
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 6th July till 12th July

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Mar 13, 2008
Hello friends!!!

Rod, I''m sooo sorry to hear how much pain you''re in. Big hugs and I''m wishing you lots of good luck with the surgeon tomorrow. I really hope they can get and answer and resolution soon!

Skip, awesome with the run! Glad you''re getting back into the working out. Hooray for not gaining on your trip. Thanks for the CO pic. I love going there :)

TLH, so sorry to hear about your mom''s elbow. I *hate* those flexi leashes too! They''re unsafe and just terrible. Plus owners are so careless with their dogs! It really peeves me!

Marcy, Haven''t done the Cheerios again. I haven''t been able to motivate myself to get up at 6:30 so I have more time for breakie. I''m going to try tomorrow. This whole going to work stuff takes some getting used to. How have your evening walks been?

Miscka, You should try making multigrain bread with your Kitchen Aid. Or even regular baking recipes, you can find healthy substitutes for butter and sugar. Like canola oil & apple sauce instead of butter. I had a 5qt mixer for years. My sis got a 6qt last year and I''m still trying to justify getting a 6''er for my registry...


Feb 27, 2007


I hope you had a great day.

The drama continues at work . . .Oh the joys of being a supervisor.


Cake class was fun.I put fondant on a cake, learned a new border and flower, did a shell border and drop flower and we were done.The fondant looks great but tastes horrid.

Marty wanted a piece when I got home so we each had a piece.Cake was okay though.The rest of it goes to work tomorrow.

We are taking the in-laws out for supper tomorrow evening for their anniversary.When the sister-in-laws were here everyone went dutch but since this is their 40tt anniversary I wanted to do something for them.

Miscka, you will love your KA mixer.Mine gets a work out all the time.Yes, it will make many bad things.Marty has an espresso and cappuccino machines but tends to buy them more often from Starbucks than making his own.He does like them though.Good luck at the doctor.

Tlh, I am so sorry to hear about your mom getting hurt.My mom is about ½ mile away and it’s hard to deal with her ills and pains.I hope both your mom and you are better now.Grr that it was someone else’s fault too.Did they at least help her and offer to pay her bills?How awesome she is determined to walk this weekend.Hugs to her.

Skippy, you are closing in on 100 degree weather.Rats.Your chicken sounds great.Yay for a great walk / jog tonight.

Dragonfly, I hate to hear about your friend.Hugs to you.Glad to hear you are inspired to live life to the fullest; that is always a wise philosophy.

Somethingshiny, cinnamon rolls are very hard to resist.


Rod, hugs and PS dust to you.Good luck at the neurosurgeon tomorrow.

Take care.




Feb 27, 2007

Linda, hi lady.How are you doing?

Lisa, it is hard to get up and go to work, huh?I hope your first week is going well.My evening walks are costing me money but I am enjoying wandering around the stores.After class tonight I walked back and forth to my car, then walked around the craft store.Tomorrow night I thought I’d go walk around the mall for awhile.After what Tlh and Skippy said about the dogs I think I will stay away from the parks.With my bag knees I am a little on the klutzy side anyway.



Jan 12, 2009
Good morning my fabulous healthy lifestyle friends!
Before I start waffling, I want to wish Rod the absolute best of luck for her hospital appointment today. I hope that the surgeon is fab and can help you out in the quickest and most pain free way!

Lisa- Hope you are settling in at work and finding it to be a good move.

TLH- It sounds like the 30 Day Shred is good for toning up, but can’t be relied on as your main form of exercise if you want to lose weight. Still, if people aren’t doing any exercise, its better than nothing. If you do it every day then you are meeting the guidelines in the UK for regular exercise. So sorry to hear about your mum- she sounds like a real trouper though, as she is going to walk the course instead!

Skippy- Colorado looks fab. I wouldn’t stress about holiday indulgences. The key is recognising and making steps to sort it out. I think its important to remember that everything is fine in moderation. If you beat yourself up for enjoying 4th July, you end up thinking you are on a diet and not a change of lifestyle.

Marcy- Pancakes for dinner?!? Craziness! Is that Brinner (breakfast and dinner together- see what I did there!)

