
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 18th Jan till 24th Jan

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all and thanks Skip for kicking us off last week, great job m' dear!

If anyone would like to start a thread, just let me know in the previous weeks thread and that can be done, I would welcome other members starting the thread when they want to as it is great to get another perspective.

I also wanted to mention it seems some of you have been hitting submit and losing posts? What I do if I have been working on a lengthy post is to copy it with the mouse before I hit submit. That way if I do get deadlocked, I can repost easily and not lose all my hard work, so hopefully that tip will be helpful.

I wanted to touch on calories again this week. It is so important to make sure you are eating enough according to your height, build and activity level. Various health and fitness websites can help you calculate what you should be having if you are unsure. I remember from years ago the good old 1000 calories a day was the ' gold standard' and really in the majority of cases it is not enough. I was often so hungry and found sticking to this very difficult - no wonder really!

This used to be a typical days menu.

Breakfast - a boiled egg and 2 crispbreads

Lunch - 4 oz lean meat and 2 crispbreads, diet yogurt, apple or orange.

Dinner - more lean meat, green vegetables or salad, diet yogurt, apple, orange or other fruit.

Those types of diets were based mainly on protein and they were so hard to stick to. I am so grateful that we have come such a long way and a far more balanced approach is taken these days.

So remember if you want to drop some weight that calories do count, but existing on too little can be self defeating, make sure you are eating enough and of the right food groups too. It is said that we actually don't burn as many calories as we think we do when working out, so make sure to pay attention to calorie intake to maximize results!

Have a great week and keep going, everyone is doing a great job!
Lorelei, "prosumer?" Sweet!
Thanks for the tips on calories. I keep telling a girl at work who religiously eats about 800 to 1000 calories and can''t lose weight - you are not eating enough.

I am so sad it is Monday morning and I have to go back to work again. Oh well, I never mind it when I get there. We are so busy the days just fly by. I counted out my calories for today and have a baggie of raw veggies to take with me so that will hopefully keep me away from the assorted temptations people have at work.

See ya later.

Lorelei- great topic and so true. The body is never as simple as calories in vs calories out... is adapts, it is smart, and it doesn''t want to DIE come famine. So just not eating enough, isn''t always the smartest answer when you''re dealing with a body that is pretty smart at figuring things out.

Marcy- I''m glad you sorted out your calories and veggies. Sorry you are back to the grind, but I know you, and you''ll stay on track!

Everyone happy monday! I''m sore... lost a toenail in yesterdays race. Sad part was I didn''t even feel it getting ripped off... my PF started acting up way early - and just slowed me down. Now I''m on post race recovery. Not much to talk about here - I''m just tired and sore. I hope everyone has a nice week.
Hi everyone! I am loving this day off of work and am glad I can take my time to wake up:-) Once I do, I can shred (or I might go on a 4-5 walk since I have time to do that today). Eats are going ok, it''s a lot easier at work then on the weekends b/c I have a limited supply of food at my office:-) But I think I am starting to get a handle on portions/calories. That being said I''d making nachos today with blue corn chips and pepperjack cheese and black beans. I''ll just try to eat on a small plate so I eat less...

Hmm...maybe I should walk AND shred today...?
Date: 1/18/2010 9:00:07 AM
Author: tlh
Lorelei- great topic and so true. The body is never as simple as calories in vs calories out... is adapts, it is smart, and it doesn''t want to DIE come famine. So just not eating enough, isn''t always the smartest answer when you''re dealing with a body that is pretty smart at figuring things out.

Marcy- I''m glad you sorted out your calories and veggies. Sorry you are back to the grind, but I know you, and you''ll stay on track!

Everyone happy monday! I''m sore... lost a toenail in yesterdays race. Sad part was I didn''t even feel it getting ripped off... my PF started acting up way early - and just slowed me down. Now I''m on post race recovery. Not much to talk about here - I''m just tired and sore. I hope everyone has a nice week.
OMG!!!! You poor thing - yeooouch!
Lorelei~ Hello! I know you''ve offered several times for other HLTers to start the weekly thread, please know that if your new role limits your time here you can tell us and we''ll figure out something. I don''t want you stretched to thin. That''s definitely not good for your health!! Great tip on the cals! As most of the HLTers know, I increased mine and lost weight pretty easily.

