
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 5th October till 11th October

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Jun 25, 2007
Hey everyone! The apetite is sloooowly picking back up. I was able to eat two tacos last night, and had most of my cheerios and a full lunch today. I''m going to try doing some stairs and crunches and a short yoga session tonight to see how it goes. If well then I''m going to the gym this weekend for a full jog I think. I hope you all are having a great week!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!There was snow on the ground when I woke up today and it never got over 30 degrees.I was pretty cold at work.
After work I stopped by my parent’s house and my dad had a new phone so I programmed in his numbers and showed him how to use it.

For supper I made a burger on my new lean mean grilling machine and had one of the 100 cal thin wheat buns with a little bit of swiss cheese and ketchup.It was quite tasty.I ate my raw veggies while it cooked.

Tonight I told Marty he can only be gone 12 days because that is my limit before I start getting sad that he is gone.

Tlh, I enjoyed wearing my earrings today and I bet I checked to see if they were there about every 5 minutes.Wow that Therflu really knocked you out.Hopefully a good night’s sleep helped you feel better.

Somethingshiny, congratulations for losing 2 pounds!

Dragonfly, that is great you were able to eat some food yesterday and today.I am sure that will help you feel better.

Take care.





Dec 28, 2005
Hey......This has to be really short as it''s almost 11 already. Long day at work. Frustrating to say the least. Almost just came home, but decided I had to workout, so got there a bit late, so could only do about 2.5 hours, but did everything I typically do. I just had to rush from set to set, so I was pretty hot and wet when I was fully finished. I had some leftover chicken and a small salad for dinner and for a treat Carhoie picked up some healthy FroYo for dessert. YAYAYAY tomorrow''s Friday and sushi night.

Marcy, I''m so glad you found your WF earring and a super YAY for 6 pounds down! PLEASE send some cold air our way. Today was in the mid 90s and there''s no end in sight to this unusually hot summer-like air.

tlh, I hope you''re feeling better today........

SS., I''m glad you''ve found you needed to increase your intake a bit to lose weight. It''s a lesson may of us learned.

deegee, I''m glad your appetite is coming back and you''re starting to do some exercise too!

If I missed anyone, my apologies. Sleep well everyone........


Mar 13, 2008
Hi everyone!

Another workout with my trainer. We did circuit with a pre-exhaust. Did 160lb squats. He gave me some heartache because mine were shallow, but I was afraid of falling. It''s a mental thing. Saturday is a tabata day, then next week is another super slow, then another circuit with focus on balance.

Rod, I''m still at my job. I had a 30 day review and I brought up the whole medical thing and my boss told me I should''ve said something. I told him I''m used to my old company (where I was for 4 yrs) who said they "cared" but really didn''t give a sh*t. So I said I''ll try to do a better job at communicating to him or HR. This was the first time I did super slows. I emailed my trainer and told him I still wasn''t sore afterwards. I love doing that to him.

Marcy, Hooray for doing well while Marty''s gone. I agree anything more than 12 days away I''d start to miss James or my sister too.

Deegee, I was starving by the time we finally ate. Probably not the best thing.

TLH, Sorry work''s such a bear still. Thanks for the happy pre-wedding thoughts.

Skip, Hi!! How''s FL?

Ted, Hooray for switching to Neuf. cheese and not knowing the difference. How''s the whole ring search etc coming along?

Dragon, Yay! I''m glad you''re feelign better. Definitely doing cider this weekend. It''s like 40-50ish so totally cider weather. I''m sure you didn''t want to hear how cold it is fo us. You FL ppl are such lucky duckies.

SS, YAY!!! I''m happy your calorie intake is now helping you towards your goal. I''m sure Ted, Rod, Skip, TLH etc can help you with ideas to mix up your workout.

SDL, Yay!!! !55!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was another really tough day at work. I was the last to leave the office after 6. Then I met Charlie for sushi, which was really good. The owner of favorite sushi place #1, insisted we try a new dessert she's created. I really didn't want it, but she insisted. It's tempura fried Oreo cookies, with vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate AND raspberry sauce, topped with whipped cream and a cherry. O M G, I had two small spoonfulls and Charlie at the rest, but it was really to die for. We had a cup of decaf after dinner. Charlie's off both tomorrow and Sunday, so it will be nice to have a full weekend together. We'll go to the gym at least one day, and maybe see a movie one day too.

