
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 12th October till 18th October

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I found the article Rod posted very thought provoking concerning cardio, in fact much of that can apply to me....
My cardio sessions normally range from at least 45 mins to an hour which I find incredibly boring - I try to cut back on cardio and try other methods but I always slip back into my old ways as I really don't like using weights. So again I need to rethink and see about reducing cardio time. Now and then it does pay to really concentrate on what we are doing for workouts and whether we are getting the best return for the time we spend. Monotony can set in quickly as I have found so consider shaking things up a bit, you could decide to try a class such as Zumba which is popular ( Tacori has done this with great results), other dance classes or perhaps a team sport, swimming etc. There are many options available and the trick is to do something and keep it fun as the article says - definitely food for thought....

So maybe spend a little time going over your workout routine and where you might make some changes in order to increase results, for me I will be trying to stick to no more than half an hour on the treadmill and look at the weights again....

Have a great week
That was an interesting article Rod! Thanks for posting! And thank you Lorelei for expanding!

Have a great week everyone!!!

Weekend was busy, hubs will be OOT on biz this week - and he looked up a pool location, and hopes there will be a stationary bicycle - and he will map out some runs while gone. His was very upset that this trip got sprung on him last minute, since he is training, but I calmed him down and reminded him that he is in the taper. He''s just upset about getting use out of his road bike - and not making 2 open water swims. But I think it is because he is just as regimented as I am... and sometimes flexibility with your schedule is crucial! Anywho, all is good. I had a crazy dream that I was pregnant last night. I could actually feel the baby''s leg and head in my belly. It was really cool because it FELT so real. Even funnier, in my dream I dreamt the baby moved its head up into my bladder, and caused me to leak a little pee. It was so strange, and AWESOME. But not true. I woke up, popped my bcp, and went on with my day. Gotta love mondays!

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
Rod~ Thanks for the article. In starting cardio, I was under the impression that More is More. I''m happy to have the info you shared.

Now I''m wondering. I have cardio scheduled for today. Great. But, I also have heavy duty house cleaning scheduled for today. Do I still do my regular cardio or count the hour+ as my workout??

Last week on Spark I stayed within my nutrition range every day. I did cario and ab-burn 3x and some yoga and some heavy cleaning at my grandma''s. I was "supposed" to burn 800 calories for the week. I actually burned over 1300. I got a note on my fitness page that said I wasn''t eating enough to keep up with that much burn. If I''m planning some "extra" activities, do I NOT do what I''m scheduled for and count the "extra" instead??

That''s all for now.

Have a great week, all!!
Rod - Thanks for the article!!!

I tend to do a lot of cardio, and love to run, but I do try to mix it up with weights. I need to start doing the zumba classes or another class on weekends. I do dvds at home, but that doesn''t help me gym wise

Hi everyone.I went home to a very warm house.Woo hoo!My dad called the furnace repair dealer and met him about 9 am this morning and it was my sensor just needed cleaned and tweaked.That bill shouldn’t be too bad.My dad has buddies everywhere and the owner of this place is one of them so they will just send me a bill.I love it; when I call someone and they come it’s check, cash or credit card right now.Too funny.

My salty food this weekend added 2 pounds of water weight but I know it will come right back off.Eating fast food and restaurant food is generally more salty than what I have at home.I was back to my “normal” food today.

Marty will be home in 72 hours.I can hardly wait.

We had more snow on the ground this morning and it just barely got in the low 30’s today.Later this week will be in the 60’s though.

Lorelei, great opener.It’s always good to re-examine what we are doing and see where we can makes changes and improvements.

Tlh, I am very much like your DH – I don’t like last minute surprises.I hope he enjoys going out of town after he gets there.Strange dream.

Somethingshiny, I hope you are finding Sparkpeople helpful.I wish I knew about it when I started my journey so many pounds ago.

Dragonfly, sounds like you have a good mix of things you do to keep fit.