Marcy~ I love that you know astronomy. It''s something that I just can''t seem to grasp.

tlh~ OUCH to the toenail!! Hope you feel better soon.

Bella~ I love nachos!! I went on Spark and tweaked my ingredients until I had a full plate for under 500 cals. The biggest challenge was the cheese. I HAVE to measure it
out before I use it. There''s a bit on every chip (I can''t dip or I''d eat approximately a cup and a half of cheese!) but more salsa on most.

Hello, all! Hope your weekends were great!

My workout today was cleaning at my grandma''s for about 3 hours. I''m sure it burns a lot of calories!

My eats are pretty much where they should be. I can''t figure why the MS came back for a couple days, but it''s gone again.

That''s all from me.
Hi Everyone! I haven''t posted on this thread because (to be honest) the posting norm of saying something to everyone intimidates me a bit! However, the topic resonated with me because today I''ve apparently only had 792 calories according to Spark - huh?!?

It''s funny. Yesterday I was starving all day and ended up right at the tippy-top of my recommended daily calories. Today I haven''t been very hungry and am clearly way under. The body is weird. I''ll probably eat some almonds to get my calories up...not sure what else. I just finished a bowl of steel cut oatmeal with sugar-free vanilla syrup and frozen blueberries that turned the most lovely shade of purple!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good start to their week, with or without their toenails!!!
Hey silly-don''t feel pressure to respond to everyone, just be as involved as you want to be:-)

Sometimes if I eat a lot one day I can''t eat very much the next day, I think the calories even out. Other times, I eat a ton and two hours later I''m starving again. That bring said, try to make sure that you are getting protein and fiber even on the days when you don''t eat a lot of calories.
Hey......It was a long and pretty frustrating Monday. I was kind of frustrated, so I left around 5:45 and met Charlie for sushi, which was great as usual. I stopped on the way home and picked up a couple cups of decaf, which we're having with a couple pieces of Lindt Dark Chocolate and we're watching Chuck on NBC. I'm going to the gym tomorrow night after work.

Thanks for the as usual great opener Lorelei. I remember those dreadfull, horrible, starve yourself diets where you felt hungry all the time and you still didn't lose weight. I'm so glad we finally learned that's the absolute wrong way to lose weight. I've saved my threads a couple times recently so I can cut and paste them back if my post is lost, so thanks for that reminder too!!

I'm likely out of the real focus of PS as I tend to only visit the HLT these days, so what's a Prosumer??

I was with you Marcy......I didn't want to go to work this morning either........

Oh lost a toenail in the marathon? Yikes, that must have been really painful. Won't it take a while for your toe to heal enough that you can run again??

How nice you got the day off Bella. Traffic was really lite this morning and the evening as well. In my line of work, we only get the big holidays. And it's a long time from New Years to Memorial Day, that's for sure.

I'm sure that 3 hours of cleaning burned some calories Shiny! I'm glad the MS left again.........

Hello Sillyberry. Feel free to join in and please don't feel pressured to write everyone. Visit at your own pace.........

Take care everyone and have a good Tuesday. I'll check in after my workout tomorrow night..........
hi all, and welcome sillyberry. for those of you who don''t know, sillyberry came to my rescue the week of my wedding. my dog ate my shoes for the wedding (seriously, i was devastated and the kind where you are screaming and crying so hard you can''t breathe) bc i had no idea what i was going to do with only 4 days to go. she found the perfect orange pair of shoes that looked beautiful the day of the wedding :)

things are going pretty well on my end. my FIL is in town gutting and redoing our bathroom this week with my husband. it makes it harder to get to the gym since they have me doing little things here and there to help the process. next week my husband will be in town and we can actually get back into a routine! i''m not great at getting to the gym without a routine.

eats are hanging in there. i had sushi for dinner tonight, and a frozen choco-covered banana for a snack...yummy! if anyone has a tip for eating healty on the go, i''d love to hear it! ive been spending a lot more time out in the field lately, so i cant pop in some soup or a healthy choice into the microwave. and i don''t have a fridge in my car, so i can''t have anything that needs to stay cold. its tough!

Hi everyone.I hope you had a great deal.Food was good today.I made homemade tacos for supper and we have taco salads for lunch tomorrow.

Papers are rolling in to grade already.It’s nice to see some eager students.

I type up my posts in Word and then copy and paste them.That way if the post doesn’t work on PS I still have what I typed.