Miscka- I second Lisa’s homemade bread idea. I have a breadmaker and LOVE it. I make wholemeal bread with a mix of pumpkin, sunflower, flax and any other seeds lying about the kitchen. DF loves the taste of homemade bread.

Dragonfly- Welcome back! Amen on living life to the fullest. Since my Dad died last September, I have been trying to think like that. I also want to be as fit and healthy as possible, so I can actually live life to the max.
SS- I LOVE cinnamon rolls. We don’t really get sticky buns in the UK like you can get in America.

Yesterday I had a fab swim. There was a girl in the lane next to me getting coaching, so I was earwigging and using the advice he was giving into my rubbish breast stroke. I normally swim in chunks of 10 lengths, but ended up doing about 16 in one go at one point. Even better, some guy was hitting on me in the locker room (mixed sex but with individual cubicles). I am a taken lady, but knowing that I have got “it” in a bathing suit is ace! My new tankini arrived too. The shorts are deep enough to hide a multitude of bikini line scruffiness, although the top doesn’t offer as much support as I like, but it cost £8.50 for a BNWT Speedo suit instead of about £40, so its good enough!

I am SO excited for tonight. DF and I are going to see a band called Elbow (we love them) playing with the full Halle orchestra (one of the best orchestra’s in the country). Its going to be amazing. I’ve never seen a full orchestra before. Tickets went on sale and we missed them, they were going for £350 a pair on Ebay (face value about £75 a pair) and DF was considering buying them. Anyway, I got an email on Tuesday that said they had released a small number of tickets and managed to get a pair! I am so excited, its DF’s FAVOURITE band and its part of his 30th present.


Dec 31, 2008
Skippy- thanks so much for your well wishes for my mom. She is being pretty positive about the whole thing. Yesterday was her mopey woe-is-me day - and now she''s like, well that is that... better get on with things. She has a great attitude considering she can''t put her pants or bra on or bathe herself. In fact, she really can''t do much of anything. But she is an amazing woman with her power of positive thinking. I hope you do well in your class, and enjoy your supper. Sounds YUM! Isn''t walking the best! I love how devoted you are. Makes me smile every day thinking about it!

dragonfly- your trip sounds like a blast! Way to incorporate a workout in a vacation.

shiny- I LAUGHED SO LOUD! Good job resisting temptation though!

Rod- I HATE reading that you are in pain! I hope the surgeon can do something to help alleviate the pain you are in. You deserve some good news!

Lisa- why aren''t you eating breakfast! BAD LISA! BAD! Not eating breakfast forces your body to continue to burn fuel at a much slower metabolic if you were still asleep! Also, try to make sure you get a little bit of protein in every meal. (Drinking a large glass of milk, is better than any fruit juice, and will help if you are REALLY in a rush, but try to get something in. It is important!)

marcy -
cake class... I think this is something I''d love to do with my mom... I''ll put it on my list of things I must do in my life. Sorry about the drama at work, that always makes my hair curl! No the ladies didn''t do ANYTHING!!! That is why I was so angry. My mom had to walk home w/ her dog while holding her arm against her chest, call the ambulance BY HERSELF, and the ambulance people had to put the dog away, help lock up the house, and no, they have not offered to cover any unreimbursed medical bills. GRRR. But if my mom isn''t going to harbor hate in her heart, I guess I''m not either, but that just makes me

Saphire - thanks for your well wishes. My mom IS A TROOPER! She''s going to walk it with my dad. And chalk it up as her time to beat for next time! I think she is a wonderful woman. I''m always a lot more positive when I am around her!!! I''m glad you had a nice swim and got the benefit of some good coaching! And yes, I agree, sometimes it is good to know you''ve still got it!
Enjoy the band, and have fun!!!


Last night I talked to my mom after she pain pilled up. She sounds great! She is so positive, and I just wish I could make things easier for her, but her friends and co-workers have really offered a lot of support and help. Coming by to make her meals, and help set up her computer since she can''t type on her laptop anymore... and my dad has rescheduled his biz trip so that he can help my mom until she can figure out how to do things on her own. So that makes me happy. I did the shred last night, swam, and went for my morning run this AM. My mood was better, and the run was good.

