
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 26th Jan till 1st Feb

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Happy Thursday Everyone!

I jumped onto my Wii Fit this morning; I am down a total of 7.3 lbs!!! I am about half way down my first goal of 15lbs.Woohoo!! I have increased my cardio intensity and I am doing sit ups without any aid - my core is getting stronger. I am very pleased with my progress to this date.
I don''t know how accurate the weight/bmi is on the Wii Fit but it''s better than my bathroom scale. I need a new scale. I was looking at the Weight Watchers Body Fat/Hydration Scale or WW Thinner Body Fat Scale? Anyone own one of these? Can you tell me if they are accurate?

Merrymunky: Pat on the back for resisting the B & J.

Appletini: That recipe sounds delish. I am going to add it to next weeks meal plan.

Marcyc: So sweet of your Dad to shovel your driveway and walkway. Hope all goes well with your Mom''s doctors appointment. Lot''s of prayers for a speedy recovery for Grandma! Hopefully, she will like her new roommate.

KimberlyH: Thanks! I need all the luck I can get. Good for you to plan on runnning a 5K!

Panda08: Korean BBQ - YUMMY! Awesome that you can track your food intake. I tried too in the beginning and just lost interest.

Miscka: would love to hear about your hot yaga experience. My gf was talking about it the other day and it piqued my interest.

ILuvEmeralds: Hope your feeling better! Get well!

Dee*Jay: Welcome back! Glad you had a good time in Aspen.

Steph72276: It''s all in how your clothes feel. Hooray for the baggy jeans!


Chargergrrl: Hope your not so sore today!

Sorry if I missed anyone!! Have an awesome day!

Panda, Zoe, lliang, Rod (and anyone I might have missed) thanks for the well wishes for my sister. She''s doing remarkably well considering the circumstances, but is most definitely in pain. It''s nice to be here and able to help.

Rod, I wouldn''t want my wine in pill form, I enjoy it too much! I''m missing it, but it''s good to shake things up on occasion.

Dee, it''s more like 1 to 2 glasses a night, but admitting that feels a bit lush-ish. It''s one of the best things about my day: a good meal with John and a glass of wine or two.

So I went for a run this morning and have spent the rest of the day in the kitchen, I''m making meals that can be frozen so they''ll have food for a while.

Nothing else to report.

Hey......quick fly-by here. "Uber" long day. Was at the office before 8 this morning and left well after 6. Went to the gym, worke out hard. Came home. Ate a salad and couple pieces of left over chicken. Dessert was two pieces of Lindt Dark Chocolate.

DeeJay, Glucosamine is good stuff and I use it daily. Marcy, I hope grandma adjusts to her new surroundings. To everyone else, I''m sorry for not saying hello individually, but I''m really beat and need to get ready for bed. YAYAYAY that tomorrow''s Friday!

Hi everyone.I hope you had a great day.I have 5 people that work for me; 2 work days with me and then 3 work on the swing shift.Both of my day helpers had to leave for sick children.Aak.It was an insanely busy day with updates coming faster than I could do them.I did have a nice break though I met a girl for lunch that I met through Spark People.She was really nice.I was thinking when I first saw her – she is tiny – I must look huge to her.I had the waitress take our picture though and other than her being taller than me we look very similar in size.Too funny how our perceptions are not always accurate.

Grandma was about the same tonight but she did go to they did take her to the dining room to eat today.

Kimi, I have a glass of wine anymore when we go out to dinner.I hope your sister recovers quickly but I know that will take awhile.Making some meals to freeze will come in handy for your sister after you go home.

Panda, that is wonderful you are more aware of what you eat.My lunch today was funny because that girl and I are always talking about this Mexican restaurant where they make homemade chips.We both love them but today we both just nibbled on them (truth be known if I had been there with Marty I would have eaten more than I did).I guess since we met on a diet forum we weren’t going to chow down on chips.My parents only live about ½ mile from us and he does a lot of things for us.When we first moved in to our house he and his buddies put up our fence and put up sheet rock and insulation in our garage.

Zoe, enjoy the warm weather on your trip.

DeeJay, did you like the cold and snow in Aspen this weekend?It probably was just like what you are used to there.

Appletini, I admit a lot of your recipes look marvelous and I don’t need to find new things I love to eat.

