
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 6th April till 12th April

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I am so happy, on Friday two of my barn swallows returned from migration. I look forward to their arrival every year and worry about them on their long journey. They become a huge part of our lives in the spring and summer, chirping away, chattering incessantly and swooping about. Then I have the pleasure of hearing the babies when they hatch and watching them learn to fly. So although I know the old saying ' one swallow doesn't make a spring,' I always feel spring is well and truly here once the first fly in! More should follow soon, usually they have all arrived by May so as they are on an amber alert for endangered species I am always happy if a good amount make it home.

But I digress! Now that most of us ( not poor Marcy obviously
) are having some better weather, it is an excellent time to mix things up a bit. So think about getting a walk in if the weather is fine instead of the gym, try a new sport such a tennis, volleyball and so on. Burk am I right that you are a volleyball coach? This can keep things interesting and enjoyable as it is so easy to get stuck in a rut doing the same old thing, so if the weather is better in your area and there are things you can do outside, then give it a try! If the gym is the only option then try a different machine to mix things up a bit. You can get many advantages in this, and it can work the muscles in a slightly different way which can help speed visible results that we all crave!

Keep up the great work everyone, this thread is rockin'!!
Good morning all!

I hope you had a good weekend. Thanks for the opener, Lorelei! I''ve recently tried mixing things up a bit and going to Zumba, as some of you know. I figured it would be a good way to get back to the gym and exercise in a fun way. So far, so good. I''m going back on Thursday, and it will be my third week in a row of attending class. I wish it was offered more often, but if it gets really popular (it''s just catching on up here), maybe they will.

I''m off to a three day workshop today. The conference is held at a conference center right down the road from me, so it''s nice to be able to get up later than I normally do. I feel like I''m playing hookey! Today''s my husband''s birthday, and I''m not sure how we''ll celebrate. We don''t want to spend money, but we''ll see.

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning ladies!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend. My weekend was great. Saturday was my birthday and my mom came down to visit. She brought my wedding dress with her so we could see it with all of my accessories, and so I could try it to to make sure it still fit. Well, the dress is too big. Like two sizes too big in the boob area! I don''t know how it happened, the dress fit like a glove in January. the good news is that I haven''t had it altered yet and there''s room in the tummy area so I''ll be able to eat on the day of. Yes! I think I''m going to continue to work on my arms while I try and maintain everything else. I''m just today feeling fully recovered from my 30DS experience last week. Those squats certainly did a number on my quads.

FI is doing great on his diet. I''m traveling this week, so hopefully he''ll continue to do well.

Lorelei-I love the birds of Spring. There''s nothing better than waking up to hearing birds chirping.

Zoe-YAY for sleeping in!
Good morning everyone!!!

Lorelei, great opener! I agree with the warm weather it''s nice to be able to mix things up a bit. I tried doing some running but it''s gotten cold again so I might do yoga in the early part of this week. I live in the city so there''s no real wildlife that I can use to herald the coming of Spring but across my unit is a community garden that I do some work in. I love seeing the flowers pop up from the snow and the leaves budding from the trees.

Hudson, I hope your dress alterations are going to be too expensive but hooray for the results! :) In such a short time frame too (between Jan and now)! Happy belated birthday! It''s nice that your mom came down.

Zoe, I *love* sleeping in! I work from home and now sleep in till pretty late, about 10 mins before i need to check in on my work. I''m glad you''re liking Zumba, I hope your gym adds more classes. Are the classes getting really full now?