"It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded." Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Jul 22, 2007
I did it, I ate half. Can you see my butt from where you are??


Dec 28, 2005
4,101 didn''t go as I had hoped. The good news is the doctor does not want to operate at this time. The bad news is the reason he doesn''t want to operate. While I do have a badly herniated disc, it is being caused by Spinal Stenosis, which is a constriction of the L5 Lumbar Disc. The surgeon said if he were to operate, it would be a very invasive operation and he couldn''t guarantee that it would fix the problem long term. So, he prescribed some steroids to help shrink the spinal cord, so it won''t push against the sciatic nerve, and I have to go through physical therapy and swim every day. He wants me to swim 2 miles a day!!?? And I can''t swim like really swim. No, I have to do the side stroke, which is slow, but doesn''t put pressure on my lower back. I did 25 laps and that took 1/2 an hour. If I were to do a full 2 miles, I would have to do over 200 laps, which would take several hours, so 2 miles a day doesn''t seem too likely. I have a an appointment to go back in 2.5 weeks. In addition, he thought my MRI was very interesting (yeah that''s what one wants to hear, right?), so he was going to meet with a specialist friend of his to read it with him. As far as the gym goes, I can go, but I can''t lift much weight, or do any chinups or dips. I can do low weights, with high reps, which can accomplish the same thing as high weight and low reps. I still can''t go to the gym for at least a week or so. As long as my leg is still burning, I have to avoid working out. And, he says I should never run again. Ever. That''s depressing to me. I had gotten myself up to easily running 5 miles and I so enjoyed the feeling. He said that I was putting extreme pressure on my lower spine and running would be about the worst thing I can do. I''m really very depressed about all of this. I''m so afraid I''ll never get back to where I was before this all started and I''ve worked so Dang hard to be in such good shape. I''m going to do everything I can possibly do to get past this and continue working out. I guess time will tell...........

I''m just going to end this here. Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Oh and Sapphire, thank you so much for your kind thougths and good wishes. I thought you''d like to know, that I''m a guy. Actually, I''m the lone guy on the HLT!!


Feb 27, 2007


Jun 15, 2006
Rod, just wanted to let you know I''m sorry about the bad medical news. You''re in my thoughts.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friend; I had the housesitter over this afternoon to tell her about the plants we need watered and we got so busy talking that I didn't make it to sports challenge. So this evening I went for a jog; it was nice and cool out from a quick rain so it was perfect.

I ate some candian ham, egg and whole grain english muffin, for lunch a banana and chicken lentil and veggie soup, dinner was a veggie burger and a big spinach salad, a bowl of strawberries and a cheese stick.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday and yippee that tomorrow is Friday

MARCY, yay for taking your family to dinner for their anniversary!

SLOVER, yay for a fabulous swim! Yay for hearing the tips from the coach. haha yay for being hit on!
Have fun watching the band tonight; sounds like fun!!!

TLH, oh no, your poor mom, bless her heart; she sounds like quite the trooper!!! Your mom sounds fabulous like you! Yay for a good run and shred!

SS, I would have ate the cinnamon roll too; you did great only having half, you should be proud!!

ROD, I hope the swimming helps and the doctor figures out what is going on w/your MRI, so sorry. Rod, I am sorry, huge hugs but knowing you, you will fight this. I will keep you in my prayers friend.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/9/2009 9:24:25 PM
Author: Rod didn''t go as I had hoped. The good news is the doctor does not want to operate at this time. The bad news is the reason he doesn''t want to operate. While I do have a badly herniated disc, it is being caused by Spinal Stenosis, which is a constriction of the L5 Lumbar Disc. The surgeon said if he were to operate, it would be a very invasive operation and he couldn''t guarantee that it would fix the problem long term. So, he prescribed some steroids to help shrink the spinal cord, so it won''t push against the sciatic nerve, and I have to go through physical therapy and swim every day. He wants me to swim 2 miles a day!!?? And I can''t swim like really swim. No, I have to do the side stroke, which is slow, but doesn''t put pressure on my lower back. I did 25 laps and that took 1/2 an hour. If I were to do a full 2 miles, I would have to do over 200 laps, which would take several hours, so 2 miles a day doesn''t seem too likely. I have a an appointment to go back in 2.5 weeks. In addition, he thought my MRI was very interesting (yeah that''s what one wants to hear, right?), so he was going to meet with a specialist friend of his to read it with him. As far as the gym goes, I can go, but I can''t lift much weight, or do any chinups or dips. I can do low weights, with high reps, which can accomplish the same thing as high weight and low reps. I still can''t go to the gym for at least a week or so. As long as my leg is still burning, I have to avoid working out. And, he says I should never run again. Ever. That''s depressing to me. I had gotten myself up to easily running 5 miles and I so enjoyed the feeling. He said that I was putting extreme pressure on my lower spine and running would be about the worst thing I can do. I''m really very depressed about all of this. I''m so afraid I''ll never get back to where I was before this all started and I''ve worked so Dang hard to be in such good shape. I''m going to do everything I can possibly do to get past this and continue working out. I guess time will tell...........

