
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 23rd Feb till 1st March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I am still plugging away, got another half hour treddy workout in this morning, so off to a good start. So for anyone who wants to, post your total workouts and times at the end of the week and lets see how we are doing!

I take inspiration this week from Marcy''s last post on how pleased she was to hear her doc say everything looked great for her vitals!
Even if we aren''t seeing or feeling much progress either with inches lost or a good reduction on the scales, it is worthwhile remembering the benefits we can''t see are very much in evidence. Every time you exercise you are boosting the metabolism, helping blood pressure, the entire cardiovascular system, bones and joints, flexibility and mental health. And there are a host of other benefits you get just from moderate exercise and trying to make healthy food choices even if you don''t workout.

So keep going everyone! Also make sure you are getting the most out of your exercise sessions by making them a bit challenging. I know it can be easy to just trot along like a well trained horse
<------ but it is so beneficial if you can push it a bit each time, this really helps increase fitness and burns even more calories.

Have a great week

And many congrats to PhoenixGirl on her news!!!

Lorelei, I''m so glad you and your treddy are back in action.

Phoenix, congratulations on your pregnancy.

Skip, hope everything is okay. Glad you got in a good workout.

Marc, so glad your MD visit went well.

Today is back to the real world for me. Work, babysitting. I''ll throw the gym in between.

Have a great day all.
Happy Monday! One of my meds kept me awake most of the night but I do feel better this morning so I''ll take it. The cool thing about being sick all weekend is we just ate at home and that means I started the week weighing what I usually weigh Friday morning. Yippee!!!

Great opener Lorelei. It is so true that every healthy meal we eat and every minute we workout only helps us get and stay healthy in the long run. It is worth all our hard work and efforts.

I hope you all have a great day. I''ll be trying to stay awake at work. LOL.

See ya!
Kimi, enjoy you day back in the real world.
Date: 2/23/2009 9:01:26 AM
Author: marcyc
Kimi, enjoy you day back in the real world.
Thanks, Marc. I''ve been transferred to another classroom, so it will be a whole new experience. I was really enjoying the room I was working in and I''m hoping to like this room as well.
Morning all; I am excited to see how many workouts we can get in this week. hehe
The funny thing is that I don't usually keep track and last week I counted them and i did better then I thought. Hope everyone had a a great weekend!!! It was fun watching the Oscars last night; when I went to see Slumdog I didn't know it was up for an Oscar so that is cool that it won. I loved seeing all the jewelry on everyone. hehe

Tonight I am making pizza since hubby has been wanting some homemade pizza. It is fun to make my own and it is easier to control the calories in it. I plan to go walking today and look forward to the Bachelor tonight. hehe Have a great day all!

MARCY, yay for great vitals!!!! Oh no, I am sorry you didn't sleep well; hope you sleep well tonight!

KIMI, I hope you love your new classroom; I bet they will love you!

LORELEI, great opener and great reminder that we are doing our bodies good even if we don't see external changes in a week, thank you!!

PHX, many congrats!!!!!

ROD, glad you had a good weekend and uber workouts!!
Good morning ladies! I am going to push myself more with you guys and really get in those workouts. This morning I didn''t do much but I''m going to do two different things tonight! Wish me luck.
I hope everyone has a good day
Date: 2/23/2009 11:39:11 AM
Author: dragonfly411
Good morning ladies! I am going to push myself more with you guys and really get in those workouts. This morning I didn''t do much but I''m going to do two different things tonight! Wish me luck.
I hope everyone has a good day
Lots of luck DF!
Hey, guys. Quick fly-by. I won''t be on much this week b/c I''m keeping my aunt''s kids for the week while she is in New York. So 3 kids under the age of 5 doesn''t leave much time for PScope! Anyway, I will be keeping up with my workouts and eating right and will be back here in full force next week. Hope everyone has a great week!
Happy new week everyone!

Lorelei - words of wisdom indeed about focusing on the long term health benefits of living healthy. The numbers on the scale and clothing sizes are nice, but I try and make my motivation living a long and healthy life!

