
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 20th July till 26th July

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Rod, so glad to hear the pain has eased a bit and thats great news you got back in the gym
It can be much more of a challenge to workout when you have health problems as some of us well know. I have my back troubles and I know Marcy has knee issues, indeed there are a few of us with these types of conditions. It can be more difficult to workout when you have chronic pain or health issues but it still can be done. Keeping your body as strong and fit as you can is really helpful to control pain and I find it makes me feel better in so many ways, both physically and mentally. I can''t do crunches, heavy weights or anything that involves twisting, but I can do cardio and some weights so I stick to what I CAN do and don''t worry about what I CAN''T do. Also twisting my spine is about the worst thing I can do with my back condition so I try to avoid that where possible.

It is a balance and so important to know your own body, pain triggers and tolerances. It is extremely unwise to workout if you are in real pain - it is crucial to listen to what your body is telling you; whether you need to rest or if a little gentle exercise might help. But above all if you are in any doubt it is far better not to risk it.

A few years ago I never thought I would be able to stick to any type of exercise regime as even walking was difficult for me at times, but nowadays I am stronger and fitter than ever, this I have achieved through patience, learning my limitations and sticking with it. As with eating, I no longer expect perfection but the difference is now I don''t beat myself up if I miss a few workouts as I always get back to it once the pain or circumstances permit.

Have a great week


Nov 24, 2006
Morning all! Yesterday I went biking but it turned out to be too hot as I started seeing stars and hubby and I rested and then went home. Gosh be careful out there in the heat; I guess it has been in the high 90's out here and 100.

I had a nice trip to Santa Clara/San Jose and San Francisco, I met up with two PS'ers Gypsy and AG and it was great to see them! I also saw an old High school friend which was fun to catch up with and meet her husband. It was stinkin hot in Santa Clara/San Jose; I thought I was going to escape the heat!!! haha
I love San Francisco, I hope to go back soon; it is so beautiful out there and it was in the 70's but it is about an hour away. I did get to ride their Caltrain which was fun and easy to use and clean!! The San Jose airport is soooo nice and clean!

Oh I had lots of delicious stuff eat but I guess all my walking and shopping burned off those calories (I did tons of walking that I slept like a baby every night) so I stayed the same weight wise!! YAY!
Happy Monday all

ROD, I am glad the leg is improving through PT, I am so happy for you sugar!!!

LORELEI, fantastic opener!!! I had a bad knee too but the PT helped me big time and if I ever feel pain I rest it and do my knee exercises which helps for sure!!

MARCY, great cake decorating!!

DEEJAY, I miss you!!!!

Hi LISA KIMI, and TLH! I need to go back and skim over last weeks posts.


Dec 31, 2008
marcy - glad you were able to clean up the cubbord! Sounds like a nice weekend!

Rod- sorry to hear that your pain is such a rollercoaster, but I''m glad you were able to go to the gym and work your upper body!

Lorelei - terrific opener. So true. It is a tough lesson to "let the pain guide you" but very important to listen to body signals.

skippy- glad you had a nice trip. It is so hard to come back from vaca and nice weather, and come back to the heat wave!

Everyone - happy Monday!

This weekend was fun. Ran in the 5k, which was awesome, and HOT (95* during the race, and during the recovery, it was over 100* by 9:30 am - bleh!). But I didn''t push too hard, and used it more of a training run. Sunday I ran for a little over an hour, then I decided to do the 30 dy shred back to back, wow, that was hard! I was pooped too. So I have gladly earned my rest day. I might even take either tomorrow or weds off too. My calves are extremely tight, and I don''t want it to turn into anything serious.

"Some people change their ways when they see the light; others when they feel the heat” Caroline Schoeder


Feb 27, 2007

Happy New Week.

I am still down 5 pounds from last Monday.
Woo hoo!

I have had a very busy day already.I got up at 5:45 to get ready for the free pancake breakfast this morning (Cheyenne Frontier Days).My in-laws picked me up about an hour later.We headed downtown get inline.They usually serve anywhere between 8 – 12 thousand people at this 3 days this week.It is an amazing process.We probably were in line about 15 minutes.You get coffee or water, pancakes with butter and syrup and a piece of ham.It’s honestly not bad food either.They do it to prepare to feed people during a disaster.After breakfast we walked about 3 blocks to wander around a magazine / news store.

Sadly, I missed a web call from Marty.Rats.He left me a little broken heart icon on messenger he was going to bed broken hearted since I wasn’t home.Whatever; he was probably glad to get to sleep a bit earlier that way.

After I got home I got in my car and headed to the nearest Jareds (60 miles south) to return the ruby bracelet.The pendant I got is fine but the bracelet wasn’t as nice as the one I already have to back it went.Try as I might I didn’t find something I wanted to “afford” to exchange for the bracelet so I got a refund.