Michelle, I love my tunes on my IPOD.Congratulations for losing 5 pounds.15 pounds sounds like a lot but just work on it one pound at a time.What a change from graveyard shift to OMG is there air at that time of morning shift!It will be a shock to your system.

Take care.Have a great Tuesday.



Hey........I didn''t sleep well last night. At 1 AM, I wound up taking an Ambien and I sort of slept, but by wakeup time, I was sleeping so well. I''m sure I''ll sleep better tonight. It was a typically tough Monday. Sushi tonight was good though........Tomorrow''s a gym night, so I''ll check in afterwards.

I''m glad the article I posted was "food" for thought Lorelei. It is easy (for me) to get stuck in a routine. I have to keep reminding myself I need to mix it up. One of the things I''ve been doing to mix it up lately is to have been doing way more free weights in way more different positions. And the result is I''m making some of the best upper body progress I''ve made in a long time. I''m even making myself do things I was afraid to do, because I was sure I''d look goofy, or not be able to them like some of the ''uber'' guys can do them. It''s kind of fun to challenge myself.

Thanks tlh. I''m sorry hubby had to go on business so quickly, especially when he''s training. I hate hotel gyms. At elast you can remember your dreams. I''ve never been able to remember mine. Charlie can remember his vividly. The color''s and details he recalls is to me remarkable. I think I dream, but by morning, anything I might dreamed about is long gone. I can''t even tell you if I dream in color.

SS, I also had thought that more cardio was the way to lose weight. I don''t know what the right answer to your question might be. I would think housework would be more like a gym workout as opposed to cardio? On your last question, if you''re planning extra activities, plan to add some calories too.

You''re welcome dragon! I''m sure you''re doing great at mixing things up!!

Hey Michelle......Actually the target weight loss is about a pound a week, so 5 pounds in 2 weeks is great. To lose a pound, one has to burn or consume 3500 less calories, so you were burning 7000 (or eating 7000 less) calories a week. Just don''t be upset if you don''t that much every week. And WOO HOO for having a 5 day vacation coming up!! I still think what you do is amazing!!

Marcy, you''re probably writing the same time I am, so I hope your thermostat was fixed and it''s warmed up a bit your way........

Have a great Tuesday everyone.........
Hiya HLT friends! I''ve only been able to pop in once in a while. I miss you guys. I love coming back to this thread and seeing Lorelei, Rod, marcy, SDL, and other regulars. I don''t always sign in, but I read the threads sometimes. I hope everyone is well! I just ordered a Polar F7 heart rate monitor, and am very anxious to get it. Apparently I can even record my workout while swimming. I can''t wait to try that out, not that I swim so fast, but I''ve always wondered what kind of cardio workout swimming laps gives me.
Date: 10/13/2009 9:46:53 AM
Author: CrownJewel
Hiya HLT friends! I''ve only been able to pop in once in a while. I miss you guys. I love coming back to this thread and seeing Lorelei, Rod, marcy, SDL, and other regulars. I don''t always sign in, but I read the threads sometimes. I hope everyone is well! I just ordered a Polar F7 heart rate monitor, and am very anxious to get it. Apparently I can even record my workout while swimming. I can''t wait to try that out, not that I swim so fast, but I''ve always wondered what kind of cardio workout swimming laps gives me.
THERE you are CJ - we miss you!!!! * sniff....*
What she said

Got in a good brisk walk this morning and am going to do stairs with sculpting work tonight.
marcy- I''m so happy that you have a nice warm house!

Rod- Well sounds like Charlie dreams enough for the two of you! How fascinating! I am so happy that you are sleeping well, and feeling good! I have to agree with you, I also am very regimented - so it is easy for me to get stuck in a routine!

SDL- wow- that is early! No wonder your body clock is all outta whack!

crownjewel- you''ll have to let me know how you like the F7. I have the F6, and like it a lot, and do use it swimming!

DF- enjoy your workout!

