
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 5th October till 11th October

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Last week''s thread was great, thanks all for the pictures and also Ted it is so good to have another guy on board, I know Rod appreciates it! ModifiedBrilliant Jeff Averbook is another chap who is part of our HLT family but doesn''t have much time to pop in nowadays, but Jeff if you are out there we miss you!

Anyway, today I wanted to concentrate on what we eat and not letting ourselves get too hungry. It is very easy to skip meals and end up starving, if this happens to me I inevitably find I eat everything in sight! So don''t forget the importance of little and often and using quality fuel - I will post some of my faves and maybe others can list theirs?

string cheese
rice crackers
hard boiled eggs
a little peanut butter or cottage cheese on a wholemeal cracker
fruit and raw veggies of course!
I don''t each much meat which can limit me but lean meats can also be a good choice.

Also as Dragon mentioned in last week''s thread, if anyone has any healthy Fall recipes they would like to share, please do so!

Along with this don''t forget the importance of plenty of water, beneficial in so many ways. I normally eat around 5 or 6 times daily or aim to, in this way I am never really hungry and find keeping the pounds off is so much easier.

Keep going folks, you are ALL such an inspiration!!!

Have a great week


Feb 27, 2007
Great opener Lorelei! I try to keep frest fruit, raw veggies, dry roasted almonds on hand and sometimes I will have a few whole wheat crackers with a little cheese, peanut butter or whipped cream cheese for a snack. I know I tend to overeat if I get too hungry.

I am down 4.4 pounds from last Monday. Woo hoo! I want to lose 4 more before Marty gets back late next week. Pants feel looser already.


Jun 25, 2007
Hello all. I am ALIVE lol. I''m feeling much better. I''m going to try to get in a workout tonight and hopefully tomorrow I''ll be back in gear at the gym. I''m not nearly as exhausted and only have a small cough and some light congestion now. Thank goodness. YAY for fall recipes. I''ll share some tonight.

I discovered that putting cider in a crockpot and letting it warm without the lid on makes your house smell mmmm and it makes for a great warming drink on a cool evening.


Jul 22, 2007
Great opener, Lorelei!!

Marcy~ Woohoo for shedding over 4 lbs!! btw-those new exercises are extremely difficult. I need to lose 20 lbs just to try them!!

dragon~ So glad you''re feeling better! Your crock-pot cider sounds delightful. I put cloves and cinnamon sticks in my tea kettle with some water for the same effect. If I have apple or orange peels, I''ll throw them in too. It leaves a wonderful fragrance and adds some much needed humidity to the air. But, of course, the downside is that it''s not to be drunk!

Have a great week, HLTers!!


Jul 29, 2009
hey ladies, and rod.

Rod: since we seem to be the only guys on the forum lately, I decided to give us a nick-name. We are now "Team T-Rod" lol anyway, good luck with your workouts this week! press hard!

I''am glad to see everyone doing well so far! Congrats to anyone who is making strides in their healthier lifestyles!

Dragon, im glad that you are doing better as well. PS, i really want to try putting apple cider in my crock pot now haha! I''m going to get some Vermont Apple Cider this weekend :D


Jun 25, 2007
Coming back to post my snacks, sorry guys.
I like roasted almonds
a handful of goldfish
most fruit, fruit is always a great, low calorie snack. I eat a lot of bananas, apples, oranges, pears, blueberries, and strawberries, and wild blackberries
granola bars - I like the Kashi best
a square of dark chocolate
plain popcorn
Whole grain wheat thins
string cheese


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning. My cousin and I walked for an hour yesterday which was great and we will do a repeat tonight!! yay!! It is in the mid 70''s and windy.
I made chicken breasts for dinner and salad last night so that will be a repeat for dinner too. hehe

My snacks are:

Trader Joes Low fat cheese stick 1 WW pt
Healthy pop popcorn 94% fat free 5 cups 1 WW pt
Celery sticks
carrot sticks
Cabot 75% reduced fat cheddar 1 pt
Egg whites w/spinach and slice of cheese 1.5 pts
bowl of raspberries
bowl of broccoli w/reduced fat lighthouse blue cheese
english muffin double fiber w/WW light cream cheese 2 pts.
almonds 6 nuts
fiber one bar on occassion 2 pts
beans 1/2 cup 2 pts

LORELEI, very excellent opener!!!! Nice list; you are awesome!!! I am with you on the meats too; my hubby and I have been limiting ours too.

