
Free daycare... what is ok to complain about?


Nov 13, 2007
Paging anyone that uses a free daycare, anywhere... like the gym, in my case.

I have been taking C to the daycare at my gym, and haven't had a single problem in 3 weeks. He LOVES it.

I will preface this by saying, that not once in the 15 times he has probably been there, have I worried or felt that I needed to check in on him.

Last night, was not the case. The girl that was watching already had me worried when I walked in the door. She was sitting in one of the toddler chairs, on her bright pink Iphone. She looked up, smiled, and went right back to what she was doing.
(I have seen her watching kids once before, but the girl I really like was in there with her, so it I wasn't as worried.)

I even felt the need to chose a machine that was closer to the daycare room, so that I could keep an eye on the room thru the window next to the door.
I noticed toddlers(3 and 4yo) running around the baby area, pushing the walker toys and storllers all over the place. I was literally fearful that they were going to run over my son or one of the other 2 babies in there.
Twice, I saw that my son had crawled over to the window next to the door and was looking at me thru the glass. This is a door that is very heavy, very thick, and my sons hand could have been broken if he just reached to the side as it was closing. One of hte moms walking in, actually picked up my son and moved him away from the door.

Then, after going into my class, they had to come get me and my DH to go calm him down from crying. This was also a first. DH came back and said it was a wet diaper, however, I know this wasn't the cause. Ever since C was a baby, he has NEVER EVER cried bc of a diaper, wet or dirty,. I know that something must have happened and the girl either didn't see what happened, or didn't want to tell us.
DH left him again since he wasn't crying anymore.

When we were finished with teh class, no more than 15 minutes later, I walked over and peered thru the door, to see my son sitting in the middle of the room crying, and watched her walk right past him.
I undersdtand that no one is going to give my son the attention that I would. However, if you don't have another kid in your hands, pick him up!

She is the only one I have a problem with. I called a friend of mine, who also leaves her 10mo old daughter, and she knew exactly who I was talking about before I ever explained her physical appearance. She has noticved the cell phone issue as well.
C actually loves the other girl, and she loves him as well. The other girl is always on the floor playing with the little ones, and I have actually debated getting her number and asking her if she would ever be willing to come babysit for us on the weekends.

So, my question... considering this is a free service, would you send an email to the owner, and ask them to say something to her about the cell phone being out?
I keep looking at it like this...
It doesn't matter that it is a free service, it matters that she is an employee and is being paid to do a job. If she was working at the front desk, would they be ok with her having her cell phone out the whole time?
Mere~ Free or not, she's endangering or at the very least neglecting these children. That is unacceptable and I'd definitely say something. And, if it makes it easier for you, I don't consider it free. Members more than cover babysitting services in the price of membership.
Ditto SS. I would be mad. I can't deal with incompetence at a simple job like that. Especially if it's someone on their Iphone all day.
Definitely complain. Maybe the service is free to you (although as part of the overhead for the gym, you are paying for it), but she is still getting paid to watch children. Heaven forbid a child is hurt in her care! The whole wet diaper/crying thing might sound a little confusing to the manager, but being on a cell phone, not noticing that a child is close to a dangerous door, walking past a crying child . . . those are serious issues. The management will want the feedback (and also mention how much you love the other girl -- I'm sure she'll appreciate the positive feedback).

It seems like every time I go to the park, there's some 20 year old nanny on her cell phone not watching the kids. It bugs me so much even though they're not watching my kid!
Although it's a free service from the gym, you pay a membership fee. They'd want to know that their personnel are being responsible. I'd report her.
So, I'm still new at all of this, but this is why I am terrified to leave my baby with ANYONE -- daycare or nanny. I don't know how I'll ever make that leap.

I agree with SS that this is not free daycare. It is part of both your and your DH's memberships, so I wouldn't even think of it as free. Also, I would probably call instead of e-mailing and would likely explain the entire situation in a semi-irate tone of voice. The cell phone is unacceptable. That is a given. But, I also think they should know that she didn't move him from the door and that she just walked past him when he was crying!!! :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

How many kids do they usually have in there at one time? Maybe there are more kids during a particular class, and they were overwhelmed and that's why they had to have your DH come to help? That's one possible explanation for having been called in to help, but as to the rest of the story, unacceptable!

Maybe my expectations are too high? Please tell me they are not. :(sad

ETA: Just read PG's post about the nannies at the park. :(sad :(sad :(sad
phoenixgirl|1297787699|2852351 said:
Definitely complain. Maybe the service is free to you (although as part of the overhead for the gym, you are paying for it), but she is still getting paid to watch children. Heaven forbid a child is hurt in her care! The whole wet diaper/crying thing might sound a little confusing to the manager, but being on a cell phone, not noticing that a child is close to a dangerous door, walking past a crying child . . . those are serious issues. The management will want the feedback (and also mention how much you love the other girl -- I'm sure she'll appreciate the positive feedback).

