
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 18th Jan till 24th Jan

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My food scale arrived, my food scale arrived!


It is blue and adorable. I''m very excited about it. I was rather surprised to discover the salad I had with my lean cuisine margherita pizza (way better than I expected, although probably nowhere near as good as deegee''s homemade pizza!) was only 32 calories. I don''t know if it is stress or what, but the whole "eating adequate amounts of food" thing has not gone so well for the past few days. Tomorrow is my anniversary dinner at the Melting Pot, though, so I''m sure to make up for that!!!

crownjewel, that ring is gorgeous!
Rod, yay for getting a great workout.

Sillyberry, awe I am jealous - my food scale is only black and silver. I am so glad you are excited. Have fun at the melting pot celebrating your anniversary and Happy Anniversary!
shiny- sorry about your neighbor. My mom busted her elbow- the arm is such a crucial thing. I have no idea how she''ll run about after kids! **healing dust for her**

lilac- have a fun and safe trip in PR!
bella- ooo exciting. hubs and I will be TTC sometime this year. i''m still a little leary about hopping off BCP though!
DG- a purse too! OMG, you shopping fool, that just sounds AWESOME!!!! yum, homemade ''za is the best! **happy travels dust!**
cj- congats on your 2# loss! And I''m sorry the pool wasn''t nice- ***healing dust for your surgery next week!***
Thanks for your well wishes. oooo odessy ring!
marcy- stay warm - and hope the grading papers isn''t too taxing!
rod- sorry work stunk, but I''m glad to read you got the workout in.
sillyberry- glad your food scale arrived. AWESOME! happy anny!

Everyone happy thursday! I didn''t get a lot of sleep last night. Only 4 hours. No exercise really messes w/ my ability to burn off the needed energy to sleep well.
Date: 1/19/2010 3:55:42 PM
Author: tlh
Lorelei - now that you mention it I DO remember the chanel #5 incident! haha.. that is funny.. the evil toe- curse!!!
HAHAHA!!!!! Definitely a HLT toe curse - especially in view of all the toe injuries past and present here!!
Ha I remember that too!
I didn''t realize how many toe injuries HLTers have had!!

I broke my toe by dropping a heavy steel cookie pan on it (actually 2 of them stacked). It hurt obviously but I didn''t go to the doc because we had boating plans for the day (pre-JT). I was very careful not to injure the toe more during our boating, even when getting on and off at various beaches. When we docked the boat at the end of the day, somehow I managed to catch my toe under the thing that you put the rope around. My toe went completely sideways. oww. Then I did go to the ER. They made me get in a wheelchair and I was mortified. The x-ray tech could tell I was in a lot of pain so he casually mentioned the way the toe would need to be put back in place. I did it myself while still on the table. It felt soo much better. I declined the crutches and limped home. A couple years before that, I broke my foot. I wouldn''t use crutches then either and they couldn''t cast it. I used ace bandages for at least 3-4 months to try to stabilize it. I''m surprised that both injuries healed so well.

Anyway, sorry for the long story!

My neighbor fractured her elbow in 3 places. She''s got a whole arm cast. I have no idea how she''s gonna manage diaper changes and potty training.

DH fell on the ice last night. He banged his knee pretty good.

I think I''ve gained a lb although it could be water weight.

dg~ sounds like you had quite the birthday bash!! Lots of dust for your puddle-jumper flight!

cj~ GOOOD luck!!! You''re in such great shape, I bet you''ll recover super-quick!

lilac~ OMG, Puerto Rico! That''s awesome!!! Have a great time!!

sillyberry~ Have fun with your food scale!

bella~ I heard yesterday on Rachael Ray that increasing your calcium every day is supposed to reduce PMS symptoms. Not sure if what you have is PMS, but maybe it could bring you some relief?! Sorry AF is here.