Tlh, you are so right our bodies “have a mind of their own”.

It adapts very well. Ouch for losing a toenail in the race.You poor thing.I hope it quits hurting soon.

Bella, I make our tacos with the 2% cheese and 96% lean ground beef so that would work good for nachos too.I think tacos give me the most food for my calories.


Lorelei, how is your weather?We are still chilly but mostly sunny.

Somethingshiny, I am sure cleaning your grandma’s house for 3 hours burned some calories.That is great news your MS is gone again.I have always had an interest in the stars; I think it’s my night time version of diamonds and gemstones – ooh sparkly.

Sillyberry, it is funny how some days it is hard to get your total number of calories of course what is worse are those days when you have 50 calories left at 2 pm.I hope you’ll post here more often; you can just stop by and say hi and let us know how you are doing.

Rod, sorry to hear your day at work was frustrating.Mine was abnormally calm – makes me worry what the rest of the week will be like.At least we have one day down and only 4 more to go.

Charbie, how wonderful of Sillyberry to come to your rescue and find the perfect shoes for your wedding.

That is tough packing lunch that does need to be refrigerated.Can you take a cooler?My favorite for school nights is a PB sandwich (on the 45 cal per slice whole wheat bread) and baked lays.I don’t have time between work and school to cook or heat up something in the microwave.

Well, I am off to see if I have more papers to grade.


Take care.


Just wanted to say hello to my healthy friends. My newest son will be making his appearance next week and soon after I will be returning to this thread. I''ve been lurking here and there and just wanted to tell everyone how inspiring you all are, especially the long time folks who have been on this thread for years! Luckily I have followed a mainly healthy diet and still walked during this pregnancy, so I only have 20 something pounds to lose, but I know I have the tools to do it in a healthy way this time. Anyway, I will be back in a few weeks, just wanted to tell everyone hello and hope everyone is having a great week!
Steph, good to hear from you. How exciting your new soon will be here so soon. I am sure all of you are excited. That is wonderful you have kept up your healthy habits.
Looking forward to seeing the baby photos soon.
hey all!
Lorelei I really like your opener. I think sometimes I don''t pay enough attention to whether I''m getting ENOUGH calories in my diet. I try to keep a healthy outlook, but sometimes life gets in the way, and I rush through things.
This morning I only had a granola bar for instance... that''s not breakfast.

I''m working on my yoga every day to help relax my back muscles while also strengthening them. Last night I did a nice 45 min routine on yoga today which is a foundation builder, and it felt great! I slept well afterward too. Tonight I''m jogging and then doing the same routine again.
bella- hope you had fun w/ your day off and shred!
lorelei- thanks so much! it is more gross than painful at this point.
shiny- glad you helped your grandma clean, that is awesome!
sillyberry- welcome! I personally love the measure up bowls to track my eats.

Rod- I watched Chuck last night too! Hope sushi was all you hoped for! Actually it will take about 2 weeks for me to "run" again. I''m sort of on Jelly legs now... but it will be about a month before I''m really at any sort of decent clip... which by then I hope to have most of my toenail back.

charbie- sushi is my weakness! I''m sure you''ll get a routine in no time.. it is the first few weeks that are hard!
marcy- love the snoopy! Your tacos sound yummy! Have a great day! I hope your mom is doing well, the weather up north seems brutal!
steph- good job staying on track during your pregnancy! I''m excited about the birth of your son! How exciting! Keep on loving your lil bun, and see you soon!
df- hope your shoulder is better, yoga always helps me!

Everyone happy tuesday. Yesterday I had typical jello legs. Today going down stairs is still an arduous task... but I''m walking a bit less like the stay puff marshmallow man - which is a perk. Hubs and I may go for about a 20 minute light walk tonight to get some blood flow to the legs. Eats are good, high carb fat and protein, but stomach acid is up after running, so it is tough to try to eat the things that help the best- like Tart Cherry Juice - etc. Trying to balance everything is a careful job, and hard when you are "full". Anywho, here''s a pic of the hubs and I. Have a gr8 week all!

Hi everyone!

tlh, some of the HLTers might remember I had my own toe incident a few years ago, a huge bottle of Chanel No 5 dropped from a high cabinet on top of my little toe....I was hobbling for weeks, I think I might have broken the toe actually and it went through a variety of pretty colours! But I bet that wasn't as unpleasant as losing the nail....

