
Has anyone tried SENSA sprinkles for weightloss?


Mar 13, 2004
I'm so curious about its effectiveness?

I've always had a healthy appetitite, but stayed relatively slim due to an active lifestyle, and good genetics...but that's not the case anymore. I feel like my waistline is ballooning, and I blame it on aging and slower metabolism. Anyhoo, I've tried to train myself to eat less with no success, I always need a hearty big portion to feel full. I'm hoping that Sensa will really help suppress my appetite, and help me shrink my stretched out stomach.

I would love to hear any pros or cons....


Jun 23, 2010

One of the most effective (and healthiest!) things you can do to control weight without feeling deprived is to increase the amount of fiber you eat, especially soluble fiber. Brown rice instead of white, whole grain pasta instead of white, quinoa, wheatberries, rye berries and farro instead of white potatoes. Eat kale and chard instead of iceberg lettuce. Eat fruits instead of donuts. And so on, all the tried and true things that very few people actually do!


Dec 29, 2004
This sounds strange to me, but admittedly, I haven't tried it.

Jaysonsmom, how about eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, instead of just trying to eat less? Also, you'd have to try and train yourself to stop when you're not HUNGRY, vs feeling full. Feeling full usually means you've eaten too much. It takes awhile, but after you get used to it, feeling full isn't a good feeling at all.

You're right...getting old and slowing metabolism is a killer. I can't imagine you will want to sprinkle this stuff on your food for the rest of your life (since I know you are my age, I think we have a long life yet to live!) so the best way is to train yourself to eat right and exercise now. In fact, I really think it's the only way to maintain long term physical well being.


Mar 13, 2004
Thanks ladies, believe it or not, I have a Master's in Human nutrition, and I consider my self a healthy eater, I just think I eat WAY too much of everything... I think my stomach is like a loose balloon that never feels full. I also exercise about 50 minutes, 4 times a week.

For eg, for breakfast, I can easily eat 2 pieces of whole grain toast with an egg, or a slice of cheese for protein. 2 hours later at work I'm eating my fruit ( I usually bring 2 types of fruit, one for the morning snack one for the afternoon), then I munch on other "healthy snacks: such as raisins, almonds, string cheese....all the way until lunch time. I go the gym at lunch time, and when I get back to my deck I eat a huge salad (with some type of protein), at 3 o'clock I start munching again on popcorn, fruit, granola or fiber type bars....
then I eat dinner at 7PM and it is usually pasta (whole grain---the whole family loves pasta, we can eat it 5 times a week), but I eat a ton of it, then go back for seconds, and 3rds!!!

I think I easily eat the amount of the average man each day. My husband eats less than me :confused: He used to think it was cool that I was a huge eater, and always stayed skinny...but now he rolls his eyes when I get up to get another helping.


Dec 29, 2004
jaysonsmom|1311023779|2971677 said:
Thanks ladies, believe it or not, I have a Master's in Human nutrition, and I consider my self a healthy eater, I just think I eat WAY too much of everything... I think my stomach is like a loose balloon that never feels full. I also exercise about 50 minutes, 4 times a week.

For eg, for breakfast, I can easily eat 2 pieces of whole grain toast with an egg, or a slice of cheese for protein. 2 hours later at work I'm eating my fruit ( I usually bring 2 types of fruit, one for the morning snack one for the afternoon), then I munch on other "healthy snacks: such as raisins, almonds, string cheese....all the way until lunch time. I go the gym at lunch time, and when I get back to my deck I eat a huge salad (with some type of protein), at 3 o'clock I start munching again on popcorn, fruit, granola or fiber type bars....
then I eat dinner at 7PM and it is usually pasta (whole grain---the whole family loves pasta, we can eat it 5 times a week), but I eat a ton of it, then go back for seconds, and 3rds!!!

I think I easily eat the amount of the average man each day. My husband eats less than me :confused: He used to think it was cool that I was a huge eater, and always stayed skinny...but now he rolls his eyes when I get up to get another helping.