I got back to town and the Thunderbirds were practicing so I stopped to watch them.I couldn’t find the employee BBQ at school so I came home and had my leftovers from supper last night for lunch.

I am going back to watch the Thunderbirds practice with my parents in about an hour.

I am having problems getting this typed up; a C-5 and a C130 just flew by my house so I had to rush out to see them.I almost knocked my webcam off on the C-5.COOL!

Lorelei, great opener.I know I am so limited in what I can do for multiple reasons but just the fact I can do stretches and walk is amazing in itself.I so agree the better shape you are in physically helps you mentally as well.

Skippy, I am glad to hear you are back!Your trip sounds really fun.Ugh to it being too hot to walk.I am glad you rested and went home.I am glad you liked my cake.

Tlh, all right for running the 5K.My Race for the Cure (I’m walking) is in a few weeks.I am very excited for it.





May 14, 2006
Sorry for not being around last week-was very busy adjusting back home and getting back into work. I''ll post a longer thread tomorrow but I''m back on my healthy eating thing today and did my hour work out, hour of spin and hour of step this evening. Absolutely shattered! Talk to you all tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Bee, rats for being back to reality. Of course you are now the new Mrs. too.


Feb 27, 2007

I had the strangest call. Some lady wanted to arrange “observing”. She has a few acres in the country and has a bunch of guests and wants to have them and some “doctors” come look through telescopes. She’ll pay. I said no; my husband is in Hong Kong and I wasn’t about to volunteer anyone else I know with a telescope. She offered to have the “doctors” set up the scope. I’m like, no; it’s in the back of a 39 foot 5th wheeler that I am not driving anywhere. She offered to have the “doctors” come get the 5th wheeler; I’m like no. She even wanted to know how to contact my husband in Hong Kong. I’m like no; you can’t. She was so rude and insistent. I’m like EXCUSE ME???? I''ll tell you being in a club like this sometimes people treat you like you are the hired help. Aak. Speaking of hired help - I am off to grade papers.




Feb 27, 2007
I had to post this close up photo of a Thunderbird today. This is with our 100mm macro lens; it turned out great. When you blow it up you can see amazing detail in it.



Feb 27, 2007
I have to share my 2 llittle bits of "new" things today. At the Thunderbird show today I sat in a plactic folding chair and didn''t worry about breaking it; it was also my parents smallest chair which I easily fit it. The old Marcy had to carry around a hard folding chair that was very sturdy.

This weekend I borrowed my parents step ladder with 2 steps when I was cleaning out my kitchen so my dad decided I needed one of my own. After the Thunderbirds practice we went to Home Depot and found me a step stool. I didn''t think twice about checking the weight limit on it.

I know these are every day things to most people but they were both well out of my reach until recently. Little things, huh?


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.....Like tlh said, this is roller-coaster. There were times the pain in my leg today was awful and then there times it wasn't. I guess I should be grateful there are times it isn't. I do think that when I don't sleep well and am stressed by work, the pain is worse. Stress is a bad thing for sure. I met Charlie after work for sushi, then coffee at Sbucks. We had heavy rain this morning. It was the kind of morning you don't want to get out of bed. It was dark, and the lightning was bad. But then this afternoon, the sun came out and it was cooler. Now for you folks living up north, that isn't odd. But for us folks in Florida, it's unheard of. Cold fronts don't make it this far south until October. It wasn't cool cool, but the humidity was way lower, so having coffee outside was really nice tonight. Tomorrow after work, I have physical therapy. I'll probably go to the gym Wednesday night after work.

Thanks for letting my experience help you open this week's thread Lorelei!! I think we do need to remember our limitations, so the advice was as usual, great!!

Welcome back Skippy. I'm glad you had such a nice time in California and that you were active enough to eat and NOT gain any weight!!

Thanks tlh!! Woo Hoo for running the 5K!!! that lady was alwfully pushy. I'm glad you stood your ground and didn't give her a way to reach Marty. What nerve.......Wow, that picture is amazing. And aren't you just so proud to be able to sit in a plastic chair and nott worry??!!!

Hey bee*!!! Welcome home and I hope married life is good!!

OK.......I've already done my streteches, but I'm going to do a second set before heading to bed. See you tomorrow night.......


Feb 27, 2007

Rod, enjoy those moments when you are not in terrible pain.I hope they become more frequent for you.I agree that stress makes everything worse.Too funny about the weather getting cooler; our temperatures can vary wilding in Wyoming.Yes, I couldn’t believe that lady.I will watch for her number on caller ID.



Mar 13, 2008
Marcy, AWESOME picture of the Thunderbird!!! My dad used to take us to air shows all the time when we were little so now I LOOOOVE them!! And James does too. Except he can recognize all the airplanes. To me it''s just "really big plane", "really fast plane", "really cool plane" etc. He (and my sister) are like "That''s an F-22!!!" But my sister helps bridge the gap for me by saying "Y''know StarScream from the Transformers" Ooooh yeah!!!!

