
Has a bad haircut ever made you cry?


Jan 22, 2014
ADF5A145-D0B6-42E9-B12B-A36D38C5754F.jpeg 0886AD10-A8CA-40D2-BCF7-E7865E5957D2.jpeg My 17 year old daughter last year shaved off all her hair for “shave for a cure” cancer charity. She raised $5,000!
It was quite a change !!!! as she had grown her her long because she also wanted to donate her hair to an organization who make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
ADF5A145-D0B6-42E9-B12B-A36D38C5754F.jpeg 0886AD10-A8CA-40D2-BCF7-E7865E5957D2.jpeg My 17 year old daughter last year shaved off all her hair for “shave for a cure” cancer charity. She raised $5,000!
It was quite a change !!!! as she had grown her her long because she also wanted to donate her hair to an organization who make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

Wowzers! What an inspiration she is & how brave of her! You are clearly raising a very big hearted girl there! :appl:


Jun 7, 2014
You are not alone @Alex T . I’ve had a lot of hair loss in the past two years and know what it’s like to have to hide bald spots. I’m looking into finding a wig I feel comfortable in.

I’ve had my hair fried from perms and haircuts where I said I wanted no layers only to end up with multiple layers. Most women I know have been unhappy about a haircut to the point of tears.

@Bron357 , What an amazing daughter you have!

@mrs-b , I truly felt your pain. I had a similar gardening / landscaping issue that had me in tears.

@Tekate, Nancy was my favorite comic strip when I was a little kid. My mom used to read it with me. Thank you for the happy memory.


May 24, 2014
*gives you a massive virtual hug* I’m sorry you’re going through this.

One time, my mom took me to a $3 hair salon in Chinatown. My bangs were lopsided and short. :lol-2: Now, I suck it up and pay $60.

@missy you keep rocking those wigs. :cool2:


Dec 8, 2016
I've had some doozy bad haircuts. It's completely sexist but I will not let men cut my hair any longer. Each of my worst hair cuts were from men who refused to listen to me and what I wanted and told me to trust them. Never again.

I ended up going from hair that touched my tailbone to looking like a poodle the first time. I was ten and my mother left me alone at the salon with the guy and told him to give me a 'modern' hair cut before going with another stylist to have her own hair done. Over 18 inches of hair, just gone.

Another time I was in college and wanted a layered hair cut. For some reason the lunatic took all my hair gathered it in a pony tail right at the top of my head. Then cut it. Just cut the entire tail off. Really fancy expensive salon too, it was a present.

Those were the most traumatic experiences. But I got my hair cut 3 other times by men and I was unhappy each time. And I am lucky that my hair grows relatively quickly.

I think it's an empathy and ego thing. Most women are more empathetic and less ego driven.


Jan 4, 2010
I started cutting my own hair after a hairdresser at Family Haircutters made me look like Snoopy's friend, Woodstock! :eek2:

That was around 20 years ago and I never looked back.


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Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Urgh, such stressful stories of bad hair cuts! @LaylaR I am shocked at how much that hairdresser lopped off your hair without discussing it with you or your mum first?!? That is a complete violation of your space & body in a way. Nooooooo!

Getting up this morning with bed head has only emphasized the shortness of one side. It is sticking up & away from my head. Thank goodness for hair pins :(2

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Here it is in all it's morning bead head glory :eek2: You can see the sprigs on the right. They aren't even graduated into the rest - there is a definite step from the short crap bits to the longer bits, unlike the left side which is as it should be - longer, graduated layers. Excuse my PJ's. I'm not really alive yet - it's too early. IMG_20190203_101600.jpg


Jun 8, 2008
Here it is in all it's morning bead head glory :eek2: You can see the sprigs on the right. They aren't even graduated into the rest - there is a definite step from the short crap bits to the longer bits, unlike the left side which is as it should be - longer, graduated layers. Excuse my PJ's. I'm not really alive yet - it's too early. IMG_20190203_101600.jpg

Alex, I think you look gorgeous and your hair looks so healthy and thick. Short and sassy and springy is my objective opinion. But how you feel is what counts and lots of fast growing vibes being sent your way. (((Hugs))).

