
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th June till 22nd June

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Thanks Skippy, Lady P, and Steph! I'm on the treadmill right now as I type!
I'm hoping I'll do at least 40min today. I'm beat after a long school day. We had our practice 2 stone exam today in Diamonds. A week from Friday we have the 5 stone exam--then we're done with diamonds, and we move on to colored gems!

Skippy, I got some round things that shall not be named-heh heh at the gem show.
Those apricots sound delicious!

LadyP, the gem show was so fun! Are you located near one?

Hope everyone had a great day!
Hi everyone.
I hope you are having a great day. Marty got a phone call with problems from work about 4:15 am. I didn’t really go back to sleep. Rats.
Monnie, funny you mentioned pizza. I was going to make one for supper tonight but Marty went out with some of his employees who are in town from Arizona. So when I went to the store I found an individual cheese pizza that had 350 calories. I loved every bite of it. Good luck and tons of PS fairy dust coming your way for your interview tomorrow.
Delster, it sounds like you are off to a great start at the gym. Hope you feel better. I work with some people with really thick accents and I sometimes just give up trying to understand them and say “please send me an email”.
Hi Thing2of2, Somethingshiny and Lorelei.
Coatimundi, walking around a gem show is a great way to burn some calories. I forgot you are studying such a wonderful subject in school. How exciting for you. I went to a gem show last year and enjoyed it.
Dragonfly, yay for great workouts and maintaining. I am very glad my ring is fixable.
Linda, I am so sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. I hope you get better so you can go and enjoy your trip. I wouldn’t put those beautiful pads in an US either. I am just going to soak my jewelry and use the baby toothbrush on them. Marty has told me more than once I shouldn’t use the US everyday. It is probably okay on prong mounted stones but channel set stones can get knocked loose a bit easier.
Steph, I hope it cools off for you soon. Yay for loosing a few pounds. I am very glad I can get my ring fixed and for free. I keep looking around my bedroom trying to see if I spot the little diamond accent. I know if I find the stone the ring will probably get fixed quicker.
Lady Pirate, that is great you are feeling better. Yay for a sleeping so long; I am sure it helped.
Skippy, I hope you enjoyed you walk tonight. That is so nice of you to take your mom flowers everyday and your dad some healthy fruit to eat. I am sure they both appreciate it.
I’m off to grade papers.
Take care.
Hey........Thanks for the well wishes and dust for my brother. I've spoken with him several times today, but he's not doing better as of this evening. They performed a procedure to insert a tube in the mass/infection (or whatever he has) and they had hoped there would have been some drainage, but there wasn't any. That led one doctor to believe the mass may be cancerous, but another told my brother she really thinks it's just a severe infection caused by diverticulitis. They won't know for at least another 4 - 6 weeks as they can't go in a look until the infection is cured. He's in extreme pain tonight and I feel so badly for him. It's times like this that being over 1,000 miles apart isn't too good.

Otherwise, it was nice to sleep in my own bed last night and wake up to fresh coffee and a fresh bowl of fruit on the terrace. While at home, my father got up every morning and fixed these mega-breakfasts which included, eggs, sausage, scrapple, bacon AND pancakes. I don't ever eat like that, but since he worked so hard to fix a nice breakfast, I had to eat it and enjoy it. I still haven't weighed myself since coming home as I wanted to have one good workout and get back on my regular eating routine before I did. I'll get on the evil scale monster in the morning. My clothes aren't tighter, so I doubt I did any harm.

I got the second offer today. It's a good offer and is a generous base salary, plus commission and benefits. The first offer is really a draw against commission, so offer number 2 may be the better opportunity financially. And not a single word from company number 3, which I think stinks, since they knew I have to make a decision and the owner is sort of a friend. Reading between the lines, I do think the VP I'd report to is afraid to hire me because I have way more experience than he does. Oh well, his loss..........Charlie has his interview at Restoration Hardware tomorrow. It will be so interesting to see if he winds up doing retail after years of being the perfect corporate employee. I think he'd enjoy Restoration more, so we'll see how tomorrow goes.

I had a terrific workout at the gym this afternoon. I hadn't been since Thursday, but I really only missed two workouts while I was gone. Dinner was a nice big salad and then we went out to have coffee under the oak. Tomorrow's another gym day. At least I don't have any interview calls or appointments to worry about tomorrow.