Rod, I''m sorry to hear you''re still in pain, but at least you''re getting some relief. Do try acupuncture. It takes a while for it to kick in but I''d say I''m like 95% healthy. I''m only seeing her once every 2 wks. Chalk me up as a believer like Sapphire. Hope sushi was good. Hooray for hitting the gym and keeping up with the swim workouts.

Bee, hope life calms down a little.

Skip, careful in the heat!!! Glad to hear you''re still running

TLH, how''s your mom''s elbow?

Kim, are you taking any time off for the summer? I hope you can get a little bit of a break, you sure work really hard!!! Yoga was disappointing, but I''m planning on hitting the studio I like this week and getting a bad a$$ yoga session in :)

Lore, Great opener!!! I agree with being aware of what your body is telling you. That''s part of being healthy.

Shiny, how''s yoga going? Has JT made anymore girlfriends??

We did our 3rd strength training workout. I did 110 lb dead lifts and 25 lb barbell overhead press. My trainer is impressed that my sister and I are consistently never sore after the workouts. Oh, I wanted to share somethings my trainer said 1) you MUST eat protein within an hour after your workout. Your body uses the protein to rebuild muscle. It''s best for a complete protein like meat, but any protein will work. 2) Re building muscle. YOu need to push the muscle to failure (when your hands are shaking and you need your spotter to give you a hand to rack the weight). Most weight lifting you only use 40% of your muscles. But as you push yourself towards failure, those 40% get exhausted and your body is forced to start firing the other 60% of your muscles. When you hit failure, you''ve used close to 100% of all your muscles and your body will trigger to start building new muscles.


Dec 31, 2008
marcy - congrats on keeping the 5 off! Just a few weeks til the cure 5k, that is coming up quick! I also like to walk, because walking and running work different muscles. Esp brisk walking! The speed walk, will leave me sore for a couple days, because of the nonworked muscles getting fatigued! That call IS WEIRD! Wow, and RUDE TOO! GREAT PHOTO! That is incredibly awesome! It never occured to me how difficult even the smallest of things are, and how great a change EVERYTHING is with weight loss. That is just miraculous, and really inspiring.

bee*- you sound shredded! That workout is AWESOME!

rod- i''m glad you were able to enjoy the coffee and sushi, YUM! I totally understand the bit about stress. Esp, if the increased muscle tension is putting extra pressure on your spine!
I''m hoping your PT goes well tonight, progress through repetition. I also hope that your pain is aleviated enough to go to the gym, and knock it out!

lisa- thanks for asking, she is still immobile, but will get the cast off soon. Hopefully no surgery will be needed! Your trainer sounds like a good one. 110 pound dead lifts, that is a human being! HOLY COW, YOU ROCK!!!!!! Wow, way to push it to the limits... might as well start ironing your sexy skinny pants, you''ll be wearing them in no time.

This morning, I woke up to a light show (lightning). The light show cancelled my run, but it sure was pretty! My DH got mad that I enforced the boom rule, and wouldn''t let him run or ride either. So I did the 30 day shred back to back. Tomorrow morning also looks like it might be another lightning round, so I''ll have to see if that pushes me to the treadmill. I really hope not... I am not too fond of those things... but I may venture down and run on one later today with the hubs... just depends on how I feel. Also, it is FINALLY supposed to be under 110* today. YAY! only 109*, and as sad as it sounds, I''m thrilled. Even the lightning storm (though dry) brought with it cooler weather, it was only 83* this morning at 6! WHOO HOO!
Everyone, I hope your Tuesday is spectacular!!!

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." - Benjamin Franklin


Aug 19, 2008
Hey everybody!

Just checking in... The past couple of days have been somewhat tough food-wise. For the past 2 days, my co-workers have been bringing in those Tim Horton donuts. I''ve been avoiding them, but I really wish they wouldn''t bring in 4 boxes at a time. I had to stop my personal trainer session because I need to funnel all the money I can into the wedding. It''s in September and coming up fast. But the good news is that my gym offers small group classes with my former trainer (and it''s ALOT cheaper), so I think I''m going to try it.

On a good note, I''m taking FI to Miami for his birthday. We''re leaving on Thursday and won''t be back until Monday. Hoping for a good time and nice weather.

marcyc, I can''t say give enough congrats for your continued weight loss.

Rod, sorry you''re stressed out. Pain definitely becomes more pronounced when you''re stressed, tired, etc. Good luck with the physical therapy today!

tlh, 5K run? Awesome! Are you going to take to run longer or was that your goal?

Skippy, you make was want to visit Cali again. It''s been a year since I went to San Francisco and I want to go back so badly...


