
For Lost Sapphire

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Dec 4, 2007
For starters, how are you feeling? Lots better it sounded. I'm so very glad.

I just wanted to say I found the greatest thing for dealing with chronic pain - a tens unit. I just got one. I LOVE it. It's feels like a massage besides working on the pain.

I don't know if you could/should use one in your specific area of problem but I bet it would help if you could put it on your upper shoulders.

That's it.


May 14, 2008
Date: 4/1/2009 11:50:10 PM
For starters, how are you feeling? Lots better it sounded. I''m so very glad.

I just wanted to say I found the greatest thing for dealing with chronic pain - a tens unit. I just got one. I LOVE it. It''s feels like a massage besides working on the pain.

I don''t know if you could/should use one in your specific area of problem but I bet it would help if you could put it on your upper shoulders.

That''s it.

I think she''s gone off to bed.

She is feeling better, but I''ll let her tell you about it. She''s gone back to work, which is wonderful news. I seem to remember when she was really suffering I asked her about a tens machine, I don''t know if she tried it. I suspect her problem was a bit beyond a tens if she needed brain surgery to improve it.

She''s one brave lady.


Nov 4, 2007
Hey Sonoma

I'm good. But it's 7 a.m. and have to get ready for work...will check back in later today to give you an update. Thank you for asking.

And thanks, Gailey, for filling in for me. I couldn't stay up any longer!



Jan 5, 2009
LostSapphire -

i just wanted to say -

Every time you post, and i see your ring in your avatar - i catch my breath. i know this is a thread about how you''re feeling these days, and i''m sorry for this threadjack - but i just have to tell you that your ring puts a smile on my face *every* time i see it - and i hope it does the same for you.

Thanks for sharing that little piece of beauty with me :)


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/1/2009 11:50:10 PM
For starters, how are you feeling? Lots better it sounded. I''m so very glad.

I just wanted to say I found the greatest thing for dealing with chronic pain - a tens unit. I just got one. I LOVE it. It''s feels like a massage besides working on the pain.

I don''t know if you could/should use one in your specific area of problem but I bet it would help if you could put it on your upper shoulders.

That''s it.
Thank you Sonoma, for thinking of me. How exciting that you have found something that helps you!

I am thrilled to report, however, that I am NOT DEALING WITH CHRONIC PAIN


The MONSTER is well and truly dead. I have some residual numbness (an area about an inch in diameter) right beside my nose. They think that''s from all the jaw/dental surgeries last year. But even that spot is improving, and best part yet, IT responds to pain meds.

I am back at work 1/2 days. Was hoping to get to 3/4 this week but I''ve been having a lot of problems with that. I get a kind of brain fatigue that kind of shuts me down. It starts with a very weird headache, a kind that I''ve never experienced before. When I get that, I have to get myself home or into a non-stimulating environment. My work is highly stressful and requires a fair bit of one-on-one dealings with groups of people....I like to refer to it as "a high energy environment" nyuk nyuk.

For example today, my head started feeling funny at about noon. By 1 I was on the road coming home, but really kind of ''stupid''. Like, I couldn''t focus or carry on any kind of high-level intellectual I usually come home and get quiet. Sleep some. And try again the next day.

The problem this week, however, was that I tried to bump my time at work to a 3/4 day. And so now I''ve been getting the weird head earlier in the morning...

Spoke to the neurosurg. Got read the riot act. Got reminded it''s only been 9 weeks and to smarten up. So until this thing calms down, I''m restricted for 1/2 days. If no better in a week, they''ll cut me back some more.

It will just take time. More than anything I am thrilled that the AX is out of my face.

Might be another coule of months before I''m really 100%. But I''m ok with that....I can just stay home and IRON MY SHEETS

Thank you again for keeping track of my progress. It seems like so long ago but I know it''s not...I''m just not the most patient of people.

Gettin'' there!



Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/2/2009 1:48:16 PM
Author: whitby_2773
LostSapphire -

i just wanted to say -

Every time you post, and i see your ring in your avatar - i catch my breath. i know this is a thread about how you're feeling these days, and i'm sorry for this threadjack - but i just have to tell you that your ring puts a smile on my face *every* time i see it - and i hope it does the same for you.

Thanks for sharing that little piece of beauty with me :)
Hi Whitby!
Thank you for the compliments. Nothing like a BLUEBERRY IN THE DIRT to make a girl smile, huh? (it REALLY IS dirt - I stuck the ring into a planter on my verandah to take the picture. When I cropped it close, you just see the dirt (well, technically it's mulch but that doesn't sound so good!). WAY KEWL. It's my fave.

