
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 8th Feb till 14th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Sorry about the short thread but running short on time today so just kicking us off quickly!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Lorelei! How is your weather?

Bella, good luck at your interview.

See you later! Have a great day.


Dec 31, 2008
Hi lorelei!

Marcy- LOOOVE the heart diamond, rhr! It is a bea-ut!


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, HLTers! Hope all is going well!

Bella~ Good luck on your interview!!

I''m still going with the plan and everything is good. I''ve gained about .5 lbs this past week so I''m starting a healthy gaining process. I''ll jump back on my ball today. My MIL got a ball and couldn''t figure out how to stay on, she''s got terrible core muscles even though she''s tiny. So, I was showing her all of my best balling and she was just laughing because of my belly popping out. But, I think she''ll be a baller soon. She was completely amazed at how many muscles are involved in every exercise.

Found out my sis is a bit of a bridezilla....But, it''s such off the wall stuff I can''t even get mad, I just laugh. I''m really trying to just follow her rules but I did have to say NO to the 3" heels she wants me to wear at 6 months pregnant. That''s just absurd! And, I gotta vent for just a moment. My official Matron of Honor outfit is appropriate for a 1978 discotec. Red charmeuse dress, silver heels (although I went with 1") and a big silver cross necklace. And, remember, I''ll be visibly pregnant in this getup. I fear I''m going to look like an old **** star! And, to top it off, there will be SIX of us dressed this way!!
Yeah, these pics are gonna be the ones you hide at the back of the album! I have no idea where her taste comes from because my other sis and my mom are equally shocked. She, however, will look gorgeous. Oh, and she''s chosen red satin bowties and vests for the hulking men.
okay, this was neither the time nor the place, but thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

Have a great week all!!!


Aug 19, 2009
SS- Wow, I am cracking up at that image...I have no know that you have to post a photo on PS, at least from the neck down so we can see this get-up


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/8/2010 9:04:40 AM
Author: marcyc
Hi Lorelei! How is your weather?

Bella, good luck at your interview.

See you later! Have a great day.
'Tis completely pants Marcy, damp and cold with snow flurries - but its not cold enough for ice or the snow to stick.

Hi tlh!!

Best of luck at the interview Bella, you will do great!!

SS- you are too funny! I know you will look wonderful though!


Dec 31, 2008
Shiny- that image is priceless! Do post some pics afterwards (even if you black out faces!) Cannot wait to see!


Jul 30, 2008
Happy Monday ladies!

It''s snowy here today. Of course I had to travel for work in the morning when the roads are the worst. Oof. Thank goodness for AWD
I guess I can''t complain too much; if I were still in WV, I''d be buried up to my thighs in snow!

marcy- Love the new avatar!

ss- I''m assuming you mean stability ball, right? I LOVE my stab. ball! I actually just bought a new one (old one didn''t make the move). I guess it is tricky at first! I won''t even do ab exercises (crunches) on the floor anymore. And I''m so sorry about your wedding garb; take pictures, please

bella-Good luck on the interview!

I guess I''ll be running on the tread mill today
I''m also thinking about buying a Camelbak that goes around your waist (holds 28oz) for my longer runs. I think this may be easier than the water bottles, and the bladder holds more liquid. Anyone have experiences with hydration packs?

I also tried Silk creamer in my coffee this am; not too bad. It''s around 20 calories, and its sweet enough to not need sugar. (ETA: I don''t eat dairy) We didn''t have any leftovers from dinner last night so I just packed a bunch of little things for my days eats: 1 C cherrios, carrots, soy yougurt, apple, banana, hard boiled egg, almonds. I''m sure I won''t eat it all, but it''s nice to have


Nov 16, 2008
Monday is just about over...yay!
Ss: I really hope we will get to see some pics! Sounds like an interesting combo! My sister is getting married this summer and is quite the comic collector. She and her fi go to conventions all dressed up and younger sis and I were so nervous about what she may have made us wear...and we still have no dresses...but her dress is black and white, and the flowers are made of metal...this may get interesting.
Beach: I''ve never worn a camelbak to run, but have worn them hiking and love them! The bladders hold a whole lot, and I know when I was in idaho there were a lot of runners in the desert who used them or else they honestly could not run.
Hope everyone else had a great day!
So I just need a second to rant: why do people go to the gym, put there stuff in a locker, and then not use a lock?? I open about 5 lockers everytime to finally find a free one. The mean part of me actually wants to move everyones stuff around to teach them a lesson, tho I never would.
Anyway...took a spinning class tonight. I have to get there really early in order to sign up, so I did arms while I waited. I love the really sweaty workout I get from spinning. It makes me feel like I''ve really done something. I''m finding myself getting in the zone now. It feels so great to make the right choices, and I''ve never stuck with "lifestlye changes" this long before! Wheeeeeee!


