
Have you had any cosmetic procedures or surgery?

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Apr 28, 2008
I'd really love this to be a safe space to talk about cosmetic procedures, so I'd really appreciate if posters would be sensitive to the topic and to other posters.

Now, to the topic. Have you had any cosmetic procedures or surgery? Are you glad?

I've had few TCA peels (a strong chemical peel that makes the top layer of skin shed). I've considered some other non-invasive/minimally invasive treatments too, like lasers for acne scars or CoolSculpt (a non-surgical procedure for body contouring, basically for very small stubborn areas), but could never quite justify the $$. Then, a good friend and I had a conversation the other day about cosmetic procedures, and even as a generally frugal person, he basically said, 'if it gives you confidence (and you can afford it, and its not too risky) you should do it' and went on to tell me about his own plans for cosmetic dental work.

For me, the TCA peels were useful; the difference was absolutely noticeable. But, its not like the effect is permanent; the peel takes off the top layer of skin which sometimes has superficial dark spots, etc. but as time passes, you'll likely have new sun damage, acne, etc. and the effects that were once noticeable will not be there anymore. For me, it worked, and wasn't expensive, so it was basically worth it. It does have 'down time' of about a week while your skin peels.

Have you had anything done, and was it worth it?
I've tried lasers to remove sunspots or age spots. Sooooooo painful!! I am very wimpy and have very low pain threshold. It helped a little but I would never do it again. Ever.
I have mild ptosis that does not require any surgery. However, this made my left eye look very small and my eyelid is a little heavy. I'm planning on getting plastic surgery next year. In Asia, some people are born with monolids and getting plastic surgery to get lines on your eyelids is not uncommon. I do not see anything wrong with it. Personal matters like this should not be critisize by other people.

Now I remember that I had a laser treatment to have a blood vassal spot removed from my cheek two years ago. It cost $100 or so and was not a big deal.
Very minor stuff like surgery on a scar and facial zapping of tiny red areas (slight rosacea problems). I think it was a laser, it was painless. I had it done about three times over the past 30 years. Nice results.
(If it helps to know this in the post: I'm 42, Asian American, have a few sun/age spots, some tiny wrinkles under my eyes and an "11" between my brows that's just starting to remain even when not frowning.)

I just had my first set of Botox injections two months ago for my "11" lines. So far, so good. I plan to continue them but not a fan of the cost even though it's a lot less than many other procedures out there.

I'm also trying an Rx hydroquinone/retin A cream for sun/age spots - am halfway through my first eight week cycle. They're a little lighter but it sure does dry out your skin! I may not continue this. Good to know the laser hurts. I also have low pain threshold so I'll for sure skip that procedure!

I don't plan on having cosmetic surgery in the future but who really knows until the opportunity presents itself. I may have to have my eyelids done when I'm in my late 60s. My father had to have that done in order to keep his eyes open so I'm sure I'll have to too. I'm not sure if that's cosmetic or just a "need to do."
Breast reduction. From a 32HH to a 34C. After ten+ years and a pregnancy they've relaxed a bit and are now more like a 34DDD.

Insurance paid for everything except a $500 deductible. $20k procedure.

I'd be open to having more done in the future.
I've had nothing done and never plan to. I love my face, hair, body too much to ever mess with it.
I want a tummy tuck and when I have the money to do it, I will. I have had three children and lost all my pregnancy weight and train for triathlons six days a week. My saggy stomach skin is not going anywhere and when I am biking or see pics of me in my workout shorts with my saggy skin spilling out over the top, it makes me feel sad and not self confident. If a tummy tuck makes me feel more confident then I will do it.
Not yet, but after I've had kids I want a "mommy make-over" - a boob job and tummy tuck.

I don't see anything wrong with cosmetic surgery at all.
I am too much of a scaredy cat to have any elective surgery but I say if it would improve the quality of your life and make yourself feel better and you do your research on getting the best plastic surgeon then go for it.

As I get older I realize that there is so much I really cannot control so I try to be at peace with it and roll with life's changes. It's hard for a control freak like me but I don't have much of a choice so I might as well be zen with it and go with the flow (for what I cannot change that is).

No one (that I know) is perfect physically and truthfully that isn't something I need to be anyway. I am comfortable in my own skin and while there are many features that could be improved (because I am very far from perfect physically or otherwise!) I am OK with them the way I am. It's who I am that is important.