Hi Lorelei.

Steph, enjoy your sushi date.

Miscka, glad the new calorie range seems to be working for you.Your puppy sounds funny.

CDNBlingGal, congratulations for being down almost 8 pounds.That is awesome.My mom’s doctor appointment went well.She is going to have a procedure done on her ear called cyberknife.It will stop the tumor from growing; it probably won’t help her balance or stop the ringing in her ear.

Rod, at least you ended your uber long day with some marvelous Lindt chocolate.

Take care.Tomorrow is FRIDAY.Yippee!


Hooray! It''s Friday!!!

I started feeling a little sick so my sister didn''t think it was a good idea to go to yoga. I conceded and skipped yoga today. I must have caught it from James, but I think I bumped it for now. I''ll see if I can catch the 4PM yoga class. James wants to do something tonight, but I really don''t feel like planning anything.

Rod, hope your uber day was what you needed.

Marcy, glad grandma is doing okay. And that you mom will be getting her ear treated. My friend does is a designs radiation treatments, she''s a medical physicist in Vegas.
Happy Friday kids!

Did a gentle hour on the dreadmill this morning. Tempted to do the same thing through the weekend, but I''m betting I end up on the hampster wheel when the time comes.

I have decided that I MUST be good while Bill is off skiing because I''m up 3 lbs from my low in mid-December and there is no mystery about how that happened, so hopefully with a bit of discipline I''ll start losing again.

Rod, thanks for piping in about glucosamine. If anyone else uses it I would love to hear about it!

Off to do some client stuff. I have buyers that I''m taking out on both Saturday and Sunday. Yes--Superbowl Sunday! And I am from Pittsburgh no less!!!

Howdy ya''ll!!

DJ: my DH swears by the stuff. I should start taking it as I have osteo in my cervical spine.

Ran outside one day this week--it was 7 C and not too bad. Chinook blew in warmed things up a bit--and I ran against the wind, increased my resistance! Worked out indoors otherwise the rest of the week. Need to get back to the pool.

Take care folks!


We went on our usual Friday hiking activity at BC this morning. Those uphill intervals really kick my butt! Our trainer had no mercy- we did 4 intervals and then went backtrail hiking. I was able to keep up most of the way, and then 5 of us stragglers eventually made it back to the main trail and met up with the uber-hikers at our spot.

I'm REALLY watching what i eat today as I have a double-wammy coming up: lunch with some old co-workers at a pizza joint and then a Singapore Food Fest gathering at a good friends house. YUM!! I can't wait to have some chilli crab and mee siam tonite.

kimberly & lliang: I'm still considering signing up for a run event in late March, but i'm now (foolishly?) thinking that i will go for a 10k. I'm going to do a 5k with some of the BC gals in about 2 weeks- this was the original race that first got my wheels turning. They're doing the 10k, but I'll do the 5k. I'll keep you posted!

DeeJay- THANKS for noting that my daily BC reports inspire you. It really means a lot to me to hear that, because you've been such an inspiration to me. I remember when you started on your healthy journey 2 years ago!

A HUGE hello
to everyone- sorry i can't write more at the moment...

Took a night off from the gym on Wed but went last night. We had sushi for dinner two nights in a row. FI is a sushi-addict. I love it too but not as much as him. Tonight, I''m hitting the gym before we have dinner at this restaurant where we had our first "official" date last year. Yup, I''m the sentimental sort
I just got an email from Amazon telling me that it shipped the heart rate monitor, food scale, and a destination wedding planner I ordered the other day. I''m super excited!

Zoe, YAY for getting to the gym at 5:30a! If you have it in your area, you should try Korean BBQ. Various meats (beef, chicken and pork) are marinated in Korean sauces and grilled table top. Some places will cook it for you or you can cook it yourself. Depending on the restaurant, you eat the meats with lettuce wraps, rice or rice noodle wrappers. You also get a bunch of side dishes called panchan. They vary from place to place but are usually pickles veggies like bean sprouts, cucumbers, napa cabbage, etc. As for your upcoming vacation, I agree with Lorelei. All things in moderation when you go out and make a more conscious effort when you eat in.

DeeJay, welcome back! Glad you had a nice time in Aspen. What''s glucosamine? Its it a dietary supplement? My FI''s taking an acai berry supplement right now. I''m too scared to try so I figure he can be the guinea pig!