Marcy - sorry to hear your med kept you up all night, I''ve had that problem before. Any possibility that changing the time of day you take it could help?

Skippy - you''re making me crave pizza! I just got a recipe for homemade crust recently, might have to try it soon.

dragonfly - good luck with your workouts tonight!

steph - hope you have a great week with your full house of kids!

Anyone I missed, hope things are going great for you this week!

I''m headed to the gym here on campus at 5 for a fitness evaluation. Rather than focus on the scale, I want my goal for the next six months to become overall healthier - this evaluation will give me a baseline for fitness, body fat, etc and then I will go back and get another evaluation in September and hopefully see the improvement. Hope to get in a workout afterwards, I worked all weekend and spend my free time with my BF so didn''t get any workouts in.
Happy Monday kids!

Worked out with my PT this morning and have been on the GO ever since. The Demon ripped off one of his dew claws--yes, AGAIN; this is the third frickin'' time!!!--so we had yet another fabulous visit to the emergency vet clinic last night. Can you say "Oscar Party interrupted!" He seems fine, but seriously, the folks at the EVC know us by name at this point...

Have eaten BADLY today. Pasta (twice), a zone bar, 260 cals of potato chips, A LOT of chocolate covered toffee, and then a cliff bar just for good measure. And I''m not even hungry. Argh!

Crazy busy right now. Whoever said the real estate market is slow sure the he!! isn''t answering MY phone!

Gotta hop. Need to put a comp together for a listing I''m taking tonight and a million other things. No rest for the wicked!
Back from a 60 min walk; off to make pizza.
Have a great evening all! Hi DEEJAY, STEPH (don''t work too hard w/the kiddos), and DRAGON
I went out for lunch today, so after work I exercised with co-worker #2. I can''t go during lunch tomorrow either, so tomorrow evening will be another workout session with coworker #2.
Hey.......It was Monday alright. I had a dentist appointment this afternoon and now I have to have a crown and two veneers a week from today. Even with dental insurance, it''s going to cost a fortune. We were going to treat ourselves to iPhones in the next couple weeks, but I guess that''s out for the time being. At least I got off work early and was out of the dentist before I would have left work, so I met Charlie early for our Monday night Sushi. Since we were early enough, we went for FroYo after dinner and actually sat under the aok and had a cup of coffee. Tomorrow''s an ''uber'' Tuesday, with the gym right after work. I''ll check in tomorrow night.

Great opening as always Lorelei. And YAY for getting your week off to a good start!

Welcome back to the "real" world Kimberly.

I''m glad you''re feeling bettter Marcy and yay for weighing what you would have weighed by the end of the week!!

Hey Skippy! Yummm to pizza. I hope you get lot''s of workouts in this week.

Wishing you luck dragon.......

Have fun with the kids this week Steph!

I hope you had a good evaluation stephbolt!

K......see you all tomorrow.
ROD, bummer on the teeth, I hear you; I think with insurance my root canal cost $300 and I still need a crown and I am cringing at what that might cost when this stuff is all said and done. I hope your insurance pays more than you think so you and get the ipone, crossing my fingers for you. yay for sushi!!! Sending ps dust for the teeth too. hugs

STEPHBOLT, come on over for pizza. yay for your workout!

DEEJAY yay for your pt too!

STEPH we will miss you!!!

APPLE, yay for your workout!

Good morning.I don’t think the meds are helping me much I am still feeling pretty yucky.We might be going out to supper tonight with friends so I frosted my cake for class last night.I pulled up all sorts of crumbs.I put it in the refrigerator to get cold and made another batch of frosting.I tried it again and did somewhat better but still had some crumbs.Finally I tried the spatula I’ve always used to frost the cake and it worked a LOT better.Then I tried some of the tricks I found on cake forums and pulled up a giant chunk of frosting on top of my cake so spent time trying it fix it.Arrrgh.I finally have it somewhat fixed so I am just leaving it alone.

Kimi, good luck in your new classroom.