Here's a big pic for ya!



Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 4/1/2009 11:50:10 PM
For starters, how are you feeling? Lots better it sounded. I'm so very glad.

I just wanted to say I found the greatest thing for dealing with chronic pain - a tens unit. I just got one. I LOVE it. It's feels like a massage besides working on the pain.

I don't know if you could/should use one in your specific area of problem but I bet it would help if you could put it on your upper shoulders.

That's it.
Not LS, but as someone who has had severe chronic pain for over 7 years...

I have a state-of-the-art TENS machine plus I've often used the mega-TENS that my spinal physio has at the hospital and frankly for most people they are just not that great. They can be useful on muscle spasm and I use it during accupuncture as I don't like the sensation of the needles.

I was discussing them with my pain consultant and my physio the other week as my back pain has got so awful while I've been pregnant and so I can't use the whole of my usual arsenal of meds.

All TENS does is to confuse your brain and cause distraction (known as the 'gate theory') which can lessen the pain sensation. It only works whilst the unit is on and can provide a period of time when they can concentrate on something other than the pain, but the pain returns as soon as the unit is switched off - basically you'd really need to be using it 24 hours a day!

Research on the effectiveness of TENS in chronic pain is not showing significant benefits (placebo has about the same positive outcome and active treatment measures were very significantly higher) especially with non soft-tissue injuries.

Always a good one to try as some people do find it helpful, and it's pretty harmless, but it's sadly no magic box...

LS - I'm so pleased (and jealous
) for you. That is such amazing news - and I know from the few days I've got in the past after epidurals etc just how truly incredible being pain-free is.

Doing too much too soon is totally normal - I felt like I could almost fly after one particular nerve root block and spent 3 hours shopping with DH an hour after it was done. I cried when it wore off 12 hours later.

I truly hope that this is it for you and things continue to improve and you get a normal life back 100%!


Dec 4, 2007
--- I am thrilled to report, however, that I am NOT DEALING WITH CHRONIC PAIN -----

I''m so very, very, very, very, very, very, very glad ! ! I wasn''t sure of the latest so wanted to pass that over to you, just in case.

I need to go and pick up my son in a minute, so have to be brief for now.

Big Blue is still awesome, btw.


Pandora, I''m sorry about your struggle, too. When are you due again, I forget? Big congratulations !


The tens really seems to help for me. I work in a pain clinic (as part of my regular job, one day a week) and the Dr. there says that either people love it or hate it. I''ve had long term fibromyalgia. For me, it really does great with the muscle spasms and burning.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Thanks - I''m kind of resigned to it these days and I have a pretty good cocktail of opiates and anti-epileptics that keep things going... my GP calls himself my ''supplier''

I''ve got just over 6 weeks to go - thank goodness.

I am never ever doing this again (DH has banned it as well) as it''s been a serious struggle this time, I loathe being pregnant and I''d be 42ish by the time we could think about a second one. Add to that the fact the baby will be opiate dependant plus all the drama with my employers, morning sickness until 26 weeks and ending up with severe antenatal depression that ups the chances of my getting PPP or PPD to 50% and 70%+ respectively and now the back having gone as well and it just wouldn''t be a good idea I don''t think!

On the other hand, I''m actually really looking forward to meeting the baby and hope that I will do a half decent job of being a parent!

I''m glad the TENS is working for you - it does seem to be something some people get a good result with. My sister used it for labour and thought it was great - I''ll take that nice epidural myself!

Must be interesting working in a pain clinic - if depressing at times. Pain consultants seem to be a very odd breed - I''ve seen loads and the latest one and I seem to click which is a nice change! It''s an interesting area of medicine. My father''s an MD and he and my mother both have chronic pain (she has MS and he has spinal problems) so I tend to try and keep up to date on new things on the market.

It''s so much horses for courses and what works for one person doesn''t work for another - plus some things work for a while and then stop. I''m lucky that I''ve found options that give me a fairly normal life with few side-effects - sadly I can''t take half of them while I''m pregnant! I went on an in-patient pain management course a few years ago and was so miserable and fought with all the nurses so much that I ran away
... DH made me go back like a naughty child!


