
Get Well Wishes for Harleigh

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Apr 2, 2006
Last week our dear friend Harleigh suffered injuries to her right (and dominant) hand that are severe enough to interfere with many of her life functions -- including posting on Pricescope!
Apparently she was walking the now-85 pound rottweiller puppy that she and her husband recently rescued, when the dog bolted for some unknown reason. Trying to hold on to the leash, Harleigh suffered 3rd degree burns and severe lacerations to several fingers (as in cut to the bone in one case) and up to three of her fingers may require surgery. She expects to meet with the surgeon within the next week or so.

The injury to Harleigh''s hand is severe enough that she cannot use a keyboard or post anything on Pricescope! However, she called to explain why she wasn''t responding to my email, so I know that she can at least retrieve her email.

If anyone feels inclined to post PS dust or get better soon wishes for Harleigh, please do so. I can send her a link so she''ll know that we''re pulling for a complete recovery.

BTW her right hand suffered the most severe damage. Her lovely wedding ring was only damaged a bit... apparently there was some concern about swelling in her left hand due to abrasions, but they did not need to cut her rings off! Whew!

So -- Harleigh, I hope you find yourself in the hands of an excellent hand surgeon! Best wishes for a fast and thorough recovery!
And of course, loads of PS dust to you!
Oh, no! Harleigh--Lots of dust and well wishes and hugs and whatever it takes to get you better coming your way! I''ll be thinking of you, sweetie.

(Thanks for the update, VR.)
prayers outgoing
Oh NO! What a heroic gesture to try to hang onto that pup ... DUST DUST DUST for successful surgery & speedy recovery, Harleigh!

Was it one of those retractable leashes? I''ve heard of problems with them before - but only vague stories. This really opens my eyes!
Oh goodness, that sounds awful. Dust and prayers for a speedy recovery! I know I'm not the only one who looks forward to Harleigh posting again soon!

Oh my gosh. I have my fingers crossed for a super speedy recovery. Hope you feel better soon! *hug*
How sad. I hope her hand heals up soon.
How awful! Wishing her a speedy recovery.
Oh I am so sorry Harleigh. I will pray for a speedy recovery. Hang in there!!! HUGS!!!!
, thats terrible, I hope she does feel better soon and is completly healed.

Sending tons of prayers and dust your way Harleigh
Oh my goodness! Harleigh I hope you recover quickly!
Harleigh sweetheart, I have wondered where you have been. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Lots of love,
Harleigh! I miss you!!! But now I know where you''ve been!! I''m sorry you were injured but I hope that you recover quickly!!!

(Speaking as a new owner of a rescued 50 pound mutt who likes to yank, and fell down the other day when she did, injuring my fingers, knee and hip, I have an idea of how you feel.)

Aww. I am so sorry to hear about your injuries, Harleigh. I hope you heal quickly!
Oh Harleigh!
I''m so sorry, hon! You poor thing! I wish you a speedy recovery!
Take care of yourself!!

Thanks for letting us know, VR!
Harleigh- I hope you get better soon sweetie!!! Take it easy- speedy recovery vibes to you!!!!
I hope the surgery goes well and you are back in one piece in no time at all
Oh my word! Harleigh I hope you get well soon! Sending big hugs!!
sorry to hear that! hope everything heals quickly
Oh Harleigh,
That is just awful! Thanks for the info VR, good wishes and hugs headed your way sweet Harleigh!
Thanks for letting us know, VR. I can''t believe that could happen from using a leash. I wish Harleigh a speedy recovery. I miss her around here!
Oh no!! What a freak accident, poor Harleigh. Sending lots of *DUST* and good thoughts her way!
What a terrible accident!! Third degree burns and lacerations to the bone? Who knew a leash could cause injuries so serious! I''m so sorry, Harleigh! I wish you a speedy recovery! Thanks for letting us know, VR!
I''m really sorry to hear that Harleigh! Get better soon!
Date: 3/25/2009 6:43:51 AM
Author: bee*
I''m really sorry to hear that Harleigh! Get better soon!
Harleigh sweetie, geez how awful for you! I''m so sorry you have to go through this. I hope you heal well and quickly after your surgery. I''ll be praying for your recovery.
Oh my goodness, Harleigh, I hope all goes well with meeting with the surgeons! Sending major "get well" dust your way!
Oh Harleigh, I am so sorry to hear this! Having owned a really big dog, I can truly envision this, yikes. Please take good care of yourself, and I will send you lots of dust for healing!


And VR, thank you for letting us know, that was very thoughtful.
Lots and lots of dust to a speedy recovery!
Ouch! I''m so sorry to hear that - feel better soon!!!
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