
Freaking out, need advice


Feb 2, 2011
Forgot to turn off my computerized till at work. There is a black out happening tonight and my boss asked me to turn it off. It was so busy and I forgot!!! Will the computerized till work in the am after the black out?
Depends on the computer. Depends on how it is plugged in and any surge protectors and stuff. Also depends on how the black out works (we don't have them here so I am unfamiliar)
Was a busy night, was on pain meds and completely forgot. Hopefully my coworker remembered.
Not job threatening, but could get ugly.
Can you do anything about it? If you can get it shut down now (in person or through remote access), you will probably feel better. If not, then there is nothing you can do now so try to get sleep.
We have had power outages here where nothing had problems. Actually, we have awful power that goes up/down in strength so is about as bad as it can get. Most everything made it okay through the first few weeks where we had no surge protector. Most things can stand up to a fair bit.
Thank you for replying TooPartient!
No, nothing I can do now. I'll hope for the best as you say. If not, I'll fess up. Did 1000 things tonight, but forgot the last one.
I'll try to sleep.
Thank you again :)
as someone who has almkst made a career of doing completly unintentional but terrible things to my employers' POS equipment try not to worry about it
you might just have to reboot it in the morning
a power cut is different to a surge
Chances are- nothing will come of it. I wouldn't worry.
At this point there's nothing to gain from worry, other than stress. Try to relax and deal with the consequences (if any) when you face the situation. :confused:
Its a work computer right? pretty sure its plugged in to a surge protector. At worst, you zap the PSU and have to have it replaced. The internals are almost always protected by your PSU if the surge is low enough. If you get continual surges (I've gotten this during crazy weather) it can sometimes kill things...had that happen with a NAS, but my hard drives were fine. I extracted the data into a new NAS.

NBD, don't stress over it. Stress gives you wrinkles and upset stomach.
Just let your employer know, esp if they can fix this before the power goes out. Otherwise cross your fingers!
How did everything work out, @Begonia ?
Thank you, one and all!

Despite my best intentions, and your advice, I fretted all damn night. Mind you, I have an 8 day work week and that was day 7, so pretty dang tired and not terribly resilient?

Turns out my coworker turned them all off before she left, thank goodness. My boss is anal and micromanaging and would never let me forget it if something had gotten damaged.

I learned something here. That wasn’t part of my normal close down routine and so a verbal request wasn’t enough to help me remember (esp on day 7 of 8) so for here on out, I’ll need more to help me remember to do it.
Day 7 of 8, not smiley. Can’t edit for some reason
Today is day 8, and nothing got wrecked, so now you can be smiley :)
Oh you know it LOL :D:D:D