
For Missy!!!


Feb 12, 2011
Ms. Missy,

I wanted to tell you why I'm not cycling. I believe you are going to be great. As an experienced cyclist thtat crashed a number of times I know that desire to be back on that bicycle.

By the time I could ride even a little after my accident my skill level had dropped signifcantly. I had been riding with a pretty aggressive large group solidly in the B Group. On days where we didn't take the bridge in the first 7-8 miles I could hang with the A group for a good 15 miles or so and then coast and drop back to the B group to finish. I also had a dual suspension mountain bike which I loved to ride the trails during the winter when the winds and temps were just not as much fun to road ride in. I did try to return but I was discouraged by my lack of ability to stay on the bike for a long time. My from the base of my shoulder blade down to the top of my hip bone would fall asleep (that was the feeling) and then burn. My strength in my right arm had weaken and I was uncomfortable in the drops. I did ride my mountain bike some on the road but still had issues with comfort for anything where I was over the handlebards for an extended period. I finally decided to focus on rebuilding the strenght in my right arm and really focused on spinning to keep my cardio up. It will never be equal to 70 mile rides but Body Pump, some Yoga and Spinning distract me.

Additionally, in our area the roads we covered had become increasingly more and more popluated with drivers that frankly had very little respect for riders. Running us off the roads and a rider in my group was hit by a teenager early one morning when she was returning from a night on the town, he was killed. I say this becuase my decision to sell my beloved custom Serrotta road bike and ultimately my dual suspension Cannondale Scalpel mountain bike was not only about my ability to recover fully in the time I thought was reasonable (which was probably stretching it) but I also found I was jumpy when I was out with my DH just focued on rebuilding so not even in a group, and as you know.. when you are jumpy in a pace line it's not good for anyone. I couldn't hold the line any longer, I was distracted by the traffic and fearful. I'd lost my edge and my determination.

So a long story to post but please don't be discouraged by me tossing in the towel. I did find alternatives to long distance cycling. I will say none that I loved as much and I'm about 10 lbs. heavier.. because nothing burns calories like a 70 mile ride and I LOVE food.. and I'm only sad about it when my friends head to North Carolina which we did every year to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway. That was always a fun trip! One last point.. I'm older too and as you know when you are older it's harder to rebound. You are going to be fine.. you want to return and you still have that strong passion!!!



Jun 8, 2008
Aww Mary, your post really touches me and I cannot thank you enough for taking the time and energy to post to me here in order to make me feel better and more hopeful. You are such a dear. I cannot express how much your caring means to me. Thank you!

I am so sorry for all you have been through and I totally hear you on all points. Believe me I am jittery about getting back on the bike for a few reasons though the biggest one being what shoes/pedals to use since that is what caused my accident to be so severe. We have some ideas and to that end bought a few different types for me to try though I may just try a flat pedal and nothing to hold me in for a while when I first start cycling again.

Though the other concerns are still front and center too. Drivers here don't respect cyclists either. Whenever we long distance cycled before my accident I counted on Greg to be the alert and cautious cyclist that he is (being on the tandem he was the lead) otherwise I would be wary of cycling on the roads we travel. We go on massive bridges and very busy roads with lots of traffic, impatient and rude drivers and with little space for cyclists so I know the dangers you are speaking of too well.

I am so sorry about the injuries you sustained but thrilled for all the progress you have made given the severity of your injuries and that you made it back to most of your activities and are doing amazingly well. Life changes in an instant and I guess we both know that all too well but we are both fighters and biggest (((hugs))) to you. THANK YOU so much for this Mary.


Feb 12, 2011
I just don't want you to be discouraged... and thank you for the kind words..

Truly life can change in a instant... and can also be impacted by mere inches for the good or the worse... I was lucky, she missed my door and struck the middle beam of the car between the driver and passenger doors with the back door taking the brunt of the impact. The impact was so signficant it threw my car sideways and backwards into a very deep ditch on the right hand side from there she plowed into a panel truck behind me...trapping the driver. Below are a couple picutres.