How cool that your manicurist noticed you've slimmed down and have a flatter tummy Apple! It's compliments like that, that make all our sacrifices worthwhile!

Marcy, I used to eat roasted almonds and now I find that after eating unprocessed ones, the roasted ones don't taste natural. And of course I know the unprocessed ones are so much healthier for me too. Sorry about losing the stone out of your ring. Glad they'll fix it at no charge.

Thanks Thing.......I'd recommend you increase the amount of protein in your diet to help you fuel your workouts. It really does work.

Skippy, you're having Tampa Temps! Actually, I think today's high was only in the upper 80s, but the humidity......oh my the humidity. It's about 1 billion percent for sure. I hope it cools off for your walk tonight. Charlie had my car washed while I was away, and wouldn't you know that our only rain shower happened around noon today, just as we were leaving the condo to go for coffee. So much for a nice clean car.

Monnie, fingers crossed for your second inteview tomorrow! I'm sorry that you were asked about having children. It is absolutely, utterly, completely illegal to ask such questions. I'm glad you're staying optimistic. This has been a long, hare cruel journey to say the least. We've been eating a lot of raspberries too in our fresh fruit bowl in the morning.

Delster, your translation of the PT session was very funny!!

Good for you doing 47 minutes on the treadmill 'coat!' I had to laugh at your comment about walking around the gem show!

Sounds like you had a very active day fitness wise dragon. And your food choices were very healthy too!

Thanks SS!

Thanks Linda and I hope you are not getting sick and will feel just fine for your vacation Friday.

Hey steph, I'm glad you and Andrew are finding respite in the pool. Orlando is hotter in the summer than either coast as I remember.

I'm glad you're feeling better LP. Sleep is a wonderful healing agent!

I'm going to curl up on the sofa with Sakai. She continues to have a healthy appetite and seems to be completely herself, with lot's of energy.

Have a nice night everyone..........
Rod--sending healing thoughts to your brother. My MIL has diverticulitis and has had some complications recently. She had a bout of intense pain that lasted a month. She lost 20 pounds. They ran a battery of tests and came up with nothing until a couple weeks ago. Turns out she has an ulcer on her colon. We were so scared about all of the possibilities, but it turned out to be easily treatable. I hope the same for your brother. Hang in there! I hope they find out what it is soon. I'm so sorry your brother is in pain.
Rod, sorry to hear your brother is in so much pain. I sure hope he feels better soon. It’s funny you mentioned scrapple, Marty is from Maryland and he and his family love it. Woo hoo and congratulations on getting a nice job offer. Good luck to Charlie on his interview tomorrow. The next time I need almonds I will pick up some unprocessed ones. I hope you enjoyed your evening. I am sure Sakai was glad to have you home.
Rod, I am so sorry about your brother, prayers outgoing for him.
What is scrapple?? Never heard of it. hmmm It is hot out here; I had the swap cooler and fan going on! Sorry the car got dirty, grrr. Best wishes for Charlie tomorrow!

Marcy, sorry you lost the stone, rats for sure! Glad they can replace it but what a pain to drive out there. Hope you finished your papers.

Coati, I am sorry your MIL had diverticulitis; glad she is doing better though. When are you done with classes, good for you doing the treddie while PSing. hehe

I didn't go for my walk; I had a bit of a tummy ache so I stayed in, tomorrow (I feel better now). hehe I need to get up early anyway and take my hubby to the airport. Sweet dreams all!

Hello all my WWT friends! Just checking in to say hello. I do lurk every day even though I''m not posting.

Rod, biggest healing vibes outing for your brother.

Monnie, that is just ridiculous about the children thing. Are these people living in the employment law dark ages?!?

I do have a funny (although pretty unrelated, LOL) story about the last time I was asked about children. It wasn''t employment related, rather we were at my dad''s time share in Orlando and every damn year he makes us go hear "the spheal" (sp?) so we can get free tickets to some theme park or another. Dee does not enjoy these situations, and sometimes the devil on my shoulder whispers things in her ear...

