
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 12th Jan till 18th Jan

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

This week's HLT is coming to you from Lorelei's new computer - hehe!! My old one was groaning and backfiring, so we decided a new one was in order - nothing too fancy as all I do is ' surf and shop' according to a reliable source
,but I am pleased with it - much faster and quieter!

The freezing weather has moved away thank goodness so we are back to pantsy old rain as usual. Anyway, I digress.....

I was thinking about healthier lifestyles and how important it is to set ourselves up for success - being overambitious can lead to failure and despondency. Initial goals should be realistic and it is crucial to bear this in mind when setting them.

I was particularly thinking of those who have just embarked on this journey or have been living a healthier lifestyle for some time now. It can be exciting when first starting on a lifestyle change and the pounds start to drop off, or we notice our clothes feeling looser due to strenuous workouts. But it is very important to have a plan we can live with and can follow reasonably easily, otherwise if we are using a plan we hate, we won't achieve long term success. For example, if you are on a plan which doesn't allow for the occasional cookie and they are one of your favourite foods, then it is fair to assume that eventually you will cave in and eat the whole box. A strict eating plan based around foods you are not keen on isn't going to work in the long term, there has to be a balance between getting your nutritional requirements, fuel for your body, a suitable amount of calories so you can maintain or reduce your weight - and foods you enjoy.

Similarly with workouts, if the most exercise you normally take is walking to and from your car, then a vigorous 3 hour session in the gym three times a week is going to be very difficult to achieve, in fact you would be setting yourself up for failure as this type of program would be too intense and you could even injure yourself. This level of fitness in order to be able to do marathon workouts is something that needs continual effort, patience and is a goal in itself. 15 minutes of moderate pace three or four times a week on a treadmill or elliptical might be fine to begin with for someone who has never exercised, then increasing to 20 mins, then half an hour and longer as fitness levels increase.

For example, it took me time and practise to learn to play Moonlight Sonata on the piano, and I made my share of mistakes - but with continued effort I learned to play the whole thing and now don't need the music to play it accurately. In order to do this, I broke the piece down into small sections and rather than thinking " I want to be able to play the whole thing perfectly in 2 days," which would have led to failure or an unsatisfactory result, I set small achievable goals and broke the piece down into small sections which I could manage, then go onto the next until I had mastered the whole piece.

And so it is with our weight reduction and healthy living goals. Look towards making success as easy for yourself as possible by setting realistic goals and a realistic plan in order to meet them!

Have a great week
Lorelei, great start to the week. What a great reminder that when we get back into a program and are excited and motivated we should not overdo it so we won''t get burned out.

Well, I got up at 5am this morning and went to the gym before Adam left for work. It is a really different breed that goes in at that time of day. When I go at 9:30am on days Andrew has school, you see lots of women dressed in cute workout outfits with full hair and makeup done! I live near a college town, so there are lots of younger people that workout there, and I think some of them are just trying to find men, lol. But today at 5, there was none of that! Can you tell I get a little bored on the elliptical and like to people watch, haha! Anyway, yesterday I did a full 2 hour hour on the elliptical and legs, arms and abs....I felt like I was getting a "Rod workout"! So this morning, I just did 30 mins. on the elliptical and the ab machine. I bought a new scale which is one of the dial scales that I thought might be more accurate than our digital and I have lost 5 pounds since my doctor''s visit last Monday...woohoo! Anyway, I am off to the store to get some healthy foods. Have a great Monday!
Date: 1/12/2009 8:30:28 AM
Author: steph72276
Lorelei, great start to the week. What a great reminder that when we get back into a program and are excited and motivated we should not overdo it so we won''t get burned out.

Well, I got up at 5am this morning and went to the gym before Adam left for work. It is a really different breed that goes in at that time of day. When I go at 9:30am on days Andrew has school, you see lots of women dressed in cute workout outfits with full hair and makeup done! I live near a college town, so there are lots of younger people that workout there, and I think some of them are just trying to find men, lol. But today at 5, there was none of that! Can you tell I get a little bored on the elliptical and like to people watch, haha! Anyway, yesterday I did a full 2 hour hour on the elliptical and legs, arms and abs....I felt like I was getting a ''Rod workout''! So this morning, I just did 30 mins. on the elliptical and the ab machine. I bought a new scale which is one of the dial scales that I thought might be more accurate than our digital and I have lost 5 pounds since my doctor''s visit last Monday...woohoo! Anyway, I am off to the store to get some healthy foods. Have a great Monday!
Thanks Steph!

