
Finished my DIY pocketfold invites - lots of pictures!

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Sep 14, 2007
My DIY invitations went out this week, after a long weekend of assembling them with the help of FI, FI''s awesome family and my sister. My mother was away on her mini-honeymoon so she wasn''t available, but we still had so much help it was unbelievable. FI''s grandmother and 81 year old grandfather even pitched in! We had a great time and it was totally worth it to DIY if only for the fun time we had putting them together.

I''m posting a ton of information about what I used to make them and where I got it all from because, as I was designing my own invites, the thing that helped me the most was to see invitations that other people made - but so many times I found something I loved and had no clue where the person got the paper/pocketfold/whatever from or what it was called, and it was very frustrating. I spent probably 12 hours searching for the leaf clasp/brad that I used to close the pocketfolds (I saw it on an invitation at Eiffel Printing, and thus my mission began...). So let''s just say that I know WAY more about scrapbooking/brads/eyelets/random craft stuff than I ever wanted to know!



Stardream Punch (cardstock) for matting and Stardream Silver (text weight) for the invite and inserts

Bought from: Anchor Paper
Awesome company, the best prices around (nearly half of what everyone else charges when you buy at least 4 packs of 25 or 50). I ordered letter size paper and they cut it from the large sheets apparently, so they gave me all of the extra pieces for free (some of the pieces are quite large and very usable for other things). Super fast shipping.


Signature pocketfolders in Merlot from Very well made and beautiful. Also, they seem to be the only pocketfolders of this size/type that actually fit in a standard A7 envelope, which is a big plus because you aren''t stuck buying "special" envelopes from whoever you get the pockets from. Fast shipping (for the pocketfolds at least - my sample color swatches took a lot longer), nice company.

Stardream Silver in A7 (invite) and A1 (rsvp)
Bought from - by far the cheapest place online to get Stardream envelopes. Fast shipping.

Office Depot brand adhesive dispenser
Staples brand glue/tape runner
Glue dots

Leaf brad: Nunn Designs (also called Decorative Details) "Flourish" brads in silver. Bought from Ace Reprographics ( The only place online that actually had them in stock. They were/are backordered everywhere else. Fast shipping, nice company.

Printing and cutting done at Office Depot. Total of $56 for getting all of the invites printed and cut (80 invites total, everything was printed 2 up (per page) except the rsvp, which was 4 up), and all of the cardstock cut. We had some issues with the cutting (which I was expecting...) but the people there were extremely nice and went out of their way to do everything they could for us. FI picked everything up and we ended up having to go back because the rsvps were cut slightly at a slant along the top, and the guy there first trimmed each of them by hand, and when we noticed some were cut too close on the sides, he reprinted another 40 of them for us and cut them again, and he spent a really long time making sure they were as straight as he could make them (like, over 15 minutes). A bunch of them were still cut slightly wrong, but FI convinced me that nobody would really notice/care so I finally let go of it.

Fonts: Optimus Princeps and Bonheur Royale, both free.

Graphics: "bought" from istock (I actually found a code online to get 5 free credits when you created a new account, and the graphics were 5 credits, so I got them for free). Graphics by -M-I-S-H-A-, recolored purple by me.


And now, for the pictures! They aren''t the best because taking photos of metallic shimmery paper is really really difficult and frustrating, so this is the best I could do.

First, a teaser...

The pocketfold, closed. The left side shows a good picture of the leaf brad, the right side shows what the color really looks like (or, very close to it!).

The invitation, open...

Another shot of the invitation open. I think this photo most accurately shows the colors out of all of the photos I took.

A closeup of the actual invitation.

A closeup of the pocket.

Reception card.

Accommodations card.

Reply card.

And that''s it! Thanks for looking.
They''re lovely! Makes me wish we were having more than 14 guests so that we could justify having real invitations.

They look so great, and they must have been tons of work to DIY.
Oh, man, I know exactly where you are having your wedding, and I am green with envy. That''s one of my favorite places in Italy.

