
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 29th Dec till 4th Jan

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Feb 27, 2007
Happy New Year’s!
We had mac and cheese for supper and then had some popcorn and we watched a movie.Marty had to go in to work at midnight for awhile.Rats.I had a little bottle of asti spumanti for my new year’s drink.The carb overload tonight gave me a spurt of energy so I got the house cleaned, dusted and vacuumed.Yippee for less to do tomorrow.
Tacori, that is usually my luck when I want to return something I can’t find the box or receipt.Thank you for the kind words about the difference between the old me and now.
Lorelei, I would not enjoy your gym if it’s freezing in there.I am always cold.
Miscka, I hope you enjoyed some champagne tonight; I enjoyed my glass.
Lliang, I am glad you are enjoying yoga so much.
Appletini, yay for exercising 3 days in a row.Your dinner sounds quite tasty.
Skippy, that is wonderful you are enjoying running on the Wii fit.Tee hee thanks for calling me skinny minny.

Linda, I will try to wait up for Marty too but I don’t know for sure when they’ll be done at work.At least I got the house cleaned and started on my laundry.Your evening with your grandsons sounds like a lot of fun.
Hi Jeff, Steph and ChargerGirl.
Rod, yay for getting your cake.I am looking forward to my homemade soup and gingerbread tomorrow. That will be my goal next year working up to an hour on the treadmill.I hope you enjoyed dinner tonight and the fireworks show as well.
MerryMunky, I wish you much success in the new year.Yay for feeling motivated.
Deejay, I hope your calves feel better tomorrow.
Have a great and safe evening.




Oct 17, 2008
Lorelei - I just read your post in my whiny thread.


I have just fashioned a food plan table on word. About to print out a few copies for the next few weeks.It''s a blank table tracker plan. I will just track what I eat this week but next week I hope to fill out the plan in advance so I stick to a proper regime.

I am back to work on Monday so I am going to restart the gym to co-incide with it. I think Tuesdays, Thurdays and Fridays will be good days o go as they fit in with the work schedule better.

Baby steps...Literally.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/1/2009 8:09:55 AM
Author: merrymunky
Lorelei - I just read your post in my whiny thread.


I have just fashioned a food plan table on word. About to print out a few copies for the next few weeks.It''s a blank table tracker plan. I will just track what I eat this week but next week I hope to fill out the plan in advance so I stick to a proper regime.

I am back to work on Monday so I am going to restart the gym to co-incide with it. I think Tuesdays, Thurdays and Fridays will be good days o go as they fit in with the work schedule better.

Baby steps...Literally.

Sounds great - well done!!!! Hey and your thread was not whiny, we are here to help and support you!


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 1/1/2009 8:18:17 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 1/1/2009 8:09:55 AM
Author: merrymunky
Lorelei - I just read your post in my whiny thread.


I have just fashioned a food plan table on word. About to print out a few copies for the next few weeks.It''s a blank table tracker plan. I will just track what I eat this week but next week I hope to fill out the plan in advance so I stick to a proper regime.

I am back to work on Monday so I am going to restart the gym to co-incide with it. I think Tuesdays, Thurdays and Fridays will be good days o go as they fit in with the work schedule better.

Baby steps...Literally.

Sounds great - well done!!!! Hey and your thread was not whiny, we are here to help and support you!
Baby steps are what I''m all about!

I had a MAJOR attitude shift this morning. I went to grab a banana and some cheese for breakfast (I know, odd choice, but it sounded good
). I was halfway out of the kitchen when I stopped, went back in, plopped the silly cheese down on the scale and weighed it. I then walked to the computer, logged into weight watchers, tracked the points, and set Weight Watchers as my home page.


Mar 16, 2005
Happy New Year all! Hope everyone had a great night. Celebrated midnight with some pomegranate bellinis and some chocolate covered is is back to a healthy diet and cutting out sugar for a while to get my cravings to go away! Had coffee and 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter for breakfast. Just got back from my 3 mile run...only stopped to walk a few times for about 10 seconds each, so feeling pretty good. I''m off to go get dressed then it''s time to take down the tree. Hope everyone has a great New Years Day!


