
Has anyone taken the Activa challenge?

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Dec 4, 2007
Yanno, the yogurt? My body has never been really regular so I bought some today and I''m going to start having it every morning with breakfast. Does anyone eat it on a regular basis? Have you noticed a difference?
I don''t think the brand matters much does it? Yogurt has all the good bacteria anyway that should help your body right itself if it is missing the good stuff.
Date: 2/21/2009 12:59:42 AM
Yanno, the yogurt? My body has never been really regular so I bought some today and I''m going to start having it every morning with breakfast. Does anyone eat it on a regular basis? Have you noticed a difference?
I had a sample of it recently and didn''t like it but certainly no harm in seeing if it helps you!
I started eating it pretty much everyday last Summer on the recommendation of a hospital consultant as I was having some gastro issues. Touch wood I have had no problems since so it seems to be doing the trick. I hope it continues and so far can recommend it highly
I''m allergic to dairy, so I take probiotics and they work very well! Just a thought in case the yogurt doesn''t help.

I''m fairly certain that you need to eat plain yogurt rather than sugary yogurt to truely benefit from it.

That's a good point neatfreak. I wonder how much, if at all, the Activia is different from regular yogurt. I just assumed it was different because of the "bifidus regularis", maybe I'm wrong!

Samantha, that is so great that it's helping you. Isn't it awesome that sometimes, there is a simple thing can make such a big difference?!

MC, that's a great alternative. I love milk but I sometimes wonder if that's part of the problem.

I've been eating the yogurt for 3 days now. I've noticed a small change but I can't define it yet as a good or bad change. You're right Lorelei, it does taste a little different than other yogurt but the containers are so small that I'm done after just a few spoonfuls!

We'll see if it makes enough of a difference for me to continue using it after the 2 weeks. It is a bit more expensive than the others and I seem to be more and more conscious of what I'm spending at the grocery store these days!
Gotta love marketing.

My preference is Stonyfield Farms Organic yogurt, it has more varities of the "active cultures" which is nothing new in yogurt. It is awesome mixed with a mandarin oranges, some nuts, a bit of honey & a little flax. Yummy

But if you''re looking to get "regular" I cannot say enough about using Spirulina and/or Chlorella. Both are algae and are loaded with micro nutrients that we just don''t get in our normal diets. Dose is 10 grams spirulina, 5 grams chlorella daily, more or less depending on your level of need and activities. They say it''s natures perfect food and it''s an excellent source of protien. Google for info.
Date: 2/22/2009 6:33:36 PM
Author: luvmyhalo

MC, that's a great alternative. I love milk but I sometimes wonder if that's part of the problem.

If the yogurt doesn't improve things for you within two weeks, then probably your next step would be to eliminate all dairy for a few weeks and see what happens. Then add in probiotics and see if they help. You'd want to take *very* strong ones. The blend I take has 24 billion viable cells per capsule, which is substantially higher than most other brands . . .
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