
Hair Cut after Wedding

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Oct 21, 2007
Anyone else have/get the urge to chop off their hair after the wedding? I so want to cut it all off! Ok.... maybe just to my shoulders.

If yes, I''d love to see some before/after photos.
I chopped mine off right after we got home from the honeymoon. I was so ready to cut it! I even looked for places while we were on our honeymoon, but couldn''t justify spending that much on a haircut when I could get it cheaper at home. I will see if I can find some pics. I think I cut about 9 inches off!
I totally had the urge. I think about it often! Still can''t do it - I don''t think it would look good on me.

I''d love to see pics too though!
I chopped mine off the week we came back from our honeymoon, no pics though, it''s now about 5 inches shorter!
Were there any regrets to cutting it? What was your DH''s reaction?

I''m worried about makeover remorse.
This is the day before the wedding. Getting my mani
When it''s straight, it''s a couple of inches longer.


DH did NOT want me to cut it. He told me he hates me with short hair (when we first started dating I had just cut my hair to right above my shoulders.) I was honestly scared he would hate it, but he LOVES it. He almost doesn't want me to grow it back out!

ETA: Sorry so big! I thought I scaled it down... wow..

Haha, I''ve been growing my hair for years and plan to chop it all off once I get married... I cant wait!!
Oh, wow, it looks great!

I have similar hair to yours when you had it long. Do you straighten it every day?

ETA: So glad your DH loves it.
Date: 8/4/2009 8:36:21 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
Oh, wow, it looks great!

I have similar hair to yours when you had it long. Do you straighten it every day?

ETA: So glad your DH loves it.

After I first got it cut, I did have to straighten it everyday or it was just a big mess. Now 2 months later, I can wear it curly. I still straighten most days though because it doesn''t really take long since it''s short.
Every single one of my married friends cut their hair short right after the wedding...everyone.
I guess it''s just a right of passage
Can''t wait till I join the short hair club
I think I'm going to be the odd one out. I (stupidly) chopped off 10+ inches last June, and only later realized I wanted to have long flowy curls for the wedding. So I'd been trying to grow it out since. When I used to go for my routine cuts prior to the wedding, I asked my stylist to cut as little as possible and give me long layers. My hair is very thin and fine and need lots of short layers to give it a healthy volume. I'm going in 2 weeks to get a cut and colour and get myself LOTS of yummy layers!

CDN: I totally think you should go for it! I loved getting a shorter 'do last year, it was so much fun! The only thing I've got to say is that if your hair is anything like mine, you'll find it harder to manage short hair than long.
I did - loved it for about 10 minutes and immediately began growing it out. Two years later, my hair is finally about the same length it was for the wedding and I love it.
Date: 8/4/2009 8:17:12 PM
Anyone else have/get the urge to chop off their hair after the wedding? I so want to cut it all off! Ok.... maybe just to my shoulders.

If yes, I''d love to see some before/after photos.

I have a major urge but I grew it for so long (over 2 years!) I don''t know if I can! I used to have very short hair (as in a couple inches long) and I grew it out from that length to how long it is now for the wedding! And my sisters, friends and husband all think I should keep it long. So I''ll probably keep it, at least for a while. But I do want to get a cooler haircut than I have now. Mine is straight across now so I''ll probably just do more choppy edges and sort of V shaped (longer in the back and a little shorter in the front.)
oh what a coincidence, FI was talking about this the other day, he asked me if i was going to cut my hair after the wedding because every woman he knows cut their hair after their wedding, i don''t plan on cutting mine because by then summer is over anyway and short hair never suited my long face
I think my hair is my husbands favorite physical feature of mine. I threaten to chop it off.

I''ve been asked multiple times if I have extensions. My hair is really long, but easy to manage. I have A TON of fine naturally wavy strands that I straighten about once a week. Otherwise, I shower and don''t touch it!

I always wonder at what age I''l be too old for hair past my boobs...
I am just DYING to cut my hair! It''s fine and oily, and the longer it gets, the flatter and limper it looks. It''s just to the bottom of my shoulder blades right now, and I can''t stand it. Shoulder-length is the way to go for me, since my rule is that I have to be able to put it in a ponytail. But we''re having our Chinese wedding banquet around the time of our first anniversary, and the husband wants me to grow it even more for that. I don''t really understand why, since it will probably be in an updo anyway. So he has begged me not to do the post-wedding chop. I may take a couple of inches off since I have a long way to go until it has to be long again, but he''s begging me not to. Silly boy.
NO haircut for me! I am so happy to have longer-ish hair right now. I hope it keeps getting longer! I''d really love to have about three more inches. If I cut mine short, I think I''ll look even younger than I already do . . . which is young enough for the flight attendant to ask if I need to be reseated in the exit row (you only have to be FIFTEEN to sit there).