MARCY, yay for losing 4 lbs!!!!

DRAGON, glad you are better.

SS, yay for eating a little more! Yay for getting your sis to help you, sounds like you are doing great!

TED, yay for Team T-Rod. hehe

SDL, woohooo for losing 4 lbs!!!!!!

ROD, thank you about the tips on what to wear! hehe Oh yes, I have been in a balloon and will NEVER EVER do it again; it was more scary than a helicopter ride and I am afraid of heights!! It kind of swoops when you land. You will have fun though! Yes, come on out for our Balloon Fiesta; it is such a marvoulous thing to see and we have the most balloons we get 600 taking off! super cool
I missed DW last night because I had stuff to do, oh well.

DEEGEE, Yay Skinny Minny!!!

TLH, we miss you, how was the wedding?


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........After sleeping too many hours Saturday night, I sure had difficulty going to sleep last night, but I finally did. It wasn''t a long day at work becuase I had a routine dental appointment later this afternoon, which meant I could meet Charlie for Monday night sushi early. Here it is 7:30 and we''re already home and on the couch with Sakai on our shoulders. Tomorrow night will be a gym night for me, so checkin will be late and short.

Thanks for always getting us off on the right snack, er., foot Lorelei!! All the snacks you posted along with everyone else who posted are good. I think everyone knows I always have a jar full of natural raw almodns and fresh raisins in my desk and at home. Anytime I''m feeling a little hungry, I grab a handful and I''m completely satisfied. This mixture contains good fats and protein. If I''m hungry before bed, I''ll often have a small bowl of a high fiber cereal with cold milk. I limit the amount to one cup of cereal, which is the recommended amount per the box. One cup of cereal is not very much, that''s for sure, but it is satisfying. Next time you have a bowl of cereal, you may want to pay attention to how much you''re eating. Cuz, if you fill the bowl, you might be VERY surprised to know how many calories you''re really consuming. We only have fat free milk in the house.

YAY for being down 4.4 lbs., Marcy!! I''m sure you''ll lose all you want to lose before Marty comes home!!

I''m glad you''re feeling better dragon. I hope you did well at the gym tonight. I love how cider can make a house smell so good. That''s such a fall/holiday scent!

Hey SS!! I hope your week is good too........

I laughed hard at "Team T-Rod" Ted!!! You have a great week too. BTW., yesterday when I did my free weight bench press, I finally exceeded 150 pounds for the first time!! OK, just by 10 pounds, but I was pretty happy that I could do that and I did three sets of 10 (and yes, I bring the bar all the way down to my chest and touch it, before pushing off).

Hi Michelle! YAYAYAY for a a 4 pound loss. Maybe Ted can chime in on whether men really do lose weight easier/faster than women? I did what you did yesterday and slept too long. Hope your crock pot dinner was good.......

Hey Skippy. I''m sure we''d really enjoy the balloon festival. Charlie, who has no fear of heights would love to take a balloon ride. I think I''d have to sit it out. When are you headed to Florida??

OK.....enough for the night. See you tomorrow night after my workout........


Jul 29, 2009
SanDiegoLady, and anyone else:

Everyone lose weights differently.The way men lose weight is different from females, and the way I lose weight is way different from Rod. There are way to many factors to list why this is. Things such as age, sex, hormone levels, body fat %, lean body % (amount of muscle), different metabolism levels (the rate at which you burn calories). Men have about 5-10% higher metabolisms than women. This is because men have higher % of muscle. We burn an extra 5-10% more calories. (later this week im going to write a post/article about why muscle burns more calories)

Lastly, weight loss should be viewed in comparison to total body weight. For example, a 400lb male who loses 40lbs has lost 10% compared to a 200 pound man who loses 40bs = 20%.

Same amount of weight loss; HUGE difference!

Good luck everyone, enjoy their week!

P.S. Team T-Rod''s goal of the week = add 5 pounds to all two handed/legs/large muscle group lifting exercises this week; bench press, shoulder press, leg press, lat pulldowns whatever.. JUST ADD THE VOLUME HOORAH! lol


Apr 30, 2005
Ted, I just wanted to say how helpful you are being on this thread and your contributions are very much appreciated, thank you!!!