I don't judge anyone who goes for botox or plastic surgery though because I do think it can improve your life as long as you are in a good place mentally and emotionally. If it makes you feel better about yourself and about life and you make sure you choose a surgeon who has a good track record. As long as you are in a good place emotionally and not getting it as some sort of bandaid and not addressing a root problem that cosmetic surgery won't help. We have all seen those women who keep getting procedure after procedure searching for elusive happiness and peace that only comes from within.

And always always always wear sunscreen when going outside ladies (and gentlemen). That is the most important health and beauty advice I could give anyone.
Sakuracherry|1395458562|3639197 said:
I have mild ptosis that does not require any surgery. However, this made my left eye look very small and my eyelid is a little heavy. I'm planning on getting plastic surgery next year. In Asia, some people are born with monolids and getting plastic surgery to get lines on your eyelids is not uncommon. I do not see anything wrong with it. Personal matters like this should not be critisize by other people.

Now I remember that I had a laser treatment to have a blood vassal spot removed from my cheek two years ago. It cost $100 or so and was not a big deal.

Sakuracherry, I've had a "droopy" eyelid all of my's totally noticeable in photos and really makes me self conscious. I've never consulted a surgeon about it because I assumed that there was no way to fix it. Can you tell me more about what you're doing? Recovery time, cost, etc.? Thanks!
Chemical peels, laser treatments on my face (the Clear & Brilliant laser was/is by far my favorite), and I fairly recently started getting botox just in the area between my brows (I figured, since I was in my 40's, it was about time….). I love my face, body, and hair too, but it's the aging process that bothers me. I'm okay with a fair amount of aging (I have some wrinkles and sun spots), and I'd rather have some aging on my face than to look "plastic." However, I have no problem with cosmetic procedures (when used in moderation).
I would like to have 2 procedures done on my breasts and tummy. However given that dying during surgery is always a possibility, I stay away for now.
Yes, I have. Rhinoplasty and mentoplasty (with a little lipo under the chin) 17 years ago. I also had Lasik 13 years ago and as of last year I have to wear glasses to drive.

Totally worth it! :bigsmile:
Yes, I've had a few things done over the years (I'm 34 now). When I was 26, I underwent mastopexy with implants to makes my boobs fuller and prettier. It's something I'd wanted to have done since high school -- I hated my boobs forever and was very self-conscious about them. Now I love 'em! Seriously the best money I've ever spent! :bigsmile:

I've also had LASIK, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! I always wore glasses and could never tolerate contacts, so being able to watch TV without glasses was the best!

I get a little Botox in my forehead about every 4-5 months. I'd never had lines on my forehead, even when I raised my brows. Then one day when I was 32, I woke up and there they were... I figured I'd nip it in the bud before the lines get deep. It's not really painful, just feels like it's pinching when it's injected. I love it! My doctor is very conservative, so I just look well-rested instead of crazy like Teri Hatcher. :lol:

Last year I got some Juvederm injected before our wedding to fill in the little creases (in between my nose and top lip) that are made when I purse my lips. It didn't really hurt, but one side of my upper lip was swollen for a couple of days afterward, but the effects are immediate. Same idea as Botox -- preventative measures. ;)) It has lasted well over a year, so that's amazing to me! I won't have it redone until I notice I need it again.

My latest effort to try to look younger/improve my skin involves a combination of Obagi Nu-Derm skin care line and 9 Venus Freeze treatments. So far, so good! :))

I'm all for cosmetic procedures if it makes you happier and more confident. :wavey: We don't have children yet, but when we're finished I'd like to have a "mommy makeover" and get a tummy tuck and some serious liposuction. 8-) :D
I was horribly overweight as a youngster, only losing it in my early 20's. Ever since I have remained healthy, sporty & slim. My body amazingly pretty much went smooth in all the right places, I hardly gained any weight with either of my pregnancies & was back in running shoes a couple of months after each, both which were C sections. BUT... I used to have a huge, rounded fat face. The effect of the slimming meant a sagging cheek area, which caused heavy nose to mouth creases. These have always bothered me & as I have aged, they have deepened.