Charger, hope you''re feeling less sore today! YAY for your hike! It''s great that you have a trainer that pushes you. Oooh, your Singapore Food Fest sounds SO tasty, wish I could try some chili crab and mee siam!

Merry, YAY for resisting the B&J''s!

Apple, thanks for the recipe! I definitely have to try it.

Rod, sorry things have been rough at work. I have a couple of friends who are recruiters too and they also tell me its rough out there.

Marcy, is grandma doing better in her new home? Hope the doc will do something to cure your mom''s earache! YAY for resisting the urge to chow down on the chips. I heart chips and miss them but when I hit my goal, I''ll enjoy some here and there.

Lliang, ooh, sorry you''re feeling sick. Hope you feel better soon! I used and to calculate what my daily caloric intake should be and use to calcaluate foods I eat that are not packaged. Tracking when I eat out is much harder. I''m getting a better idea of portion size so I ballpark the caloric count using nutritiondata. I''m sure I''m not as accurate when I eat out but at least the thought of keeping track motivate me to make healthier choices.

Steph, hope you enjoyed your sushi date! YAY for baggy jeans! Don''t worry too much about the number on the scale, you''re doing great!

Miscka, I think losing 1.5 lbs a week is realistic and doable.

Cdn, YAY for being down 7.3 lbs!
If you find a good scale, I''d love to hear about it. We have a Taylor digital one and it''s horrible. It can give the same reading, ever.

Kim, glad to hear your sis is doing well. Hopefully her pain will subside soon. YAY for going on a run!

Sharon, YAY for more temperate weather!

Hope everyone''s doing well!
I went to my TBT class today and had a great workout...I even turned down 2 lunch inviations so that I would have to attend TBT today.

its been a crazy busy week so I''m glad its the weekend, and DH was sick earlier this week so that meant more for me to do around the house too, last night I was supposed to go to book club but instead stayed home to veg and catch up on my shows.
Hi Guys,

Thank you very much for all the well wishes while I''ve been away. Have been feeling so awful the ENTIRE week. I tried the treadmill this morning and had an asthma attack!! Not good. Still not feeling 100%, but I think I''m on the upswing....

So sorry I have missed everything this week, but I will try and catch up this weekend. Tomorrow is my bridal shower so I''m trying to rest up so I can be fun tomorrow. We''ll see. I''m hoping I''ll feel at least a LITTLE better so I can hit the treadmill sounds weird, but I''ve missed it this week.

I''m off to rest up for tomorrow. Happy Friday everyone!
Hey...........I'll try to make this short. I haven't writen about this here, but I've been fighting some kind of skin infection for a couple months and after lot's and lot's of blood and lab work, and much worry, I finally learned today that there's nothing really wrong with me. It appears I managed to get this fun item at the gym. SO PLEASE REMEMBER TO WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN when you go to the gym. And the internet isn't your friend when it comes to researching symptoms. It can lead your mind to believe you are truly sick. So, after not sleeping for even 5 minutes last night, and dreading my appointment with a specialist this afternoon, I found out I'm in great health and simply picked up a fungal skin thing that will go away with the right pill and I'll probably be around a long time. Hey, one thing I learned today was that my cholesterol is that of a teenager. How about that? I'm 54 years old and in the 3.5 years since I embarked on Rebuild Rod, I went from having outrageously high cholesterol, to having really terrific numbers. And all this was accomplished by exercise and a healthy diet. So, tonight's dinner at favorite Sushi place #1 was so terrific tonight. My appetite hasn't been great lately as I've been worried (and when I worry, I don't eat), so I've lost 5 pounds over the last few weeks and tonight I ate like I've not eaten in weeks and so enjoyed every single bite. And I ate a whole chocolate cupcake for dessert with coffee afterwards. The doctor gave me some Abien to help me sleep better and I can't wait till it's time to go to sleep tonight. I'm going to sleep as hard and long as I possibly can. REMEMBER: WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN AT THE GYM! Speaking of......Charlie's off tomorrow and we're going to the gym in the afternoon. I'm not sure what we'll do for dinner tomorrow night, but I'm betting I will really enjoy it!