So anyway, the second level "closer" was brought in to use the big guns because we weren''t chomping at the bit to sign on the line, and she said something to the effect of, "well, when you have children of your own you''ll want to take them on vacation, but of course you''ll want a different week because as a family you''ll need vacation time away from the grandparents" [i.e., my father and his wife]. So I looked her right in the eye and said, "oh, I just HATE children." (That is not true by the way, but I would have said ANYTHING at that point to get out of there, tickets to Epcot not withstanding.) The look on her face went from pleasantly professional to disbelief to shocked to horrified and all places in between. "You HATE children?" she said, and I leaned in conspiratorially and said, "yah, and now that you mention it, I have a real problem with midgets and dwarves too." (I have NO IDEA where that came from but I said it!) I was on a roll--who knows what I would have said next. But alas, I never got the chance. After dabbing herself with a napkin (she snorted coffee out her nose) she took her file and bolted. Tickets were forthcoming promptly. My dad doesn''t ask me go to the sales presentations any more.

So, Monnie, my advice is the next time you are asked a question like this and it becomes clear that you are not going to work for the company just let loose! I offer the midgets and dwarves up to you freely!

Nothing else to report. Going back to lurkdom. Actually going to Vegas tomorrow (yes, it''s 108 there... ACK!). Miss you all very much. Maybe some day I''ll have something good to post again!


Skippy, I am sorry to hear you had an upset stomach but glad to hear you are feeling better. I don’t mind driving to the jewelry store. They have some things I want to look at (ooh there is a surprise). I am debating between jewelry or a new laptop with my next teaching check. My laptop is not very old but seems very slow. Naturally the laptop I am looking at is pink.
DeeJay, good for you shocking the heck out of those saleman. Too funny your dad doesn’t have you listen to the sales pitch anymore. Have a great time in Vegas and stay COOL.
Hi all, just a quick post to say that I''m back from Australia. Had a ball. Everyone seems to be doing so well on their exercise. I''m moving into my new house with D and Amber today so I''d better go as we have to do all the house shopping today but I''ll post individual replies later!

Oh yeah, all the good wishes worked with the exams
I passed them all and am through to third year!
Welcome back Bee!
Howdy everyone! How is everyone''s Wednesday? Last night I did Namaste Yoga and did some ab workouts. This morning I got up and went for a jog, then did a strength workout with cardio spurts in between sets. Then I did about 15 mins of shimmy. Tonight I plan to get some kind of cardio in, either jogging intervals, Billy Banks, or maybe some dancing. I also want to do at least a half hour of yoga, and plan to do abs again. B was an egg with tea, lunch is fruit salad, dinn is going to be chicken salad. Hope everyone has a good day.
Bee Star - I forgot to congratulate you on passing your exams - WELL DONE!!!!!
I''ve found you guys again!

I''m so glad Admin put a direct link to Healthier Lifestyles. It''s kind of like they were thinking, "hmmm CJ hasn''t been eating very healthily lately. Let''s make it easier for her to find her way to the old WWT."

I haven''t had a chance to read through everyone''s posts, but I want to know how everyone is doing. Looks like the gang is still here (where''s Mara?). Anyway, I will post more after I''ve read through your posts. Just wanted to say, "HI! I missed you guys."
There you are CJ - MISSED YOU!

Can't stay long, but wanted to say that my brother seems to be at least feeling a little better today. He's still in trouble, but at least in less pain. Thanks for all the well-wishes and PS dust.

Charlie had his interview at Restoration. Look's like he'll get an offer, but man is the pay ever low to start. If he takes it, he'll earn about 75% less than he earned before. Yikes! But, if he'll be happier, than it would be worth it. And there's always promotion possibilities. So we'll see. I did hear from company number 3 today and I'm going in to meet with them tomorrow afternoon. So, I may well have three offers and then I have to make a decision by Friday. I'll be glad to at least have the decision part behind me.

Skippy, you asked what Scrapple is. Here is the Wikipedia explanation:

Scrapple is a savory mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and flour, often buckwheat flour. The mush is formed into a loaf, and slices of the scrapple are then fried before serving. Scraps of meat left over from butchering, too small to be used or sold elsewhere, were made into scrapple to avoid waste. Scrapple is best known as a regional food of Delaware, South Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.
I know it sounds just awful, and knowing what's in it is prett disgusting, but trust me, it tastes better than it sounds. Since I'm from Maryland, it's a breakfast item I grew up on, so for me, it was a treat to have it. Our friends in the UK and Ireland, would probably like Scrapple, as it's what they would call a pudding. It's full of seasonings, such as sage and for someone who has never had it, might take some getting used to........LOL Sorry you had an upset stomach my dear.