I am turning 40 this June, I have lovely youthful skin, no significant wrinkles, a healthy body & a healthy mind, but hated my cheek sagging with a vicious passion. Just over a week ago I had collagen fillers injected to these 2 areas. I wish I had done it yonks ago! It has taken 10 years off my already quite youthful face :appl: It took about 10 minutes with a numbing cream on first & I only felt the initial scratch with each of the 6 needles, 3 each side. I had a small bruise either side of my mouth for a few days, but that was it. The results are AMAZING & I would recommend this easy procedure in a heartbeat! Everybody I have seen since can't quite put their finger on it, but have commented how well I look & that I have a glow. It has boosted my confidence no end!
msop04|1395508999|3639412 said:
Yes, I've had a few things done over the years (I'm 34 now). When I was 26, I underwent mastopexy with implants to makes my boobs fuller and prettier. It's something I'd wanted to have done since high school -- I hated my boobs forever and was very self-conscious about them. Now I love 'em! Seriously the best money I've ever spent! :bigsmile:

I've also had LASIK, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! I always wore glasses and could never tolerate contacts, so being able to watch TV without glasses was the best!

I get a little Botox in my forehead about every 4-5 months. I'd never had lines on my forehead, even when I raised my brows. Then one day when I was 32, I woke up and there they were... I figured I'd nip it in the bud before the lines get deep. It's not really painful, just feels like it's pinching when it's injected. I love it! My doctor is very conservative, so I just look well-rested instead of crazy like Teri Hatcher. :lol:

Last year I got some Juvederm injected before our wedding to fill in the little creases (in between my nose and top lip) that are made when I purse my lips. It didn't really hurt, but one side of my upper lip was swollen for a couple of days afterward, but the effects are immediate. Same idea as Botox -- preventative measures. ;)) It has lasted well over a year, so that's amazing to me! I won't have it redone until I notice I need it again.

My latest effort to try to look younger/improve my skin involves a combination of Obagi Nu-Derm skin care line and 9 Venus Freeze treatments. So far, so good! :))

I'm all for cosmetic procedures if it makes you happier and more confident. :wavey: We don't have children yet, but when we're finished I'd like to have a "mommy makeover" and get a tummy tuck and some serious liposuction. 8-) :D

I just wanted to add that not everyone who has kids, has issues afterwards. My body was pretty much the same (and maybe even a little bit better) after having children. I carried babies to term, breastfeed each of them for 6 months, and everything pretty much went back to the way it was before. Getting pregnant/having babies does not necessarily mean that your body goes to h*ll. Sure, you should expect some changes (some of them permanent) and that varies from woman to woman, but there are women who don't have lasting, major effects post-pregnancy:)
momhappy|1395510503|3639423 said:
msop04|1395508999|3639412 said:
Yes, I've had a few things done over the years (I'm 34 now). When I was 26, I underwent mastopexy with implants to makes my boobs fuller and prettier. It's something I'd wanted to have done since high school -- I hated my boobs forever and was very self-conscious about them. Now I love 'em! Seriously the best money I've ever spent! :bigsmile:

I've also had LASIK, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! I always wore glasses and could never tolerate contacts, so being able to watch TV without glasses was the best!

I get a little Botox in my forehead about every 4-5 months. I'd never had lines on my forehead, even when I raised my brows. Then one day when I was 32, I woke up and there they were... I figured I'd nip it in the bud before the lines get deep. It's not really painful, just feels like it's pinching when it's injected. I love it! My doctor is very conservative, so I just look well-rested instead of crazy like Teri Hatcher. :lol:

Last year I got some Juvederm injected before our wedding to fill in the little creases (in between my nose and top lip) that are made when I purse my lips. It didn't really hurt, but one side of my upper lip was swollen for a couple of days afterward, but the effects are immediate. Same idea as Botox -- preventative measures. ;)) It has lasted well over a year, so that's amazing to me! I won't have it redone until I notice I need it again.

My latest effort to try to look younger/improve my skin involves a combination of Obagi Nu-Derm skin care line and 9 Venus Freeze treatments. So far, so good! :))

I'm all for cosmetic procedures if it makes you happier and more confident. :wavey: We don't have children yet, but when we're finished I'd like to have a "mommy makeover" and get a tummy tuck and some serious liposuction. 8-) :D

I just wanted to add that not everyone who has kids, has issues afterwards. My body was pretty much the same (and maybe even a little bit better) after having children. I carried babies to term, breastfeed each of them for 6 months, and everything pretty much went back to the way it was before. Getting pregnant/having babies does not necessarily mean that your body goes to h*ll. Sure, you should expect some changes (some of them permanent) and that varies from woman to woman, but there are women who don't have lasting, major effects post-pregnancy:)

And those women should be beaten. Severely.

Said w/aaaallll the love a squishy saggy lopsided boobs haven't lost the baby weight in 10 years woman can bestow.

I wasn't sure if it would count as cosmetic, but since several others have mentioned it, I'm about to have Lasik, in about a week and a half. I'm scared out of my mind, but SO excited at the same time. I can't wait to put on makeup without holding a mirror 3 inches from my face!