Hello, everyone! Hope you''re all warm and well.
thanks everyone! I am on my way to class, but wanted to say that I am feeling better, so I hope that the shred is on for tomorrow:-)

I crave creamy, cheesy things and crunchy salty things, so I had mushroom mac n/cheese for lunch with bagel chips and a salad. not the greatest nutritionwise, btu could''ve been worse, and at least I got some calcium

This toe thing is freaking me out! really, I am going to watch out for my toes

I just wanted to report in that I want to travel on the governor''s plane wherever I go! I have never been treated so well, nor have I ever been on such a quiet, smooth flight. It was awesome!!!!! I was yanked back into reality when I got on the interstate to go home from the airport and got stuck in traffic. It took longer for me to drive home from the airport than it did to fly to Raleigh! I had to get up at 4:15 this morning, so I''m heading to bed. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

Oh, and marcy - I ordered 1.12 ctw ACA rounds with jackets. I thought they''d look nice with my halo bezel pendant, also from WF. I almost ordered bigger studs with no jackets, but I changed my mind as I was placing the order!
Hey.......Man, what a day. some parts were good, some not so good, but overall, not horendous. My job is so frustrating at times and rewarding at time. I had one offer accepted today. And I had one rejected. The rejected one was a major surprise as the guy who turned it down, is unemployed and I got him a significant increase over the salary he had when he was working. The job did require significant travel, but he knew that before he interviewed, so when he turned it down because of the travel, it was so unexpected. I have many candidates interviewing, so all in all things are picking up. I''m so glad tomorrow''s Friday and sushi night.

I''m sorry eating''s been a challenge sillyberry, but I do hope you have a great anniversary dinner at the Melting Pot!

Thanks Marcy.....I''m sorry it''s still so cold in WY. I guess you still have a few more months of this. I spoke with the guy I placed in Casper last year. He likes the job, but not the climate. I hope you get more sleep too dear friend.

tlh, I hope your mom''s arm heals quickly. Truckloads of dust for a speedy healing..........I hope you get more sleep tonight.

Hi dragon.........

Shiny, I had a similar experience with my finger on a beach in Hawaii. I broke it, but there were hundreds of dolphins in the bay and I wanted to snorkel with them, so I just went out in the water with my finger dangling and when I was finished, I had to snap it back in place and splint it with a broken chopstick. Don''t worry about a pound. We typically fluctuate anywhere from 3 - 5 lbs., a day.

To safe toes Bella!

It sounds like you had fun on the Governor''s plane deegee..........I hope you have a good Friday too.

OK, so I''m worried. Does ANYONE know where Skippy is??

Have a great Friday everyone..........

Hi everyone.Okay one more day to go then it’s the weekend.Yippee!

Tlh, sorry to hear you didn’t sleep well.I hope you sleep well tonight.

Lorelei, LOL at the HLT toe curse.With my history with knives it’s a good thing I always have on shoes when I am in the kitchen.

Hi Dragonfly.

Somethingshiny, ouch and ouch.What a brave lady you are putting your toe back.Sorry to hear your husband fell on the ice.I hope his knee is better today.

Bella, watch where you are walking on the way to class.

Deegee, the plane ride sounds awesome.Maybe next time they can take you home in the governor’s limo.Funny story from Wyoming – our governor drives himself around in a SUV.Your earrings and jackets sound gorgeous.I can’t wait to see them.

Rod, Marty and I were just talking on the way home about job offers because he loses some of his good employees mostly because of “the grass is greener” somewhere else.Most of them that choose to move on tend to keep a job for a about a year then start looking for another job.If he goes through the process of trying to get them more money to stay the employee usually still moves on in 6 months anyway. I am glad one of your clients got and accepted an offer. It is very strange that a person who is unemployed would turn down a job that pays more than their previous job.I am glad your client likes his job in Casper; I am not surprised he doesn’t like the climate there.I don’t really care for Casper as a town either.It stays cold here (or at least we get snow) until the end of May.At least we will start to get more in the 40’s during the day.This morning it was 19 when we left for work.Ouch to your finger story.