Wow - that is surely a '' Rod Workout''!!! Good job!
Lorelei, what a great opener! It is so important to have realistic goals. I will never be able to do a Rod workout but the fact I can walk on the treadmill over 30 minutes is amazing - I would never have even dreamed of setting that as a realistic goal for me. Miracles do happen. Your cold, snowy weather moved over here. It''s a winter wonderland out there this morning.

Last week at this time I was pretty disgusted with myself. I was 10 pounds higher than my lowest weight, 5 pounds over my high maintenance weight and my cords were very tight. This morning I am down over 7 pounds from last Monday''s weight. I am comfortably in the middle of my maintenance range and my cords are still tight when I put them on. Some things I learned - what goes up will come down. I need to lose a few pounds so my highs won''t be as high. Cheap cords shrink because my Docker''s and Lee''s still fit the exact same.

Steph, congratulations on being down 5 pounds since last week. That is awesome.

Merry, congratulations for losing 4 pounds. That is terrific!

Have a great day.
Marcy, great job on losing 7 lbs. That is wonderful that you can walk on the treadmill for over 30 mins. You are a true inspiration to us all here for what you have been able to accomplish. Also, you point out a really important have a weight RANGE instead of just one number. I think that is a great idea b/c we are always going up and down depending on lots of factors, hormones, salt intake, etc.
Lorelei, Great opener. It is really important to have realistic goals. I''m trying to keep mine in perspective. Hooray for new computers!

This weekend I blew off a lot of yoga classes. There was a fire in the adjacent building so on Fri when we were planning on going all classes were cancelled. Then Saturday AM still cancelled. Sunday AM I was bad and we blew off class and went shopping @ REI instead. I did get a nice soft shell jacket for only $60 though... Anyway, sis and I promised each other to go for 4 days this week. I think it''s doable since we were going that often before. :) On the off days i''m going to try to do some home workouts.

steph, WOW! 5AM workouts! That''s great! I like when you''re surrounded by people who go to the gym to actually go to the gym. Call me weird but the whole, trolling for dates going to the gym purpose makes the workout so aggravating. Congrats on the 5lbs. :)

Marcy, that''s great you lost 7 lbs! Wow!
Morning all; today is an allergy shot day so I am not suppose to workout too hard so I might just do some sit ups and work on core this evening. Yesterday I was freaked out a bit because I had gelato so even though I got the tiny size I was worried I didn't have too many calories for dinner and I didn't have too many. Well, I took a deep breath and told myself this isn't a big deal. I ate lots of veggies and had an egg sandwich for dinner a few nuts and I was within my calorie range; I guess what I am getting at in the past I would have said oh well and ate whatever but didn't, yay.

Have a great day all!!!! Yay for our Healthy Lifestyle TEAM
Great job everyone is doing Awesome!

LORELEI, yay for a new computer!!! No more this
hehe, yay!!! I agree everything in moderation, thanks for the opener!

STEPH, oh my gosh that is too funny; I sometimes people watch too and the bad thing is I end up knowing a few. hehe Wooo for your Rod workout!!! Yay for losing 5 lbs, awesome!!!!!

MARCY, yay for losing more lbs, awesome, you skinny minny!!!!!!!!

LLIANG, yay for good deals are REI!

MERRYMUNKEY, woooooo hoooo for your 4 lbs loss, AWESOME!!!!
Weight loss tips I got from ww and thought i would post a few here

"I keep lots of healthy snacks in my car and my desk. If I get really hungry, I will grab at anything, so this works well for me."

"Try new things. I discovered this weekend that I actually like raw spinach. I'm willing to try almost anything to keep my diet interesting and healthy."

"I list all the reasons I want to lose weight and put them in random places around the house, along with older, thinner pictures of myself."

"Go to the grocery store every week and stock up on healthy foods. If you're well-prepared, it's easier to have a successful week."

"Set small goals and reward yourself with fun stuff. When I reach 10 percent, I'm going to get a massage."

"I don't put anything in my mouth unless I write it down and hold myself accountable for it."

"Don't deprive yourself. It usually leads to eating lots of substitutions that won't satisfy you, and you'll end up having the chocolate, anyway."
Happy Monday!

