
girls...will you be expecting flowers from your BFs and/or FI on V-day?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
However, he is (begrudgingly) letting me buy me the ring of my dreams... so I guess that counts!
Nope. I know he''s not really into the whole Valentine''s Day thing, so I''m not really expecting anything. We went out for a nice dinner tonight, though :) Hoping...yes. BF is romantic in sweet little ways and I''d much rather have his willingness to talk about future wedding/marriage and such than flowers...but still. I''ve let him know that I expect flowers sometime.
Of course, we are going to Tiffanys so if he gets me something there, he''s off the flowers hook
Are you going to give flowers, DF? Or do you give flowers everyday?
Well, I told him that I don''t want any flowers and absolutely fobrad any thoughts of gifts and such (the commercial manipulation of the masses and the emotional blackmailing due to the social pressure... you get the idea. I''m anti V-day
) Still, he''s way more romantic than I am and stubborn as a bonus so I''m pretty sure I''d get both flowers and a gift.
Nope, I made a bet with him that I won't eat chocolate for a year so if he did I would be sheeeety

As for the flowers I don't think he will because the cats are liable to eat them LOL.
no, but it would be nice!
Maybe i will get a rose bush plant instead? :)

or maybe.. i''ll buy him flowers!
Date: 2/10/2009 2:52:56 AM
Author: LaraOnline

However, he is (begrudgingly) letting me buy me the ring of my dreams... so I guess that counts!

not to thread jack - is this the ring you have been talking about?? hooray :)
I told him no gifts this year so I''m hoping no flowers! Plus, although they are gorgeous to look at and they smell delicious, I hate having to dispose of them when they die. Knowing my BF though, he''ll come home from work on Friday with flowers...or something equally sweet and corny.
No. Yeah, it would be wildly romantic for my man to show up with a huge bouquet of roses, chocolates and sweep me off my feet for a romantic evening, complete with a fancy dinner. Reality check: I have four kids which will most likely be here this weekend instead of with their father, and my BF is still paying off his mom''s funeral, and the wedding is right around the corner. We have to save money for wedding related stuff, and neither of us can spare a dime right now. A bouquet of flowers is anywhere from $15 - over $100, good chocolates (which my waistline does not need) are expensive...I''d much rather spend the night cuddled up with a romantic movie and trade massages.
Not at all. I would like them if he sent them, but I wouldn''t be disappointed if he didn''t.

We''re trying to save for big things here! No distractions!!
He asked what I wanted and I asked him to not send flowers. I don''t see the point in spending $200 on a dozen of roses to be delivered for one day, especially since I usually send my mom flowers and it can be pricey (I don''t get her roses though).

But I did ask for a big chocolate heart
I''m looking forward to that.

My bf always sends flowers every year to my office. He knows I'm not shy so I don't mind the parade of envious women in my office saying "AWWWW my boyfriend/husband didn't send me anything!". lol When I told him last year that no one else got anything he was really surprised. Some years he sends a Vermont Teddy Bear. I got one with Roses and it had heart boxers on. The poem said "I'm madly in love and all out of sorts, the roses are for you, along with me in my shorts!"


I understand why some people dont "get" valentines day, as it definitely is a commercialized day. And yes, I don't think my bf needs one day to be romantic and that he should every day.....however I am a romantic at heart, and to me the idea of everyone celebrating their love on one day is so romantic to me. I can just walk through the city and see everyone holding hands/kissing, out to dinner, etc. and their is just such a vibe in the city that you def don't feel all the time haha. So I love v-day despite the "hallmark-ness" of it.


Date: 2/10/2009 9:09:57 AM
Author: NakedFinger
however I am a romantic at heart, and to me the idea of everyone celebrating their love on one day is so romantic to me. I can just walk through the city and see everyone holding hands/kissing, out to dinner, etc. and their is just such a vibe in the city that you def don''t feel all the time haha. So I love v-day despite the ''hallmark-ness'' of it.

I second that!!

As much as I can see why people are anti-Valentine''s... I love it.

Yesterday I found out we''re celebrating Valentine''s week :) And, my boyfriend is doing a little special something every day :) Yesterday, I got a poem - it is precious. I think it''s so romantic.

