I can relate to hating to look at myself in full length class mirrors and not liking what I see, but don't let it get you down. Besides, be proud that you were one of the few that even came to class and that right there is a huge accomplishment! Keep up the good work!
somethingshiny - Rededicating together sounds great! I'm sorry to hear about DH but glad you made the most of the time to get a lot done. I know how hard the first few times are after being away for a bit, but you'll be past that in no time and back to the old schedule again. You'll be doing that crane in no time!!
lliang_chi - I will have to check out that 100 pushup challenge. I could only do about 10 at a time when I was more in my prime late last year
Hurray for yoga class and mmm mango! I love Indian dahl! For my soup, I have been keeping it simple for now, as things have been hectic lately. I did a modified version of the recipe that is on my bag of lentils. I take a little extra virgin olive oil and warm it in the bottom of the pan. Then I put in two minced cloves of garlic and two chopped stalks of celery and warm those until they soften a bit. I put in a pound of lentils along with about 8 cups of chicken broth, and some salt/pepper/herbs/spices to taste and let it simmer until the lentils are tender, adding a little more water if necessary. It's really easy and very tasty, not to mention full of protein and oh so healthy.
stephbolt - I know how you feel with work getting in the way of workouts. Just stick to healthy eating and work out when you are able and you'll be fine. I mentioned the recipe above in my comment to lliang_chi but basically I modified a version that I saw on the goya bag of lentils. It's an easy recipe to do when you are in a hurry like I have been lately.
Rod - Good to be back! Your dinner sounded so yummy! I agree - it isn't right getting up in the dark. I find it so hard to get up before the sun is up and about! Kick butt at the gym!!
steph - Good to see you
Glad you had great weather - spring weather really does put me in a good mood, too!
Zoe - I have been known to beat myself up a bit too, but don't be too hard on yourself. Just keep doing what you have been doing. I fell off the wagon recently too and picked myself right up and started again. I know you'll be fine.
marcy - I'm so sorry about thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kim - Hope you feel better soon!

Hi Lorelei! Have a good day everyone!

Hi Geckies, Skip, lliang, DF, alli, Tac,
PW, SS, SB, Rod, Steph, Marcy, Zoe, Kimmers and PW!

Things are a bit easier today thanks. We are having a new boiler fitted in the house so things are a bit chaotic. I did get in another 50 min workout last night so doing well!!

Where is Dee, is she away?
Marcy, sorry for your loss. Grandma''s in a better place now. Big, big hugs to you and your family, and I''ll keep them in my prayers.

Shiny, I''m NOT like super Rod and actually doing 100 pushups. I''m doing something 50, with a max of 15 at a time. But the goal is to eventually get up to 100 push ups broken up into reps. Sorry to hear about your husband getting laid off. What are you planning doing to your kitchen? I LOVE DIY remodel work. My parents used to do it all the time. There''s a lot of ppl on PS that can help. Check out the Hangout Forum.

StephB, So far I''m pretty weak with the 100 pushups. I get half way through the workout and am like "AHHHH!!! I can''t do it!!!" I might have to repeat Week 1 until I can do it straight through. What color are you painting? I love painting, it totally changes the look for the whole room!

Rod, wow, 60-100 pushups every workout! That''s a lot! Hope your uber day goes well today. Well, getting up in the dark sucks but just think, in a few weeks it''ll be really bright out, AND we get that extra hour at the end of the day. I hope that makes you feel a little better :)

Steph7, how was the run this morning?

Zoe, when do you get your new computer? Soon I hope. Can''t help you much with cereal, I don''t eat it much and James just like the kiddie sugary stuff. Maybe you can do some steel cut oats? THey take a while to make but I hear you can soak them in boiling water overnight and then it''ll just take 7-9 mins to cook in the morning.

Kim, feel better! Don''t sweat about losing muscle, you''ll be able to build it back up in no time. Just work on getting better.

Patient, Great you''re doing well getting back on track. You should check out the pushup challenge. I was only able to do 14 straight before I pooped out. You lentil soup sounds pretty tasty, I''ll have to try that. I LOVE Indian dahl too though, but I''m all out of spices.
Marcy my deepest condolences to you and Marty.

back a little later to post to everyone.
Marcy, sorry for your loss... big hugs. My Grandma is going through some health issues right now, I think she will be fine in the end as she is a strong woman, but it is never easy.

Hello WWT''s good to see everyone doing really well as usual.

I am lurking around here and is a little story for you. Unfortunately, I have not worked out in almost a month. I had a horrible flu for 2 weeks. When I finally went back to Zumba, the next day I had a horrible cold that lasted 2 more weeks and still is not ENTIRELY gone. The odd that I lost 7 lbs with the first flu--gained back 5 when I was better, and then lost 2 when sick again. So I am about 4 lbs below what I was when I got sick, and I was fine with my weight then, kind of at a sweet spot.

Sounds like a dream right? Well..the funny thing is that I don't really care if I stay here or gain the 4 lbs back, it was probably muscle, but smaller jeans and clothes fit me better now, so I kind of like it. But since I have been sick, I have been eating like I was when I was in my 20's. Seriously. Pizza, Fish and Chips, Cookies, Brownies, Ice Cream. As in... 4 cookies in one sitting. 1/2 a pint of ice cream. McDonalds for lunch. Stuff I haven't done in YEARS, you guys probably remember how strict I was. In reality, I was not that strict anymore in general since I have been in maintenance, but still watched what I ate overall, and worked out 5x a week before these illnesses got me.

I admit it. I LOVE eating like this. I am a crap lover at heart, even though my head knows that healthier is better and that typically I feel better overall when being healthy. Anyway I am wondering how long it will take my body to regulate again...because this can't last forever. But it made me think of something and I figured you WWT'ers, esp the die hards who have been like me over the last 3-4 years, would find this interesting.

If you guys COULD go back to eating the way you did before you got on the healthier lifestyle kick...with maybe like 75% the way before and 25% the way you eat now--would you?? Think really hard about it. Because I *know* healthier is better of course, I walked that walk for almost 3 years now, but seriously I forgot how good some of this crap really is.

I am enjoying it while I can--it will be a rude awakening when I realize that its back to salads and soup for me and cookie rationing once more.
Just had to jump in to send my condolences to Marcy and Marty. I''ll be thinking about your family this week.
I went to yoga today, its the first activity I''ve had since Saturday..went on a walk Saturday. I leave on Friday for my ski trip...I can''t wait.

Marcy, My thoughts are with you and Marty.
Date: 3/10/2009 8:00:33 AM
Author: marcyc
Grandma''s gone. I am glad she isn''t unhappy anymore.

Zoe, hugs to you for having a tough couple of months. Good luck getting back to your routine.
Oh gosh I missed this - Marcy I am so sorry for your loss. Please pass our condolences to Marty also. Hugs to you.
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