
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 14th July till 20th July

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Dec 28, 2005
Hey........We had a very nice Sunday. I slept like a baby last night. It was sooo nice to just sleep in. The day was hot, but not humid, which is unusual for this time of year. We enjoyed breakfast on the terrace (fresh bowl of fruit, coffee and a scone from Panera) and read the paper from to cover to cover. Lunch was at Panera and I had bowl of clam chowder soup and a peanut butter and jelly sanwich on whole grain bread. Sometimes, I just crave PB&J, so it was nice to indulge myself. We had coffee under the oak, then hit the gym around 2:45. It wasn''t crowded at all, and since I hadn''t been since Thursday night, I really had a great workout. I did have to stop by Best Buy earler as my headphones seem to wear out every 6 month. I only wear them while on the elliptical, but I guess they get too much moisture (nice way for saying too much sweat - LOL) and one ear or the other stops. So, I just buy a new set every 6 months or so. It''s no fun to listen to high charged dance music on only one ear piece - LOL. Dinner was fresh baked salmon, steamed jumbo shrimp and fresh Silver Queen corn. I''m just going to have a fresh Georgia Peach for dessert, well maybe two. They''re so sweet this year. I''m going to the gym tomorrow night again and then we''ll do favorite sushi place #2 for dinner Tuesday night.

Indy, I think you''ll find using this thread as a daily confessional will really help keep you on target. It certainly keeps me on target. Plus the comaraderie and friendships are truly specail. Sometimes though, I wish I wasn''t the lone guy here. I want to see the Dark Knight myself. I think it would be a good trade, you see Batman with BF, then he has to see Mamma Mia with you. Fair is Fair - LOL!!! Losing 8 pounds is amazing, but please don''t hope to keep up that amount of weekly loss too long. It''s actually not healthy to lose weight that rapidly. It''s advisable to lose about a pound a week.

How nice that Marty''s grandmother''s party was so well attended Marcy! I remember my grandmother''s 100th birthday party (she lived to be 102 and smoked like a chimney and ate all the wrong foods, but was extremely healthy none-the-less). and she sang to all of us, which was beyond special to our family. I miss her very much, so I hope Marty appreciates every moment he has with her. I imagine the people who hadn''t seen you in some time, were completely bowled over by the "Amazing Shrinking - or should I say, Shrunk Marcy!"

I am super impressed that you got out of bed so early to exercise on a Sunday morning DeeJay. Rod doesn''t do anything fitness oriented in the morning, EVER!

Sorry the weather''s so pants Lorelei. Charlie was commenting today that sometimes he wishes for less sunny weather. I find that just plain odd myself!! Anyway, I hope you get to enjoy some better weather this week for sure.

I''m sorry that JT is still under the weather SS. Sounds like having his tonsils out will be a godsend for his health and your sanity! Hope he gets better soon.

Hey Skippy!! Isn''t it amazing how you can have a dessert that once might have been enjoyable, but now that you eat much healthier, was just plain awful? I''m sorry it was not good. You know I''m a FroYo guy myself for sure! I''m glad I had pizza the other day as well. It''s a real treat and more special when you only allow yourself to indulge like that once every 2 or 3 months.

I guess that does it for me. I hope everyone enjoyed a great weekend and is looking forward to the upcomig week.

Cya next week.


Jun 15, 2006
Hello My HL Friends!

It was a tough week workwise, and I spent the weekend at my parents, but I'm home now and have not abandoned you, although those few pesky pounds I lost have returned. That's what happens when you eat seven layer dip for dinner while hanging out with the parental unit. Oh well. It's back to normal and all will be well soon.

While at my mom and dad's my mom and I went to the gym. I am so darn proud of her for exercising regularly. I just spent an hour on the elliptical and am waiting for J to finish making dinner, ribs, beans, salad.

I'm going to start bike riding with two ladies from work this week. They ride 10 miles every Mon, Wed, Fri. I'm going to join them on Wed as I didn't have time to get my bike ready over the weekend because I was out of town, as I mentioned. I am so very excited about this. WOO HOO!

Welcome, Indy. Check out the Healthier Recipes thread in this forum for some cooking ideas. Also, I'd recommend keeping your favorite fresh fruits and veggies on hand, cut up, so that you can make snacks and sides out of them as opposed to other foods. Be careful to do what you can maintain long term. Don't cut back to a ridiculously low amount of calories long term, etc. Don't cut out everything you love, learn to find alternatives (frozen yogurt to replace ice cream, etc.) so that you can make this a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet. It's a mental shift that makes a huge difference. Keep up the great work.

Marcy, the party sounds like a blast!

Skip, I missed you too!

Rod, it sounds like you and Charlie are feeling the pains of adjusting to new jobs. It can be hard, keep up the great work, and exercise.

SS, what awesome results. Congratulations to you. So sorry JT is sick again. That's so sad for him. Poor lil' one.