Skippy, I always like to look at the red carpet pictures online to check out the jewelry.Yeah for homemade pizza.I slept better last night but not as well as I usually do.This crud is kicking my butt.Rats.

Dragonfly, good luck on your workouts.

Hi Lorelei.We are getting warmer weather and hope you are too.

Steph, good luck with 3 kids below 5.

Stephbolt, both my meds are twice a day so I am doing when I get up and suppertime.Getting a fitness evaluation and goal sounds like a great idea.

DeeJay, poor Demon.I hope he gets better soon.

Appletini, my sweater showed up yesterday.Did yours arrive yet?

Rod, sorry to hear about your teeth.Our dental insurance only covers 50% of a crown.I hope you still have enough cash for the iphones.

I hope you have a great day.



I hope you feel better. Mine did come, but I didn''t really like the fit, and the cashmere was little on the itchy side so I sent it back.
Morning All,

I ended up not making to to work out yesterday. I came home and curled up with a book instead. Today there isn''t time so it will be Wed. for me. Eating healthy, etc.

Dee, so glad the market is doing well in Chicago.

Marc, the new classroom is nice.

Rod, I feel so lucky to get so many vacation weeks, having worked in corporate America for so long makes all this time off seem strange, even though I work summer school.

Steph, have fun with all those kids.

Have a great day everyone.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Did the dreadmill this morning, 42 mins walking, 23 min running. I''m trying to take it slower with the running thing so I don''t absolutely cripple myself, but it just feels so damn good that I want to go forever! (Of course now I''m sitting here on the floor of my office with ice packs on my left shin and right knee... )

Am DETERMINED to eat better through the end of the week. going out on both Friday and Saturday so the weekend is a bust already, but today through Friday I will be GOOD. Good, do you hear me, good!!!

Must get our info together so I can have our taxes done. In past years all I had to do was print off my expense spreadsheet as of the end of the year, put everying else in a big envelope, and hand it to my accountant. This year we''re switching accountants though and I have to do a lot more work for some reason. Hm.
Hellos to everyone!!!

Rod, Bummer about the dentist (side note: Has anyone else noticed that it seems like EVERYONE''s going to the dentist...). But fro-yo sounds great for desert! Sigh, I''m jealous of your nice weather...

Lore, Awesome treddy workout!

Marcy, feel better!
I ended up getting a cough and sniffles, no fever though... Sorry about the frustrations of the cake frosting. Have you tried getting a bent angle frosting spatula? They''re great for the tops of cakes.

Skip, How was the homemade pizza. I should make some for James soon. He love pizza. :)

I hit some hot yoga yesterday. TOTALLY rocked it. Today we''re planning on going again. Tomorrow I''m going to the opera with my girlfriends. Sometime later this week we have dinner out and Saturday fresh pasta, BYO-Sauce night at my sister''s that I''m helping with. We make fresh pasta, ppl bring their favorite pasta sauce to share. We call it ItaLiang night, a play on our last names (mine and my sister''s).
***LIANG*** OK, I really want to try hot yoga! Tell me again where you go please. And maybe we can hook up and go together so I don''t feel like such a dork the first time. (Well, alright, I''ll still feel like a dork, but at least I won''t be a dork who doesn''t know anyone, LOL!)
Dee!! I got to Bikram Yoga Chicago. The website is They have 2 locations, a Wicker Park one (I usually go to with my sister) and a Lincoln Park one (Diversey & Clark). I don't know where you are in Chicago, but there's quite a few other places too. Just google Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga and your zip. I'm sure you'll find one.

I'll totally go with you! :) Also most Bikram places do a KILLER deal for first time students. It's only $30 for an unlimited month long pass. That's as many classes as you can handle going to for 30 days. After your first month it's $150/month. Yes I still pay for it but my plan is to pay only until it gets warm enough to run outside and resume my normal runs outdoors.
Hey everyone. My goal this week (like every week) is 4 days at the gym. One down, three to go. Went to Zumba last night. Seems to be getting easier. I am thinking about going again tonight but am at Tessa''s mercy (as always).