Jun 25, 2007
Ted - I agree with Lorelei!!!!

I didn''t get in much workout last night or this AM. Had a long night. Le Sigh. Girls are coming over to watch The Biggest Loser tonight.


Jul 29, 2009
Lol, lindsey makes me watch that show with her.. she cries every time =x... *sigh*, women... lol

So I had an excellent work out at the gym today, and I was approached by the head trainer at gold''s gym and they offered me a job to help personal train there. As a poor college student, i think im going to take advantage of this opportunity! Working for golds gym would be an excellent experience I believe! But don''t you worry, i''m not going anywhere from this forum! =)

Enjoy your Tuesday!



Dec 31, 2008
I''m back w/ a bit of a cold... and work is going crazy busy! Sorry I cannot post to all individually - but I hope all is well with everyone!


Jul 22, 2007
Hello all.

I did 30 min cardio and 15 min abs yesterday, 30 min yoga and I hope to do some more cardio today. My back/side muscles are really sore and I don't usually feel ANYTHING there, so something must be working nicely...if only I knew what it was....

I've added some calories in the form of low fat yogurt. I'm still not quite sure what I should be eating because apparently I don't fall into standard categories.
Still trying to figure it out....

Hope you all are doing well!!

eta~ On spark people, I've figured that I need between 1200-1550 cals a day, and burn 800 cals a week to reach my fitness goal that I'm not currently willing to share.... That being said, we know that I am within range of my calories and not quite to where I need to be with my burning, so why does it take ALL of this just to retain my weight?? Granted I've got some wacky hormones and apparently slow metabolism, it's just so frustrating! I can stay on the calories and exercise plan, but it's basically what I've been doing for well over a year with no real results. Also, all of my fat and carbs and protein are also within the suggested range.


Mar 13, 2008
Hello, hello everyone!!!

I had a week hiatus from HLT, busy wedding planning and catching up week. My wedding is in GULP two and a half weeks!!!!

So far my workouts have been pretty decent. I did a 20 mile bike ride on Saturday with James and a 5K on Sunday with sis. Monday nothing. Trainer tonight.

Need to get ready for my session, but I''ll check in after my workout.

Glad to see everyone''s doing well.

Oh and to answer Lorelei''s snacks:

hummus & carrots
hard boiled egg whites
cut up fresh fruit (work has fresh fruit salads everyday)
cookies (I just can''t help myself)
dinner side dishes leftovers.


Apr 27, 2007
Hi everyone! Wow - I''m glad everyone posted their favorite snacks because I need new ideas. When I first started WW, I ate a couple 100 calorie packs of junk food a few times a day. I have completely given them up because they''re not filling and leave me wanting something else. I''ve been heading for more filling foods, like raw veggies, yogurt, and fiber one bars. I''m afraid to keep much around the house since I have a snacking issue. On the other hand, hubby keeps a stash of chips and candy bars. I find them everywhere!

Marcy - Woo-hoo for the 4.4 lb weight loss! Can you get any more inspiring? With your weight loss and all the activities you''re involved in, you''re one amazing lady. Hopefully time will fly for you until Marty gets back next week!

dragonfly - I can''t watch the Biggest Loser because I cry way too hard. And then my husband wonders why I''m crying over people I don''t even know. Weight loss is such an emotional struggle. My sister always participates in a Biggest Loser competition at her work, but only because it''s a competition. She''s 5''7 and weighs 110, which is underweight. She knows she can starve herself and drop the weight fast and place in the top 3 for prize money. They compete for who can lose the biggest percentage of body weight. Hope you''re feeling better!

Hi Ted! My Weight Watchers buddy is considering joining Nautilus. She''s hoping to work with a personal trainer while she''s losing her weight. My back doctor won''t clear me for anything other than walking right now, so I can''t join with her. I''d definitely take advantage of the opportunity offered to you! Great experience!

tlh - Hope everything went well for you at the wedding. Sorry you''re a bit sick, and a lot busy!

Michelle - Yay for a 4 lb loss! That''s great! I''d be so lost without my crockpot. I absolutely love to pull into the garage and smell the aroma from the kitchen wafting outside. I do feel really bad for the poor dog, who has suffered through the yummy smells all day while we''re at work.

