
Flax seeds, anyone use them?


Dec 29, 2006
I just bought a big jar of ground flax seeds but I'm not sure what to do with them. I was planning on putting them yogurt smoothies but I wasn't expecting them to have a strong smell. It's kind of turning me off the idea now. I know you can use them in baking but I'm on a refined sugar boycott, so I'll skip that. If you use flax seeds, what do you add them to?
I do. I buy the Bob's Red Mill ground flaxseeds (powder) and I just add half a tablespoon to stew/soup/curries/vegetables right before serving. I can't smell a thing when I open the packet... I didn't know they had a strong smell. Maybe it's just the brand you bought? Dunno. Also, I store them in the freezer so they won't get rancid. I wonder if that is why they do not smell. I basically them to everything I eat as the omega fatty acids are really good.
I add it to oatmeal...along with dried wild blueberries and almonds.
I have not found the taste noticeable. But be sure to refrigerate or store in freezer.
Rubyshoes, these are Spring Valley cold-milled organic flax seeds. I was expecting them to be beige in color but these are black I believe. It just wasn't what I was expecting. I'm making chili tomorrow and I could try adding them to the other ingredients.

I had hoped to sprinkle some on yogurt but it doesn't look appetizing.

Harpertoo, adding flax seeds to oatmeal is a great idea. Thanks!

Thanks for letting me know about storing them in the freezer. I hadn't realized that. I've opened the container but haven't tried them yet.
Me! Me! Me!

Though I actually use golden flax seed meal. Stick your seeds in a blender and you have meal!

I make pizza crust with mine. Grain makes my pants not fit, so i avoid them generally. My favorite recipe is from the blog I breathe, I'm hungry. The only thing I add to the recipe is about 1 tsp of baking powder and some vital wheat gluten (I'm not gluten intolerant).

I also make some fab grain free bread that tastes SO good with the flax seed meal. I get the recipe from Elana's Pantry website.

I'm a HUGE fan of flax seed. I love the nuttiness of the flavor.
I just read reviews of this particular brand. Apparently, it's not a good one to use because people have said it smells and tastes fishy (a cod liver oil similarity was mentioned). We have a huge thing of it, so I guess I'll toss it and start over with a different brand.

April, I'll have to look for golden flax seeds specifically. I didn't know they came in different colors. My husband bought these for me because I asked for them, but I didn't know some are better than others. I'd love to use them in pizza crust, that's a great idea. Unfortunately for me, I'm trying to do a low carb diet and haven't had pizza in a long time. I miss it though!
Flax seed meal is so high in fiber it's actually zero net carbs!

If you're low carbing it, check out and go into her recipes. I eat low carb in general and her recipes are really good.
I've never dealt with the powder, but I've had them whole in cereals.
Try Bob's Red Mill or go to Trader Joes and get their brand flax seed powder. It has dried blueberries in it as well. There should be no weird smell at all. Keep in freezer and add to everything! :))
Hey Zoe, I was just thinking- if you are low carbing it you could use flax seed meal in the 1 minute muffin recipe. Google it. You make it in the microwave. The low carb friends message boards has a million variations for the recipe. You might like it that way. And I second what everyone else says about buying a different brand. Mine just smells nutty.
Thanks for the recommendations, April and Rubyshoes! I like the low carb recipes I'm finding on genaw. They sound easy enough that even I can make them. I'm going to pick up a different brand of flax seeds, probably Bob's Red Mill, the next time I'm at the store.
Hi Zoe,
I use ground flaxseed in yogurt smoothies as well. In addition to tips you've received above (Bob's Red Mill and storing in freezer) you might also consider buying them whole. I've heard that grinding the seeds yourself ensures freshness/potency/whatever AND prevents the smell. You can use a spice grinder or coffee grinder. I just dump the whole seeds into the blender before adding the frozen fruit and yogurt.
I buy mine at Trader Joe's and I add them to my smoothies and yogurt...
I use them whole everyday, in cereal, porridge or yogurt.
Oh wow! i didnt realize that flax seeds has so much benefits! i am consuming as it is most of the time (snacks)
I eat them in yogurt but my daughter is vegan and if you mix 1T with 1tT of water it makes egg substitute in baking.
I add them to my oatmeal and salads. It took me a while to get used to, but now I miss them if I don't sprinkle them in.
Zoe|1360371018|3375713 said:
I just read reviews of this particular brand. Apparently, it's not a good one to use because people have said it smells and tastes fishy (a cod liver oil similarity was mentioned). We have a huge thing of it, so I guess I'll toss it and start over with a different brand.