Smack your husband upside the head each time he does that. It's gotta be good for burning 5 or so calories each time.


Jun 23, 2010
TravelingGal|1311024071|2971683 said:
Smack your husband upside the head each time he does that. It's gotta be good for burning 5 or so calories each time.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Apr 28, 2010
Your issue was my very own issue too.

When I did REALLY helped me portion food out, first 3 weeks were hardest and then I got used to it...maybe you can give it a shot?


Mar 13, 2004
Autumnovember|1311030049|2971747 said:
Your issue was my very own issue too.

When I did REALLY helped me portion food out, first 3 weeks were hardest and then I got used to it...maybe you can give it a shot?

I think I just need to buckle up and let myself go through the torture of eating less than I want....but it's so hard! I've even considered a lap-band to shrink my stomach size...but I'd never qualify based on my weight.


Mar 13, 2004
TravelingGal|1311024071|2971683 said:
jaysonsmom|1311023779|2971677 said:
Thanks ladies, believe it or not, I have a Master's in Human nutrition, and I consider my self a healthy eater, I just think I eat WAY too much of everything... I think my stomach is like a loose balloon that never feels full. I also exercise about 50 minutes, 4 times a week.

For eg, for breakfast, I can easily eat 2 pieces of whole grain toast with an egg, or a slice of cheese for protein. 2 hours later at work I'm eating my fruit ( I usually bring 2 types of fruit, one for the morning snack one for the afternoon), then I munch on other "healthy snacks: such as raisins, almonds, string cheese....all the way until lunch time. I go the gym at lunch time, and when I get back to my deck I eat a huge salad (with some type of protein), at 3 o'clock I start munching again on popcorn, fruit, granola or fiber type bars....
then I eat dinner at 7PM and it is usually pasta (whole grain---the whole family loves pasta, we can eat it 5 times a week), but I eat a ton of it, then go back for seconds, and 3rds!!!

I think I easily eat the amount of the average man each day. My husband eats less than me :confused: He used to think it was cool that I was a huge eater, and always stayed skinny...but now he rolls his eyes when I get up to get another helping.

Smack your husband upside the head each time he does that. It's gotta be good for burning 5 or so calories each time.

I'll try that. 3 meals a day X 7 days a week X 5 calories per smack =105 calories expended a week!


Dec 29, 2004
Try things that kill your appetite. I find that tea works for me.


Oct 7, 2004
I have the same issue.. eat way too much, all day long. Always been a outwardly skinny girl in a size 0 so never thought i had a problem until a few years ago when my Dr. said my fat percentage level is too high (30%!!!) and i need to cut back and build muscles or else i'd die of a heart attack or get a stroke. I always thought Claim Jumpers' portions were "normal"... and would often finish apps, main dish, and have desserts. :errrr:

What worked for me is drinking soup (broth) before each meal. You know the cantonese type that's pretty nutritious w/ veggies and stuff but you only drink the broth? I will drink a huge bowl of it, wait about 15 mins, then eat. I find that i now only eat about half the amount i used to eat. Or i'll eat food that requires chewing a lot.. i hate chewing, so i stop eating after a while when i get bored. Pasta is the worst because i just scarf it down after chewing it twice. Once i got a pretzel dog and realized i finished it after 1 whole minute... didn't even make it to the next store at the mall, and that i didn't even taste it really. It's really bad! so i make myself slow down between bites too.

eta: to answer your original question, i wouldn't try SENSA... there's been way too many bad reviews, and i dont trust it!

Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Maybe cut back on some of the carbs? I know if I eat too much fruit and even whole grain carbs, it makes me crave more... I really watch my fruit intake and I also found out I am sensitive to gluten, so I now avoid whole wheat, etc. and I have very little cravings or urge to over eat. I have lost 50 pounds in 5.5 months by cutting out the foods that make me want to eat more...I don't miss those foods at all and I certainly don't miss those 50 pounds either! Also, we tend to crave what we are allergic to, so you may also have a gluten sensitivity, which makes you want to eat even more....give it a try for a few weeks and see if you notice a difference! =)


Apr 30, 2005
Eat less.
Move more.