Lor, glad you are back on the wagon

Phoenix, congrats mama! Hope you have a safe and smooth pregnancy.

marcy, you are funny. The one thought that gets me through being sick is that I know I will lose weight. I am a freak. Haha. Hope you feel better. Can''t wait to see your new cake!

Kimberly, wish you lived here. You could babysit my little monster.

Skippy, Slumdog was SO good. I didn''t want to Oscars but am glad they won! Hope the pizza was yummy.

dragon, hope the new exercises work out!

Steph, have a great weekend! Sounds tough but I am sure it will be fun.

stephb, scales are evil. I am sure your body will be totally different by Sept.

Dee*Jay, that is awesome you are busy. Busy is good.

apple, you sound busy as always.

Rod, people seem to LOVE iphones. You deserve one for sure! Hope tonight is a great workout.

lliang, glad you are enjoying yoga. I still need to try it. I bet you are getting long and lean. You and your sister do such fun things!
Lliang, I''m right across the river by the East Bank Club so the one in Wicker Park is probably a better choice for me.

When are you going again?
Hi all!

Did another treddy workout today, so off to a good start to the week. I might take tomorrow off as I have a delivery to wait for but will be back to it Thursday.

gangaronni! Hope this note finds everyone well. Certainly all seem busy!

I''ve been quite diligent with my indoor activity...but today I shovelled snow for half an hour--always a good workout. More predicted, so I suspect tomorrow will be a repeat of today.....

Keep well ya''ll!

Date: 2/24/2009 2:08:06 PM
Author: canuk-gal

gangaronni! Hope this note finds everyone well. Certainly all seem busy!

I''ve been quite diligent with my indoor activity...but today I shovelled snow for half an hour--always a good workout. More predicted, so I suspect tomorrow will be a repeat of today.....

Keep well ya''ll!

Do you STILL have snow Sharon? Yikes!!
Lore, Great start for the week. You''re inspiring me to do more workouts during the week :) Where do you live that you''re done with snow already? Can we trade cities?

Tac, I hope Tessa lets you go to Zumba again. Alright for it getting easier! That means you''re totally kicking butt! :)

Dee, Geez Louise, lady, we''re NEIGHBORS!!! I live across from the Galleria Marchetti! I''m going to go tonight at 6PM. I''m meeting my sister there. I''ll try to again sometime in the week, maybe Thurs or something. I''ve had VERY bad track record of going on the weekends. The Wicker Park location doesn''t have a shower, people usually change and shower at home. For your first time I''d bring a complete change of clothes, a big water bottle filled with ice cold water, a regular sized towel and a hand towel or wash cloth to wipe your face when it''s sweaty. I like to bring a separate small towel to towel off when I''m done with class. They rent mats and towels, and you can buy water at the studio. Just so you know, you''re going to SOAK your clothes and towels during class. Like think getting caught out in a downpour soaked, so bring a change of clothes!

Sharon, shoveling snow is quite a workout. Bummer for the snow, but great job on the indoor workouts too.
Lliang - hello neighbor!

I can''t tonight because I have a client but Thursday looks like it will work! Are you thinking the 6:00 or the 8:00? What is the best place to park?
Deejay, You should be able to find parking on the street. I normally take the bus because James takes the car to work, but on the occasions that I''ve driven, I was able to park close by. The meters in the area have not gone up yet. Milwaukee''s meters charge until 9PM. If for the 6PM class, I''m RUNNING out of there to get to the car; I got a ticket once and have often seen meter maids checking cars. The side streets charge until 6PM. I''ve never parked on Paulina so I don''t know what that is, but I''ll check the times when I go today. There''s usually always parking somewhere on Milwaukee, Paulina or the side streets. It''s just a question of do you want to pay, and do you want to run out of class. The studio is on Milwaukee just north of Paulina, 1 door from the Central Furniture store. I go to either the 6PM or 8PM. 8PM is less crowded so might be an easier intro for you. I''ll invite my friend from out of town too. I think my sister will be traveling for work on Thursday so she won''t come.
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