
For those with a proposal coming soon!

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Feb 4, 2009
Based on, the timeframe thread (good idea Iowa Lizzy!), it seems like there's a handful who know that their proposal is soon approaching.

I am in the same boat. And, I'm just curious how you're all feeling?

More anxious? Nervous? Crazy excited?

I am a bit of both.

Does anyone wish they didn't know?

I feel like that sometimes...

Just wanted to see how everyone else is feeling.

Anxious. Very anxious. I get freaked sometimes. I''m excited, but the permanence of the whole thing is scary.

I get even more freaked by stuff like what FF said last night.

"Well, we''ll be parents soon...."


This coming from the guy who swore up and down when we first started dating he didn''t want kids.

Now he fawns over daddies with their little daughters.
Thanks nail_polish!!!

I am all of the above. I go from "come on, I want to be engaged YESTERDAY" to "omigod, I can''t do it. I''m too young. One person. For the rest of my life. I need a drink."

Overall I''m crazy excited. Don''t know what I''m going to do with all my free time when I''m not "window shopping" for diamonds. Probably "window shop" for a dress. Maybe a white dress.....
Im very anxious - but also stressed because of my summer course load and my boss asking me to work extra to make up for my designer going on maternity leave. (contradictory, right? the design assistant working more because the designer is on leave?)
I''m afraid SO and I will have 0 time to appreciate our engagement. If we werent in a LDR itd be a different story. I''m kind of torn between naturally wanting to progress onto engagement and wanting to have a less hectic time to appreciate it. Crazy right?

I am happy I know that its happening sometime this summer (preparation wise and be able to space out my planning in the least stressful manner). I am very grateful to SO for not letting me know exactly which month - when where or how (despite my questioning
) or even what the ring is because thats what keeps me anxious and excited about the whole thing.
I go back and forth between 3 stages: 1) anxious, obsessed and can't sleep, 2) I don't care if he proposes, and 3)I know he'll propose, so just be patient

Right now, I'm in the "I don't care stage." I had thought that he might propose on Valentine's Day. It didn't happen (obviously). When I think of the kind of person my SO is, it's not his style anyway. But nevertheless, something inside was disappointed. So I'm back at the whatever stage.

Honestly, since I'm already in my 30s (so feeling kind of old) I wonder sometimes, "will it really happen?" Don't get me wrong, I don't regret waiting until now because frankly when I was in my 20's I concentrated on my career not dating or marriage. But now that I have found my guy, I think "come on already!" But like a fellow poster said, I also feel overwhelmed at times because of the responsibility that comes with getting married and being married. I have to remind myself that the engagement ring is such a small part of it. It's almost like that thing they say, "be careful what you wish for you just might get it." I believe I'm ready for the next step, but it is a huge life-change.
I am really excited but I am so nervous to tell my parents! I don''t know if they are genuinely happy about the fact that I am marrying someone who is not Indian. I mean they know it''s coming since I told them E bought the ring but I get a nervous feeling that, for some reason, they will get upset when it is official
We don''t have that close of a relationship but I do want to keep what we have...I guess we''ll find out soon!
I am calm as a cucumber

He has had the ring since December, and I found out by accident. I have NOT actually seen it nor am I anxious to see it, because I''m totally soaking in the happy "it''s happening soon" vibes. I don''t care if he does it next month or the end of the year, I''m just happy to know we''re on the same page.

Now when people make stupid comments about us taking too long to get married, we just laugh and shrug. It''s like our own personal secret. I used to have freak outs like any other LIW, but everything has changed and I could not be more grateful.
I''m more than excited!!! I think I feel my clock ticking and I just feel like I''ve been in this one stage in my life for awhile. I''m ready for a change!

And, although I''m nervous to plan a wedding, I''m also really excited. I''m a lover of pretty, little details and I have so many ideas brewing in my head, but I refuse to actively plan until I''m officially engaged.
90% calm, 10% butterflies. I already know what the ring looks like, so its not about that. I''m so curious as to how he will propose, and knowing him - it will have a very humorous element to it!

But then again, that may make his serious Italian side come out...he''s very traditional in some aspects.