Thank you @luv2sparkle, they are both wigs. It's amazing how natural they can be. First one is Human Hair and second one is synthetic.
Thanks @strawrose you're very kind. XO.

@Bron357 how wonderful of your DD to donate her nieces do this too and it makes me cry every time to know these young girls have so much compassion and empathy for those dealing with trauma and loss and challenges. And this was way before I started dealing with my health challenges. Anyway just wanted to say your DD's caring and kindness shows what a compassionate and kind young lady she is and that doesn't surprise me given who her momma is.:kiss2:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I’ve just been reading about the Inversion Method to encourage hair growth. Apparently you hang your head between your knees each evening & massage your scalp gently for a full 5 minutes. Lots of people claim this stimulates growth & can actually double the growth speed, so from the average of 1.25cm per month to around 2.5cm per month.

Has anyone ever tired it? Did it work?

Thanks @missy You can understand why i’m peed off though, can’t you? My hair growth at scalp level is only just coming back & thickening up, so the last thing I want is to be chopped into on one side in a step, to take away any volume that was previously looking lovely like the other side :(2


Jun 8, 2008
I’ve just been reading about the Inversion Method to encourage hair growth. Apparently you hang your head between your knees each evening & massage your scalp gently for a full 5 minutes. Lots of people claim this stimulates growth & can actually double the growth speed, so from the average of 1.25cm per month to around 2.5cm per month.

Has anyone ever tired it? Did it work?

Thanks @missy You can understand why i’m peed off though, can’t you? My hair growth at scalp level is only just coming back & thickening up, so the last thing I want is to be chopped into on one side in a step, to take away any volume that was previously looking lovely like the other side :(2

Yes, I completely understand! And I would be peeved too @Alex T. Just wanted to say from an objective perspective you still look gorgeous. But yes I totally get what you are saying and agree. She messed up. (((HUGS))).

Interesting about the inversion method. Never heard of it but my thoughts are I guess it depends on why one is losing hair/not growing hair. I know for me it is thyroid related as well as iron related. Nothing I am doing is helping my very low ferritin levels nor my low thyroid levels. It's disheartening and just yesterday I received my latest lab results. Not good. After a good cry I feel better and I know I am doing the best I can but fighting against my genetics.

If you try the Inversion method I hope it helps your hair grow faster and keep us posted. Here's some info I just found about it that you might have already come across. Specific for us curly haired girls.

Sending you (((HUGS))) and fast hair growing vibes.


Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Yes, I completely understand! And I would be peeved too @Alex T. Just wanted to say from an objective perspective you still look gorgeous. But yes I totally get what you are saying and agree. She messed up. (((HUGS))).

Interesting about the inversion method. Never heard of it but my thoughts are I guess it depends on why one is losing hair/not growing hair. I know for me it is thyroid related as well as iron related. Nothing I am doing is helping my very low ferritin levels nor my low thyroid levels. It's disheartening and just yesterday I received my latest lab results. Not good. After a good cry I feel better and I know I am doing the best I can but fighting against my genetics.

If you try the Inversion method I hope it helps your hair grow faster and keep us posted. Here's some info I just found about it that you might have already come across. Specific for us curly haired girls.

Sending you (((HUGS))) and fast hair growing vibes.


Thanks for the info - I shall go & have a read shortly. The inversion method states that it won’t encourage empty hair follicles as such, so can’t help with balding or such like medical induced hair loss, but more encourage & stimulate existing hair follicles with hair in them to grow faster & stronger.

What have they said about your hair in your latest tests? My sisters both take Thyroxin for underactive thyroids, which I luckily seem to have dodged so far, and their hair always grows in thick & fast when they are on the right dosage. What is your diagnosis? And I am sure you still look gorgeous. Care to share a picture of your current hair situation? You have always had SO much hair, that would the average Joe notice it had lost volume? Or do you have scalpy areas now & shiny skin peeking through? Been there - it’s utterly heartbreaking. Big hugs back at you & i’m glad you’ve made peace with your situation & latest results. Stress is bad for everything, including our curls x


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks for the info - I shall go & have a read shortly. The inversion method states that it won’t encourage empty hair follicles as such, so can’t help with balding or such like medical induced hair loss, but more encourage & stimulate existing hair follicles with hair in them to grow faster & stronger.

