
Has a bad haircut ever made you cry?

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I have naturally very curly hair. I also suffer with hormone related hair loss on & off. Since September my hair has been recovering (again) from yet another issue that made my hair thin out & leave me with visible scalp over last summer. I don’t have my hair cut too often, usually every 11 weeks, because it takes a while to grown length due to all the spirals it has to grow around first. I had it cut in November & it looked fabulous. The roots were growing in fuzzy & my scalp was covering.

I went to have a trim yesterday with my usual girl who has cut my curls for years. I have been having it angled up at the back to the nape of my neck, and then coming longer over my shoulder & down towards my chin on a long bob. This style suits me & we’ve kept it in check, keeping the layers thick but not too long to enhance fullness. Yesterday I pinned my hair up as I usually do before leaving the salon, because my hair likes to air dry overnight & when they dry it in the salon, it goes fluffy & frizzy. Last night I showered & thought my hair felt a little TOO short on the crown of my head, but would wait until this morning when it had dried to see it. This morning I cried. My parting is on the left side & that side is it’s usual, beautiful, full, thick layers. The top however, is so short around the crown the curls are sticking up like antennae on the top of my head & are quite a distance from falling down the other side in nice layers. They stop around where the side part would be if it was on this side instead & stick out. WTF?!

Knowing how long this is going to take to thicken out & lengthen, I cried. I am 44 years old, and I cried over my haircut. There is no point in going back as there is nothing that can be done - I DO NOT want it evening up all over & cutting even shorter on the other side. Thankfully I clip my fringe back & across on the longer side, mostly out of habit so that I can hold the top into place & keep my scalp covered, so it can be held down & in place until it has grown & I won’t have to suffer too much of little curly sprigs sticking up & off the side. But also there, for some reason she’s has trimmed the very front, the bits that drape around my face & end down near my chin in long blunt corners, into rounded shorter swoops, ruining the blunt bob shape completely. Was she daydreaming & thinking I was a different client???!

My hairdresser, who I trust completely & has advised & been there for me over the years of trauma with hairloss, is a fabulous girl. I see no point in going back as it will only upset her & as i said, I do not want the cut evening up because that will mean cutting into the perfectly layered side. So I will pin it up & push out my next appointment for an extra few weeks to allow the growth to catch up. When I go next time I will tell her what has happened & show her a picture I will take later today, to ensure she’s doesn’t repeat the error.

But urgh!!! It has really, REALLY upset me. My hair makes me feel so vulnerable at the best of times, so this is, for me, a complete disaster :cry2:


Dec 9, 2013
Alex T. Yes. I have very long hair and had a haircut where she cut my bangs way into the crown...took a year to grow back enough to blend in. SO you are not alone. I am sorry. I know how a bad haircut can make you feel off balance and sad. I was in my late 60’s LOL, so there is no good time to get a bad haircut!


Jan 22, 2014
Oh yes.
I have a fringe (Americans call them bang) and I went to a hairdresser and asked for a trim.
Now I am very particular about it’s length, it MUST be just to my eyebrows as I hate my forehead because it’s “high”.
I needed an “emergency cut and colour” as I had a hot date so I went into this trendy place (not my normal place) and asked for a trim with my colour.
OMG I ended up with a fringe more than half way up, like one that only kids under 6 have. I was literally in tears.
I rang my date and said I’d had an accident and so needed to cancel.
He asked “next week” and I said I might be recovering for a few weeks as it was pretty bad. Lol.
Anyhow the next day I get flowers at work, which I wasnt there to receive because I had called in sick! So my work organizes a courier to have them delivered to my home!
I’ve dug myself into a big hole by now and if I could have I would have stayed at home for 6 weeks til my fringe grew back!
So I have to face the “music” and go back to work the following day. All the women at work were horrified on my behalf (my fringe was soooo short).
I’d rung my date and thanked him for the flowers and said I was feeling a lot better. I saw him a few nights later for dinner and he DIDNT EVEN NOTICE my 1 inch long fringe.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Alex T. Yes. I have very long hair and had a haircut where she cut my bangs way into the crown...took a year to grow back enough to blend in. SO you are not alone. I am sorry. I know how a bad haircut can make you feel off balance and sad. I was in my late 60’s LOL, so there is no good time to get a bad haircut!

Urgh, how awful for you! I just don’t know what they are thinking sometimes? My hairdresser knows fine well that my layers are a balancing act. Too long & it gets heavy & flat, too short and, well, they stick up & away like they’re doing now. I have sorted it & pinned it over on that one side, capturing the sprigs gently into place. My family think it looks absolutely fine & normal. I am full of my first nasty cold of winter at the moment, so I think I am bit super sensitive - I burst out crying all over them!