It seems like every time I go to the park, there's some 20 year old nanny on her cell phone not watching the kids. It bugs me so much even though they're not watching my kid!

Yep, same! One time a kid was picking on my son while the mom (or nanny - who knows) was texting and she stopped long enough to call out to the child that my son was being a brat. Being the confrontational person I am, I walked over to her and let it all out and told her to get off her phone, which she DID NOT! That was just one incident. If my kid(s) were in day care, free or not, I'd be throwing a fit and writing letters, complaining, etc., (because that's just the way I am) if he/they were being ignored because you are paying for it via your membership. Plus the lazy butt babysitter in the gym IS being paid. She probably isn't being paid enough though for her to make the effort, which is a shame.

FWIW, I think this happens more often than not. For those who have kids in care, they should go and watch (from the car or wherever) at least once and make sure their child(ren) are being cared for. A few times during the summer, I took my kids to a park which the YMCA summer care took their kids and ALL of the "teachers" were texting, etc., while the kids were wondering off. I know from talking to moms who hire the YMCA, they're paying at least $1200 a month for that!
Umm heck yeah I'd complain. It's not 'free' and the gym is paying those workers to be there and you pay for the gym as part of your fee (even if you got comp'd the gym like I do for work, someone is STILL paying for it). They can just as easily pay someone like the other gal your son loves, aka someone who watches the kids and does her job properly.

Gym daycares are iffy IMO... I have seen a lot of what you mention, some are just flat out better than others. But yes you have a right to mention it and even if 10 people said you didn't, if YOU feel like your kid was endangered, you should say something. I would send an email to get it on paper to the gym manager and also follow up with a call or ask for them to call you. And if they don't take it seriously and you don't feel like fighting it, you may have to find out when the girl you love is working vs when this other one is and adjust working out accordingly.
Complain! This daycare is NOT free - you pay for it in your membership fee. Even if it were free, anyone who accepts the responsibility of caring for your child should be doing everything they can to keep them safe.

I think the owner or supervisor of this gym would like to know about this girl's performance. If I were paying someone to watch other people's children and she were sitting on her iPhone and endangering children, I would definitely want to know about it. Liability.

Next, I would also want to be providing a service that went above and beyond the mother's and father's expectations. In this economy, that isn't difficult to know?

Free is not a factor when someone is watching your child. Free does not equate to substandard in the childcare world.
Totally. What everyone said. She is just lazy and disinterested. Maybe find out her schedule and just plan your gym time around that (not that you should have to, but I wouldn't leave my LO with a sitter who didn't care...)

I might find out if she has a supervisor and approach him or her. Maybe ask if the sitters get reviews or feedback from parents. Might be a good way for the gym to ensure the babysitters are doing their jobs. While you're talking to them maybe find out what their screening process is like for hiring, background information gathering, etc. Even though you're at the gym while he's there, you just never know.
Who cares about the money, she's endangering children. Yes! Say something until they do something about it! And don't leave your kid with her anymore.
Mere I would complain - better a complaint then a hurt child either yours or someone elses I would also give my compliments to the manager about the other girl.

There are plenty of people who want/need jobs out there if she is not doing hers well better they find someone who will.
Thank you gals.

After reading all of your responses I went to speak with the owner in person last night. However, he suffered a hernia while working out yesterday and was at the emergency room. He will be having surgery and will return to the gym in a few days.
I the mean time I am going to send an email, just so that I can get the issue out there. If I see her again, with the cell phone, then I will say somthing to the assistant manager right then. Otherwise, I will wait until the owner returns.

I guess I am just always worried about being "THAT" parent, you know, the one that doesn't know how to leave her kid to be watched by someone else, so they complain about everything under the sun.

Thanks again for all of your support. I will let you know what kind of feedback I get.
meresal|1297886511|2853286 said:
Thank you gals.

After reading all of your responses I went to speak with the owner in person last night. However, he suffered a hernia while working out yesterday and was at the emergency room. He will be having surgery and will return to the gym in a few days.
I the mean time I am going to send an email, just so that I can get the issue out there. If I see her again, with the cell phone, then I will say somthing to the assistant manager right then. Otherwise, I will wait until the owner returns.

I guess I am just always worried about being "THAT" parent, you know, the one that doesn't know how to leave her kid to be watched by someone else, so they complain about everything under the sun.

Thanks again for all of your support. I will let you know what kind of feedback I get.

Trust me, in the end, every mom ends up being "that parent." We hope not to be, but eventually something will piss you off to the point where you have to take a stand. If not now, later in elementary school. lol (it's good to get some practice in!) ;)