Jul 30, 2008
charbie I have a Camelbak for hiking and I love it as well! I''ll post a picture to the one I was eying up. My SIL LOVES spinning; I''ve never tried it.

Well, my #4 Bball team just lost
That''s all for tonight.

Here''s a photo of the Camelbak:



Jul 22, 2007
Wow, can''t say I''ve ever seen a camel back look like that before!! I saw the pic before I read what it was and

We''ll see about the know the internet lasts forever!! Maybe I could post one for a day and then have admin delete it. I don''t want to be PS''s resident **** star.....
DH is calling the wedding day, "foreplay day" because of the outfit.

Charbie~ Sounds like you could end up worse off than me!!!

bella~ Yes, the stability ball is what I have. I love my ball! I didn''t really have much of a problem with the ball when I started on it. I am clumsy so I was a bit off balance but within the first day I was doing a full workout with it. My MIL just doesn''t have any strength anywhere. She was actually told by her doctor when she hit menopause she wasn''t to lift anything heavier than 10 lbs!! That''s a good way to lose all muscle!

So, Cadbury eggs are out....
They should be made the size of VW bugs, where you could pop the trunk and scoop out the delicious goodness! I will limit my eggs to one a day, but it may be EVERY day!!

Also, has anyone noticed the Necco Sweethearts are different?? I don''t like them at all.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......Quick fly by from the lone guy on the forum........Another overly ''uber'' long day, but a productive one. I had several candidates interview on Friday and the chances are several may get an offer. Tomorrow will be another super long work day. I''ll take my gym clothes with me, but this week could be a repeat of last week. This major project I''m recruiting for will be finished by Friday, and maybe life can return to some degree of normal, if there is such a thing as normal.

I can''t say hello to all my healty ladies individually, as I have to do some more work before shutting down for the night. I hope your week is off to a good start..........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.My meeting with our HR went about what I expected.There is not much I can do about it other than talk to my dean and or the president of the school.I am not comfortable talking to either of them so I am going to write a letter and cc board of directors, the HR director, our state senators and representatives, etc.I don’t know whether to do it now or wait until later in the semester.I have been exchanging email with a former dean and she didn’t know a thing about my classes being cancelled so I am wondering if this was a selective decision not an across the board decision.That would be very interesting to find out.

I stayed in my calorie range today.My stress has calmed down a bit and I am not going to let my teaching setback derail my eating habits.

Tlh, I am glad you like my heart diamond.That baby is what led me to my ideal cut diamond and Pricescope.

Somethingshiny, sounds like you are a pro on your ball.I would so kill myself on them.Sorry to hear your sister picked out attire that doesn’t strike your fancy; hopefully they won’t be so bad once you get everyone on.I like the chocolate Cadbury candies – like M&M’s.I think the Necco’s sweethearts are not as tasty and they are harder now too.

Hi Bella.

Lorelei, sorry for the pants weather.That is pretty much what we have too.Marty said he’s about had enough of winter.Too bad we have at least 3 more months to go.

Beach Runner, this part of the country is AWD country all right!I thought a heart was good for Valentine’s day.I am a cheerios fan too.

Charbie, that would be funny to move around people’s belongings in their lockers.Why bother to put stuff in there if you aren’t going to lock them?Glad you had a workout from spinning.

Rod, that is great several of your candidates might get placed.Good luck finishing your big project.

Well, I am freezing so I am getting out my fleece. It feels like -5 outside.





Mar 13, 2008
Hey all!!! I''m back. Sorry for the long time away. James and I joined a nice gym in Chicago and we''ve been doing a pretty good job with working out. We met up at the gym tonight and I did a quick weights workout. I was kinda sick too. The funny thing is, this is the THIRD time I''ve joined this gym. I should''ve just kept the membership since the first time... Sigh!

Shiny, very funny image with the **** star... You''ll be a radiant, **** star get up or not :) I *love* swiss balls :) I''m glad you got your MIL into it.

Bella, good luck on your interview

TLH, Hi friend :)

Lorelei, bummer with the horrible weather.