Oct 30, 2002
"I had a nice trip to Santa Clara/San Jose and San Francisco,It was stinkin hot in Santa Clara/San Jose; I thought I was going to escape the heat!!! haha
I love San Francisco, I hope to go back soon; it is so beautiful out there and it was in the 70's but it is about an hour away. I did get to ride their Caltrain which was fun and easy to use and clean!! The San Jose airport is soooo nice and clean!"


Skippy I had to comment on this...sorry I missed you in SJ! Was this last week? It was horribly hot over the wkd...we were dying. It is typically in the 80's at this time of year and SF is more like 60....thank god this week is back to perfection.

re SJ Airport....I was just ranting to my friends bout this. I came back from Minnesota on a work trip last week and I was like 'Ummm why is our SJ airport so GHETTO???'. It is just horrible compared to other Int'l airports around the world. Embarassing, really. Funnily enough, Minnesota's airport was amazing! Three or four wings that are not all laid length-wise next to each other (meaning you don't take 30 min to walk from one side to the other), cute boutique shopping, restaurants, etc. One lame little Cinnabon and a Noah's does not a cool airport make. And we are the 10th largest city in the US. Hello!!!

Anyway, vent over but I use SJC a lot to travel so I am always like WTF. Plus they have been working on it FOREVER and its never done, what a waste of our tax So it was funny to see your are so much more positive than me.
I guess I should just be glad we have a SJ airport and I don't have to go to SFO which is a whole other nightmare.

PS...Rod sorry to read about your back and leg problems, that is NO FUN. I hope you feel better soon!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......I had my PT session after work. Since I''ve been in more tian the last two days, my therapist wanted to watch me do my stretches and one of them I''ve been doing too hard, which he thinks might have (in addition to stress) helped me to hurt more. So, I''ll back that one down a bit. Otherwise, he worked me hard and some of it hurt, some of it didn''t. He feels I need to push through this. Maybe that is a good thing. If you recall, when this first started, I was pushing hard at the gym and as the pain increased, I stopped working out, which didn''t seem to make the pain any better. I just need to know what I can and what I can''t push. OK....enough of this. I am going to the gym tomorrow night.

Thanks Marcy. I''m hoping the times I''m not in pain will become more than when I am in pain. I''m just going to do as the PT says, go to the gym and hope this ends sooner than later. Good idea to watch for that insistent ladies number on caller ID.

Lisa, I did ask my PT for an acupuncture recommendation. I can only afford one treatment at a time, so if the PT doesn''t get me over this, I will either get an an acupunturist, or I''m going to try Spinal Decompression. I''ve done some research on this and I''ve even found a center near us and they will accept my health insurance, which I had thought wasn''t possible. Anyway, I''m glad it''s working for you and so appreciate you caring for me!

Yes, stress is not good for my back tlh. Stressi is just not good for anything. I''ve got to stop stressing, which is easier said than done. I''m going to go the gym with or without pain. Working out makes me happy and is a great stress reliever, so I need to go. I''m sorry lightning prevented you from running this morning. Lightning in the morning is cause for pulling the convers back over your head and going back to sleep!!

Thanks Diva. DOnuts are a tough temptation for sure. Luckily, no one in my office brings food in. We used to have a personal trainer, but when we both lost our jobs at the same time, that was one expense we had to give up. Fortunately for us, we''d been with out trainer long enough to learn how to mix things up. I''m glad you''ve got a lower cost option that may work for you too!

Hey Mara, it''s so nice to see you and thanks for your good thoughts. I hope you and Greg are doing well. Please tell him I said hello. Pop in more than once every few months, OK?

OK........I''ll try to check in after I get home from the gym tomorrow night.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/20/2009 10:47:12 PM
Author: Rod
Welcome back Skippy. I'm glad you had such a nice time in California and that you were active enough to eat and NOT gain any weight!!
Thanks Rod, that was the biggest thing for me these past two trips practically back to back!! The old Skippy would have undid all her progress, I told myself there would be other brownies, and goodies down the road, etc; i did get lots of walking in which helped too. hehe


Nov 24, 2006
Happy Tuesday!!! I went walking with my cousin last night and was planning on walking today but it is pouring, which is great since we were so dry out here!!! I will make today my day off and then just work out tomorrow.

I meet an old high school friend for lunch tomorrow so I am looking forward to that! Nothing else too exciting, just catching up on stuff while I was gone. hehe Have a great evening all

TLH, you are super woman with your runs and especially in 95/100 degree weather!!! Yay! How is your mom's arm doing? Yay for Shredd! What is the Boom rule? yay for cooler weather!!!!

MARCY, great job losing 5 lbs, that is fantastic!!
Oooooh, love the picture, super cool!!!!

BEE, I have missed you; how are you!!! LOVED your wedding pics!!!!! Many congrats!!

ROD, aw, sorry about the leg, you are such a trooper, sending healing hugs your way.

LISA, wowzers, you are in fabulous shape! Thanks for sharing the info on weight lifting; I need to get back into it. I have an easier time doing cardio then muscle work for some reason.