I keep reminding myself, as I have done when I have lost my hair on & off over the years, that it’s only hair. I am not ill. It’s only hair.... It will grow back. And breathe....
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Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Oh yes.
I have a fringe (Americans call them bang) and I went to a hairdresser and asked for a trim.
Now I am very particular about it’s length, it MUST be just to my eyebrows as I hate my forehead because it’s “high”.
I needed an “emergency cut and colour” as I had a hot date so I went into this trendy place (not my normal place) and asked for a trim with my colour.
OMG I ended up with a fringe more than half way up, like one that only kids under 6 have. I was literally in tears.
I rang my date and said I’d had an accident and so needed to cancel.
He asked “next week” and I said I might be recovering for a few weeks as it was pretty bad. Lol.
Anyhow the next day I get flowers at work, which I wasnt there to receive because I had called in sick! So my work organizes a courier to have them delivered to my home!
I’ve dug myself into a big hole by now and if I could have I would have stayed at home for 6 weeks til my fringe grew back!
So I have to face the “music” and go back to work the following day. All the women at work were horrified on my behalf (my fringe was soooo short).
I’d rung my date and thanked him for the flowers and said I was feeling a lot better. I saw him a few nights later for dinner and he DIDNT EVEN NOTICE my 1 inch long fringe.

This is DEFINITELY a fringe for a 6 year old! And what a big pit you jumped into trying to cover it up! Thank you for your story - it made me laugh out loud & has cheered me up x


Mar 2, 2009
Hmm. My current haircut makes my mom cry, does that count?
I have a significant undercut and she hates it and thinks I like a boy.
I recently tried to maintain it myself and didn’t do a great job trying to shave the back of my own head...

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Hmm. My current haircut makes my mom cry, does that count?
I have a significant undercut and she hates it and thinks I like a boy.
I recently tried to maintain it myself and didn’t do a great job trying to shave the back of my own head...

I quite like an undercut. Not on me, but I always think it looks edgy & cool when I see it on other women. I am not edgy & cool!


Aug 6, 2014
Oh no! I’m so sorry! You feel so violated when this happens!!! It has happened to me more than once. And I have cried too. Hang in there. Hopefully in a few weeks it will at least be more manageable. But I know how long these things can take to grow out.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh no @Alex T I am so so sorry.:cry2: How traumatic and yes it feels like a violation. :blackeye:

I have had bad haircuts before but at the time was not aware of it (ignorance is bliss) because I was young and blissfully unaware. Like the time my mom had the barber cut my waist length hair up to my neck in a bowl cut. Yup not kidding. Too short and a bowl cut on top of that. OMG what a sight. But I cannot remember feeling upset or anything and I was young so it wasn't so important to me at that time.

But I get it and can empathize how you feel now about your hair. I have had a struggle with my hair from the time I realized I am a curly hair girl. I used to blow it straight and think why is my hair so frizzy if I don't blow it just right? Why doesnt it dry pretty? Then finally my hair started being really curly (like it had multiple personality disorder on some days it was wavy, some curly and some just all mixed up) and I learned how to wash and dry (air dry) it and voila I made peace with it finally.

And then you know what happened. You might remember I am going through hair loss right now and it is upsetting and for us curly hair girls it takes even longer to grow real length than our straight hair counterparts. So at this point I wouldn't say I am over my hair (because let's face it our hair is important to us and we identify with our hair to at least some degree) but I have once again made peace with what is going on with my hair. However you are a different story and are not going to be at the point I am at hopefully.

What I want to say to you and I hope it makes you feel less awful is that your hair was/is growing in again and that this bad haircut is simply (hopefully) just that. A bad haircut. It will grow in and the part she cut too short will start growing in first and making a difference sooner than if the length was way too short all over.

Honey I am so sorry you are going through this and while I might not contact the hair dresser now since you don't see the point and do not want to make her feel badly (I know it was not on purpose) I would take photos so the next time you see her you show her what you hated and what you want her to avoid. This way she knows and won't repeat her mistakes. And it will be enough after the fact that hopefully you will be feeling better about it and she will be able to accept your constructive criticism and give you the excellent hair cut she has in the past before this mishap.

Sending you (((hugs))) and hair growing vibes and lots and lots of good wishes. Hang in there @Alex T are going to come out of this with beautiful longer curly hair again. *******Hair Growing******** vibes being sent your way. XO.


Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Thank you @missy for your kind words.

I have calmed down some since this morning & not been to another mirror. The fact that I have such a rotten cold is taking my mind off my hair, as i’m too busy lying on the sofa coughing up gunk & blowing my nose. But you are right & I expect it’ll suddenly just appear longer one morning & will make me smile. In the meantime, the hair clip on the side is doing it’s job & holding all the little crazy curls down. And I totally get you about making peace with curls! I had mine shaved off in my teens & kept it shaved very short until my early 20’s. And then it looked like a massive bubble perm / poodle for a few years, until I had a new male hairdresser one day, who told me to only brush it when it was wet, never use heat, let it air dry overnight & never touch it once dry apart from clips etc. He said “leave your curls & let them do their thing”. And so I did. And they’ve very much been a part of my identity ever since.

Are you still losing volume to your hair? How bad has it got now? I’m hoping not to the stage of baldy patches or visible scalp, as that’s just the pits. Are you coping with it ok?


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @missy for your kind words.

I have calmed down some since this morning & not been to another mirror. The fact that I have such a rotten cold is taking my mind off my hair, as i’m too busy lying on the sofa coughing up gunk & blowing my nose. But you are right & I expect it’ll suddenly just appear longer one morning & will make me smile. In the meantime, the hair clip on the side is doing it’s job & holding all the little crazy curls down. And I totally get you about making peace with curls! I had mine shaved off in my teens & kept it shaved very short until my early 20’s. And then it looked like a massive bubble perm / poodle for a few years, until I had a new male hairdresser one day, who told me to only brush it when it was wet, never use heat, let it air dry overnight & never touch it once dry apart from clips etc. He said “leave your curls & let them do their thing”. And so I did. And they’ve very much been a part of my identity ever since.

Are you still losing volume to your hair? How bad has it got now? I’m hoping not to the stage of baldy patches or visible scalp, as that’s just the pits. Are you coping with it ok?

I am glad you are feeling a bit better about your bad haircut but sorry you are dealing with an awful cold! Ugh, hope you start feeling much better very soon. I have some scalp areas showing through. My hair has always been very fine but I had a lot of that fine hair. I am continuing to lose it and it is becoming thinner and thinner but I am coping well (I think) and have bought "alternative hair" for when I cannot hide the areas anymore.

It is amazing how much having a backup plan does for peace of mind (for me at least).
Do I want to wear alternative hair? Heck no, I would much prefer just being my natural hair wearing self. But I realize that may not be possible if I don't want to walk around with bald spots.

And if I could rock a bald head girl I would. But sadly I do not have the features for a bald head. Oh if I did life would be so much easier right now. I don't know if I can tolerate wearing alternative hair but I have like 10 pieces now so I am prepared lol. As with most things when I move ahead it is full steam ahead and not in moderation. LOL. I am going to find out if blondes really do have more fun!

Rooted blonde


Platinum blonde



Aug 16, 2007
I was NEVER happy with my hair until I found the "right" cut, and like yours, it involved embracing my natural curl. If it were to be messed up and the curls not lay right, it would make me so so sad. I think your plan is wise, it's so important to cut curly hair just right. I'm glad that you can make it work somewhat until it grows out. Hugs!


Mar 26, 2006
Oh lord YES! For years I've worn a pixie, although i'm growing out a short bob right now just to do something different. I've got two cow licks, one in front and one in the back of my head -- think Alfalfa from the Little Rascals... only worse. EVERY TIME I go in for a pixie I have the conversation about the cowlicks, even with people who have cut my hair for a long time. And every now and then I will leave there with a cut that makes me look like I'm wearing a hair version of the Statue of Liberty Crown. No kind, no amount of product will tame that hair beast, it just has to grow out. I feel for you honey!


May 1, 2007
Heck YES! I have neither-here-nor-there wavy hair. And I'm not one to spend much time styling it - I lack the skill, time and patience. I finally found a stylist who cuts it so that it flatters my hair and face the most it ever will with the limited effort I am able to put into it. Most days it looks decent, once in a blue moon gorgeous, and every now and then flat and especially meh. I am at peace with that though. A bad cut, on the other hand, really messes with my head (:lol: did not intentionally go for a pun but that worked out pretty damn well!).

My friend has super curly hair and had a very similar experience to you recently! A stylist who is Deva certified and to whom she'd be going for a while chopped her up by the crown. It was awful. No idea what this guy was thinking??!! She switched to my stylist, who is also curly-certified and amazing, and she also had no idea what he was thinking. :confused: :???: I'm sorry you are going through this!