I seem to remember DeeJay dropped a frozen chicken on her toe a while back didn't she Rod? It seems us HLTers are toe safety challenged!

Thanks SS! Thanks so much dear, thats very kind of you!

Sillyberry - you don't have to respond to everyone, just participate as you wish - welcome to the thread!

Steph, it will be great to have you back, best of luck with the delivery!!

Marcy, its cold, damp and miserable here now and the snow has gone - at least it was pretty while it lasted.

Hi DF, Bella, and Charbie
Lorelei - now that you mention it I DO remember the chanel #5 incident! haha.. that is funny.. the evil toe- curse!!!
Hello everyone!

lorelei - great point about calories. My sister gained a little over Christmas and is above 110 pounds, and is now on her starvation diet. She eats barely anything until her weight gets back under 110. She can''t believe I can eat and lose weight.

tlh - ouchie! My big toe popped while I was shopping over the weekend, and I swear I thought Matt would have to carry me to the car! Cute picture of you & your hubby, and I hope you recover quickly from your race!!

marcy - wow, I can''t believe it''s already time for you to have papers to grade again! I''m with you on being busy at work. Sometimes I really dread going in, but it seems like I''m so busy the day goes by really fast and I''m already on my way home.

bella - I eat whatever I want, but I watch portion size. Yummmm...nachos....

charbie - I went to the outlets in Jeffersonville over the weekend. I got some major steals!!!!

shiny - glad your ms went away again!

hi sillyberry!

rod - hope your Tuesday was better than your Monday! You had mentioned that you eat dark chocolate now, and I''ve noticed that milk chocolate is way too sweet. I don''t eat much chocolate anyway, but hubby has picked out all of the dark chocolate of his last Ghiradelli purchase (not sweet enough for him) and I''m having a hard time avoiding it!

hi steph! How exciting your have a little one about to make an entrance. Congrats!!!!

My birthday was Saturday, and Matt took me shopping for some much needed new clothes. I went in stores I''ve never felt comfortable going in before. I bought several pairs of pants at Banana Republic, and I love them! For so long I bought whatever I could get over my hips and zipped up, but now I actually have choices for styles. It''s awesome! I had ordered a bunch of stuff from Eddie Bauer, but the pants were all too short and I had to send them back. The nieces and nephews threw me a bday party, and mom made everything ww friendly.

I took a good look at my ering over the weekend, and decided I didn''t want a larger stone or a new setting, so I decided to get earrings as my anniversary present. I ordered a pair of ACA studs from Whiteflash today, and decided to get a set of jackets too while I was at it. Woo-hoo! I can''t wait to get them!! My ring fell off in my purse twice today, so I need to get it sized ASAP before it''s gone. Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Hi everyone.I am working on laundry and grading papers.I am hoping to do laundry every other night so I don’t have 6 batches to do on the weekend.

Dragonfly, glad to hear you slept well.Sometimes pain can really interfere with sleep.It sounds like the yoga is working for you.

Tlh, great picture of you and your hubby.Thanks for the kind words about Snoopy.He is my all time favorite. That is a close up on Joe Cool on his doghouse that I have on our entertainment stand.My mom is about the same.She sees the neurologist this week.I appreciate you thinking of her.Glad you are venturing out for a short walk.Did they ever find out what happened to that lady that was shot?

Lorelei, I thought of you when they were showing the satellite images of England covered with snow.It looked like total “pants weather”.

Deegee, I have 60 students this semester.That will keep me busy.I do like being busy at work too – the days go by very quickly that way.Happy Birthday!It sounds like you had a wonderful time celebrating your birthday and your skinny new body.

Yes, please get your ring sized so you won’t lose it and Woo Hoo for the earrings and jackets from WF.You will love them.

Take care.