Again, that''s where the 10% butterflies comes into play.
SammyJ & Caribqueen, you''ve both summed up how I feel! I am kinda focusing on other things, so we''ll see!
I feel like it is a blessing and a curse to know that it is happening. Because of my broad timeline of 2009, it could be this weekend or it could be December 31st, so the anxiousness piles on from time to time. On the one hand I am very excited that it is happening and on the other I am frustrated that it hasn''t just yet. Im trying to remember that patience is a virtue

I love how there are so many similarities between everyone''s replies, and yet a little bit of uniqueness!

I am sincerely beyond excitement. I am not TOO anxious because I know it is coming.

However, the TOO EXCITED feelings that overwhelm me sometimes can almost get frustrating because I know its coming and I feel like I almost know too much..

I think a full-out surprise would have been amazing, but sincerely not possible for my control-freak nature...

And, I guess I kinda regret that.

So some days I wonder, hm.. maybe I should just tell him not before the semester is up so I won''t know when it''s coming?
style="WIDTH: 96.49%; HEIGHT: 100px">Date: 2/25/2009 12:43:24 PM
Author: nail_polish

I think a full-out surprise would have been amazing, but sincerely not possible for my control-freak nature...

You just summed it all up for me with that. My SO has good taste in one thing, and that''s women.

His taste in jewelry is really not in sync with mine, so for me to give up all control and let him plan everything would have been, er, eh, interesting.

We''re going on vacation to Egypt next month with my folks. My mother keeps saying "That man had better not propose on vacation! You''ll either lose the ring in all that sand or someone will steal it from you!" So see, I''m not the only control freak in the family.....
I posted earlier this week about BF''s supremely suspicious behavior. I think it''s going to happen sometime this Spring, when, not exactly sure but likely either before mid-april or May and beyond.

Initially I was uber excited, then I calmed down and started to really reflect on what being engaged means. It''s truly an amazing feeling to know that someone loves me so much that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Reciprocating that feeling is equally awe inspiring.

I am a bit anxious about the ring - I know I will like it, but I hope I LOVE it, more to not hurt his feelings in anyway (is that a weird thing to think about?)

Finally, planning a wedding is going to be a bit overwhelming but I am also looking forward to it!
Date: 2/25/2009 1:33:47 PM
Author: Iowa Lizzy

You just summed it all up for me with that. My SO has good taste in one thing, and that''s women.

His taste in jewelry is really not in sync with mine, so for me to give up all control and let him plan everything would have been, er, eh, interesting.

We''re going on vacation to Egypt next month with my folks. My mother keeps saying ''That man had better not propose on vacation! You''ll either lose the ring in all that sand or someone will steal it from you!'' So see, I''m not the only control freak in the family.....

Hehehe, yes, I''m sure you''ll drop the engagement ring in the sand! :P Oh, parents.

I am glad I am not the only one who couldn''t give up all control :$

Date: 2/25/2009 2:59:09 PM
Author: IrishEyes08

Initially I was uber excited, then I calmed down and started to really reflect on what being engaged means. It''s truly an amazing feeling to know that someone loves me so much that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Reciprocating that feeling is equally awe inspiring.

I am a bit anxious about the ring - I know I will like it, but I hope I LOVE it, more to not hurt his feelings in anyway (is that a weird thing to think about?)

You''re right, it is SO amazing to think deeper into what an engagement means. It makes us tear.. :$ Together. Hehe.. yes, my boyfriend and I have been known to sit and actually cry together because we''re so happy that we found each other.

I hear you about the ring too - this is one are that even though we looked a couple times together, I guess I did give up control - because I don''t even know what I want! I don''t think it''s weird to think about that though.. I don''t want to NOT like it because that would be awful. :| I fear it may be really small.. or just not my type. I don''t know how he is so confident that he knows my type when I don''t even! Ah!
It''s definitely a different feeling unlike anything I''ve ever felt before. I''m excited, anxious, nervous and much to my surprise, I catch myself looking for little hints (I went online to the site where he''s buying the ring from and oops, the diamond was gone!) Little stuff like that I really thought I never would do, but I am. I''m more excited than anything else, though. I wish I knew less, but I''m so picky that I''m glad I was able to give him a really good idea of what I want.
Date: 2/25/2009 5:41:06 PM
Author: princessplease
I wish I knew less, but I''m so picky that I''m glad I was able to give him a really good idea of what I want.

How do you deal with these feelings?

I don''t necessarily think that me knowing as much as I do has helped give him a better idea of what I want. He seems to know that on his own, whereas I have no clue. But as I said, initially it helped calm my nerves (cause of the control freak side I have) but then these days I find myself regretting and resenting that I know and wishing I didn''t.