I hope you have a great Friday.

rod, shiny, et al, yikes you guys are amazing for breaking fingers and toes and just carrying on with your planned activities despite the pain! My friend told me a similar story about how she broke her finger when she was little but wanted to go to Disney World as planned, so she just told her parents she was fine and held her poor little finger as she went on the rides. I''ve never broken anything, but I just can''t imagine how you guys do that!

sillyberry, I got a food scale about 2 years ago (it''s just white and silver, plain old boring) and love it! Hubby was using it a lot too, and we both found it so useful. Haha, I''ve discovered how useful it can be as a postage scale too.

I''m having a late dinner - chili - as I type. After work, I went to the library and got some good studying done. Then went to the pool. It was so crowded today! I''ve never seen it so crowded. Usually, half an hour before closing, I can get a lane all to myself. But tonight every lane had at least 3 people in it. The worst part was that there wasn''t a lane that was my speed. I usually swim in the slow lanes, but both of tonight''s slow lanes were way too slow for me. And the 4 medium lanes were either too crowded or too fast. Stupid me, I jumped into the nearest not-crowded lane, which happened to be occupied by 2 handsome men who were probably water polo guys. I didn''t think they were swimming THAT fast until I started swimming with them. I felt like I was getting in their way, so I took breaks to put more distance between myself and them. I had my heart rate monitor on and I do have to admit that they pushed me into having a really good workout.

bella, love your new earrings! I posted in your earrings thread about my pursuit of an MBA also. My husband just graduated last May. You guys are in NYC too right? Anyway, good luck to you both.

SKIPPY SKIPPY SKIPPY where are you?!!!!

hi marcy, tlh, deegee, dragon, kimberly, steph, lorelei!! I''m off to bed now because for some reason I scheduled a personal training session for tomorrow at 7:30AM. I''m having quite a brain-dead week. Making stupid decisions all over the place!
Date: 1/21/2010 2:15:29 PM
Author: somethingshiny
I didn''t realize how many toe injuries HLTers have had!!

I broke my toe by dropping a heavy steel cookie pan on it (actually 2 of them stacked). It hurt obviously but I didn''t go to the doc because we had boating plans for the day (pre-JT). I was very careful not to injure the toe more during our boating, even when getting on and off at various beaches. When we docked the boat at the end of the day, somehow I managed to catch my toe under the thing that you put the rope around. My toe went completely sideways. oww. Then I did go to the ER. They made me get in a wheelchair and I was mortified. The x-ray tech could tell I was in a lot of pain so he casually mentioned the way the toe would need to be put back in place. I did it myself while still on the table. It felt soo much better. I declined the crutches and limped home. A couple years before that, I broke my foot. I wouldn''t use crutches then either and they couldn''t cast it. I used ace bandages for at least 3-4 months to try to stabilize it. I''m surprised that both injuries healed so well.

Anyway, sorry for the long story!

My neighbor fractured her elbow in 3 places. She''s got a whole arm cast. I have no idea how she''s gonna manage diaper changes and potty training.

DH fell on the ice last night. He banged his knee pretty good.

I think I''ve gained a lb although it could be water weight.

dg~ sounds like you had quite the birthday bash!! Lots of dust for your puddle-jumper flight!

cj~ GOOOD luck!!! You''re in such great shape, I bet you''ll recover super-quick!

lilac~ OMG, Puerto Rico! That''s awesome!!! Have a great time!!

sillyberry~ Have fun with your food scale!

bella~ I heard yesterday on Rachael Ray that increasing your calcium every day is supposed to reduce PMS symptoms. Not sure if what you have is PMS, but maybe it could bring you some relief?! Sorry AF is here.

Hello, everyone! Hope you''re all warm and well.
Bloody hell.....
my lord shiny- you''re like red sonja! Tough chick! My heart goes out to your neighbor... 3 fractures... wow!
bella- enjoy the shred!
DG- your plane story is awesome... dang traffic! **drooling already on the wf!**

rod- people are strange. I''m surprised he rejected teh offer, but glad you had one cadidate placed. You really do a lot for people - shame that they waste your time if they know from the get-go the requirements, and then reject the offer... *puzzled* enjoy sushi! (thanks for the dust, but her arm is already healed up- I was just relating to shiny''s neighbor who fractured her elbow - ouch!)

marcy- I hope it gets a bit warmer up there...40* is brrr! Have a great weekend!
CJ_ thanks for the idea on the postage scale- you rock! Glad the hotties pushed you to work out hard! Swimming can be intense!