Beach, I''m glad you got to and from safely. I''m scared to drive in the snow. That''s a nifty idea for a Camelbak. I use it for skiing and LOVE it. Mine holds 2L. I love Silk but I don''t fancy how to tastes in my tea, so I stick with milk. Your eats sound great!

Charbie, I''m one of those ppl that annoy you...
But in this new gym there''s no need to BYO-Lock, they membership card doubles as locker key thing, so I don''t need to remember to bring my lock. Awesome you''re sticking with the healthy lifestyle changes :) Hooray!!!!

Rod, Hello friend :) Sorry work''s been crazy. Hope you can make it to the gym tomorrow. It''s a great way to blow of steam. Hopefully your big project wraps up soon. What''s the word on your condo?



Apr 30, 2005
Missed you lliang!


Feb 27, 2007
Good to hear from your Lisa. Glad you and your husband are enjoying a gym.

Marty had to go in to work last night but has to work day hours today. He''s going to be tired today.

See ya!


Dec 31, 2008
LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey girlie! Long time no see! Missed ya! *muah!* (that is me blowing you a big ole kiss!)

Everyone sorry I cannot say hi to all individually. Things are crazy busy! Hubs is out of town so I had to add BOTH dogs to my run this morning. I do not like running with the hubs dog. He is easily spooked by noises like garbage trucks - buses, etc. And guess what... it was TRASH DAY! Ugh. I hope everyone has a great day!


Jul 30, 2008
Happy Tuesday all!

Lisa- You were my running buddy when I had my short stay on this thread before! Hello! You know, we don''t take our Camelbak skiing, and we should. I always get so thirsty. The bladder is smaller on the waist CB, but I don''t need that much water for running. Good for you that you joined the gym! Our apt. complex has a treadmill and a weight system, but I hate the weights. I guess I need to start liking them because I need to start weight training again.

Rod- My apologies if I said "ladies" and included you; I did not know we had a male on the forum. Hope is this slows down a little for you!

Hello Marcy ,Lorelei, and TLH!



Jun 25, 2007
Hey all
I wanted to step in for a moment to explain my extended absence from this thread. As some of you know I was suffering from some shoulder issues when I was running. The doctors put me on medication for it, but it hasn''t been helping much until recently. This Sunday I DID break my 3 mile barrier, and ran four miles... although it took me forever....I did it! But I''m also having trouble in the past three weeks now with my lower back bothering me. Last night I did yoga and I felt off center the entire time.... like my body was tilted. I''m thinking the two are related, so now it is off to the chiropractor to see what they say. I''m also going to be starting massage therapy to work my shoulder and back muscles into a more relaxed mode.

Instead of coming on here and being a downer and trying to explain away why I am not running my normal runs (although I AM doing lots of yoga and lots of back strengthening routines) I''d rather wait to post until I can have some sort of positive something to say in terms of working out. I promise I''ll be back once I figure this all out, and will get back into full swing posting... I just don''t want it to be "well my back hurts today, so just some yoga" :razz:

Miss you guys tons though!


Dec 31, 2008
df- hey - sorry about you having so many issues with your back and shoulder- but I did want to point out, it is a healthier lifestyle thread. Not an exercise log/ thread. A huge part of living a healthy lifestyle includes many elements that are not running related. Yoga is GREAT! So is stretching and rehab... so is healthy eating. You do all those things. Don''t feel like you have to complain about not hitting your running markers - goals. we all have slip ups, from drinking a few to many beers, to eating chips and salsa when we know we should ask them NOT to bring it to the table. So come back when you feel comfortable... but don''t feel like just because you aren''t running and meeting your half marathon goal - that you aren''t welcome on this thread. ALL insights are helpful. Even the exercises you do for re-hab - as injuries do spur up from time to time among repetitive use sports.

HUGS! and hope to see you soon!


Dec 28, 2005
4,101 taking a break from another insanely intense work day. Stressfull doens''t quite quite do it justice. And it started with a sense of not making my deadline to have enough high level candidates for Chicago this Friday. But by day''s end, I made some really good progress and am likely going to have a good showing in both NY and Chicago. Didn''t make it to the gym as this project is still not finished. Am hoping to be in a position to go tomorrow night. I guess if I make enough progress............

I need to go back to work, but did want to thank you all for the support.

Hi Marcy......stay warm and good luck with your appeal......