Everyone have a super tuesday! My run this am was good. It was a bit chilly out so I put on my thick cotton stuff I NEVER wear running, and ugh, they were all wet and heavy by the end. Cotton is so icky to run in. I thought I could get away with it, and it would keep me warm... but gross-- I apparantly sweat a lot more than I had thought!
So no more cotton for me until it is in the 50''s.

Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer. - Unknown

Hi.We had another cold day with freezing fog but the forecast is for warmer weather starting tomorrow.I will believe it when I see it.They had a power outage for the entire town today for about 2 hours; I guess they had a line go down because of ice.

Rod, I hope you sleep well tonight.That is great you are making progress in upper body workouts, you already are a workout guru and now you are pushing yourself further.You are the man!My house is still warm tonight.

Michelle, it is easy to get frustrated but a pound a week will add up in the long run.I feel for you getting up so early.I am not a morning person.

CrownJewel, it’s good to see you here.I would thinking swimming would be a good workout.

Hi Lorelei.

Dragonfly, I hope you enjoyed your workout tonight.

Tlh, the sweat furnace is running right now.Sorry you got so hot running this morning.

Have a great evening.

Hey.....It''s already nearly 11 PM., so this has to be really short. "uber" long day. Got to the gym after 6 and pushed as hard as I could, without minimal rest between sets and ended with a strong session on the elliptical. I was exhausted when I got off. Had baked chicken and a small salad for dinner. Will write more tomorrow night as it''s not a gym night.

Just had to say hey to CJ!! It''s nice to see you and you do need to know you are missed.

Hey Marcy, Michelle, Lorelei, dragin and tlh!!!
Howdy folks,

Sorry for the MIA-ness, the wedding is tick-tick-ticking down. I''ve got this week and then Monday left before we drive down from Chicago to FL. We''re bringing the dog, so we need to leave early. I''ve got my final fitting on Saturday, I''ll remember to bring a camera and take pictures.

Everyone is doing really well. I''m sorry I can''t check in individually, but I really need to head to bed. Just wanted to pop in and give you all my support.

TLH, hope your hubby''s not gone for too long, awesome he''s keeping up with training. Yay for still running.

SDL, you''re doing awesome. Keep up the hard work.

SS, you''re doing awesome with Spark. And make sure you''re keeping your 1200+ calories. If you burn more during the week, then you''ll just loose weight. But if you drop too low, your body starts playing tricks on you.

Lore, great opener and wonderful advice about mixing up the cardio.

Dragon, How''s the running going? Still warm enough to run outside. you don''t wanna know how cold it is up here.

Marcy, so glad your heat''s working.

Rod, hello my friend. we did super slows again today :)

Crown HRM''s are FANTASTIC for working out. It''s so unambiguous it really helps. Hope you like using it.
SDL- Those are a lot of positives! I''m just chuckling a little because I''m so routine, I even get up early on the weekends...I "sleep in" until 6 am. I would have a very difficult time adjusting to a rotating schedule, so I give you mad props!

marcy- brrr no power for 2 hours! OH MY! I''m glad they got it fixed quickly!

Rod- Glad you got your workout in! Enjoy your day of cell repair and rest!

Lisa- Florida! That will be a nice change of pace from the cold! Have fun tieing up all your loose ends and getting some killer workouts in before you head out!