What have they said about your hair in your latest tests? My sisters both take Thyroxin for underactive thyroids, which I luckily seem to have dodged so far, and their hair always grows in thick & fast when they are on the right dosage. What is your diagnosis? And I am sure you still look gorgeous. Care to share a picture? You have always had SO much hair, that would the average Joe notice it had lost volume? Or do you have scalpy areas now & shiny skin peeking through? Been there - it’s utterly heartbreaking. Big hugs back at you & i’m glad you’ve made peace with your situation & latest results. Stress is bad for everything, including our curls x

Aww you're so kind @Alex T. I am so happy for your sisters that they are able to take what they need to bring their thyroid levels back to where it needs to be and I am thrilled for you having avoided that so far. Long may that continue.

One thing I have found though this last year plus of my newest health challenges is who is there for me and who isn't and who is a true friend and who never was. And that is a big blessing. Separates the wheat from the chaff if you kwim. And you are so right. Stress is not good. Emotional stress (which so far I am handling pretty well and I feel emotionally pretty good) and physical stress which translates to my adrenals being out of kilter (and my thyroid being way too underactive) and until we can figure out (the endocrinologist and me) how to get my adrenals back into working properly (and that is directly related to the thyroid) that physiological stress bears heavily on my overall health.

The back of my head is where you can really see scalp through the very fine and thin hair. So far I can still (sort of) hide it by putting my hair in a pony tail or just back which is normally how I wear my hair anyway. But OMG yes you can see scalp and if I move my hair it's heartbreaking and when my hair is wet it's super noticeable. I have not taken photos of that because well I try not looking at it too often. Out of sight out of mind. But you're right in that at least been curly haired allows more opportunity to disguise thinning hair though there is a point where I can easily see I won't be able to do this anymore hence the alternative hair I bought.

My diagnosis are 1. Hypothyroid 2. Hashimoto's 3. Autonomic Nervous System Dsyfunction 4. Anemic 5. Adrenal dysfunction to name the most recent diagnoses from this past year.

@Alex T feel free to skip this explanation. It's confusing and I am making it probably more confusing (thyroid brain). But since you asked I didn't want to ignore your questions. So FYI if you are interested but I am good with you not reading this as it's super boring and confusing. My latest lab results (came just yesterday in the mail) are abysmal. I tried synthetic T4, synthetic T3, Naturally desiccated thyroid hormones (all of them on the market I have tried) and I get bad side effects from them all. Right now I am on a very low dose of NP Acella (NDT) but I have been told by my endocrinologist to double the dose because my TSH is too high and my free T3 is way too low plus other findings I won't bore you with. The problem is every time I try increasing my dose my heart starts to go crazy because my body cannot tolerate it. Explanation of why that is below. And to compliate matters further I also have very very low ferritin and I just cannot raise it even with taking iron every single day and I am post menopausal so I am not losing iron every month as a pre menopausal woman does. One's ferritin needs to be in the 50s to not lose hair and in the 70s to grow hair. Mine is low 20s. It all relates to my genetic mutation and that is also the reason I cannot tolerate the thyroid hormone I need. My adrenals and iron are so out of whack that until that gets remediated I might not be able to tolerate any increase in thyroid hormone. It's complicated and this is where I am right now.

Pics that I do have that illustrates the loss.

From summer of 2015 I believe.


and from this past summer. Pretty dismal. I would say my hair is worse than this now. Maybe if I am strong enough I will take some pics today of the back of my hair after I wash it. It's been a few days since I washed it because every time I wash my hair it's traumatic for me. I lose so much shampooing and conditioning and combing.:blackeye:


and from this past November. I know this looks good but (and you will get this) it was a more curly hair day (no control over that lol) so it disguised the loss a lot better than less curly hair days. But I am continuing to lose so I doubt my hair could look this good again.


On a lighter note look at this pic I just found from 1979. LOL. It's before my hair decided it wanted to be curly.:lol: Oh I miss my thick eyebrows too.::)


OK that's my pictorial series for the day. Hope I didn't depress anyone or cause anyone distress.