Hey.......Grrrrrrrrrr, it's 9:30 and guess where I wasn't tonight. Go on guess. Yep, the gym's where I wasn't........grrrrrrr. The day started off on a frustrating note, but it at least ended (albeit waaaaay too late) on a positive one. I'm so overwhelmed at the moment. While the economy seems to be improving some, the real fact is they let a few of the recruiters in my organization go and since I've got a good reputation for being able to source people quickly, I'm being pushed too hard to handle too many requirements. I'm so focused on quality and when I have too many things at one time, quality slips and that upsets me. So, I couldn't put enough time into each requirement and I felt as though I was spinning on a hampster wheel, runnin as fast I could, but getting nowhere. One of my clients requested a conference call at 4:30, then changed it to 5:00, then 5:30, then 6:00 and yep you guesed it, 6:30. I was tired and frustrated and expecting them to say that they were disappointed with the two most recent rounds of interviews, but that's not what they said. They were happy and are in the process of putting offers out to 4 of my candidates, so at least that was the positive end to a frustrating day. I know......TMI (too much information). But, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Since I was still at work at 7, I just came home and had dinner with Charlie, who had baked some chicken with steamed brocolli. I will go to the gym tomorrow night, period. Rod Rant Over.........

Thanks for letting us know how Sillyberry came to your rescue Charbie. Yay for sushi!! It's nice to have another sushi buddy here!! As long as it's not hot outside, you can make a PB&J sandwich (which doesn't require refrigeration) on a healthy multi-grain bread, add an apple and some carrot and celery sticks and you'll have a nutritious and filling lunch. Just a suggestion......

I hope your week stays calm Marcy......Happy Paper Grading!

How nice to hear from you Steph!! It's hard to believe you'll be adding your new son to the family so soon. But I imagine it's not been so fast on your end. It'll be nice to have you back soon! I hope your two guys are doing well..........

I'd have to agree that a granola bar is a bit too littel for breakfast dragon. A good breakfast is really important. Take care.........

I still shudder at the thought of losing a toenail tlh. It sounds like it isn't too painful. I'm glad you'll be taking it easy for a couple weeks. What a great picture of such a healthy couple!! And it's nice sushi is something you love too! I love Chuck. It's such a fun show and the relationships between him and Sarah is sweet.

I so remember the Chanel accident Lorelei. And yes, I'm pretty sure DeeJay dropped a frozen chicken on her toe. Of course when she wrote about it, she made it so funny, even though it was clearly painful.

Thanks deegee, it was another tough day, but at least it ended on an up beat! It's funny, when I was overweight and never worked out, I would only eat milk chocolate. Now, I really don't care for milk chocolate. Dark chocolate is actually better tasting to me and it's heart healthy with flavonoids which act as an antioxidant. Also, the higher the cacao percentage, the better for you. We usually have at least 70%. Much higher and it can be a bit bitter. My daily treat is two squares of Lindt Dark Chocolate, which is about 110 calories. So, you just have to be careful and not eliminate the positive effects, by eating too much. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! I'm sure the ACA Studs from Whiteflash will be stunning! You have to post pics when you get them.


Does anyone know where Skippy is?
Last week my boyfriend dropped a frying pan on my toe...

Thanks for all the warm welcomes on this thread - I know people say (and studies show!) that embracing healthier habits really takes a village. This thread helps me see why! It is great to see the level of commitment, and degree of kindness, that everyone on here has towards one another other.

I hope everyone gets a great night''s sleep and a wonderful tomorrow!
Rod, I am glad to hear your frustrating day ended on such a positive note. I am like that too - I hate to be so rushed that I don''t feel like I gave my all to whatever I was working on. Have fun at the gym tomorrow.
Sillyberry, ouch to a frying pan on your toe. He better have done the dishes after that.
This is a very supportive group here. Thanks for the well wishes on a good night''s sleep. I think I''d best head that way now. I had a very strange dream last night so hopefully tonight will be a bit more restful.

dg- yes, toe pain stinks! oooo earrings, jackets and new clothes. Sounds like a happy birthday indeed!

marcy- I''m glad to hear that your mom is doing alright, and see her dr. I''ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Yes, the lady that was shot, was messed up! The man who shot her was angry at her husband - who was an old friend. The husband and friend had a huge falling out. He (they think) murdered his roommate (they haven''t found him, and he''s been missing for several weeks) stole his roommate''s car. Drove by her running route, and shot her! Just to get even w/ her husband... had NOTHING to do w/ her. He just wanted to hurt the husband in a way he know would really stick it to him. It was just an AWFUL story. I mean there is no happy ending when someone is brutally murdered - but when you find out how sick people can be- esp those that at one point you trusted and invited into your home... just makes me ill.