Nov 4, 2007

I can never thank you enough for your compassionate and helpful suggestions when I was tearing my face apart to get at the MONSTER. Certain people were really able to get to the crux of the problem, and understand why it was so debilitating. You were one of them. And I believe it is because you have walked in those same shoes yourself.

That being said, it makes me feel so helpless to hear the extent of medications you have to take even while pregnant. I have a hard time imagining what kinds of opiate cocktails you have to use. Maybe because for my nerve pain, nothing worked so I didn''t have many choices. So I don''t know what that would be like: endure the pain or take the drugs?? That, plus the fact that being pregnant affects your medication protocols must be a very difficult balance to maintain.

But I see the strength in which you are proceeding through your pregnancy. I am amazed at the GRIT and DETERMINATION you are pulling from the depths of your gut to bring the baby to a safe and healthy birth. You are going to be an amazing mother to this child....forget that "half decent job of being a parent" nonsense! You''re gonna be GREAT. That child is blessed.

Keep well and I hope the next 6 weeks goes smoothly.



Jan 11, 2006
LS, I am just so happy to hear you''re doing so well! I can''t even imagine what you went through, but I was awfuly thankful that doctor was able to kill that monster!

Pandora, I am so very sorry to hear about your having to endure that kind of pain especially while pregnant. I just don''t know you girls manage.


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/2/2009 6:46:36 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
LS, I am just so happy to hear you''re doing so well! I can''t even imagine what you went through, but I was awfuly thankful that doctor was able to kill that monster!
HiYa DS!


Thank God for Monster-Killing Neurosurgeons! (a.k.a.: thank God for no more DRUGS!!!!!)

woo hoo!!



Jun 25, 2008
Date: 4/2/2009 7:18:01 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/2/2009 6:46:36 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
LS, I am just so happy to hear you''re doing so well! I can''t even imagine what you went through, but I was awfuly thankful that doctor was able to kill that monster!
HiYa DS!


Thank God for Monster-Killing Neurosurgeons! (a.k.a.: thank God for no more DRUGS!!!!!)

woo hoo!!

AMEN to THAT!!!!


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/2/2009 8:20:15 PM
Author: geckodani

Date: 4/2/2009 7:18:01 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/2/2009 6:46:36 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
LS, I am just so happy to hear you''re doing so well! I can''t even imagine what you went through, but I was awfuly thankful that doctor was able to kill that monster!
HiYa DS!


Thank God for Monster-Killing Neurosurgeons! (a.k.a.: thank God for no more DRUGS!!!!!)

woo hoo!!

AMEN to THAT!!!!
Hi Gecko!
How''s the new apartment?

Didja send the bezel studs back? What''s going in the 1st hole instead?


Jan 11, 2006
Date: 4/2/2009 8:20:15 PM
Author: geckodani

Date: 4/2/2009 7:18:01 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/2/2009 6:46:36 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
LS, I am just so happy to hear you''re doing so well! I can''t even imagine what you went through, but I was awfuly thankful that doctor was able to kill that monster!
HiYa DS!


Thank God for Monster-Killing Neurosurgeons! (a.k.a.: thank God for no more DRUGS!!!!!)

woo hoo!!

AMEN to THAT!!!!
Double Amen!!!!


Dec 4, 2007
Pan - Well, the end is near, at least. I hear you on it being a serious struggle. At the end, I was in the warm shower every few hours due to body/abdomen pain and sometimes still in tears from it. It amazes me when people say they loved being pg. Well, goes to show you how different people are. I felt like I was going to die.

However, my little boy is truly glorious.

On being a decent parent - just do it with love.

The first year is hard because they need to eat every three hours. But remember, it passes. People say to sleep when they sleep, in order to keep up with your rest and that work well. It's still hard & crazy but I'm so much a happier person with him around.

When he's having a "short circuit day" I just try to remember that their brains aren't fully developed until they are 18/20 or something and consider that it could be something like the neurons not matching up right. Or in other words, I'm pretty lenient and he's a bit of a wild man but very happy and loving, so I guess it's turning out o.k.

The pain center is an interesting place to work in. I've got quite an interest that field and have had some great conversations picking the minds of the Doctors there. Depressing - I don't find it so much. Of course I feel bad for them but they are out there with their pain, whether I see them or not. The young cancer patients can be upsetting, though. Then a perplexing disease, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, can be nightmarish it seems. An exciting area is radiofrequency ablation of chronic nerve problems - that is a Godsend for many.