I'm sorry you had two people have to leave because of sick children Marcy. Isn't is something that we still see ourselves as 'large' people? I still see a fat man in the mirror, even though I have a 32/33 inch waist and weigh less than 180 lbs. Like what I wrote above, the mind is an amazing thing for sure........

Sorry you aren't feeling well lliang and hope you feel better soon.

I'm sure you'll drop the 3lbs quickly DeeJay. We can't wait for the Superbowl to be over with. It's bedlam down here. There are stars all over the place. Huge parties with celebs that close roads. Clogged roads, etc. Enough already...........

Hey Sharon. Sorry, even 7C is too cold for this guy to run in!! Glad to see you're continuing to run and work out. Stay warm.

Charger, I wish I could join a BC. It sounds like you really enjoy it. There just isn't one during any hours I could be available.

Panda, I asked the specialist today if I should be concerned about how much sushi we eat and he commented it likely significantly helpe my cholesterol to come down and I should eat it as often as I like. I'm sure we'd have a good time together at a sushi place! Yes, it is tough out there on the filling positions front, but I may be close to two placements soon, so things are looking up a bit for me. I just hope it continues to stay up!

Hey apple and ILE!

I'm going to ake my Ambien in about 30 minutes. I can't wait to have a night's sleep without fear getting in the way of a nice peaceful night!

Happy Friday and woo hoo for the weekend!I had a glass of champagne with my leftovers for supper.It just sounded good.Then I went out to visit grandma.

I am very tired tonight.I didn’t go to bed until after midnight (my fault) and then couldn’t sleep.I probably had about 4 hours or sleep.I hope to sleep well tonight.

Lliang, I am glad you seem to have gotten over feeling sick.The procedure my mom is having done is called a cyberknife.Your friend must have a fascinating job.

DeeJay, my parents swear by those pills too.You’ll lose those 3 pounds in no time.

Sharon, running against the wind in the cold of weather requires more ambition than I have.I would rather be warm and stick to the treadmill.

ChargerGirl, your BC this morning sounds like a great workout.

Panda, you’ll love having a food scale.I use mine daily.I definitely am more lax eating things like chips now but I gain back a few pounds too easily.

Appletini, I hope you have a quiet weekend.

ILuvEmeralds, I am so sorry to hear about your asthma attack.I hope you feel better.Have fun at your bridal shower tomorrow.I will be anxious to hear what goodies you get.

Rod, I am glad you got such a terrific report at the doctor and I am really relieved to know that the rash is something that can be handled with a pill.Yes, it is funny how our self perceptions are a bit out of touch with reality.I guess it does help keep us motivated though.I hope you have a long and restful sleep tonight.

Skippy, how are you girl?

Take care and have a wonderful weekend.


Okay, let''s see if this works. I''ve been typing this three times now and for some reason I keep hitting the same key and deleting my posts.

Panda -- thanks for telling me about Korean BBQ. I''ll have to look for it around here.

Rod -- I''m glad to hear that everything''s okay and that you''re in tip top shape. We''ll have our phones with us when we''re away (and internet access I think), so you can feel free to call my husband any time while we''re away. We thought of having my husband stay home and just focus on the job search, but the trip is paid for already and we may as well make the most of it. As I said, if something were to come up though, he''d stay here if needed.

It''s funny, the way the two of us are acting, it''s as if I''m the one who isn''t working right now. My stomach''s in knots all the time from worrying, and he''s the one who''s calming me down and telling me not to worry. Hopefully this vacation will help me clear my mind a little.

Lliang -- I hope you feel better soon! I just saw your question about my husband''s database. He used to be a database administrator for a local hospital and one project he worked on was developing a database for the doctors and nurses in the cardiac department. They wanted to be able to help the nutrition department plan healthy meals for their patients, so my husband created this database. I think I explained that correctly. Anyway, when he left that position, he still had a version of the database on his computer at home, so he reworked it a bit. Now we (well, I) use it all the time. We type in the food labels on various products and plan daily and weekly meals with it. It tracks everything and it''s been very helpful. If a food doesn''t have a label, we go to the FDA''s website for the nutrition information. I also go to The Daily Plate and other websites for help if needed.

ILE -- I hope you feel better too, and I hope you have a blast at your shower.