Everyone Happy Weds!
Hope all is well. I got a couple good runs in yesterday. Usually my hubs takes the dogs out for mini potty breaks (due to the heat of the summer), but I figured that I''d just wear them out since the weather is nicer. Only 63* this morning! So I took them out on a few easy 2-4 mile jogs instead of just letting them out to relieve themselves. I want them EXHAUSTED. Since I''ve upped their cardio- I''ve also upped their food intake, and boy they acted like it was Thanksgiving Feast! Since I''m running w/ the boys at an easy pace, and very short distances, I''m not doing my lonesome morning runs. I don''t have the extra time (you won''t believe how long the little one dilly dally''s in the morning... it is like he KNOWS we''re leaving for the day, so if I''m running them, nature just sorta works it all through.) But they are pretty cute. I''ve busted out the big dog''s miner collar w/ a LED spot light, and the little dog''s disco lights. So we''re all lit up when we go out at night and first thing in the morning, afternoon walks. But I''m enjoying myself. Last night I ate spaghettios for dinner w/ fresh grated parm. cheese.
Since I didn''t have anyone to cook for - my eats were kinda bad. But it was fun. I haven''t had the o''s in such a long time. It is kinda fun being naughty!

“My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and my talents and I lay them both at his feet.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Hello everyone! It sounds like everyone is having a great week so far!!! I did end up doing some stairs last night, which was nice. I didn''t do as much strength b/c my back was hurting a bit. I''m going to try again tonight though. I did get another brisk walk in with the pups, they were all over last night.

Lliang - You''ll enjoy the change of weather pace when you get down here. Although it WILL be in the 60s this weekend...

I hope everyone is doing well, sorry so brief, but it''s a busy busy busy day.
Hi guys!

I finally made my way back here. It''s been a busy month, but everything''s back to normal so I can post on PS more frequently. I see everyone''s doing well.

So hey dragonfly, tlh, SanDiegoLady, liang_chi (YAY for wedding planning!), Rod, Marcy, Lorelei, CrownJewel & somethingshiny!
Hello, all! I''m glad to see all of you!

I did my cardio and stability ball workouts today. I''m not sure why, but my shoulders feel really worked after that stability ball. I thought I had good posture, but maybe not. JT has been using his hoppity-hop ball (the ball with the handle that you hold onto and bounce with) and joining me.

Hope all is going well!!
DF- glad you had a nice walk w the pups and got a stair workout in!

Diva- your wedding pictures were really awesome. Looks like you had a nice time. Welcome back!

Shiny- love that JT joined you on the workouts! Way to be a + role model! I''m glad you had such a great one!
Just sneaking in, where I don''t belong, to say hello to all of you. It appears you are all doing fantastic, no suprise, and I miss being a part of this thread, the camaraderie is, well you know.

Howdy folks!!

Not too much exercise--other than shovelling snow! YES! Blarg. Supposed to melt and be 18 degrees C by the weekend. Alberta!

Keep well ya''ll!

Hi! It sounds like everyone is doing well this week!

tlh - your dream sounds like a nightmare to me! I totally need a doggie collar with disco lights for Lily. She already prances when we walk, so she''d really think she was IT with a flashy collar.

shiny - my chiropractor told me yesterday to start doing workouts with a stability ball to help my back/shoulders/posture. He brought up a point that I hadn''t thought of, that I need to practice carrying myself differently (straighter) after losing close to 50 pounds. So you feel like it helps?

Diva - your wedding pictures were awesome. Everyone looked so beautiful, and it looked like such a fun day. Congratulations!!

Lisa - Can''t wait to see pics! Good luck with your final fitting. I hope everything is the way you want for your big day!! I''m going to a conference in FL next month for a week, and we''re boarding Lily for the first time. We''ve taken her everywhere with us for the 8 months we''ve had her, so leaving her for a week at a kennel is going to be so hard. I''m dreading it so much.

SDL - Sorry you were awakened by such noise! I was home sick on the day the landscaper decided to come a day ahead of schedule at 7 am and jackhammer our front concrete steps out to make way for the new brick steps he designed. I was not a happy girl. Great that you got to talk to your son though!