For me, I love the Tens Unit, Cymbalta, Ultram, massage therapy and the chiropractor. Some studies have found that in fibro, parts of your cells aren't able to utilize oxygen well.

Oh, so sorry about your Mom & Dad. Wishing the best for them.


Apr 6, 2005
LS, I''m so happy to hear that the monster is truly and finally gone! You have been so strong and such an inspiration through this whole ordeal. You have come so far. I know it''s hard to be patient but my goodness you are working 1/2 days. Think back to where you were 9 weeks ago! I know how it feels to be told it takes time. You want things to be all better NOW, damnit! But sad to say, it does take time. Just remember how far you have come and that your journey is 3/4''s of the way done. That''s a fantastic place to be in when you didn''t even have a guarantee that you would be half as good as you are now.

That picture of BIG BLUE is breathtaking!


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 4/2/2009 8:21:32 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/2/2009 8:20:15 PM
Author: geckodani

Date: 4/2/2009 7:18:01 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/2/2009 6:46:36 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
LS, I am just so happy to hear you''re doing so well! I can''t even imagine what you went through, but I was awfuly thankful that doctor was able to kill that monster!
HiYa DS!


Thank God for Monster-Killing Neurosurgeons! (a.k.a.: thank God for no more DRUGS!!!!!)

woo hoo!!

AMEN to THAT!!!!
Hi Gecko!
How''s the new apartment?

Didja send the bezel studs back? What''s going in the 1st hole instead?
The new apartment is GREAT!

The studs went in the mail monday.
I''m still trying to decide what route to take.


May 14, 2008
LS, you are an inspiration to so many people here, and I am sure to those around you.

People who chose to share their experiences in the way that you have done bring so much help to others. Many of whom, may just lurk in the shadows, looking for their own answers.

Now be a good girl and don''t push the envelope too much eh? I have a neighbour who had brain surgery last year, who is similar in age and the "brain is tired" feeling that you describe she is also suffering from. It frustrates her because she was a very active person before her surgery. She also has problems tolerating noice and a lot of activity after a short period.

What you need is one of these for the summer when you get home from work:

restoration hardware chaise.jpg


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/3/2009 6:55:27 PM
Author: Gailey
LS, you are an inspiration to so many people here, and I am sure to those around you.

People who chose to share their experiences in the way that you have done bring so much help to others. Many of whom, may just lurk in the shadows, looking for their own answers.

Now be a good girl and don''t push the envelope too much eh? I have a neighbour who had brain surgery last year, who is similar in age and the ''brain is tired'' feeling that you describe she is also suffering from. It frustrates her because she was a very active person before her surgery. She also has problems tolerating noice and a lot of activity after a short period.

What you need is one of these for the summer when you get home from work:
OH GAWD? A LOUNGER??? YIKES (but where''s the Pool Boy?)

I''m trying to be really careful with the level of ''exposure'' i have at the office. It is such an over stimulated, insane environment but I''ve lined people up to kick me out by 12:30 and feel much better today. But the same as your friend: noise and activity almost shuts down any functionality. I know this from the 1st surgery but it''s still frustrating.


ETA: do you think I could "mangle" and "lounge" at the same time?


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/3/2009 10:21:16 AM
Author: Catmom
LS, I''m so happy to hear that the monster is truly and finally gone! You have been so strong and such an inspiration through this whole ordeal. You have come so far. I know it''s hard to be patient but my goodness you are working 1/2 days. Think back to where you were 9 weeks ago! I know how it feels to be told it takes time. You want things to be all better NOW, damnit! But sad to say, it does take time. Just remember how far you have come and that your journey is 3/4''s of the way done. That''s a fantastic place to be in when you didn''t even have a guarantee that you would be half as good as you are now.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You''ve just given me a Eureka Moment. I hadn''t even thought of it this way. And I remember, the Neurosurgeon only gave it a 60-65% chance of working.




Apr 6, 2005
Date: 4/3/2009 7:28:10 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/3/2009 10:21:16 AM
Author: Catmom
LS, I''m so happy to hear that the monster is truly and finally gone! You have been so strong and such an inspiration through this whole ordeal. You have come so far. I know it''s hard to be patient but my goodness you are working 1/2 days. Think back to where you were 9 weeks ago! I know how it feels to be told it takes time. You want things to be all better NOW, damnit! But sad to say, it does take time. Just remember how far you have come and that your journey is 3/4''s of the way done. That''s a fantastic place to be in when you didn''t even have a guarantee that you would be half as good as you are now.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You''ve just given me a Eureka Moment. I hadn''t even thought of it this way. And I remember, the Neurosurgeon only gave it a 60-65% chance of working.