Sharon -- I''m not sure what 7 degrees C. equals to in F. but I know it must be COLD. I can''t imagine running outside when it''s that cold!

Apple -- thanks for the turkey wrap recipe! It looks great and I''ll have to try it.

Thanks for weighing in on the vacation and food issue I brought up earlier. I appreciate everyone''s thoughts.

I''m going to tackle the mountain of laundry piling up and try to get some cleaning done. We''re going to my inlaws for dinner tonight. I think my husband requested shapard''s pie. Mmmm....

I''ll try to check in later. Have a good day!
I completed my 5th day of exercise today...a 30 min walk around the neighborhood. It almost didn''t happen though, there were some signs that said "Appletini do not work out today" my sports watch that I''ve had for a month quit working, and then I thought I had synced my ipod, well apparently I had not, so that took some time.
Hello everyone!

Today I got up and went to yoga. It felt pretty darn good. It was a bit crowded though. I plan on going tomorrow again. That''s the plan. We''ll see.

Rod, 2 more days of this craziness. I highly suggest you and Charlie hunker down in your house for the weekend. Sorry about the infection. I''m glad it''s easily treated.

Canuk, SO jealous of your weather. If it ever got to 7C (45F) I''d be running outside too! Where are you in Canada? I''m in Chicago and it probably won''t get to 45 until April.

Charger, yay!!! Signing up for a race sounds great. You can definitely do it. There are a lot of training programs you can use. And lucky you in warm weather you can actually run outside.

Panda, Mmmmm sushi!!! I HEART the stuff too. Very cute story about your date restaurant, I hope you enjoyed it. I recently discovered in you can type in a recipe and it''ll give you the calorie totals for it. I''m using that when I cook dinner so I know how many calories I''m having. The only problem they need to put more portions, they only have 1 oz, 1 gram or the whole recipe.

Apple, hope your hubby is feeling better.

ILuv, Sorry you feel bad. I''m glad you''re getting better though. Next week is a new week, hopefully you''ll be back to 100% soon.
Hey........I did sleep really well last night. Only I didn''t sleep as long as I hoped. Ambien is great stuff to be sure, but evidently, once you''ve slept at least 7 hours, you wake up. So, I was awake at 8 am whenI really wanted to sleep till about 10. We got up and had breakfast. It was too cold to have it on the terrace, so Sakai was happy to be able to go from shoulder to shoulder. We wound up having breakfast for lunch. I really enjoyed it. I had two scrambled eggs, real old fashioned home fries, ham and an english muffin! Yummmm. Then we had coffee and hit the gym. I must admit that it was one of the best workouts I''ve had in a long time. It was one with no worries or concerns. I just worked out and really enjoyed myself. We tried a brand new restaurant for dinner and it was fun. There aren''t many places in Tampa, where you can get real fried chicken, so when we saw they had it on the menyu, we just had to order it. And it was really good. Then we just came home and had a cup of decaf and a couple pieces of dark chocolate for dessert. Charlie''s working tomorrow till 11 PM, so I''m on my own for most of the day. I''m not planning on the gym as I worked out really hard today and need to let my muscles heal a bit. I''ll just enjoy a nice relaxing day instead.

Marcy, I''m sorry you didn''t sleep well. I''ve had lot''s of sleepless nights over the last couple months and know what it''s like. I hope you get a really good night''s sleep tonight. When does Marty come home? I''ll bet you don''t sleep as well when he''s gone.

Zoe, I''m glad he''s going on vacation with you. If anything comes up, I''ll surely let you guys know, trust me! I just hope the two of you get to relax and have a really nice time, without worrying about anything!

5 days of exercise in a row is great Apple!!

lliang, traffic is really bad right now. They say, there are about 100,000 extra people in town for the game tomorrow. We''re not venturing very far from home that''s for sure. Good for you getting up early on a Saturday for yoga and for going again tomorrow!

Not many posts today, so I hope it means everyone was out having fun.

Skippy, where are you? We''re not feeling the Skippy love right now???

Have a great Sunday everyone.......
Happy Saturday night kids!

Did a medium hard hour on the hampster wheel this morning (incline = 1, resistance = 6). Knee feels pretty good (despite the fact that I then spent three hours walking all over town in high heeled boots with a client) so I think I'll do the same thing tomorrow.

