
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 4th Jan till 10th Jan

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Mar 13, 2008
Hi everyone. I''m feeling a little better. My sis just got an offer for a new job (She interviewed today, and got the offer like 2 hrs after she left!), so I''m super happy for her!!!!!! Thanks for all the warm thoughts. Yup That is my haircut, but my sister took the photos, so I needed her to send them to me. We didn''t work out yesterday like we were supposed to . We met up with the girls and had an impromptu girls night. It was fun.

Marcy, whoa we got a big snow dump in Chicago too. I hope you''re holding up OK over in your parts. Awesome job on the eats this week :) Awesome you have a healthy lunch buddy. Those are important.

TLH, Ugh! Bummer about work still being crazy. I was hoping that the new year will start a little slower. Better than having a new mess, but still. UGH! Make sure you try to keep up with your eats. At least you have your nice runs to decompress. I love how you feel like Hans Solo, but way better to be safe! Awesome with your suit, can you send the link? I''m intrigued.

Skip, Aw nephews!! How are the walks going?

Dragon, Hey!!! New year, you can come in and answer to us what you did and what you ate! It''s just a effective.

Bella, OMG I was totally sleep deprived when James moved in. But it kinda balanced out. You really need to make it a point to go to bed at X time. Just shut everything off and hit the hay. I suggest you get little night lights for your bedroom so your hubs doesn''t have to turn on lights when he comes in after you, and those memory foam toppers for your mattress. They lessen the bounces when he gets into bed.

Erica, HELLO!!! Welcome! Awesome that you have a WW buddy. There''s a few here on this thread too, so you can answer to them too :)

SS, hooray for yoga! Awesome you''re doing it again. How''s the appetite? JT is so cute. If you''re talking about therabands (with no handles) the length doesn''t matter *too* much. But the other bands with the handles I suppose you can just wrap it on itself or something to increase resistance. My trainer prefers the handles.

Rod, Great job in resisting the cake! I totally know what you mean about removing temptation. So sorry work is so crazy for you. And you missed your workout. I know how much you look forward to it. Well, look on the bright side with the cooler weather. You and Charlie can cozy up with Sakai. I love having pets for that reason :)

Charbie, AWESOME with the gym night! You sure did come back with some serious butt kickin!

Bella, great you''re getting to bed at a designated time. YOu totally need to do that :) 2 mile walk is AWESOME. Aw, bummer you left your lunch, but maybe you can eat it for dinner?

CJ, so great your hubs went to your spin class with you. He must be like, "Man you are DIESEL if you thought that was an OK work out!"

Sharon, I hope you''re keeping warm! Awesome you got another pool workout in :) Mmm... crab & broccoli quiche sounds DIVINE!

Deegee, Yay for being the WW recruiter. That''s awesome and it definitely helps to create a group like you''re doing. Awesome with the 1.5 lbs :)

Our workout today was really good. My left side was NOT behaving (shoulder coming up on the flys, left hand going back on the overhead press). But I lift more than the 21 yr old 6''4" intern. Sis and I were talking to our teeny, tiny girlfriends and we can bench their body weight. Ill never be teeny tiny and svelte like them, but I know I can bench them, and squat the two of them. :) I grabbed some take and bake pizza and a big salad. I finished the salad and waiting for James to come home to eat the pizza. I was *STARVING* after our session, so I had a little piece of leftover meatloaf and the entire big salad. That''s OK James probably wouldn''t have eaten the salad anyway.


Apr 27, 2007
Oh, poor rod! I'm sorry you're having such a lousy day. Just be sure have a good time celebrating your birthday on Saturday.

tlh - I hit the snooze no less than 5 times, or 45 minutes every morning! When I finally get up, I run around like a crazy lady to get ready and out the door in 30 minutes. I get a whole lot done in that 30 minutes, including ironing my clothes for the day and of course playing fetch with Lily. I can't imagine taking 90 minutes! I think I'd fall back asleep!! Matt and I got stuck on the interstate this morning for about an hour and a half, and I fell asleep hard. Good thing Matt was behind the wheel.

shiny - glad you're feeling better. Red is my favorite color. Hopefully your sis will pick a nice shade so you won't feel like a tomato!

bella - I forgot my lunch yesterday, but luckily I have a supply of soup in my office! I was STARVING when my hubby picked me up after work.

skippy - your eats sound yummy and super healthy! I need to start taking a snack of some kind to work because I'm not eating enough points during the day and have a bunch left in the evening. And this week I've done bad and have all 35 of my weekly points left, plus my all of activity points and I start my week over tomorrow. What a waste!

lisa - yay for an impromptu girls night!

Hi marcy!