Lisa, I'm glad you and your boss are communicating better. I hope things continue to improve for you. Finding jobs in these tough times (as you well know) are not easy. Careful there........telling your trainer you weren't sore, could lead to major soreness from your next training session......LOL

Hey Michelle!

I hope everyone's planning a terrific weekend!


Dec 28, 2005
I thought this was interesting...........

8 Foods That Fight Fat:

Want to lose weight as you chow down? Your wish is granted! (I promise, this is no fairy tale.) Your supermarket is filled with foods that studies show have lipid-melting powers to help melt fat and keep you slim. Stock up on these fat-fighting super bites, and you''ll be trimmer even as you indulge. Read on to discover the eight foods that deserve a permanent spot in your fridge—and in your diet!

Almonds These yummy nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can accelerate your metabolism of fats. In fact, dieters who ate 3 ounces of almonds daily slashed their weight and body-mass index by 18 percent, while those who skipped the nuts reduced both numbers less— just 11 percent—a study in the International Journal of Obesity revealed. Chomp almonds à la carte (limit yourself to 12 per serving to keep calories in check). I get a pack at Starbucks and nibble throughout my day. Or sprinkle them into a recipe such as Black Bean–Almond Pesto Chicken. Go nuts!

Berries I tell my daughter, "These are nature''s candy!" Turns out they''re also your body''s best friends. Strawberries, raspberries and other vitamin C–spiked fruit can supercharge your workout, helping you burn up to 30 percent more fat, research from Arizona State University at Mesa has found. If they''re not in season, buy the little gems frozen in a bulk-sized bag so you''ll always have them on hand to whip up a Berry Bliss Smoothie or Strawberry-Sunflower Pops, regardless of whether berries are in season.

Cinnamon Adding 1/4 teaspoon to your plate may prevent an insulin spike—an uptick that tells your body to store fat. Sprinkle it on your morning cereal or coffee or on your yogurt in the A.M., or savor it in Apple-Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal.

Mustard It''s heaven on a soft pretzel, but mustard may also be a weight loss wonder. Turmeric, the spice that gives mustard its color, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology finds. Use it on sandwiches instead of mayo, or sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower pre-roasting to give it a kick. Try it on tuna salad—I promise it adds zest.

Oranges This citrus fruit, which contains fat-blasting compounds known as flavones, deserves to be your main squeeze. Women who ate the most flavones had a much lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes. Eat oranges sliced or swig fresh OJ (including pulp!) to get the best benefit from the fruit.

Soybeans Reason to toss a half cup on your salad? Soybeans are rich in choline, a compound that blocks the absorption of fat and breaks down fatty deposits. Oh, and they''re addictively delish! But if breast cancer runs in your family, experts suggest you should talk to your doc before adding soy to your diet.

Sweet potatoes The colorful spuds'' high-fiber content means they keep your insulin steadier than their white sisters, which means less fat packed on your hips, research finds. Top a small baked tater with lowfat cottage cheese for a tempting side dish, or whip up Miso Soup With Sweet Potato Dumplings.

Swiss cheese Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown, and Swiss has more calcium than many of its cheesy peers. Choose the reduced-fat variety, such as Sargento. Slip it into your sandwich, put it on top of high-fiber crackers or use it for a healthier grilled cheese. Yum!

For other tricks to eating your way to your healthy, happy weight, load up on these 20 slimming superfoods at


Dec 31, 2008
shiny- that is awesome - keep up your calorie burnin!
dragonfly- enjoy your jog!
marcy- I really am happy you found your earring. Today while I was getting ready I noticed my diamond was loose in its setting, FREAKED me out... got the prongs tightened but now I want a different 6 prong setting - just freaked out!
rod- what a workout, sorry you were disappointed but 2 1/2 hours ain''t nothin to sneeze at! thanks for the article!
lisa - your workouts sound awesome! balance is my least favorite part, but the most beneficial overall...
sdl- have a great weekend

my weekend is busy, having to work overtime... just too much volume, and not enough staff. got a good run in though. even though w/ all the snot it was like I was breathing under water... which was painful. Anywho - hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Hi everyone...just stopping by to say hello.

It''s great to see that everyone is sticking with their programs.

I''m using a personal trainer once a week and still do boxing/jujitsu lessons.