DeeJay, too funny about the comments you said to get the high pressure sales pitch over. I can just see and hear you saying it too!!!

Marcy, you'll have to tell Marty how much I enjoyed having Scrapple for breakfast over the weekend!


You go Dragon!!!! Sounds like you've already had an active fitness day and you're still going and going and going!!!

Hey CJ. Nice to see you. Our Mara has, I'm afraid become a lurker these days. ARE YOU LURKING THERE MARA????

I'm heading to the gym in a few minutes. See you all later..........

Okay, I was very naughty today and got a chicken salad croissant sandwich with banana bread for lunch
I am laughing at myself because this morning I took my hubby to the airport and I was thinking, yay, yay, yay, now I miss him. hehe Silly me!!! I guess I better go walk off that banana bread and croissant.

Rod, glad your brother is feeling a bet better, prayers continued. Best wishes for Friday! I forgot to ask hubby if he heard of scrapple, I don't think I would like it. LOL I believe you it is good though

Hey DeeJay, have fun in Vegas and stay inside, that is too hot!
Maybe you will find a yellow diamond out there!!!

Marcy, they sell pink laptops! I like the white ones but mine is black, hubby convienced me that a black laptop had more stuff then the white one. haha Maybe you can delete stuff off your computer that you don't use and it might be faster?

Bee, yay for passing all the exams!!!

Dragon, good job on the workouts!

CrownJewel, long time no see, how are you? We missed ya!!! I know, I miss Mara around too!
I went walking for 30 min this evening and its a good thing I went when I did because its been storming for the last hour. I was kind of bad today b/c it was the monthly b-day celebration at work so there were cookies everywhere.

Rod, I hope your brother gets well soon!
Man, I need this week to end. After I wrote earlier that company number 3 wants to see me tomorrow afternoon, I got a call from the company I mentioned called me last week, who is Indian owned and who I figured had lost interrest, that the Chairman of the company would be calling me in the morning to discuss a high level position. I told the VP that I had to make my decision by Friday and he said, they plan on hiring me and should be able to do something by Friday. Aggggghhhhhh, I haven''t even met with anyone in person from this company. I know they are very large and serve many of the same clients I was responsible for, and I know I would bring valuable client relationships to the table, but it just seems odd that they might extend an offer without ever meeting me. I''m just a bit stressed out about all of this. I know I should be happy that I have 4 companies interested in me, but it''s just so overwhelming to be honest. It''s like being in Baskin Robbins and being told you have 4 seconds to choose the only icecream you''ll have for the rest of your life. Wouldn''t it be easier if they only had Vanilla. Maybe not a great analogy, but the best I can think of right now. So, I have a 10 AM and an 11 AM call with the big company and a 4 PM final interview with company number 3.

Enough of Rod whining............

I did make it the gym this afternoon and since I was a bit stressed, I just cut the world off and went about working out as hard as I could. I took all my anxiety on as many pieces of equipment as I could, plus I did multiple sets of 60 pushups each, unassisted dips and chinups and ended with my usual 30 minutes on the elliptical. I do miss the older ellipticals. These newer ones are just plain hard. And the only one available to me near 6 PM was just mean. I struggled for the first 10 minutes into it, but managed to get through the remaining 20 minutes a little better. I was a sweaty mess when I got off, that''s for sure. Everyone had been commenting about how difficult these new machines are. At least we''re getting a harder cardio workout though.

My brother is still in a lot of pain. They were giving him intravenous pain relief (morphine) when I spoke with him a few minutes ago. I''m so worried about him. At least he''s in a fantastic hospital in Washington D.C., and getting (I hope) the best care available. We don''t know when he''ll be allowed to go home. He''s hoping maybe Friday, but even if he can, he''s already been told he''ll need to be in bed and have a nurse come 3 times a day to take care of he medicines and fluids he''ll need. He can''t have any solid food.

Stay cool in Vegas DeeJay. I don''t gable or drink much, so it''s not my favorite city, but can be entertaining. My last company had our annual meetings in Vegas 10 years in a row and I was just a lost puppy out there. I hope you have a good time.