I''m just going to end this here. Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Oh and Sapphire, thank you so much for your kind thougths and good wishes. I thought you''d like to know, that I''m a guy. Actually, I''m the lone guy on the HLT!!

It will be ok - you will adapt and still be in terrific healthy shape, there are many things you can still do to keep up what you have achieved, hang in there!!! I know this is devastating news but you will get through this and all you have worked so hard for won''t be lost!



Mar 13, 2008
Rod, hugs to you my friend! I''m sorry the doctor told you you had to stop running. But don''t be discouraged. You''re going to stay in fantastic shape AND you''ll become and AWESOME swimmer. The PS-HLT Michael Phelps if you will :) I just did the conversion 2 miles a day is the same yardage I did when I was swimming competitively. That was done in 2 hours, 5 days a week. You are going to TOTALLY be Michael Phelps, but way cooler, if you ask me. :) I''m not sure what the side stroke is, but if you want help with swim workouts, I''ll be happy to come up with some sets for you. I hope you''re cheering up.

TLH, awesome your mom is staying so positive. :) I''m glad she has so much support from friends and your dad. And your mood is better. Good job on the run!!! I''m eating breakie now, before I used skip it, but now I''m having a hard boiled egg, minus yolk, tea, fruit and maybe a small bowl of multigrain Cheerios. Today was just Cheerios and fruit and tea, I ran out of eggs.

Marcy, cake class sounds like fun! I agree, fondant looks so pretty but I HATE how it tastes. I''m going to request my wedding cake with Buttercream because of that very reason.

Shiny, so funny about the cinn rolls. :) It''s okay to indulge every now and then, just means an extra 15 mins of workout for you. :)

Skip, awesome on the jog :) And the eats! Where are you guys going for vacation again?

Did a 5K with sis yesterday as our workout. It was good. I wolfed down 2 cups of rice and 2 cups of pasta about 1.5 hours before the race. I was totally feeling it around 2.5 miles. I had to walk Booooo... But I''ll try doing another 3 miler with no walking. Sis and I are going to try to do a 5K every month. But August we''re running into trouble finding a good 5K in the city. We might have to go out to the burbs.

I broke my brand new heart rate monitor before I even got to use it! So I didn''t have it for my race yesterday. Booo. I''ll have to buy a new belt for it, sucky but oh well.

We had sushi last night. I also had sushi for lunch too.

Question for you guys, does anyone else get SUPER hungry around 4-5PM? What do you do to keep yourselves from scarfing a whole 4 cups of food like i did last night?


Jan 12, 2009
Rod So sorry about your appointment. Why not look at getting some swimming classes/ coaching in and start developing your swimming skills to make it fun and not a chore?

Please can we all stop the sushi talk. I love it and DF hates it! I get huge cravings for it and all your talk makes me hungry! Our fishmonger has a full time sushi chef and they do yummy rolls and sashimi to take out, but parking is a nightmare.

Just a quick update- Concert last night was awesome. I urge everybody to go see a proper symphony orchestra. Its immense. I had too many gin and tonics, so was in the pool at 7.30 this morning, swimming them off! Going out for Thai tonight. WW shows that Pad Thai is the best choice, so that''s what I''ll be having (good job I LOVE the stuff!)

