
~~~Glow & Dust Request~~~


Jun 29, 2006
I know in the big scheme this isn't huge, but it feels huge to me. My hardrive d.i.e.d. a few days ago and while my husband has been scrambling to rebuild it (and he has), my heart is aching big time for everything on my old hardrive. All of my pictures for the past year and a half were on there... living and traveling in europe, living and traveling in china - and everything in between. I think about pictures that were special and I just get so sad. I had already started discussing having a ring made - all green lights - but I told hubby to take some of that money and put it toward trying to recover the disk. Apparently we have to ship it to germany and it could cost 1k. I don't know the details... but it also means postponing my ring. Which is fine, I guess... having the ring would make me happy but having the pictures back (and documents) would make me happier. I am not thrilled, but am content to shell out the money - but doing so might not make a difference and they might not be recoverable. This just makes me so sad. So, I'm just calling out to the universe for a little bit of goodness that things will turn out successfully. I have learned my lesson - dh set up an automatic backup system now... I'm such a fool...
Sending you lots of recovery dust, hoping you get those pics back and what not... That's a huge loss, so hoping all goes well!!!!
Big wishes that everything is recovered!!!

I learned my lesson hard way when our home was robbed last year and our laptops were stolen...its NOT fun to lose those memories.
BUT on a positive note, we did recover all my college pictures on my computer that had completed stopped turning on. Honestly, they put it on an external hard only cost about $150.
that's terrible :blackeye: I hope that everything works out for you
I just learned that lesson a few weeks ago. Thank goodness they were able to recover most everything. I hope that you have as much luck as I did. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose treasured photos and stuff.
That happened to us a few years ago and the cost of restoring the photos was too much. Since we did not lose an incredible amount of photos we just did not have the system recovered (plus there was no guarantee they could restore it). We did invest into several external drives and back up the files once a week. When we go away we put them in a safe deposit box.

I will also put photos on a cd and store this as well. I try to scrapbook and/or print the photos as soon as I can.
That dreaded Mercury in Retrograde! Gah!! Good luck & mucho dusto.

ETA: Our Mercury Moment was losing my house & car keys last week. We're pretty sure DH is the culprit as I have rock solid system.
I am sorry you are going through this. This has reminded me that I need to open a shutterfly account and back up my photos and put them in the safe.

Good luck!
Hugs and dust!!!!
Thanks you guys, I hate this :( I'll update when I have some news... keep it coming!!
Pushing a ton of warm loving energy your way.