May 11, 2013
No never had a hair cut/cutstyleblowout that made me cry, but as a straight hair girl (then not now :) now I'm white haired and dealing with THAT)... I got perms in the 70 and early 80s and ONE perm was left on toooooooo long and god I looked like Nancy from the 1930s comic strip, actually I looked worse.. it didn't make me cry, but it did make me panic.... it also made me much more understanding of curly haired girs. It took over a year to fix that mess, at one point I looked like Rosanne Rosanna Dana on the first Saturday Night Live shows.. I've noticed since my hair has turned totally white around the front of my face it's this wispy, DRY crappy hair, my husband said he could see a bald spot on the back of my head, I looked and I thought it was just a natural line, but I am keeping an eye on it, when my mother started the 'mental pause' her hair really thinned, but in about 5 years it grew back a lucious white! not sure I will be that lucky as she was all white by the time she was 38 and I am at least 60% dark haired still.. like my dad.

As Missy said, if I had the face for going bald it wouldn't bother me but I don't either..

Frankly, except for a few times in my life I've never had a cut/style that I really liked.

I am so sorry this happened to you, it's a bitch, it's wonderful you are not going to stop going to your stylist because of this, yet, but another time may think of trying someone different, I would anyway.. so sorry sweetie.. drink tea, watch movies and get well.

ugly hair.jpg dana.jpg


Aug 18, 2013
@Alex T - I'm so sorry!

I've always said, sometimes the ONLY thing standing between us and total disaster is a decent hair-do!

When that's taken away...ugh! This may not be any consolation, but try to remember it's waaaay more apparent to you than to anyone else, and what some people hate with a black passion - others love! I find whenever my hair is at its worst - and I mean weird angles, some parts flattened against my hair and some standing up oddly with static - THAT is the specific time (seriously - without fail!) that my husband will say "Your hair looks nice!" And he really means it! So odd....

I do envy you your curls, tho. Mine is thin and flat and unbelievably uninspiring! I love the idea of 'curls you can pin'. Forget about 'waiting for it to grow out' - I can wait till eternity, and I will NEVER have curls. Or any particular style, to be honest. Mine is just sort On my head.

I have my hair colored and I'm not a fan of red or any hair color with red in it against my skin. I always go for an ash blonde rather than a golden blonde. A few years ago I saw my hair dresser - a man I know who has ADHD - and for all the prep time he was chatting to his friend who was working at the chair next to us. I told him - REALLY firmly - NO RED. NOT GOLD. NOTHING WITH ANY RED IN IT.

Unfortunately, the only thing that stuck in his head was 'RED!'. So - he colored my hair and sat me at the basin while the color activated. Half an hour later, he came and checked it - "Hmmm - nope. Not yet. 20 more minutes." Twenty minutes later - "Wow - this is taking ages - it's still very dark! You must have really strong hair!" Twenty minutes later - he came and checked it again, and this time he was picking strands of it up, trying to look at it in the light. He went kind of quiet, but hustled over the hair-wash girl and got it rinsed out right away. When I got back to my seat, I could see immediately - it was dark. DARK. He started drying it, and the deep crimson color became immediately apparent. He kept muttering "I don't know HOW this happened - I definitely used the right bottle!" (Oh, really?) He never said sorry as the color emerged - more and more and more crimson. He just said, at the end, "If you don't like the color, leave it for a week for the hair to recover a bit, then come back and we'll change it."

I waited a week, went back, and the salon owner worked on it, stripping the color out of it. It took 3 hours, and at the end, my hair was a delightful, best-quality, padparadscha sapphire color. Sort of a neon pink with orange undertones. Charming.

Took about 18 months to grow out completely, tho it was mostly gone after a year. I remember my best girlfriend said to me - "Why aren't you more upset??" But I just wasn't. Something about the unchangeable nature of it, I suppose. On the other hand - early last summer my gardener lopped the low lying branches off my young trees to make it easier for him to get the mower under...and I went non-linear. Almost a year later and I am still LIVID and get SO upset when I think about it, or look at my darling trees - all babies (5 years old) - doing their best to grow...and some IDIOT comes along and cuts of all their shoots! Is the man INSANE?? (Deep breath, Mrs B, deep breath....)

So all that to say - we all have our breaking point. If I were you, given that you're in England and it's winter...hats, perhaps? Headbands? Hoodies? Or maybe just dark glasses and a Greta Garbo attitude.