Nov 24, 2006
HAPPY NEW YEAR Friends!!! We went to eat with my sister, nephew, and her hubby; then we came home opened the raspberry beer. Watched the Twilight Zone marathon, kissed and then went to bed. hehe Nothing too nutty; we were invited to a party but we were both not up for it so our evening was nice and relaxing and actually felt perfect for us last night.

Yay for 09!!!
So yesterday I went to weight watchers and we talked about diets to lose weight fast and the difference between people who keep the weight off. The people who learned healthy lifestyles and incorporated healthy eating habits kept it off. We also talked about people who do diets, lose the weight fast and then go back to their old eating once they get to their goal because they can't do the (ex: graitfriut diet forever) and didn't learns the keys of healthy eating like we are (HLT), etc. I just thought it was interesting that this really is a lifestyle change but along with it we start to really enjoy fruits, veggies, lean meats, and new things we didn't know we liked. This is a lot of what we talk about here on this thread but it was fun to hear being discussed there and knowing (if anyone gets discouraged with slower weight lose) that slow and steady does win the race because you are probably slowing incorporting healthy changes and manageble changes to our lives that work for each of us.
Also, along with those changes we learn that if we fall off the wagon we pick ourselves up and keep going like Lorelei says because we are in it for life.
So cheers to a healthy new year friends. hehe We all are doing great; cheers for us friends! Yay for this thread

I plan to go walking and see if I can jog some of it too. hehe Hope everyone has a great day!!!

ROD, how was Roy's? I have been to a few Roys, in Hawaii and at Pebble Beach, they are so yummy; I love their fresh fish and that lava cake. hehe Rod, thanks for your sweet words they mean a lot to me! Thank you for always encouraging me!

MERRYMUNKY, yes, baby steps are awesome!!!

GECKO, wooo for logging what you eat and weighed it. I do that and for some reason I find it kind of fun putting things on the food scale. You rock!

STEPH, I am with you on the no sugar. It helps keep the cravings away; I agree! Yay for your 3 miles, you are awesome!

LORELEI, woooo for your workout!! Stay warm. heehe

MARCY, yay for your house cleaning, that is a great workout!

DEEJAY, wooo for such awesome workouts!

CHARGER, happy NY friend!

JEFF, cheers to you!

LINDA, Happy NY!! Hope you had a blast with the grandboys, hugs!


Nov 29, 2004

Happy New Year!

I actually wasn''t too bad last night, I was so full from the apps (I had gotten a very large scallop for each of us) and that by the time of our main course I didn''t have much room for the potatoes and only had a few bites of them....I wanted the tenderloin more since its such a treat for me to make it. Did have quite a bit of vino and my BFF and her DH brought a bottle of Dom for us to ring in the new year with, so that was VERY generous of them.

Marcy, I love mac and cheese! I''m having my girlfriends over on Monday to watch the Bachelor and I''m going to make it then.

MerryMunky, Good Luck in achieving your goals this year! Its all about making positive changes and sticking to them. One of the things I do that helps me to stay on track with food is I have an excel spreadsheet that I prin out each week...I''ll try to post a pic here. I actually got the idea from some sort of "organized mommy" type gift I saw. Anyway on the left side I have the days of the week and I write what I plan to make each day or if we have social plans out of the house I put that too so DH knows whats going on. On the right hand side I make my grocery list and then tear of the grocery list when I go to the store. I usually go to the store on Sundays and plan to cook meals at home Sun-Wed.



Oct 17, 2008
appletini - I like that system. It''s similar to one I use. I use a hand made printed table for each week. It is split into days, then also into meals so I can track everything. My shopping list is pinned up next to it so anything I see that I will need for the coming week will go on the list in advance. We actually spent less on shopping planning the meals out beforehand too. I think I might start the weightloss journal again too. I used it to write down everything I felt and thought along the way. It really worked.