Hi Shiny!

Lisa - 2 1/2 weeks? Wow! Congrats, and take care of yourself. Enjoy the days leading up to the big event!

Skippy - you''re so sweet, and your posts always make me smile! I hope you really enjoy your trip - are you getting excited? Or are you already there?

Good night, and I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It's late, so this has to be short..........It was an 'uber' long day. Work was stressful. So God Bless The Gym! When I have a really stressful day, the gym is my salvation and I feel so much better after my workout. I got to the gym a little after 6 and worked out for nearly 3 hours. Ted.....Team T-Rod must have been on the same page today. I didn't see your post until after I got home tonight so you must have sent a message telapathically to me as I did just as you suggested, and added at least 5 pounds to just about everything I did tonight. In a couple cases, I added 10 pounds!! I ended my workout with a very spirited run on the elliptical. I was a sopping wet mess when I got off! Charlie baked some chicken and steamed some brocolli, so I had that when I got home. We've been invited to one of our neighbors tomorrow night. He and his wife are very successful and they own one of the penthouses in our condo. We've heard their place is beyond amazing and is on the 23rd floor and is only a little over 5,000 square feet. I'll report back tomorrow night.

Ted, we worked out at Golds Gym in Raleigh, NC for a few months in '07. We liked the gym, but here in Tampa, our gym is a bit nicer than our local Golds. I'm sure you'll be a great trainer. Good For You!!! And like other's have said, I'm really glad you're joined our healthy family. You HAVE to stick around........

Hey dragon, tlh, Michelle, SS (have you thought of hiring a nutritionist?), Lisa (where've you've been?), deegee and of course Marcy and Skippy!

Night Night Everyone.......


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/6/2009 9:51:57 PM
Author: deegee
Hi everyone! Wow - I''m glad everyone posted their favorite snacks because I need new ideas. When I first started WW, I ate a couple 100 calorie packs of junk food a few times a day. I have completely given them up because they''re not filling and leave me wanting something else. I''ve been heading for more filling foods, like raw veggies, yogurt, and fiber one bars. I''m afraid to keep much around the house since I have a snacking issue. On the other hand, hubby keeps a stash of chips and candy bars. I find them everywhere!
that is me too, I can''t eat those or I get super snacky. I hear you; I think we all learn what works for us best and I am like you. hehe


Nov 24, 2006

Hi friends, just getting ready; I will post next week. I got our house sitter up to speed, etc. hehe Hope everyone has a healthy week. I am excited to go on some nice long walks on the beach, hey maybe I can jog again as I hopefully won''t have allergies out there. hehe Happy week friends


ROD, yes, I will be there. hehe Glad you got an uber workout and the stress melted away!!!!

TED, thanks for all your tips and wooohooo on the new job, many congrats!!!

DRAGON, enjoy the biggest loser. I am watching right now. hehe

TLH, hope you feel better soon sugar!

SDL, oh my gosh men lose weight sooooo quick because they have more muscle mass than us; I guess it goes back to the cave man time and the way we were designed and it makes sense. hehe I rather us be curvy then them. hehee lol You are doing great!

SS, yay for doing spark people. You are doing great!

LISA, woooohooo for your upcoming wedding. I am so happy for you!!!!

DEEGEE, yay for your list; you are such an awesome ww. hehe awww, you always say the sweetest things too and you make me smile when I read Your posts!



Feb 27, 2007

Hi Skinny and Healthy PS’ers!How you are doing?

While eating supper before class last night I realized I was missing one of my WF PC earrings.I called work immediately and ask my swing shift for look for it.No luck.I wandered the house looking for it as well.As soon as class was over I headed back to work to look myself for my earring.I am so sad.At least it wasn’t something of sentimental value to me.

I am doing GREAT at eating this week too.I have lost 5 pounds now.For about 6 weeks I was really struggling with snacks and eating a little extra here and a little extra there and soon my pants were very tight.I rarely have problems eating smart most of the time.Tonight it hit me why I was probably doing that – focusing on my calories and food right now is giving me something to work on while Marty is gone.Does that sound crazy?I think I was sabotaging myself so I could have a distraction while he was gone.I am not having any problem following my normal routine now.And my pants are getting much loser too.Woo hoo!