Mind you, I prefer no flowers though... Flowers (to me) are more romantic on random days where he just shows up with them as a ''because I love you'' sort of thing :)

So, no.. No flowers this year, or chocolate.. But, apparently he has a special romantic surprise on Saturday!
I hope so! I''ve always gotten flowers from him plus we did something valentines related when we had our time whether it was on valentines or not. But, can I tell you, he didnt send me a Christmas gift since hes on deployment so I''m not getting my hopes up for Valentines. Supoosedly I have a huge package of gifts and handmade items he''s purchased from all the ports hes been to thats coming (hopefully before he gets home in May, ha!) and I''m considering that my Christmas/Valentines/Miss You gift. I''m really excited to see all the goodies he''s picked out - I love eclectic design and I''m sure these exotic trinkets and what not will find great homes throughout the house.
Flowers, no. Takeout, Yes!
We''re doing a weekend away, so, no, I''m not expecting flowers. When we''re home for Valentine''s, he does usually bring a bouquet home though. Neither of us are huge on the holiday...Well, we try to use it as an excuse to getaway for a couple of days to just have some time together rather than exchanging gifts.
Not expecting flowers or a gift on v-day. We don''t really celebrate it other than to exchange cards. Besides, my birthday is so close to v-day that it has always seemed to get lost in the shuffle anyway over the years - no biggie.
No. We''re going to a one of our favorite restaurants on V-Day and are paying for eachother''s meals. We''re both trying to save money, so I would be surprised if he got me anything (in a good way, of course...
It would be nice, but I am not expecting it. He is taking me out. That makes me happy.
Date: 2/10/2009 3:51:29 AM
Author: choro72
Are you going to give flowers, DF? Or do you give flowers everyday?

ha, that''s funny. I bet he gives them every day :)

I''m kinda expecting flowers only cause he usually does the flower thing on V-Day. But not "expecting" in the kind of way that I''d be mad if he didn''t get me flowers..

Apparently he''s got something planned. When i asked him what the plans are he just says that it''s a surprise and he gets a big grin on his face.
I''m trying to squeeze SOMETHING out of him cause I gotta know what to wear! I''m not getting my hopes up too high for a proposal though..
Short answer: No.

Long answer: He said he wanted to get me something to show his appreciation for me (aww) and that he didn''t want me to get him anything, but then we talked about how if we had any extra money, I''d much rather it go towards a plane ticket for him to travel home with me in April, which we''d been going back and forth about because of the expense. So on Sunday we shopped around online, found a reasonably-priced ticket, and bought it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so happy I cried for joy (something I''ve only ever done one other time). Spending time with my loved ones from home means a million trillion zillion times more to me than any flowers, chocolate or (yes) even jewelry ever could.

After I snuggled him to bits for like an hour after we got the ticket, I told him that it ironically made me feel much more inclined to celebrating Valentine''s Day (a holiday I don''t give a hoot about) to show him how huge it was to me that he''d be coming home with me (he''s only been to the US once, for 3 weeks, 2 years ago). He just laughed.
I''m not expecting no. He got me flowers last year and I was shocked. If he does again I''ll be just as shocked. It''s always exciting to get presents.
Nope fraid not
flowers arent SOs thing, but I am looking forward to gorging myself at a fancy restaurant
Date: 2/10/2009 9:09:57 AM
Author: NakedFinger
My bf always sends flowers every year to my office. He knows I''m not shy so I don''t mind the parade of envious women in my office saying ''AWWWW my boyfriend/husband didn''t send me anything!''.

Ha, I love it!
I haven''t celebrated v-day in SOOOO long except with friends (you all might remember the lame *** bf i had before fi came along). ANYWAYS, we''re going out to dinner at pf changs and to a movie :) im so excited!
no but maybe we''ll be eating at this restaurant his been wanting to try. forsure having dinner out
Vday is kind of whatevs for us. If he gets some flowers it would be cute, but not expected at all!
Date: 2/10/2009 1:08:11 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles
I haven''t celebrated v-day in SOOOO long except with friends (you all might remember the lame *** bf i had before fi came along). ANYWAYS, we''re going out to dinner at pf changs and to a movie :) im so excited!
Have fun! I LOVE PF Changs - yum!
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