Have eaten a random array of things today. REALLY REALLY REALLY want some chocolate right now. SO badly that I almost decided to walk over to the grocery store and see what my options are. Somehow I have managed to resist to this point...

I have another client tomorrow that I'm taking to see five houses (we're driving from place to place instead of walking, LOL!) and then -- drumroll please -- I am looking forward to watching the Steelers win the Super Bowl!!! I'm going to a party in my complex and I plan on enjoying some wine and pizza and a lot of great dessert. (And I know there will be a lot of great desserts there because I am in charge of them and I've already got them!)

BTW, where is Skippy???
Hi friends I miss you all, things are going well. Hopefully next month I can check in more often. Have a great one; I have been walking lots. xoxoox to all my Healthy friends
sounds like you all are doing great!

Hi everyone.I had a very busy day.I got up at my normal time, got on the road by 8 and headed to my sister’s house.We went to deliver her doll clothes then stopped by my favorite jewelry store.We had lunch at an Italian restaurant and then I headed home.After visiting grandma I came home and was a cleaning fool or a fool cleaning.Marty will be home tomorrow so I will make dinner and have it ready when he gets here.

My jewelry store visit was to trade in a .67 ct solitaire sapphire pendant for a larger and lighter stone.They had a 1.11 ct. sapphire in the color I wanted but it wasn’t well cut with a large window so I passed on it.However they did have a lovely pendant with a .63 Kentucky Blue sapphire and a .06 diamond.It is a nice, lively stone and the right color so even thought the stone was not bigger than what I wanted to trade in I actually liked it on my neck.However it was $90 less than the other pendant so no way could I trade it in for the new pendant.I finally decided to buy the new pendant anyway.Their upgrade policy on solitaires is you have to spend $1 more.As we were leaving the store I noticed a green sapphire bracelet in yellow gold.I asked how much it was; it was $50 more than the pendant I wanted to trade in so I bought it too. They had that bracelet in stock about 3 years ago but at the time I didn’t have any green sapphires.Last year for Christmas I got a green sapphire ring and remembered the bracelet but they said they didn’t have it anymore.Recently I bought green sapphire earrings and pendant but I was so sad they didn’t have the bracelet anymore.I was more excited about finding the bracelet than getting a nicer pendant.I spent more than I intended but hey I was trying to help out the economy.

Zoe, that stinks losing your posts.I hope you had fun tonight.

Appletini, glad you made it out for a walk today to continue your exercise streak.

Lliang, glad you made it to yoga today.

Rod, I am glad you slept well but too bad you woke up earlier than you wanted. I did sleep pretty well last night but I am up later than I should be right now.Marty gets in tomorrow afternoon.I don’t sleep well when he is gone.

DeeJay, have fun watching the Super Bowl.

Skippy, it’s good to see you here.I miss you.

Take care and see you tomorrow.


Date: 1/31/2009 11:31:47 PM
Author: Skippy123
Hi friends I miss you all, things are going well. Hopefully next month I can check in more often. Have a great one; I have been walking lots. xoxoox to all my Healthy friends
sounds like you all are doing great!
Yay Skippers! We miss you!!! Mwah!!
Happy Sunday all-

I had a FABULOUS time @ my shower yesterday. We went to a local health food restaurant and basically had lunch and got to open goodies. My friends all went with the idea of getting me things my FI and I can use on our honeymoon, so it was great fun. I got lots of fun stuff, comfy cute pj''s, cute margarita glasses (we are honeymooning in the Keys), a beach bag filled with goodies, sundresses, victorias secret gift friends we VERY kind to me. It was great day. Afterwards I checked out a party site here, and I think I have FINALLY found one. They are able to work within our budget, and stick to our plan of just having drinks and heavy aps. (we will already be married for a month by the time we are back and having the party- so we just want to have FUN!!)

Then, this morning I stepped on the scale and found out that despite my being sick all week I haven''t gained anything!! So I was super happy about that, ''cause I was so scared this week of not working out would get me off track! Had a good workout today for the first time in a WEEK, 2 miles of intervals on the treadmill and then my circuit weight training routine. I felt soooo much better when I was done!!

Kim- that is so awesome that you are spending your time making meals. What a sweet thought.