Charger, we've missed you, glad to see you back here.

Dee, you crack me up.


Sep 16, 2007
Thanks for the encouragement Rod & Kimberly!

Rod - I think it''s great that you''re contributing to this thread and I wish more men were here also. I would convince my BF to join but he''s already scared of PS as it is because I''ve sent him numerous links from SMTR haha He had Crohn''s Disease and had to take steroids for awhile and his weight increased rapidly. He has since been taken off of them and is getting closer to his pre-steroid weight slowly but surely. All the reviews for Dark Knight sound terrific so we''ll probably end up seeing that sometime this week. Mamma Mia will have to wait...or maybe I''ll have him watch a rented chick flick with me. I definitely know that 8lbs in 2 weeks is not normal or healthy, I definitely don''t expect to keep that pace - it was mostly due to the rapid increase in metabolism because of my workouts and the initial detox my body underwent when I switched to healthier foods. Working with collegiate athletes in undergrad, I delt with several girls (and guys) with eating disorders and I definitely know there''s a healthy and unhealthy way to lose weight. Being a student living alone, it''s so easy for me to microwave something or order in and I really need to keep on resisting that urge.

Kimberly - Thanks for the tips. I haven''t been consciously cutting down on calories, but just been more generally aware of them. I never ever counted calories or really paid attention to what was in what I ate, but now I am not only looking at calories and specific servings, but also fat, protein, FIBER, etc. I have found it easier to just switch out my usual foods with healthier versions. It''s a good thing I don''t have too much of a sweet tooth so candy and chocolate has not been a problem. I have a harder time resisting chips when I''m sitting at home watching TV.


Nov 24, 2006
Indy, pants is bad not good. So since Lorelei lives where it rains a lot the weather is pants. hehe Lorelei has us hooked on the word pants.
Hopefully if I am not explaining right Lorelei will chime in

Good to see you back KIMI!

Sweet dreams friends!!!


Feb 27, 2007
I didn’t get home in time to walk on the treddie tonight but my SIL and I walked down the road and back so that was nice. She was telling me she’s been having chest pains so is planning on going on a diet when she gets home. She has been to the doctor about it. She was on a low carb diet but they recommended something else as they want her to reduce her fat intake. I am very concerned about her. I told her about my heart problems and how they continued to improve as I lost weight. She is probably 50 to 60 pounds overweight – maybe more I am not sure.
We are getting up early tomorrow to go to the free pancake breakfast. It is amazing. It is federally funded as practice for feeding thousands of people during a disaster. They mix up pancakes in a cement mixer, we have people like the mayor, the governor, Thunderbird pilots, the Frontier Days royalty, etc. cooking pancakes on a big grill. They throw the pancakes in the air and boy scouts run around trying to catch them in big trays. Everyone gets 2 pancakes, a piece of ham and coffee. The kids get milk. It is amazing to watch. They usually serve between 6,000 to 15,000 people in 2 hours. They do it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during Frontier Days. The incredible thing is the line stretches forever but you keep walking and usually get your food in 20 minutes. And the food isn’t that bad. In the afternoon my college is hosting a practice show for the Thunderbirds so I am taking the family out there to watch the show. Marty and the guys are playing golf. I also am going make my low fat pasta salad and fix a batch of strawberries for strawberry shortcake. I’ll buy angel food cake and get fat free cool whip so it won’t be too bad calorie wise.
IndyGirl, they say eating small meals every couple of hours will help speed up your metabolism as well as increasing your exercise. No doubt I have inspired a lot of people I know to lose weight. My husband, my in-laws, people that work for me are all watching their calories and they even started a Biggest Loser contest at work this year. I wanted to enter as the grand prize for everyone on the winning team is a Big Screen HD TV but they said they wouldn’t make it retroactive as no one else would stand a chance of winning. At lot of people told me or Marty if I can do they can. Of course, some of them kind of fell off the wagon and I don’t hear that so much anymore. No worries though my mission in life now is to try to inspire someone else to venture down the same path I started not too long ago. If I can help just one person make that necessary change in their life; I will be very happy.
Rod, I am glad you enjoyed you day and the PB&J sounds yummy. I am going to look for peaches tomorrow morning. Both you and Skippy have mentioned them now. I love good peaches! My BIL told me tonight that a lot of people asked him at the party yesterday what kind of surgery I had done; they all found it VERY hard to believe I lost 160 pounds the old fashioned way. Your grandmother sounds like an awesome lady and that’s incredible she lived for 102 years. Imagine the changes in history she lived through! Wow!
Well, I must get ready for bed.
Take care and I’ll see you in next week’s thread.


D’oh, I just found page 4.
Kimi, sorry to hear you had a rough week at work. Woo hoo for getting in some regular exercise.
Skippy, sweet dreams to you as well!
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