I''ve decided to work my way up to the "belt levels" after 2 1/2 years of jujitsu lessons.

I figure in 3 years, I''ll have my black belt and will be only 56.

Hope my knees hold up...I''m having issues with my right knee. It''s always something.

Enjoy the weekend.



Dec 28, 2005
Hey......I''m checking in early today. It''s HOT HOT HOT down here. It''s TOO HOT for October. We started off on the terrace this morning, but the heat''s just a bit much. It''s actually hotter than our hottest month, August. Since Charlie''s off tomorrow and he worked out yesterday, he didn''t want to work out today. Tomorrow will be fine with me as it gives my muscles an extra day of rest. We decided to drive to the beach and have a nice lunch on the Gulf of Mexico and then a (hopefully) cooler walk on the beach. Lunch (a nice Grouper sandwich and coleslaw for me) was great. The walk was nice, but it was still too hot and I was a bit sweaty. We''re going to a film festival movie tonight. Every October in Tampa, there''s an International Film Festival and we enjoy "alternative" movies, so we''re going to see something tonight.

I''m sorry you''re working the weekend tlh, but glad you got in a good run! I hope your cold is getting better.

Hey Jeff, it''s great to hear from you! I''m glad you''re still in the healthy groove and still doing jujitsu and working on becoming black belt. 56 ''aint nothing! Remember, 50 is the new 40!!!

I hope everyone''s enjoying the weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
Another Interesting Article About Overdoing Cardio..........(Ted, feel free to chime on this)

Copied, and pasted from

"Sometimes when I go to the gym, I have this urge to tell some of the most religious treadmill riders "Ma''am, Step away from the treadmill!" No matter how many articles and reports are written on the benefits of exercise other than cardio, it never ceases to amaze me how many women (and men too...) relegate themselves to the endless monotony of the treadmill - or for that matter, any other piece of cardio equipment. Moreover, these individuals will do cardio for over an hour...sometimes hopping from one piece of cardio equipment to another...never even considering time in the weight room, in classes or outdoors.

Although there are definite benefits to doing aerobic exercise; strength, core and flexibility training all provide numerous health benefits that cardio can''t: They increase muscular and bone strength, increase lean body mass, safeguard against injury and boost metabolism while decreasing fat.

Is it possible you are overdoing the cardio? Here''s how to know:

Time: Unless you are training for a race, marathon or triathlon, there is no need to do more than 30 minutes of cardio (with your heart rate between 65% - 85% of your maximum heart rate) when you workout. Fitness Revamp: If you want to exercise for over 30 minutes, you are better off doing a 20 - 30 minute cardio session and another 20 - 30 minutes dedicated to strength training, stretching and/or core training.
You aren''t seeing results: If you are trying to lose weight, yet you aren''t seeing results, it may be because of too much cardio. Believe it or not the idea of ''burning off fat'' does not stem from stems from strength training. Fitness Revamp: Build in 20 - 30 minute strength training sessions 2 - 3 times a week.

Injuries: Too much wear and tear on your muscles and joints can end up in an injury...or even worse, multiple injuries. Incorporating flexibility and strength training helps to strengthen the joints which will prevent pain and damage to joints. Fitness Revamp: Take the time to stretch before and after your cardio sessions.

Boredom: Does it take a lot to motivate yourself to go to the gym? Doing the same type of exercise every day, of every week, of every year is...BORING! Working out should be fun and should make you feel good. Fitness Revamp: Mix it up. Take a class or two that interest you each week. Get into the weight room and do a few sets of bicep curls. Go hiking. Do things that motivate you and keep you interested. Being active is what is most important...not the time and mileage on a piece of equipment.

Do you think you are overdoing cardio? Have you found any of the above indicators true?"



Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I was down 7 pounds yesterday which was my goal while Marty is gone.I will eat differently this weekend but still make sure to watch it.

Remember all that cold and snow I whined about all spring?IT’S BACK!Highs today are in the teens and we had at least 12 inches of snow.UGH.

Last night I rushed home from work (bought fast food tacos on the way for supper) and waited impatiently for Marty to call me on Skype.The hotel he is in must have fluctuating power because video doesn’t work worth a darn on it but we can at least talk.My flannel sheets arrived yesterday too so I did laundry last night and just plain goofed off.

