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May 23, 2006
This is just a general vent from a generally bad day... and I just needed a place to kind of "scream" about it. I was in my first car accident today, where I was rear ended at a stop light. There wasn''t too much damage to my car and no one was hurt, but it was kind of scary. Plus DH is still gone and so the only way we can really communicate is through email and I just got a one of those undeliverable emails that everyone dreads so much. They both sound like such small things, but after having only been able to email him for the last five and a half months and being a little shaken today, it would have really been nice to let him know about it and everything. I''m just a little frustrated is all, and I can''t seem to just calm myself down.


Feb 25, 2006
Glad you are ok that is the most important.Get a good night sleep and really you are ok that is what really counts here..


Nov 24, 2006
Oh no. I can completely understand how you feel. I was hit in a parking lot and it was the other persons fault; thank god I had a witness. The whole thing is just scarey. You don''t realize how much drama is involved until it happens to you. Hang in there. Try and do something nice for yourself and feel free to vent. I was afraid for long while I would be hit again; talk to your buddy''s. That helped me and I hope you are okay!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 3/16/2007 10:09:27 PM
This is just a general vent from a generally bad day... and I just needed a place to kind of ''scream'' about it. I was in my first car accident today, where I was rear ended at a stop light. There wasn''t too much damage to my car and no one was hurt, but it was kind of scary. Plus DH is still gone and so the only way we can really communicate is through email and I just got a one of those undeliverable emails that everyone dreads so much. They both sound like such small things, but after having only been able to email him for the last five and a half months and being a little shaken today, it would have really been nice to let him know about it and everything. I''m just a little frustrated is all, and I can''t seem to just calm myself down.
((((poptart)))) ugh - that sucks!!! Glad you''re okay though!! is he military? when my dh was on westpac it was just a few months before they started having email... ::snap::


Feb 18, 2006
Aw poptart, I''m so sorry you are having such a rotten day. Sometimes the little things - good or bad- make all the difference in your day. I hope tomorrow is better. Any girlfriends able to hang out tonight? Or maybe a nice buble bath? Or, if you drink, maybe it would be a nice evening for a cocktail.


May 23, 2006
Thanks everyone, I know I sound like a baby, haha. The wreck was just really annoying because I actually *knew* it was going to happen today. I was thinking about it all day... and right before I got hit I was thinking, I should let the guy in the lane next to me get in front of me, and then he went behind me instead and hit me. My foresight is always there and I almost never listen to it, and I end up being right pretty much every time. So I wasn''t really surprised when I was in the accident, just angry I hadn''t listened to my intuition. The cop said that it would probably cost about 700 dollars to fix, so I''m glad that we got the exchange of information and everything. I talked to one of my friend''s about it tonight, but she was really sick and the rest of them were on the drive home for spring break when I got off work and I didn''t want to bother them while driving. I would love to have a drink, but sadly there is no liquor in the house... it''s really NOT ok, haha. Once again, thanks, you all actually made me feel better!

And Cehra: Yes, my husband is in the Navy (
). He finally got a couple of my emails, but we''re so close to the deployment being over now I''m just annoyed at the slightest things now because I just want him to come home. You couldn''t talk to you''re husband for *months*?? I would have been VERY unhappy.


Rock Candy

Sep 14, 2006
Don''t ya just hate it when you have a day like that?

You can''t do anything about it right now so you might as well take your mind off of it by watching a good movie and having a glass a wine!!!

When things like that happen, I know it''s hard, but try to look at the bigger picture. This is just a single day out of your life and next year this time, you won''t even give it a second thought!

Hope you have a better day tomorrow!!!


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 3/16/2007 11:03:51 PM
Author: poptart
Thanks everyone, I know I sound like a baby, haha. The wreck was just really annoying because I actually *knew* it was going to happen today. I was thinking about it all day... and right before I got hit I was thinking, I should let the guy in the lane next to me get in front of me, and then he went behind me instead and hit me. My foresight is always there and I almost never listen to it, and I end up being right pretty much every time. So I wasn''t really surprised when I was in the accident, just angry I hadn''t listened to my intuition. The cop said that it would probably cost about 700 dollars to fix, so I''m glad that we got the exchange of information and everything. I talked to one of my friend''s about it tonight, but she was really sick and the rest of them were on the drive home for spring break when I got off work and I didn''t want to bother them while driving. I would love to have a drink, but sadly there is no liquor in the house... it''s really NOT ok, haha. Once again, thanks, you all actually made me feel better!