I was going to say it sounds like they went bad but if others complained of the smell, then maybe the company isn't properly storing them and they ARE rancid.

For flax, I would grind mine up and put them in smoothies. Another good one to try (it's good to alternate especially if you have food sensitivities) is chia seeds. The brand I get is on Amazon and it's $10 for an organic bag. It does have a small amount of calories, but there are so many great nutritional benefits so it's worth the bit of calories (I don't know how much because I ususally dump a couple tablespoons into my Blentec and then make four smoothies - maybe 30-40 calories per smoothie. We also use ground up hemp seed (again organic). All of those are stored in the fridge.

If you have an amazon prime account, you might want to browse there because the hemp protein I was buying was $25 at the grocery store and is around $11 on amazon.
blingbunny10|1360426869|3376082 said:
Hi Zoe,
I use ground flaxseed in yogurt smoothies as well. In addition to tips you've received above (Bob's Red Mill and storing in freezer) you might also consider buying them whole. I've heard that grinding the seeds yourself ensures freshness/potency/whatever AND prevents the smell. You can use a spice grinder or coffee grinder. I just dump the whole seeds into the blender before adding the frozen fruit and yogurt.

Yep, this I also had heard it's better to buy whole and then grind them at home... just like coffee... a bit more fresh that way.
I eat a cereal that contains flax almost daily. I also sometimes add raw flax seed to hot cereals like oatmeal.
I buy Bob's Red Mill Ground Flax as well and I really like it. The texture is good. I use it in smoothies, and in salads. Last night I made home made mozzarella sticks! You just take mozzarella string cheese or get a block of mozzarella and cut it up, roll in whipped eggs, then in the flax seed with some garlic salt in it. Cook on 350 for 15 mins and voila! I had them as my dinner and 5 filled me up for less than 400 calories :)
April, I had no idea flax seeds could be used as an egg substitute when baking. Interesting! I'm not vegan but maybe I'll try it some time.

Dragonfly, I'll have to try homemade mozzarella sticks with flax seeds. I've never thought of doing that but it sounds good.

MC, thanks for the tips! The black flax seeds (and their fishy smell!) really turned me off, but the beige ones seem fine.

ground flax seed goes in everything, I use it to thicken all sorts of soups, stews, and in smoothies.
I also add it in muffins and cakes, just to amp the nutritional value :)

I can't get my DH to eat.fiber so GFS is awesome!
I love, love Flax seeds! I often purchase 3 lb bag so I can zap half of the bag into meal and freeze to have it handy and keep the rest of the seeds in the fridge as they tend to go rancid quickly.
We sprinkle seeds on salads, cereal, over toast/peanut butter, yogurt, smoothies, lemonade [gooey yumminess] and pretty much anything creamy/ sweet.
Flax meal: 1/4 C per lb of lean meat in dishes like burgers, gyro, meatballs, casseroles and stews and a bit more in red sauces.
For all baking, I replace 1/2 C of the flour with flax meal for every 2 C of flour in the recipe.
Flax gel: A pain to strain but yields wonderful results! The cooled ‘goo’ from simmered seeds can be substituted for egg whites in baking, I use as face mask and hair treatment. Simmered seeds can be used as a body scrub so nothing goes to waste. ;))
I use the whole flax seeds in my morning smoothie. I have a bad of ground as well and use that for coating on fried things. I also sub this in my meatballs or meatloaf instead of using bread crumbs. I eat grain free so it works out great.
Lots of great idea, thank you!
I had the best of intentions with eating flaxseed oil, seeds but my husband and I never seemed to be able to regularly eat the odd-tasting stuff before it went rancid, so for a number of years we have have been taking daily Deva Nutrition organic flaxseed oil capsules. I do eat the seeds when I buy bread and crackers which have them (Dave's Killer Bread) and Trader Joe's rice crackers.