
Have you noticed any inappropriate smartphone use?


Apr 30, 2005
Yesterday I was at a supermarket where my cashier used her smartphone every "spare" second while working.
While swiping food's barcodes she was glancing at her phone and tapping and swiping away at her phone's screen.
After telling me my total she turned her back on me and stared at her phone while I got my cash ready ... AND kept her back to me for around 20 seconds after I held my cash out. :angryfire:
I had to say, "Hello!"

This morning while walking the dogs a car was stopped at a stop sign and the driver was pressing buttons swiping on his smartphone.
The car behind him waited patiently for around 30 seconds before tapping their horn.

These people don't appear too smart.

Have you noticed inappropriate smartphone use is growing?
OTOH, do you think of yourself as a multi-tasking smartphone user?


Jul 7, 2004
I am occasionally guilty, though I try to not use my phone at all in the car. If Im at an EPIC standstill I will. I only make calls while on Speaker tho. I will pull onto a parking lot or out of the way to use the phone for texting if its not something I can send a quick text while stopped at the light though.

But in public, if Im going to be holding someone I try to not do that. Mostly bec it makes me NUTS that others are so annoying about it. I honk at other drivers who are clearly enraptured with their phones. And I say things to people who cannot function because they're totally glued to theirs as well.


Jun 8, 2008
OMG yes! I have not only noticed this but have been and continue to be supremely irritated by this whole inappropriate smart phone use! :knockout:

When walking out of the train station and up the stairs people are just stopped in the middle of the stairs using their phones while blocking traffic seemingly unaware of the delays they are causing to others. While walking down the street once again same thing occuring. People using their phones and walking way too slowly because of it and just delaying others around them. People crossing the street not paying attention (Darwinism survival of the fittest might just weed these people out lol) and I could go on and on. I am getting stressed just writing about these thoughtless narcissistic "the world revolves around me" people.

People just annoy me. You don't see animals being so darn inconsiderate. My cats always wait till they are in the comfort and privacy of their own space before texting and emailing. :bigsmile:


Mar 3, 2013
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....


Apr 30, 2005
momhappy|1368059478|3443132 said:
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....

Why aren't they embarrassed?
Do they think they're cool?
ARE they cool?
Am I uncool?


May 31, 2007
kenny|1368051877|3443051 said:
Yesterday I was at a supermarket where my cashier used her smartphone every "spare" second while working.
While swiping food's barcodes she was glancing at her phone and tapping and swiping away at her phone's screen.
After telling me my total she turned her back on me and stared at her phone while I got my cash ready ... AND kept her back to me for around 20 seconds after I held my cash out. :angryfire:
I had to say, "Hello!"

This morning while walking the dogs a car was stopped at a stop sign and the driver was pressing buttons swiping on his smartphone.
The car behind him waited patiently for around 30 seconds before tapping their horn.

These people don't appear too smart.

Have you noticed inappropriate smartphone use is growing?
OTOH, do you think of yourself as a multi-tasking smartphone user?

UM YES!!! I was in a lane next to a cop in the turning lane who was on his smart phone and the light turned green and he didn't budge for 20 seconds (yes i counted because i was irate). No one was behind him but still! I almost called it in. SO inappropriate. houligans on their smart phones dont surprise me anymore...

kenny said:
momhappy|1368059478|3443132 said:
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....

Why aren't they embarrassed?
Do they think they're cool?
ARE they cool?
Am I uncool?

this made me chuckle. NO they absolutely are not cool but they think they are.


Sep 23, 2011
04diamond<3|1368068887|3443217 said:
kenny said:
momhappy|1368059478|3443132 said:
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....

Why aren't they embarrassed?
Do they think they're cool?
ARE they cool?
Am I uncool?

this made me chuckle. NO they absolutely are not cool but they think they are.

I don't understand what being addicted to your cellphone has to do with "coolness"? I really don't think the person is trying to impress any watchers.


May 11, 2009
Smartphone usage is just getting worse and worse. That grocery store story is terrible though - there should be no phones at work, period! You're paid to work, so you do that 100% of your time on the clock. Wait til a break to message or FB.

Now I'm back at uni, I can see these teenagers up close and personal, in their native habitats. If I arrive early for class, it's a pretty even split -- 50% will be conversing with each other, going over notes, whatever, while the other 50% sit in silence, tapping on their phones. I've been physically run straight into when I've had my head turned because a girl on her phone walked directly into me from the other direction. I reckon I've had at least two dozen other close calls where I would have collided with them if I hadn't made a great effort to duck behind something/someone to get out of the way in time. :rolleyes:

Phone usage in the car is a huge pet peeve of mine. Thankfully Perth laws have absolutely forbidden it - $200 fine for touching your phone while operating a car. I'd like to see that implemented in the States as well. When we were back last year the phone usage we saw was appalling - swerving, running red lights, rolling through stop signs, drifting into other lanes and on to the shoulder. All because they have a phone to their face. :angryfire:

I only mess with my phone when I'm stuck in completely stand-still peak hour traffic. And I still feel guilty for that (and would get a fine if a police officer saw me).