Dragonfly, I am glad you are feeling better.I think I am starting to get a cold.Great idea to put some cider in a crock pot to make your house smell great.

Somethingshiny, maybe you can do just a few of those exercises and work in to them.Baby steps my friend.Thanks for the woo hoo!It is frustrating to not see quick results from being in your calorie range and trust me I so can identify with not falling into any standard category.Good luck finding what works for you.

Ted, Team T-Rod.LOL!!!Congratulations on the great job offer.It sounds like you will excel at being a trainer.

Michelle, adjusting your sleep is rough when you work those late hours.Marty worked mids for awhile and it was very hard to adjust to them.Congratulations for losing 4 pounds this week.


Skippy, glad you and your cousin had lovely weather for a walk. We are going to be very cold and snowy this weekend.A friend of ours is going to blow out our sprinklers tomorrow because I am worried they will freeze since our lows will be in the teens and twenties for about 3 days.Thanks for the yay.

Rod, I have that same problem when I sleep late I have a hard time falling asleep.Thanks for the yay.That is great you exceeded your former weight bench press.

Lorelei, is the weather pants there?We sure have had a cold fall already.

Tlh, let’s agree to not get a cold, okay?I hope you get better.

Lisa, 2 weeks till your wedding?It will zip by for you.How exciting.

Deegee, some of those 100 cal snacks are pretty tasty but I only have them at work in the afternoon.Thanks for the very kind words about me.I appreciate it.I do keep busy.I am down to 9 days until Marty gets home.Tomorrow is his birthday so I already send him a birthday email since it is Wednesday over there all ready.Walking is about all I have any luck with too.I am going to look in to the times the school’s gym is open and go walk the rubber track there.

Take care!





Mar 13, 2008
Hi everyone I''m back from the work out. It''s 10:30 and I haven''t eaten yet
I forgot to set my rice cooker to go. Booo!

Anyway, the workout today was different and totally killer. Rod or Ted, have you ever done super slows? 4 second negative and 10 second positive? My trainer said it''s very effective. I''d caution you guys to use a spotter your first few times though.

marcy, 4.4 lbs! You''re inspiring! Hooray for looser pants. You''re so awesome for sticking to your healthy habits when Marty is away. Whenever I''m away from my sister I get really lazy and fall off the workout wagon. I''m hoping time will fly and Marty will be back at home before you know it.

Dragon, I''m glad you''re feeling better. Mmmm.. cider sounds delish! We''re having an informal "Hooray we''re getting married" party at our house, we might have to do spiced cider. :)

Shiny, Mmm... Your cider sounds like my cider too. :) I''ve never made it in a crocker either, so I''m going to try that. 30 mins of cardio & 15 of abs is awesome! I can only bring myself to do 4-6 mins of abs. Try switching up your workout program every 8-10 weeks. Your body learns to adapt pretty quickly so after an amount of time, your body can adapt to your workout. So for 8 weeks do a lot of cardio, then switch to more weights less cardio, then switch to intervals (bursts of high intensity cardio with rest in between), etc.

SDL, 4lbs is awesome. I totally know what you mean about your hubby loosing weight so easily. James is the same way. I like to feed him extra food, is that bad of me? It''s all healthy food...

Skip, hooray for your walks :)

Rod, awesome with the bench weight!!! That''s fantastic. Hope you have a good dinner tomorrow.

Ted, awesome about the opportunity to become a trainer. :) You should definitely talk to some of the trainers there to see what they think of their jobs too. after all, they would be your colleagues.

TLH, oh no!! Getting sick sucks! Hope work gets less crazy for you.

deegee, Awesome you''re going to healthier snacks. james likes those 100 calorie snack packs too. I try to stay away from them. Let me know if you find any bars that are tasty. I''m always on the look out for them.


Nov 24, 2006
HI friends, I thought this article was interesting; it is about food that make us hungry and which keep us satisfied and why it is important to eat breakfast and some snacks like Lorelei listed. Have a great week friend

Yay for your clothes being lose Marcy.

LISA, yay for your uber workout!!