I didn''t do much this weekend in terms of working out. I did pretty well in terms of eating (if you ignore the Sunday pizza lunch). :) I''m going to try to hit some yoga tonight & maybe tomorrow. Starting Thursday it''s supposed to get back up to the 50s again (10C) so I think I can run outside again.
Hello all! The sky is depositing large amounts of snow on me right now.
Dani not happy. So no outdoor walks for me.
In other news, I''ve got some blood tests this week, and then will probably be put on Metformin for the PCOS, to see if we can''t give me a jump start getting this weight off!
Good Morning, I joined weight watchers meetings again this weekend. I have been stuck at the last 10 lbs I have to lose so that is why I rejoined. I am good at exercising but noticed I got a little laxed about snacking lately and hope this helps me rein it in. hehe
Saturday night I got lost listening to old cd's from the 90's; I forgot so many songs I use to love so it was fun to listen to. hehe

My friend and I went walking 4. 5 miles yesterday which was fun. I need to run and get my shots and this afternoon I will go walking. I pulled out 2 chicken breasts to grill with some fresh broccoli for dinner. Happy Monday HLT friends!!

LORELEI, awww, how sweet you take care of the swallows; at my grandmas ranch she had hundreds of swallows in this hill that had a big cave and they would make there home. They are so cute!!! You are such a good soul.
Yay for spring weather! I can't believe it is April; I love this time of year and summer. Thanks for the opener!

ZOE, yay for zumba! Happy Birthday to Mr. Zoe

HH, glad you had a wonderful birthday, yay!!! Yay for your dress being a bit big; you are losing inches. Yay for your FI too!

MUSE, hehe to the bosu. You are too cute. Push ups are hard I think and planks for me; I like to put my ipod on a favorite song and then workout and that helps a tiny bit. hehe

LLIANG, can I call you lisa? mmm pizza, I love that stuff especially the Chicago deep dish. hehe I hope it warms up for you soon! My cousin is out there visiting and I am excited for her.

GECKO, wow, where are you that there is lots of snow? I hope the Metformin helps your PCOS, hugs.
Ahhhh this thread is a breath of fresh air. HIII! Lorelei what a great opener. This actually hits my current life right on the head. I''m loving spring, the weather, the birds, the green green green. I am joining a kayaking club so this will be a new weekend adventure for me, and I''m going to be jogging outside more YAY! SO dug up an area at his mom''s for my fruit and veggie garden I''ve been dying to start, so now I get to go get plants today!!! The list so far includes cantaloupe, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, corn, okra, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, carrots, chives, onions, and I want to plant a lot of herbs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated it. We''re also going to plant some blue berry bushes at the front of his mom''s property with the black berries that grow wild there, they normally do well together.
SO Has also agreed to take up running with me again so we can do a running camp in a few years I hope.

Zoe - have a good trip
HH - gl getting the dress altered. It''ll be fab.
Skippy - what 90s music? I have so many I loved in childhood and didn''t know the names of songs or artists. I want to find them.
I forgot to mention. This morning was a bit of a scare for us. My booger in the avatar somehow fell into our muck wagon... and got stuck! He somehow managed to get out as I was coming to figure out what to do (seriously I was thinking we would have to get the vet to come tranquilize him and find someone with a tractor to lift him out with maybe a sling). I think he ended up breaking the side panel and he rolled out backwards. He was unscathed save for his bruised pride (wouldn''t even look at me or my sister''s horse who watched the whole thing)
I had a great TBT class today! Great way to start off the week, especially since I can''t go to PT this Thursday.

Other news to share that is sad but hopefully it will encourage others to make healthy choices and see their Doctor regularly. DH''s BFF''s sister passed away yesterday, she was only 34! She had gone to the hospital 2 weeks ago and prior to that thought she had a bladder infection, well it turns out that she had a very rare form of cancer that was in a very advanced stage, we are just thankful she didn''t have to suffer for too long because she was in a lot of pain. She was a bigger girl and around Christmas everyone had noticed that she''d been losing weight (25 lbs) and she had this new confidence about her. She said she was eating smaller portions. Well we know now that she was eating smaller portions b/c her body was "getting full" due to the location of the tumors. So just remember when you are getting frustrated with the scale, that you are doing things the right way, the healthy way, and you have your health!
Skip, good luck with the last 10 lbs. Nice job on the long walk. It''s been yucky here so I haven''t been able to do anything outside
Yum to grilled ANYTHING. I''m soooo wanting it to be summer already! Sure you can call me Lisa

Dragon, Good to see you back! Mmmm, I love garden veggies. I''ll be planting stuff in the garden I mentioned in the previous post. It''s a small garden so it''ll be mostly tomatoes, herbs, eggplant plant (ha ha, just like saying that) and peppers (bell & hot peppers). Herbs would be : basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary (sister has a big plant right now), cilantro (even though James hates it), hopefully tarragon (it''s hard to grow here). Chives & mint grow wild in the garden :)

Apple, hugs to your husband''s friend. Very sad.