Gee it''s nice to see you Lisa......I''m glad you and James joined a gym. As for our condo.....we''re under contract, but it won''t close until June 15. We are now looking for something waaaay more affordable, but still nice. Lucky for us, prices have come down dramatically. We''re actually thinking about a really cool (pretty small) condo directly in downtown Tampa, but the things we''d be able to walk to would so much fun.

Hey tlh, sorry it was trash day and hope the pooch wasn''t too spooked........

No apologies necessary BeachRunner. There have been a couple other guys who came in for a short time, but I''ve been here a long time. I know there are forums for health and fitness that men can join, but I came to PS a few years ago when I was looking for rings for me and Charlie and I found a really welcoming environment. Soon afterwards, I started "Rebuild Rod" and found this forum. So, I''ve been a constant here and I enjoy checking in with all my "girls" every day..........

Hi dragon......I''m glad you broke the 3 mile barrier. I''m sorry to hear about your shoulder. Do be careful......running is often not good for low back pain. You might want to talk to your orthopedist. you know I''m a big beleiver in core strength training. I used to suffer from lower back pain and had to see a chiropractor no less than 3 times a week for years. After "Rebuild Rod" I worked hard to strengthen my core and I haven''t had to see a chiropractor in a long time (except during my sciatic episode that everyone here had to endure for nearly a year, but that was caused by a fall and could have been avoided). And tlh said some great things, so stick around more.......OK

OK........Rod cracked the whip and must go back to work............


Nov 16, 2008
Well helloooooooo everybody!
DF: I hope you would keep coming around! Part of being healthy unfortunately involves injuries sometimes, and the healthy thing to do is to rehab it properly! I''ve never taken yoga...I''m too scared since I''m soooooo not flexible anymore...I used to be a ballerina, so I have high expectations for myself I think.
Tlh: boo for the crazy dogs on the run. We use a lead for our dogs instead of a leash, and I swear it is like they are completely different dogs. So well behaved!
Rod: sorry things are so stressful! Is it a sign that the economy is improving that you have a lot of clients looking for candidates?
Beachrunner: I like that camelbak! They are wonderful inventions! I got mine on ebay actually, and got a great deal. Its a great place to find things like that and usually save some $.
Lisa! Great to see ya!
Ss: I''m not looking forward to the candy holidays coming up...valentines day and Easter! I love sweets...they are my biggest weakness!

Got to go to the gym today, even tho we are in a level 1 snow emergency. They didn''t cancel classes since it was only a level 1, so I took my spinning class. It was pretty empty, so the instructor gave us the option of doing two extra track, so it was pretty nice to extend the class a bit since we had made it out in the snow!
My boss brought donuts and pizza in today...of course. She was ''rewarding us'' for not calling off in the snowstorm. And since I''m the only manager with my own big office
they put it all in my office! But I fought the temptation, only ate a little corner bite of pizza, then ate my packed lunch. And no donuts! I''ve been tracking my food to the last bite...and even with all of that and sorbet tonight I was 200 cals down. I am still getting hungry at night, so I''m going to adjust things and move things around so I don''t starve or do things counter active to my diet.


Mar 13, 2008
Hello, hello friends!! Thank you for the very warm welcome back. James was asking me about this site, It kinda when something like...

James: "So what *is* that website you go to?"
Me: "It's like a workout, health forum."
James: "Why is it called Pricescope? Is it a shopping website?"
Me: "Sorta. It's a jewelry/diamonds/precious stones forum."
James: "And there's a workout website on a diamond forum?!?"

Me: "Yeah. They're all really nice people and y'know why not?"

Boys.... No offense Rod. And I'm kinda shy and don't want him to find out about this site because it's kinda like, my "place."

Today was our trainer session. It went really well. He's got us on a ski program since we're doing our ski trip at the end of this month. So it's a lot of circuit work. Sniff, no more strength training. Sister and I decided to go on-and-off with our trainer and just stick with lifting heavy with him. That way it's not *as* expensive as having him every month, but we still get to do all the fun lifting that we like. I was Free-motion squat-ting 200 lbs yesterday, more than this guy that was following me on my squat set. :) Yeah!!!

Marcy, Poor marty must be EXHAUSTED!!! I hope he takes some time to to recover after so much craziness... Oh my goodness, I got caught up on the whole teaching debacle. I'm sorry to hear that. Awesome that you're still doing really well on the calorie range. I'm a mindless eater. I ate the equivalent of a dinner when I got home from work today. Even though I told myself to just eat fruit as I was walking home...