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Hi everyone...I''m the "other" guy on this thread who checks in once in a while.
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer. We had awful weather in June. Only 14
rain free days since May 24th. It''s getting better this week. Unusual summer in Boston,
for sure.
I''ve been following your health issues, Rod, and I understand your misery. You will feel
better just by continuing your light workouts and keeping a positive attitude.
I suffered for 8 years before having a C-6 discectomy (neck). I''m at about 90%
relief since the surgery in 2000. I am able to workout, lift weights, box, practice jujitsu,
and enjoy a normal pain free life. It''s your positive attitude that will help and maybe surgery will correct your problem.
Just get 3 or 4 opinions before jumping in. By the way, as you know, we are similar in age.
Best wishes.

Have a great sunny day everyone.



Dec 31, 2008
shiny - don''t beat yourself up about it, do some butt kicks and call it a day!

rod- oh that is so sad about the not running part! I just can''t even imagine the sadness. My heart is breaking for you. But the good news is by swimming you can strengthen and lengthen your back some, which will help relieve your pain. Most pools in the gym are 25 meters, so and out and back is 50 meters... I''d just break it into segments and gradually build up to a point where you are comfortable. (Like start at 400 meters or whatever you can do in 20 minutes, and then just add 5 minutes onto your swims each or every other week, until you are swimming for 90 mins, which as you develop good form and strength will be about how long it will take you to swim 2 nautical miles.) If you are looking for a good swimming instructional, Terry Laughlin''s "total immersion" (both a book and an accompanying DVD) are REALLY HELPFUL! He''s not much to look at, but his advice is sound. I''m hoping the steroids relieve the pressure and pain. (((HUGS))) I''ll have an extra helping of sushi tonight for you- you like tuna belly?

marcy- I LOVE THE OLIVE GARDEN, YUM! I hope you have a famous weekend!

skippy- gr8 eats! your run sounds fun too! have a safe trip!

lisa- cool, the white part of the egg only has 17 calories! I''m glad you had fun on your 5k,and don''t boo yourself for walking. A race is only as good as you could do on that day. Sometimes weather, and other factors play a part... and sometimes the old ticker just needs a 10 second break!
That is funny that you mention that about the food. It might be because I wake up at 4:30-4:45 -- but I am having DINNER at 4-5pm! But, when we''re going out for dinner, and I need a quick fix, I find that easy snacks of protein help stave off hunger. I have a protein shake, we keep HB eggs in teh fridge, also cottage cheese, and premeasured out servings of nuts and seeds. Sometimes just a quick nosh will totally curb the cravings! (summer and I''m a sucker for sugar free popcycles!)

saphire- don''t read my post below! :D I''m glad you had fun at the concert!

modb- that is great advice for Rod!

Shredded last night, then did some Yoga. Woke up this Am went for a "recovery day" run. I took it quite easy and ran along the trails along the horse stables. It was beautiful (a little stinky), but the terrain is much softer, and I guess the first several miles of the run was at an incline... go fig! The best part was I couldn''t really tell, as it was such a gradual increase, but I guess it changes the elevation, since I''m basically running towards a mountain. I think the hubs and I will go swimming tonight, do some strength training, and then get sushi. I''m really excited because I''ve been cravng it.

Everyone - have a fantastic weekend!!!

"Don''t Worry, Be Happy..." Bobby McFerrin


Jul 22, 2007
Rod~ I''m so sorry about your appt. I hope you get some better news at your follow-up.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.........It''s nearly 11 PM and I just got out of the pool. I did 40 laps tonight and must admit that while my leg was really hurting a lot this afternoon, the pool is pain free. I wish I could swim like I was really swimming as I''m a decent swimmer, but can only do the side stroke or back stroke slowly as the neuro doesn''t want me to hurt my lower spine. So, I''m afraid my swims are a bit boring. Pain free, but boring. I made an appointment to start physical therapy on Tuesday late in the day. Years ago when I had tennis elbow (though I never played tennis), I went to this rehab center and they helped me get over it, so I''m hopeful, they''ll help my spinal issues. We had sushi after work tonight, which was nice. I think we''re going to see Bruno tomorrow. It looks really funny and after this week, I could use really funny. I''m going to try to swim at least twice tomorrow.........