You'll lose weight, FOR FREE.


Dec 12, 2008
It's hotter than blue blazes here right now so that helps my appetite..I too have a lumberjack way of was funny back in the day of 6 pack abs but now..not so much. Drinking a lot of water will help make you feel full, and often it's dehydration your body is feeling, not actual hunger, so keep water going all the time.


Jun 6, 2011
jaysonsmom|1311023779|2971677 said:
Thanks ladies, believe it or not, I have a Master's in Human nutrition, and I consider my self a healthy eater, I just think I eat WAY too much of everything... I think my stomach is like a loose balloon that never feels full. I also exercise about 50 minutes, 4 times a week.

For eg, for breakfast, I can easily eat 2 pieces of whole grain toast with an egg, or a slice of cheese for protein. 2 hours later at work I'm eating my fruit ( I usually bring 2 types of fruit, one for the morning snack one for the afternoon), then I munch on other "healthy snacks: such as raisins, almonds, string cheese....all the way until lunch time. I go the gym at lunch time, and when I get back to my deck I eat a huge salad (with some type of protein), at 3 o'clock I start munching again on popcorn, fruit, granola or fiber type bars....
then I eat dinner at 7PM and it is usually pasta (whole grain---the whole family loves pasta, we can eat it 5 times a week), but I eat a ton of it, then go back for seconds, and 3rds!!!

I think I easily eat the amount of the average man each day. My husband eats less than me :confused: He used to think it was cool that I was a huge eater, and always stayed skinny...but now he rolls his eyes when I get up to get another helping.

Ok, nothing you don't already know since you're a nutritionist type person-ish kinda gal. Your daily plan sounds amazingly good till around 7pm. Then everything you've done till then goes out the window. But I think you knew that.

Fullness is a mental conditioning thing, so the only solution lies within your will to eat less. Going cold turkey is bleeding tough (well unless cooked well but that's not what I meant), but it is the only way.

Alternatively, pick a high fiber fruit that you dislike, and eat it after your first portion of food at dinner (the rest of the day sounds great) before you're allowed seconds. And again before thirds. Use a smaller dinner plate too. Much smaller. So your usual 3 portions will mean 5 portions on the new plates. And 5 portions means 4 awful fruits in between.

If you love all fruits, eat a whole apple in between plates of pasta. No way you can eat 4 apples and 5 plates of pasta. Something's gotta give - and an apple is certainly more nutritious and less threatening on the waistline than pasta.


Mar 13, 2004
TristanC|1311092472|2972286 said:
Ok, nothing you don't already know since you're a nutritionist type person-ish kinda gal. Your daily plan sounds amazingly good till around 7pm. Then everything you've done till then goes out the window. But I think you knew that.

Fullness is a mental conditioning thing, so the only solution lies within your will to eat less. Going cold turkey is bleeding tough (well unless cooked well but that's not what I meant), but it is the only way.

Alternatively, pick a high fiber fruit that you dislike, and eat it after your first portion of food at dinner (the rest of the day sounds great) before you're allowed seconds. And again before thirds. Use a smaller dinner plate too. Much smaller. So your usual 3 portions will mean 5 portions on the new plates. And 5 portions means 4 awful fruits in between.

If you love all fruits, eat a whole apple in between plates of pasta. No way you can eat 4 apples and 5 plates of pasta. Something's gotta give - and an apple is certainly more nutritious and less threatening on the waistline than pasta.

Believe it or not, there is only one fruit I don't like, and that is grapefruit.
That is a whole other problem. Not only do I have a huge appetite, I love all food. I'm the world's least picky eater. :blackeye:


Sep 1, 2009
jaysonsmom|1311102827|2972408 said:
TristanC|1311092472|2972286 said:
Ok, nothing you don't already know since you're a nutritionist type person-ish kinda gal. Your daily plan sounds amazingly good till around 7pm. Then everything you've done till then goes out the window. But I think you knew that.