Had a busy weekend. Was out with friends on Fri., Sat. and Sun. Went and tried on a couple more wedding dresses on Sat. morning. Still no winners yet. I got back into the gym on Sat. and Sun. and man, am I sore this morning!!! I decided to take a different tact at the gym to keep me from getting bored. Instead of grinding out 30-40 minutes on a single machine, I rotated and did different activities. On Sat., I biked, ran, and did the elliptical. Yesterday, I stair climbed, rowed, and used the bosu. Along with the sit ups and push ups, my entire body is sore! I''ve also been exercising portion control. Last night, I made a curried carrot soup (no cream!) and lemon parsley pork chops with broccoli.

Lorelei, thanks, as always, for a great opening. I totally agree that you need to find a healthy lifestyle you can live with. I''ve been trying to find that balance, especially on the workout front, as it''s not my fave thing to do. I''m coming around to the idea of something is better than nothing, even if it''s just a walk around the block and a couple of situps and pushups. YAY for your new computer! I''m glad it''s not as chilly anymore where you are! Love your new kitty avatar!

Steph, YAY for a 5am and two hour workouts (you''re an animal!) and for the 5 pounds lost!

Marcy, YAY for the 7 pounds lost! I love how you can always get yourself back on track. Sounds frosty where you are, hope you stay warm!

Lliang, sorry about the cancellations of your yoga class. YAY for your new jacket!

Skippy, ooh, hope your allergy shot doesn''t bother you too much. Don''t fret, a little gelato is okay. Thanks for the great weight loss tips!
Lorelei - great opener and so true, it takes time to get into a work out groove, and you can''t jump into the heavy hard core stuff right away. Another thing I think of when you talk about the beginning and how exciting it can be, is how repetitive workouts can get too after a certain amount of time, and we have to remember that our bodies get used to doing the same thing over and over, so although we should practice, we should also make sure we mix it up from time to time.
The challenge I''m giving this week is for everyone to find an exercise that they don''t normally do. Any kind of exercise, and find a way to rotate it in a few times a week, to give you something different and give your body a new challenge. I''m adding in weight work, which I need to do more of to sculpt my upper body so that it looks nice. I''m doing 3 sets of 12 reps of about 6 different moves with my new 5lb weights I got for Christmas.
Last night I did 100 crunches and 50 squats and that was all because I had a TON of homework, and was exhausted by the time it was done. Tonight I''m hitting the treadmill and doing my crunches, squats, lunges and weight work but I"m really going to focus on abdominals and upper body tonight.

Hope everyone has a great start to your week!!
Hi everyone,
I thought I''d stop in and say
. Congrats to Steph and Marcy for losing weight! Thanks for those tips Skippy, they were good to read.
Lorelei, I don''t post much but I''m always amazed at your opening posts. Thank you for taking the time to write things that are so thoughtful on a regular basis. That''s a really nice thing to do!

As for me, not much new here. I feel a renewed motivation to lose a bit more weight. I want to finally get to my goal weight and stick to it. I was close awhile ago but gained some back. I didn''t lose it in a planned, healthy way so I didn''t expect to keep the loss. So, I''ve been maintaining for some months now, still exercising and eating decently but not doing enough to lose. Last week, I lost 2 lbs and felt pretty happy. I''m hoping to lose at least 1/wk and I''d like to lose about 12-15 more lbs. I''ve decided to set weekly goals for myself so mine includes the 1lb, exercise at least 4x/wk, start doing crunches again and drink more water. I also keep a log of what I eat everyday.

Since some of you were writing about what you''ve learned, one thing I''ve learned recently or re-learned is that I have to make a conscious decision before I eat anything. Also, if I eat a regular meal and then take a break before eating again (if still hungry or want dessert), I tend to make better choices the next time I''m ready to eat and find that I wasn''t as hungry as I thought or my craving has subsided. Hope that made sense...

That''s it for me for now!
Happy New Week! Today I went to my TBT class for the first time in was a great, tough workout and just what I needed. Here is my exercise schedule for the remainder of the week... Tues: Yoga & 30 min elliptical/TM, Wed: workout TBT/PT style after work with co-worker2, Thurs: workout with co-worker 1, Fri: TBT class. Sat/Sun: walk/jog around the neighborhood.

Also I am always terrible about commenting on all of your activities, and some of you are always really good about consistently commenting about mine (Marcy, Skippy). So today I'm going to make the effort.

Lorelei: Great opener as always! Being realistic, and having a road map to the destination is important. Instead of having a goal like have a Rod workout everyday when you are a couch potato, have the goal be work up to being able to have a Rod Workout in X amount of time, by doing A, B, C.

Steph: You are hard core getting up so early. But way to go on joining the I'm sure you enjoy having a change of scenery during the day. I love people watching and eavesdropping.

