
Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 21


Dec 27, 2013
Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Minimum Smoking Age To 21
Hawaii’s new tobacco laws go into effect Friday and limit sales of both cigarettes and electronic cigarettes to people 21 or older.

On Friday, Hawaii will become the first state in the U.S. to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21. A secondary measure specifically prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes to anyone under 21. The bill to raise the minimum smoking age was in part inspired by the rising use of electronic cigarettes by young people. Officials cited a University of Hawaii study by the Cancer Center that found e-cigarettes were used by teens three times the national average.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Good for them! Stopping or not smoking is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your health.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

I hope other states will follow suit.
Many smokers I know wish they had never started.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Here's why the entire US should raise the 'smoking age' to 79.

Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

They just need to ban e-cigarettes. That stuff enrages me. Smoking trends had been on a decline for decades til that trash came about. FI's "best friend" sells that stuff and I cannot stand her. I think it's unethical trash.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

The frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for consequences and making executive decisions (i.e., knowing not to do stupid shit because your peers are) doesn't fully develop until the age of 25. They should raise smoking and drinking ages to 25.

Also, why the f do are we not allowed to drink in public places, but smokers can smoke? The law enforcement should be allowed to stop and ID people smoking, and ticket them with hefty fines if they are underage or within X feet of any public space.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Rockinruby|1451618040|3969163 said:
Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Minimum Smoking Age To 21
Hawaii’s new tobacco laws go into effect Friday and limit sales of both cigarettes and electronic cigarettes to people 21 or older.

On Friday, Hawaii will become the first state in the U.S. to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21. A secondary measure specifically prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes to anyone under 21. The bill to raise the minimum smoking age was in part inspired by the rising use of electronic cigarettes by young people. Officials cited a University of Hawaii study by the Cancer Center that found e-cigarettes were used by teens three times the national average.
:appl: :appl: :appl: GOOD. I am so glad. I hope this spreads like wildfire. I have so many family members and friends that have quit or are trying to quit and who wish that it had been better enforced so they never would've started. Those "vape shops" are EVERYWHERE here. And they're just as bad if not worse for you.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

ame|1451763613|3969725 said:
Rockinruby|1451618040|3969163 said:
Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Minimum Smoking Age To 21
Hawaii’s new tobacco laws go into effect Friday and limit sales of both cigarettes and electronic cigarettes to people 21 or older.

On Friday, Hawaii will become the first state in the U.S. to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21. A secondary measure specifically prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes to anyone under 21. The bill to raise the minimum smoking age was in part inspired by the rising use of electronic cigarettes by young people. Officials cited a University of Hawaii study by the Cancer Center that found e-cigarettes were used by teens three times the national average.
:appl: :appl: :appl: GOOD. I am so glad. I hope this spreads like wildfire. I have so many family members and friends that have quit or are trying to quit and who wish that it had been better enforced so they never would've started. Those "vape shops" are EVERYWHERE here. And they're just as bad if not worse for you.

I hate vaping. My sil took it up in an attempt to quit smoking. She does it all the time including around my children until I asked her to stop. Which I did as soon as I noticed.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Niel|1451766618|3969742 said:
If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.

Good point Niel!
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Niel|1451766618|3969742 said:
If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.

Was just coming here to say this. I'm frankly tired of being babysat and everyone acting like its a good thing. Why do we all want the government in our lives to this extent? It baffles me!
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Elliot86|1451829996|3969977 said:
Niel|1451766618|3969742 said:
If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.

Was just coming here to say this. I'm frankly tired of being babysat and everyone acting like its a good thing. Why do we all want the government in our lives to this extent? It baffles me!

Since we had legislation here (Scotland) to ban smoking in public places the overall cardiac health of the population has improved ie fewer people are having heart attacks. That's a good thing, surely?
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Elliot86|1451829996|3969977 said:
Niel|1451766618|3969742 said:
If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.

Was just coming here to say this. I'm frankly tired of being babysat and everyone acting like its a good thing. Why do we all want the government in our lives to this extent? It baffles me!

I completely agree, Elliot. :clap: Seems like people want it both ways--keep the government out of my vagina and don't tell me who I can or cannot marry, BUT don't let me choose for myself what chemicals I can put in my body because I'm not smart enough to read warning labels nor do I have the ability to understand through popular opinion that smoking is bad for me. Government needs to kick corporations out of their beds, start regulating them and forcing them to divulge the horrible killer ingredients/chemicals they put in their products, and stop taking away the public's freedom to make their own decisions.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Snowdrop13|1451837677|3970005 said:
Elliot86|1451829996|3969977 said:
Niel|1451766618|3969742 said:
If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.