Fullness is a mental conditioning thing, so the only solution lies within your will to eat less. Going cold turkey is bleeding tough (well unless cooked well but that's not what I meant), but it is the only way.

Alternatively, pick a high fiber fruit that you dislike, and eat it after your first portion of food at dinner (the rest of the day sounds great) before you're allowed seconds. And again before thirds. Use a smaller dinner plate too. Much smaller. So your usual 3 portions will mean 5 portions on the new plates. And 5 portions means 4 awful fruits in between.

If you love all fruits, eat a whole apple in between plates of pasta. No way you can eat 4 apples and 5 plates of pasta. Something's gotta give - and an apple is certainly more nutritious and less threatening on the waistline than pasta.

Believe it or not, there is only one fruit I don't like, and that is grapefruit.
That is a whole other problem. Not only do I have a huge appetite, I love all food. I'm the world's least picky eater. :blackeye:

The smaller plate idea is great.

Maybe instead of a piece of fruit, drink a full 16oz glass of water between plates of pasta.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
My goodness jaysonsmom, your eating/exercise habits are so much like mine, all the way down to almonds/raisins/string cheese snacks and liking just about everything but grapefruit! Here's some hope for you: I am pretty sure I am older than you and I was still able to lose weight. I think a lot of it is mindset; if you believe that middle-age is destined to bring middle "fluff" you feel defeated and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I had been carrying around an extra 20 pounds from the time my daughter was born when I was 32 until age 45 when I started to gain even more weight, despite all the exercise and healthy eating. I finally counted calories for the first time in my life and in 30 weeks lost 30 pounds, which I have kept off for the past 5 years. To do this, I ate (and continue to eat) about 1600 calories per day (I'm 5'4"). What was most surprising to me was going back and figuring out how many calories I had been eating to maintain my prior heavier weight. It was only about 400-500 calories more per day. When you are healthy eater, this translates to a cup of whole grain pasta, a fistful of almonds, a banana and a miniature box of raisins -- not what most people would think would make you carry that much extra weight.

I agree with TristanC that fullness is mental conditioning. I had to force myself to stop going for second and third helpings (loading up on vegetables helps) at dinner. It was very hard at first but then got easier. As I lost weight, I found I was less hungry. Maybe I just got into the habit of eating less or maybe there's some truth to the "set-point" theory that says your body wants to maintain current weight.

I have to ask you though -- do you get enough sleep? I find that when I don't get enough sleep I just want to eat like crazy!


Jun 6, 2011
jaysonsmom|1311102827|2972408 said:
TristanC|1311092472|2972286 said:
Ok, nothing you don't already know since you're a nutritionist type person-ish kinda gal. Your daily plan sounds amazingly good till around 7pm. Then everything you've done till then goes out the window. But I think you knew that.

Fullness is a mental conditioning thing, so the only solution lies within your will to eat less. Going cold turkey is bleeding tough (well unless cooked well but that's not what I meant), but it is the only way.

Alternatively, pick a high fiber fruit that you dislike, and eat it after your first portion of food at dinner (the rest of the day sounds great) before you're allowed seconds. And again before thirds. Use a smaller dinner plate too. Much smaller. So your usual 3 portions will mean 5 portions on the new plates. And 5 portions means 4 awful fruits in between.

If you love all fruits, eat a whole apple in between plates of pasta. No way you can eat 4 apples and 5 plates of pasta. Something's gotta give - and an apple is certainly more nutritious and less threatening on the waistline than pasta.

Believe it or not, there is only one fruit I don't like, and that is grapefruit.
That is a whole other problem. Not only do I have a huge appetite, I love all food. I'm the world's least picky eater. :blackeye:

Hey no worries, grapefruit won't work, but apples will. Look, nobody can love apples THAT much. So pick a plate that allows you to portion about 60% of your usual dinner plate. Then after you polish off that portion, you got to eat a Whole apple, before you can start eating the next portion. It is gonna seem pretty weird, but it will throw off your cravings like mad. Apples are also incredibly filling, and reasonably healthy and low calorie. Then if for some reason after your second portion you STILL want more food, you gotta eat Another apple first.