Jul 29, 2009
Rod great job at that gym and I definitely know what you mean when you say the gym relieves all your stress. I use it all the time for that purpose alone! If i have a huge test, ill go and workout right before it. It really helps; it increases the blood flow to my brain, it releases hormones that help settle and focus me, and it really just puts me in a more confident and controlled state of mind! Im glad that your work-outs are going great! I find myself reading this right now on my day off from the gym, but I feel like i gotta keep up with you (GO Team T-ROD!) lol, so I''m going to the gym for a cardio/walk day with lindsey; we were going to walk outside, but its crappy out.

Everyones, thank you for your advice with this new job offer. Its only temporary, and its only to hold me off while i''m still in grad school. But I agree, i think it will be exciting and super beneficial!

On a side note;

Lindsey made me switch from cream cheese to Neufchatel Cheese. It has less calories and less fat.. and of course I was super stubborn about switching.. and guess what, i can''t tell the difference lol. =x

Have a great day everyone!



Jun 25, 2007
Hey all

I am still lacking in the workout department, but at this point I''m considering it a good thing b/c I still have next to no apatite. I''m getting in at least one full meal a day but the trend right now is the food gets in front of me and I no longer want it. Sigh. Enjoyed Biggest Loser and the Hills with some girlfriends last night.

Rod - I''m sorry you had a long day!

Skippy - what''d you think of biggest loser?

Lliang - Have fun at your party! I think cider would be perfect considering the season!!


Dec 31, 2008
Work is insane crazy - end of the year madness. Won''t be a whole heck of a lot of personal time for me in the next 3 months.
My head cold is raging. It is all in the nose and throat. I''m going to try to go for a run tonight if I can - a walk if I can''t to see if I can''t get some of this stuff OUT of me. Eats have been healthy, but my taste isnt there because of my lacking sense of smell. I apparantly made the wasabi mashed potatoes quite potent last night.

SDL - good luck on the balancing act!
shiny- great job on getting your workout in!
lisa- oooo wedding is getting close! you''re gonna be one sexy bride!
deegee- totally agree on those calorie packs. WORTHLESS!
rod- way to add weights and make progress - whoop whoop!
skippy - allergies suck. I cannot tell if that is what is plagueing me or being sick. One of the bridesmaids was sick.. and might have infected me.
enjoy your walks on the beach!
marcy-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i hope someone finds your pretty! way to go on your 5# weight loss! you rock!
ted- exciting about the job, and the cheese switch!
dragonfly - i too liked the biggest loser, but I''m really not too fond of traci, she reminds me of vicki from a couple seasons ago... all game, no heart.

Well the wedding was a lot of fun - but EXHAUSTING. I didn''t get pics, I was too busy being at the beck and call of my BFF. All her psycho-ness seems to actually have stemmed from her new hubs. He was a TOTAL GROOMZILLA. I had no clue how bad it was - he even told the groomsmen how to tie their shoes. I''m not exaggerating. So all the drama, and stuff, makes me wonder if he was stressing her out, and having her send some of the passive aggressive emails along the way - because she was TOTALLY NORMAL wedding week. I helped out, and did what I could/ She surprised me at the last minute and had me do a reading after their vows. BAD IDEA. I am a total wedding crier! I was in body wretching sour lemon face SOBS! Listening to her dad cry, mom cry, sister cry, and SEE the groom cry- and I lost it. Had to do the reading and couldn''t see through my tears. It was BAD. Totally embarrassing... and the entire time I''m crying all I can think is... "is this mascara waterproof? or am I looking like a cheap hooker up hear w/ black streaks?" But the wedding turned out great. Everything went smoothly and just perfect. The only thing that sucked was the other bridesmaids had no clue what to do to help, and were basically just pretty accessories. I was totally beat w/ the work horse stick. But I cannot blame them - no one has any clue what goes into that day and what is needed UNTIL you''ve been there... I guess it is a totally different empathy that comes from a different point of view. The funniest part was that me and my BFF are like ying/yang.. I don''t know how our friendship works since we are polar opposites, but it works, and works well. It was a terriffic day, and I''m so happy for my friend. She''s now on a 15 day honeymoon to Italy and France! The perfect honeymoon for her too!

"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." unknown


Apr 27, 2007
Hello everyone!