Rod- I''m sorry you missed your workout. WHAT A DAY! But you know. You are a hero. Honestly, to the candidate that you work so hard for to make it happen.. you are a hero. Captain Rod to the rescue!!! I love sushi, it is my undoing! ha! Thanks for the compliment- its a pic from the race- so it isn''t like us in our sunday''s finest... but since most races are on sundays, and it is something we love- I think it comes through all our grime! ha!

sillyberry- ha, welcome to the busted to club (wink!)

Everyone happy hump day! I''m feeling good today. I know it is a false sense of security, as I''m still torn up... but it feels good to be able to go down the stairs without worrying about face planting! ha! I may or may not go on a 20 min extremely light jog today. If I don''t... no bigs. I do have to recover, and I have to see my dr again about the plantar fasciiaitis. Eats are good. My tummy aches have subsided, and now I can continue my refueling. Oh, and if you ever run a distance race, avoid the scale for a week. Your muscles are torn and inflammed - and you could be up anywhere from 2-6 pounds just from the swelling! Eats have been good. I''ve been getting a lot of dark berries and drinking tart cherry juice which is a natural anti-inflammatory. Yesterday we ate CARBS! mmm yeah! I love post race carbbies! We had a small bowl of turkey pasta w/ fresh veggies for lunch, and for dinner we split a bag of steamed spinach and had some tuna mac. YUMMY!
Hello all. Flying by....

My neighbor broke her arm so I''m going to be watching her kids today. She actually runs a daycare next door, not sure how she''s going to handle that but while she follows up with her doc we''re going to have her kids over for a few hours and probably supper. Think I''ll make a lasagna....

We''re all doing well, hope you are too.

I haven''t seen Skippy in probably a week. If you''re lurking, hope everything is well with you!
Hey everyone... it''s been such a busy week so far I haven''t had a chance to come to this thread and read everything! Hope everyone is doing well and eating healthy!

I''ve spent the last week going between being in tons of pain in my knee, finally going to the doctor, continuing to go to the gym (I won''t let this stop me now!), getting an MRI, waiting for results, going to the gym again, and being in more knee pain. The knee keeps getting worse, but I refuse to just sit around now that I''ve gotten into this gym routine. I''ve been staying away from the treadmill and focusing on the elliptical which is easier on the knees. DH and I went to an abs class Monday night - I loved it, but my back was *killing* me! It''s not even the ab muscles that prevent me from doing everything - it''s my back muscles. After 10 minutes my back feels like it''s tearing in half. I guess I need to keep at it and strengthen my back and hopefully eventually it won''t hurt so much.

My dad called me a couple days ago and begged DH and I to come to Puerto Rico this weekend with him and the family. I originally said no because DH can''t take off so much time at work so the trip would''ve had to be really short, but my father was very persistent and wanted to pay for the whole thing, and in the end we gave in. My father is so SO happy we''re coming with him. And it was hard for us to pass up on a free trip to Puerto Rico even if it''s only a short trip for 3 days!

So we''re going to Puerto Rico tomorrow night till Sunday night. I''m pretty excited (although I wish I was more bathing suit ready
). If only I had joined the gym just a couple weeks earlier.......

Now I''m off to read the posts in this thread that I''ve missed this week...
Sorry I''ve been MIA--I got AF this week and am not feeling well, plus we''re TTC so I''m kind of bumed that AF is here KWIM

I get pretty ill--major cramps. migraines, exhaustion, and nausea and other tummy troubles with AF so working out isn''t my priority this week. But I''m trying not to inhale too much chocolate and watch my portions and am going to try and do yoga tonight.

Sounds like everyone''s toes are in danger here
I might have to start wearing steel toed boots.

Lilac-Puerto Rico sounds super fun!!!

SS-Sounds like you have your hands full, hope that your neighbor can manage the day care with the broken arm!

I''ll be back with a better post tomorrow
Hi everyone!

tlh - ooh, and I got a purse too! The story about the jogger is absolutely horrible. Crazy. I hope your pf will calm down for you.

marcy - I can't wait to get my earrings. Woo-hoo! I don't wear much jewelry so I have very few pieces, but I'm hoping I'll love these so much that I don't want to take them out!! Matt and I tried really hard to get in the habit of doing a load of laundry every few days, but we never stuck with it and end up doing emergency loads just for undies.

rod - I hope you were able to go to the gym tonight. And glad 4 of your candidates will be getting offers. That's great! Now that I'm officially in maintenance mode, I can allow myself a little chocolate treat every now and then. I'll have to look for some heart healthy chocolate!

hi dragonfly, shiny, bella, sillyberry, & lilac!