Back to the main event and our dear sweet Alex. Looking forward to hearing happy hair growing updates from you.:kiss:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Aww you're so kind @Alex T. I am so happy for your sisters that they are able to take what they need to bring their thyroid levels back to where it needs to be and I am thrilled for you having avoided that so far. Long may that continue.

One thing I have found though this last year plus of my newest health challenges is who is there for me and who isn't and who is a true friend and who never was. And that is a big blessing. Separates the wheat from the chaff if you kwim. And you are so right. Stress is not good. Emotional stress (which so far I am handling pretty well and I feel emotionally pretty good) and physical stress which translates to my adrenals being out of kilter (and my thyroid being way too underactive) and until we can figure out (the endocrinologist and me) how to get my adrenals back into working properly (and that is directly related to the thyroid) that physiological stress bears heavily on my overall health.

The back of my head is where you can really see scalp through the very fine and thin hair. So far I can still (sort of) hide it by putting my hair in a pony tail or just back which is normally how I wear my hair anyway. But OMG yes you can see scalp and if I move my hair it's heartbreaking and when my hair is wet it's super noticeable. I have not taken photos of that because well I try not looking at it too often. Out of sight out of mind. But you're right in that at least been curly haired allows more opportunity to disguise thinning hair though there is a point where I can easily see I won't be able to do this anymore hence the alternative hair I bought.

My diagnosis are 1. Hypothyroid 2. Hashimoto's 3. Autonomic Nervous System Dsyfunction 4. Anemic 5. Adrenal dysfunction to name the most recent diagnoses from this past year.

@Alex T feel free to skip this explanation. It's confusing and I am making it probably more confusing (thyroid brain). But since you asked I didn't want to ignore your questions. So FYI if you are interested but I am good with you not reading this as it's super boring and confusing. My latest lab results (came just yesterday in the mail) are abysmal. I tried synthetic T4, synthetic T3, Naturally desiccated thyroid hormones (all of them on the market I have tried) and I get bad side effects from them all. Right now I am on a very low dose of NP Acella (NDT) but I have been told by my endocrinologist to double the dose because my TSH is too high and my free T3 is way too low plus other findings I won't bore you with. The problem is every time I try increasing my dose my heart starts to go crazy because my body cannot tolerate it. Explanation of why that is below. And to compliate matters further I also have very very low ferritin and I just cannot raise it even with taking iron every single day and I am post menopausal so I am not losing iron every month as a pre menopausal woman does. One's ferritin needs to be in the 50s to not lose hair and in the 70s to grow hair. Mine is low 20s. It all relates to my genetic mutation and that is also the reason I cannot tolerate the thyroid hormone I need. My adrenals and iron are so out of whack that until that gets remediated I might not be able to tolerate any increase in thyroid hormone. It's complicated and this is where I am right now.

Pics that I do have that illustrates the loss.

From summer of 2015 I believe.


and from this past summer. Pretty dismal. I would say my hair is worse than this now. Maybe if I am strong enough I will take some pics today of the back of my hair after I wash it. It's been a few days since I washed it because every time I wash my hair it's traumatic for me. I lose so much shampooing and conditioning and combing.:blackeye:


and from this past November. I know this looks good but (and you will get this) it was a more curly hair day (no control over that lol) so it disguised the loss a lot better than less curly hair days. But I am continuing to lose so I doubt my hair could look this good again.


On a lighter note look at this pic I just found from 1979. LOL. It's before my hair decided it wanted to be curly.:lol: Oh I miss my thick eyebrows too.::)


OK that's my pictorial series for the day. Hope I didn't depress anyone or cause anyone distress.

