
First Anniversary

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May 23, 2006
So my first anniversary is coming up this summer and I am in a bit of a predicament. I have NO idea what to get DH. My mother has never been married, so she''s no help. DH and I never made anniversaries a big deal before marriage, but I really want to start doing special anniversaries. I should also mention that DH has been on a naval cruise and he comes home in a few months, so this anniversary is really special for many reasons. I would like to get some ideas started now... but I''ve got nothing. Any help?

Maybe staying at a romantic bed and breakfast for the night. I love B&B's they are so romantic!

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh that''s a good idea... why didn''t I think of that. Maybe in NC? I would like to take him to the Outerbanks sometime, and we only live about an hour away... Thanks again!

Are you wanting present ideas?

I bought hubby a beautiful gold pocket watch with a champagne face. To this day (25 years in April) it''s THE only piece of "jewelry" he will wear, besides his wedding ring.

Congrats on your upcoming!!
Yes present ideas, please. That watch sounds beautiful! I love pocket watches, but DH wouldn''t wear one. But he does need a new nice wrist watch (his current one is from Wal Mart... and knowing him it''s probably lost by now). I guess the main thing is I don''t know what people ''normally'' do for anniversaries... or if there is a norm. No one I know has had an anniversary that I can remember.

Date: 1/16/2007 11:21:14 PM
Author: poptart
Yes present ideas, please. That watch sounds beautiful! I love pocket watches, but DH wouldn''t wear one. But he does need a new nice wrist watch (his current one is from Wal Mart... and knowing him it''s probably lost by now). I guess the main thing is I don''t know what people ''normally'' do for anniversaries... or if there is a norm. No one I know has had an anniversary that I can remember.

Well, I know there is a guide for each year, but I just went with what I personally wanted to get him and thought he''d like. I think that works.
No ideas from me, but I just wanted to say "Yay!" on your hubby coming home from deployment soon :-) My 1st wedding anniverary my hubby will be over on the big "sandbox"
Yea, apparently paper is the first year... how creative! We''ve written each other SO many letters over the years it would pretty much be pointless. I''m thinking of making something, as I''m fairly artistic. Hopefully he just goes for the safe present... jewelry!

Impatient One: I'm sorry he'll be gone for your first anniversary! But that means MORE presents later, right? But really, I am sorry because I think people overlook the hardships of the OTHER spouse that has to go through the separation. Luckily DH is on a ship so at some point they gotta come back (not to mention that hunk of metal is OLD and falling apart periodically), and hopefully this time they will discharge him like they are supposed to!

I tend to be sort of traditional (when the mood strikes me and the price is right, hee hee)!

For our first anniversary, I gave DH a scrapbook, which he loved. I did some themed pages of his past football and baseball game tickets, plus pics of him with his guy friends, as well as a few pages of special occasions we'd celebrated during our first year, and of course promised to keep up with it over the years. I haven't completely kept to that promise, but have added a couple pages here and there to mark special times, such as when we got our first and second dogs (our "children"), and holidays when we've taken lots of pictures I could print out and put in the scrapbook. So it's been kind of a special thing that's carried on into the first few years of our marriage and that he likes.

Next on the idea of paper being the traditional 1st anniversary gift, I am thinking does your DH need business related items? If so you might look into getting him a money clip holder (engraved from Tiffany's or other store)--still paper related as it has to do with cash, lol! Or, a business card holder/case--again something special from T's or otherwise... but engraved from you to make it personal. OR, have you considered framed art? Could be "paper" if you think about where the canvas comes from...what about sports? A sports card or baseball card framed or encased that he would love? Just thinking out loud here...

ETA: crap, this is the second time tonight I haven't read in-depth and have missed a serious detail--with you I missed that your DH is in uniform and probably doesn't need anything business related, such as cards or even maybe a money clip! Jeez, if he doesn't use anything like that I'm sorry...
Your ideas are great Monarch, thank you. The scrapbook idea would be great! It would be something I could work on over time and DH LOVES to look at pictures, so that would be good. You are right, he is (unfortunately) in uniform, so business cards are unneccessary and he actually already has a money clip... somewhere. But the scrapbook idea is really something to look into. Thank you so much!

Another "paper" idea is tickets to some sort of event he would enjoy.
what we do, ask him to provide a list of gift suggestions so you are not playing the "read my mind" game.

not very romantic, i know, but in our family we got tired of the number and expense of gifts that were given to the salvation army periodically. waste of money.

we make up an amazon list, an ebay list, a ren faire/sca list, and a list on paper of good gift suggestions. he sticks it in my purse and i stick it in his briefcase. for example, this year he wanted combat ready gauntlets and asked to get them himself so he would know they would fit and were the right kind. easy for me!
Thank you Laine and LK for your suggestions!

I will go online and see if there are any events going on around here in the summer. We''re in VA so I''m sure there is SOMETHING. I really wanted to take him to the Scottish Festival, but that''s not till September so I guess that doesn''t count.

LK: You are right, I should just ask him, but I did want it to be a surprise since he loves surprises so much. I guess if he gave me a list though, he wouldn''t know which ONE he was getting... so it could still be a surprise!

I was thinking also maybe a Memory Box or something that I decopaged (I can''t spell it, sorry), that he could keep some of his stuff in.

Well I think I''ve got it figured out. Someone mentioned tickets to something he liked... which got me thinking. There is this great site and it has events around ALL of the state for the entire year! I was really happy to find it because now I can find tickets to something he really loves. So thank you all for your help... and for relieving my mind because this is shaping up to be some stressful months ahead.

That will be a great gift poptart, one he should truly appreciate! (which can be really challenging with guys)
Hi Poptart,

Interestingly enough, our first anniversary is this summer too, and we''re looking into renting a house on the Outer Banks. I''ve been searching for rental houses all weekend. Our reason is that we got married on the beach and would like to visit a beach for every anniversary. We''re choosing the Outer Banks so that we can bring our beloved dogs (they missed the wedding.) I was actually going to create a separate post to ask readers if they''d been to the O B and what areas they would recommend.

By the way, I think tickets to an event AND a scrapbook are fabulous ways to celebrate the paper anniversary. I''ve been hinting at diamond studs for me, though... perhaps I''m a bit premature, lol!

Good luck deciding, and I''m glad your honey will be home!

The outerbanks should be great fun! My friends have all been there, but we haven''t yet. Here''s a linky for ya! Also, check out the Blue Ridge mountains if you have time. It would be a little bit of a trip but there are great little hotels up there in the mountains that are SO cute! I stayed there on my LONG drive over to Virginia from my hometown in Utah. The mountains there are very romantic and just lovely.

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