Lorelei! I missed you guys too :)

TLH thanks for the welcome. I sorta got caught up about you MOVING?!? Good luck with that. So funny about hub's dog. My dog is kinda like that too, but we got her really good at running that she kind of tunnels everything out and just runs with us. You should get those around the waist running leashes. It's FANTASTIC to run with the dog. Once they get used to running. Quizas used to stop short at the very beginning which led to me being almost doubled over multiple times during the run. She doesn't do that anymore. :) Good girl!

Beach!!! You have to make sure you Camel has a neoprene sleeve along the hose or your water will freeze in the tube and you're carrying around water that you can't drink. Yes... I (sheepishly) speak from experience... How are your runs going? James signed us up for the Shamrock Shuffle 8K at the end of March. Last year it snowed during it
I wasn't a happy runner. It's far too cold in Chicago to run now, so I've been doing intervals on the treadmill. I *hate* running on the treadmill, so I do a 1 min sprint-1 min walk 5 times with a 3 min warm up and cool down. All done in less than 20 mins. It's good enough for my trainer it's good enough for me...

Dragon, stay and join us! You and Shiny are the yoga-ers in this group. I'm going to be inspired by you and do some too at the new/old gym :) they have yoga and pilates classes. Tomorrow James and I might meet at the gym again and work out. He loves it. Yay! Go me for suggesting it! he should've just listened to me the first time. I swear we tried out every gym with a pool in a 5 mile radius of our house....

Rod, I hope things get better for you as this project wraps up!!! I'm glad to hear your place got sorted out. I hope you guys find something you like. I hope you can make the gym tomorrow. I know how much it helps you blow off steam. It does for me too.

Charbie, good job on the tracking! You're so good with that. I'm going to start doing it too. You totally inspired me to do that.

So my goal for Feb is to start tracking what I eat. Wish me luck friends :) I used to use and it helped me from grazing when I worked from home. It was quite easy to do, since I was making all my food, I knew exactly what went into everything. I marvel at how well folks like Charbie & Marcy do staying in line with the calorie ranges. I TOTALLY know I'm overeating now, I can totally feel it. My work caters lunch everyday and I know it's not all that healthy, but I try to make the healthier choices. I also always get some salad, but I'm the type that *really* likes a hot meal. So I'd WAY prefer to eat hot food than a salad or sandwich. So... that's my dilemma.

And I know I've been gone a while, but where's Skippy and Sharon?

Lisa, out!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.

Tlh, running with the dogs this morning sounds like a real challenge.

Beach Runner, have fun using the gym at your complex.

Dragonfly, I hope the chiropractor can help you.Get better.

Rod, good luck with placing some candidates in Chicago and New York.I have been setting under my fleece blanket tonight so I am pretty warm.I am leaning towards not sending my email until I’ve submitted grades and got my final check.I would hate to have them pull my classes now.

Charbie, woo hoo for avoiding temptation.

Good for you.

Lisa, Marty shows a little interest in what I am doing on PS all the time too.Watches peak his interest but that’s about it.Have fun with the circuit training so you can get ready for your ski trip.Marty was very tired; he came to my office about 1:30 and asked me to take him home.He was sound asleep when I got home.I stopped and bought tacos on the way home.Good luck with the food tracking.Skippy has been working on a big project so she is staying away from PS to get that done.

Eat, Sleep and be Healthy.





Nov 17, 2009
I''m joining up with the weekly updates...I need all the help I can get!

My only real update is that I''m finally down to 178. I can''t remember the last time I was under 180 so this is pretty big news to me. Of course we''re snowed in here in the midwest so I''ve been getting etra exercise shoveling in addition to my daily gym time.

Shiney: your bridesmaid dress description is hilarious. I can''t wait to see pics!



Dec 31, 2008
Rod- you are a superman. You ALWAYS find stellar candidates. You''ll pull through. If you have any doubt, pull out your stud finder, and point inwards. Find your inner stud... he''s there! winks!

charbie- way to hit the spin class, way to fight the temptation.. pizza and donuts... talk about a double whammy. Celebrate each victory. They matter in th ebig picture!

lisa- 200#s! Lisa you still got it! *hey, sexy lady!* Yes, I''m moving. I use the measure ups bowl, as I too like a hot meal. It helps me measure my food w/o the bother of grabbing a cup. I used to mark up all my $1 bowls from target - but they stained easily with pasta, and hubs didn''t like the way they looked... so we bought measure ups from target (also available at amazon) and they work great!

marcy- wow, marty must have been very tired. How you holding up w/ your unplanned retirement? What is next on the slate for ms. marcy?

pinki- congrats getting under 180! That is awesome! Celebrate each of your successes! Way to burn calories w/ the snow shoveling!