Marcy - oh, I'm so sorry you lost your earring. That stinks! Our new WW lady was talking today about how her feet had been abused for so long while she was overweight that she's suffering the consequences now and it made me think about what you said the other day. We got into a big discussion about comfy shoes. I bought a pair of Merrell walking shoes for our trip to Disneyworld in November, but I've been using them every night when we take our walk. Happy Birthday to Marty!

Lisa - 10:30 and no dinner? I think I'd pass out! By the time I get home from work at 7 in the evening, I'm starving!!

Skippy - thanks for posting that article. I read it to my hubby since he supplements everything with chips and candy. No wonder he's always starving. He usually starts his day with a candy bar and a can of full sugar soda.

Ted - before I got hurt, I stopped at the gym every day on the way home from work to take out the day's stresses. It helped so much! Thanks for the tip on the cheese. I'll have to look for it.

dragonfly - glad you had a good evening with friends last night!

SDL - I wish I could get my hubby to go on WW with me. I make light, low-point dinners and I feel like he's looking for stuff to snack on all evening. I measure out my one portion of everything and he can get whatever he wants, but I know he's hungry. It makes me feel bad, but if he wants different food than me - he's gonna have to make it!

tlh - Sorry work is crazy! I work with retirement plans, and one plan is on a fiscal year and the other 5 (soon to be 6) run on calendar years. The fiscal year plan really throws me for a loop! I'm totally a wedding crier too. I get all sobby just looking at everyone's pictures in the BWW section! Once you get going, especially in public, you just can't stop crying!

rod - Sorry work is stressful, but it's great that you can go have a monster workout! I want to hear all about the 5,000 sq ft condo. That sounds awesome!!

Doing my old job and new job is really wearing me out. I've taken my walk and been in bed every night before 10, and that's completely unlike me! I usually function on 5 or 6 hours a night, but I can't keep my eyes open in the evening anymore. I was put in charge of getting our WW at work group together, and I was able to beg 11 people to join so our office is a go for another 12 weeks! Yay!!!! I lost 2 pounds this week at weigh-in, so that means I have 3 to go to get to my original goal of 50 pounds. I'm catching up to you Rod! (Weight loss only, can't touch the workouts!) I need to come up with a good name to memorialize my year of changes. Gotta think.

Have a great day tomorrow everyone!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......It was a tough day at work again. I''m working on so many things at once that I''m having a difficult time keeping things all going in the right direction. I was still at work at 6:30, when Charlie called to find out why I wasn''t home yet as we we''re supposed to be upstairs at our neighbor''s penthouse in 30 minutes. So, I shut down and headed home just in time to leave and go. Their penthouse is beyond incredible. The floors, the walls, the ceilings, the furniture, the art, the appliances, the cabinets.......every single thing was custom made all around the globe for this home. And they move every 2 years, so since they''ve been here 2 years, they''re talking about moving to the desert somewhere next. They''ll sell their place 100% furnished and start all over again in their next home. I can''t imagine what it must be like to be that rich.

Tomorrow''s a gym night, so I''ll check in afterwards briefly............

Skippy, I''ve never tried one of the 100 calorie snacks, but they just seem like smaller portions of things I avoid to begin with. Make sure you bring warm weather clothes for your trip. It''s more like July/August than October. It''s much hotter than normal. I''m sure it will be great for a vacation, but we so wish we had some cooler weather down here. Anyway, we''ll miss you and I hope you have a wonderful time. Thanks for the article........

Marcy, I''m so sorry you lost one of your WF Studs. Even if you didn''t have an emotional attachment, I''m sure it''s upsetting to lose one. I hope it turns up somewhere. YAY for 5 pounds down. The "amazing shrinking woman" is in the house!!!!

Hi Lisa.........How are things going with you? Are you still at that job. I know it was a bit frustrating. I''m sorry if I missed something about this you wrote previously.......About super slows......I often do them. They do make lifting weights a much bigger challenge, that''s for sure!!

Thanks Ted........I''m glad to be a part of Team T-Rod!! I hope your cardio date with Lindsey is fun. Thanks for the advice on Neufchatel. If you like Mayo, have you discovered Vegannaise? It tastes great, has no cholesterol, is low in fat and 1/3 the calories of mayo.........

dragon, I''m sorry you have no appetite. I hope you get it back and your energy returns too. You take care, OK?

Woo Hoo Michele!!!!