Apr 22, 2004
It's not a cool factor but a compulsive pull for many people, especially teenagers and college age students. My own children want to check my phone as soon as it makes any squeak even though I tell them that it can wait. There's something triggered inside most of us, wanting to know the latest news, gossip, or whatever it is. I agree though that usage should be limited or completely disallowed during class, driving, and workplace for safety reasons at the very least.


Feb 8, 2003
justginger|1368089317|3443270 said:
Smartphone usage is just getting worse and worse. That grocery store story is terrible though - there should be no phones at work, period! You're paid to work, so you do that 100% of your time on the clock. Wait til a break to message or FB.

Phone usage in the car is a huge pet peeve of mine. Thankfully Perth laws have absolutely forbidden it - $200 fine for touching your phone while operating a car. I'd like to see that implemented in the States as well. When we were back last year the phone usage we saw was appalling - swerving, running red lights, rolling through stop signs, drifting into other lanes and on to the shoulder. All because they have a phone to their face. :angryfire:

It's against the law to use a cell phone while driving here in WA State...talking or texting is a $124 fine and a primary traffic offense. That said, NOBODY follows that law. Everyone still talks on their phone while driving.

A grocery clerk for sure shouldn't be using her phone while ringing up groceries. One little shop I go into sometimes has the clerks texting, but it's one of two guys and they always put their phone down to ring up my stuff. I'm not entirely defending the clerk who was rude to Kenny, however, you can't really blame a person who's probably paid minimum wage ($7-9/hr) to do a VERY BORING job to not want to text and try and make the day go a bit more quickly by chatting with friends.


Dec 29, 2006
kenny|1368060123|3443139 said:
momhappy|1368059478|3443132 said:
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....

Why aren't they embarrassed?
Do they think they're cool?
ARE they cool?
Am I uncool?

I don't think it has anything to do with being cool. I think a lot of people just can't break away from the need to be available all the time. Checking for and sending texts, e-mails, calls, etc.

I got my first cell phone 8 years ago, and my first smart phone a year ago, I think. I never wanted either one but finally caved when I thought more about the convenience factor. I carry my phone with me all the time, but I don't check it constantly. I do drive and talk and I know I may get flak for that. I stay aware of my surroundings though. I don't get how people can text and drive. That's multi-tasking I don't care to do.


Aug 25, 2009


Jun 8, 2008


Jan 30, 2008
Zoe|1368133977|3443572 said:
kenny|1368060123|3443139 said:
momhappy|1368059478|3443132 said:
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....

Why aren't they embarrassed?
Do they think they're cool?
ARE they cool?
Am I uncool?

I don't think it has anything to do with being cool. I think a lot of people just can't break away from the need to be available all the time. Checking for and sending texts, e-mails, calls, etc.

I got my first cell phone 8 years ago, and my first smart phone a year ago, I think. I never wanted either one but finally caved when I thought more about the convenience factor. I carry my phone with me all the time, but I don't check it constantly. I do drive and talk and I know I may get flak for that. I stay aware of my surroundings though. I don't get how people can text and drive. That's multi-tasking I don't care to do.

And here's one that I'm sure won't surprise you, Zoe.

You’ll Never Learn!
Students can’t resist multitasking, and it’s impairing their memory.

Smart phones = addicted, distracted, stupid, rude people.


Mar 6, 2006
kenny|1368060123|3443139 said:
momhappy|1368059478|3443132 said:
I see college students all the time, walking around campus, only looking at their smartphones - they even cross the street this way, completely oblivious to the world around them....

Why aren't they embarrassed?
Do they think they're cool?
ARE they cool?
Am I uncool?

No they are not cool. I have TAKEN AWAY my 16 year olds smart phone for a month because I decided to surprise him and pick him up from school but he had started walking home and he was looking at his smart phone while waling in a heavily traffic area. I thought he was smarter than that. This is a kid with a GPA over 4.0 and I have talked till I'm blue in the face about NOT using his phone when walking or in the car. And I told him this is a warning. Next time it will be permanent. he had a learners permit right now, and I also told him if I ever catch him using his phone in the car I will cancel his insurance and won't pay for him to drive anymore and of course not use my car.

Honestly, it scares the crap out of me. It is such a pet peave of mine to see drivers using phones in the car. And texting, always texting behind the wheel. And not just teenagers, but adults. Parents in the school pick up lines do it. One day someone will hit a kid because they are more in into their phone than the world around them.

It drives me insane.

And I'm really going to sound old here ,but I think facebook is making people more narcissistic. And just throw away their privacy and filters. I honestly believe that.
If a casher is using their phone at work they should lose their job. Are employers so desperate for workers they will put up with it? how is that even allowed?

Smart phones have dumbed down people in my opinion. I know I sound old and grouchy but I really believe that. I admit I do like my smart phone, but people come first.

I have seen a commercial for the new facebook phone so you can have facebook available every second on your home page. Yeah, that's healthy.
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