I see it like this: I have to wear my ering for the rest of my life so it needs to be completely perfect. I trust his judgment, but sometimes, he''s not a very savvy shopper, so my knowledge of diamonds has helped us pick out a really nice ering. He was going to settle on something at Zales (please no one take offense to that! :) ), but with a little bit of time, I was able to persuade him into something else. I honestly don''t think he would''ve taken time to read all about diamonds, cuts, clarity, tables, depths, fluorescence, etc. I explained to him I want to have the most bang for his buck, and the ring and setting we found online is going to get that. I know when I have my ring, I''ll be extremely happy with it, so that helps me deal with wishing I knew less!
(Sorry it took so long to reply, I had class tonight!)
Date: 2/25/2009 10:48:03 PM
Author: princessplease
I see it like this: I have to wear my ering for the rest of my life so it needs to be completely perfect. I trust his judgment, but sometimes, he''s not a very savvy shopper, so my knowledge of diamonds has helped us pick out a really nice ering. He was going to settle on something at Zales (please no one take offense to that! :) ), but with a little bit of time, I was able to persuade him into something else. I honestly don''t think he would''ve taken time to read all about diamonds, cuts, clarity, tables, depths, fluorescence, etc. I explained to him I want to have the most bang for his buck, and the ring and setting we found online is going to get that. I know when I have my ring, I''ll be extremely happy with it, so that helps me deal with wishing I knew less!
(Sorry it took so long to reply, I had class tonight!)
That''s funny because that''s exactly what my BF thinks. He said yesterday that he had to find another jeweller to make my ring because the previous jeweller we met with wasn''t able to make my ring at the high-level quality that I deserve (awww
). I introduced my BF to PS and he RAN with it and he''s said before that he knows way too much about diamonds. I also helped pick out/design the setting and once we confirmed that, my BF shut me out from the rest of the process. Bugger.

On another very exciting note, my BF gave me a new timeline of ...BETWEEN NOW AND MARCH 30th!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I''m pretty sure it will happen when I visit him next month. FF and I live apart, so that removes some of the surprise factor. I was hoping it would happen when I went to visit him Valentine''s Day weekend, but there was a glitch in the ring. I wish the whole thing could''ve been a surprise, but I''ve known my FF for 4.5 years now. He doesn''t understand what subtle hints are and has no clue how to propose to a girl. I have had to blatantly educate him on proposals. I''ve sent plenty of links from Pricescope and other websites about what a proposal entails for a guy, what girls anticipate, and how proposing to a girl is a very different event from asking her to toss you the remote. If I left the whole thing up to him, he would''ve walked in and bought a maul ring directly out of the case and handed it to me while walking out of the store. He has slowly been acquiring bits of the sensitivity-to-women gene the longer he is in a relationship with me but it has required a lot of patience and tolerance on my part.

With that said, I am still very excited!!! I got a preview of the ring and it is delicious!!! My parents are eager for the announcement, and I know his parents are going to go nuts when it happens. My brother has already asked how soon afterward the engagement party can be because he hasn''t had some good party food in a long time. My head is already spinning thinking about how the heck is my family and I are going to pay for all the festivities and should I be thinking about a second job so no one goes broke.
Date: 2/26/2009 9:08:47 PM
Author: sammyj

On another very exciting note, my BF gave me a new timeline of ...BETWEEN NOW AND MARCH 30th!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



WOO! How do you feel about having such a specific time line?
Date: 2/27/2009 11:35:37 AM
Author: nail_polish

Date: 2/26/2009 9:08:47 PM
Author: sammyj

On another very exciting note, my BF gave me a new timeline of ...BETWEEN NOW AND MARCH 30th!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



WOO! How do you feel about having such a specific time line?
Thanks nail_polish. Maybe we''ll be engagement twins!

I feel good...I guess. I mean, knowing the timeline helps me a ton and I love the fact that my BF pushed it up from April 21st. Seriously, when I asked him about the timeline I was mouthing "March...March...March" (he wasn''t looking as me as he was deep in thought) trying to send telepathic vibes and when he said March 30th I actually threw my fist in the air and cheered.

There will still be a big element of surprise and apparently my BF has some good stories to share with me about the whole e-ring process, so I''m not at all concerned about my neurosis wrecking everything. I''m just super excited....I kn0w a few of my friends will be like, "FINALLY!!!"
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