


Feb 18, 2010
How many times has it happened to you? You are reading an interesting thread and come upon an abbreviation that you cannot decipher.
Sometimes a request in the thread in question yields a clarification. Some threads get so contentious that you dont want to bump the thread back up with your question. I invite all PSers to contribute their abbreviations and translations here in this thread as a resource to old and new forum members. As language is an evolving thing there will surely be new abbreviations emerging that none of us know. This thread is also meant to be a place where one can ask for a translation of a new (or new to you) abbreviation.

I would like to begin with:

CR, and the derivative CR'ing.
IIRC if I recall correctly

AFAIC as far as I'm concerned

GBCPS good bye cruel Pricescope
SI : Significantly Included

VVSI : Very, Very Significantly Included

IMO : In my opinion

DH : Dear Husband, Dumb Husband
VapidLapid|1308848802|2953014 said:
SI : Significantly Included

VVSI : Very, Very Significantly Included

IMO : In my opinion

DH : Dear Husband, Dumb Husband

I'm not sure why, but I read that first one as significantly induced LMFAO!!!!!!!!

lmfao - laugh my f* a* off.

SO - significant other

DS - dear son

DD - dear daughter

BBL - be back later

AFK - away from keyboard

W/O - without

B/C - because
I think there are threads on this around on Pricescope. I know some of the family ones have a huge list that pertain to topics in there.
What does YMMV stand for? I hope it's not "You Make Me Vomit!" Haha.
UnluckyTwin|1308869958|2953431 said:
What does YMMV stand for? I hope it's not "You Make Me Vomit!" Haha.

YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary.

This is NOT only used when talking about the gas mileage of cars.
It's used to mean, your experience with this may be different from mine.
There were great threads on this, but the search engine is lacking... If there is an acroym you don't know just ask..

I will give you a few...

HTH Hope this helps

KWIM Know what I mean??

FWIW For what it's worth..

MHO My humble opinion

IDK, I don't know..

DH = Dear husband...

FI= Fiancee

IIRCC, If I recal correctly...

PS... Pricescope...

GBCPS.... Good bye crule pricescope..

R&R... Rinse and repeat... That's mine.. I love saying that...
VapidLapid|1309298638|2957340 said:

Not safe for work (I think?)
JUnebug, you are correct (NSFW=not safe for work. --there are a few sites, celebrity gossip ones, especially, who use this abbreviation.)

I'm still not clear on what "CR" means?
TBH = To be honest

TBQH = To be quite honest

FTW = For the win

ITT = In this thread (usually used as an alert, For example "Irrational finger dysmorphia ITT! Anyone thinking of finger lipo?!")

FMIL, FFIL, FSIL, FBIL = Future mother/father/sister/brother-in-law

DSS = Diamond shrinkage syndrome :cheeky:

It took me forever to figure out that EW = east-west set stones, usually marquise. :lol:

FML = *bleeeep* my life
SWMBO She Who Must Be Obeyed
What does WOT mean?
LOL = Laughed Out Load
I tend to be able to figure out a lot of them, but lately (out of curiousity and interest) I read threads over in FHH (Family, Home & Health) forum, particularly some of the TTC (Trying To Conceive) threads and a lot of terminology/abbreviations in those threads that I just do not have the background knowledge to decipher! Any FHH regulars care to help?

I've figured some things out I think...but there are a!

I think I figured out by context…

PBK - Pottery Barn Kids
EBF - Exclusively Breast Fed
FF - Formula Fed
IVF – In Vitro Fertilization
U/S – Ultrasound
IUD – Intrauterine device
JBP – Just Barely Pregnant
AFM – As For Me
M/C – Miscarriage
C/S – C-section
STTN – Sleep Through The Night
LO – Little One
m/s – Morning Sickness
HB – heartbeat
OB – obstetrician
Re – Regarding
MIA – Missing In Action
BTDT – Been There Done That
HBC – Hormonal Birth Control
OCP – Oral Contraceptive Pills
BBT – Basal Body Temperature
AF – Aunt Flo
DTD – Do The Deed
BC – Birth Control
CM – Cervical Mucous
CBE – Clear Blue Easy

Not sure on….

EWCM – No clue
RE – Not sure, some type of doctor by context?
PCOS – Not sure
VBAC – Something about vaginal birth by context I’d guess…
BFP – Not sure, something about a positive pregnancy test?
BFN – Not sure, something about a negative pregnancy test?
hCG – Not sure, something about hormone levels?
NT – Not sure, some type of scan…
OPK – Not sure, Ovulation Predictor Kit?
DPO – Not sure, Days Post Ovulation?
CD – Not sure, cycle day?
LP – Not sure, something about the length of your cycle?
OK this is more out of my realm.