It's pouring snow again today, just like it has since Sunday. It has gotten really slick and nasty outside, so we won't be walking tonight and I don't know that I'll walk on the treadmill. I hate that thing! Why is it that I have no problem walking outside in the rain, snow, cold, whatever...but walking on the treadmill is pure torture? My ering fell off my hand at lunch today in the kitchen at work, and then again tonight in the kitchen at home. It decided to bounce under the stove, so I was crawling around with a flashlight trying to find it. We ended up having to move the stove! I really need to figure out how to reset it. I quit thinking about it when my idea folder was lost when the hard drive on my old computer crashed. I really stink at picking things out! Have a great Friday everyone!!!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.Is it bedtime yet?Ha Ha.I did not sleep well last night and we are getting up a little bit early tomorrow so Marty can get to work early.

Food was good again today but we did pick up fast food for supper.Marty had a problem at work so we didn’t leave until 7.We picked up burgers and fries; I always throw out one bun and only eat about a dozen fries so it is well in my calorie range.

The weather here was very cold again with wind chills near -30.Saturday we are expecting temperatures in the 40’s but wind chill will make it feel like 10.I swear the snow around here will not melt until June.

Charbie, I am excited to hear you made it to the gym last night.How fun to get new furniture.We bought a round oak dining room table a few years ago but still eat in our living room.I agree if it’s going to be winter we might as well get snow.Stay warm.That is wonderful you can go back to sleep after you husband gets up and is getting ready for work.Once I wake up; I am not going to go back to sleep.

Bella, yay for a nice long walk yesterday.Good idea to set a bedtime to routine (like I know what that means ha ha).Rats for forgetting your lunch.I picked up a few of those Healthy Choice fresh pasta to keep in my desk.They have come in handy.

CrownJewel, you’ll have to let us know what your husband thinks of a spin class.

Deegee, how wonderful your friend is going for a loss of 100 pounds.How many has she lost already?I wish her well.You certainly have the right attitude – you are never finished with this or you would go right back to previous bad habits.I know I will be doing this forever or I’ll wind up even heavier than I used to be.Congratulations on losing 62 pounds and that is a terrific compliment to be asked to be a leader at WW.You walk sounds lovely even if it was cold.I used to play snooze alarm at my old job and it drove Marty crazy.I am impressed you can get ready and out the door in 30 minutes.Sounds like you need to get a new ring.Ooh a fun project.

Tlh, so to make slushies you just use ice and the fruit in the blender?I am not really mean but I stick up for my team and I am sure people who send us inaccurate data view me as a pest because I am very insistent we get an update when they send us something wrong.What is so frustrating is we get data that was never checked or what they gives us fixes one thing and creates 2 more problems.Grrrrr.Marty is fine and not traveling much so far this year.He is going to California for 2 days in a few weeks and will be going to Arizona for a week probably next month.If he goes overseas again this year it will probably be France.Sounds like you had a rough day at work yesterday.I hope everything was better today.Your glow sticks sound fun.How wonderful you new swimsuit is awesome.

Somethingshiny, I bought cherries, peaches and strawberries and dumped them together in a freezer bag.I tried leaving a little baggie of assorted fruit in the refrigerator overnight and the cherries and strawberries were very mushy this morning.I am glad to hear that is normal for you then to not gain weight during the beginning of your pregnancy.Yes, vitamins are quite helpful when you can’t eat much.How nice to help a friend start her journey.Your sister’s wedding will be here before you know it.I am sure you’ll look beautiful in a red BM dress.

Sharon, sounds like you are having the cold weather too.Glad you got out and worked out in the pool.I hope the water was warm.

Skippy, I hope your chicken dish turned out good.How was your walk?It does help to have someone else watching their calories and to talk to at work.

Rod, sounds like your day went like Marty’s.I hope tomorrow goes better for you.Snow?In Florida?You need to notify the local weather bureau and let them know “Rod doesn’t do snow”.Maybe that will help.I know they are quite worried about the citrus crops there.

Lisa, congratulations to your sister for getting her job.How exciting.I think about everyone is getting snow and cold, stay safe and warm.LOL at picturing you being able to bench the same weight as some of your tiny friends.

Take care.




May 4, 2009
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I''m not that great with the individual comments because I mostly post in between work/school/etc but I''m going to do my best when I have a couple minutes!

Bella - we registered for an ice cream maker and nobody bought it for us
Sounds like fun though! Sorry about forgetting your lunch... I *hate* when that happens (especially if I''ve prepared a great lunch for myself and then forget it at home and then I''m starving).

lliang - I hate when I end up waking up when DH does and I can''t fall back to sleep. It makes me annoyed and tired for most of the day!

marcyc - a food scale is a good idea - and I know DH could easily get one from his mom because she''s a nutritionist and uses one all the time. I hate measuring food, but it''s a good habit to get into. And if I started DH would be soo proud!