Italy?! :D What a dream... can''t wait to see pictures!

The invitations are absolutely gorgeous and the colors go so well together. They don''t look DIY at all! Great job!!!
Those are AMAZING! I love the pocket - I received an invitation just today where all the little inserts just fell out and it''s sort of annoying and they get lost so easily. I love that your grandparents helped, too! That color just POPS and is so pretty. And I love the gold leaf embellishment! Okay, I''m gushing, I just love everything about them!
They came out so great!

I am very impressed with your DIY skills, and I love the colors and style you chose. They look amazing.

Your wedding in Italy sounds to die for, by the way!
We were just in Cortona. Our daughter is getting married in Connecticut in October. We happened upon a wedding in a gorgeous cathedral in Cortona overlooking the wall. It was incredibly beautiful and if my daughter weren''t inviting the "world" 230 people, it would have made for the perfect venue. Your wedding will be so special in such an amazing place. And your invitations are to die for.....
They're FABULOUS! The colors, style, it all looks great. You did an awesome job.

Then again, i'm biased... i used the same pocketfolds (in Champagne) for my invites. I LUVED working with the mother and daughter team at cards and pockets!
WOW fancy!!!!!! You did a really good job. I love them!!!!!!

That is exactly the layout I had in mind for my (someday) invitations, and now I have a reference for the best places to find the materials.

Those are gorgeous. You did a fantastic job, both on the design and the execution!
wow!! those are amazing!!!! good job! I plan to DIY invitations too!! :-)
darkeyesredshoes, marchswallowbird, lucy love, IndyGirl22, WishfulThinking, Linda74, ChargerGrrl, Dreamgirl, Guilty Pleasure, and blondebunny, thank you so much for the responses and compliments! You guys are way too kind.
I was really worried that they wouldn''t turn out well (unprofessional, obviously DIY, etc.) but overall I''m very happy with the result.

Guilty Pleasure, I''m really glad that my post was helpful! That''s what I was hoping for. If you have any questions about anything when you start working on your invites, feel free to ask.

I am really excited about the whole Italy thing, too! I promise to post tons of pictures when we get back, but it will take a while because we''re going to be gone for almost a month. Honestly, I still can''t believe I''m getting married in Italy and having my reception at a castle. But I''m more excited/happy about the fact that so many people have decided to come to the wedding and make a nice vacation out of it. I''ve never been to Italy before, so it''s really going to be overwhelming for me, but in a good way! And now that the invitations have been sent out I''m much more relaxed and less concerned with all the things that we have left to do.

Oh, something I forgot to add about the Stardream envelopes: they are very difficult to print/write on. My sister, FI and I all hand-wrote the addresses (my sister did the majority of them) using fine tip sharpies, which worked just fine, but most other ink will smear. We managed to print (using a laser printer) the return address on the back flaps of the mailing envelope and our address on the rsvp envelope, but I''ve noticed with the rsvps that we have gotten back so far, the ink has flaked off in some places. It''s still readable though and I''m hoping that none of them will get lost because of it, but I wish I had known that in the first place.

I knew Stardream envelopes were a big pain to use when I bought them - I had read it from many other people online - but I wanted everything to match so I used them anyway. I''m still glad I used them, but it''s something to keep in mind.
Those are gorgeous!!! I absolutely love them. I think I might save all of that info, because those are lovely!!!
So pretty! I love the color!
YOWSERS those are beautiful
, how romantic getting married in Italy sounds fantastic :)
Oh, espressa, WOW, they are so gorgeous! I can''t believe they are DIY! They are so professional and just lovely.
espressa...This is one amazing post!!! First, your invites are TDF and you basically did all the work for me as I really want to make my own. Would you mind sharing with me what your total expense was? You don''t have to but I''m not really sure what to put in our budget in this area. Right now we have 1500, for any stationary related items as well as shipping costs. I''d love to do it for under that but well, I''m not a wedding planner and I have no idea. Seriously, those are amazing. I also realy love the stock graphics as well.
wow-what beautiful invitations! They''re really beautiful-I love the colour scheme.
Thank you, pinkstars, buttercup80, Deelight, Kim N, emeraldlover1 and bee*! I really appreciate all of the feedback!