Gecko, I hope your prescription helps with PCOS.
Back from a 3 mile walk; it is gorgeous outside and feels like spring. Our weather has been teasing us so I hope it keeps it up!!!

Well the chicken wasn''t defrosted and after my walk I was starving so we had frozen gnocchi with tomato sauce. Hubby and I sat down and pulled out the weight watchers cook books so we could plan some meals to eat. I am making shepherds pie Wed. I need to run to the grocery store tomorrow because we have no milk and other items.

I am watching Dancing with the Stars as I type this. hehe

I am glad your horse is okay. Yay for spring; I am loving it too! Oh that is so awesome you are part of a kayak club; my FIL kayaks daily which is great exercise!! I love fresh planted stuff in the garden. Do you have a green thumb? Okay, I have a list; I will have to share my 90''s music list w/you. hehe

I am so sorry about your DH''s bff''s sis; wow, that is so young! Thanks for the reminder on going to the doctor; I have put off my yearly exam so I will make sure not to put it off any longer.

aww, your name is beautiful; thanks for the cheer! hugs!

stay warm honey!

how was the Celtic dancing?
Hey.....Yesterday was a really fun day. The weather was fabulous and we enjoyed breakfast on the terrace. Then we had a quick lunch before hitting the gym for a really nice long workout. We ate dinner at our favorite little diner immediately after our workout, ran home and changed and headed to the performing arts center to see Celtic Women. It was the most fantastic show. We have their CD's and we have a DVD, but to see them in person was just unbelievable. They're so beautiful and their voices just magnificent. The audience went crazy and while it was supposed to be a 2 hour show, after multiple standing ovations, they provided multiple ovations. We could have listened to them for hours. Today was a routine Monday. Long work day, made longer by the fact that Charlie was working till 7 PM, so I stayed late, then met him for Sushi. He's leaving Thursday morning to be with his family for Easter. One nice thing at work. They told us today they're giving us half the day off on Good Friday!! Tomorrow's an 'uber' Tuesday, with the gym right after work.

Great opener as usual Lorelei. I'm so glad the swallow's are coming home and spring is in the air!! I was out on the terrace the other night and the spring song birds were singing at 11 PM. So, I know spring is in full bloom down here.

Wow on the snow Marcy. Isn't it a bit late in the season for so much snow?? Stay warm and safe, OK?

Hey Zoe.......Please wish "D" a happy birthday from me. I haven't forgotten about him. I just don't have any opportunities up there at the moment. I hope your conference is good.

Happy Birthday (belated) Hudson!

I hope you had fun at yoga tonight lliang. To us, 50's is deep winter. Tomorrow's supposed to only be in the mid 60's brrrrrrrrr.

Hey gecko......I'm so sorry about the mean sky depositing snow. Hasn't your sky learned it's not winter anymore?? I hope the blood tests are just routine and all turns out great.

Skippy, I know you can easily get rid of the last 10 pounds. Yay for walking 4.5 miles. That's a calorie burner for sure!! Skippy the concert was fantastic. They're not a dance group. They're singers (and some musicians). I highly recommend you get one of their CD's the next time you're in a CD store. I have a feeling my Skippy would really like their music!!

Wow, kayaking is a great to stay in shape, be outside and burn calories dragon. Good for you! I'm so glad your horse was not hurt.

So sad about DH's BFF's sister passing away from advanced stage cancer at just 34 years old Apple.