Rod - Thanks for the suggestion about contacting the manufacturer about the elliptical. We did that today and they should be coming soon - it would be awesome if they were actually able to adjust it so we could actually USE it! And Happy Birthday!!!

tlh - sorry about the stress at work! I hope it gets better!

Skippy - definitely a smart suggestion to take body measurements - thanks! I mentioned it to DH and we''re going to do that. I''m the type who looks in the mirror or gets on the scale and if I don''t see improvement I get really un-motivated, so having those measurements to look at and see improvements (even if the scale says the same thing) really would help me I think.

dragonfly - Definitely keep up with this thread if you want someone to hold you accountable! I find that even when I''m not posting, just reading it makes me feel like I should be working out and eating healthier...

EricaR - good luck with Weight Watchers! Never tried it myself, but I''ve heard really good things.

ss - I love yoga! Only tried it a few times, but each time I walked away feeling great and so much better about myself (and my muscles were really loose and stretched out!)

charbie - yay for the new table! And your workout at the new gym sounds like it was great!

CrownJewel - I''ve never taken a spin class, but I really want to try one. I have bad knees from old injuries, so I''m a little nervous about it though...

deegee - wow a 62 pound loss!! That''s quite the accomplishment! Congratulations!

canuk-gal - sounds so cold where you are! And you still went swimming?? (I know it''s indoors, but in the winter swimming is the last thing I want to do when I''m freezing!) It''s always a great workout though.

Sorry if I missed anyone... trying to do this before going to sleep! DH and I went to the gym last night and tonight after work. I''m so happy we joined - we didn''t have much time the last 2 days, but we still did about a half hour of cardio and one or two weight machines. Saturday night we plan on going for a *real* full workout. I obviously don''t see a difference yet being that it''s only been 2 days, but I feel better knowing we''re going to the gym now and it''s going to be a part of our routine. Hopefully we can keep this up and go 3-4 times a week, even if some nights are just a quick 20-30 minute cardio session. Next week we also plan on trying a yoga or pilates class (I convinced him to try it with me!) and an abs class. I''m excited!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Sep 26, 2006
haha, I have to echo deegee on the "poor rod!" I''m so sorry to hear you had such a crummy day.

tlh, your new swimsuit sounds great! sounds fancy! and your raver glow sticks are hilarious. that''ll keep the coyotes away for sure.

shiny, glad the nausea is almost gone! I don''t wanna jinx it, but I hope you''re all clear soon.

bella, you can definitely vent here!
good for you though, for packing a good, healthy lunch. can you have it tomorrow? It''s almost weekend! Hang in there.

Hi skippy, marcy, lorelei, charbie, erica, dragon!

I finally tried out my waterproofed ipod shuffle tonight. IT IS SO AWESOME. Music really gets me moving, and I gotta tell you, I''m so happy to have this little toy. It''s a teeny tiny ipod shuffle (the newest one, it''s smaller than my thumb). That''s it. No clunky case. Nothing. Just the naked ipod clipped to my swimsuit in the water. The company that makes these waterproofed ipod shuffles somehow takes the little thing apart, waves a magic wand and maybe coats it with some special waterproof stuff (that I can''t see) and then puts it back together so it looks like any other non-waterproof shuffle. I think a few of the lifeguards and other swimmers looked at me incredulously when they saw me jump into the water, like "OH NO DON''T DO IT! Your ipod is gonna die?!" Anyway, needless to say, I had a great swim. I can''t wait to go back tomorrow!

I made a pot of minestrone two nights ago, and it turned into this big giant pot full of soup! The beans and pasta expand so much. Anyway, the giant pot is way more minestrone than any two people can handle for more than 2 days. We barely made a dent in it. I wasn''t sure if it would freeze well because it has potatoes and kidney beans in it, but I googled around to see if anyone else has tried freezing their minestrone. It sounds like it''ll be ok. So I divided it up and shoved it into the freezer. Good thing, because I don''t know how much more I could''ve eaten.

Oh man, I am so tired. I got 3 hours of sleep last night and plowed through all of today non-stop. Must sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


Dec 31, 2008
sharon - your eats sound good, glad you worked out, brrr that is cold!

skippy- eats sound on track! Sorry your first trek in had to be a doozey!

bella- oh ok. Well fishies are yummy! exciting about your race! That sounds like a lot of fun! I think has some really good walking training plans, as walking plans are quite different than running ones. Though my first ever half I did w/ only 8 miles as my longest run, and had a base of 25+ miles a week... I wouldn''t recommend that little of mileage, but it was better than when I had over trained... which is far worse imho.

Rod- sorry that it is cold and you missed your session. That certainly is frustrating. Enjoy sushi tonight.. that is always a Rod+!

lisa- yay for your sis!!! OMG, THAT IS YOUR HAIR CUT... YOU ARE SOOO CUTE! I LOVE THE DO! It offers a lot of coverage, which my bikini doesn''t. So I covered up w/ a rash gaurd... but the dudes at the pool would still creep in my lane. I really like it though. :) You rock the gym!!!!