Everyone happy weds. Hubs has 5 places he''s looking at tonight after work. FINGERS CROSSED he finds a place he likes. Wicked weather in the midwest... so what can I say, I''m a bit intimidated by the move. Yesterday I went to get the mail and I was freezing! (Granted I was in shorts, and a tee) and I was talking to hubs, and I look up the weather, and I was like it doesn''t FEEL like 60* - and my husband said I was about too really learn what cold is. EEK! I know what cold is, I just don''t like it. If I''m not RUNNING, I will complain about any temperature below 80*... sometimes upper 70''s, if it is sunny. When I''m running I like it in the 50''s... MAYBE 60, by the END of the run. So this will be an eye opener. I don''t even own a coat! So, new wardrobe anyone? My hammy has been - tweaked. I can''t describe it. It is a dull ache, but not a pain. I''ve been running through it - but it hasn''t gotten any better with the icing etc. It doesn''t change my stride - but I know it isn''t good. So, as hard as it is.. I''m taking a few days off, and will re-evaluate... and I mean OFF. No swimming, cardio tapes, walks, NOTHING. This morning felt weird too. By tomorrow I''ll be wayy antsy. But, I''m just going to take a few days off - and hope that with a bit of rest, it will improve.

Diet isn''t good... isn''t bad, I just know I''m a weirdo. I will take so much care to make sure that hubs and I both have good eats, but when it is just me. I get forgetful and lazy. Like last night, I had a can of soup and some popcorn. Basically whatever was in the cupboard. Plus because work is stressful, and I don''t have hubby saying (*you ready to go home now?*) I''ve been staying late - and getting a LOT more done, whew! Instead of coming home on lunch and making a nice healthy sandwich or something, I''ve gone to the caffeteria and grabbed overly oiled pasta to eat during my phone in meetings. YUK. Since this morning I didn''t run, I got up, made myself a nice breakfast. Oatmeal, a 1/4 cup of blueberries, and half a banana with cinnamon. I also had extra time to pack myself a lunch, I didn''t have a lot around, but I slapped something together from what I had around the house. 1/2 cup of black beans, 1 tortilla, lettuce, tomato, and some fat free cheese. I was thinking, why do I not put myself and my nutrition first. Food is fuel for our bodies... and I really need to make a better effort, to take care of myself -when no one is looking.

Have a great day everyone - huge hugs out there to all of you!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/9/2010 11:09:53 AM
Author: dragonfly411
Hey all
I wanted to step in for a moment to explain my extended absence from this thread. As some of you know I was suffering from some shoulder issues when I was running. The doctors put me on medication for it, but it hasn't been helping much until recently. This Sunday I DID break my 3 mile barrier, and ran four miles... although it took me forever....I did it! But I'm also having trouble in the past three weeks now with my lower back bothering me. Last night I did yoga and I felt off center the entire time.... like my body was tilted. I'm thinking the two are related, so now it is off to the chiropractor to see what they say. I'm also going to be starting massage therapy to work my shoulder and back muscles into a more relaxed mode.

Instead of coming on here and being a downer and trying to explain away why I am not running my normal runs (although I AM doing lots of yoga and lots of back strengthening routines) I'd rather wait to post until I can have some sort of positive something to say in terms of working out. I promise I'll be back once I figure this all out, and will get back into full swing posting... I just don't want it to be 'well my back hurts today, so just some yoga' :razz:

Miss you guys tons though!
You take care sweetheart!!! Hopefully your practitioner can help you out and get you comfortable in record time!

Welcome to the thread Pinki!


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, all!

Marcy~ great job on staying within your calorie range! Looks like you're staying warm! Is there a chance that your classes won't be pulled??

lliang~ It's great to see you!! Sounds like you've been doing great without us! A ski trip sounds like fun! It never crossed my mind that you could "train" for it...But, I've never been skiing. Yay for yoga! Good luck with tracking your food. I love Sparkpeople for that.

df~ Please don't feel like you have nothing to contribute!! The only exercise I did for a LONG time was yoga. It really is great for your body and your mind! Living a Healthy Lifestyle sometimes involves working BACK up that exercise ladder and definitely has a place in our thread. I am sorry that you're still suffering, hope the new treatments bring some relief!