Thanks everyone for the kind wishes. It''s so nice to have you all on my side and while I''ve only met like one PS''er in person, you have become a part of my life and family, so your support means the world to me!

I did want to say hey to Jeff and thank you for popping in. I miss the "other" guy on the HLT and wish you''d check in more often!! And yes, I knew we were close in age!!! Also, Kimberly you haven''t been around too much lately, so thanks for your good wishes too! I hope you''re OK.

Otherwise thanks so much Skippy, Marcy, Sapphire, Lorelei (sis!), Lisa (I''m not sure I can do 2 miles of side/back stroke), tlh and SS

Take care everyone. I may or may not check in tomorrow night. I hope everyone''s looking forward to a great weekend.........


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends, all I did was mow the lawn. Tomorrow I am spending the day with my sister and then Sunday I go to SF. hehe I have my workout clothes ready too.
I will catch you all in a week. Have a a great weekend friends!!!

LISA wooo hooo woman for your 5k w/your sis; you sound like you are in awesome shape. Have you checked for races? that is how I found mine; I hope you find one. Here there are not many races in August either, there are a lot in Sept, hmm, kind of interesting. bummer about the heart rate monitor.
I eat a few nuts or popcorn in the even, or an Alternative bagel w/light laughing cow wedge, that helps me.

SLOVEr, yay for a fun concert and Thai!!! I love pad thai!

JEFF, glad you are doing better after your surgery; you sound like you are in great shape!

TLH, thanks! Yay for shredd, yoga and a run, wooo hooo super woman! I will be thinking of your dear mom this weekend! Have fun swimming and yum to sushi!

Hi Lorelei, KIMI and SS!!

ROD, hugs and prayers your way the PT will help you dear friend. I hope the movie is great! It looks good!


Feb 27, 2007


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Everyone!
I''ve been busy this morning running errands. I got gas, went to the bank. picked up dry cleaner, went to Hobby Lobby to get a birthday present, went grocery shopping and stocked up on Lean Cuisine for lunch and dinner this week. Since Marty is out of town I thought that would be easy, cheap and healthy for me. I am going to a cupcake demonstration at Micheals then to a birthday party this afternoon.

Today is my first year anniversary of reaching my goal. Woo hoo!
Yes, I have put on a few pounds since and can''t seem to get them back off but I continue to work on it every day. I still wear the same size clothes as I did a year ago today. My goal this year is to stay on "main"tenance street, get back to the "low" end of my weight range and wear this same outfit a year from today.

I want to thank all of you for sharing in this journey with me. You have helped keep me focused and motivated as I strive to lead a healthy life.

See ya!

P.S. The photo from L-R: Me in 2005, July 07, July 11, 08 and July 11, 09



Jun 15, 2006
Date: 7/10/2009 11:08:04 PM
Author: Rod

Kimberly you haven''t been around too much lately, so thanks for your good wishes too! I hope you''re OK.
Rod, I am still around and doing well, I just felt like I was saying the same things over and over again whenever I posted so I''ve stopped saying much, but I''m still exercising (went on a long walk this morning), eating as I normally do, and lurking around watching all my fantastic HLT friends be successful.

Marc, you look amazing! Congrats on a year of maintenance, it''s the hard part!

Skip, have a wonderful trip to San Francisco, it''s such a great city.

tlh, I''m glad your mom is surrounding by such caring people.

Lliang, my husband likes to eat dinner at 7:30ish, I''m always hungry by 6:30, I just kill time in between. It''s not always easy.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, all. Just a fly by. Another cousin and I decided we were going to keep the 3 little Texans for another weeks after their mom went home. The girls were so excited! I was a bit surprised at just how excited they were because they live within minutes of a Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor, ball park, and stadium. They get to do BIG things all the time, but they think it''s so cool that we have yards and creeks! We''ve been swimming for about 3 hours. I just got my little guy to bed and my other cousin is keeping the girls tonight. We have plans to go down to the river, go hiking at the National Park, make some homemade ice cream, get a little fishing in and possibly some tubing. SOOO, I''ll probably be MIA for a few days. I might be the one to drive them back to TX but I don''t know yet.