DG_ ha! Sleeping patterns are so funny! Glad you weren''t driving! I''m sorry the weather is so inclimate. Cold weather makes me a big time grump! I hope you have a good day - even with the rough start!

marcy- yes, I use both ice and fruit, a splash of orange juice, and some yogurt for texture. Then I''ll often add some protein powder in - depending on what my goals are. I have this great low cal protein from HSN - secure. I love it. I''m glad marty is staying local, but France sounds AWESOME (turning slightly green!)

lilac - I''m glad you are going to the gym and enjoying yourself! I miss my gym at times!

CJ- I''m glad you enjoy your new shuffle! glad you enjoyed your swim!

Happy friday... or maybe not so happy. I got my BFF''s wedding proofs to look at. UGh. The guy she booked to do my hair did such a horrible job. I''m a pretty girl too, so it takes a real idiot to make me look THAT BAD. I''m talking hair spray plastered hair like something from robert palmer''s addicted to love video. But since she set it up, I just smiled and said it was great. It wasn''t. It was horrible and I didn''t want to pay for it. But whatever. I think the stylist used half a can of aquanet. Wouldn''t be bad if he was trying to hold a curl - but no. He didn''t take any irons to my head. I have naturally pin straight hair. I don''t know what he was thinking. I''m not going to show the pics so don''t ask. I was like the ugly photo bomber... oh well. But the 2nd thing I noticed about the photos was my arms. HELLO FLABJACKS. Ugh, I have gotten really lax in my weight training the past year. Like really lax. I''ll do some yoga, and some other work. But I just sorta forgot about my arms, mainly because we quit the gym and so I just stopped really pushing myself. Wow, the arm is very unforgiving when you forget about it. So after checking out my flabby photos, I''ll be working on my arms again. I won;t be joining a gym this time of year - but I''ll be doing something. Cuz WOW. I know in one of the photos it is a bad angle, but still. The soft arms, paired with the most disgusting hair do, and it is like a good visual personal motivator.

Anywho, everyone have a great weekend. I know I''ll be busy... working my jiggly bits.


Nov 24, 2006
Happy Friday!!! I will go for another walk again today; it is suppose to be 42 degrees for the high and warm up this weekend, yay. The chicken dish I put up top in the sticky thread that Mara created; it is Chicken in an orange sauce that is super yummy!!! We will eat the leftovers again tonight. Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend

ROD, aw, I am sorry it was an awful day; hope today is better and you have a great weekend!!! hugs, burrr, that is cold, stay warm.

BELLA, that is weird about WF; they said they had some 1 day chicken sale and they have to project what they need 2 weeks in advance and of course they projected wrong. Sounds strange to me so I went to TJ''s but I like WF''s way better for chicken and meat. oh well. hehe YAY for walking a half Marathon, you are awesome and yay for a buddy!!!!!

LISA, you are awesome with your presses, you go girl! great job! Yay for your sis and having fun out w/the girls. I love girls nights aren''t they the best.

DEEGEE, I hear the midwest is getting slammed with snow! I find walking on the treadmill boring too; I love the fresh air outside and my mind gets refreshed walking outside too so I hear you.

MARCY, sorry you had a long day too, hope you slept well. Gosh I think when it gets to 10 degrees everything below it is all the same, extremely freezing. I was in WA in when it was -20 below and it all was super cold; bundled from head to toe. Stay warm sugar.

LILAC, yay for you and your hubby working out; sounds like you two are doing awesome!!

CJ, those shuffles are so cute; hubby got the mac air thin book (not sure the exact name but the thin one, lol) so we had to go to the apple store and those shuffles are teeny tiny and super cool looking!!! What color is yours? Yay for an awesome shuffle and jamming to music; great job on the swimming. Yum to your soup! Oh I freeze a lot of soups that have beans in them; I love those lock n seal containers and use those to freeze soups.

TLH, aw that is too bad about your bff''s hair. You are such a good friend! We are our worst critic; I bet you look great. lol about jiggly bits, not!


Aug 19, 2009


Dec 31, 2008
skipppy you rock! :) the chicken dish sounds delicious! my bff is GORGEOUS! I just looked matronly. Quite befitting for the "matron of honor" hahah!

happy friday bella!

Mmm lunch was tuna mixed w/ spicy mustard instead of mayo - delish! then I used sliced and peeled cucumbers for crunch. It was delicious!!! My snack is a yoplait w/ 15 pretzel sticks. mmm mm good!


Nov 24, 2006
Okay I went outside to walk, burrrrrr, the weather guy is wrong, it is only 32 so I didn''t get too far and i had a wool coat and wool sweater on, no way Jose
I think I will pull out my step and turn up some music!

