
Gwen & J are MARRlED!!!! (w/pics)


Aug 4, 2007
Hi, all!! I am married!!!

Now that things have calmed down slightly, I have a bit of time to let you know how our day went and share a couple of photos. First and foremost, we had a wonderful day because of how happy we were to be married, and ended up having a fun time even though there were some things happening that could have brought us down. Plus my parents were here, which was absolutely fabulous and meant the world to me!! We are thrilled to be husband & wife, and had a great time celebrating with our friends and my parents (and one of my brothers via Skype at the end of the night).

The day started out pretty chill--we had breakfast, got ready (I did my own hair, make-up and nails, although the nails didn''t dry fast enough so in the end I took the polish off and just went au natural), and then headed out to the registry office by the sea. The weather was PERFECT. I had gotten a gorgeous thin wool shawl because if anything I figured it would be cold, but it was actually quite hot (for England), so no shawl needed! The ceremony itself was really fun and enjoyable--the women doing it were sweet and fun and let us laugh and have a good time, which was fabulous! I had felt nervous all morning while getting ready (hands were shaking and everything!) but once my dad took my arm to walk me down the aisle, everything was fine and I was happy and relaxed.

After the ceremony, we took some photos (amateur--we didn''t have a professional photographer) and then went to the reception venue. For the first hour or so, J and I were anti-social, in our room with my mom and his best friend. I needed to go to the loo and so my mom had unlaced me so I could get out of the dress and go pee, and then J wanted to have a quiet cup of tea alone, and then his best friend came around, so I just threw on my pjs and we had a little tea party! Then the dress went back on and we went downstairs, took a couple of photos outside, and then were called in to dinner. We kept saying we didn''t want formality, but had some of it shoved down our throats, like when we were announced into the dining room (although only announced as ''your bride & groom'' so not sure the point of that). Anyway, dinner was stuffy and uncomfortable, but when it was over, we hung out with the guests and chatted for a bit. We went to cut the cake without any fuss, but again, a bit fuss was made and now there are about seven thousand photos of us with a knife poised over our beautiful cake. Whatever!

After cake, we were asked if some of the party could move to the bar area so they could start clearing up, so some of us moved there (all eventually) and I put on some music and my friends, J''s friends and we all danced and laughed and had a great time! At around 1am I caught one of my brothers on Skype and talked to him for about an hour, so it was almost like he was there with us! We went to bed around 2:30am, and were up by 9 to make it to breakfast and check out of the hotel. Busy, busy!

Now, J''s mom fully lost it, so my memories of this day are rather tainted. I don''t want to dwell on it, but it is part of what happened, so I want to share it. She was very quiet on the day of the wedding (unlike her), although she had been barking orders at me the day before, including telling the waitress at the restaurant what food I wanted to eat and the fact that I shouldn''t be sad my brothers weren''t going to be at the wedding. She had previously refused to share any information about the reception and had insisted on sending out invites to everyone herself, told me she had done so, but had not sent any to any of my guests. She had, however, sent out invites to James'' friends, including one friend who had moved back into the country in the past months who''s address she only could have gotten from my invite list, so she deliberately skipped my guests to get to J''s. She changed the wedding colours--they were supposed to be light blue & chocolate brown with silver accents (like our cake), but she got things in yellow and white--things including bridesmaids dresses and page boy outfits, which we had said we didn''t want, and got flowers to match. My friend who made the wedding cake felt awful because she didn''t get why the cake matched nothing--the cake was the only thing in our colours! During the dancing in the evening, she just walked about moping like she was at a funeral (that''s how J''s evil sister acted too).

My guests at the wedding said they thought we had a wonderful time, considering how much else was going on behind the scenes, and that they had thought it was so odd that when we were dancing and having fun, the rest of them were just standing around looking miserable, like they were boycotting fun. Perhaps they were? We tried to include them all (and I even chose music that was 90% 60''s music to appeal to them--shouldn''t have bothered!), but they were not in a celebratory mood. But that didn''t bring us down, as you will see from the pictures!