I went back on the BC pill (once again with the terrible crap I went through last year) I''ve been on it for about 10 days and have dropped 7 lbs. It is just so weird for me that by balancing my hormones the weight just comes right off. While it encourages me to keep up a healthier lifestyle, I realize that anytime we are actively TTC, that I will gain the weight back and hold it until I regulate the hormones again. I''m getting frustrated that it seems I can EITHER try to have a baby (although that hasn''t gone well..) and be heavy permanently OR not have a baby and lose some weight.

I am proud of my eating habits as of late. I''ve managed to resist the temptation to eat just because DH is. I finally realized something that I feel completely stupid about. I eat with him as a way of bonding. Weird I know.

Anyway, have a great weekend HLTers!!


Feb 27, 2007

Kimi, it’s good to hear from you.Thanks for the compliment.I agree maintenance is far harder than losing the weight.One day at a time.I always love to hear from you no matter what you are doing.Glad to hear all is well.

Somethingshiny, how cool the little girls wanted to stay another week.I am sure being able to play in the yard and by a creek is very novel and exciting for them. That is amazing you lose weight on the pill.Most girls I know tend to gain weight on the pill.I understand eating more when your husband is eating; dining out was one of our major forms of entertainment.We still go out but try to do that less frequently and eat smarter when we do.

I had a nice time at the birthday party.Three people handed me their cameras to take some family photos and sadly I dropped one of them and it quit working.I felt horrible.She was cool about it but I sure felt bad.Her son at least said “we drop it all the time and it still works”.



Dec 28, 2005
Hey........Today was a decent day. My leg hurt just a tad less. I don''t know if it''s the steroids kicking in (actually I hope so), but I was able to walk a little more today. It was an unusally pleasant morning in Tampa. It wasn''t really hot this morning, which for mid-July is odd, but welcome. We had breakfast on the terrace and we didn''t sweat drinking coffee on the terrace. We went to see Bruno. While I thought it was funny (stupid funny) I would NOT recommend it to anyone who would find gay content and explicit scenes (including frontal male nudity) offensive. We saw several people get up and walk out of the theater. While we did laugh it did have some shocking scenes that even made us cringe at times. I would more recommend you wait until the DVD comes out and watch it in the privacy of your home. This is NOT a move children should see. For dinner we went to our favorite little diner and I had a bowl of soup, a bison burger and a side salad. We had FroYo for dessert, then we came home and I swam pretty hard for 45 minutes, while sir Charlie lounged in the spa. He''ll go to the gym tomorrow and I''ll swim. At least I don''t hurt in the pool.

Kimberly, I often feel like a broken record and from time to time I think why post the same thing over and over and over. But, it is cathartic and I look forward to checking in on my ''girls'' on the HLT and I enjoy staying connected. Please don''t think you don''t have anything to add. I always enjoy reading what you''ve been up to. So, please stay around, OK?? Please give John my best.........

Marcy, I always love to see the picture history of the amazing shrinking woman!!

Enjoy your day with your sister Skippy and then WOW to SF!! I''m so jealous of you for going there. I''ve never been there and it''s one city I really want to see. Thanks for your hugs and prayers. I''m going to get over this. I''m very determined to get back in the gym and to be pain free!

Sounds like you''re having fun with the girls SS. And on your BC experience, isn''t the saying these days, "healthier living through chemistry???!!"

I''ll likely check in tomorrow night. Have a great Sunday everyone......


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I am glad to hear your leg didn''t hurt as much today. Marty''s knee has sure been giving him fits (since we walked so much last Friday) and is worried he will have trouble walking around Hong Kong. He pickd up some aspirin and glucosimine. I like staying connected with everyone on the HLT too. I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing and checking in myself. I am glad you like my pictures. They don''t really change much these days and I guess that is a good thing. Marty was running around all day and then packing tonight so I finally I poured some Sprite in champagne glasses and took the glasses to him and said here''s to me - he''s looking at me like I''m crazy so I told him why this was a special day to me. We had our Sprite and he went back to his packing. Have fun swimming tomorrow.