Bella, yay for earrings.

TLH, your sandwich sounds yummy; I love cucumbers!!!


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Friday and woo hoo for the weekend being here.We warmed up to 28 by the time we came home today.Tomorrow I am going to pick up my wedding rings.I will feel so much better then.

Food was in my calorie range today.Cereal, fruit, mac and cheese, bread, cheese stick, sandwich and slow churned ice cream.

Lilac, I use my food scale daily and just put it away in my drawer with the pot holders so it’s out of the way.That is great you got some time in at the gym and plan on taking some fun classes with your husband next week.You’ll start to notice some changes soon.

CrownJewel, your waterproof Ipod sounds sweet.I am sure some people thought you were crazy.I hope your minestrone freezes well.It’s hard to eat a lot of food when there are just two of you.

Tlh, sorry you don’t like your hairdo in the wedding photos.I am sure you looked great though.

Skippy, your chicken sounds great.I love chicken.28 seemed warm when we came home tonight after the minus temperatures.Sorry it wasn’t warm enough for a walk.

Bella, my sentiments exactly.Woo hoo for Friday.


Rod, I hope your day was better and it’s not too cold there.

Have a great weekend.





Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was busy and frustrating at work today, but not as frustrating as yesterday. Sushi tonight was really good. The owner of favorite sushi place #1 (we have two favorites) followed us out when we left and we wondered why, and then she said she''s had a Christmas gift in her trunk since the holiday. She gave us a Godiva Gift Basket, filled with fattening goodies. We won''t likely eat them, but the thought was so nice. I''ll take some to my office and Charlie will take some to his. It''s getting pretty darn cold outside. It''s going to be the coldest day we''ve had in Tampa in several years. We don''t know if there will be snow or not. We''re likely going to the gym tomorrow, but if it''s too cold, we may go Sunday instead. No matter what, I''m sleeping in late, which to me is an incredible luxury!

I know I owe you all individual hello''s, but here it is 11 PM again and I''m exhausted after a really tough week. Thanks for the good wishes from my yucko day yesterday and for wishing us a good b-day celebration meal tomorrow night. I hope everyone had a good Friday and your weekend is fun.........


Aug 19, 2009
Guess what, my videos are here!!! I''m doing the 30 day shred tomorrow morning--wish me luck!


Jul 22, 2007
Hey, everyone! Hope you''re all having a great weekend!!

Thanks for all of the good wishes about me feeling better. I actually ate a steak yesterday and was SOO happy!!

Marcy~ If you want to give the frozen fruit another try, try mixing it with pineapple juice and freezing it that way. Then take it out 10 minutes or so before you want to eat it, it''ll get a little slushie and it''s delicious!! Also, if you want to add some more punch to a smoothie, freeze pineapple or other juices in ice cube trays and use those flavored cubes mixed with your fruit in the blender.

bella~ Yay for your videos, good luck!

Sorry I''m not posting to everyone right now, I took down the Christmas stuff today and I''m tired!!


Apr 27, 2007
tlh - but I wanna see pictures! Sorry you didn't like your hairdo for the wedding. I have always been self conscious of my arms and haven't worn anything shorter than a 3/4 sleeve for years. I caught a glimpse of them in the dressing room the other day and holy moley! My arms are scrawny now. Scrawny but flabby. Yikes! Our ww lady swears her killer arms come from resistance bands, so I'm going to give that a try.

bella - glad you finally received your video. Good luck!!

skippy - You sound like such a great cook! I'm not very creative, so I need to look through the threat Mara created and buy a couple cookbooks. My problem is that we are gone usually from 7am-7pm and I need to be able to fix a quickie dinner, which means I drag out the George Forman grill or the crockpot a lot. My poor hubby suffers through without complaining as long as he has Frito's!

CJ - I hope you love your waterproof iPod! I didn't realize they made those.

marcy - I'm really bad at picking things out! For my fifth anniversary, hubby told me to pick out something that I would keep forever, so I decided on an anniversary band. It was taking me so long to pick something out that he finally bought me a 5 stone HOF anniversary band a few months before our 6th anniversary. I'm really bad at it, so I don't have much jewelry at all. I want something simple. I have a rb, and I was thinking about tapered baguettes. Hope you're sleeping better!

rod - hope you got to sleep in today! When I bought my car they gave me a big Godiva gift basket that looked soooooo good. Matt pulled what he wanted out of it, and I took the rest to work. It didn't last long. Keep warm!!

shiny - We took down inside decorations last week and most of the outside, but my giant wreath on my foyer window is still up. You have to go crawl out on the roof through a bedroom window and walk across a steep pitch to get to it, and I'm not doing that until the snow melts! Hope you get some rest, and yay for feeling better!

