I'm trying to decide whether to go from Avmed HMO to Aetna HRA or an HSA plan. Thanks so much in advance for any opinions you have. I'm not going to list the cost to me bi-weekly unless you feel that info is important in your decision. Just let me know
Here are the facts (keep in mind I'll be taking on coverage for myself, daughter, and FI):
With HRA I have two options: pay more out of pocket, get a higher contribution from the company, but can't contribute any funds of my own; OR pay less out of pocket but get less from the company.
And then the HSA.
Something to consider: Avmed has always worked really well for me and on paper it seems (at least to me) to be the best option, but it's more expensive bi-weekly AND a lot of specialists/PCP are dropping them due to needing a referal (sp?). Again, thanks so much for your opinion!
Here are the facts (keep in mind I'll be taking on coverage for myself, daughter, and FI):
Deductible indv/family: None
Co-insurance: NA
Out of pocket max indv/family: $1500/$3000
Emergency Services: $150 Copay
Prescriptions generic/brand: $15/45
Primary Care: $15 copay
Specialist: $25 copay
Hospital in patient/out patient: $250 copay
Well baby exams: 100% covered
Adult preventative 100% covered
With HRA I have two options: pay more out of pocket, get a higher contribution from the company, but can't contribute any funds of my own; OR pay less out of pocket but get less from the company.
Deductible indv/family: $350/$700 OR $700/$1400
Co-insurance: 20%
Out of pocket max indv/family: $2350/$4700 OR $3500/$7000
Emergency Services: $100 Copay; waived if admitted
Prescriptions generic/brand: $4/50% coinsurance with $75 max
Primary Care: 20% after deductible
Specialist: 20% after deductible
Hospital in patient/out patient: 20% after deductible
Well baby exams: 100% covered
Adult preventative 100% covered
And then the HSA.
Deductible indv/family: $2500/4500
Co-insurance: 10%
Out of pocket max indv/family: $2000/$4000
Emergency Services: $100 Copay; waived if admitted
Prescriptions generic/brand: $4/50% coinsurance with $75 max
Primary Care: 10% after deductible
Specialist: 10% after deductible
Hospital in patient/out patient: 10% after deductible
Well baby exams: 100% covered
Adult preventative 100% covered
Something to consider: Avmed has always worked really well for me and on paper it seems (at least to me) to be the best option, but it's more expensive bi-weekly AND a lot of specialists/PCP are dropping them due to needing a referal (sp?). Again, thanks so much for your opinion!