Jun 15, 2006
John and I went for a long walk this morning and now are getting ready to head out to the Farmer''s Market to pick up our fresh veggies for the week. We''ll probably stop for lunch somewhere on the way.

Rod, thanks for the movie review, and for missing me!

Marc, you''re doing a great job maintaining, keep it up!

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi my HLT friends.

I got up at 5 and we headed off to the airport soon afterwards.Marty is in the air now on his way to Hong Kong.I met my sister and brother-in-law for breakfast then came home.I watched the new X Files movie and graded papers.I have to go in to work for awhile this afternoon.Marty will land about 4 am our time tomorrow; it’s going to be a long night.

My friend called me and said he camera was working fine today so I was glad to hear it wasn’t broke.

Kimi, I can’t wait until the farmer’s market starts here; we have it from August until October. I hope you found some great fruits and veggies. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Have a great day.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/11/2009 3:21:29 PM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 7/10/2009 11:08:04 PM
Author: Rod

Kimberly you haven''t been around too much lately, so thanks for your good wishes too! I hope you''re OK.
Rod, I am still around and doing well, I just felt like I was saying the same things over and over again whenever I posted so I''ve stopped saying much, but I''m still exercising (went on a long walk this morning), eating as I normally do, and lurking around watching all my fantastic HLT friends be successful.

Marc, you look amazing! Congrats on a year of maintenance, it''s the hard part!

Skip, have a wonderful trip to San Francisco, it''s such a great city.

tlh, I''m glad your mom is surrounding by such caring people.

Lliang, my husband likes to eat dinner at 7:30ish, I''m always hungry by 6:30, I just kill time in between. It''s not always easy.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Kimmie you are an ESSENTIAL part of the HLT Family, I always love it when you post and worry when you don''t so please keep on posting, you DO have a lot to add!

Hi all! Back to the workout grind tomorrow, what with Hubby''s return from his trip not much time to do anything now the weather has cooled off a bit but tomorrow I start again.


Jun 15, 2006
Marcy, we''re lucky to have the Farmer''s Market year round. The one we go to is weekly (Sundays) and is the 3rd largest weekly market in the country, or something like that. John loves it and he talk about it very proudly, so funny.

Lorelei, you are so sweet. I promise to post more often, rather than just lurking.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......Today was decent for me. I woke up and although there is still pain in my leg, this morning I realized the pain was not intense. Not that I want any pain mind you, but not intense was a nice change. It was another cooler morning so we enjoyed our coffee, scone and bowl of fresh fruit on the terrace. Lunch was soup and salad at Panera, followed by coffee under the oak, or at least looking at the oak as it was hot by the afternoon. Charlie went to the gym and I came home to swim. I'm up to 50 laps and I pushed hard. At least I'm getting some cardio benefit from my laps. 50 laps was still a little shy of 1/2 mile in the water. I'm still not sure how I'll ever work up to the 2 miles the doctor wants me to swim, but at least I'm increasing the distance. Dinner was steamed shrimp with old bay and cracked red pepper and my homemade coctail sauce with steamed veggies. We'll have sushi after work tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to my first physical therapy session Tuesday after work. I so want to get back in the gym. If my leg continues to not hurt intensely, I might be able to at least work my upper body one night this week. We'll see..........

Marcy, I'm sorry Marty's knee hurts so much. With my leg in pain, I would have a really hard time walking around HK. It's difficult for me to walk any distance these days, so I know how frustrating it must be for Marty too. I'm glad you had chamgagne to celebrate your one year of hitting your goal. It's a wonderful thing indeed and so worth celebrating!!! I'm with you about checking in to see what everyone's up to. It helps to keep me grounded to be able to check in even if I only have pain to report........

Kimberly, I love farmers markets and we're lucky to have some here year round too. Ah the advantages of a warm climate with a year round growing season!! I'm with Lorelei. You are important here on the HLT and please don't ever think you have nothing to contribute. It's always nice to see what you and John are up to and I do miss you when you lurk. So, no more lurking........OK??!! I never quite understood Mara leaving us. I think of her often and hope things are well on her end......'s almost time for True Blood. I don't miss my Vampire's!! I hope you all had a nice Sunday and the new week is good......
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