The cold is really getting to my arthritic spine. It got up to 19 today and is still snowing, and I've been on the couch under my snuggie and another blanket all day reading a book on my Kindle and watching football. I know it would probably help for me to walk a few miles on the treadmill, but my entire body is aching and I just can't make myself do it! Maybe after dinner. Winter is always hard on my spine. I signed up for a 10,000 step walking challenge at work, and we got our pedometers on Friday to start the challenge on Monday. Unfortunately, other people in the office have decided that I will motivate them because I made a lot of positive changes last year and they're looking for me to say inspiring things. I don't feel very inspiring right now, so I'm hoping we'll all help each other out. Have a great Sunday everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Howdy gang!!! Hubby and I did some walking today and picked up a dvd, District 9; not sure what it is about but we will watch it tonight. We got about 3 miles in which felt good and tomorrow we hope to ride bikes as it should be 52 and I think it was 46 degrees today.

Ugh, WF is nutty lately, 1st no chicken earlier in the week and now this. I wanted to make 3 bean, tomato carrot, onion and "Chicken Italian sausage" soup and they didn't have Turkey or Chicken Italian sausage.
They always have one or the other!! They did have Chicken Curry sausage so I ixnay on the urrycay ausagesay
and went for regular Italian sausage and really squeezed out the fat from it. Hopefully it won't be too bad (I only got 1/2 lb to use with the soup).

Oh also hubby and I stopped at the furniture store and I fell in low with the Stressless sofas but they are $4500 a sofa so I might do some searching and see if I could find one less expensive online maybe, but first we need a new washer and dryer, oh well.

Happy Saturday!!!

MARCY, glad you guys warmed up to 28; I think we are suppose to warm up to 50's tomorrow so hopefully you all will be warming up too!

ROD, sorry your last few days weren't good but that is great you are celebrating tonight, wooohoo! lol about the chocolates; a friend gave us a beautiful box of chocolates but I threw them all in the trash so I understand about not wanting those bad boys. hehehe You are so good!

BELLA, yay for your dvds!! Keep us posted!!

SS, yay for eating a steak! Glad you are feeling better sugar!

DEEGEE, I bet you make some yummy meals. I am suppose to be getting cooking Light soon so if I make some good thinks I will post the recipes. I am sorry about the cold and your spine; I hope you feel better soon, you poor sweetie pie. Your blankie and your book sounds like a nice thing to do on a cold snowy day. YAY for the 10k step challenge, awesome!!! You are SUPER INSPIRING!!


May 4, 2009
DH and I just got back from an hour and a half long workout at the gym together and I feel GREAT! I love that feeling in your muscles when they''re tired from working out. It energizes me. I thought by now I would hate going and I would be miserable, but it''s just the opposite, so I''m pretty happy about it. And DH is loving the extra gym time. I''m going to go eat something now because I hardly ate anything today and now I''m *starving*! But I''m going to keep it healthy

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I am so excited I have my wedding rings back.

I browsed through the diamond side and drooled over the giant, sparkly diamonds but I am quite content with my ½ carat diamond.I might upgrade my ½ ct EC for my RHR sometime but wouldn’t go larger than about ¾ of a carat anyway.I looked at them too.

After we picked up my jewelry we went to the mall and wandered around for awhile.Then we ate at Pappadeux.Mind you we had breakfast about 9 and ate supper at 4 so I was starved.I ate more bread than normal and split a dessert but other than that my meal wasn’t bad.I swear the baked potato they brought me had to be 24 oz and I bet they had 5 tablespoons of butter on it.I took the butter off right away and made do with what melted on it already.

I was bored on the 2 hour drive home so I texted my nephew and gave his a hard time.

Rod, I hope you had fun celebrating your birthday today.The chocolate gift basket sounds nice and of course taking it to work is a great idea.I hope you get to relax this weekend after your long week.

Bella, how exciting your DVD’s arrived.I hope you enjoy them.

Somethingshiny, the pineapple juice with my frozen fruit sounds great.I might just try that.Thanks for the idea.Yay for eating a steak.

Deegee, I won’t wear short sleeves anymore.You can imagine my underarms less 165 pounds.I like simple jewelry too.I like a 5 – 6mm center stone with some diamond accents.Your anniversary band sounds gorgeous.How sweet of Matt to get it for you.Sorry to hear you are so achy today.This cold weather is brutal on arthritis.I had to take 2 Advil when we got to the mall today I am far more sore than normal.I hope you are feeling better tonight.How do you like your Kindle?If they had them in pink I’d own one.

Skippy, I hope you had a nice outing today.That is strange WF keeps running out of food.The stressless sofa sounds interesting.That is pricey though.We got up near 40 here today.Woo hoo!

Lilac, good job spending so long at the gym and eating healthy!

Sleep well.