I guess that's a wrap from me for this Monday. I'll do my best to checkin tomorrow after my workout.

Hi everyone.

I had an awful day at work.
One lady was out sick, the other lady was over 2 hours late and I had 16 updates that needed to be done NOW.I was getting a migraine and started getting the flashy lights where I can’t see.I did get better but what a morning.

The snow really melted here today but we put off cooking steaks on the grill until tomorrow night.We finished off the meatloaf leftover from yesterday tonight.

Lorelei, glad to hear spring has arrived and the barn swallows are home.I look forward to nicer weather so I can go walk in the park.


Zoe, happy birthday to Mr. Zoe!

I hope you enjoy sleeping in for a few days.

HudsonHawk, Happy Birthday!

How fun to get your dress.How nice it’s too big for you; I am sure they can fix it for you.

Lisa, I love seeing the spring flowers pop up.

I love tulips and daffodils.How nice to work from home, I can do most of my work from home but never get the chance.

Dani, my snow storm must have moved your direction.I hope they get some meds that help you.

Skippy, yay for joining WW again.

Good luck with your last 10 pounds.How fun to listen to some of your favorite songs. You really went for a long walk today.Yippee!Shepard’s pie sounds good.Hubby loves that so I should surprise him some weekend with that.I am trying to hold off going to the grocery store until Thursday.If I spend more than $50 I will get 10% my next 2 purchases there.

Dragonfly, your garden sounds great.

Appletini, how sad to hear your DH’s friend lost his sister to cancer.I am glad she didn’t suffer for a long time.My heart goes out to her family.

Rod, glad to hear the concert was great.

Take care.


Good morning everyone! Last night my friend came over and we did the latest workout in Shape magazine. It combines squats and lunges with twists and weights then does some ab moves on the ball. It was great. We followed it up with cross punches and jumping jacks and regular crunches on the ball. This morning I did an entire ab work out with ball crunches, double crunches, side twists, bicycle crunches, plank, side plank, cross punches and jumping jacks again. Fun fun. Tonight I''m taking my sister shopping then hopefully some cardio before bed.

Lliang and Skippy - here''s the garden plan. We''re doing tomatoes, corn, okra, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, squash, cantaloupe, collard greens and mustard greens, onions, chives, oregano, mint, cilantro, we have blueberry and black berry bushes already and the pear tree and we added two loquat trees. I eventually want to have an acre of so of garden. I am also going to plant eggplant as soon as we determine where it would go in.

Rod - sounds like you had fun!
Hey gang! Sorry I''ve been MIA-I''ve had terrible eating habits (cupcakes, candy bars, you name it-I''ve had NO self control)and haven''t worked out as much as I''d like lately so I feel guilty reading this thread!
So, I''m way behind and don''t have time to catch up with everyone but wanted to pop in and say hello!

Skippy~Yay for joining WW again. My SIL swears by it!

Marcy~Sorry about your bad day. I get migraines too and they''re awful even when you''re having a good day. Hope you''re feeling better!
I went to my yoga class during lunch today.

Also I am very excited I just booked a trip for DH and I to Savannah, GA next month to celebrate our anniversary!
Hi Friends, boy do I love this group (everyone is so supportive and wonderful)!!! I am running to the store in a few minutes. I am doing Intervals tonight.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!!

I will have to check out that cd! Glad you had a wonderful evening and sorry work was uber but yay to half day on Friday!!!

oh you poor sweetie pie; migraines are the Worst. Hope you are feeling better.

that is awesome you did the shape workout. Oh I love fresh tomatoes and cucumbers! Wow, you are quite the gardener; I want to come to your house for dinner. Fresh fruits and veggies taste a million times better!

aww, good to see you back!!! You are so healthy so I am sure a few cupcakes and candy bars won't hurt. How is T feeling; bless her little heart! Thanks for the encouragement friend!