Hey tlh, I can sure relate to insanely busy at work. And I''m so sorry you have a cold. Don''t push yourself too much. Some people suggest sweating out a cold. I''m not sure if there''s any truth in that or not??

Sorry you''re being a bit stressed at work too deegee. I hope you get the rest you need and take care of yourself.

OK.....G''night all...........


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Wednesday.Well my day started out good and ended great.I lost another pound (minus 6) I will be back to where I was in NO time.Then tonight while I was on the phone I noticed something by the foot of our coffee table and was so excited to see it was my earring!

I even had my other one packed and ready to ship off to Whiteflash so they could match it.It had the back on it so I must have completely missed getting it in my ear and it was caught in my hair.I always check my email in the morning so it probably fell off while I was setting here and when I stood up it dropped on the floor.

Today was Marty’s birthday and the guys from work took him to an Indian restaurant where they sang happy birthday to him.He said he is plotting his revenge.

Lisa, yay for a killer workout.I tend to be better when Marty is gone just because I want to save up for when we go out to eat when he gets home.This last week will fly by (I hope).

Skippy, thanks for the great article.

Ted, glad you like the other cream cheese.

Dragonfly, I hope your appetite comes back.

Michelle, glad you are seeing the scale will go down.


Tlh, I hope you feel better soon.We are going in to a busy season too.The one nice thing is that the day flies by when we are busy.Glad to hear the wedding went well, how awful to be up there crying in front of everyone.Their honeymoon sounds like a great trip.

Deegee, I consider myself lucky that I didn’t do more damage (that I know of) to myself as obese as I was for most of my life. I still hurt all the time but it is nothing like before. Those good feet inserts I bought have sure helped my poor feet.Merrills are great shoes.Yay for organizing the ww group at work.Congratulations for losing 2 more pounds and being so close to your goal.

I am so excited for you.

Rod, your neighbor’s penthouse sounds amazing.I really like my WF earrings and was so excited to find it tonight.I know it’s all relative as I am only slightly shrinking but it’s always important to stop and reverse those few extra pounds before they find friends.

I am off to get ready for bed.I didn’t grade any papers tonight either.Rats.




Dec 31, 2008
deegee- way to go on your additional 2#''s lost! That is awesome! I hope that the other position gets filled soon, sounds like you''re DROWNING! ((hugs!))

rod- that penthouse sounds SWEEET! Enjoy tomorrow''s workout. I''m trying to feed my cold hot teas, soups, and what not - and I cannot tell if it is allergies. I sure hope not. I didn''t really miss those.

MARCY! YAY! I am sooo happy you found your earring. I was totally bummin for you! Ha! I also hate it when people I dont know (or do know for that matter) sing happy birthday to me! I totally feel his pain!

Everyone Happy Thursday!
I took some theraflu last night. It wasn''t called night time... but I fell asleep while making lasagna! My hubs had to step in and take it out of the oven. He woke me for dinner, and I almost fell asleep on my plate! I couldn''t even finish it I was so exhausted... and I was like up and ready to go for a walk w/ the dogs and hubs after dinner (BEFORE I took the medicine)... 20 minutes after I took it, I was OUT... and I mean OUT. I did not wake again until 4:30 this morning when my alarm went off. So word to the wise... that theraflu (non daytime... just normal style) is like a coma-inducer. So use, but use wisely! haha! Well this morning I went for a run. It was not good. My tonsils are so swollen that I had trouble swallowing and breathing. So i ended up walking a bit... the exercise and just being outside felt terrific... even if my pace was sluggish. But even though today will be another busy one.. I feel so refreshed! (I''d hope so! 10 hours of sleep is A LOT!)

“I loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I''m competing with is me.”
Wilma Rudolph


Jul 22, 2007
According to Spark, I have burned over 900 cals this week (which isn''t a full week yet). I''ve only done yoga twice and the rest is cardio and ab-burn (6 week abs). I''ve increased my calories to be at least 1400/day. I have FINALLY lost some weight. Today I''m 2 lbs down! Hopefully it''ll stay off and not just be water weight. It''s so weird, though. After so long of just thinking, "eat less!!", just raising my intake seems to have gotten my body in burn mode instead of save mode.

I''m busy all day but I''ll try to catch up later.

Have a great day, all!!
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