Was just coming here to say this. I'm frankly tired of being babysat and everyone acting like its a good thing. Why do we all want the government in our lives to this extent? It baffles me!

Since we had legislation here (Scotland) to ban smoking in public places the overall cardiac health of the population has improved ie fewer people are having heart attacks. That's a good thing, surely?

No one is saying its good for you. Or you should do it. I just find it annoying that the country considers you an adult if you want to die for your country, but not if you want to buy a pack of cigarettes.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Snowdrop13|1451837677|3970005 said:
Elliot86|1451829996|3969977 said:
Niel|1451766618|3969742 said:
If you can go to war you should be able to decide if you want to smoke.

Was just coming here to say this. I'm frankly tired of being babysat and everyone acting like its a good thing. Why do we all want the government in our lives to this extent? It baffles me!

Since we had legislation here (Scotland) to ban smoking in public places the overall cardiac health of the population has improved ie fewer people are having heart attacks. That's a good thing, surely?

Doesn't change my opinion in any way. I'm a grown adult. I can calculate risk. If I choose to smoke, or take birth control, or have an abortion, or drink Big Gulp sodas every day I should absolutely be able to make that decision without the government stepping in to nanny me. Maybe if we could fix some of the crippling problems our average citizen deals with we wouldn't lose so many to addictions, despair and depression.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

but then really...we can't have it both ways on some of these things either. Go ahead and screw every man on the street if you like-it's your right. Have a baby every year for 10 years-it's your right. But honestly---you can stick it up your wazoo if you think you shouldn't have to deal w/the consequences of your actions. Why should *I* have to help support those little cherubs you felt it was your right to produce? And why should I have to pay for medical conditions brought on by your adult decisons that you have done b/c you're on welfare? Or your disability that comes as a result of your adult decisions? You don't want the government to tell you not to do shit, but you want the government to force others to take care of you. We allowed the government to cripple us a loooooong time ago, and convince us that we're all victims and don't have to accept any consequences. I could further my education for *free* if I got myself sentenced to prison for a few years. We are MESSED UP.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Elliot86|1451879714|3970228 said:
Packrat, I also pay for roads I don't drive on and shelter for the mentally disabled. We all pay for things that don't apply to us. Still better than being told "Go die for your country but hey sorry, no beer or cigs."
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Roads aren't really quite the same as screwing yourself up of your own volition w/drugs and alcohol or making babies you can't afford. Dying for your country isn't the same thing either. You choose to enlist. And actually...when you get back, you're still not taken care of in quite the same manner as those who chose to make babies they can't afford or get whacked out on drugs...the latter are treated much nicer than the former. We all pay for things we don't want to, I have no issues w/that. My issue lies in saying the govt shouldn't tell us what to do. Nope, it shouldn't. It should keep its stupid nose out of my shit, and everyone else's really can't/won't, and most people don't *want* it to keep its nose out of other people's shit b/c then there's no one to take care of them.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

I didn't say it was fair, but them's the breaks all around if you're an adult. If we're going to take it that far then maybe we should tear down every McDonalds and establish mental health centers, etc. Take away all vices and choice and strive for a more perfect, unified society. It's a nice dream!
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

I'm a dreamer, what can I say! I hope one day you'll join me, and the world will live as one.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

Elliot86|1451914221|3970348 said:
I didn't say it was fair, but them's the breaks all around if you're an adult. If we're going to take it that far then maybe we should tear down every McDonalds and establish mental health centers, etc. Take away all vices and choice and strive for a more perfect, unified society. It's a nice dream!
Why do you keep bringing up mental health as a comparison to smoking? Having mental illness is not voluntary. Smoking is voluntary and can be stopped whenever the participant decides they have had enough. You are talking apples and oranges.
Re: Hawaii Will Become First State To Raise Smoking Age to 2

House Cat|1451920689|3970396 said:
Elliot86|1451914221|3970348 said:
I didn't say it was fair, but them's the breaks all around if you're an adult. If we're going to take it that far then maybe we should tear down every McDonalds and establish mental health centers, etc. Take away all vices and choice and strive for a more perfect, unified society. It's a nice dream!
Why do you keep bringing up mental health as a comparison to smoking? Having mental illness is not voluntary. Smoking is voluntary and can be stopped whenever the participant decides they have had enough. You are talking apples and oranges.

I'm not comparing smoking to mental illness, I chose it as an example of something people pay into that maybe doesn't necessarily apply to them. You can substitute another word if you like.