Hi Sharon! I don''t love snow, so hopefully we won''t get any for a few months. I''m in the mountains, so we tend to have a few days in the winter that we just can''t get out at all.

dragonfly - Since it has cooled down, our evening walks with Lily have gotten much faster. All of a sudden she has all this energy, and pulls me like crazy!

marcy - Heat is NOT overrated! I''m glad you got everything working okay and aren''t freezing. Yesterday at work I got so cold and mad that I got the key to the thermostat and turned off the air conditioning. Yes, the air conditioning was on and blowing cold air even though it was 48 degrees outside! A bunch of people thanked me, and for the first time in weeks my arms, wrists and fingers weren''t stinging by lunch. Yay - Marty will be home soon!!!

rod - I hope you don''t have to work super long days all the time! Hubby has been so slow at work that he''s been doing anything to keep busy. All of a sudden he has a potential project (fingers crossed) and has to go out of town next week. For the first time, we''re happy he''s going out of town and hoping he gets swamped soon!

Today was weigh-in day, and I only lost 1/2 pound (2 1/2 pounds to goal). It seems like I have 3 good weigh-in''s, and then one that brings down my average. Hubby keeps reminding me not to worry so much about the weekly weigh-in''s, and to keep focused on the big picture. I know I''ll get there if I keep eating right and exercising, but ugh . . . lousy scale! Have a great Thursday everyone!
KIMBERLY.......What do you mean "where you don''t belong?????????" It''s like a member of our family just disappeared, so whether you think you belong or not, whether you''re not exercising, whether you''re eating horribly bad foods, whether you''re gaining weight, smoking, doing drugs, none of that matters (you''d better not be doing some of those things......LOL). You belong here and don''t you ever think you don''t. There........Rod Rant Over! And, I''ve missed you........

Hey.......It was another long work day. I''ve got a lot going on with interviews, etc., but it seems the clients get to a certain point then the position goes on hold. VERY VERY FRUSTRATING, to say the least. Charlie didn''t want to cook tonight, so we met at our little diner and I just wanted comfort food. Breakfast. I had 2 scrambled eggs, two strips of bacon, some home fries and an English muffin. Sometimes, breakfast for dinner can be so comforting. Tomorrow''s a gym night, so my check in will be late and short.

Hey........Ted........Where''d ''ya go???? I was enjoying having another guy on these here parts, so I hope you''re coming back.......

Lisa......everytime I do super slows, I think of you!! Wow, the wedding is coming up soon and we''re all looking forward to seeing pics!!

I''m not a morning person either Michelle. I personally think morning is a punishment from God and it''s completely WRONG to get up before the sun does.
I''m sorry you''re without water.

I''m enjoying my cell repair and rest tlh!! Yay for a couple good runs. I''m so jealous of only 63 degrees. It''s still SO SO HOT down here. I had to laugh about you eating the "O"s for dinner!!

I''m sorry your back is hurting dragon. I''m glad you were able to stairs!

It''s great to see you Diva! I hope the wedding was absolutely wonderful!!

SS, did you maybe put your arms too far back when you were on the stability ball? That could explain why your shoulders feel worked out. I''m sure JT is cute on his hoppity ball!

Marcy, I''m sorry I missed that you lost power in the cold........

Shoveling snow, eh Sharon?? Wow, you went from summer to winter awfully fast. Stay warm my friend......

OK.....cya all tomorrow night......
tlh~ aww, thanks!

kimi~ What do you mean "where you don''t belong?" I love seeing you here! Hope all is well!

SDL~ Glad you got to talk to Zac! We''ve been dealing with tons of road construction around here too. Our neighbors sprung a fountain in their front yard!

canuk~ Have you posted pics of your snow?? I''d love to see some. It smells like snow here but not a flake in sight.

deegee~ I just got my ball a few days ago and have mostly been playing on it rather than focusing on full workouts. I''ve been sitting on it while watching TV to try to get my balance. After a full workout today, I definitely could tell it worked my shoulders and hips. I''d assume both areas would improve your posture. Wow, you''re so close to your goal!!