Rod~ Sorry for the crappy days! Wow to possibly living right in Tampa! I have an aunt who moved into Dallas into a much smaller apt that she would have normally chosen. But, the location was great and she has never regretted it. She walk everywhere, even to the opera! And, it would be fun to find new sushi and coffee places! Just out of curiosity, are you looking for a "forever" home or will it just be a few years?

Charbie~ You should try yoga! It's amazing how quickly the flexibility comes back! I AM looking forward to the candy Holidays!! lol. I'm a big candy lover, but I especially like the seasonal items. It's just a good thing you can't get a Cadbury egg every day of the year! Glad you made it safely through the snow! We got several inches yesterday, somewhere around 6-8 and it looks like we got some more overnight.

pinki~ Welcome!! Congrats for getting down to a "new" number on the scale! Shoveling is a great workout, especially this year! I'm in North Central IL and we've had many many inches of snow!

Hi, Lorelei, bella, beachrunner, tlh! Hope I didn't miss anyone!

I had a dr appt yesterday, I thought I had gained .5 lbs this past week...turns out I lost another half instead. But, my uterus is measuring at 19w which is over a week ahead of what I actually am so the baby is growing fine. It's odd how much I've redistributed. I've got quite the belly on me but haven't gained weight yet.

I think I'm going to try some Jillian today. I need to keep working my arms before I wear my hot dress! I had to get a shot yesterday and the nurse asked me to relax my muscle. I WAS relaxing so BIG SCORE!!

Have a great day, everyone!!!

eta~ tlh~ somehow I missed your post! Moving to the Midwest, you'll definitely have a selection of winter wear!! We do have indoor tracks to run, ya know.... Sorry you tweaked your muscle, hope it heals quickly!


Jul 30, 2008
Happy Hump Day ladies and gentleman!

df- Aren''t injuries a bummer?
I hope you feel better real soon, but congrats on breaking the 3 mile barrier!

rod- Thanks for the explanation
Ah, another thing we all have in common; we LOVE jewelry! Good for you with "rebuilding Rod"; feels good, doesn''t it?!

charbie- Awesome job with resisting temptation! Someone is always bringing something in our office as well; oof! I always look on Ebay as well; it''s great for some things!

Lisa- Yay to the 8K! I am looking into a half in May, and have started training for it. I too, depise the treadmill. I get into my music so I''m not just thinking about the "oof, I''m on the treadmill watching the numbers". Thanks for the heads up with the Camelbak!

pinki- Welcome!
I recently "rejoined" as well. Congrats with the weight loss! That''s super exciting! Shoveling snow is a wonderful workout, I''m sure!

tlh- Better start shopping for the new wardrobe! It''s cooold in the winter and depending where you are, humid in the summer
, which I know you arne''t used to in AZ. When I''m running outdoors I make sure I wear a hat and gloves, and I''m usually OK. Just remember to be careful on the ice! GOOD for you that you are taking a couple days off. It''s better for you in the long run! (no pun intended) And good for you with realizing that you should put yourself first when it comes to nutrition. I''m the same way though, if DH is working, I''ll be lazy and make something sub-par for eats.

We have friends moving to southwestern CO, so we met them and their 1 y/o son for some HH beer at a local brewey. I had one 8oz blueberry wheat beer. Being around children always gives me baby fever, but I know we just aren''t ready for a child yet. One day... We got home a little late so we just make some veggie burgers; I put a red pepper on mine. I made a salad for my lunch today with baby spinach, carrots, half an avacado, red pepper, and a balsalmic dressing. I don''t know if I''ll run outside or not today; it''s pretty icy out there from our recent spat of snow.

Enjoy your day, everyone!


Jul 30, 2008
Date: 2/10/2010 9:43:59 AM
Author: somethingshiny

I had a dr appt yesterday, I thought I had gained .5 lbs this past week...turns out I lost another half instead. But, my uterus is measuring at 19w which is over a week ahead of what I actually am so the baby is growing fine. It''s odd how much I''ve redistributed. I''ve got quite the belly on me but haven''t gained weight yet.
Are you one of the pregnant ladies with JUST the belly? I bet you''re the cutest pregnant mommy-to-be! Congrats on the great dr appt!

Have a good day!
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