I also plan on braces next year, when my flexible spending account re-ups.
I had a tummy tuck 2 1/2 years ago. I had 3 large babies and was left with separated abdominal muscles and saggy skin. I'm at my ideal weight and in the best shape I've ever been. I workout 6 days/week and was never going to be able to get rid of the skin. It's major surgery and very painful but I'm so happy I had it done. I'd like to get my boobs done in the next year but need to ease hubby into the idea:-) I also had some touch up lipo done after surgery...that was easy
momhappy|1395510503|3639423 said:
msop04|1395508999|3639412 said:
Yes, I've had a few things done over the years (I'm 34 now). When I was 26, I underwent mastopexy with implants to makes my boobs fuller and prettier. It's something I'd wanted to have done since high school -- I hated my boobs forever and was very self-conscious about them. Now I love 'em! Seriously the best money I've ever spent! :bigsmile:

I've also had LASIK, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! I always wore glasses and could never tolerate contacts, so being able to watch TV without glasses was the best!

I get a little Botox in my forehead about every 4-5 months. I'd never had lines on my forehead, even when I raised my brows. Then one day when I was 32, I woke up and there they were... I figured I'd nip it in the bud before the lines get deep. It's not really painful, just feels like it's pinching when it's injected. I love it! My doctor is very conservative, so I just look well-rested instead of crazy like Teri Hatcher. :lol:

Last year I got some Juvederm injected before our wedding to fill in the little creases (in between my nose and top lip) that are made when I purse my lips. It didn't really hurt, but one side of my upper lip was swollen for a couple of days afterward, but the effects are immediate. Same idea as Botox -- preventative measures. ;)) It has lasted well over a year, so that's amazing to me! I won't have it redone until I notice I need it again.

My latest effort to try to look younger/improve my skin involves a combination of Obagi Nu-Derm skin care line and 9 Venus Freeze treatments. So far, so good! :))

I'm all for cosmetic procedures if it makes you happier and more confident. :wavey: We don't have children yet, but when we're finished I'd like to have a "mommy makeover" and get a tummy tuck and some serious liposuction. 8-) :D

I just wanted to add that not everyone who has kids, has issues afterwards. My body was pretty much the same (and maybe even a little bit better) after having children. I carried babies to term, breastfeed each of them for 6 months, and everything pretty much went back to the way it was before. Getting pregnant/having babies does not necessarily mean that your body goes to h*ll. Sure, you should expect some changes (some of them permanent) and that varies from woman to woman, but there are women who don't have lasting, major effects post-pregnancy:)

Well, I hope I'm one of the lucky ones... but truth be told, I could use it now. :oops: :oops:
I just wanted to add that not everyone who has kids, has issues afterwards. My body was pretty much the same (and maybe even a little bit better) after having children. I carried babies to term, breastfeed each of them for 6 months, and everything pretty much went back to the way it was before. Getting pregnant/having babies does not necessarily mean that your body goes to h*ll. Sure, you should expect some changes (some of them permanent) and that varies from woman to woman, but there are women who don't have lasting, major effects post-pregnancy:)

And those women should be beaten. Severely.

Said w/aaaallll the love a squishy saggy lopsided boobs haven't lost the baby weight in 10 years woman can bestow.


This made me laugh, packrat! :lol: :lol: ...I know about weight issues -- the struggle is real. ::)
manderz|1395511963|3639439 said:
I wasn't sure if it would count as cosmetic, but since several others have mentioned it, I'm about to have Lasik, in about a week and a half. I'm scared out of my mind, but SO excited at the same time. I can't wait to put on makeup without holding a mirror 3 inches from my face!

I also plan on braces next year, when my flexible spending account re-ups.

Try not to worry, manderz!! The entire procedure takes literally less than 5 minutes -- it's not bad at all! You will be so amazed and happy! :bigsmile: :appl:
msop04|1395513779|3639448 said:
manderz|1395511963|3639439 said:
I wasn't sure if it would count as cosmetic, but since several others have mentioned it, I'm about to have Lasik, in about a week and a half. I'm scared out of my mind, but SO excited at the same time. I can't wait to put on makeup without holding a mirror 3 inches from my face!

I also plan on braces next year, when my flexible spending account re-ups.