I doubt all but the most dauntless appetites will be able to tolerate 2-3 apples in between meals at the start. It IS pretty weird, but after a while, you'll crave the extra plates less, and you'll start to hate or get really really bored of apples (well if you find you love them then switch up to a less tasty variety of apple). Long run what you are hoping for is just 1 plate portion of food, and maybe one apple.

You'll start to feel less hungry very quickly actually, within a week or two if you stick to the regimen. Your mind will adjust. Smaller plates piled high also are more 'satisfying' than larger plates. Your mind believes it is more somehow... its a study conditioning thing, I didn't come up with it.

Mathematically this is how it stacks up:
Now: 1 usual portion + 2nd portion + sometimes 3rd portion = 300%
After: 1 smaller plate (60%) + apple (20%) + 2nd smaller plate (60%) + apple (20%) [you should have given up by now] = 160%

You immediately cut almost half the food out from your diet. An apple is round about 80calories, while wholewheat pasta at around 400, so the math kinda works out give or take.

best part is, you're munching apples, not just eating less for the moment, so your physical food needs shouldn't send you into a fridge raiding quest sometime later in the night.

Good luck!


Jun 6, 2011
TooPatient|1311103612|2972412 said:
The smaller plate idea is great.

Maybe instead of a piece of fruit, drink a full 16oz glass of water between plates of pasta.

This works for some people, not all. I personally can drink about 5-6 glasses of water with a 4-5 course meal with no added fullness. This happens a lot in restaurants for me, and it isn't a 'thing'. I just like cleansing my mouth between bites in a good restaurant.


Oct 7, 2004
i read that water doesn't trigger the same "fullness" feeling as juice or soup. That's why i like vegetable broth.. it's not that high in calories, and my body thinks i'm eating food instead of trying to trick it!


Jun 6, 2011
ForteKitty|1311128543|2972663 said:
i read that water doesn't trigger the same "fullness" feeling as juice or soup. That's why i like vegetable broth.. it's not that high in calories, and my body thinks i'm eating food instead of trying to trick it!

Sodium levels ok? :)) Does bland broth work?


Oct 7, 2004
Tristan- The chinese food we order is low fat, low sodium, no msg, cooked w/ olive oil. Sometimes it's vegetarian, sometimes not. The broth is very very light, but still very yummy. I think they cook it for a long time so all the nutrients are in the broth and there is a lot of flavor. It's full of asian veggies that i can't even pronounce, all i know is it's full of dark leafy greens and colorful stuff. :bigsmile:

We leave at 630am and dont get back till 7pm (gym after work), so there's no time to cook. We started ordering from this place that delivers healthier options to families who dont have time to cook and dont want nasty fast food. Our order comes with 2liters of soup, 3 dishes(veggies, fish, chicken/pork/meat), rice, and they come in glass containers. After we finish the food, we wash the containers and they pick them up the next day when the new food is delivered. Our bags and two sets of containers are labeled, so we dont worry about getting other people sets. It's pretty cheap too.. around $25 a day and it serves two... there's usually enough food left over for breakfast AND lunch the next day! Oh and you get the menu for the week, so if you dont like what's coming up, you dont have to order for that day.

Like i said, the broth has made a world of difference. I used to eat about 3 plates, then have soup, and i'd feel so full and sluggish. Now i start w/ the broth first, and i'm only eating about 1-1.5 plate. I do get a little hungry around 10pm tho (i gotta eat every 3 hours or else i'm cranky), so i'll have some crackers or salmon jerkey to curb the hunger. It usually holds me over till about midnight when i go to bed.


Mar 13, 2004
Thanks for all the suggestions so far...I'm actually not overweight yet, I just feel the waist of my clothes getting tight and uncomfortable, and based on genetics that'll probably be the only part of me that expands...both of my parents got bigger bigger in the waist as they aged, and nowhere else.