Hang in there, Alex! We all love you and will count the weeks off with you till it's better! Big hugs!


Aug 18, 2013
@missy -

Nice Lady Gaga vibe! I LOVE it!


Apr 21, 2010
Yes, a few times over the years I have had horrid hair cuts, the kind of haircut you wonder, what was the hairstylist thinking? Certainly the cut(s) were nothing like I had requested, and also certainly were not attractive on me ... and oh yes, I have cried. The last haircut was so very bad I have been cutting my own hair (with DH's help) for the last 12 years.

Just after Thanksgiving 2018 I went to a hairstylist for a trim/cut (which turned out exactly how I hoped and even better), and then a few weeks ago went back to have my bangs trimmed - so far he has been doing beautifully, but each time my fingers have been crossed.

I am glad you have figured out a make-shift fix to help in the interim while your hair grows back, and I think it is a great idea to take photos now to show your stylist next time you see her.


Jun 26, 2007
I guess this has happened to all of us.
In the 80s I let my cousin the hairdresser cut and perm my hair.
Ugghh--What a disaster, and yes, I cried.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy -

Nice Lady Gaga vibe! I LOVE it!

Thank you @mrs-b. A bright side of alopecia. I can be almost anyone I want to be. I have 10 plus different looks and counting. It’s quite addictive. 8)


Nov 27, 2009
I may have had one. I don't remember if I cried but I was definitely upset about it a long time. It was third grade and my mom was mad at me for chewing my hair so she took me to a salon and they hacked it all off. I looked like a literal porcupine because of how my hair grows out. One of my best friends even remembers this and at the time we didn't know each other. She says she used to make fun of me for it because it looked so so bad. Of course once we knew each other she felt awful but I thought it was pretty funny. The haircut itself was so traumatising I have refused to have shorter than mid neck length hair ever since.


Jul 7, 2013
When I was younger, I would go for cheaper hair cuts and let trainees cut my hair.

Bad mistake as my hair is very strong and straight and I have a double crown. I had come home in tears once or twice at least. :roll2:

That stopped once I started to work full time, and had 4 permanent hair cutters since 1989, only changed when I moved from one area to another.

Once I found a good cutter, I would stick with him/her for as long as possible.

I have been with the same salon and hair cutter since 2006, and there are two other experienced cutters who can cut my hair as recommended by my usual cutter as back-ups, when she was on holidays and maternity leave.

DK :))


Sep 23, 2017
I would totally cry. I have curly hair too and going to have a cut is stressful, I've had all of 2 hairdressers in all my life who knew what they were doing, the rest did not know how to deal w my hair and gave a crap cut. I get my hair cut once a year as a result but thay means i have to keep it pretty long :/

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Thanks everyone. You’ve completely cheered me up to know i’m not alone!

Would you believe i’ve just had to pop to the supermarket for more tissues & throat lozenges, where I bumped into our Office Manager from work. She was at school yesterday, but I obviously had my hair tied up as I was fresh from the chop & fluffy, and she said “Wow! You look like utter shit today, but your hair looks fab!” I guess others sometimes see what we don’t see ourselves. I am resigned to pinning my curls back for a little while & watching it grow. @mrs-b my curls do like to be pinned. It’s very costume drama & looks nice. I have a huge collection of sparkly & glittery pins, and mostly just wear one on the one side where I sweep my fringe back. I am famous for my pretty hair pins!

My hairdresser has looked after me for years. She is the top curly hair girl & I have never ever had an incident where I have hated what she’s done. Her suggestions for trying something different have always been discussed & worked well to change things up a bit. Yesterday she must have just been having a bad day. She is extremely expensive to book in with, so it’s not an issue of salon quality.

@missy You totally pull off those wigs. That platinum blonde is stunning!


Aug 18, 2013
Thanks everyone. You’ve completely cheered me up to know i’m not alone!

Would you believe i’ve just had to pop to the supermarket for more tissues & throat lozenges, where I bumped into our Office Manager from work. She was at school yesterday, but I obviously had my hair tied up as I was fresh from the chop & fluffy, and she said “Wow! You look like utter shit today, but your hair looks fab!” I guess others sometimes see what we don’t see ourselves. I am resigned to pinning my curls back for a little while & watching it grow. @mrs-b my curls do like to be pinned. It’s very costume drama & looks nice. I have a huge collection of sparkly & glittery pins, and mostly just wear one on the one side where I sweep my fringe back. I am famous for my pretty hair pins!