We had arranged to send a gift hamper of gourmet food to J''s parents the day before the wedding to say thank you to them for all they had done to make our wedding a special day. J is very shy and I was pretty sure he wasn''t going to feel comfortable getting up to do a speech, but we wanted to thank them. Even though they had done a bunch of stuff for themselves, it was with good intentions and they did spend a lot of time, effort and money for our day, so we wanted to say thanks. Well, there was a hiccup with the delivery and it wasn''t delivered when it should have been (although J''s mom knew it was coming because I''d called her). Anyway, after a few days and no delivery, I chased it up with the company and arranged for a re-delivery on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, the gift hamper company called me to say that J''s mom had refused the delivery. We were confused, so we said we''d talk to her to find out if there was a misunderstanding. So J called his mother, who said that she didn''t want the gift basket. She said, "it''s like you''re rubbing my face in the fact that I had such a miserable time at your wedding because it was all about you and not about me." (Yes, seriously, those were her words.) J said, "Mother, it was OUR WEDDING." She then proceeded to rant a bit about how nothing was about her and she had such a terrible time and didn''t want any reminders (like our gift) about that day, so she told the delivery man to take the gift back. J was furious, and told her she was being ridiculous, but she kept on, saying the wedding hadn''t been "at all" what she wanted and that she had told her guests (the majority) that we didn''t need presents and hadn''t wanted to invite them in the first place, which might explain why so many of J''s family looked like they were in mourning and didn''t get us even a card or say ''congrats'' or ''welcome to the family.'' Previously, J had been trying to defend the other things by saying she didn''t mean to cause offense by not inviting my guests, by choosing the menu, by changing the wedding colours, or adding bridesmaids or page boys, but at this point he just gave up on her because there was no excuse for her to throw a gift back in our faces and be mad that our wedding wasn''t all about HER, even after she had taken over so much already! So he ended the conversation by saying something like, "well goodbye then, Mother, maybe I''ll talk to you sometime in my life, bye" and she (in a strangely very happy, cheery voice, answered, "Byeee!"). And that was that. He was shaking, he was so mad when he hung up with her. And he apologized to me, saying that he was sorry that for so long it was just me who was dealing with her craziness, because he really didn''t think she could be capable of being like that.

He still isn''t sure she means to be as offensive as she has been, but now her crazy is out there, plain as day for all to see, and in that way it''s actually easier on me. I have been able to stop blaming myself for failing to get her approval, because it''s impossible and not my fault that she has completely unrealistic expectations. It still hurts J a ton, obviously, but it has been good for us as a couple, as strange as that may sound. We are as much in love as ever, and endlessly committed to one another.

So, pics! Let me post a few pics!
My dad said, "So, you ready to get married?" And I said, "Wait, I''m about to do WHAAAT?!" And made this dorky face.

After the vows

Outside in the garden, just before dinner

Cheers! To us!

Standing around, chattin'' with my lovely friends and parents

Aw Gwen...You look so beautiful! The first picture is CLASSIC!! haha

I am so happy for you. *hugs*

I am so sorry your mother in law was so horrible. Seriously she had acted in a vile manner. J was right! It was YOUR wedding, not hers. My MIL and FIL were a little weird on our wedding day too but nothing on that scale. She had no right to taint your day.

However, I am glad you are rising above it and enjoying being a married couple!
Caaaaaaaake! Our cake was the most gorgeous cake ever--my fabulous friend who is a baker made it for us, and it was delicious. One layer of coffee cake and chocolate cream, and another was chocolate cake with cream and cherry and it was decorated with chocolate covered coffee beans--perfection!!

Dancin''!! With the sparkly American flag hats my friends got for us.

The end! Thanks for looking!

So so happy to be Mrs. JB.

Congrats Gwen!

I love your photos!! You look so beautiful and I wish i could have tried some of that cake! It sounds so yummy!!!

I am so glad that you enjoyed your day despite the MIL issues and i am really glad that the issues with her are bringing the two of you closer together and more loved up than ever!!!

Enjoy being a newly wed!!

ETA: You MUST put that first photo in the OMG! weekly photo thread, it's priceless!!
YAY Gwen I couldn't wait for pics of your wedding!! You looked gorgeous, radiant, happy, and every picture is just so... YOU!! The cake looks awesome, and your hair and makeup looked amazing, you did a fantastic job!
And James looked seriously spunky, you're such a ridiculously adorable couple!

I'm sorry to hear of the dramas, but judging from the pics they didn't dampen your spirits! ENJOY MARRIED LIFE!!!!!!!
I''m glad you looked so happy in the pictures considering the crap (you know I want to use a less kind word here) you had to put up with. It''s unbelievable what you had to go through. Congrats.
Gwen, I can''t tell you how frequently I''ve been checking in BWW to see your thread! So glad to see you''re a happily married woman now! You looked stunning and radiant and the perfect picture of a bride. I am still so in love with your dress...but I''m sad there were no shoe shots!!! I luuuurrrrve your shoes!!!

Anyway, also wanted to send you and J ((hugs)) about all of the disasters with your MIL. I am so glad you were able to see past all of her crap and enjoy the fact that, at the end of the day, you and J were married, and that''s really and truly all that matters. And, as much as it must hurt for him, I''m glad that J now understands your point of view about his mother''s behavior, and I really and truly hope that you all work things out in the end.

Huge CONGRATS to you and your HUBBY!
I have followed your threads for a long time Gwen,and I just have to say you look gorgeous! I love your dress,and you and your hubby look so happy.Congratulations!
Hooray! You looked beautiful and you both look so happy together! MIL was a complete knob but it''s wonderful that you''re able to move past that.
HOTS and Dandi''s replies are so perfect and so right. Radiant, Happy, Beautiful, SO I ditto them!

But it never hurts a bride to get all the compliments she deserves! So I want to SQUEAL for you! You are finally Mrs. J er I mean Mrs B? Oh, MRS. JB! Ha ha. And you were truly a beautiful bride! Your hubby is such a handsome fella and so proud to be your husband! (great to finally met him!)