Marcy: Your Winter Wonderland sounds amazing. Tomorrow will be 2 months until my ski trip in Crested Butte, CO and I cannot wait. I've gone a little overboard on ordering ski clothes, but since I haven't gone in over a decade I'm entitled to new cute things. And I got some slim fitting ski pants, so having strong quads is a motivator for my workouts. Congrats on the weight loss!

Steph & Marcy: I agree with the range. My mom goes' to WW, and while she has a goal weight, she is allowed to go 2 lbs over her goal when she weighs in or has to pay.

Lliang: Yay for new cute jacket! I'm sorry to hear you missed out on your yoga classes, hopefully you can go again soon.

Skippy: Thanks for the weight tips. My favorite was the one about eating the chocolate anyway.

Panda: I have a short attention span so I have to keep my workouts interesting to surprise my body, and keep me sane or I'll just quit. That is great that you are can feel your body changing!

Dragon: I love that you used working out as a way to procrastinate. We have a friend that is doing Navy Seal type workouts lately, and he told me of one called the 12 Days of Christmas. And its basically like the song where he has 12 different exerices, and first he does #1, then he does #2 & #1, then #3, #2, &#1 and so-on. I need to suggest it to my workout partner #1 b/c I know she would be crazy about it.
Thanks all for the very kind words on the opener - I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be able to help in some small way! You know being able to do this and share with you all has made something so positive come out of my years of misery of ( since childhood) struggling with some extra pounds - and I am so grateful for being able to turn this negativity around into something useful!

I just had a great cardio workout on my treddy, 50 mins and 400 cals, watching the second series of The Tudors on DVD so pleased with that!

Hehe! I love my new computer, the old one was completely pants, kept confusing itself and locking up - bah!
Mind you it was about 7 years old so it didn't do bad!
Happy Monday to all !!!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am down 2.2lbs!!! *pat on back* for the week!!!

On Friday, I had one Caesar and one vodka/7 (diet) with lemon. With each drink I had, I had a bottle water with each I consummed. I didn''t want to forbid myself from drinking so I allow myself 2 drinks (1/2oz vodka per drink not the usual 1oz ) each weekend if I wanted too. Everything in moderation. Then on Saturday, we had Canasta (cards) night with our friends. We had a nice beef stir fry with whole wheat noodles and LOTS of vegetables. Later in the evening, I indulged in some cheddar popcorn and mini cream puffs. Not much but enough to satisfy.

I have been doing my regular 30 minute cardio on the treadmill everyday and have done some weights. Marty and I had a good workout on Sunday afternoon. It was very enjoyable working out with someone else. It keeps me motivated and the support helps.

Lorelei: Awesome week opener! It is a great reminder to set small goals and not to overdo the exercise and cutting out absolutely everything from your diet. It usually leads to failure. Everything in moderation.
Yay! the the new computer. It seems like a computer only has a lifespan of 4-5 years and it starts to chug along until it finally dies.

steph72276: WoW! 5am workouts, good for you!!! Congrats on your 5lbs weight loss! Keep it up.

marcyc: Good for you for being able to do 30 minutes on the TM.
. Awesome job for losing the 7lbs!

Skippy: Thanks for the WW weight loss tips! Don''t worry too much the gelato. It''s okay.

panda08: You will find "The One" dress of your dreams. Awesome workout you had over the weekend. Take it easy with the soreness, hope you feel less sore tomorrow.

dragonfly411: I''m up for that challenge. I am definitely one who easily gets bored. So after incorporating some weights, today, I incorporated a 20 minute pilates workout video that I will do on rotation to stretch my body and help with the core. Oh boy, is my core ever weak!
Merry, 4 lbs lost is amazing! Good for you!

Lor, yay for your new computer! I have one coming to me soon too! Hehe.

Steph, I TOTALLY people watch!!! I love it. Yay for losing 5 lbs! That is awesome!

marcy, I hate how we weigh so differently in such a small time frame. Oh well. Awesome that you are in your comfort zone. That is a very nice place to be.

lliang, yeah for REI''s sale! Haha. I agree, realistic goals are key. Otherwise you will give up.

Skippy, it is okay to have a treat. You deserve it! Thanks for the tips.

Panda, sounds like you are doing great! Good luck finding a dress.

Draganfly, Wow! Sounds like you are doing really well. 100 crunches!

dixie, good luck with your goals!

apple, I am curious are you trying to lose weight or just maintain/stay healthy! You seem very healthy to me. Haha.