Back to the main event and our dear sweet Alex. Looking forward to hearing happy hair growing updates from you.:kiss:

Of course i’m not gong to skip reading! I have to profess that I don’t understand because it’s so complicated, but it sounds like you have a lot of crap to deal with, all intrinsically linked & difficult. My eldest daughter Hope has a condition called Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia & so I have *some* understanding of the endocrine system, but it is so brain achingly complicated. Hope is doing great without medication, as keeping her activity levels high increases her cortisol output, which for her is the problem: extremely low cortisol. The only complication for her is that testosterone is the bedmate of cortisol, so by driving her cortisol levels up naturally, she started signs of puberty at 5 years old. She will be 10 in March, is 5 feet tall & has the full woman’s body going on. Her boobies are still small at a 32 AA, (I am only a 34 bra, which gives you an indication of how much she’s growing) but the Consultant was really aiming to get her to 10 before her periods start & so far so good. Her ovaries were still immature at her last scan in April, but we are prepared for her to start at some point this spring / summer. It’s a little on the young side, but the alternative was steroid medication to halt puberty altogether, which came with it’s own huge side effects. For the sake of buying her an extra 12-18 months of no periods, it was just a no brainer to leave her be. And the school arranged for the Nurse to come to our home last October & deliver her the full school Puberty talk here, as she is another school year away from that yet. Everyone has been brilliant regarding her care & we are armed & ready.

Now, your hair. I totally get you. And looking at your pictures made my stomach knot a bit, as I could see in you what I saw in me, mostly the lack of volume, the transparency through the hair that never used to be there, the fact that my hair used to be the same diameter as my shoulders but is now half that. To the Outsider, your hair is beautiful, long, curly & yummy. But I know where are are at & how distressing it has been. I’m glad you’ve been able to boost your confidence by certain hair styles & that you’ve made peace with what is going on. I suspect with everything else they are trying to deal with, your hair is the least of their concerns. But they WILL figure this out, get it balanced & get you back on track. No doubts whatsoever.


Dec 17, 2008
Alex (and Missy) or anyone with slightly curly to curly hair, have you guys tried the Curly Girl Method? Its suppose to define your curls. My daughter has
curly hair (2C/3A for those who know what I'm talking about). It has to do with only using conditioners to "wash" or low-poo shampoos. No silicones or
phosphates that coat your hair and require you to wash more often. You also only comb your hair when it is wet and full of conditioner. The method
works great for my daughter but I cant seem to get her to keep the method up. It takes work plus there is a transitional period when your hair has
to get used to not having sulfates and being washed so often. For some, it doesnt take long to get through the transition period. For others it takes months.

Here is a book that explains the method (its pretty famous in the curly girl world). You can also learn about the method on IG and youtube.

There are also haircuts that are done with dry hair so that they can see your curl pattern and where a curl will fall. They usually trim hair curl by curl instead
of sections at a time wet. Its called a deva cut. Might help with making sure they dont cut away too much where hair is thinning.

Here is my daughter's hair after waking up one can be a wild mess but with curly hair you're not supposed to brush it. You spray it with
curl enhancer, add more gel, or add more water and "scrunch it" to get the curls to clump up again.

Anyway, I guess my point is it might be worth trying to see if it helps with your hair issues. I think the dry cuts would definitely help from getting too
much hair cut in specific places. Warning...Deva cuts can be expensive and you have to find a location that does that type of cut.

curly hair.jpg

And Yes Alex, I have cried after a cut. I'm afraid to say it was only about 10 years ago...I was just so mad at the girl and couldnt believe what
she had done to my hair. I went back and had the owner clean it up some. Of course, just took longer to grow out the mess. The front looked
fine but the back was MIA. ;( I had to console myself with at least the front looked decent.

Alex...your hair reminds me of this curly girl on IG (I think your curls are tighter though).

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I have had my bangs mangled more times than I can count. I haven’t cried, but I’ve cursed.

I’ve cried over color. I’ve had my long hair fried beyond repair and had to cut quite a bit off because of a stylist’s indiscriminate use of bleach on my fine hair.

I’m in the growing out phase now. I never learn.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Alex (and Missy) or anyone with slightly curly to curly hair, have you guys tried the Curly Girl Method? Its suppose to define your curls. My daughter has
curly hair (2C/3A for those who know what I'm talking about). It has to do with only using conditioners to "wash" or low-poo shampoos. No silicones or
phosphates that coat your hair and require you to wash more often. You also only comb your hair when it is wet and full of conditioner. The method
works great for my daughter but I cant seem to get her to keep the method up. It takes work plus there is a transitional period when your hair has
to get used to not having sulfates and being washed so often. For some, it doesnt take long to get through the transition period. For others it takes months.