This morning I had an appointment to get a perm at 10.I shoveled about 8 feet of the sidewalk from the garage to our front door and since it was deep and wet it took me quite awhile.I looked at the driveway and decided my AWD German car can handle deep snow so off I went.The lady that cuts my hair is always late so since I was cold and cranky this morning I told the girl I checked in with my hair stylist is ALWAYS late.While it is understandable today I am tired of it.The manager came over to talk to me and apologized and offered to give me someone else but I said I’d wait 20 minutes.When my lady got there it was about 30 minutes late.She did get greeted by the manager and she offered me a discount and apologized for being late.I feel kind of bad but I truly was getting tired of it.My perm looks pretty good.I didn’t have any length cut off but had her cut bangs and some layers at the top.It is sure curly right now.

I met my parents for lunch and had a small steak and some mashed potatoes with salad.I didn’t eat it all.After lunch I stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things.

I paid someone to shovel the rest of my walk and driveway.I know I can shovel now but no sense pushing my luck on a foot of wet snow.

This afternoon I got the flannel sheets on the bed so will test them out tonight.Warm things are precious to me right now.

Five days till Marty gets home.

My satellite dish is covered in snow.This morning I couldn’t get anything, now I can get one channel but if I try to change to another channel the receiver freaks out.I am not walking through all that snow to go out and brush off our dish though.I did have cocoa this afternoon but didn’t drink all of it.I hate to waste calories on liquid (unless it is coke, wine or margaritas).

Rod, enjoy that warm weather there for me.I was pretty happy to find my earring.I will try and get some of this cold air sent your way.Have a relaxing weekend.The new dessert sounds wonderful.Thanks for the article on the foods that fight fat.

Lisa, sounds like your trainer really pushes you – that is a good thing.I am glad your new company seems to be better to deal with on personal stuff.I guess 12 days is out limit, huh?

Michelle, how soon before your change shifts or are you on mids for awhile?

Tlh, I would be freaked out too, is your ring from somewhere they will fix your prongs for free?I would be very nervous now too.Rats for working this weekend.

Jeff, good luck getting your black belt.I hope your right knee gets better – I hope mine does too.Here’s sending PS dust to both of us.

Take care.I’d tell you to stay warm but probably more of you than not are in warmer climates than me.






Apr 27, 2007
Rod - thank you so much for posting that info on the foods. I can definitely do a couple of those! I love almonds so much that I don''t keep any around the house. I''m afraid I can''t keep to one serving! Maybe since I''ve been doing well and really sticking to portion size I can give it a try. I''ll get some little containers and portion them out. Sorry it''s so hot there. I''ll be in Orlando starting November 7, and I hope it cools down by then. I''m not a fan of heat and humidity at all. It was 55 degrees here today and hubby had all the windows in the house open. He was burning up, but as usual I was freezing!

tlh - gosh, I''m sorry you''ve been feeling so crappy. Theraflu makes me sleepy too. I was so tired this week that I slept for a solid 12 hours last night, and that''s with no help from drugs or alcohol! My back is killing me today, probably from being in bed for so long. I have been working a lot of overtime too, and It''s wearing me out! I don''t get paid for working overtime, just a thank you. My best friend is not the manager of the department where my old job was and has no idea how to do my old job. No one ever backed me up either, so I''m it. The problem is that I have my own job to do too, and there''s not time in an 8 hour day to do 2 full-time jobs.

marcy - oh, thank goodness you found your earring!!!! Yay!!! I can remember my MIL complaining about snow from September through May when they lived in Montana. We have had days of rain and highs in the 50''s, but then yesterday it poured rain and got up to 85. Today it''s back to rain and 55. You have an excuse to wear cozy sweaters! I love them, and definitely prefer winter clothes to summer clothes any day!!! Maybe next year I won''t dread buying summer clothes since I''ve lost weight, but I think I''ll still be really self-conscious. It''s irritating when people are always late. I have a hair appointment on Tuesday after work, and she''s really good about getting me in on time. . . I just never know what I''m going to look like when I leave!

SDL - Hi! Hope you''re still doing well!

Hi Lisa! The big day is coming up! Congrats and YAY!!!