DIVA, good to see you! Agh, I hate when people bring in stuff that is tempting and you don't want; kudos on avoiding it!!! Yay for taking your FI to Miami sounds like fun!!! Happy bday to your guy! Oh I love SF; it is so beautiful!!!

MARA, I just flew Southwest so I don't know the other Terminals but seriously SJ and Seattle are the cleanest airports; I was appalled at one of the airports on my layover. People left trash in the seats and everywhere. I couldn't believe so many people thought the cleaning crew would clean up after them; it grossed me out! So SJ impressed me on that level. If I flew international maybe I would feel differently, ha. That is too bad your airport is a continual work in progress, at least the Southwest side is nice! hehe I did like Penguin Froyo in SJ; it was super yummy. hehe I was there for a week last week which was fun but so last min; I didn't know I was going until hubby asked me if I wanted to go and I did so I could go to SF too!
Good to see you and next time I have more notice I will have to meet more PS'ers!!


Nov 24, 2006
Mara, I took a pic of your airport. hehe What are the garbage can looking things? I thought they were air purifiers. hmmmm.



Feb 27, 2007

Hi my healthy seeking friends.I am BEAT today.Too little sleep made for a very long day.I plan on being in bed by 10.I only need to lose 1/10th of a pound to be down 6 pounds so hopefully that will be the scale reading in the morning.Tomorrow will be a challenge because we have a pancake breakfast at work, I am meeting a friend for lunch and then going to supper with another friend after cake decorating class.I will go with my half rule and should be fine.

Today’s food was cheerios, fresh fruit, 100 cal snack pack, ham sandwich and baked lays, 100 cal snack cookies, lean cuisine, raw veggies and 1 small bread stick plus a ww giant chocolate bar.

After supper I went to make my frosting for class tomorrow night and was out of powdered sugar so off to the store.I picked up a few things and then came home and make my frosting and mixed up the assorted colors I need for flowers tomorrow night.

We get off ½ a day tomorrow so I am going to the local air guard base and see their display of assorted planes.That will be my walk for the day.

Lisa, thanks for the compliment on my photo.I know some of the planes but Marty knows them all; he was in the air force and worked on the electronics on B-52’s.Air shows are amazing.Wow for lifting that much weight.Thanks for the interesting process of how to build muscle.

Tlh, the 5K will be here in a couple of weeks.I notice I walk different between wandering the mall, the treadmill or walking the neighborhood.I do work different muscles.Some of the guys at work that I play cards with told me I should have agreed to show up some night then not go.Thanks for the compliment on the photo.It’s is strange the little things I continue to notice even after being “normal” for over a year now.Your lightning show sounds great.I like your thunder rule.Marty is pretty careful when playing golf.Congratulations for being under 110 pounds.

That is AWESOME.

Diva, stupid donuts.Those chocolate frosted ones are hard for me to pass up.Taking the classes at the gym sounds like a good way to help save money.Have a blast in Miami.Thank you for the kind words about my success; I really appreciate it.

Hi Mara.

Rod, glad the therapist discovered you were pushing too hard on one of your stretches; hopefully that will help relieve some pain now and continuing your workouts at the gym will help work it all out.We actually got caller ID because of another annoying person that used to call us about the astronomy club.He used to call and ask me questions then argue with me about the answer.He called us 3 times on Christmas and that was enough; I ordered it the next day.That was when we couldn’t really afford the extra few bucks a month.

Skippy, speaking of brownies I picked up some tonight for a birthday party for one of my employees.We are having brownies and ice cream for him on Friday.I got them covered in icing since I don’t care of icing and that should keep me out of them.I will enjoy a scoop of ice cream though.But just one.Have fun with your friend at lunch tomorrow.

Sleep well.




Mar 13, 2008
Marcy, James works on the B-52 now too! What a coincidence. I hope you get some more sleep tonight. Awesome on your continued weight loss. How''s your buddy doing on her side? That''s pretty cool you get to see the different kinds of planes.

Skippy, thanks for the compliment, but I''m working on getting into shape. I just feel there''s areas that I can improve and I"m focusing on those. You have SUCH great willpower for successfully avoid pitfalls on your vacations! I''m so impressed! Glad you got some rain.

Rod, Great your PT watched you do some stretches. That''s something I would''ve never thought about. You have a bunch of us behind you cheering you to push through this too. I''m glad you have PT to help you figure out what you need to avoid and what you need to just attack. How''s swimming going? I''ll try to look up some community acupuncture in the Tampa area. That''s what I do, it''s a sliding scale for payment.

Hi Mara! You want to talk about ghetto airports? O''hare is probably right up there. Midway (the other smaller airport) used to look like a bus terminal. But they''ve remodeled it and now I LOVE flying in and out from there. And it''s the "cheap airline airport" but it''s so much more on-time than O''hare. I''d rather fly Southwest and be on time anyway.