I am so glad the weather was ordered just for you! And that CAKE...oh my I would have to had each layer at least once! YUMMO! My favorite parts of your story was your teasing your dad, and your PJ''s! That is SO you! I am giggling at you because that is the one day you get to wear a beautiful gown and you couldn''t wait to get back to being YOU! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EVENTS! You are simply classic!

Gwen, you had a wonderful time, it shows in the photos. You and your character are like the cream that rises to the top. And your actions did just that. Allow the rest of the stuff that doesn''t measure up to grade A just leak out. It isn''t worth saving or remembering or packaging to take on your journey. What has value is the love you two exchanged and the memory of your celebration as your life together begins. And of course the cake. That rich decadent cake.

Love LOVE LOVE that you are FINALLY married. That you got to share it with your parents! They made it! And you got to marry J! You are beautiful and lovely! Even in your pj''s!

congrats Gwen! you look gorgeous and so happy!!!! Sorry your MIL really topped off the craziness, but at least it''s out there now for all, including J, to see!
Congratulations, Gwen! You look GORGEOUS! and in the end, it only matters that your hubby loves you and supports YOU!

At some point, J''s mom will realize that if it''s ever going to be about her, she needs to make amends with you.

ENJOY YOUR NEWLYWEDDOM! Ain''t love grand?
Congratulations to you and handsome hubs, Gwen! You looked beautiful. I love your dress. I am truly sorry about your MIL''s behavior, but at least you and James are now on the same page. I''m happy that you are happily married!

I am so very happy for you!!! I am glad that the two of you were able to enjoy your day in spite of all that happened.

I am so sorry that your MIL behaved in such a selfish manner. I don''t really understand what is wrong with her. It seems as though she doesn''t understand what a wedding is all about! WOW...I mean, if she really needed a celebration so badly, she should have saved her money for an anniversary party or something...... I will be hoping and praying that she sees the error of her ways.
Congratulations! You looked so beautiful, and together you two look SO happy!!! I particularly love the pic with the sparkly american hats! Cute.
Oh Gwen you deserve this! I am so glad the day finally came and you had so much fun.
Congratulations Gwen! You looked lovely as a bride (that dress was PERFECT on you!) and despite your MIL, I''m glad you enjoyed your day.
Gwen, I am so happy for you both! As to what J''s Mom did, shame on her for taking your wedding and making it all about her!!!!!

I am really sorry you had to put up with this type of behaviour from your MIL and I know it is easier said than done but try to put it behind you and go forward with J and enjoy your new life. If she chooses to not be a part of it then thats up to her. You have done your best but the rest is up to her.....
Firstly, meh to that lady...

Secondly, you looked gorgeous, im glad you were able to enjoy yourself somewhat on the day
and i love love love your dress

Gwen, you were a beautiful bride! I love your dress!!
Oh Gwen!

Congratulations! And congratulations on being one of the few women with a batsh*t crazy MIL and a husband who is VERY aware that his mother is certifiably BSC! Although I am so saddened for you that your MIL is BSC, at least J has his eyes open and no longer has any illusions about his mother being a complete witch. Your husband is your ally, just as it should be!
K, I am SO happy for you!! I know how much you dealt with and none of it was fair, but now you''re MARRIED, so try not to dwell on the negative stuff.

I love your dress by the way! You look beautiful.
Date: 4/25/2010 10:08:21 AM
Author: CasaBlanca
HOTS and Dandi''s replies are so perfect and so right. Radiant, Happy, Beautiful, SO I ditto them!

But it never hurts a bride to get all the compliments she deserves! So I want to SQUEAL for you! You are finally Mrs. J er I mean Mrs B? Oh, MRS. JB! Ha ha. And you were truly a beautiful bride! Your hubby is such a handsome fella and so proud to be your husband! (great to finally met him!)

I am so glad the weather was ordered just for you! And that CAKE...oh my I would have to had each layer at least once! YUMMO! My favorite parts of your story was your teasing your dad, and your PJ''s! That is SO you! I am giggling at you because that is the one day you get to wear a beautiful gown and you couldn''t wait to get back to being YOU! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EVENTS! You are simply classic!

Gwen, you had a wonderful time, it shows in the photos. You and your character are like the cream that rises to the top. And your actions did just that. Allow the rest of the stuff that doesn''t measure up to grade A just leak out. It isn''t worth saving or remembering or packaging to take on your journey. What has value is the love you two exchanged and the memory of your celebration as your life together begins. And of course the cake. That rich decadent cake.

Love LOVE LOVE that you are FINALLY married. That you got to share it with your parents! They made it! And you got to marry J! You are beautiful and lovely! Even in your pj''s!


^^^A thousand times this^^^

Your photos just radiate joy Gwen and I am so happy for you both

You looked
and James looked so swish
And the party looks like it was so much fun!!!

Never mind the naysayers, focus on just the two of you, you deserve everything you dream of, truly