As for the cost of the invites, they came to about $5.75 per invite, before postage. Postage in the US was $1 for the invitation (actually, $1.01 for us since we wanted to use the pretty heart stamps instead of the regular ones, but they really only required $1), and 42 cents for the rsvps. I should mention though that if you don''t have the leaf brads or if you had fewer inserts the postage probably would be less, not because of the weight but because they ended up being just slightly too thick to get fed through the machines.

Here''s the breakdown for 80 invitations:

Pocketfolds $122.01
Envelopes $44.72
Paper $104.92
Embellishments $76.86
Printing and cutting $55.32
Glue, etc. $55.40

However, I should add that we bought WAY more paper than we needed - I plan to use it for menus and other things, and I wanted to be sure we had enough if anything got messed up by Office Depot (I basically bought twice what I needed). So the paper probably should have cost about $55, which would bring the cost down to about $5.05 each. If you take off the cost of the leaf brads (which were really an indulgence on my part because we weren''t DIYing to save money but because it was a really fun project for me and I''ve been bored out of my mind the last few months - long story there, lol), the invites go down to $4.09 each.

So, in sum:

Cost per invite with lots of extra paper and the leaf brads (postage excluded): $5.75
Cost per invite without lots of extra paper but with leaf brads (postage excluded): $5.05
Cost per invite without lots of extra paper or leaf brads (postage excluded): $4.09

So you can definitely do this for very little money (in my opinion - I consider around $4 each pretty cheap for these kind of pocketfold invites).

Any other questions, just let me know!
A few other things of note:

I had to use two different kinds of glue because the glue/tape runners worked great for adhering the text weight paper to the cardstock matting, but did not quite work for adhering the matted invite to the pocketfold. I found that it seemed ok at first, but in a few hours when I went to open the invitation again, the sides of the matted invitation were coming up - not very pretty nor professional. Glue dots worked perfectly for that, though - they stayed down completely. I used 6 glue dots per invite - 1 in each of the 4 corners and then one along each of the "long" sides (so at the left and right middle edges, if that makes any sense). You could probably do with 4 but I didn''t want to chance them popping up at the middle at all. We ran the glue/tape runners along all 4 edges of the text weight paper, and then a little strip in the middle. You could probably do with less but this worked very well for us.

Buy WAY more glue than you think you need. We made 3 or 4 trips to the store for more glue because we quickly realized we would not have enough, and we ran out of glue dots when we were assembling them and had to buy more and finish them later that night. I think we went through about 10 or 12 tape runners and 8 things of glue dots - buy a few extra packs of glue dots than you need because sometimes they get stuck to people''s fingers and they get destroyed when you try to take them off.

Also, I would recommend not sending FI to buy the glue because if your FI is anything like my FI, he''ll insist that you don''t need that much glue and buy less than you need! I made that mistake once and he came back with 2 glue runners and about 2 things of glue dots. He just couldn''t accept the fact that you can buy more than you need and just return what you have left over when you''re done, haha.

About the paper I used: first, a lot of places won''t/can''t print on metallic paper. Office Depot was the only place that was pretty much certain they could (out of Staples, Kinkos, Office Max and a local print shop), and I found out that their printers also printed on the cardstock weight just fine too, but make sure you do your own tests first before you buy everything.

Also, I was originally concerned that the text weight paper might be too flimsy and bubble up in spots after it was glued, but this absolutely did not happen, and it was in fact much easier to glue the text weight paper to the cardstock rather than gluing cardstock to cardstock. So if you go with Stardream paper, text weight paper is just fine for everything. You will definitely want to mat if with cardstock, though.
WOW- good for you! They look great; I love the color! Nice job!
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