Hi, Lorelei, Marcy, Rod, lliang, dragonfly, CJ and diva!!
Thanks Rod and SS. My long disappearances were for good reason, but it is, perhaps, too much information so feel free to skip over the rest of this paragraph. I was pregnant at the beginning of year and had some complications (bleeding for 5 weeks) which meant I couldn''t exercise, under doctor''s orders. The pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks which led to a D&C at the beginning of April. I struggled a bit and had a difficult time getting back on track with exercise but continued to eat healthily. I am pregnant again, due March 15 (18wks along), and doing well, but I faced similar complications this time around (spotting for 4 weeks) which meant no excercise again. I was given the go ahead to begin exercising again at week 13 but I have failed to do so on a regular basis. As you know my job is physically demanding and when I get home I typically head for the couch. They''ve discovered the bleeding is the result of low platelet count and as of now all this means is that I will likely have to deliver without an epidural unless I have a c-section. I''ve gained weight, most due to pregnancy and lack of consistent exercise and some due to crazy hormones (I put on 5 lbs the week following the D&C and they simply would not go away). So healthy for me the past 9 months or so has been about taking care of this baby and the one we lost.

I feel a bit strange sharing all of this here, now, but I miss the people who comprise this thread very much so I wanted to say hello and let you know that I still read and keep up with how all of you are doing (loved the pictures from a few weeks back). No drugs or other bad habits, Rod, I promise.
Hi. Marty is on the plane in Hong Kong. I can’t stand it when he is over that big, wet ocean. He arrives tomorrow afternoon in Denver. Woo hoo!

The sun came out this afternoon and most of the snow melted. The forecast looks pretty good for a few days.

I forgot my cheerios and fruit for breakfast so I ate a muffin. It was good but gave me a sugar buzz and didn’t fill me up as long. I won’t have to pack breakfast for tomorrow now and have it hanging on the garage door so I won’t forget it this time.

Rod, yay for a great workout last night. I love breakfast for dinner. I should cook that for Marty for awhile since his night and days will be mixed up for awhile.

Lisa, I bet you are getting excited. Tick, tick, tick. . . .

Michelle, I am not a morning person either. Ugh. Glad you got to talk to your son.

Tlh, I bet you and the dogs were quite the sight on your morning run. How fun!

Dragonfly, I hope your back feels better.

Diva, glad things are back to normal. I will have to go hunt down your wedding pictures.

Somethingshiny, I hope your shoulders feel better. When does your husband start his new job?

Kimi, you belong here – it’s good to hear from you. And what Rod said! Drop in more often. Congratulations on your pregnancy, I hate to hear about the trouble you’ve had though and sorry to hear about the miscarriage. Hugs to you my friend.

Sharon, it sounds like our weather moved on to you.

Deegee, that is nice you could turn off the AC and glad you weren’t as cold. I have no way to adjust our heat in our office. Congratulations for being down another ½ pound. Slow and steady wins the race. How exciting you are so close to your goal.

Take care.
Lorelei, put away your handkerchief. I''m baaaaaaaaaaaack!! I really do miss you guys when I''m away from here for too long. Everyone on here, old, new, regular or not, is very inspiring to me. Reading your posts makes me work harder and actually get my butt to the gym.

Kimberly!! I was reading through and had the same reaction as Rod. Haha...I was thinking, "what does she MEAN, where she doesn''t belong?!" You are definitely one of the regulars I come back for. I''m so sorry to hear about the complications with your pregnancies, but sounds like things are getting back on track? Stay healthy and keep us updated. Hop in once in a while so I can keep track of you :)

SDL, what is this phase 2 you mentioned? Induction? The only thing that "Phase 2" brings to mind is the South Beach Diet, which I frequently visit (I know, it''s supposed to be a lifestyle thing...but I''m always on and off it. Bad.), and it always zips my tummy right up. It''s amazing how much I lose from my waist just being on Phase 1 for a week. Maybe it''s just water weight and bloating, but it works well for me!