Cdn, 2.2 lbs is awesome! good for you! I agree, moderation is key.

Not much new for me. Tessa and I took a walk today. Totally didn''t want to but glad I did. I am going to try to get back to the gym. Just hard with the baby. But I NEED to lose this tummy. I really, really do!
Tacori, I''m not trying to loose weight, I''m just trying to stay in shape. My belly sometimes seems to take on a life of its own. I swear sometimes it looks like that I am having or had a baby. Whenever people ask if I have kids I think its because of my belly. I''m trying to melt it off!
Happy Monday all!

Had a session with the PT this morning. He worked me HARD--it was GREAT! At point one he had me climbing stairs with 15 lb weights in each hand. I think I may be sore tomorrow.

I went to Whole Foods today and got some tuna salad and potato chips. The *plan* was to eat half today and half tomorrow... but some how I have eaten it all. That leaves me... um... I think NEGATIVE calories for dinner.
Oh well, it was good while it lasted!
A happy first of the week to everybody:

Kept up the ''better choices'' routine through the weekend; ''though I did have a few more carbs ''cause the cravings needed satisfying! Breakfast is yogurt and high fiber cereal. Lunch is usually a salad, or a low-fat sandwich with fresh fruit or veggies. Let myself have a steak and baked potato on Saturday, but preceeded it with a trip to the salad bar where we filled up on the crudites!

Anybody else check out the websites that list fast food or chain restaurant nutritional info? Very valuable information; makes it so much easier to make choices. Today I let myself have a Chic-fil-A sandwich, but skipped the fries and lemonade for the 60 calorie salad and 0 calorie ice tea. You can also significantly lower the fat and calories, while still getting the taste you''re craving, by ordering the kids/junior sizes in fast food. Like when I''m craving Steak and Shake Chili Mac -- kid''s size is 380 calories vs. the adult size at 600+. Huge difference. (Pun intended.

Found a $10 exercise mat and $5 hand weights at our local Marshall''s Saturday. Anybody have suggestions as to good beginner DVDs for upper arm exercises? (Or any beginner workouts.) I know that holding the weights correctly is key to getting the results you want, so I thought a DVD would be a good idea.

Got the workout clothes the previous weekend. It was beautiful yesterday; perfect for a walk; but the cedar trees are spewing their deadly pollen.
I''ll be glad when I can get outside; with my work schedule, I''ll have time every morning for a good walk before my shower.
I will also post these in the recipe thread but wanted to put them here for everyone to see.

Crispy Black Bean Tacos
2/08 Bon Appetit
DH and I made these for lunch one day very tasty and easy to make

Black beans (in the crispy tacos) have more to offer than fiber and protein. They''re just as rich in antioxidants as grapes and cranberries, and they''re a great source of slow-burning complex carbohydrates.

Global House Salad
Self recipe of the week
Happy Monday all,

Quick fly by for me ''cause I just got home from work (and I went in @ 7am). Uhhhh so very tired....I apologize that I''m not commenting to anyone individually...but I am so inspired by the AWESOME opening and all the weight loss!! It is a great motivator for all of us!! (Especially me!! so thanks!)

As for me, I was up @ 5am this morning and MAN was I sore from fitness yoga and spinning yesterday so I did 30 minutes on the treadmill at various inclines (intervals)..then I worked out arms. My legs and butt still I''m hoping that''s a good sign. Weighed in this morning...and even with my 3 day trip to Miami where I was SURE I would have gained some weight...I stayed the same. (I was a little bummed that I didn''t lose anything...but figured that calling it even was okay too). I''m hoping this week will be different.

Plan for tomorrow is 3 miles on the treadmill and ab work. Off to bed now...must sleep.

Hey.......It was an OK Monday. Work was fine. I did my second one hour training session this morning and it went really well. It''s nice when people seem to really respond well to what I''m teaching! Dinner at favorite sushi place #2 was good as usual and now w''ere just home with Sakai on our shoulders having a cup of Sbucks decaf and a couple pieces of Lindt Dark chocolate. Tomorrow''s a typically ''uber'' long Tuesday with a 3 hour workout at the gym immediately after work.

First I have to say........CONGRATULATIONS MERRY! 4 pounds is absolutely wonderful!~ Go Merry Go Merry Go!!!