Skippy, try to enjoy yourself while hubby''s out of town. And your lunch didn''t sound really that bad, so don''t beat yourself up, OK??!!

I forgot to mention that I did pay a visit to the evil scale monster this morning. And low and behold, I didn''t gain any weight. I know I ate a lot of things I don''t normally eat at my parents, including some indulgent desserts, but thankfully, my body didn''t turn any of it into fat. YAY for an enhanced metabolism due to hard workouts!!

Enough blabbering for one night. I hope you all have a nice evening..........
Apple, yeah for the walk. I am off to a walk now too!

Marcy, I put something in the PS'ers guide to the Galaxy in regards to the moon looking huge tonight (being and illusion). hehe
Hi everyone!
I spent time tonight running around looking at laptops. I am so confused.
First I wanted a pink Vaio. Then I wanted a Toshiba. Now I am debating just buying more memory for the one I have. Decisions, decisions. Marty calls me about 5:30 and asks me to come to the golf course –and to hurry. I kind of freak out thinking something is wrong so I just say okay I’m on the way. I run out of the store, drive a bit over the speed limit to get there and find out all he wanted was me to unlock the door to the truck – he’d locked his keys in there. I was worried he got hurt or something happened to the truck. Getting his golf clubs out as soon as possible was an emergency for him.

Bee, welcome back, have fun moving and woo hoo for passing all your exams and being finished with your 3rd year of school.

Hi Lorelei!
Dragonfly, yay for getting in so many great workouts today.
CJ, I’m glad to see you found us.
Rod, that''s good news that your brother is feeling better. I am glad to hear you and Charlie both have some options and offers on the table. Good luck deciding what you want to do. Marty thinks you’re all right – you like sushi and scrapple! Glad to hear the scale monster was kind to you.
Skippy, no worries on your lunch – sometimes you just need a treat. My computer only has 512 ram and since Marty installed Office 07 on it those programs run really slow and waiting for a file to open is a snooze fest. The internet is still fine. I’ll ask Marty when he gets home if more memory will help me. That way I can use my teaching check for jewelry.

Appletini, good thing you got your walk in before the storm. We had clouds and lighting but only ended up with a few sprinkles.
Take care and sleep well!
Hi, all.

Just a quick check-in. Such a busy week over here, but everything is good. I''m going tomorrow to put our deposit down on our Feb. Jamaica trip, JT''s tonsilectomy Consultation is Friday. He''s seems to be feeling good now, so I''m not sure if the dr wants to do the surgery, if they''ll do it sooner rather than later. I''m a bit nervous over the whole thing. But, I just found out that my dad had his tonsils out when he was only 4. And, that was 46 years ago, so I''m sure if they could handle a 4 yr old then, they can do a 2.5 yr old now.

On the health front, I just took my measurements for the first time in a while. It''s very strange, but I''ve lost 3". 3" you say, well that sounds great, right? Except it''s on my bra line. So, not on the waist or abdomen or really ANYWHERE that someone would notice it. But, I guess 3" is 3". I''ve been doing a lot more outdoor activities. JT always wants to be playing in the yard, so I''m getting quite a workout!

I hope all is going well! have a great tomorrow!
Morning all! We''re still in the process of moving so have been burning lots of calories while doing that. Otherwise not much to report.

Thanks for the welcome back Lorelei! And for the exam congrats!

dragon-well done on all the yoga and cardio!!

Hi crown!!

Rod-I''m so sorry to hear about your brother! Sending my best wishes to him. Seems like it''s all happening on the jobs front for both you and Charlie-that''s great news! Best of luck with your decision. You''ll make the right one.

Thanks Skippy! Sorry to hear that you''re missing your husband! I hope that he''s back soon.

Appletini-ugh sorry to hear about the storms. We''ve been having awful weather too.

Marcy-thank you!! I''m glad to hear that Marty was ok. I have a mac laptop and it''s fab. Not sure if they''re in your selection list.