I am totally jelly!


Apr 20, 2017
Hair isn't usually a problem for me but I do know how you feel. Last year I went for my bi-yearly botox and my dermatologist was out sick. I thought it would be ok to let the other dermatologist in the office touch it up. OMG - it was a complete disaster!!!!! One eyebrow was about a 1/4 inch higher than the other. And not much you can do about it! Serves me right for being so damn vain!!! :lol:

So I do get it! But I am sure it is way more noticeable to you than anyone else. This too will pass! =)2

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Hair isn't usually a problem for me but I do know how you feel. Last year I went for my bi-yearly botox and my dermatologist was out sick. I thought it would be ok to let the other dermatologist in the office touch it up. OMG - it was a complete disaster!!!!! One eyebrow was about a 1/4 inch higher than the other. And not much you can do about it! Serves me right for being so damn vain!!! :lol:

So I do get it! But I am sure it is way more noticeable to you than anyone else. This too will pass! =)2

Oh my goodness! Yes, there’s no disguising a high eyebrow with hair pins & hats! How long did it take to drop a little? I’ve never had Botox (yet!) so don’t really know how long it lasts. And can they re-inject anything else to soften it down a bit, like they can’t apparently dissolve facial filler if too much is put it?


Dec 9, 2013
Oh yes.
I have a fringe (Americans call them bang) and I went to a hairdresser and asked for a trim.
Now I am very particular about it’s length, it MUST be just to my eyebrows as I hate my forehead because it’s “high”.
I needed an “emergency cut and colour” as I had a hot date so I went into this trendy place (not my normal place) and asked for a trim with my colour.
OMG I ended up with a fringe more than half way up, like one that only kids under 6 have. I was literally in tears.
I rang my date and said I’d had an accident and so needed to cancel.
He asked “next week” and I said I might be recovering for a few weeks as it was pretty bad. Lol.
Anyhow the next day I get flowers at work, which I wasnt there to receive because I had called in sick! So my work organizes a courier to have them delivered to my home!
I’ve dug myself into a big hole by now and if I could have I would have stayed at home for 6 weeks til my fringe grew back!
So I have to face the “music” and go back to work the following day. All the women at work were horrified on my behalf (my fringe was soooo short).
I’d rung my date and thanked him for the flowers and said I was feeling a lot better. I saw him a few nights later for dinner and he DIDNT EVEN NOTICE my 1 inch long fringe.
The BEST hair story. I never got flowers for a bad haircut!:lol-2:
[fringe sounds better than BANGS...why do they even call it bangs. i am a fringe girl from now on, Bron, thanks to you].


Apr 20, 2017
Oh my goodness! Yes, there’s no disguising a high eyebrow with hair pins & hats! How long did it take to drop a little? I’ve never had Botox (yet!) so don’t really know how long it lasts. And can they re-inject anything else to soften it down a bit, like they can’t apparently dissolve facial filler if too much is put it?

Botox works by partially paralyzing the muscle. It's good for forehead lines and lines between the brows. Unfortunately if too much is injected some people's muscles will droop instead of lift. I am one of those. Nothing can counteract it except time. It only took about a month to be hardly noticeable. It felt like forever! Thank goodness for Jackie O sunglasses!!!


Feb 3, 2008
I have had a few bad hair cuts over the years but more than one bad perm in the 80’s. Why I ever got one, I have no idea, except that it was the thing to do. I have had fried your hair off perms that I bawled my eyes out over. Yes, ma’am, I have.

I have very fine and a bit thin hair and have always worried about losing it. I don’t seem to lose a lot but I could definitely have more. How I envy women with inch thick ponytails. If there was a way to have one, I would sell every piece of jewelry I own to get it. When I am out and about in town and I see women who are coping with hair loss far worse than I have dealt with, my heart breaks for them, because I know a little bit of what they feel. I always whisper a prayer asking God to help them and heal them. As women, our hair is so much a part of our identity and our world takes a dim view of anything less than perfect in terms of what we look like. It can be a deep struggle for any of us who don’t feel like we are meeting any range of that standard.

There are those who battle bravely in the face of it. I saw a post by Heidi Powell (married to Chris Powell, the fitness guru) on Facebook, dealing with her own alopecia woes. Look her up for a little inspiration.

@missy, if that first piece is a wig-it is amazing. Holy cow, you look gorgeous. I am not opposed to going that route at all, and you rock both of those looks.
Hugs, Alex. I hope it quickly grows out to the place you are ok with it.
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