MariaD- Thanks for the encouragement. Glad to hear weight gain with age can be stalled or prevented. I know what I eat is not's all about counting calories and portion control. I'm going to look into some type of calorie tracking system.

Tristan-I can probably do the smaller plate thing, but I LOVE apples and they don't trigger any type of satiety button in my brain. I often eat a giant fuji apple before my lunchtime workout, and still come back to wolf down a big lunch!

Fortekitty- I wish I had that meal delivery service. Sounds healthy and convenient! My parents are coming in 2 weeks, I'm going to have them make broth every night. I don't have the luxury of making slow-cooked stuff because I get home close to 7PM!

I have a confession: I ordered a 1 month supply of SENSA right before I posted yesterday. I'll give it a shot and let you guys know how effective it is at curbing appetite.


Sep 1, 2009
TristanC|1311128240|2972662 said:
TooPatient|1311103612|2972412 said:
The smaller plate idea is great.

Maybe instead of a piece of fruit, drink a full 16oz glass of water between plates of pasta.

This works for some people, not all. I personally can drink about 5-6 glasses of water with a 4-5 course meal with no added fullness. This happens a lot in restaurants for me, and it isn't a 'thing'. I just like cleansing my mouth between bites in a good restaurant.


I never really thought about that because the combination of food + glasses of water really makes me feel a lot fuller. Of course it probably also helps that I don't mind water with stuff, but having to sit and actually drink a glass is something I don't enjoy.


Oct 7, 2004
jaysonsmom- i read some reviews about how they automatically bill you for the second month and it's a pain to get them to take you off their billing. Make sure you cancel early if you dont like it!!


Dec 7, 2010
What is your exercise routine? Do you do a lot of cardio or do you do some resistance training (with some decently heavy weights)?

I've found out that lots of cardio (more than 15-20 mn per workout) is counter-productive for me - it makes me ravenously hungry. On the other hand, weight training builds muscle, which increases metabolism (most of the metabolic slowdown with age is from muscle loss). The exercise itself will burn similar amounts of calories, and makes me crave protein but not carbs while not getting too hungry. Depending on what you do at the gym, you might want to switch up your workouts a little and see what happens.

I second (or third?) the slowing down during dinner. As in, waiting at least 20mn before getting seconds.

The only thing in your diet I would also watch out for is the almonds. I love almonds too, and they're really healthy, but the calories add up quickly. Make sure you measure your portions!

Hope this helps and good luck!


Nov 14, 2004
I agree that dinner is your problem. I would pause for 15 min before getting second, give your brain time to register whether or not u r still hungry. I wouldn't wait for a full feeling.

I also wanted to suggest more strength/resistant training. Strength training will build muscle mass and help to keep from losing muscle along with fat. The muscle is will help with the slowing metabolism too. With cardio along, you lose about 16% fat and 10% muscle.

I am not a believer of any fad diets or diet supplements. To me, they are short term fix. You want long term result, you have to change your mind set.


Nov 14, 2004
Oh and I recommend using a slow cooker to make Chinese soups.


Mar 13, 2004
vsc|1311308547|2974330 said:
What is your exercise routine? Do you do a lot of cardio or do you do some resistance training (with some decently heavy weights)?

I've found out that lots of cardio (more than 15-20 mn per workout) is counter-productive for me - it makes me ravenously hungry. On the other hand, weight training builds muscle, which increases metabolism (most of the metabolic slowdown with age is from muscle loss). The exercise itself will burn similar amounts of calories, and makes me crave protein but not carbs while not getting too hungry. Depending on what you do at the gym, you might want to switch up your workouts a little and see what happens.

I second (or third?) the slowing down during dinner. As in, waiting at least 20mn before getting seconds.

The only thing in your diet I would also watch out for is the almonds. I love almonds too, and they're really healthy, but the calories add up quickly. Make sure you measure your portions!

Hope this helps and good luck!

I do about 30 minutes on the treadmill/eliptical/stairclimber, then 10-20 minutes on weight machines (focusing on mainly on arms and abs) which are my problem areas.
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