Something-congrats on the 3" loss!! No matter when it''s lost from it''s great news!
Hey, friends. Hope everyone is having a great morning. I have been doing a ton of swimming here in our neighborhood pool. I think we have been everyday the past week. It is so much fun to add that into my workout. While Andrew is playing with the other kids, I try to sneak in some leg lifts and underwater lunges, etc. I have also been leaving off sweets and breads for the past few days, and it is certainly showing on the scale. I have lost 3 pounds in the past few days. I am getting enough fiber through other sources though. Breakfast today was an egg with 2% cheese and 2 slices of turkey bacon and a cup of yogurt. I plan to go swimming again today and then do some weights.

Ladypirate, glad you are feeling better.

Skippy, hope you enjoyed your alone time. Adam has been out of town for the past few days and comes back tonight. I know how you feel, I like the first night or so when he''s gone so I can just do my own thing, but after that I want him back home! I will have to take a new pic of us, Andrew is growing really quickly!

Coatimundi, what school are you going to? Sounds like so much fun....I''m trying to figure out what I want to do when Andrew starts school and I''m thinking something in the jewelry world instead of teaching again.

Marcy, that is so funny about Marty. Haha, I would have thought something really bad happened too, glad it was just locking himself out!

DeeJay, hope you''re having fun in Vegas!

Bee, woohoo for passing all your exams and yea for a great trip!

Dragonfly, woohoo you are on fire with that cardio, girl! Good job!

CJ, yea! Glad you are back!

Appletini, no worries on the cookies. A treat every once in a while is just fine!

Rod, I am sorry about all the job stress but that is awesome that you have 4 companies after you all at once. I know you will be so glad when all the decisions have been made though. I was thinking about you the other day. After my parents left from our house, my mom got back to work and was laid off her job. Her company was bought out by somebody in the U.K. and they wiped out her job. She is very sad about it, but I am just trying to encourage her to keep her head up and maybe she will find something even better. She said she is too old to be looking for a new job (she is 50) and I told her no way, she was still quite young. Anyway, bad times all around, but glad you are having success in finding something new. Sending good luck your way for both the job and your brother.

SS, woohoo on the Jamaica trip! I had my tonsils taken out when I was 2 also. I was always getting sick, so they took them out. The only memory I have of it is getting a blue stuffed animal when I woke up and getting to have lots of ice cream
. Good job on the inches lost. That is where I lose first anytime I lose weight.
Just popping for a second. My 10 AM call was rescheduled for 11, so we''ll see how that goes. I still have the final meeting with company #3 this afternoon. I guess no gym for me today.

Steph, I was so sorry to see that your mom was laid off. Tough times out there for sure. Everyday at the gym, I see more and people who were night time workout people, who have been laid off and have the time to work out during the day. Tell your mom she''s in really good company. AND 50 IS NOT TOO OLD. I''m 53 and Charlie is 60, so if 50 is too old, were both screwed.....LOL Tell your mom to take some time to treat herself well and not feel so pressured to find something right away. She may well find something quickly, but it''s taken me nearly 5 months to get to the point where I have companies interested in me. Tell her to network with her friends and particularly past co-workers. That''s a wonderful source of leads. Companies like to hire employee referrals as a better way to get the best talent out there. Tell her to create a schedule where she does some job hunting at the same time every day, but does other things that she might enjoy the rest of the time. Anyway, please tell her I''m thinking about her.

bee*, I''m sure you''re burning lot''s of calories moving!!

SS, I had to laugh about the 3" loss!! I hope everything goes well with JT''s doctor appointment.

I''ll check in later.........Have a great day everyone!
I took the day off from work today and I''m going to a pasta cooking class at 11:30, but I started the day off right and went for my 30 min walk/jog routine. I was tempted to only walk but since I didn''t have my PT this week I went ahead and added the jog.

Rod, Good Luck today!
Hello all! Things have been hectic lately and I've missed my WWTers! I've been doing my best to keep up with the cardio/weight training and have even added the Wii Fit into the mix. It's a lot of fun and you can get a decent supplementary workout in without even realizing it. I haven't been ice skating lately and miss it lots. BF hurt his knee (torn meniscus) and may have to have surgery - we'll find out next week. Still hitting the gym hard and trying to watch what I eat more carefully. I've tried a new peanut butter recommended to me by my nutritionist gym manager. It's called Crazy Richard's and it is completely all natural. The only ingredient is sugar, no salt. It took a little getting used to at first but I like it. Trying to get more protein in during every meal.