Hi Diva! Awesome you have the group classes with the trainer you like. That''s the best thing is to find a trainer you like and you click with. Hope you and FI enjoy Miami. I grew up there. It''s a great place to vacation. Where are you going? I haven''t been in years.

TLH, it''s definitely different muscle groups that are being hit between speed walking and running. I agree with your boom-rule. I love the term too. I hope your mom is okay and will not need surgery. I still can''t fit into the sexy pants yet, but I''ve got a dress fitting on Saturday, I''ll try taking pictures.

I''ve realized that I''ve gotten VERY lax in the food regulation. I just eat leftovers etc. I''m going to try to keep healthy snacks as an alternative to leftovers and I think I should be able to continue my progress. My trainer said a very funny thing about my sis and I being the perfect clients: We workout on off days like we''re supposed to, we don''t complain (we''re almost never sore), and we''re strong. I like writing emails to the trainer and say "Ha, ha! not sore today!"


Apr 9, 2007
Hi guys!

So far, have done 3 days of the 30 day shred. I was soooo sore the 2 days after the first, but I think I worked through it! I have been doing well and am really proud of myself

DH had to return his bike (it was really crappy) so we are waiting to order him a new one, so no bike rides this week

I hope everyone is doing great!

Marcy, can''t remember if I said this but I saw your newest cake are getting to be a pro! Seriously!

Lliang, yay for being a perfect trainee!

Hi Skippy

Rod, sounds like your PT is going well.

Diva have fun in Miami! I luuuuuurve Miami! I have only been once, but it may just be my second favorite city! So vibrant and fun.

TLH I am not a treadmill fan in general. I find boredom to be my biggest workout challenge, in general. I am already tired of hearing Jillian say the same things over and over...motivation to move to level 2 I suppose!

have a great Weds. everyone!


Dec 31, 2008
diva- one of my girlfriends does those group workouts and they do them in groups of 3-4 and she still gets a lot more attn than a boot camp class, and yet saves a bundle! Have fun in Miami!!! As far as running goes, the summer is my off-season (because it is over 100* outside from May until October), so I run in much shorter races, and build-up for the longer races come fall, winter, and spring. I typically try to run in one race a month, and use it for different reasons. But mainly because it is so fun, and helps keep me focused on why I am there, FOR FUN! I''m running in a marathon in January, and possibly some halfsies in the fall... depending on my budget... and how many Tri''s the hubs does, he''s got a few open water swims and a couple tris coming up in the next couple months. Entry fees are $$$. But I love all race distances. I think my personal favorites are the 10k and the half marathon. They don''t take as much to prep for, and don''t exhaust the schedule. But when you are done, you can still eat a little extra and not feel guilty!
It is just the hubs and I are thinking about babies... so I''m trying to get 1-2 more marathons in before that...then I may just settle down with my fave distances for awhile.

mara- glad your weather is good again!

Rod- yeah, I once had a dr tell me to let the pain guide me. I thought he was an idiot. I''m like, well that doesn''t help! But pain is one of those things that only you can feel, and know what hurts. It is hard to guide, but I am glad your PT told you that one of your stretches was too aggressive. I think it is an art. Riding that thin line of pain vs injury... pushing the limits to get better, yet not going too far and re-injuring yourself. But I agree with your PT. He''s spot on. You don''t have to let this end your life, and never go to the gym... you just have to find your balance. My thoughts are with you, and I know you''ve got the heart of a lion! You''ll get through this!

skippy - what a funny picture! thanks for calling me superwoman... I even have a cape! (Not really, this weekend my hubs had to work from home, so I walked around the house in my undies pretending I was a kid with a blanket tied to my neck, trying to distract my hubs. He laughed and told me I was goofy and needed more things to do.
) My mom is slowly healing.. but no news yet. She is supposed to have a follow up appt in a week after tha cast is removed. (the boom rule, you can run in the rain, because you''ll just get wet, but if you hear a boom (thunder) you don''t run... because with thunder= lightning.)

Marcy- Yay for a half day. Walking around looking at planes will be fun too! HAHA I am not under 110 pounds. I was like, HUH?!? How''d she know my goal weight? Marcy''s a MINDREADER!!! THen I realized I was complaining about the weather... it is finally under 110 degrees outside. Which sadly, actually makes me feel better than reaching my goal weight...probably because I have some control over my weight, but not the weather.

lisa - ooo, I can''t wait to see pics! I love that you are the perfect client. Me, I''d be the worst. I''m a big whiner whenever there''s an audience. Which is strange, because I guess i''m a drama queen, because whenever I''m by myself I just suck it up. Funny thing about you eating left overs. I NEVER WILL. So my DH got tired of that, so he''ll eat leftovers sometimes, when carbo loading, but most of the time, he;ll only cook just enough that will be eaten that night. Plus it removes the temptation to load up the plate if there isn''t enough food for 2nds. Here is a link to 101 salads. DH and I are making some of them. YUM YUM!

miscka- way to work the shred. It is tough stuff. When I do the 2nd and 3rd workouts, I actually say naughty words at the TV. It is very unlady like. So you have some fun to look forward too. She is gonna kick your tail!
yeah, whenever she says "don''t phone this in" I really want to kick her. Esp, the stupid chit chat at the beginning. But you know she feels silly saying it. When it gets really ahrd, I dont'' hear what she says, I''m too busy cussing her out.


