
First stone picture post: 3.18 Chrysoberyl


Jan 22, 2011
I have bought quite a few stones over the last year or so, but my few attempts at photographing them have fallen short to say the least. :errrr:

I am thinking of setting my 3.18 chrysoberyl first and thought I would ask my PS friends if they think this stone is "set" worthy and if so, suggestions on the setting. The pictures of this stone are pretty disappointing. It isn't the strongly vivid stone I would like to find one day (don't we all :love: ) but the picture shows a brown/gray that I never see in real life.

I don't own any rings with a halo so I am leaning in that direction, in either 18k YG or green gold. Which do you think would compliment the stone?
I have to try to get some profile shots of this stone, it has a nice high crown which you can't see in this picture.

Thanks for looking!


I like your first photo up at the top because it shows a very bright stone, even though there's the brown and grey in that photo, but you said it isn't in the stone. Only you can tell if it's set worthy. If you're "meh" about it, then I wouldn't bother setting it, but if you like it, then go for it. Although not the most saturated chrysoberyl, it has a nice high crown and I bet it sparkles like crazy. I would do a halo to bring out the color a bit and the sparkle. I find lighter toned gems tend to do better in halos or rings with heavy galleries. I have a 3.01 cushion cut chrysoberyl exactly like that cut (high crown), in a halo. It's in 14K yellow gold. I am not a fan of it in high karat yellow gold, as I think the metal is too buttery an alloy for a bright lemony stone.
Thanks for the suggestiosn TL. What do you think about 14k green gold for this stone?
erinl|1333408733|3162018 said:
Thanks for the suggestiosn TL. What do you think about 14k green gold for this stone?

Mochi set her chrysoberyl in green gold, and she loved it. I don't know much about green gold, so I can't properly answer that question. Maybe others can.
Yellow gold! (or green if you can get a good green that is complimentary, but not sure who works with green gold - try etsy vendors)

ARe you leaving it as a solitaire? or do you have other stones to set along with it?

Halo's are very popular. What are your thoughts - what styles appeal to you? Cruise the SMTB threads for ideas - you will be awed by what is on this site!
Can you share where you got your chrysoberyl? I am looking for one also.
I vote for rose gold. I just really love the contrast of color, but the similarity in warmth. When I finally get around to setting mine, that the way I plan to go. Congrats on what looks like a beautiful stone!
upgradable, thanks for the input. The band I am wearing in the first picture is actually 18k rose gold....

I purchased this stone from odysseygem gem on ebay, btw....
I think it would look great in a halo.
i am not a fan of 14k green gold....but i do love 18k green gold. your stone would be lovely in 18k green gold.
movie zombie|1333420293|3162175 said:
i am not a fan of 14k green gold....but i do love 18k green gold. your stone would be lovely in 18k green gold.

I prefer 18k green gold as well.
That stone is very, very lovely. I recognized it as soon as you posted it, as I have been coveting it for a while. It has a beautiful high crown and no, it does not have any undesired modifiers. It is well cut, is a very pretty color, and I'm so happy that someone besides me bought it! Definitely one of the top chrysoberyls I have seen on this site! Good for you!
It looks very pretty to me!
It looks very pretty and well cut. Is it greenish as I see it on my monitor or is it yellowish? I ask because the base colour is the main consideration when thinking about metal colours. Rose gold looks like a good choice if you are partial to the metal. The band you have on complements the chrysoberyl. If you want to bring out the green, have it set in 18K yellow gold. I have asked about care of green gold in the past and my only concern is with maintenance; it is more difficult to find the right green gold alloy if the prongs need to be redone or it needs resizing. Then again, how often does one need such modifications? If going with green gold, go with the 18K version because I don't see any difference in the 14K version.
Chrono-- To my eye it looks more greenish than yellowish, but is so hard to say. It seems like a paler version of lemon-lime gatorade, between the color of a golden delicious and granny smith apple. I took some pictures on both in varying light conditions with my blackberry, better results than my can dslr :confused:




another option would be 18k green gold shank and 18k gold prongs. in the instance chrono describes re replacement of prongs, it would be no-issue should there be prong damage that requires replacement of prongs.

or do the whole thing with 18k green gold and if ever.....has anyone had to replace prongs in recent memory?......then do the prongs in 18k yellow gold. again, no-issue re having to match the green gold.
Not white gold at all, and I'm not sure how rose gold would look, it may be too coppery and bring out any grey or brown in the stone. I would do yellow gold, or 18K green gold (as recommended by others).
Wow, big and beautiful - I love this colour in chrysoberyl. Enjoy!
Chartruese? Does it colour shift?
Its Tanzanian, isn't it?
Chrono--it is chartreuse, but more the liqueur color than the paint swatch color. I never really made that connection to its color. It is a moderate color shifter, but not strongly so.

Enerchi-- I hadn't really thought about side stones, I am so novice I think I am beneath sidestones!! Although something lighter teal blue would be pretty!

Kim Bruun-- thanks!!

Minousbijoux: It is tanzanian..

I really like the stone and my pictures are not doing it a lot of favors. With the cost of setting a stone, I was just hesitant to go to one of the custom designers. I have about 4 other precision cut stones I would like to set as well ( a tanzanite, a rubellite tourmaline, a peridot, and an umbalite garnet from Gene; a pink tourmaline from Barry, and a beautiful ebay aqua on which the pavilion was recut by Jerry Newman) but all are on the softer side. So I thought I would start with my hardest stone. I'm glad to hear that most of you like it!

I live in Chicago so I thought about giving Adzia a visit. If I go the cheaper route, does anyone have any suggestions for ebay settings (with halos) that might suit this stone?

Thanks again!
I didn't have good luck with either of the eBay vendors I purchased semi mount settings from. Both have lost diamond melee. Usually your local jeweller can order stock items. Check out or and most in the US can order from there. May be better quality... and with melee... I believe 'you get what you pay for'.

Spend the time checking it out. HAve you cruised thru some of the etsy vendors? They seem to be popular and well regarded.
go to the thread - [URL=''][/URL] for guidance.
green gold 18 kt and 20 kt


Wow - Nice photos VL! thanks for showing us examples of the green golds :D
Thanks for the side by side comparison VL. I've been looking for something like this for ages. Does the green gold seem "cold" to you?
Your chysoberyl is lovely! I like everyone's suggestion on green gold too.
Chrono|1333551746|3163273 said:
Thanks for the side by side comparison VL. I've been looking for something like this for ages. Does the green gold seem "cold" to you?

It seems chameleon like to me.When near warm colors it picks them up and reflects them while keeping its own greenness in the periphery. I don't know about other green gold alloys, this one is just gold and silver, 18kt.


The Queen looks smashing in her green gold crown.
I have been looking around and see two different rings I am fond of-- one by Daniel M and one by Adzia. Not sure if Daniel M works in green gold, and Adzia works in 14k green gold, not sure about 18k green. The first picture is the Adzia ring. I would leave the band plain instead of pave.

The second is the Daniel M ring. I like the bezel around the stone.

Any thoughts or preferences?