LS, I''m glad to have been able to offer a different perspective. You''ve come so far!


Jun 3, 2008
So happy you''re feeling better. Try not to over do it, though....just sit back and smell the roses..

I had neurosurgery in the early 80''s and my MRI last year still showed that I''m still free from the tumor.


Jan 5, 2009
Date: 4/2/2009 3:27:22 PM
Author: LostSapphire
Date: 4/2/2009 1:48:16 PM

Author: whitby_2773

LostSapphire -

i just wanted to say -

Every time you post, and i see your ring in your avatar - i catch my breath. i know this is a thread about how you''re feeling these days, and i''m sorry for this threadjack - but i just have to tell you that your ring puts a smile on my face *every* time i see it - and i hope it does the same for you.

Thanks for sharing that little piece of beauty with me :)

Hi Whitby!

Thank you for the compliments. Nothing like a BLUEBERRY IN THE DIRT to make a girl smile, huh? (it REALLY IS dirt - I stuck the ring into a planter on my verandah to take the picture. When I cropped it close, you just see the dirt (well, technically it''s mulch but that doesn''t sound so good!). WAY KEWL. It''s my fave.

Here''s a big pic for ya!


LS - thank you for that big, gorgeous photo! couldnt you just lose yourself in that sapphire??!

so it deserved a biiiiig smile.....



May 14, 2008
Date: 4/3/2009 7:26:07 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/3/2009 6:55:27 PM
Author: Gailey
LS, you are an inspiration to so many people here, and I am sure to those around you.

People who chose to share their experiences in the way that you have done bring so much help to others. Many of whom, may just lurk in the shadows, looking for their own answers.

Now be a good girl and don''t push the envelope too much eh? I have a neighbour who had brain surgery last year, who is similar in age and the ''brain is tired'' feeling that you describe she is also suffering from. It frustrates her because she was a very active person before her surgery. She also has problems tolerating noice and a lot of activity after a short period.

What you need is one of these for the summer when you get home from work:
OH GAWD? A LOUNGER??? YIKES (but where''s the Pool Boy?)

I''m trying to be really careful with the level of ''exposure'' i have at the office. It is such an over stimulated, insane environment but I''ve lined people up to kick me out by 12:30 and feel much better today. But the same as your friend: noise and activity almost shuts down any functionality. I know this from the 1st surgery but it''s still frustrating.


ETA: do you think I could ''mangle'' and ''lounge'' at the same time?
I''d hold out for the pool boy if it was me - you''ll probably forget all about "mangling".

Do you do yoga? I''ve never been into the whole meditating thing, but if you can do it and it works for you, it might be helpful.

Not as helpful as a pool boy though (I suspect)


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 4/4/2009 12:29:11 AM
Author: Gailey

Date: 4/3/2009 7:26:07 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 4/3/2009 6:55:27 PM
Author: Gailey
LS, you are an inspiration to so many people here, and I am sure to those around you.

People who chose to share their experiences in the way that you have done bring so much help to others. Many of whom, may just lurk in the shadows, looking for their own answers.

Now be a good girl and don''t push the envelope too much eh? I have a neighbour who had brain surgery last year, who is similar in age and the ''brain is tired'' feeling that you describe she is also suffering from. It frustrates her because she was a very active person before her surgery. She also has problems tolerating noice and a lot of activity after a short period.

What you need is one of these for the summer when you get home from work:
OH GAWD? A LOUNGER??? YIKES (but where''s the Pool Boy?)

I''m trying to be really careful with the level of ''exposure'' i have at the office. It is such an over stimulated, insane environment but I''ve lined people up to kick me out by 12:30 and feel much better today. But the same as your friend: noise and activity almost shuts down any functionality. I know this from the 1st surgery but it''s still frustrating.


ETA: do you think I could ''mangle'' and ''lounge'' at the same time?
I''d hold out for the pool boy if it was me - you''ll probably forget all about ''mangling''.

Do you do yoga? I''ve never been into the whole meditating thing, but if you can do it and it works for you, it might be helpful.

Not as helpful as a pool boy though (I suspect)
My mind is always moving too fast for yoga. I can''t even sit in church without working on patterns in my head or Excel spreadsheets.

I think I''ll stick to pilates and forgo the yoga. Thanks for the suggestion.
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