oh my gosh I LOVE Savannah; how fun!!! Are you going to eat at the Lady and Sons? That place is soooo yummy! It is so romantic there; I want to stay at one of the Bed and Breakfasts the next time we go (my in laws are there). I love the cobble stone roads. Yay for yoga.
Skippy we are staying at the President''s Quarters. Please pass on restaurant recommendations, that is the next phase of my research.
Date: 4/7/2009 2:10:00 PM
Author: appletini
Skippy we are staying at the President's Quarters. Please pass on restaurant recommendations, that is the next phase of my research.
The ones I liked are Olde Pink House Restaurant (for a romantic dinner), and the Lady and Sons (Paula Deen's restuarant for Southern food). I have been to a few down on River but they are just okay. Sounds like a great anni trip!
Skippy~Thanks for the encouragement! Hope you have a great workout tonight. I''m going to step so I''ll think of you while I''m there!
T is doing okay. Thanks for asking. Her dietitian thinks she''s probably lactose intolerant because she''s been struggling with milk but I think she seems to be doing better now and she''s also having an asthma flare up so we''re having to do 4 nebulizer treatments a day which is no fun. She''s still her happy, smiley self so that''s all I can ask for!
Back from intervals. It was a great workout, planks, bosu, squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, jump rope, etc.
The funny thing is I can't do a straight push up and we had 7 different stations and I was our team leader (it was because the instructor knows my name, nothing to do with how good a person is at intervals or I would not be the leader, hehe) and we were moving so fast through the stations that when we got to the bosu, burpee exercise I forgot I can't do straight push ups and was having a hard time when I showe people. Then it dawned on me; I can only do girlie ones so I did a few but not very good form. hehe

Then I cam home and made dinner; chicken with broccoli and TJ's Island Teriyaki sauce with is super yummy. I never did this before but I chopped up the broccoli, steamed it. Cut the chicken breasts into strips and then cooked that and close to the end added the sauce and the broccoli; it was easy and so good.
Then hubby and I went for a 20 min walk after dinner since it is 72 and gorgeous today!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!!!

BURK, have fun and step!! hehe
Aw, poor T, bless her heart; I hope they figure out if she is allergic and feels better soon. Oh poor T having to use the nebulizer, prayers outgoing for her.
Hey everyone!

Marcy, I hope your migraines are better! I never had any but I hear they''re A.W.F.U.L. Mmmm steaks on the grill sounds good! I''m hoping it''ll be warm enough for that soon. Enjoy your steaks! Do you grill them or does Marty? Normally I do all the cooking, but I''m trying to draw the line with grilling steaks & burgers etc. I''m trying to get James to do it (even though I''m pretty sure I''d do it better). A girl needs a break sometime, right? :)

Dragon, I wish I had a garden as big as that. Mine is quite small and it''s mostly flowers. I''m scrounging a vegetable patch that''s probably the size of a full sized bed. Only so much you can grow. BUT I think I''ll save the herbs to grow on my balcony & use the garden for the veggies. Do you always do home workouts or do you hit the gym?

Burk, don''t feel bad! We all go through slumps etc. I''m in a (cue whiny voice) "I don''t wanna workout" slump. I think of everyone here and that helps me power through. I''m cheering you on so you can get out of your slump to. Go Burk!!!
Hope you made it to your step class tonight. I hope T gets better too! Does she take the neubulizer or put up a fuss about it. She''s getting **** extra special **** PS get better dust :::DUST:::DUST:::DUST:::

Apple, hope you enjoy your trip. When are you going?

Skip! Glad Intervals was a good class tonight. Funny I made stir fry tonight too.Your walk sounds DELIGHTFUL, send some of that warm weather up this way! Did DH get over his stomach bug? Have fun with your nephew tomorrow!

Dinner tonight was stir fry. I haven''t made some in a LOOOOONG time. Sliced pork chops, broccoli, carrots, onions, ginger, garlic & asparagus. I used a soy/chili marinade. I cooked the brown rice with too little water so it was a touch hard, but James still ate it :) Most of today was a TON of snacking and munching but I plan to do better tomorrow.