Tonight for dinner I made homemade pizza for the second time ever, and this one turned out much prettier than my first try. I almost took a picture! It was tasty, too. Please send happy thoughts my way as I have to fly on an itty bitty 9 passenger plane to a meeting in North Carolina tomorrow. I don't love to fly in the first place and I'm sure not looking forward to flying in that tiny little thing. It's the governor's plane, and the agency I work for rented it for the day to get us to the meeting. Maybe I would be less nervous if a plane hadn't skidded off the runway at our airport last night, coming to a stop 125 feet from the edge of the mountaintop. I live in WV- our airport is on top of a mountain and there's not much room AT ALL in any direction. It has been jokingly compared to an aircraft carrier! Happy thoughts...happy thoughts. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
Hi everyone! Sorry for being MIA the past couple weeks. Husband and I went to Vermont for a ski weekend for the MLK weekend. I didn''t ski because I didn''t want to make my knee any worse before my surgery (next Monday!). Luckily the house we rented was part of a condominium complex with a "sports center" that included a small pool. I only went one day - with my swimman ipod. It was small and shallow and just not as enjoyable to swim laps there. Maybe I''m spoiled by the pool I normally go to. Anyway, despite the fact that i didn''t really do much besides cook all weekend, I lost 2 pounds. It''s so weird! I lose weight when it makes the least sense! Like coming back from a food filled vacation is when the pounds shed. Weird.

DH joined a gym near his office and I''m really excited about that. I''m always excited when he gets into working out. Makes me happy :)

sillyberry, you don''t have to respond to everyone on the thread! We''re just glad to have you. We like new points of view, new stories, etc. Welcome! Sometimes I even miss out on the thread for a week or two, or months at a time. I am happy to report that I feel like I can always come back and rejoin my healthy workout friends.

tlh, sorry to hear about the toe. You and your husband are an adorable couple. You look like a fun pair too!! The story about the lady who got shot is heartbreaking. I hope her husband and family and friends (and neighbors) find the strength and support to pull through this tragedy. Gosh, I just can''t imagine what they are going through right now. Good luck to you in your post-race recovery. Darn that PF. Go away PF!

Signing out to do some studying. See y''all tomorrow! Oh! By the way, I''m gonna post this in the SMTR thread, or maybe Hangout, but Whiteflash called and asked DH and me to name the design of the wedding band they made for us. I asked them to make a diamond and sapphire eternity wedding band based on a few other designs I had seen, and apparently it became very popular so Whiteflash wants to add it to their regular stock collection. We suggested a few names that meant something to us, and they decided to go with "Odyssey." For us, it represents the internationality of our families because they came from so far, and from such different/difficult circumstances. But their journeys resulted in our marriage, and now we''ve started our own adventure! See the ring here: The Odyssey Ring

Hello from Wyoming where the Sun usually shines every day but I am setting here under a fleece blanket and I am still freezing.Sleep was elusive last night so it made for a long day.

Tlh, wow that is really messed up that someone would shot a lady because he is mad at her husband and how awful he might have murdered his roommate too.I hope they find him and he goes to jail for life.Glad to hear your stomach is doing better and yes you should take it easy for awhile so your toe and muscles can heal.

Somethingshiny, that is nice of you to help out your neighbor.Lasagna sounds good.

Lilac, have a blast on your trip to Puerto Rico and how nice of your dad to pay for the trip.Good luck on your knee results.

Bella, feel better soon.

Deegee, I think you’ll love your WF earrings.What ct weight and shape did you get?Mine are PC and .50 ctw – but they look more like about 1/3 ct each instead of ¼ carat – not that I am complaining.I can’t wait to see them.You should get your glamour shots soon.PS dust coming your way for a safe flight tomorrow.Marty rode in a Blackhawk one time and the pilots call them lawn darts.I did not find that comforting at all.

Crownjewel, welcome back from vacation and how cool to come home weighing 2 pounds less.How wonderful WF is naming a ring after yours and I really like the name Odyssey and why you picked it.The ring is lovely by the way.




Hey.........It''s late and I''m really tired, so this is going to be short. No really. I promise. Short. Long day at work, but a decent one. Got to the gym around 6:15. Worked my buns off and am sore. But am glad I had such a strong workout.

See, I told you.......Short.........Sleep well everyone.
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