NAD - No acute distress
NKDA - no know drug allergies
IAS - internal auditory stimuli (i.e. "voices").
u/a - urinalysis (good for "Trying to Conceive thread")

If I remember correctly, a wide-used profanity starting with F is an abbreviation. I think everyone knows its origin, so I am not getting into history here.

Audball - PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
hCG is chorionic gonadotropin (which is measured in blood or urine to diagnose pregnancy

And - has anyone mentioned SMTB?

OMC diamonds - Oh, My Cute diamonds
EWCM – Egg White Cervical Mucus (indicates most fertile time)
RE – Reproductive Endocrinologist
PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
VBAC – Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
BFP – Big Fat Positive
BFN – Big Fat Negative
hCG – Human Choronic Gonadotrophin (what pregnancy tests detect)
OPK – Ovulation Predictor Kit
DPO – Days Post Ovulation
CD – Cycle day
LP – Luteal Phase - the length of time between ovulation and the beginning of your period. Generally around 12 days. An LP under 10 days can mean it's harder to get pregnant.

Hope that helps.
VapidLapid|1308848802|2953014 said:
SI : Significantly Included

VVSI : Very, Very Significantly Included

IMO : In my opinion

DH : Dear Husband, Dumb Husband
or Diamond Husband
crasru|1312671949|2985619 said:
OK this is more out of my realm.

And - has anyone mentioned SMTB?
Show Me The Boobs

WTF= Wednesday,Thursday,Friday.
Gypsy|1312514056|2984549 said:
What does WOT mean?

I've always thought that was a capital version of "wot," being a misspelling of "what" - kind of like a way of saying WTF, or Whaaaaat? with an aura of disbelief. But I might be way off! Hey, way off...could it mean Way Off-Topic?

Also clueless on "CR," but I've never actually seen it on a forum. In what context is it used, VL?
crasru|1312671949|2985619 said:
If I remember correctly, a wide-used profanity starting with F is an abbreviation. I think everyone knows its origin, so I am not getting into history here.

I haven't heard anything like that, but maybe you're thinking of SNAFU and FUBAR? They're acronyms for "Situation Normal All F'd Up" and "F'd Up Beyond All Repair(/Recognition/Reason)." They date back to World War II and were used by the military.
Jstar, thank you for SNAFU and FUBAR. I never knew the origin of these and SNAFU actually sounded pharaonic to me (there is a Snefru pyramid in Egypt) so it is nice to know... :D

No, I am referring to FOR UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE, a crime for which people were incarcerated in old-time England. From what I have heard (not read) it was common to post the origin of the crime above the inmate's cell, but FOR UNLAWFUL... took too much space and the abbreviation emerged. I do not know whether to believe it or not (after all, were there solitary cells at that time? Not for poor people, that is for sure), but this is the story. Maybe Wikipedia has something on it.

Dancing Fire - SMTB is hilarious! I am positive that such a subforum could bring much more men on the PS! :lol:

P.S. I checked the origin of the F...word.****.asp

No, it is not an acronym and as such should not be included into the PS glossary :lol: but it is interesting to know that acronyms did not come to use before the XX century! This is something I never suspected.
crasru|1312749894|2986003 said:
Jstar, thank you for SNAFU and FUBAR. I never knew the origin of these and SNAFU actually sounded pharaonic to me (there is a Snefru pyramid in Egypt) so it is nice to know... :D

No, I am referring to FOR UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE, a crime for which people were incarcerated in old-time England. From what I have heard (not read) it was common to post the origin of the crime above the inmate's cell, but FOR UNLAWFUL... took too much space and the abbreviation emerged. I do not know whether to believe it or not (after all, were there solitary cells at that time? Not for poor people, that is for sure), but this is the story. Maybe Wikipedia has something on it.

Dancing Fire - SMTB is hilarious! I am positive that such a subforum could bring much more men on the PS! :lol:

P.S. I checked the origin of the F...word.[censored].asp

No, it is not an acronym and as such should not be included into the PS glossary :lol: but it is interesting to know that acronyms did not come to use before the XX century! This is something I never suspected.

As an interesting sidenote - its the only word in the english language that (using it as an adjective, a verb and a noun) can make a grammatically complete, stand alone sentence (F***ing f***ers f***ed).
Pandora|1312675331|2985651 said:
EWCM – Egg White Cervical Mucus (indicates most fertile time)
RE – Reproductive Endocrinologist
PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
VBAC – Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
BFP – Big Fat Positive
BFN – Big Fat Negative
hCG – Human Choronic Gonadotrophin (what pregnancy tests detect)
OPK – Ovulation Predictor Kit
DPO – Days Post Ovulation
CD – Cycle day
LP – Luteal Phase - the length of time between ovulation and the beginning of your period. Generally around 12 days. An LP under 10 days can mean it's harder to get pregnant.

Hope that helps.
THANKS! I was more or less right on concept for the ones I guessed on. I have officially decoded FHH! :D