Lorelei - Great opener this week...I couldn't agree more regarding the importance of protein.
ladypirate - Hope you kick the head cold soon - they're no fun, especially for exercising. Blah!
Steph - Glad you had fun with your parents. Yeah for swimming - it's such great exercise.
Rod - Sending lots of well wishes to your brother and tons of job fairy dust to you and Charlie. As for scrapple, I'm very familiar, having grown up and lived in PA my whole life. It is rather tasty, but I haven't eaten it since I'm a child since I think WAY too much about the ingredients!
marcy - Sorry about your lost stone
. Hope you can get it fixed soon.
Skippy - Love the new's one of my favorite peanut butters
And scrapple is tasty, but if you never try it, you'd probably be a-ok

Monarch - Good luck with the interview. I can't believe that woman asked you if you had children either - SO illegal.
Delster - Welcome! There's always room for one more here! Love the PT story

coatimundi - Great job on the treadmill...keep up the good work!
dragon - Sounds like you're on the right track - good job!
Linda - Hope you are feeling better soon. Have a great vacation!
Dee*Jay - Enjoy Vegas - stay cool!
bee* - Welcome back! Great news on the exams - way to go!
Good luck with the move!
Hi CJ! I hope that everyone has a great day!!

Good morning everyone. Today is bright and sunny and guess what? I''m stuck inside again at work
. This morning I got up and jogged, and then got back and did some core rhythems dance and then some ab work. I weighed in, and unfortunately the scale went up!!! I don''t know why!?!? Unless I"m holding water from stress? IT''s confusing to me. I''ve worked out harder than ever and now I weigh more. UGH. Well anyways. Tonight We''re celebrating a friend''s birthday, so won''t get a whole lot in.

Steph - I''m sorry to hear about your mom. I think things are going to start getting tougher right now.
Rod - I''m still sending well wishes towards your brother. I hope he gets better.
Rod - I am also sending out well wishes for your brother. I am dusting for you with the job opportunities, it is all happening!!!

Went out for dinner last night which was great, but I couldn''t eat as much as I wanted, because the food was so rich. But we had a great time, so back onto the treddy I go!
Hey, guys. We did end up going to the pool today and spent longer than normal there. Andrew met some new kids and I met some new neighborhood moms. I was so proud of him going up to a little girl and he said "hi, my name is Andrew, what''s your name?" It was too cute. Anyway, tomorrow will be a break from the pool since Andrew got a little bit red today. I had 50 spf on both of us, but I guess since we stayed a while longer we got a little toasty. Tonight I have to pick Adam up from the airport. I dropped him off so I could drive his fun little company car while he was out of town. He doesn''t get in until 11 pm though, so it will be a late night. After dinner I have to fast for 12 hours so I can have my glucose and insulin checked tomorrow morning
. I don''t do well not eating for long stretches and I will prob. get lightheaded since I get up no later than 7am and have to wait until about 10am until I can eat breakfast. My doctor is thinking that I will be all normal again since I have lost so much weight and am leading a healthier lifestyle...cross your fingers that she is right
. Everyone have a great night.

Rod, thanks so much for the advice for my mom. I kind of think she is in the same position as Charlie. She said at this point in her life, she would just like to do something fun. She was making a very nice salary though, so if she does do something like retail part time, it will be a major change. My dad even said they would be okay if she wanted to go ahead and retire, but she said she needs something to do since he travels a lot with his job. Anyway, thanks again for the advice and I hope everything will be resolved in your job situation very soon

Apple, how fun! I would love to take a cooking class!

Patiently Waiting, I keep looking for the Wi Fit, but we can never find it in stock!

Dragonfly, thanks for the thoughts for my mom. Yea for all your workouts! Don''t worry about the evil scale. Just keep doing what you''re doing and it will eventually move in the right direction!

Lorelei, glad you enjoyed your meal out last night!
Hey Steph! I'm in the graduate gemologist program at GIA. I'm having so much fun--it's a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end. I'll have my G.G. credential in November. Andrew is such a handsome little man! Good luck at the doctor tomorrow!

Skippy, I just had to tell ya that I had my fish fry again last night! This time with sweet potato french fries! Tonight we will be good.
(I'm treadmilling it right now!)

Thanks PatientlyWaiting!

Bee, Congratulations on your exams!

Have a good evening everybody!
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