Here is a book that explains the method (its pretty famous in the curly girl world). You can also learn about the method on IG and youtube.

There are also haircuts that are done with dry hair so that they can see your curl pattern and where a curl will fall. They usually trim hair curl by curl instead
of sections at a time wet. Its called a deva cut. Might help with making sure they dont cut away too much where hair is thinning.

Here is my daughter's hair after waking up one can be a wild mess but with curly hair you're not supposed to brush it. You spray it with
curl enhancer, add more gel, or add more water and "scrunch it" to get the curls to clump up again.

Anyway, I guess my point is it might be worth trying to see if it helps with your hair issues. I think the dry cuts would definitely help from getting too
much hair cut in specific places. Warning...Deva cuts can be expensive and you have to find a location that does that type of cut.

curly hair.jpg

And Yes Alex, I have cried after a cut. I'm afraid to say it was only about 10 years ago...I was just so mad at the girl and couldnt believe what
she had done to my hair. I went back and had the owner clean it up some. Of course, just took longer to grow out the mess. The front looked
fine but the back was MIA. ;( I had to console myself with at least the front looked decent.

Alex...your hair reminds me of this curly girl on IG (I think your curls are tighter though).

Your daughter has the most BEAUTIFUL hair in the world! :love:

Thanks for the info too. Sadly I am bound to the Nioxin hair care system, as it’s the only thing that encourages my hair to grow & their Night Density Rescue, which you massage into your scalp before bed, has what has helped most this time with recovery. Only 4 days into usage last Sept, my hair literally stopped shedding. Literally. I used to lose a small field mouse sized ball of hair on every wash, but now it can be literally 10 strands. Hence my super pissed off-ness at her botch job this time, as my roots are only a few months into growing back & thickening up. So whilst I shudder to think what might be in the Nioxin, I am happy to bind myself to it. And also, I am well versed in looking after my curls. I only brush my hair with conditioner on it, I use a leave in curl cream & always air dry.

I have just washed it again & moved my side parting up a little higher towards the top, in the hope that the disgustingly short crown area may fall a little on both sides, to at least even up the look a bit, rather than falling just across & onto one side. I shall be pushing my next appointment out too, adding an extra few weeks on to allow more growth. And then I guess I will have to keep it shorter to level it off, but my plan was to start growing it long again once the roots had thickened & caught up. I have done a @missy and made peace with it tonight. It’s just hair. It is what it is & I can’t do anything about it at the moment. But in a few months it will be fine.


Dec 17, 2008
Alex...I hear you...I'm glad you have found something that works for your hair. My DH uses Nioxin so can relate there too. I'm married to the purple/blue
shampoos that keep my bleached blond (to cover the gray) from turning brassy. I think as we age hair and our hair moves on to a new phase its a lot
of trial and error to see what works best. Sounds like you are finding ways to cope with the shorter side. Hoping it is back to "normal" in no time!


Jun 7, 2014
Alex do what makes you feel best. In the pic you posted your hair looks thick and pretty. We woman can be our own worst emeny with how critical we are with ourselves. You look beautiful and yes I can see what is making you unhappy but I doubt others would even notice. I wouldn’t have noticed it if you didn’t say this was really bothering you and described in detail the problem. Anyone passing you on the street or people you are friends with would say you have thick hair with beautiful waves

@missy has been a positive influence in the way she is having fun with wigs.

Many of us can relate to the changes in our hair as we age @tyty333

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Alex do what makes you feel best. In the pic you posted your hair looks thick and pretty. We woman can be our own worst emeny with how critical we are with ourselves. You look beautiful and yes I can see what is making you unhappy but I doubt others would even notice. I wouldn’t have noticed it if you didn’t say this was really bothering you and described in detail the problem. Anyone passing you on the street or people you are friends with would say you have thick hair with beautiful waves

@missy has been a positive influence in the way she is having fun with wigs.