And Cehra: Yes, my husband is in the Navy (
). He finally got a couple of my emails, but we''re so close to the deployment being over now I''m just annoyed at the slightest things now because I just want him to come home. You couldn''t talk to you''re husband for *months*?? I would have been VERY unhappy.

Poptart, I''m so glad you''re ok. Car accidents are so scary and they just suck in general. I noticed you said you "knew" it was going to happen...did you envision the actual accident or just know something bad would happen? The night of the first accident I was involved in, about 2 hrs. before it happened I was in the shower and felt this overwhelming sense that something abnormal/negative was going to occur, it was the strangest thing. I didn''t know WHAT was going to happen, but that energy was there and it was a very bad feeling.

I hope everything turns out ok and that you don''t have any after-effects or health issues because of this. good thing you have PS to vent to--we''re always here to listen! Take care.


May 23, 2006
Date: 3/16/2007 11:17:41 PM
Author: monarch64
Date: 3/16/2007 11:03:51 PM

Author: poptart

Thanks everyone, I know I sound like a baby, haha. The wreck was just really annoying because I actually *knew* it was going to happen today. I was thinking about it all day... and right before I got hit I was thinking, I should let the guy in the lane next to me get in front of me, and then he went behind me instead and hit me. My foresight is always there and I almost never listen to it, and I end up being right pretty much every time. So I wasn''t really surprised when I was in the accident, just angry I hadn''t listened to my intuition. The cop said that it would probably cost about 700 dollars to fix, so I''m glad that we got the exchange of information and everything. I talked to one of my friend''s about it tonight, but she was really sick and the rest of them were on the drive home for spring break when I got off work and I didn''t want to bother them while driving. I would love to have a drink, but sadly there is no liquor in the house... it''s really NOT ok, haha. Once again, thanks, you all actually made me feel better!

And Cehra: Yes, my husband is in the Navy (
). He finally got a couple of my emails, but we''re so close to the deployment being over now I''m just annoyed at the slightest things now because I just want him to come home. You couldn''t talk to you''re husband for *months*?? I would have been VERY unhappy.

Poptart, I''m so glad you''re ok. Car accidents are so scary and they just suck in general. I noticed you said you ''knew'' it was going to happen...did you envision the actual accident or just know something bad would happen? The night of the first accident I was involved in, about 2 hrs. before it happened I was in the shower and felt this overwhelming sense that something abnormal/negative was going to occur, it was the strangest thing. I didn''t know WHAT was going to happen, but that energy was there and it was a very bad feeling.

I hope everything turns out ok and that you don''t have any after-effects or health issues because of this. good thing you have PS to vent to--we''re always here to listen! Take care.
This sounds so weird, and people probably are going to think I''m crazy... but that''s ok since they don''t know me personally, lol. But anyway, I didn''t envision it or anything, but I was driving today and I was thinking all day about getting in a wreck, for no reason. And then the guy that hit me, I knew when I looked at the car that I should let him get in front of me, since the lane merges, but he just merged behind me instead and I was watching him suspiciously in my rear view the whole time he was behind me, and looked up right before the tires screeched and he hit me. So I was actually kind of ready for it. I don''t know how to explain it, it''s like anticipating it happening a while before it happens. The same thing happened once when my purse was stolen. I knew it was going to happen, didn''t listen to myself, and it got taken. I should be used to it by now and listen to myself!



May 23, 2006
Date: 3/16/2007 11:05:14 PM
Author: Rock Candy
Don''t ya just hate it when you have a day like that?

You can''t do anything about it right now so you might as well take your mind off of it by watching a good movie and having a glass a wine!!!

When things like that happen, I know it''s hard, but try to look at the bigger picture. This is just a single day out of your life and next year this time, you won''t even give it a second thought!