This morning was a bit cooler, THANK YOU MONSOON! It was really freaky though because I smelled something burning on my morning run. It really freaked me out. I smelled burning laquer (sp?) and I shouldn''t know what that smells like, but my BIL had a crazy roommate once. So I took out my ear buds and listened for cop cars or firetrucks, and looked to the horizon for black smoke. I didn''t see any of those things, so I had to assume that it was somewhere off on the reservation... or some controlled burning. But it freaked me out. The hubs was on his ride too and thought the same thing. He got a lot further out than I did, and didn''t see anything. But it was strange. DH and I were gonna go swimming tonight, and strength train... but I want to see the new harry potter movie. I''ve got an itch - so we may do that instead. My calves are burning.. and it would be a good rest for them. THe last thing I need is a stress fracture.

What ship has two mates, but no captain? - A Relationship


Oct 30, 2002
skippy i think those ARE garbage gans? and recycle bins of course. i am not totally sure though since i don''t think i really use them that often...usually when i am coming home from a trip into the airport, i am like on a mission to just get my bag and get out!

Terminal A is much better than Terminal C... (SW is in A). C is the original and its sooo is where most of the airlines are located, only AA and SW are in A. I hope they redo C but given how long it took for them to make the new Intl one (which isn''t even open yet), which was about 5 years ... who knows! I will be like 80 years old by the time the airport is as cool as other states hehee.

Rod, I do lurk and read about how everyone is doing... everyone is always doing so well, it''s so great to see you guys still all supporting each other! We are doing very well, had our 5 year anniversary in May and just plugging along with life.


Jul 22, 2007
sorry for another fly-by.

I''ve had my nephews over and dr appts. lately. Everything is fine though. Trying to stay on track after DH did the shopping. Apparently he''s upset that I haven''t been stocking the house with junk, so that''s pretty much all he bought. He completely forgot shampoo but added 2 bags of chips, 2 containers of ice cream, and 4 bags of candy. Oh yeah, and all I have for meat is hamburger
. It SEEMED like a good idea when he volunteered, but I should have known...

Rod~ I hope you''re having a good day, I''m thinking of you

lliang~ Yoga is still going good although I haven''t done it in a few days. I''ve been corralling kids! It''s funny that you mentioned JT and the girlfriends. We had a family reunion over the weekend and JT DID make a couple girlfriends! We kept having to tell him that EVERYONE there was a cousin!! Is your wrist feeling any better yet?? Interesting about the muscle building.

That''s all for now, Have a great tomorrow!!


Aug 19, 2008
Hey all!

Just checking in before I leave tomorrow.

Today is FI's birthday so we took the day off from work and played tourist in NYC. First, we went to IHOP.
Then, we took a "Splash Tour", which was basically a land and sea tour of NYC. Then, we went to Serendipity 3, a food shop on the Upper East Side, and home of the Frrrozen Hot Chocolate. It was soooo good.

We got home about an hour ago and now it's time to pack. YAY!

Skippy, LOL at your pic of the SF airport and the comments about the air purifiers/trash. I liked that airport too, especially compared to JFK and LaGuardia (my locaol int'l airports).

Marcyc, I love 100 cal snack packs! At first I thought that it wouldn't be enough to satisfy the craving, but I was pleasantly surprised. I buy them by the truckloads at Target.

liang_chi, I so agree with finding a good trainer to connect with. I was so sad when I had to tell her that I couldn't afford sessions anymore, but I'm so glad she's offering group classes. They start July 30th, so I'm very excited. I'm just trying to hold out and not pig out because she'll get me if she sees me getting out of shape. FI and I are actually staying in South Beach. Cliche I know, but I knew that's where he wanted to stay.

Miscka, I hope to have fun too! I've actually never been to Miami before so I'm counting down (literally). Do you, or anyone for that matter, have any recommendations on what we should do and where we should go? Besides the beach?

tlh, that is so awesome! I have a friend who is practicing for the marathon in Chicago in October. She's running 5K races locally, but she's having problems with being able to run longer (stamina issues I think).

Later guys! I hope to come back nice and tanned! (wearing sunscreen, PROMISE!)