I agree, though, that many girls cut their hair dramatically after their weddings. Are they just tired of a childhood/young adulthood of long hair, or is it symbolic of the change in their lives?
I''ve been married four months now and I am seriously getting the urge to chop this hair! I''ve been growing it out for years, and for me I think I''m just tired of taking care of it. Most of the time, it will be in a ponytail (I work in a research lab), but when it''s down it looks awesome. Problem is, it takes FOREVER to style properly, and forever to dry. So I plan on taking off about 6 inches. Plus, I think something slightly shorter will suit my face and make me look a bit older. 6 inches would bring my hair to just above my bra strap; long enough to be ''long'' (though it will be short for me) but short enough to be more stylish. I''m 27 and tired of looking 17!

My husband will freak if I tell him I''m cutting my hair, though, so I''m just going to show up one day and see if he notices!
I was one of the odd ones of the bunch, obviously. I wanted my hair short, so I cut my hair just months BEFORE my wedding - I think I cut 8 inches off! I figured, I rather myself with short hair, so why have long hair just for my wedding? It didn''t seem to fit.
I actually had a pretty good chop before the engagment (which I didn''t know was coming!) and after he proposed one of the first things I thought in the next weeks was - WHY DID I GET MY HAIR CUT?? So for 10 months I gret it out, got it cut just enough to be healthy and just went with it. Now that it''s longer, I want to keep it that way for a while, and have been growing it out since the wedding. Also take this with a grain of salt - I''m one of those people that has had relatively short hair since middle school and never really wanted to grow it out - now that it''s longer and styled, I want to keep it this way for at least a little longer - but I''m sure I''ll end up cutting it again!
Another odd one out...

I grow my hair until I have it long enough to chop 10 inches off to donate to Locks of Love. I get it trimmed in long layers, every couple months in between donations (three times so far). I''ve got another year or so before I get to chop it again.
I do have the urge for bangs again. I''ve been growing them out for the past few months - they''re past my chin now.
And, over the past few years (I''m 27), I''ve been under the attack of the GRAYS
, so I experiment with color a lot.

For the wedding, I wore it in a low big bun of curls.
I resisted the urge to chop it. I get this urge every summer and when I did it last year I regretted the decision. I think my hair looks best when its 2 inches or so below my shoulders. Any longer and it begins to get very flat since my hair is fine and can''t handle the weight (but I don''t have enough body to thin it out without looking weird). I also have a wedding that I am in this coming October and I think the bride would be upset if I chopped it.
Ummmm.... ME!!!

I had short hair all the way from high school thru college. Then when I met Chris I began growing it out for an impending wedding day... and for the last 2 months that I have been wearing it in a pony-tail, I have said that I was going to have it cut off in-between the wedding and the honeymoon. I hate the fact that I can''t ever do anything with it due to thickness and the fact that doing it is a complete waste of time in this humidity.

Also we are going to the southern caribbean for 10 days for the HM, and I don''t want to spend an hour each day having to blow dry it and straighten it, and then it turn into a nasty mess anyway! I guess I''m just looking for a push at this point

We leave on Friday morning so if I''m getting it done, it needs to be done tonight...
I had mine cut a few weeks before the wedding to help the stylist on the day of. It was all one length and the style I wanted was much easier to do with layers. So she put in some long layers when she did my highlights. It''s OK, but I''m not crazy about it so I''m growing them out now.
Yep! My hair is a little longer than blackpolkadot''s pre-wedding hair, and curly as well. And heavy!! It''s so hot when I wear it down that it''s been in a bun everyday for two months. I''m definitely going to get it cut soon. And maybe colored.
I sort of did. We got married in Sept. ''07 and I ended up chopping off my hair in November ''08. I had no desire to cut my hair after the wedding b/c I''ve always had long hair (usually about an inch below my bra strap - aka SUPER long!). Last winter I just thought I''d want to donate it and definitely had enough hair so I went for it. HATED having short/medium length hair. It''s now maybe an inch or two below my shoulders and although it looks "long" now, I will keep growing it another 4-5 inches. I STILL get sad when I look at pictures of myself with super long hair. My hubby definitely likes my long hair much better. I think by this winter my hair will look more normal to me.

I wish I had cut my bangs before my wedding though. At the wedding they were totally grown out and I could push them behind my ear so they stayed in place, but I really like the way they frame my face better when they are shorter. Oh well!
oh & pictures!

I recently just posted these, but the first 2 are from my hair trial from the wedding.


Nope, I won''t be cutting mine. I''ve had it long for all my life and although it''s nearly the longest it''s ever been, I love it. D would kill me if I cut my hair!
And this is when I first got my hair cut. Sorry I''m just not comfortable showing my face!

My biggest problem with this haircut is it''s a really bad haircut! It''s horribly uneven!!

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