Great opening a usual Lorelei and such good advice!! Making choices that we can actually succeed with is exactly right. I started out slow when I joined the gym. I assure you I didn''t start out at 3 hours each session. And over time, I started to make significant progress and kept adding to my workouts to continue to make progress. Liking what we''re doing and enjoying it, is so key to being successful. Thanks for pointing that out! And Yay for your new computer!

Hey Steph..........Doing ''uber'' Rod workouts?? Heehee.........I''m glad the gym''s working out so well for you. And like you, I so enjoy watching people. The ellitpical in our gym are directly in front of the free weight area. That''s usually entertaining. I can honestly tell you though that I''ve never been to our gym at 5 AM, it surely won''t likely ever happen either.........LOL And a super YAY for having lost 5 pounds!!

And to The Amazing Shrinking Woman - M A R C Y..........You go too! If your Docker''s and Lee''s fit fine, then the cheap pants simply shrank! And yes, it is amazing that you can now walk on the treadmill for over 30 minutes. You should be really proud of how far you''ve come in such a short time too!

Llian, it sounds like you''ve got a good plan going to get back into your yoga classes!

I''m glad you didn''t fall off the wagon after having the gelato Skippy! I hope you''re feeling OK after your allergy shot. I loved the weight loss tips!

You''re doing great Panda! And being sore is a sure sign of progress!

Thanks for the reminder to mix it up dragon. I did just that this weekend and it''s something I need to do more often for sure!

Good for you losing 2 pounds dixie! Setting weekly goals is a great way to accomplish what you want to do.

Yay for a great tough workout TBT class Apple!

Here''s an extra pat on the back for losing 2.2 lbs Cdn!!

I''m sure you''ll lose your tummy Tacori!! I have every confidence in you!!

LOL about eating all the tuna salad and potato chips DeeJay!

Good for you keeping up the ''better choices'' routing Holly!

I guess that''ll do it for me for today. Have a good Tuesday everyone........
Hi All,

Went back to regular subbing today, I''ve forgotten how different it is than working with children on the spectrum. Got done a bit too late for respite, so we switched to Wed. and I went to the gym.

J is having a difficult night. He has acid reflux and the poor guy can''t stop coughing. I made him some rice for dinner and had a Lean Cuisine. That''s the first time in ions that we''ve had a make-shift meal.

Tomorrow I''m going to try to head to the gym before work, and then it''s my long day.

Have a good night all.
Hi everyone.
I made homemade pizza for supper – yummy.My section was Canadian bacon with pineapple.Marty’s section was pepperoni.
Lorelei, enjoy your new computer.
Steph, thank you for the kind words.I am sure a lot of it was water weight but I was glad to see that I weighed less this morning than I did on Friday morning.I sure try to stay in my weight range and other than the time between Christmas and New Years I have been able to do that for over 4 months.The trick is to do it forever.
Lliang, yeah for planning on working out 4 days this week.Your jacket sounds nice.
Skippy, yay for adjusting your calories for enjoying some gelato.It makes it tough sometimes.Thanks for the ww tips; they are great.
Panda, wedding dress shopping sounds fun.My mom made my dress so I only had to go to their house for fittings.Mixing it up at the gym is a wonderful idea.Thank you for the lovely compliment that I always get back on track.It is so natural for me anymore that it’s not a problem.How nice is that?It is chilly here.I am in sweats and have a fleece blanket on my lap.
Dragonfly, yay for adding in weights to your workout.
Dixie, thanks for the congrats. Congratulations on losing 2 pounds last week.
Shooting for about a pound a week sounds like a good goal.Good point that sometimes when you eat healthy a craving for something will pass.
Appletini, you certainly deserve some new and cute ski clothes.The mountains are getting quite a bit of snow around here so hopefully you’ll have great skiing over spring break.The snow is pretty here I just wish the wind would calm down.My mom does ww too and has to pay if she’s over her goal weight too.It keeps her honest though.I will print out the back bean taco recipe for Marty – he will love it.
CDNBlingGal, congratulations for being down 2.2 pounds.
It sounds like you ate healthy this weekend while enjoying some treats.Thanks for the kind words.I am still amazed at doing the treadie that long.
Tacori, I hope you get your new computer soon.Yes, I like being in my comfort zone.Glad you and Tessa had a lovely walk today.

DeeJay, did you get a lot of snow?I bet you will be sore tomorrow.