Nov 24, 2006
APPLE, I am going to do a spreadsheet like that; sounds like a great idea. Hubby sometimes doesn't know I am at the gym so maybe something like that on the fridge will keep him up to date on where I am so I am not always having to call him, thanks!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Happy New year everyone! DH crashed around 10:30 so I just went to bed too. It is the first time in my teenage/adult life that I hadn''t been up to see 12:01 on the new year. Guess I am getting old.
The good news is I lost the lb I gained over x-mas so I am at a total of 50lbs lost. 50 lbs is a crazy number! I realize some of it was baby and stuff but I am still proud. My goal for next time is NOT to gain 55lbs.
But I remind myself that she is well worth it and it wasn''t like I was stuffing my face for 9 months. Some women just tend to pack on more than others. I was bad and bought some ginger snaps at TJ''s last night. Something about winter+ginger snap cookies=happiness for me. I of course cannot stop eating them!
Guess I took it upon myself to eat all the sugar that you good HLTers gave up. Haha.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/1/2009 4:13:41 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Happy New year everyone! DH crashed around 10:30 so I just went to bed too. It is the first time in my teenage/adult life that I hadn't been up to see 12:01 on the new year. Guess I am getting old.
The good news is I lost the lb I gained over x-mas so I am at a total of 50lbs lost. 50 lbs is a crazy number! I realize some of it was baby and stuff but I am still proud. My goal for next time is NOT to gain 55lbs.
But I remind myself that she is well worth it and it wasn't like I was stuffing my face for 9 months. Some women just tend to pack on more than others. I was bad and bought some ginger snaps at TJ's last night. Something about winter+ginger snap cookies=happiness for me. I of course cannot stop eating them!
Guess I took it upon myself to eat all the sugar that you good HLTers gave up. Haha.
Woooo awesome friend!!!!!!!!
Yay for 50 loss, that is wonderful
Miss Skinny Tacori, wooo hooo!

hhee he It was super hard for me to stay up till 12 so I don't blame you going to bed at 10:30 and you aren't even close to being old. TJ's makes the best cookies, i love the triple thin ginger cookies and the pepermint chocolate ones.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy New Year!
We didn’t sleep in this morning in spite of going to bed at about 2 am.I made French toast for breakfast and am waiting for the cornbread to get done to go with homemade soup.I’ll make gingerbread later today.Tomorrow we are having some friends over for supper and to play scrabble so we can have some more gingerbread then.I will take my parents over some of it too just to reduce temptation.
I watched some of the Monk marathon today and loaded up some more photos on my digital photo frame.
I love seeing this thread so active.

MerryMunky, good for you getting a food plan together and figuring out what days to go to the gym.Small steps will get you there a little bit at a time.
Lorelei, you are wonderful at supporting all of us on this team.Thank you for being here for us.
Gecko, cheese and a banana sound really good for breakfast.Yay for tracking your calories.
Steph, yay for getting in a nice run today and for cutting out sugar.Thank you for the kind words in Merry’s thread about my journey.
Skippy, your evening sound rather fun.I am not much for going out to big parties.It sounds like your WW meeting was very reassuring to those of us who are in this for life.The key to our success is slow and steady wins the race and that we continue to make the efforts every single day.It was nice to get my house work done last night.I only had 2 batches of laundry to do today so I’ve been goofing off quite a bit.
Appletini, mac and cheese is always a crowd pleaser.
I like your excel sheet.That is a great idea.That would be very helpful to me especially during the semester when I teach on campus.

Merry, good idea to keep a journal; I wish I had as I went along but I didn’t start one until I was closing in on losing 100 pounds.Take photos of yourself about once a month too.I didn’t start it for about 6 or 7 months in to the journey.
Tacori, too funny about going to bed early for the first time ever. I was afraid I wouldn’t make it to midnight but was up until 2.Congratulations for losing 50 pounds.
That is AWESOME.
Have a great evening.This seems like Sunday to me.


Nov 29, 2004
Today is my 4th day of exercise for the week! I walked around the neighborhood for an hour. I saw several others out walking and riding bikes. I think I might change my NYE resolution to exercising 5 days a week instead of 4. Since its been easy for me to fit it in this week, I''m going to try to take advantage of lunches and evenings during the week for exercise.