Try not to worry, manderz!! The entire procedure takes literally less than 5 minutes -- it's not bad at all! You will be so amazed and happy! :bigsmile: :appl:

Thanks. This will be my first surgery. I know it's quick and easy, and I know there are pretty low instances of side effects, but I'm still terrified. I warned them already that I'll be needing an anti-anxiety medication.
manderz|1395514081|3639450 said:
msop04|1395513779|3639448 said:
manderz|1395511963|3639439 said:
I wasn't sure if it would count as cosmetic, but since several others have mentioned it, I'm about to have Lasik, in about a week and a half. I'm scared out of my mind, but SO excited at the same time. I can't wait to put on makeup without holding a mirror 3 inches from my face!

I also plan on braces next year, when my flexible spending account re-ups.

Try not to worry, manderz!! The entire procedure takes literally less than 5 minutes -- it's not bad at all! You will be so amazed and happy! :bigsmile: :appl:

Thanks. This will be my first surgery. I know it's quick and easy, and I know there are pretty low instances of side effects, but I'm still terrified. I warned them already that I'll be needing an anti-anxiety medication.

Yeah, that's a good idea -- I had to take a Valium before my LASIK. :shock: 8-)
Yup I had a mommy makeover over the summer and I'm extremely happy with my decision to it. I feel way better about my body. My DH says it was the best money we ever spent. I only wish I had done it sooner.

I would be open to more in the future but on that same note I'm not trying to look like a plastic botox injected Barbie. I want to age gracefully so for me surgery isn't about trying to stay young looking as much as I'm interested in trying to look my best for my age if that makes sense.
I have had laser on my face to get rid of brown spots. It worked pretty well but they do come back. Its also pretty painful. I'm now
using Hydroquinone 4% now to get rid of the spots. I also use a lot of suntan lotion living in Fl. and all.
missy that is that best advice: stay out of the sun for beautiful skin. I have very white skin that has pink cast to it and it cannot tan in the least. Hats and sun avoidance are the only answer for me, plus I love the shade, hate being in the sun and am a night owl.

People are floored by complete lack of aging on the surface of my skin at 58, no wrinkles or lines anywhere. I never used facial muscles to emote except for smiling, I never wrinkle up my forehead with emoting, that helps. My skin on my face, neck and body look like a 20 year old's, but I do look my age because of gravity, I can see some sagging when I look in the mirror in the chin and neck area, but I don't want surgery for it though I fantasize about it if it were as easy as waving a magic wand at the offending areas.

My naked body looks like a menopausal 60 year old's because of shape and sagging, and minor weight gain, not skin quality, but I don't mind that, it seems proper, natural and it's not ugly, it's just a fact...and I love my body as it is perfectly healthy, I wake up every day feeling good. I know I am unusual. I live in an unusual way - Since my 20's no sun, no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking, no meat, no chicken, no fish, seafood or eggs - I eat organic food, diet of fruit, vegetables, soyfoods, rice, beans, bread, grains, dark chocolate, cheese, coffee, yogurt, sweet eggfree treats only. I've never been sick except for an occasional cold or flu. (Knock wood - that can end at any time) My body reflects that.

I don't want the risk of surgery, and the sagging of jowl/neck area isn't bad. I don't dye my hair so it has a platinum blonde or white look depending on lighting...and I like looking close to my age...but the skin part...staying out of the sun - I am living proof that it works. When I went to my mother's funeral, there was someone who had not seen me since I was 16 and they told me that my face had not changed a bit.

I take vitamins and minerals. I have enough Vitamin D in my system.
1985 Mastopexy.. new split from shithead exhusband (yay!) had the money, was a GREAT experience, got remarried had 2 kids, need another one ;-) but i'm 61 now not 32.. it was 5K in 85, elective surgery... today that would be about 11K... I will say in all honesty - I'm glad I did it, I'd do it again also cosmetic surgery is for the inner, not the outer you.. I was not perfect after the surgery but the inner me felt much better, and my self confidence surged and I felt much more happy with ME. I don't consider myself fixated on my looks, quite the opposite but I'd had a growth spurt and lost weight and it showed.. best of luck!

:wavey: :wavey:
Tekate|1395515545|3639468 said:
1985 Mastopexy.. new split from shithead exhusband (yay!) had the money, was a GREAT, got remarried had 2 kids, need another one ;-) I will say in all honesty - I'm glad I did it, I'd do it again and cosmetic surgery is for the inner, not the outer you.. I was not perfect after the surgery but the inner me felt much better.

:wavey: :wavey:

This exactly! Since my MM I have felt so much better about myself. I used to constantly complain about how I looked in everything and how I felt large. While I'm still not slim or have supermodel looks PS has definitely been a huge confidence boost.
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