Holly, glad to hear you kept up better choices this weekend.I use Dott’s Weight Loss Zone for restaurant info.A lot of their websites post info too.I often order kids meals at fast foods too.It’s a great calorie saver.Wow, pollen already?We won’t have any until April at the earliest here.
ILE, sounds like your workouts are doing you a lot of good.Yeah!Rats for a long day.
Rod, glad your training session went well at work.Thanks for the compliment. I guess I will air dry my cords now.I am very proud of where I am in only about 2 ½ years after starting and I have only been walking on the treadmill for about a year now.
Kimi, sorry to hear J is having problems with acid reflex.Marty used to have a lot of problems with that but after losing 40 pounds and eating less in general he rarely has problems anymore.The combo of rice and beef used to really tear him up.Also anything with tomatoes in it.I hope J gets better.
Well, take care!


Good morning! Happy Tuesday!

It''s been forever since I''ve been able to log on to PS -- my computer crashed and my husband and I are sharing his computer at the moment. I know I''ve missed so much, but I will try to go back and read through last week''s thread to catch up if I get a chance. I hope everyone is doing well.

We went to a Christening this past weekend and I was asked to be one of my friends'' daughter''s godmothers. This is my first godchild, and I feel so lucky to be asked. She is a beautiful little girl and my friends are amazing parents. We had a great time at their house after the Christening, and the food was outstanding. I had my share of beef stew, bread, and dessert. Back on the wagon today. To be honest, I''ve been sporadic about exercising. Hey, I just remembered that I had a dream last nght where I ran a 5K. It was a great feeling, and I felt so proud in my dream. Who knows, maybe one day I''ll get to do a 5K in real life.

I have to finish getting ready for work, but I wanted to stop by quickly this morning. I''ll try to be back later.
Good Tuesday Morning all. Had another 5am workout today. When the alarm went off I really didn''t want to go, so I laid there for a minute, but then I was wide awake and thought I don''t really have an excuse not too. And Adam works such long hours that I hate to go at night and miss what little time we do have together. I did 30 mins on the elliptical and worked out arms and abs. Eating has been very good lately. I have not had anything with added sugar since Jan. 1st until I was getting Adam some ice cream. It was my fave kind...cookie dough, so I took 1 bite, and surprisingly it was waaay too sweet for me. Fruit has been sweet enough for me these days when I need something. Anyway, have a great Tuesday everyone!

Lliang, how''s yoga going this week? I love yoga and should really do it more.

Skippy, no worries on the gelato. Did it taste extra sweet to you since you''ve been leaving off the sugar? That''s what I found when I had a bite of Adam''s ice cream. Thanks for posting the article.

Panda, yea for dress fun! I think it is good to switch things up on cardio.

Dragonfly, yea for your weights workout.

Dixie, hi! Your goals sound great! You can do it!

Apple, talk about hard core...look at your workouts for the week! Way to go! Thanks for the recipes. The taco looks yummy!

Lorelei, yea for 50 mins on the treadmill...go girl!

CDN, yea for down 2.2! That is great!

Tacori, glad to know I''m not the only one to people watch, hehe. Yea for walks with Tessa. I used to love taking Andrew on walks in the neighborhood in his stroller. Now he says "Mom I''m too big for strollers, those are for babies" so he rides his bike! They grow up too fast!

DeeJay, that sounds like a great PT session. I hope to get a PT one of these days!

Holly, I do the same thing when ordering something not so good...I always get the kid''s meal at any FF place. The portions are like what an adult should be eating in the first place...and it saves money!

Iluvemeralds, yea for another 5am person. Don''t you just feel like it starts your day off right?

Rod, glad your training session went well. That''s funny that you people watch too. Yeah, the cardio equipment faces the free weights in ours as well and it can be quite entertaining to watch some of the "muscle men" do their thing! Enjoy your uber workout tonight!

Kimberly, sorry J is not feeling well. Hope he feels better today.

Marcy, yum...that pizza sounds so good and i love ham and pineapple. Adam just learned how to make homemade pizza. It is soooo good and much better than takeout.

Zoe, congrats on becoming a Godmother....that is great!
Good morning all! Well, I was up 2lbs this weekend, but that''s okay. That tends to be how it works with me. I''ll have a big loss, a gain, a loss, a gain so on and so forth into oblivion, LOL.

Lorelei - Yay for new computers! And thanks, as always, for the great opener!

Steph - You 5 a.m. workout people are amazing. I also think you a little insane, but that makes you no less amazing. I''ll never understand people that get all dolled up to go to the gym.

Marcy - Congrats on losing the 7lbs! And I will never cease to be amazed by how different clothes fit from week to week as the get washed/worn etc. Weird. And yay for pineapple on pizza!!!