Dec 28, 2005
Hey......I''m slightly buzzed from my birthday dinner, but thought I''d check in quickly. It was the coldest day in Tampa in many years and didn''t get out of the 30s at all. They said we had some snow flurries in the middle of the night, but thankfully, we were wound asleep. It was cloudy and windy and cold when I woke up this morning, so Sakai settled down in my arms and we slept till 10:30. I love love love sleeping in. We had lunch at our little diner and I had a bowl of chicken chili, which was a welcome treat on a cold day and a good thing to have before heading to the gym. We got to the gym around 3 and I was so happy to be working out. I did all I could to make up for missing my workout Thursday night. I pushed really hard, especially on the elliptical. We finished up around 6, showered and got home just in time to change for my B-day dinner at The Palm. It was wonderful. I don''t drink much, but hey, it was my b-day celebration, so we shared a good bottle of cabernet (hence why I''m a bit looped)! I started with a Caesar Salad, then I had my free 3 lb lobster (they send me a gift certificate for my b-day lobster every year) and we had some creamed spinach as our side dish. Charlie had lump crab cakes, which were really good and all lump crab, with no filler. We did not have dessert and just picked up a cup of decaf on our way home. We''re probably going to have a relaxing day tomorrow and maybe see a movie. We''re thinking about Sherlock Holmes...........

Marcy, your high yesterday wasn''t too far from ours today..............I''m actually having to use hand lotion as it''s been so cold for the last few days my skin is drying out. We don''t usually need moisturizer in Florida.

I hope your 30 day shred was fun Bella!

WOO HOO for eating a steak Shiny and keeping it down. I''m glad you''re feeling (and eating) better!

Deegee, I''m sorry the cold is causing pain in your spine. Do you have a humidifier on your furnace? It might help you when it''s colder outside. We used to really like Godiva, but either our taste buds have changed, or Godiva is not what it used to be. Maybe it''s because we only eat really dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher) these days, but even Godiva''s dark chocolate just isn''t that good. So it''s pretty easy for us to get rid of it.

Skippy, please let me know what you thought about District 9. I''d like to see it, but am not sure I can convince Charlie to see it. Wow, you''re warmer than we are. There''s something wrong with this picture.......LOL

It''s wonderful that you and the hubs are really enjoying working out Lilac. I know what you mean about loving the feeling in your muscles after a strong workout. It is a good feeling for sure!

I hope everyone had a good Saturday. Have a great day tomorrow........


Nov 24, 2006
MARCY, here is the sofa hehee I have been thinking about it all day. They are so comfy and take the pressure off your back and I love the styles.
Yay for getting your rings back!!! Yay for browsing diamonds; someday I want a pear. I saw a girl with a gorgeous pear and I have forever wanted one. An Emerald cut would be gorgeous! Yay for it getting up into the 40's

LILAC your workout sounds awesome, yay for you and your hubby! Go team Lilac!!!

ROD, I saw Sherlock Holmes, Jerry Bruckheimer did it so if you like his style then you will love the movie. District 9 was confusing for about 30 mins and it was hard to get into it but once I did I loved the movie; it is very different!!! Hubby thought it was okay but I really liked it. Oh your Birthday dinner sounds wonderful and yay yay for the wine; HUGE HUGS!!!! Glad you had a wonderful bday evening!!! Well in Jan we usually are in the 60's so this is weird weather for us too!!! I watched the national weather and they said it is unusually cold across the US. How cold is it out there?

I am looking forward to riding bikes tomorrow. Night night gang!


Aug 19, 2009
urgh, totally procrastinated with stuff around the house all day so no 30 day shred today. Tomorrow morning I will do it...yell at me if I don''t


Aug 19, 2009
30 day shred day one-I think I''m going to be sore later. What a great workout! My downstairs neighbors must think there''s a herd of elephants in my apt (I hope they don''t complain) but if I do this a couple times a week, plus yoga or pilates on most of the off days I''ll think I''ll be in business:) Thanks for the tip!!! I love how short it is, but it works you hard...okay, I am still sweating like a pig so I need to jump in the shower...

I had one quick question first though-what size weights do you find best for this? I used cans of pumpkin today bc I don''t have weights, but I think I''ll get some in he next week or so, what should I get... 5, 8, 10?

Thanks again!


Jul 22, 2007
bella~ Yay for the shred. BUT, I found that I HAD to do it at least 4 days a week. When I would only do it a couple times I couldn''t feel my endurance increasing. It took several days a week to feel stronger. I was using 3lb weights in each hand and that would begin to feel like 10!! I did have intentions of increasing for level 2 and 3 though.


Aug 19, 2009
thanks for the tip SS--I''ll shoot for 4 days a week!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi, today was a bit warmer but not warm enough to ride bikes so we walked 3 miles again.
Hubby and I went and had Indian food today; I love that stuff so I need to be good the rest of the week. hehe, it was worth it!!! Oh and I realized I pay a crazy amount of money and go to the gym like once a week so I might think about whether it is worth it to me since I workout outside mostly? I don't know.