Many of us can relate to the changes in our hair as we age @tyty333

Thank you! It is pretty easy to disguise, it’s just that when I saw it yesterday morning in it’s full lopsided glory, I was horrified. It does look frizzy & wavy on this picture, but usually it is curled in ringlet spirals. I had a restless night, unable to breathe through blocked nose & sore throat, plus the realisation of the short hair area on my crown just before bed, which resulted in my lying on my back & pulling at the hair on the top of my head with a sick feeling in my stomach for quite a large portion of the night!


Aug 6, 2014
I've had some doozy bad haircuts. It's completely sexist but I will not let men cut my hair any longer. Each of my worst hair cuts were from men who refused to listen to me and what I wanted and told me to trust them. Never again.

I ended up going from hair that touched my tailbone to looking like a poodle the first time. I was ten and my mother left me alone at the salon with the guy and told him to give me a 'modern' hair cut before going with another stylist to have her own hair done. Over 18 inches of hair, just gone.

Another time I was in college and wanted a layered hair cut. For some reason the lunatic took all my hair gathered it in a pony tail right at the top of my head. Then cut it. Just cut the entire tail off. Really fancy expensive salon too, it was a present.

Those were the most traumatic experiences. But I got my hair cut 3 other times by men and I was unhappy each time. And I am lucky that my hair grows relatively quickly.

I think it's an empathy and ego thing. Most women are more empathetic and less ego driven.

I find men give me the cut they think I should want, rather than what I do, It’s infuriating. And sexual orientation has not made a difference here. I too have had my worst cuts from men, and I go to women only now.


Aug 6, 2014
Alex, FWIW, the left side looks amazing, and the right side just looks like you have a curly girl wing going on. I mean, it’s only because I know that I can see the chunk that is missing, but without knowing, you honestly would just think that it’s an unruly curl. I’m jealous, really. Your hair is way thicker than mine.

I stopped taking metformin recently and I realized that it was the culprit in my alopecia. I was losing fistfuls of hair and plugging the shower drain ever 2-3 days and had bald spots forming in the front. I was considering hair extensions it was so bad. After stopping, I’m suddenly and dramatically down to a normal amount per day. I also discovered that I was over medicated for my hypothyroidism. That probably wasn’t helping. It was also why I was waking up 2-3 times per night despite being tired and cold all the time. Go figure. I would have sworn I was low. I feel *so* much better on the lower dose. I was reluctant to do it, but I’m glad I did. But really, metformin is not your friend for hair loss if anyone is on it.


Dec 8, 2016
Urgh, such stressful stories of bad hair cuts! @LaylaR I am shocked at how much that hairdresser lopped off your hair without discussing it with you or your mum first?!? That is a complete violation of your space & body in a way. Nooooooo!

Getting up this morning with bed head has only emphasized the shortness of one side. It is sticking up & away from my head. Thank goodness for hair pins :(2

Alex, I can see why you are unhappy. But HONESTLY, if you didn't tell me about the issues and I wasn't specifically looking for them I wouldn't haven't noticed it. So it doesn't look at all the way it is supposed to, I know, and you can spot the flaws immediately but it doesn't look BAD objectively either to someone who is not you. I don't know if that's a comfort either but... it's the truth.

As for my haircut as a kid. He didn't lop off the hair with scissors. He turned my chair around, so I was facing him and not the mirror then he took a buzzer to my scalp. I cried for hours. I'm 43 and my mother STILL feels bad.

These aren't pictures of me, but this is the before and after. And yes, frankly, ONLY a self absorbed as*hole would think he could do this to a child without asking the child in front of him if she'd like it, or running it by her mother who was in the same salon. It took me years to grow it out.

Before and After.jpg

So, trust me I TOTALLY get how unhappy and angry you are. And I'm sorry. ((HUGS)).


Oct 5, 2006
Alex, I think you look gorgeous and your hair looks so healthy and thick. Short and sassy and springy is my objective opinion. But how you feel is what counts and lots of fast growing vibes being sent your way. (((Hugs))).

@Alex T, I agree with @missy.

