
Has anyone heard about NOHR669?

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Dec 16, 2007
I heard about this only recently...apparently the powers that be (PETA & Humane Society) are trying to ban all nonnative animals from being bred, sold and owned in the United States.

While I am the first to openly admit I''m not a fan of reptiles...most of which that are considered pets aren''t native to the US...this ban includes not only creepy snakes but also ferrets, beta fish, gerbils, guinea pigs, even hamsters, plus many many more.

Does anyone know anything about this????
I think most things that PETA and HSUS do are sensationalized and the point of them is to bring attention to the issues they find to be important, rather than a real attempt to pass a law.
Date: 4/12/2009 2:08:41 AM
Author: EricaR
I think most things that PETA and HSUS do are sensationalized and the point of them is to bring attention to the issues they find to be important, rather than a real attempt to pass a law.

Exactly. They just want media attention.
I believe this has been introduced specifically to address the issues that have arisen with the pythons in Florida. They are causing serious problems as they are non-native with no natural enemies. People are buying them, then turning them loose and they are prolific breeders.
When I saw this post I at first decided to say nothiing. But I suppose Easter is a bad day for moral cowardice. I am familiar with and support HR 669. I am a member of PETA and the Humane Society and Humane Farming and World Society for the Protection of Animals. I believe capturing and transporting wild animals out of their native habitats to cages in this country is immoral.

I don''t believe it will pass. The pet industry in this country has a very strong lobby.
Date: 4/12/2009 8:54:10 AM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 4/12/2009 2:08:41 AM

Author: EricaR

I think most things that PETA and HSUS do are sensationalized and the point of them is to bring attention to the issues they find to be important, rather than a real attempt to pass a law.

Exactly. They just want media attention.

I agree w/both statements. I''m all for the ethical treatment of animals but I don''t necessarily agree w/how they go about things.
Personally, I don''t believe in importing dangerous snakes, spiders or other reptiles...maybe it''s because I''m squemish when it comes to them, but I also am totally aware of the fact that most owners of these animals are ignorant when it comes to exactly what they should expect. They are completely shocked when the reptiles outgrow tanks, escape or become an overwhelming liability...ergo, releasing them into the wild where they become dangers to the enviroment and people alike. I think that is a form of animal cruelty and it should be stopped.

However, I think an all-or-nothing ban is probably too general to be realistic. Gerbils? Hamsters? Beta fish? Come on! These things (while never my first choice of pet) are as basic as PB&J when it comes to childhood! Doesn''t even elementary school class have a "pet" hamster? It will be strange if these things are no long considered ordinary...and are banned altogether!

I totally believe in animal rights...and donate boat loads of money to the ASPCA...but this just shocked me, really shocked me.
First of all, HR 669 was introduced by Madeleine Bordallo, a delegate from Guam (a US territory that had their entire bird population wiped out by non-native snakes post WWII). The bill is not a ban on any animal/reptile, but rather calls for the secretary of the interior to assess the risk of imported species, and to establish a list of approved species. It was introduced in January, and 2 Florida Representatives have cosponsored the bill (there are 21 cosponsors), but no committee has acted on it yet. Okay, I promise that I''m really more fun IRL.
Date: 4/12/2009 6:29:55 PM
Author: cellentani
First of all, HR 669 was introduced by Madeleine Bordallo, a delegate from Guam (a US territory that had their entire bird population wiped out by non-native snakes post WWII). The bill is not a ban on any animal/reptile, but rather calls for the secretary of the interior to assess the risk of imported species, and to establish a list of approved species. It was introduced in January, and 2 Florida Representatives have cosponsored the bill (there are 21 cosponsors), but no committee has acted on it yet. Okay, I promise that I''m really more fun IRL.

Thanks for clarifying for us - that''s so important to get accurate information! Given what you''ve said, it sounds like a good idea to me.

I agree with those who said they disagree with much of what PETA does - I''m a HUGE animal lover, and I find many of their tactics/stances to be questionable (no domestic dogs/cats as pets?!).

However, I think the HSUS is a much more reputable organization (not that I agree with everything they do), but I find them in general to be much more reasonable.
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