My life changed that day. I'd like to think for the better even though I gave up things I loved. I lived and that was what mattered. The junk yard that received the car called to have us pick up my personal effects he couldn't believe I'd been relatively ok... a trip to the hospital straped to a back board and dicharged later that day. Very sore and moving very slowly but moving. Every major beam in the car had been compromised. The force of the impact actually bowed the right side of the car outward.

I'll post a couple pictures. I hadn't posted much about it because up until August of last year the case remained open and active.

There is nothing wrong with no straps on pedals. I found speed plays to be the easist for me. I do have a funny story about trying to take a short cut through a gated community when the fog rolled in where I was riding and then agruning with the guard (I lived in a the sister neighborhood) I slipped and fell on the pavement becuase I couldn't get my foot out and I was busy being a grumpy cyclist. The worst part is I got up off the pavement still providing him with a piece of my mind clipped back in to ride away lost my balance and fell again. That should teach me!

Note to others.. Range Rovers... Very safe.. all 6,600 lbs. of them! I hope to own one... one day! She ran from the accident she was just fine!





Jun 8, 2008
OMG Mary, I am so happy you survived that wreck!!!

I think the same way you do. That for the most part things will be better and sure we might carry some physical scars but we came out of it stronger and better. Biggest hugs and much love to you.

Also, I wanted to ask you how your DD is doing? Last time we spoke she came through everything smoothly and I hope she is doing well and is pain free these days!


Feb 3, 2008
MayK, I am so glad you were able to walk away. Life surely can change in an instant-our family has experienced it many times too. I am sad for you that you cannot do the thing you loved but so thankful you can do other things. The accident pictures are hard to look at because I know first hand the pain they represent. Hugs to you and Missy and kudos because you are both women who overcome. Every single day. That is something to celebrate. You don't give up, you go through!


Feb 12, 2011
Luv2spatkle I read your post. I'm so grateful I was alone in the car. It was 7:30 am on a Friday morning I had just dropped DD at tutoring. She would go before school. I can't imagine the fear seeing a car heading toward you knowing your son was in danger. So glad you are both ok!

Missy.. Her back is super fabulous. We've been dealing with some challenges associated (they think) with releasing the tethered spinal cord. She's had repeated UTI since the surgery. About every 6-8 weeks. We've been seeing a urologist and an infectious disease doctor. Because the UTIs have come with very high fevers The Infectious Disease doctor first diagnosed her with Periodic Fever Syndrome. They are now trying to rule out other possible causes. She had a VCUG scan on Friday. I'm hopeful in that we made it 3 1/2 months without an infection prior to the last one which was last week. Which says the treatment the urologist prescribed helped.

It's down to possibly bladder reflux or nerve issues following the spinal cord release. I'm not sure Periodic Fever Syndrome will stick... I'm very anxious to see her results. Outside of this issue her quality of life is so much better and she's not in pain. She's a happy girl, she's learning to drive (scaring my poor husband), playing the piano, guitar and continuing to paint.


Feb 3, 2008
Thank you Mayk, but I was not in the car with him. We had been evacuated for a fire and he went with a friend to San Diego because they had concert tickets to see a band called Everyday Sunday. It has been 10 years now. But at the time it was the second time in six months that I got the phone call that every parent dreads. Your child is being air lifted to a hospital. He was 18 at the time. Just a few months after that my daughter was in a collision with a big rig truck on a very scary stretch of road here in CA. The whole front end of her car was gone but somehow she managed to only have a cut on her leg. When I saw the car, I quite literally almost passed out. It was a miracle she wasn't killed. Two sons, and one daughter in major accidents in one year!

I am very glad to hear her back is doing well. Many prayers that soon she can be finished with the infections as well.


Jun 8, 2008
Mary, I am so happy your DD is doing so well! What a challenging time she and you (and your whole family) went through. I am so glad that time is over and she is happy and healthy and sending more good thoughts and healing vibes that the rest of her health concerns are sorted out very soon and taken care of completely. (((Hugs))) and love to you both.

Luv2Sparkle, omg, I cannot imagine what you went through with 2 sons and a daughter having major accidents all within a year's time. Thank goodness they are all OK now. I remember when you posted some of that on my thread and I was so grateful to you for sharing their experience in order to help me get through mine. (((Hugs))) to you too.
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