I too have been suffering from hair loss, so I know how you must feel. {{HUGS}}

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Alex, I can see why you are unhappy. But HONESTLY, if you didn't tell me about the issues and I wasn't specifically looking for them I wouldn't haven't noticed it. So it doesn't look at all the way it is supposed to, I know, and you can spot the flaws immediately but it doesn't look BAD objectively either to someone who is not you. I don't know if that's a comfort either but... it's the truth.

As for my haircut as a kid. He didn't lop off the hair with scissors. He turned my chair around, so I was facing him and not the mirror then he took a buzzer to my scalp. I cried for hours. I'm 43 and my mother STILL feels bad.

These aren't pictures of me, but this is the before and after. And yes, frankly, ONLY a self absorbed as*hole would think he could do this to a child without asking the child in front of him if she'd like it, or running it by her mother who was in the same salon. It took me years to grow it out.

Before and After.jpg

So, trust me I TOTALLY get how unhappy and angry you are. And I'm sorry. ((HUGS)).

This must have been absolutely horrific for you!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
@Alex T, I agree with @missy.

I too have been suffering from hair loss, so I know how you must feel. {{HUGS}}

Please don’t tell me you are losing your hair again? Oh no!! Do you know why?

Mine for once has stopped shedding & is growing in nice & full, which only adds to my anger that she has chopped into it like this & also done it SO asymmetrical. It is freshly washed & pinned over on the bad side this morning, so it looks completely normal apart from the little sticky out sprigs coming out under where the hair pin is. If you didn’t know you wouldn’t notice, but i’m still cross that she decided to take a good 3 inches off & not do it evenly.


Oct 5, 2006
Please don’t tell me you are losing your hair again? Oh no!! Do you know why?

Mine for once has stopped shedding & is growing in nice & full, which only adds to my anger that she has chopped into it like this & also done it SO asymmetrical. It is freshly washed & pinned over on the bad side this morning, so it looks completely normal apart from the little sticky out sprigs coming out under where the hair pin is. If you didn’t know you wouldn’t notice, but i’m still cross that she decided to take a good 3 inches off & not do it evenly.

Yes, unfortunately. And my antibodies have doubled in the last 6 months or so. I strongly suspect that this has something to do with my Hashimoto's. I need to go and see the endocrinologist again. Only problem is the ones over here tend to be old-school and I need to find someone more cutting-edge. In the meantime, I am increasing my dosage of the meds by 50%, hoping that it'll make a difference [fingers crossed].

Glad to hear that yours has stopped shedding!:clap:

I can imagine how p****d off you must be. Sending you fast-hair-growth vibes from SG!! And time to find a new hairdresser, me thinks. I am going to lop off 3 inches of my hair next week and my hairdresser had better do a good job, otherwise there'd be hell to pay!!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Yes, unfortunately. And my antibodies have doubled in the last 6 months or so. I strongly suspect that this has something to do with my Hashimoto's. I need to go and see the endocrinologist again. Only problem is the ones over here tend to be old-school and I need to find someone more cutting-edge. In the meantime, I am increasing my dosage of the meds by 50%, hoping that it'll make a difference [fingers crossed].

Glad to hear that yours has stopped shedding!:clap:

I can imagine how p****d off you must be. Sending you fast-hair-growth vibes from SG!! And time to find a new hairdresser, me thinks. I am going to lop off 3 inches of my hair next week and my hairdresser had better do a good job, otherwise there'd be hell to pay!!

Urgh, I hope you can’t find somebody to actually get you sorted out & balance everything. You really deserve a far more healthy year this year than you had last year. Fingers crossed indeed! And 3 inches off your hair will be quite significant too - make sure you keep an eye on the cutting & check they don’t do the same side twice!


Dec 8, 2016
On the subject of hair loss, if anyone is on Methotrexate or a Biologic... I lost half my hair volume last year. My previous regimen of RA medications stopped working so last year and my insurance required I try a bunch of other meds, before they would authorize the medication my doctor wanted to prescribe with me. Two of them were Embril and Humera, one of which caused my hair loss. And methotrexate does too. So...


Sep 25, 2008
Ugh yes! I got brave (read: foolhardy) once and got a pixie cut. Came home to surprise my husband who was utterly horrified and said I looked like Justin Bieber... :cry2: Took over a year to grow out slowly and painfully. :cry: Never again!
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