Everyone - have a super weekend! We''re getting rained out. It''s been raining for a solid week. Which is no big deal to most places, but Arizona is usually dry 10 months out of the year. We usually only get rain in late July and August - during monsoon season (when it is hot enough to evaporate the water away). So this is CRAZY. Az is not built for rain. We have no drainage systems and basically no where for the water to go. Our parking lot at home and at work - flooded, and roads are being shut down because of the washouts. It is supposed to continue raining into next week too... which is not fun. I''ve got one dog that only like to tinkle in or on grass.. and right now, all the grass has become murkey ponds. So, I''m a bit frustrated. BUT! Marcy - I slept AWESOME last night. So thanks for your thoughts! You rock. I cannot wait til I can get back into my running routine so that I can burn off all this excess energy I''ve got stored away.. haah! Well - to everyone - have a safe weekend!
Happy Friday kids!!! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone''s doing!

Lor - I owe you a reply to your last email. Bad Dee is behind in her correspondence, but soon, I promise!

Marcy - what is it with all the food at work?!? I am SO glad the holidays are over at least, but there still seems to be so many donuts sitting around calling my name...

TLH - how''s your toenail doing, you poor thing?!

Bella - mmmm, your nachos totally have me craving them now!

Shiny - You''re a good neighbor to take care of your friend''s kids!

Sillyberry - my calories vary a lot from day to day too, but I actually think that is good. When I was trying to stay at a consistent 1200 cals/day I plateaued, but when I mixed it up my weight came off a bit faster (if that''s indeed your goal).

Rod - I may have missed this because I haven''t been on the thread much lately, but what''s up with your house?

Charbie - as a real estate agent I''m always looking for food I can put in my glove compartment to eat between clients. Zone bars, bananas, peanut butter sandwiches--pretty much my staples!

Steph - Can''t wait to meet your new little one!

Dragon - the XHH has been doing yoga every day for a couple of months now. He loves it!

DeeGee -
about your ring falling off!!! Yes, time to resize!!!

Lilac - Just a thought about your knee; I used to have terrible knee pain and it turned out that my arch had fallen and pulled my kneecap out of alignment. One custom set of orthodics later and VOILA! May be worth looking into if the other tests don''t yield any results.

Crown - Saw your ring in the SMTR. Gorgeous!!!

And if anyone has dust to spare...

1. I am supposed to close on my townhouse today in an effort to buy the XHH out and so far the loan process has been noghting but a NIGHTMARE for over three months now (credit score over 800, more than 20% equity in the property, $ in the bank, and job that pays me a boatload, and I had one helluva time getting a mortgage--if they aren''t giving $ to people like me, who are they giving it to?!?)

2. The boyfrined is going for a final interview for a very high level position in a company that he really wants to work for. Plus, it''s actually in Chicago, which is a bit of a rarity given what his area of expertise is so that would be a great opportunity.

3. The XHH has an offer in on a property that he wants a lot, but the negotiations seems to be stalling...


4. I am to Aspen for a quick ski trip and would like to return home all limbs intact!

Have a good weekend all!
Hey DJ- eh, my toenail is gone.. and another next to it on its way out too - sorry to report... but here''s all the dust I can muster up ***************************DUST! (for all the above!) **************************************

All right!The weekend is finally here.Exciting news at work today – we get another holiday each year.We will get president’s day off.Woo hoo!

We have a busy weekend planed.We are going to the in-laws for supper tomorrow night and we are taking out a new manager Marty hired for supper on Sunday.She moved here from a much warmer part of the country and her husband is not here yet so we will take her to a quite little steak house north of town.I need to clean house too.