I did a 30DS set today because I couldn''t convince myself to go for a run and didn''t want to go to a later yoga class. My sister should be home by the end of the week, so hopefully I''ll get some motivation back by then. It sucks because I''m starting to notice some body changes, which you''d think would encourage me! LAAAAZZZZY Lisa!!!!

Tomorrow the goal is to go for a 4-5 mile run. It should be 50s so I won''t have too hard a time with the cold air and general snottiness whenever I run in cold weather. Sorry if that was TMI.
Hey.......It was a typical Tuesday. Nothing unusual. Tough day at work. Spoke to lot''s of unemployed, scared people, who I don''t have jobs for. So many people are in danger of losing their homes, their cars, and they don''t know what to do. This recession (I trully think we''re in a depression) doesn''t seem to showing signs of improvement and I don''t see light at the end of the tunnel. I left work at 6 PM and went directly to the gym. It was nice to just work out all my frustrations and I did push really hard. Often when I''m frustrated, I push harder at the tym. It''s the only time I have to do something good for me and completely not think about anything other than my workout. I had a nice salad for dinner and dessert was a couple pieces of dark chocolate. Tomorrow''s not a gym night, so we''re having dinner at home.

I''m sorry you had such a bad day Marcy and I know how awful Migraines can be. Feel better.......

I''m for not saying hey to everyone personally, but it''s already 11 and I need to shut down and get ready for bed.
Thanks Lliang! We are going the weekend of May 15th.
Hello all. Apologies for the long absence.

Hope you are all well.

According to this weeks weight in I have lost 15lb. That''s 1 stone 1lb loss. Hell yeah!
Merry that''s awesome!!!!
Keep up the good work!
Hi all!
Well, cross your fingers for the blood test results! I just went in yesterday and they completely massacred my hand getting blood (I'm a hard draw). The really poopy part is that I had specifially asked them not to use my hand and they did it anyway before I knew what was happening. *sigh* Oh well,

Appletini - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.

Dragonfly - I wish I could garden. Green living things tend to hate me, LOL! I'm glad your hooved friend is okay! That's scary! How on earth did he manage to get into the muck wagon?

Skippy -

Rod - That concert sounds amazing! Right up my alley.

Marcy - I'm sorry you had a bad day! It's amazing how work can just go bonkers sometimes.

Burk - I do the same thing, feel like I shouldn't post when I've been bad. But - I always come back, LOL!

Hi lliang! Do you grow your herbs in pots or in a plot, just out of curiosity?

Hi Merry!!! And Lorelei!!!
Hey everyone. Not much to report here. Had sushi for dinner (love it). Rather inactive last night and had class this morning so no workout till tonight.

Lliang - I do at home. I have a treadmill, ball, elastic bands, resistance bands, yoga mats, yoga blocks, 5lb and 3lb weights, and then miles and miles of dirt road to jog lol. Lots of DVDS as well. I mainly do biggest loser cardio, some dance, and kickboxing for those. It''s worked though!

See everyone this evening!
Date: 4/8/2009 7:53:06 AM
Author: merrymunky
Hello all. Apologies for the long absence.

Hope you are all well.

According to this weeks weight in I have lost 15lb. That''s 1 stone 1lb loss. Hell yeah!
Went to step last night. It''s supposed to be 65 today so T and I will get back into our daily walking routine this afternoon.

Skippy~Your interval class sounds awesome! Thanks for thinking of T. She''s really having a rough time. We were up multiple times last night. I wish there was something I could do for her. I feel pretty helpless which is awful.

liang~Thanks for the support!!! (it''s much needed
) My sister is my workout partner too and I always find myself slacking when she isn''t around or can''t work out when I can. Thanks also for the dust for Miss Tayva. She''s having a hard time with her breathing (and she must have a cold) but luckily she doesn''t fuss much with the nebulizer treatments. We let her watch her favorite TV show while we do them.


gecko~Glad to hear others feel the same way!
Yuck to that blood draw. I probably would have passed out!
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