I think all the weather changes on this thread are so funny. Poor Sharon''s shoveling snow, Marcy''s crossing her fingers that the furnace works because it''s so cold, Rod is complaining that it''s so SO SO hot! In NYC, the weather is perfect. My favorite. Mid 50''s, crisp, sunny, breezy, just a bit chilly. This is like heaven to me.

Rod, I wanted to tell you that my husband started this year at zero pullups, and somehow worked his way up to 5 currently. I''m so proud of him. I''m still not quite up to 1 yet, but I''m working on it and thinking of you whenever I try. Hubby has been stuck at 5 for a while. He runs and plays tennis sometimes. He doesn''t have a regular workout schedule and he''s still a meat/bread/potatoes/cheese aka Russian eater, but almost daily he''ll get on the pullup bar in our doorway. I''ve suggested that he get into a strength training workout, but he''s stubborn about working out.

tlh, lliang - I got my F7!!!! I took it to the gym today and tried it out on the elliptical and some weights afterwards. In 39 minutes on the elliptical, I burned 300 calories. It''s so motivating to see how close I am to hitting each 100 mark, so when I was at 30 minutes and 230 calories, I said to myself, "keep going till you hit 300 calories." Tomorrow i think I''ll try it swimming. I made myself salads for the next 2 days'' lunches. And I''ve got a no-crust quiche in the oven. I love quiches b/c I can just throw whatever veggies I have into a bowl with eggs and a little bit of shredded cheese. And they''re freezer friendly too.

Have a great night everyone!
Date: 10/14/2009 4:16:41 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Just sneaking in, where I don't belong, to say hello to all of you. It appears you are all doing fantastic, no suprise, and I miss being a part of this thread, the camaraderie is, well you know. DO ALWAYS BELONG on this thread Kimmy - so there!!!!!
So excited for you with your happy news and please do pop in when you can, you are a HLT staple!!!!!
Thanks, Marcy, CJ (things are back on track and going well; one healthy baby growing at the rate it should as of my appt. a few weeks ago), and Lorelei. I will definitely visit more often, and be back for motivation once this kid comes and it''s time to get back in shape. It''s strange to have spent 7 years trying to keep weight off and now to have to rearrange my thought process. Gaining weight being healthy and good is a strange concept to wrap my head around.

Marc, glad Marty is coming home.

CJ, you''re working on pull ups! You are a champion, but we always knew that.

Lorelei, your openings remain thoughtful and inspirational.
Rod~ I was doing an exercise where you kneel in front of the ball with your back to it and reach behind and lift it. It didn''t feel strenuous when I did it, but that''s all I can figure.

Kimi~ I''m so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how hard it is, and I know how hard subsequent pregnancies are. I pray that you can find peace and comfort throughout your pregnancy so you can enjoy it. Lots of prayers for a healthy baby and healthy mama!! Pregnancy for me was the easiest time to eat right because I''d only eat what I would have actually given a baby. I was on tons of bed rest though and was only able to do stretching. Just doing that made me feel like I had a bit of control over my body. I hope you can figure out a good routine that you like!

Marcy~ Yay for Marty coming home! I can''t imagine how much you must miss him. DH starts his new job on Monday. He''ll leave about 2:45 pm and get home about 2:45am. He''s hoping to be asleep by 3am so he can get up at 11 or he won''t see JT very much. It''ll be difficult for us all to get used to. DH is fretting over what his meals will be. lol. He''s used to being home and having a supper made for him every night. Now, it''ll be leftovers.

CJ~ Have fun swimming!

lliang~ Remember your camera for your fitting! Are you super-excited or super-nervous?? I''m excited for you!

The plan for today includes more yard work. I have 4 "bushes" that are trying desperately to become trees! We also need to put in a bathroom vent. DH was waiting until it was cool enough to go into the attic. It''s in the low 40''s today so I''m not letting him put it off any longer!
I don''t even want to talk about how I didn''t work out last night or this morning. Good news is no class tomorrow AM and I can get some in tonight.
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