Mar 13, 2008
Diva, Have fun in Miami! South Beach does sound cliche but there''s a lot of cool areas to check out too. My brother knows all of them (he still lives in FL). He said that South Beach is fun during the day but a lot of the locals go to the Hard Rock in Broward now. It''s The place to go. Yay for starting your group sessions soon. I love how trainers totally get you when they know you''re slipping. It''s great for me because I can''t hold myself accountable.

Shiny, So funny about JT''s girlfriends :) It''s great that he has a chance to mix with so many kids. My wrist is almost 100% better, thanks for asking. On a good day it''s about 90-95%. On a bad day it''s like 80%. So I''ve been able to do all my training sessions etc no problem. So funny about DH buying all that junk food. I think James would do the same thing too. He never goes grocery shopping for me unless I give him a list.

Hi Mara!

TLH, how was the new Potter movie? I haven''t gotten caught up in the Potter craze at all. I haven''t even read the books. I figure I''m so late to the party, I might as well not try. :) I totally know what you mean about entry fees being $$$. Do you have running stores in your city that does fun runs? We have that in Chicago. I haven''t gone to any but thought that might be fun. But they''re not timed so that''s kinda a bummer. My sis wants to do a halfsie, but we''ll see. Maybe we''ll do one in FL when we go down for Christmas. Kinda freaky about the burning smell, but I''m glad it cooled off for you.

Miscka, Yay for 3 days of 30DS! I love that sore workout feeling. Makes you know you''re doing something right!!! :) I hope your hubby gets a new bike soon. I love bike rides when the weather is nice. It''s great cardio without it feeling like cardio :)


Dec 28, 2005
4,101's almost 11, so this has to be quick. Worked a long day. Leg hurt, but not as bad as in days past. Went to the gym and did my stretches (less aggressively), then worked out pretty hard AND even did 15 minutes on a recumbent bike (I went almost 6 miles, so I was pedalliing at a good clip). It didn't hurt my leg and I really enjoyed doing some cardio for real. My leg's not hurting real hard right now. Tomorrow after work I have my physical therapy session. Thanks everyone for the constant love and support. I'm so determined to get past this and back to my full "uber" workouts again.

I'll write again tomrrow night. Sleep well everyone.......


Nov 24, 2006
Good Evening Friends!!! I went on a nice power walk with my cousin; I guess we started the Monsoon season here too so it was cool this evening on our walk which was nice!

I met my friend for lunch and it turns out she works out at the same gym so come August we are going to do some of the muscle hour classes together. I much prefer cardio but muscle bearing work is good for our bones in the long run so that made me happy to have a workout buddy pretty soon. hehe

Oh I did stop by my parents today and my nephew was there and super excited to see me; I have not seen him in 2 weeks and he grew!!! He was too cute and didn't want me to leave when it was time to go; that little guy just melts my heart.

Hope everyone is have a fabulous week so far!!!

MARCY I hope you slept well last night; I have not been sleeping well either for some reason. I slept great in SJ though, oh well. hehe Yay for cake decorating class!

LISA, aw, thank you friend!!! You are in great shape!!! Yay for healthy snacks. that is awesome about working out on your off days, seriously!!!

MISCKA, yay good to see you and woo hoo for 3 days of shred!!! You are awesome!

TLH, you have a fun personality; heehe to the cape! You are in great shape, that is awesome with all your runs and workouts, woman!!!! Sending healing vibes for your mom. Yikes about the burning, that would scare me too. How was the movie?

MARA, I don't think they are garbage cans, they have air coming out of them and no openings for trash. haha I was curious if you noticed them; I guess I took notice of stuff because I had to be dropped off at your airport 3 hrs before my take off, oy! So what are you up to lady? Hope you are great!!! Happy 5 yr anni, that is awesome!

SS, oh no, men! haha Hang in there! Yay for yoga though!

DIVA, happy birthday to your FI!!!!
Oh how fun to be in NYC!!! oh my gosh, that is funny that you liked SJ too; cool that you were in the nice part too! heehe
Yay for your upcoming trip!

ROD, yay for being such a fighter; you have a great attitude, love that!!! Hugs and glad you got a workout in; hope the leg continues to get better, sounds like baby steps are happening. sending healing vibes your way.


Jun 22, 2007
Hello all!

I recently got on the scale for the first time in about 8 months and was SHOCKED at the number that was staring back up at me... so I have finally been able to commit to a diet... I think I needed the number shock to snap me into action.

I am currently using TDP (The Daily Plate) to track my calorie intake, but I am having trouble knowing if the target intake is correct.

Is there a reliable way to measure how much you should be eating to loose weight in a healthy manner (I wanted to shoot for between 1 and 3 lbs a week so 4 to 12 lbs a month).

I am currently 5''4 and 185

I play ice hockey twice a week and am averaging a 30 to 60 min moderate walk 2 times a week.
I know that eating too few calories will be counter productive and just lead my body to go into starvation mode.

Can someone point me in the right direction regarding calorie intake?

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