I went to Eddie Bauer and MAC cosmetics today and picked up a couple of new sweater, size small, yay and some new eye make up! I need to return some sweaters but was too lazy to make an adventure out of shopping today.

Tonight is the pub quiz tonight which is something we look forward to! Hope everyone got a workout out in today and had a wonderful SUNDAY

BELLA, wooohoo for doing Shred!!!! Some of the lunges hurt my knees so I modified sometimes to not full lunges if they start hurting. I have sets of 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12. I guess just go to Target and see what you can do for a set and see how you feel?? I have a range because it all depends on what I am doing! Cans of pumpkin work great!

SS, hi friend!!!

ROD, did you go to the movie. Oh my gosh DHW made me cry last weekend because of the baby; I need to record tonights episode.


Dec 28, 2005
I had this long post written and lost it all. I'm not sure how or why, but it's gone...........So frustrating. So, here's the short version:

It was a good day. We saw Sherlock Holmes which was a lot of fun. We skipped lunch so we could have popcorn and we had salad for dinner since we indulged a bit too much last night. It was waaaay to cold again today and tonight we'll have yet another hard freeze, which is disasterous for the citrus and fruit farmers. I'm not ready to start another work week, but at least we'll get to have our Monday sushi after work. We still need PS Dust. The young doctor who's been thinking about buying our place has indicated he's ready to move forward and is meeting with our realtor thsi Tuesday, to (hopefully) write an offer. So please sprinkle us with dust some more......OK?

Skippy, thanks for the recommendation on District 9. I'm going to have to see it. I'm not sure I can get Charlie to see it though as I made him watch The Day The Earth Stood Still the other night and while I did agree it was a pretty bad movie, he really really hated it. So, I may have to see D9 by myself! LOL Yay for a 3 mile walk. We saw lot's of people outside runnning and walking today, but it was just too cold to me.........

Bella, I'm glad you enjoyed the shred. Shiny's advice sounds right to me about how many times you might need to do it.

Have a good week everyone..........



Nov 24, 2006
ROD, lots and lots of DUST headed your way!!!! fingers and toes crossed too and prayers honey!!! Oh D9 is kind of violent but I liked it!!! Yay for going to see the movie; isn't the diamond in the movie purdy! oh phooey about your post. I highlight my post and then hit ctrl c and then if I lose it hit control v to paste it back into a msg. sorry.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi.Today was not my favorite way to spend a Sunday.I was in the kitchen cooking or doing dishes most of the day plus didbatches of laundry.I also got our club newsletter done, updated our web page with 2010 dates and info and just finally sat down to relax.I am looking forward to relaxing when I go back to work tomorrow.

Food was good.I made waffles for breakfast (I eat a small one with lite syrup), lunch was a mini meatloaf and some potatoes, supper was a 100 English muffin with peanut butter.We had some slow churned ice cream awhile ago.

The in-laws are coming home.They have had a rash of bad luck.They put in an offer on a house in early December, paid for the inspections and then found out the house wasn’t cleared to sell (it’s a repo).They had to fight to get their money back.During that time they accepted a deposit on their 5th wheeler.They found another house, it didn’t pass inspection.They found a third house they liked that was for sale by owner and the bank thought they wanted too much for the house.In the meantime they got the rest of the money from the people buying their RV so they had to move out of there.They thought of buying a small travel trailer to live in while they look for a house.They want a small trailer to travel in anyway.They drove in to Phoenix to look at RV’s and their drive around town car got rear ended and the lady took off.They had liability on the car (it was Marty’s grandma’s car and a 1971) so the insurance offered them $100 on it.They decided to move in to a hotel and live in a suite until they found a house.They went to check in today and the room they gave them was a real “flea bag” as my MIL put it.She asked for another room and they took her to another room that looked the same.They said see ya and are on their way home in the morning.

Rod, that is great you slept in on a cold morning.Your birthday celebration sounds like a great evening.Too funny about the lotion, I have very dry skin especially in the winter.Lots of PS dust coming your way for a great offer on your condo.

Skippy, the sofas look amazing.Too bad they are so pricey.Pears are gorgeous. I wouldn’t mind one of those either.I hope to be winning the Publisher’s Clearing House soon so I can buy more diamonds.Ha Ha.It was so nice here today I parked at the far end of the parking lot and walked back and forth to the grocery store twice.I figured it was a good way to enjoy the Sun and burn a few calories.Glad you had a nice long walk today

Bella, sometimes we need to have lazy days.Sounds like you had fun with your DVD.Being sore is a good thing.

Somethingshiny, too fun about the 3 pound weights starting to feel like 10.I swear when I was doing hand weights I felt like someone added weights to them as I went along.

Take care.

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