Tomorrow I think I''ll do my walk/jog when I get home from work b/c DH and I have fancy dinner reservations at 8 as our Christmas present to each other (and partial gift from my grandpa b/c he sent us a Christmas check).

Unrelated news I''m starting a cake decorating class on is for 4 Saturdays. If I really like it I''ll sign up for some of the more advanced courses later in the year.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Good Morning my dear friends and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

What a hectic night with the boys. They decided to have a popcorn fight in my bed, what a mess!!! I made them clean it up.

I waited up for DH to come home from work. He arrived home exactly at 12:00a.m., so Mazie and I greeted him at the door with a great big New Year''s kiss.

Tacori: CONGRATULATIONS for losing 50 pounds, that is wonderful!!! BTW, I
the new pictures of little Tessa. The little girl gets more beautiful every day.

Marcy: Your soup is going to be delicious, yummmmmy and I love french toast too.

Steph: Glad you had a great run.

Well, I went to puchase the Wii Fit and every single store is out of them!!! I went on line and ordered one. I can''t wait to receive it. I also ordered the snow boarding pack too. That should be fun for my daughter and I also. I can''t wait to start this program, every one is raving about it.

OK, today is the day some of us start the "no sugar". I told my daughter, no tempting me with her baking anymore. She laughed and said "OK MOM". HA!! She is done baking, until next year she said. Whew!!!!!

Tonight I am making spaghetti, but for me, I am using whole wheat pasta. The rest of the family doesn''t like it they want the regular pasta. Oh well.....

Have a great day everyone, I will check back later.



Mar 16, 2005
Date: 1/1/2009 4:13:41 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Happy New year everyone! DH crashed around 10:30 so I just went to bed too. It is the first time in my teenage/adult life that I hadn''t been up to see 12:01 on the new year. Guess I am getting old.
The good news is I lost the lb I gained over x-mas so I am at a total of 50lbs lost. 50 lbs is a crazy number! I realize some of it was baby and stuff but I am still proud. My goal for next time is NOT to gain 55lbs.
But I remind myself that she is well worth it and it wasn''t like I was stuffing my face for 9 months. Some women just tend to pack on more than others. I was bad and bought some ginger snaps at TJ''s last night. Something about winter+ginger snap cookies=happiness for me. I of course cannot stop eating them!
Guess I took it upon myself to eat all the sugar that you good HLTers gave up. Haha.

Just wanted to say a huge congrats on 50 pounds. That is amazing and yes, our little ones are totally worth all the pounds we gain


Feb 27, 2007
From Mara on last week's thread:

Hi my fave healthy lifestylers...!! Just wanted to pop in and say HAPPY NEW YEAR and hope that you all are doing looks like all the old regulars are still posting and doing pretty well, yay!!! For those of you who didn't see my post in the Hangout under Xmas gifts, we just closed on a new house..well not 'new' but new to us... it's exciting and scary at the same time but we are looking fwd to a change. Everything else is pretty much the same, we are both nice and healthy (knock on wood!) and doing pretty well. Here's wishing to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year for us all. XOXO.


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Feb 27, 2007
From I Luv Emeralds on last week''s thread:

Hi all,

I was just wondering if it would be okay for me to join y''all on a weekly basis? My wedding is in about 3 months 4/5/09 and I absolutely MUST lose 10lbs!! I can''t promise I will be on here everyday (I teach special ed, and I tutor privately in speech and reading interventions each night) but I really really want to get this done. I''ve been reading some of your threads and you guys have a great group here.

I''d be honored to join..

:)Happy New Year all.


Feb 27, 2007
Appletini, you are really putting in the time exercising this week.Woo hoo!The cake decorating class sounds really fun.I have been thinking of taking one too.
Linda, OMG I can’t believe the boys decided to have a popcorn fight in your bed.I am glad you made them clean it up.Enjoy your spaghetti tonight.It sounds very good.
Mara, how is your cupcake business going?
I Luv Emeralds, glad to have you join the thread.What are your plans for losing those 10 pounds by your wedding?




Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/1/2009 6:46:19 PM
Author: marcyc
From I Luv Emeralds on last week's thread:

Hi all,

I was just wondering if it would be okay for me to join y'all on a weekly basis? My wedding is in about 3 months 4/5/09 and I absolutely MUST lose 10lbs!! I can't promise I will be on here everyday (I teach special ed, and I tutor privately in speech and reading interventions each night) but I really really want to get this done. I've been reading some of your threads and you guys have a great group here.

I'd be honored to join..

:)Happy New Year all.
Yay Iluve Emerald's this a a great community so yes please join us; we are excited to have you with us!!! This thread is very motivating!

MARCY, yum your meal sounds delicious; I love gingerbread. Happy NY!

LINDA, Yay for the Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to tell me what you think we you get it!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Welcome Iluvemeralds

You will love this wonderful and supportive group of people. They will keep you, as well as me motivated.

Again, WELCOME!!!

Oh Marcy.. I forgot to mention.. I LOVE Gingerbread


Feb 27, 2007
Linda and Skippy, I am off to brew up my gingerbread now. It is from scratch so I hope it is as tasty as i remember it.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Skippy, yes they are the triple ginger cookies. good. I am glad to see DH chowing them down so they will be gone faster! I buy the school house ones for T (the ones with the letters).

Marcy, I figured since T was sleeping and so was DH there was no reason to force myself to stay up. I am proud of myself. It has been a slow process and I STILL have 5 lingering lbs but it is nice to be within reach of my goal. Of course I am SURE my body will be back to where I want it right before I decide to get preggo again. Oh well. Next time my goal is 35-40 lbs but truthfully the body does what she wants when hormones are involved. Haha. Wish I could sample your gingerbread. I bet it is divine!

apple, cake decorating classes would be fun! You should take a look at the cupcake thread if toy haven''t already.

Linda, thank you! I took the new photos with my new camera. Not sure if you can notice a difference. I thought of you today b/c she was laying across my lap and I was COVERING her cheeks with kisses. I thought, oh Linda would LOVE to do this. She was laughing so hard (she is in that everything is funny phase). We got the wii and wii fit for x-mas. Does the wii only come with one remote? DH still has to set them up. I have played with my ILs wii fit though and it is a blast.

steph, they are. I know you will lose your 10 quickly. I WISH I liked running b/c it seems like the best way to drop weight. I HATE it. Seriously feel like I am dying when I try.

Mara, I said in the other thread but I am SO excited for you and hope you share some pictures!!!

iluv, I think many of us (myself at least) drop in and out. Everyone is so supportive though. You can totally lose 10 lbs in 3 months but agree you NEED a plan. My weight lose has been a SLOOOOOOW process so it was more about little changes than major diet/exercise. Therefore I am NO help! Haha. But you are motivated, you can do it!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy new year all!

This morning I did a hard 65 mins on the hampster wheel and then climbed up and down the stairs. Then we went to the black tie brunch my friend has every year and I drank WAY to much champagne. (The problem with getting tipsy on champagne at noon is that you're hung over by four...
) I'm going to meet one of my clients for dinner at a place that does IMHO the best fries in town. But TOMORROW I'm back on the wagon!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Well, my gingerbread is not going to be today; I didn’t notice I had to soften some margarine or butter for it.So I made homemade cocoa brownies instead.Just as tasty and I know our company will enjoy brownie sundaes tomorrow evening.Of course I won’t tell them I used lite cool whip and slow churned ice cream.Marty didn’t mind his warm brownie with a glass of milk.I had a small one; it was quite good.
Tacori, that is so exciting to be within your goal weight.I will have to make gingerbread some other day.Rats.Too funny that Tessa is in the giggly stage; that has got to be a lot of fun.She is such a cutie too.
DeeJay, you sure had a busy day!I hope the fries were awesome.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy New Year Everyone!!

Dinner last night at Roy''s was a major disappointment. The company we had dinner with was great, but the food wasn''t. I won''t go into details, but a meal for 4 people, which with tip cost over $400, should have been fantastic, but the food was less than ordinary to say the least. I actually went online and wrote them to say how utterly disappointed we were.