This was a crappy week. My neighbor passed away and his funeral was yesterday. I feel so bad for his wife and just don''t know what to do for her. They were married for 52 years and they adored each other. We used to pass them out walking, and they were always holding hands. So sad. I found out yesterday that the kid that takes care of Lily during the day has had H1N1 all week, and her brother has been taking care of Lily instead. Apparently, almost all the neighbor kids had it last week! Yikes!!!! They''re all okay, which is good but I''m sure I''m going to get sick! I had big plans to shampoo the downstairs rugs since they all smell like wet dog, but I didn''t get around to it today. Tomorrow is Sunday dinner and wiffleball at mom & dad''s, and Monday is a holiday. No work! Yay!!!! Good night everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
AAAKKK. It is 15 outside and something is wrong with my thermostat. It said low battery. I changed it twice and keep turning it off and one and the furnace kicks on for awhile then quits. Right now I am giving it 30 minutes to kick on by itself then I might go sleep at my parents. Of course I do have my electric blanket to get me through the night. I wonder if I can install a new thermostat? Doubtful.

Deegee, glad you slept so long but hate to hear your back is so bad today. Being in bed that is rough on a body. That is so sad about your neighbor. Maybe just so visit now and then and that will help him a little bit.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. Well the furnace kind of worked last night. It gets down to 66 then kicks on. This morning it ran quite awhile keeping it at 72 but right now it’s back to 70 and not running. If I call today it will be overtime charges I know.

I made myself a waffle for breakfast and will have ½ of a frozen pizza today for lunch and a lean hamburger for supper.

We got a few more inches of snow and it is in the 20’s so far today. The forecast for today looks bleak.

I bought some leather cleaner at Murdochs and cleaned a few of my leather purses today. They cleaned up pretty well. The pink one came out the best; the red billfold looks great and the only thing that I think looks worse is the pink billfold.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. My furnace is limping along but not well. My knees are screaming from shoveling more today and walking up and down the stairs a billion times. I hope to get my furnace fixed tomorrow. I am drinking a small glass of wine right now. I deserve it.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was another scorcher today. I think the high was 94 and there was virtually no breeze, so it felt even hotter. It's quite strange to have such heat this time of year. And when you contrast that with Marcy's weather, it seems we're in opposite universes. It was simply too hot to have breakfast on the terrace. Sakai enjoyed having her dads inside on the couch with the paper, coffee, fresh fruit and blueberrry scone. We had a lite lunch at Panera, followed by coffee at Sbucks (inside of course) before hitting the gym. It was a wonderful workout. I've taken Ted's advice and increased weights pretty much all around and I had a very strong run on the elliptical to boot. Dinner was great! Our local Fresh Market has been getting in steamed crabs with Old Bay seasoning most weekends, so I had a 'mess' of crabs and we also made our cucumber, tomato and onion salad (so good and good for you too!). My calorie intake for the day was low and since I worked out so hard, I decided to have a Mocha Frappuccino for dessert! I can't believe it's already time to start the new week. Weekends are just NOT long enough. I'm telling you..........

Oh Marcy.........I guess I'll stop complaining about our heat wave after reading about you shoveling a foot of snow. A foot.....Really? And it didn't get out the 20s. Wow, it's like somone turned on the "winter" switch overnight. I hope Marty's doing OK in HK. AND WOO HOO for you losing the weight you wanted to lose!! I hope you get your thermostat fixed.

deegee, I'm so sorry it was a crappy week. And how sad that your neighbor passed away. I'm sure his wife must be absolutely lost. I so hope you don't the flu. I'm kind of angry, the vaccine is just now arriving. They should have had this out weeks ago. Down here, entire schools have been shut down and so many kids had gotten it. Good for you not having to work tomorrow. We only get the major holiday's at my job, so enjoy your extra day of rest and take care......

I hope everyone had a great weekend and the upcoming week is good too.........


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, it does sound like we are in opposite universes. My thermostat must be flaky or a sensor is bad somewhere, my furnace just heated the house up to where we normally keep it. My luck when they show up tomorrow they can''t find what is wrong with it. My dad is going to call them and meet them so I won''t have to stay home from work. Rats. I wanted to - ha ha. Marty is doing OK in Hong Kong. I can hardly wait to see him though. I pick him up Thursday.

Deegee, after reading Rod''s post I realized I misread about your neighbor, I thought it was the wife that passed away. I am sorry for his passing. I am sure she will appreciate your company though.

Well, I am off to get ready for bed early while the house is warm. I LOVE my electric blanket.

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