Hope you have a better day tomorrow!!!

You are so right! And it wasn''t a bad accident, so that is very lucky. It was just odd because everyone at work seemed to have an equally frustrating week as well as a hard day. Funny how that happens!



Sep 2, 2006
This sounds so weird, and people probably are going to think I''m crazy... but that''s ok since they don''t know me personally, lol. But anyway, I didn''t envision it or anything, but I was driving today and I was thinking all day about getting in a wreck, for no reason. And then the guy that hit me, I knew when I looked at the car that I should let him get in front of me, since the lane merges, but he just merged behind me instead and I was watching him suspiciously in my rear view the whole time he was behind me, and looked up right before the tires screeched and he hit me. So I was actually kind of ready for it. I don''t know how to explain it, it''s like anticipating it happening a while before it happens. The same thing happened once when my purse was stolen. I knew it was going to happen, didn''t listen to myself, and it got taken. I should be used to it by now and listen to myself!


You are totally NOT crazy at all. I know exactly how you feel. I got into a minor accident in the University parking lot about a year ago and I was backing out the spot and this other girl backed into me. Well, before backing up I considered pulling forward the spot infront of me since I had this weird feeling something was gonna happen if I didn''t. Like you know, I normally don''t have a chilly feeling backing out of a spot. But well, I didn''t listen to my gut feeling

I''m sorry that you''re going through this rough day *HUGS* I hope you feel better. I''m so glad you''re ok though and no one else is hurt.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 3/16/2007 11:03:51 PM
Author: poptart
And Cehra: Yes, my husband is in the Navy (
). He finally got a couple of my emails, but we''re so close to the deployment being over now I''m just annoyed at the slightest things now because I just want him to come home. You couldn''t talk to you''re husband for *months*?? I would have been VERY unhappy.

No, I could talk to him when he was in port in dubai... or once a month he got a 20 minute (for $20!!) phone call. He was on a carrier... but this was in 1995 and I think it was in 1996 or 1997 that email became common. But definitely weeks went by with zero contact and it really sucked ''cause he left when my daughter was 8 mos and came home when she was 14 mos and she didn''t know him and he missed her learning to walk and talk and it just made him cry.

how much longer? I''ll never ever forget watching him walk away from my car for six months having no idea what that really meant.... having him home was worse, he came back so bitter!! I''m guessing your guy is on a sub? I hear those guys are happier - at least have much better food LOL


May 23, 2006
Date: 3/17/2007 12:20:55 AM
Author: Cehrabehra
Date: 3/16/2007 11:03:51 PM

Author: poptart

And Cehra: Yes, my husband is in the Navy (
). He finally got a couple of my emails, but we''re so close to the deployment being over now I''m just annoyed at the slightest things now because I just want him to come home. You couldn''t talk to you''re husband for *months*?? I would have been VERY unhappy.


No, I could talk to him when he was in port in dubai... or once a month he got a 20 minute (for $20!!) phone call. He was on a carrier... but this was in 1995 and I think it was in 1996 or 1997 that email became common. But definitely weeks went by with zero contact and it really sucked ''cause he left when my daughter was 8 mos and came home when she was 14 mos and she didn''t know him and he missed her learning to walk and talk and it just made him cry.

how much longer? I''ll never ever forget watching him walk away from my car for six months having no idea what that really meant.... having him home was worse, he came back so bitter!! I''m guessing your guy is on a sub? I hear those guys are happier - at least have much better food LOL
No, my DH is definitely NOT on a sub, haha. He is on a carrier, too, and we didn''t think he was even going to have to go on this deployment because he was in the process of being discharged, so it''s been a really annoying five months, to say the least. I guess we''ll see what happens with the discharge when he gets back though, they keep telling him they will put it through, but who knows.



Mar 14, 2005
Poptart I''m so sorry to hear about your troubles yesterday. I hope you are feeling better today and that you are not sore from the accident. Thank heavens you weren''t hurt! These kind of things are always scary and even worse when your honey isn''t there to comfort you. Best wishes for a better day today!!!
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