CrownJewel, sounds like you had quite a work out in the pool.I hope the trainer was great this morning.

Hi Lorelei.

Tlh, the weather is going to get chillier – we might have some snow over the next few days.That is amazing you are getting so much rain in Arizona.Marty will be headed down there in a few weeks.I am delighted to hear you slept well.You are losing another toenail?Oh no!

DeeJay, work has been awful with food.Donuts, cupcakes, candy, ugh.PS dust coming your way for everything to turn out perfect for you.Have a blast in Aspen.I will wave at you.

I am off to grade papers.



marcy-yay for presidents day!!!!

It''s really nice here today, so I think I am going to take the dog for a walk instead of shred and shred tomorrow.

CrownJ-yep, I''m in NYC--are you here too?

I have to go play a strategy simulation for class, and do the photo shoot of my new earrings:-) but will post again tonight.
Bella, enjoy the nice weather. It is in the 20''s here today. I can''t wait to see you pictures.
Hey........Yesterday was such a long day, I just decided to keep my laptop off last night. Otherwise, it was a typical Friday. A long one, but at least it includied sushi at the end. Today was a good day. Any day I get to sleep past 9 AM is a good start. It was a beautiful day in Sunny Tampa. For the first time in a couple months, we were able to have breakfast on the terrace. Today was the children's Gasparilla Parade, and since we live on the parade route, we needed to be out early before we were stuck in gridlocked traffic. We crawled our way to Panera and Sbucks, and sat under the oak for a nice cup of coffee, then we had to walk about a mile to the gym with our gym bags on our shoulders. My workout was very very strong. And I'm sore, so I know I accomplished something. We made it home before the parade was over and before the roads were gridlock again and we fixed steaks and asparagus for dinner. Then at 7 PM they always end the day's festivities with a huge fireworks display on the bay, so we stood on our balcony and watched them. Cool. Next Saturday is the adult version of today, and it's totally not like the childrens day. It's more like a drunk fest where women bare their breasts to get beads from pirates on floats (kind of like Mardi Gras in New Orleans). Charlie has to work tomorrow all day, so I'm going to let my sore muscles relax and just do nothing.

Marcy, I'm sorry you've got so much winter left. Maybe you and Marty should plan a tropical vacation and get away for a while? Marty is right about losing people within 6 months after they take a counteroffer to stay. Money is rarely the reason someone stays or leaves a job. So when companies offer more money to keep an employee (a really bad idea btw) the reasons the employee wanted to leave are rarely fixed by just some more money. I tell my clients they shoudl just accept an employee's resignation with dignity and wish them well in their next job. Throwing more money at them is a short term solution that usually doesn't work. WOW......Woo Hoo for an extra holiday. In my line of work, they don't give us extra holidays, that's for sure....... :-(

CJ, it sounds like those guys helped your swim session be much more productive!! A personal training session at 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday? Oh my. I'm so not a morning person and that includes being able to workout in the morning. We once had a trainign session at 10:00 AM and I almost threw up in the middle of the session (our trainer was brutal, but good). My hat's off to you for being able to get up and workout so early.........And I'm with you......where has our Skippy gone????

Thanks tlh. I guess I got confused with all the current and/or past boo boo's! Sorry about the rain in AZ. I would think that there's a lot of sand out there and rain would just soak in. Florida is mainly a sand pit, so rain soaks in pretty quickly, which is good because we get lot's of rain. I still can't believe that guy turned down a better paying job for money, when he isn't even employed? If I ever figure job seekers and employer's out, I'll be a millionaire!!

DeeJay, we have a contract on our condo, but the young doctor (who lives in our building) wan't get a loan commitment until April 15th, so he wouldn't put an earnest money deposit down until he get's approved for his loan (because he's joining an oncology practice in June) and they're going to finance the loan and they can't until just before he joins them. So, while we have a contract, it's not real until there's money down, so it's still listed for sale and not showing contract pending and he has 24 hours to remove the financing contingency if someone else makes an acceptable offer. I hope that all makes sense. And yes, if you're having a tough time getting your mortgage approved, what hope is there for the rest of us............OODLES AND OODLES OF PS DUST TO YOU DEAR FRIEND!!