Rod- so sorry to hear about your health issues, but I''m glad everything turned out okay!!

Skippy- HI! Its good to see you on here

Panda- a destination wedding planner?? Sounds helpful...which one did you get?

Marcy- how is grandma doing?? Did you enjoy the rest of your weekend?? Yea for jewelry shopping..sounds like you had fun.

Zoe- hope you had a productive day. Have fun with the inlaws. Never had sheperd''s pie, but I''ve heard its good.

Apple- congrats on the 5 days!! :) Way to not listen to the negative signs.

Lliang- hope you had fun @ yoga. Hope it wasn''t too crowded for you today. Yoga at my gym on Sundays is always blissfully quiet.

DeeJay- Have fun watching the Superbowl today. I''m not sure who to root for, but I''m sure it will be a good game!

happy Sunday all....


Hi everyone.I finished my house cleaning this morning and decided all that cleaning will count for my walk on the treadmill today.Marty got home this afternoon.We went out to see grandma and had a mini Super Bowl party when we got home (popcorn, cheese and crackers, and baked lays) but we watched House instead of the game.

Hi Lorelei.

ILuvEmeralds, your friends were very nice to you.Woo hoo for not gaining any weight.I did have fun yesterday too and of course it’s always a good day when I get some new jewelry.

Have a great evening.
Hey from the Superbowl City...........

Thankfully, the game is being played right now and by tomorrow, life will return to somewhat normal in Tampa. I just saw the halftime performance with "The Boss" (Springstein). I've never been a really big fan, so it was kind of lost on me. Othersie, it's just a football game to me. I guess if I had to root for a team, my pick would be the Steelers. It was a pretty relaxing day for me. I slept till a little past 10 AM, which is the first time I've done that in a few weeks. We had a nice leisurely breakfast with Sakai on our shoulders. Then since Charlie has to be at work at 2 this afternoon (he's working till 11 tonight - ugh), we had a quick bite at Panera then coffee under the oak before he had to go to work. I did the weekly grocery shopping then came home and watched some TV. Dinner was King Crab legs (yummmmmm!) and a salad. I had a couple pieces of dark chocolate for dessert. I'm still a bit hungry, so I'm toying with the idea of popping some popcorn (another yummm!). Tomorrow will likely be a long day at work, but we'll do our usual Monday night sushi after work. I hope everyone had a great weekend and the week ahead is good.

I hope you got your choclate fix DeeJay and the showings went well. Our condo has been shown a couple times in the last week or so, but still no offers. We so need to get this place sold.........

Thanks for stopping in Skippy! We all miss you here and will be glad to see you back on a more regular basis. Now don't go and become Mara and get tired of writing in every day, OK?!!

Hey there Lorelei. I hope you've had a great weekend! I'm looking forward to your weekly opener being in my inbox when I get home tomorrow night!

Marcy, it sounds like you had a great time at the jewelry store. You must have quite the collection. I'm sure you're glad that Marty came home this afternoon!! I'll bet you'll sleep much better with him home! LOL about watching House instead of the game. I'm watching luxury waterfront homes instead of the game as I type this! LOL

ILE, I'm so glad your friends treated you so well at your shower. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I'm sure you'll love the Keys. The water is just so beautiful and clear in the Keys. Yay for not gaining any weight. Good for you getting back into your workout routine!

See you all in next weeks thread!
Thanks friends, xoxo, I walked 4 miles yesterday and 4 miles again today. I will try and post at night:)

Happy Sunday all; see you tomorrow night and catch up then:)

Rod, hope you got some popcorn!

Lorelei, Iluvemeralds and Marcy, hugs!

Rod, I am glad you had a relaxing day.I hope you enjoyed some popcorn, ours was sure good.I did have fun at the jewelry store.I hope to sleep well tonight.Thanks.

Skippy, woo hoo for getting in some nice long walks this weekend.
Quick weigh in update before I go to work...

Lost 3lb this week. That''s 11lbs total so far. I''m approaching my first stone.

It''s great. I don''t feel or look any different though ebcause I am so overweight, but I am not going to let that dishearten me at all.

Plus, this is the first time in over a year and a half that I hae weighed UNDER 21 stone! Current weight is 20 stone 12 lbs!


I will be back in the new thread later to see you all.

Have a great week everyone!
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