Today has been a nice day. We slept in a bit, then we had some waffles left over from Christmas and I had bought some sausage too. It was such a pretty day down here. We had a cup of coffe under the oak before heading to the gym for a nice long and productive workout. We fixed a great dinner at home, then we had THE cake. And it was so so so good. It was worth ever single calorie. I didn''t eat the whole piece as it was a really big piece of cake. So, I''ll have the rest of it tomorrow night after our Friday night Sushi! I am working tomorrow, but don''t have a clue what I''ll do. Virtually no one is working tomorrow, so it will be another quiet day.

I can''t say hey to everyone individually tonight. I''ll probably write you during the day tomorrow from work if it''s really slow. I just wanted to wish all my HLT friends a wonderful, healthy, safe, loving, warm, friendly, generous, successful, prosperous New Year!!


Apr 30, 2005
I wish it would warm up, I am so cold with this damp miserable weather and my treddy is in a room the temp of a refridgerator....


Oct 24, 2004

I usually lurk here but figured that I would be brave and post for the first time. As with everyone else on this thread, I want to lose weight and become healthier. I am 28, currently weight 155
and I am 4'' 10"-11" (it changes everytime I get measured, I have no idea why) This is not healthy and I want/need to lose weight. I am aiming to lose 30 lbs, so I will be within the healthy range for my body type/height. I won''t be giving myself a deadline, I want to lose it the safe, healthy way and keep it off.

I do suffer from hypothyroidsm and depression. I am currently under a doctors care for both of these issues. I will be going back to him next week as I don''t think my dosage for my medication is correct. I WILL NOT use them as an excuse anymore for my weight. I have done that in the past and the only one it hurts is me. I know the main reason I am overweight is that I don''t excersie enough and I eat too much junk.

I have a bad habit of starting an exercise program and then after a month or so I just fizzle. But this is the year that will change. I am tired of being tired and feeling slugish. So, as of today, with the support of this wonderful board, I am starting my weight loss journey. I am sure that 2009 will be the year the I regain control of body and confidence.

Thank you all in advance for any and all advice, support and welcome that I may get.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/2/2009 8:30:06 AM
Author: tinkerbell

I usually lurk here but figured that I would be brave and post for the first time. As with everyone else on this thread, I want to lose weight and become healthier. I am 28, currently weight 155
and I am 4' 10'-11' (it changes everytime I get measured, I have no idea why) This is not healthy and I want/need to lose weight. I am aiming to lose 30 lbs, so I will be within the healthy range for my body type/height. I won't be giving myself a deadline, I want to lose it the safe, healthy way and keep it off.

I do suffer from hypothyroidsm and depression. I am currently under a doctors care for both of these issues. I will be going back to him next week as I don't think my dosage for my medication is correct. I WILL NOT use them as an excuse anymore for my weight. I have done that in the past and the only one it hurts is me. I know the main reason I am overweight is that I don't excersie enough and I eat too much junk.

I have a bad habit of starting an exercise program and then after a month or so I just fizzle. But this is the year that will change. I am tired of being tired and feeling slugish. So, as of today, with the support of this wonderful board, I am starting my weight loss journey. I am sure that 2009 will be the year the I regain control of body and confidence.

Thank you all in advance for any and all advice, support and welcome that I may get.
Tinkerbell, welcome to the thread!

Don't worry, we will be here to support you and help you over the hard parts where you don't feel as motivated, it happens to us all but the main thing is to accept that you will get days when you feel that way and just keep working towards your goals - you can do it!
I didn't give myself a deadline either, I just vowed that I would get to a healthy weight in my own time by changing my lifestyle to one I could live with, now almost 4 years on I am proof along with many of the others that this approach works!


Jun 25, 2008
Tacori - Those Trader Joe''s Ginger Snaps are AMAZING!!! Congrats on 50lbs - that''s quite an achievement!


Apr 30, 2005
I forgot to congratulate Tacori, 50 pounds is amazing, well done!!!!!!!!!!!
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