Yay for a nice day in the Apple Bella!! I love love love NYC!!!

OK.......Enough from me. Have a great Sunday everyone...........
We spent the evening with the in-laws. Too much food and wine but it was a fun evening. They are entertaining people. I love hearing funny stories about Marty.

I have 10 papers to grade but holy cow it''s almost 1 am I best get my behind to bed. I painted my nails and just starting goofing around and just now realized the time. D''oh!

Rod, how nice you were able to enjoy your terrace. We were in the 20''s here today and are expecting snow again. I agree about giving an employee more money to get them to stay; I think once they decide to leave it''s going to happen whether it is now or 6 months from now.

Really, I am going to bed now.


Skippy-where are you?@?@?@? Hope everything is ok!

I have a migraine so this will be short, but I wanted to post this quick for Charbie (and anyone else)

We made raspberry lime frozen yogurt in the cuisinart ice cream machine. YUMMY!

1 pint yogurt (2% is best for figure, whole milk is best taste, nonfat is pretty good too
1/2 pint raspberries
zest, juice, and pulp of 1/2 a lime
1/4c sugar

mix sugar, berries, lime and let sit for 10 minutes to macerate
mash the berry mixture, pour it into the yogurt, thoroughly combine and put it in the ice cream maker.

extra oomph (DH loves this!)
Once it is frozen, melt 1/3c raspberry jam and drizzle it into the ice cream maker.

Eat right away or freeze for later.

Really good

Food is going ok, but I need to keep measuring as I''ve been getting lax about it. I did yoga today which was good and the shred is on for tomorrow night (jumping+migraine=
so hopefully this will be gone by then).

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Hey.......It was a very relaxing day for moi. Charlie had to be at work at 9, so Sakai curled up next to me and we just lounged in bed till almost 11. Not that I slept that late, I just couldn''t wake Sakai up! Can you say spoiled kitty?? I can! I had my normal scone, coffee and fresh fruit for breakfast. I didn''t have lunch as dinner was my choice for tonight. Charlie thought I was just going to pick up salads (the healthy thing do), but we do that so often and for whatever reason, I was craving spaghetti. So I went to the store and bought all the ingredients to make sauce from scratch. I make a very spicy, thick and meaty sauce, but it takes a few hours to cook, so I spent the afternoon at home making my sauce. Charlie came home and I wouldn''t let him in the kitchen until food was on the table and he was really surprised. In addition to spaghetti (actually vermicelli), we had a small salad, fresh garlic bread and a glass of wine. I feel so bloated and I know I ate waaay too much, but when you only have pasta mabe once a year, it was so worth it. No dessert tonight, that''s for sure..........I''m not ready to start a new work week, but it is what it is...........

Marcy, it was even warmer today. I actually wore shorts and a t-shirt. The 20s for a high? I just don''t know how you handle the cold weather for so many months?? I''m glad you had fun at the inlaws!!

Bella, the raspberry lime frozen yogurt sounds yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

I have Skippy''s email address, so I''m going to write her and see if everything''s OK. I sure she''s alright.............

Have a good Monday everyone............

Hi everyone.Wow, I can tell it’s the first week of school is winding up; I’ve had about 30 papers to grade today.It is nice to see students turning things in on time.

We went to supper tonight with one of Marty’s new employees.She relocated here and her husband is still winding up things at home so we took her to a quaint little steak house north of town.She seems very nice.

Bella, I was thinking the same thing – wondering where our sweet Skippy is.I hope she is off having fun somewhere.Your yogurt sounds marvelous.Get over your migraine soon.

Rod, I had to say “awe” to picturing Sakai curled up on you this morning and of course you not having the heart to move and wake her up.Yes, I can say she is spoiled but that is okay.I bet your homemade spaghetti was marvelous.I need to start making mine from scratch.That sounds great.How do I handle the cold?Wine and fleece.


See you in next week’s thread.



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