
Funny Ebay Diamond Engagement Ring Listing.


May 11, 2012
I found this looking on Aussie Ebay, it was titled;

Satan's Mistress Owned Diamond Engagement Ring

And the text in the ebay listing says;

"This is a VERY nice ring previously owned by whom I believe to likely be The Mistress of none other than Satan himself. It is my opinion that she and her family became instantly demonic after I purchased this ring. I recommend that you submerse this ring in holy water for a period of no less than 1 week to absolve it of its apparent powers of darkness and evil. It is all I received from the divorce and we are hoping that I will recoup at least what I paid for it. The original receipt of purchase is attached for your review along with the appraisal from 2010. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask - and feel free to contact the jeweller that the ring was purchased from for verification. This is a Christopher Designs Ring Setting."

Here is the link to the actual ebay item;

Although it's not something I'd buy I feel like linking him to Bistro to help the poor guy, the listing did indeed make me laugh and I did feel sorry for him.
Creative listing and nice sparkle shot. Doubt he will get what he paid for the ring, though.

Interesting that all he got out of the divorce was the ring. Poor guy. Better than a load of debt, I guess.
He may be shooting himself in the foot by his negative description of this gorgeous ring.
Some folks believe in bad luck and all that nonsense.
I'm sure after only a few minutes on my angelic finger, all satanic vibes will disperse!!
Nice ring. Poor guy!
Instantly like the guy and feel bad that the ring isn't worth much more for his sake. :(sad Made me laugh out loud. Hope he's successful. After all, there may be other demons or demonically possessed looking to purchase an ER, correct?
I'm thinking his description has probably cut out 50% of his potential buyers! People don't want bad mojo associated with their engagement ring!
Very funny for sure!

Someone should let him know he will only recoup 50% of what he paid IF lucky! On ebay with only two crappy pics I'd be surprised if he gets $2k!
This was funny, and I feel bad for him. He should play it up and have an exorcism for it, to appease all the 'bad mojo' believers.
justginger|1401583021|3684068 said:
This was funny, and I feel bad for him. He should play it up and have an exorcism for it, to appease all the 'bad mojo' believers.

Yes! That would be perfect! :appl: :lol:
I actually did email him and suggest LT and DB and that if he has no luck list it as a Light Fancy Yellow which it is, I agree it might be really funny but he is limiting who is going to buy it.
Funny guy. I also emailed him to let him know what to expect- much less than 50%, of purchase price.
Based on location, he is near where I live.
With LT and DB, it seems to reach mainly North Americans. Shipping there maybe an issue?
Hi Greg,

Yes true but he could ship it there and I think Aussies read it as well, I also suggested Gumtree or changing the original listing if he has no luck the first time around. It will get far more attention listed as a fancy light yellow than the way he currently has the title now...
Arkie, I had to have a look at the listing myself, hilarious. Can't help but feel sorry for the poor guy though, bet he is glad he is out of that relationship. There always seems to be a lot of Queenslanders selling rings - maybe it's the Gold Coast sunshine and romance in the air - then the honeymoon's over, lol.

I saw another one on ebay a while back and he was selling the ring because his girlfriend was in a car accident and didn't get to wear it. (whether legit info or not) . Who is going to buy a ring with that in mind :((
I live in QLD both the Ebay guy and I are in Brisbane where he lives is a semi upmarket canal based suburb about 20 mins North of me. All the valuation papers that come with the ring are from the US, Ohio - so it might have been a long distance romance or a relationship with a backpacker or a traveller that has not ended well....
Statistically, I think there probably are more demonic people. and I also wholeheartedly believe that the people are more demonic, in the Warren, OH vicinity, than compared to, say, the Columbus metro area which is where Baltimore, OH is. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to find a new job and relocate. :lol:
Hi Arkeib.. i saw the suburb and not the state. there is the same suburb name near where i am... oopsie..
For a second, I thought my ex wrote that listing, but then I remembered that I have the ring - and will get everything else. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This was as funny as the OP's ad. Wishing you luck!

TC1987|1401591127|3684158 said:
Statistically, I think there probably are more demonic people. and I also wholeheartedly believe that the people are more demonic, in the Warren, OH vicinity, than compared to, say, the Columbus metro area which is where Baltimore, OH is. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to find a new job and relocate. :lol:
I think the ad is hysterical! He's blowing off some steam about the break up, which I think is healthy. Soon enough he'll calm down and get serious about selling the ring and put out a proper ad. :lol:
Too funny. He needs to put up better pics. The center diamond looks milky to me.