Skippy - Mmmmm gelato! Good stuff! And thanks for the WW tips.

Panda - That curried carrot soup sounds AMAZING!!! Would you share the recipe?

appletini - Oh to ski. I miss skiing. I screwed up my knees in High School and can''t ski anymore. But oh - so fun! Have fun for both of us, K?

CdnBlingGal - Congrats on the 2.2 loss! That''s great!

Tacori - Do they have child care at your gym to keep Tessa occupied?

Dee - I do that all the time! (Eating something in one day that was supposed to last for 2). At least it was tuna and not cake, LOL.

ILE - You are my hero for the 5 a.m. workout.

Go Merry on the 4lb loss!!

Hi Rod!

Kimberly - I hope J feels better.

Zoe - how wonderful to be a Godmother! Congrats!
So, I want opinions from you all on something. There''s a YMCA right near my home that I could go to after work and before I even get to the apartment. BUT - I can only afford to do Weight Watchers Online OR the YMCA membership.

Now, I''m of the opinion that I''d probably get more out of the Y - I''ve done WW so many times that I think I could do it in my sleep. And I usually focus more on the filling foods/Core than on counting points. I know how to eat. The lack of movement is really my downfall.

So... WW or the YMCA?
Morning HLT'ers!

Hope your weeks going along just fine. Yesterday I basically ate pizza all day. Not the best move on my part, it pushed me up past 1500 calories for the day. But I'm planning on being really good today in terms of food (especially since there's no pizza left). I'm thinking masoor dahl (lentils) for lunch and stir-fried udon noodles with lots of veggies for dinner. I hit yoga last night and it was a REALLY good class :) Not sure if we're going to do yoga today. It's supposed to snow even more. We'll see. James has a school thing, so I'll probably be on my own for tonight.

Deejay & other Chicagoans, how are you faring in the snow? Good I hope. Drive safely!
Rod, How was your lobster dinner? Delish!
Panda, hooray for great workouts! That sounds like a really good one! Keep it up!
Marcy, Hmmm, homemade pizza. It's not as hard as people think, and I think it comes out so much better. Was it you that had a broken oven just before Christmas? My oven broke too
It sucks.
Steph, Yoga's going well. Wow, way to get one the horse and do that 5AM workout. Hooray for cutting the sugar, that's great.
Dixie, that's a great idea to curb craving eating.
Appletini, What's TBT class? Your workout regime sounds pretty good. Keep it up! Yoga today! Hooray for yoga!
CdnBling, Alright! 2.2 lbs! That's great!!!! I'm with you with the drinking in moderation. I told myself I'm allowed 2 drinks whenever we go out. It's more realistic than cutting myself off cold turkey.
Tacori, Does your gym have day care? Some of them in my city do. Maybe you can do some working out at home. Get some light weights and/or therabands. Just a thought.
HollyS, Great tip with ordering kids sizes for fast food. Mmm... Chili mac. That sounds good!
ILuv, I love that "sore from working out" feeling. Get some rest and I hope your rocked those 3 miles
Zoe, Great to see you back! You can totally do a 5K in real life (IRL). And it really is a great accomplishment.
Gecko, You've got such a great attitude. I'm going to have to try to emulate it so I don't get discouraged when my weight sneaks back up. I'd do the Y and us here on the HLT can help keep you motivated in a WW kind of way.
lliang, TBT is Total Body Training. There are various stations setup around a big room, with equipment such as bosu balls, hand weights, balance balls, jump ropes, steps, etc. So everyone picks a station and then we rotate each minute (sometimes longer depending on instructor). So it works out everything and includes some cardio. Yesterday we rotated through everything twice and then did abs at the end of the class. I like it because it goes by quick and I get a little bit of everything.
Date: 1/13/2009 9:02:39 AM
Author: geckodani
So, I want opinions from you all on something. There's a YMCA right near my home that I could go to after work and before I even get to the apartment. BUT - I can only afford to do Weight Watchers Online OR the YMCA membership.

Now, I'm of the opinion that I'd probably get more out of the Y - I've done WW so many times that I think I could do it in my sleep. And I usually focus more on the filling foods/Core than on counting points. I know how to eat. The lack of movement is really my downfall.

So... WW or the YMCA?
I gonna vote for the

You should go to the YMC - A-A...

They have everything there that you need to get fit...

And I know you will enjoy it.....


YMCA- A...

You can do cardio

Or even try a few weights

So you can drop those few pounds you ha-ate!

* slinks off....*
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